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I know my capabilities.

I know what I'm capable of, what I can improve on, and how little I'm
bad at. My soldiers knew it, my enemies knew it. But no one so much as my lord, the great
King Darius; so much so that he allowed me to be the guardian of his youngest daughter,
princess Y/N.
Of course, this has its advantages and disadvantages.
My king had full confidence in me to place his most precious treasure in my care. Which
made my chest swell with pride.
But, being on the lookout for a spoiled girl like Princess Y/N, I had to say goodbye to my
faithful friend, the ocean.
The sea, the port and my ship would always be an important part of my story, being the only
thing I had known throughout my life. They would always be a part of my life. Despite the
drink of salt water I got the last time I was in those parts.
Before I could ramble on, the palace gates burst open, causing me to slash myself with the
small dagger I was playing with.
"So here you are"
And there was my least favorite voice, the voice of the princess Y/N. Sometimes, she really
felt like she was going to rip her head off every time she heard her voice.
"Yeah, I was trying to find my happiness, and you just scared her away."
"Ha ha, even though I really love your jokes, I need you to stop slacking off and come with
me to the market."
“Do I have a kind of option?”
"Not unless you want to keep keeping your own head"
Before I could comment further, the princess's head disappeared, letting me know that I had
no choice.
I put away my weapon and prepared to follow the woman.


The market always gave me headaches and some dizziness, but today, these symptoms were
only getting worse today.
"Hey, do you want to stop being so slow?" Shouted the princess just looking at how I
reloaded my weight in my hand on a fence. After a while, I still didn't move "Hey, are you
"Yes, I'm fine" just as I tried to continue walking, but, I felt my head get even more dizzy.
"No, you are not well"
Without much time to process, I felt like my legs gave out, but just before my chest hit the
ground, the princess's arms caught me.
“Okay, in short, you are not well”


"Okay, tell me, what the hell happened to you?"

The princess asked while squeezing a wet cloth to put it on my forehead.
"I already told you I don't know"
“So what. do you pass out just because?
"Don't let me faint!"
The princess changed the cloth to proceed to sit on the small bed that she had forced me to lie
There was a silence between us, me trying to calm my breathing, while Y/N began to play
with his fingers, with his gaze fixed on the spring.
“Have you had any other symptoms?”
"What if something else hurt you, silly?!"
"I do not remember"
"Have you felt tired?"
"More than normal"
"Do you feel nauseous in the morning?"
"Not just in the morning" that's when I realized that something was not quite right. “In fact, it
also makes me want to throw up when the sea breeze hits my nose”
“The smell of the sea?” I nodded my head. "How strange, more being you."
Again an awkward silence filled the room. Until suddenly the princess jumped up.
"Sure! You're pregnant"
"Of course not!"
“Does my father know that you are still in service despite your condition?”
"Which condition?"
"Well, your pregnancy"
"I'M NOT PREGNANT, DAMN IT!" The cry scared the princess so much that she suddenly
shut up “excuse me”.
“When was the last time you got blood down there?”
Seeing that the princess was taking the conversation very seriously, I got up from the bed and
sat down.
"I really don't remember"
"Were you with your partner in these last days?"
"Couple? What are you talking about? A person like me doesn't have time to have partners"
"So how the hell did you get pregnant?" We both stared at each other, until the memory came
to my mind making me look away uncomfortably. "Artemisia, are you alright?"
"Actually... if something happened"


Sweat broke out on my forehead, while a stabbing and constant pain in my spine, my hips
and my pelvic bone, causing me to start pushing unconsciously.
For the first time in my life I could tell that I was completely terrified.
"Where is she?! Is she alright?" A tiny part of my heart felt so much better as soon as I heard
Y/N's voice. She quickly walked over to me. "Are you okay? How are you feeling?"
"Never in my life... have I felt as much pain as today" it was very difficult for me to speak,
the pain was killing me. "And that... they have pierced my stomach with a sword."
We both let out a small giggle.
"I'm glad to know that at least you continue with that acid sense of humor"
Before I could answer anything, a shooting pain in my head made it impossible for me to
think of anything more than a piercing scream; causing Y/N herself to freak out.
"Princess" one of the nurses caught her attention "she's about to give birth".


"Are you OK?"

"Do you realize this is about the eighth time you've asked me?"
I laughed myself as I watched Y/N move from one side of the room to the other, the baby in
her arms.
“Do you already have a name for him?”
As time went on, Y/N and I became close. She was the only friend he had. He helped me a lot
during the pregnancy, with my work and especially with his father. But still she hadn't been
one hundred percent honest with her. Maybe it's time to be.
"Can I be honest with you?"
“I thought we were friends…” the princess commented as she looked away from the bundle
in her arms to look at me.
"We are" I confirmed
“Friends are sincere,” she commented, turning her attention back to the baby.
Inhale a large amount of air and exhale it slowly.
"I don't know if I want to keep the baby..."
"That?" He stopped abruptly and started walking straight towards me.
"You said you weren't going to judge me!"
“I'm not judging you… just that” he lifted the baby up a bit so that he was at eye level “Who
wouldn't love this little rascal?” he spoke while pursing his lips, provoking a sweet and soft
voice for the comfort of the sleeping child.
I have to admit, they were both completely adorable in my eyes.
“It's not a matter of wanting it or not” I started to speak, trying to stop Y/N from placing the
child in my exhausted arms “it's simple. I don't know if you remember, Your Majesty” I saw
how the princess rolled her eyes. I laughed internally and continued to make my point "I am
part of your father's military and one of my main jobs was to protect you, not the other way
“If what you are worried about is the safety of the child, I can take care of him”
"You are crazy?"
"What would your dad say? What would your brother say? What would the kingdom say?"
"I thought you had realized that I don't care about the opinion of my dad, nor of my inept
brother, much less of the town when he tries to escape hidden in a boat." we both laughed.
“We can both raise little Hossein. You and I against the world"
“Yes, it means beautiful. Like this baby, right?" he spoke softly as he bounced the baby a bit.
"Are you as beautiful as your mommy?"
"I'm not beautiful" I commented while closing my eyes with the intention of sleeping for a
"Did you hear that, little Hossein? You and I will have to prove to your mommy that she is
the most beautiful woman that has walked the planet"


Time passed faster than I would like to admit. And with him, my responsibilities increased.
She no longer had to take care of one girl, now she had to take care of two.
Not counting the multiple tasks that the king entrusted to me.
"Yes, sir? Is there something for you?"
"No, my daughter, I've only been told by some people that you should see your little ones
more often" she smiled at me.
Before he could ask, the door to the throne room was flung open, letting Y/N and Hossein's
screams echo throughout the palace.
"Slow down Y/N!" shouted the little one
"You'll never catch me you little rascal!"
While my eyes saw the two unruly little ones scream and run from one side to the other,
behind me the king's laughter disconcerted me a bit.
"Oh my daughter, you don't know how much I appreciate the youth and laughter that your
little Hossein has brought"
"You two, stop it!"
They both quickly stopped their laughter and stood still. Y/N even had to go down a step that
simulated an obstacle in their game.
"Sorry, mommy" little Hossein pouted quite adorable
"Yes, we're sorry mommy"
I had to admit that when Y/N called me mommy, I felt a little electric shock in my private
"Where have you been?"
“I was with Panem, he promised me that he would teach me to fight, like you” commented
the boy, giving me a toothy smile, the most beautiful smile I had ever seen.
"That's great, kid." I smiled back as my hand ruffled his hair. Our way of showing affection.
"And you?" point to Y/N with your chin.
"I went to see the oracle"
"So that?"
"I entrusted you with some important questions for the nation" interrupted the king, winking
at Y/N.
"Okay kids, let the king do his job."
My two hands rested on both of their backs and guided them to the outside of the room.
Before I knew it, Hossein ran off leaving Y/N and me alone.
"Why did you go to consult the oracle?"
"My father told you the reason"
"Honey, you know I'm very fond of your father and I have the closest thing to affection for
you, but I believe shit about it."
I tried to make her laugh, but Y/N just looked at the floor, a bit uncomfortable.
"If I tell you the real reason, you're going to laugh at me"
"Princess, I would never laugh at you"
"Close your eyes" I looked at her suspiciously. "Trust me"
I closed my eyes as directed, but we didn't move or do anything. Which started to intrigue me
even more.
When I least realized it, Y/N's lips collided with mine, stealing a kiss from me, to which I
responded almost immediately.
I didn't know that I needed a kiss from Y/N's lips in order to be completely happy.
When the lack of air became present and we had to separate, we both gave each other a smile.
"Hmm, I didn't know how much I wanted this."
"Did you want it too?"
“Sure, Y/N. Remember, it's you and me against the world."
"You, me and Hossein" Y/N reminded me
“Sure, let's not forget the rascal. You, Hossein and me"

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