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The Impact of Technology on Journalism

John Pavlik

To cite this article: John Pavlik (2000) The Impact of Technology on Journalism, Journalism
Studies, 1:2, 229-237, DOI: 10.1080/14616700050028226

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Journalism Studies, Volume 1, Number 2, 2000, pp. 229–237

The Impact of Technology on Journalism

University of Minnesota, USA

ABSTRACT This article proposes that changing technology in uences journalism in at least four
broad areas: (1) how journalists do their work; (2) the content of news; (3) the structure or
organization of the newsroom; and (4) the relationships between or among news organizations,
journalists and their many publics. Although new media such as the Internet, World Wide Web
and digital video are perhaps the most visible examples of technologies that are transforming
journalism, the history of journalism is in many ways deŽ ned by technological change. The article
concludes with a proposed research agenda for the study of journalism and technological

KEY WORDS: Digital, Internet, Journalism, Online, Technology

Journalism has always been shaped by least four ways. Technological change
technology. Since Julius Caesar or- affects: (1) the way journalists do their
dered the Acta Diurna in AD 59, dis- job; (2) the nature of news content; (3)
tributing information about the the structure and organization of the
important events of the day has been newsroom and the news industry; and
enabled, if not often driven, by techno- (4) the nature of the relationships be-
logical advances. Gutenberg’s printing tween and among news organizations,
press not only made possible the print- journalists and their many publics, in-
ing of the Bible and other religious cluding audiences, competitors, news
texts; it also laid the foundation for sources, sponsors and those who seek
mass literacy and the invention of the to regulate or control the press.
newspaper. Alexander Graham Bell’s
invention of the telephone not only
made possible widespread telecommu- The Way Journalists Do Their
nications; it also transformed how jour- Job
nalists gather and report the news,
frequently conducting interviews by Technology has, for better or worse,
telephone, and sometimes distributing exerted a fundamental in uence on
news via the telephone. In fact, there how journalists do their jobs. Although
were trials of newspaper delivery by the best reporting is, and always has
telephone in the early 1900s, trans- been, so-called “shoe-leather” report-
formed later in the 1970s into the ing, or news-gathering when the
widely popular audiotex services of- journalist is on the scene, more and
fered by more than 1000 daily newspa- more journalists spend increasingly
pers in the United States. less of their time out in the Ž eld observ-
This article proposes that technologi- ing directly the events and processes
cal change in uences journalism in at on which they report. Since the intro-
ISSN 1461-670X Print/ISSN 1469-9699 Online/00/020229-09 Ó 2000 Taylor & Francis Ltd

duction of the telephone to the news- sources in their work. Here are some of
room in the early 1900s, journalists the most notable survey Ž ndings:
have used telecommunications tech-
· Almost all journalists now use online
nology to gather news. Many, if not
tools for researching and reporting.
most, interviews are conducted via the
Fully 93 per cent of respondents say
telephone. Some might ask what is
they or their staffs use online ser-
wrong with that? Perhaps, sometimes,
vices in some way at least occasion-
nothing; but it is not always possible via
ally. Almost half the respondents say
the telephone to be sure of the non-
they or their staff go online every day
verbal communication that accompa-
(more than half for newspapers).
nies a verbal answer. Moreover, it is
Only 2 per cent say they or their
not always possible to be sure you are
staffs absolutely never use online
really speaking to the person you think
you are speaking to.
· When reporting a breaking story after
With the development of the Internet
hours journalists try to reach the
the problem can be even worse, with
source Ž rst almost every time, but
journalists sometimes even conducting
indicate that they turn to company
interviews via e-mail. Conversely, the
websites second for information.
Internet can also help to improve the
During non-business hours, or when
quality of news-gathering, especially
live sources are not available, web-
when on deadline or in after-hours situ-
sites are playing a signiŽ cant role in
ations. With increasing amounts of
delivering information to media.
public records and corporate infor-
· Many journalists are going online to
mation published in complete form on-
obtain story ideas. Amazingly, list-
line (e.g. the Federal Elections
servs, e-mail, the Web and Usenet
Commission now publishes on its web
newsgroups together were named by
site,, in real time the data
9 per cent of respondents as their
it collects on campaign contributions,
primary source of story ideas—
making it both a highly reliable and
together, about the same as
timely source for journalists covering
newswires; but live sources remain
political campaigns), reporters can now
far and away journalists’ biggest
effectively use online tools to gather
sources of story ideas.
news and information, check facts and
· Most respondents indicate that they
even Ž nd sources off the Web, from
are using the Web for gathering im-
list-serves and chat rooms. Similarly,
ages and other materials that had to
the US Department of the Census
be carried physically to the news-
( plans to make all of
room just a few years ago.
its raw census data available on its
· More than half of all respondents can
website not only for journalists but for
now access the Internet from work,
all citizens to sort, sift and otherwise
compared to a little more than a third
of the entire sample in 1995. Only 9
Research by public relations pro-
per cent of the respondents said they
fessional Dan Middleberg and journal-
had no individual Internet access.
ism professor Steve Ross provides a
revealing look at how journalists use The editorial and production pro-
the Internet. The authors’ four-survey cesses of journalism are also greatly
trend report, Media in Cyberspace, is in uenced and shaped by technologi-
based on more than 2500 responses cal change. In the analog world, the
and shows that journalists increasingly limits of technology often made it im-
use the Internet and other online re- possible to work close to deadline with-

out risking a complete breakdown in person crews, sometimes on major

the reporting process. Today, digital stories that occur in relatively remote,
online tools make it increasingly poss- small markets.
ible to work right up to deadline, es-
pecially signiŽ cant in opening up
possibilities for on-deadline operations The Nature of News Content
in video journalism.
Moreover, in the analog world, the Technology also has exerted a pro-
rules imposed by the broadcasting found in uence on the content of news.
unions greatly constrained the pro- Writing and language are, in fact, tech-
duction of television news. Each indi- nologies and as such reporters have
vidual function, such as changing a always depended on them for the re-
tape or making an edit, was performed porting or storytelling of journalism.
by a union member under strict rules. History is replete with examples of how
None of these rules apply in the digital more recent technologies also have
age. In the digital newsroom any shaped the content of what we call
journalist can perform any editorial or news. Adam Clayton Powell III, now
production operation on the video. vice president of technology for the
Thus, any reporter can produce video, Freedom Forum and a veteran of the
editing in the Ž eld and/or on deadline. television and radio newsroom (with
Of course, this might have signiŽ cant many years as a producer for CBS
negative implications for television News and vice president of news and
news, as individual reporters come un- information for National Public Radio)
der increasing pressure to act as one- conducted a study for the Freedom Fo-
person news and production crews. It rum Media Studies Center that showed
is perhaps some consolation that the how the introduction of video in the
tools are increasingly easy to use, and 1970s transformed the storytelling of
will soon be as easy to use as is a word network news once produced on Ž lm
processor for editing text. (Powell, 1993). Powell’s study showed
At KGO-TV, the San Francisco ABC that prior to the use of video, television
afŽ liate, the digital newsroom is com- news reports featured longer shots,
plete, at a cost of roughly $ 22 million. fewer edits and more slowly paced nar-
According to Jim Topping, the ABC rative. The introduction of video ex-
owned TV station’s senior vice presi- erted a powerful in uence on network
dent who oversaw the implementation news. Edits became faster-paced,
of the digital system (he is also former shots were shortened and the narrative
general manager of the station), the became much faster-paced. As former
transition to digital is both a threat and CBS News veteran Bud Benjamin once
an opportunity. The opportunity is es- quipped, it became “NTV”, or news
pecially great for stations in major mar- MTV-style.
kets with the staff size and experience In today’s digital, online world, con-
and other resources to implement a tent is once again undergoing a pro-
digital system fully and successfully. found transformation, largely enabled,
The danger is greatest in smaller mar- if not driven, by technological change.
kets, Topping says (in comments at the No one can dispute the increased
annual meeting of the Association for speed of news  ow. Stories break at
Education in Journalism and Mass the speed of light, circling the globe
Communication, August 4, 1999, New instantly via the Internet. Reports on
Orleans), where inexperienced re- online Ž nancial news sites, such
porters will be asked to serve as one- as, can in uence

market performance in seconds, as day their publication had no plans to go

traders react to the instant reporting of online at all.
company performance reports, pro- · Original content being published on-
nouncements from Federal Chairman line has seen signiŽ cant growth. Last
Alan Greenspan or even rumors on year only 7 per cent of newspapers
Internet chat-rooms and bulletin with websites said half or more of the
boards. All this has given new-millen- site’s content was original, not also
nium meaning to the old observation of appearing in their print versions. This
journalist A. J. Liebling, “I can write year almost 20 per cent of newspa-
better than anyone who can write pers with websites said original con-
faster, and faster than anyone who can tent was at least half. For
write better.” magazines, 48 per cent said their
There is no debating the ascendancy websites are at least half original, up
of high-speed news. The question is from 17 per cent last year.
whether it is better journalism. Partly, it · Over 40 per cent of editors or their
depends how it is regarded. Consider staffs write copy that ends up on
the case of the Columbine, CO shoot- their own publications’ websites.
ing in the United States in the spring of
1999. Would you rather have waited to Digital technology is also transform-
Ž nd out about the shooting until the ing the nature of storytelling and the
next day when your local newspaper presentation of news online. The once-
would have reported about it in the basic inverted pyramid news-writing
morning paper, having had 8 or more style is becoming obsolete in the online
hours to check the facts, or would you news world. It is being supplanted in-
rather have learned about the shooting creasingly by immersive and interactive
moments after it occurred as it was multimedia news reports that can give
reported via the Web, with little time for readers/viewers a feeling of presence
fact-checking and a fairly high likeli- at news events like never before. Con-
hood of some errors? sider the case of the collaboration be-
Although no one has a deŽ nitive an- tween online crime news service
swer to this question, the 1999 Middle- apbonline and the Center for New Me-
berg/Ross survey also provides useful dia at Columbia University’s Graduate
data on online content trends for news- School of Journalism in the United
papers online. The data show the fol- States. In 1999, West African immi-
lowing. grant Amadou Diallo was gunned down
by four plain-clothes police ofŽ cers in
· The trend for online scoops contin- the middle of the night as Diallo
ues. This year almost one-third of stepped through the vestibule of his
publications’ websites allow the Web apartment building in the Bronx, New
to scoop their print product, at least York. The four ofŽ cers Ž red 41 shots at
sometimes. the unarmed Diallo as he reached for
· The growth of online publishing is his wallet to presumably present
simply tremendous. More than half of identiŽ cation to the ofŽ cers. The apbon-
responding journalists indicate they line/Columbia collaborative news
use the Web to distribute news. Fifty- team, featuring Columbia graduate stu-
Ž ve per cent say that their publi- dents from journalism and a number
cation, or portions of it, is already of other Ž elds, used a 360-degree
online! That is double the 25 per cent video camera to record the site of the
reported 2 years ago. Only 9 per shooting. Posting the omnidirectional
cent of respondents this year said video on the apbonline web site

(, the collaborative the New York Times (online version,

team report enables visitors to explore which includes all the content of the
the vestibule on their own, panning, day’s paper edition plus much more)
tilting or zooming anywhere inside the any time and at no cost (all that is
vestibule, examining the physical required is a computer with Internet
space and artifacts left from the shoot- connection, available free of charge in
ing, including bullet-holes, messages many libraries across the country and
written by police and other visitors to around the world). Whether the thou-
the site, and the doorway and mailbox sands of news providers now online will
inside the vestibule. Members of the Ž nd successful business models to
audience can use this 360-degree view support their online operations is an-
to examine the crime scene on their other matter. In all likelihood there will
own, potentially extracting additional be a consolidation in this new global
details overlooked by the reporter or news marketplace, as there has been
even the police. In this fashion, the with other “traditional” media.
visitors to the site develop and discover An important question is, “what will
their own story, in marked contrast to happen to local news?” A study by
the traditions of news reporting based Columbia University professors Eli
on linear narration. Noam and Robert Freeman reported in
Is it better journalism? I do not know; Television Quarterly shows that while
but it is engaging and in some way diversity of news and other media is
perhaps comes closer to the truth by growing at national and international
removing one level of Ž ltering. levels, it is shrinking at the local level.
Not all of this is due to technology
(much is due to economics), but tech-
nology certainly plays a part by making
The Structure and Organization efŽ ciencies of scale and distribution ir-
of the Newsroom and the News resistible. It is also true that the chang-
Industry ing economics and technology of online
news are reshaping the traditional sep-
Technology is also exerting a strong aration of editorial and business func-
in uence on both the structure of the tions, or so-called separation of “church
newsroom and of the news industry. and state”, in newsrooms across the
On one level, this in uence is immedi- United States. The lines between ad-
ately obvious. The rise of the Internet vertising and editorial are blurring, as
and the World Wide Web as media of banner advertisements are featured on
mass communication has made poss- many online newspaper front pages, a
ible the publication of some 5000 news practice frowned upon in most printed
sites maintained by classic news orga- newspapers. Many sites feature links
nizations, including newspapers, news from their book review sections directly
magazines and broadcast/cable news to online book sellers, a feature attract-
providers ( These sites ive to many online consumers but one
provide global access to news from all that sometimes raises troubling ethical
parts of the world. Suddenly, newspa- concerns about the possible in uence
pers, television, radio and other news of advertising on editorial content.
providers all Ž nd themselves in head- Within the newsroom, technology,
to-head competition. especially online communication, is
Consumers, on the other hand, have affecting the centralization and hier-
never had it so good. For the Ž rst time, archical character of the newsroom.
anyone anywhere in the world can read Traditionally, newspaper and other

newsrooms have been very hierarchi- been greatly reduced (virtually elimi-
cally organized, almost in military fash- nated, in fact). Publisher Levor Oldham
ion, with an editor or news director, said common sense was behind his
exerting powerful control over the news reasoning. “Clearly, the future of news-
operation, followed by other ofŽ cers in papers is on the Web.” Whether the
the chain of command. The Internet is free online paper can maintain its ad-
changing this signiŽ cantly, as more vertising base will largely determine its
newsrooms become  atter in their proŽ tability.
structure, especially in online editions. It is not yet clear what the online
In places such as or readership of the paper is, but in print, although there is still an the paper had a circulation of 7500.
editor-in-chief, the distance between Utah is the fourth-ranked state in the
top and bottom in the newsroom is nation in terms of Internet penetration
much reduced. Moreover, there is at 46 per cent, establishing the poten-
much more frequent communication tial for substantial online readership.
between newsroom personnel and
audience members, often in the shape
of e-mail. This dramatically in uences The Nature of the Relationships
story selection and coverage. Between and Among News
Also emerging in today’s journalism Organizations and their Publics
is the so-called combined newsroom.
The Tribune Company, CNN and Perhaps most importantly, technologi-
Bloomberg are perhaps the best exam- cal change is fundamentally reshaping
ples of news organizations that have the relationships between and among
created combined news-gathering op- news organizations, journalists and
erations. Here, stories are assigned to their many publics, including audi-
reporters who gather news, and then ences, competitors, news sources,
the information gathered is packaged sponsors and those who seek to regu-
for distribution via any of a number of late or control the press.
media outlets, such as television, radio, For at least 500 years, since Guten-
newspaper or Internet. This combined berg invented the printing press in
news-gathering operation is highly Mainz, Germany, the basic relationship
efŽ cient and cost-effective . between publishers and their publics
Newspaper distribution is also being has been deŽ ned by a “broadcast”
fundamentally redeŽ ned by the online model of communication. The broad-
revolution. The Orem (Utah) Daily Jour- cast model emphasizes a one (or few)
nal is reported to be the Ž rst daily to many communication  ow, with little
newspaper to go online and stop pub- feedback between source and receiver
lishing a printed product http:// (or journalist and audience) and a rela-, tively anonymous, heterogeneous audi-
1999). After 9 months in print, the pa- ence. The intent of this communication
per decided to distribute via only the is a combination of persuasion and in-
Internet from August 5, 1999. The formation. Most US newspapers and
reader, of course, can print the product broadcast news organizations, for ex-
and read it on paper, if preferred. ample, provide most of their news
It will be an interesting case to watch coverage with the intent to inform the
and may be the beginning of a trend. public about a variety of events and
The cost of printing and delivery, issues important to their communities
roughly 60 per cent of the cost of pro- and society in general. Editorial and
ducing the average newspaper, has opinion pages and columns are in-

tended to in uence public opinion on of communication, but that one party
matters of public importance. More- (the message sender/content provider)
over, the general news coverage has intends to in uence the opinion, and
been shown in research to exert an perhaps the behavior, of its publics.
agenda-setting in uence in society, This is an accurate description of com-
helping to shape public opinion in munication not only in much of the
terms of which issues are most import- world of public relations, but also in
ant. Political scientist Bernard C. Co- traditional or classic journalism.
hen summed this up in The Press and Whether via newspapers or
Foreign Policy (1963) when he said magazines, television or radio, news in
“The press may not be successful the world of analog media has largely
much of the time in telling us what to followed this model of one-way, asym-
think, but it is stunningly successful in metrical communication, especially in
telling its readers what to think about.” newspaper opinion and editorial pages
This is the foundation for what has where considerable resources are em-
become known as the agenda-setting ployed to shape public opinion and be-
function of the press or the media. haviors with regard to important issues,
Another way to view this traditional especially in the realm of the political
set of media in uences is in terms of sphere where virtually every newspa-
what public relations research tells us per attempts to in uence its readers’
about the world of corporate communi- voting choices.
cation. Public relations scholar James The advent of the digital, networked
Grunig has described several world of communication is fundamen-
paradigms of communication in a cor- tally altering these models of twentieth-
porate context, including two that are century journalism. No longer can most
especially relevant to the traditional journalists and editors be content
analog world of journalism. First is the merely to publish the news. Instead,
public information model. In this model the process is becoming much more of
organizations, typically corporate or a dialog between the press and the
governmental, distribute information to public. This is especially the case in
the public with the intention of inform- newspapers and broadcast news oper-
ing the public on matters considered ations which have made a signiŽ cant
important. The intention is not to per- commitment to publishing online. In
suade, although an agenda-setting these cases in particular, audience
function may be a by-product of this members have joined in signiŽ cant
communication function. Although this numbers in online discussions with re-
model has been used to describe much porters and editors to debate and dis-
of the process of public relations, it is cuss coverage of important events.
also clearly descriptive of much of tra- E-mail has become a vital and instan-
ditional journalism. taneous link between readers and re-
The second model relevant to this porters, often shaping reporters’
discussion is what Grunig calls the knowledge and attitudes as much as
one-way, asymmetric model of com- an initial report may have in uenced
munication. In this model, the  ow of the public.
communication is primarily one direc- Thus we are seeing the emergence
tional, from an organization to its public of what Grunig calls a two-way sym-
or publics. It is asymmetric in the sense metric model of communication in
that not only is the  ow unbalanced, twenty-Ž rst-century news operations. In
with one of the communication partici- this model, the  ow of communication
pants dominating the  ow and impact is much more balanced, much more a

dialog between both or all parties to the their information directly from any
communication. No one group domi- source? What are the implications for
nates the process of persuasion. democracy? Most citizens realize that
Rather, all parties in uence each other, information sources have a vested in-
at least to some degree. Although not terest in slanting the information they
all news organizations are comfortable provide to re ect positively on their or-
with this emerging model, many have ganization or the issues they support.
embraced it as a way to not only serve Therefore, most citizens realize that
their communities more effectively, but there is an important role for journalists
to engage younger audiences. We see to play in providing impartial reporting
much of this developing in what is on those organizations or events they
known as civic, or public, journalism. seek to in uence. Nevertheless, the
Finally, the emergence of the Inter- credibility of traditional news providers
net and World Wide Web as a medium is at an all-time low, and surveys by
of mass communication in the 1990s is organizations such as Jupiter Commu-
redeŽ ning the notion of who is a nications and others show that the pub-
journalist. A.J. Liebling once observed lic often views online sources as just as
that: “Freedom of the press is guaran- credible as those in the off-line world.
teed only to those who own one.” This Clearly, there is an important role for
observation accurately portrayed the journalism to play in the digital, net-
world of journalism until the advent of worked world, but what that role is
the Internet and the World Wide Web must still take shape. The credibility
as a medium of mass communication and impartiality of news organizations
in the 1990s. Today, virtually anyone must be re-established, or the public
with a computer and an Internet con- may increasingly look to primary
nection can, in effect, own a printing sources for news.
press and reach not only a local audi-
ence, but a global one. As a result,
literally millions of citizens in the United
States and around the world are active
participants in the communication pro-
This article has argued that technologi-
cess online.
cal change exerts a profound in uence
Moreover, this transformation has
on journalism in at least four ways: (1)
made it possible for the traditional
how journalists do their job; (2) the
sources used by journalists to become
content of news: (3) the structure of the
content providers themselves, some-
newsroom and the news industry: and
times even serving as primary news
(4) the relationship between news or-
providers to the public, often bypassing
ganizations and their publics. These
the traditional news gatekeepers alto-
effects raise a variety of important re-
gether. Through their web sites, com-
search questions for investigation in
panies, not-for-proŽ ts and govern-
the twenty-Ž rst century. Following is a
mental agencies are all publishing in-
brief outline of a research agenda for
formation meant for direct consumption
the new millennium.
by the public as well as by journalists.
Although this is great for the compa-
nies, and perhaps for the public, it
raises serious questions about the role Research Agenda
of journalism in a networked world.
What should be the role of the journal- 1. How are journalists using the feed-
ist in a world where citizens can obtain back function in the online arena,

where e-mail transforms audi- as reported by international

ence–reporter relationship? sources?
2. To what extent are reporters using 7. To what extent is a possible lack of
online reporting in place of tra- interest in international news
ditional shoe-leather reporting? merely a function of how domestic
3. How does the combined news- news providers have packaged
room affect news quality? and selected the news, often rely-
4. Is the blurring of the advertising/ ing heavily on ofŽ cial sources and
editorial border eroding news reported by white, male foreign
credibility? correspondents?
5. To what extent are online news 8. What are the emerging business
organizations developing new sto- models to support online journal-
rytelling formats designed for the ism?
online media? 9. What are the most effective roles
6. Although many American journal- for journalism in an age where citi-
ists argue that most readers are zens can increasingly go directly to
not interested in international the source of news? Should jour-
news unless it has a clear impact nalism focus more on providing
at home, interest in international context and meaning to the day’s
sites on the Web continues to events and issues?
grow. To what extent are readers 10. Is the speed and ubiquity of news
interested in international news, as delivery producing a lowering of
reported by domestic providers or quality of news (i.e. more errors)?

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KRTBN Knight-Ridder Tribune Business News: The Salt Lake Tribune—Utah Copyright ã KRTBN Knight-Rid-
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Noam, Eli M. and Freeman, Robert N. (1997) “The Media Monopoly and Other Myths”, Television Quarterly XXIX,
pp. 19–23.
Powell III, Adam Clayton (1993) “Getting the Picture: trends in television news reporting”, in: John V. Pavlik and
Everette E. Dennis (Eds) Demystifying Media Technology, Mountain View, CA: MayŽ eld Publishing Co.
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