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Answering the Sacred Call of Mediumship™

Evidence-Based Mediumship — The Powerful Difference

Module One
Natalia: Hello, everyone, and welcome to Module One of Answering the Sacred Call of
Mediumship with Suzanne Giesemann. This module is titled Evidence-Based
Mediumship: The Powerful Difference. I'm your host, Natalia, here at The Shift
Network. We're so excited to get started. But before we bring Suzanne on, I just
want to offer a brief orientation to make your online course experience a lot
easier. First, you should have received a course orientation email the day you
registered for our class. That email contains a link for you to confirm your email
address to ensure you receive all course-related emails. Each email we send will
have a link to your course homepage where you can access everything you need
in relation to the course. The course homepage has your Zoom access links,
schedule, recordings, handouts and transcripts. Please go ahead and bookmark
your course homepage today, so you have a quick and easy access to all our
course materials.

Throughout the course, you're going to receive three emails each week directly
from us here at The Shift Network. One email will arrive the day of the session
with details about our topic, and we'll also send you a 15-minute reminder so
your access information is easily accessible. The third email you will receive will
arrive on the day after the session with your deepening practices to help support
you in the integration of the course materials. Whether or not you are new to
online learning, we are here to make it easy and fun for you. If you have any
questions or are in need of support, please don't hesitate to contact our
customer support team by visiting our website at
A final note about your audio and video participation in the course. Your spoken
questions and public comments during the course may be recorded, copied,
transcribed and distributed by us here at The Shift Network. You do consent in
advance to these uses as well as the use of your image if you should appear on a
course video. If you choose to ask a question, you'll be identified by first name
only to protect your privacy. Our small group breakout sessions are not recorded
or transcribed.

All right, before I turn it over, I just want to say that it is my absolute honor to be
hosting Suzanne for this course. I know this is just going to be such an amazing

Answering the Sacred Call of Mediumship | Module One | p. 1

journey we are all taking together. This covers all my announcements for today.
Please join me in welcoming Suzanne to our session. Welcome, Suzanne.

Suzanne: Hi, everybody. Is this exciting or what? This is the first of its class type for The
Shift Network, and the first time I have extended my teaching to so many people
and for such a long time. I'm really excited about the fact that all of us are going
to be together for seven weeks. Instead of just a weekend course, which I'm
used to teaching, we get to immerse ourselves in the sacredness of connecting
daily with the spirit world. Some of you may already do that, but we're doing it
as a group. That energy is just going to create this beautiful atmosphere. You will
feel the difference in the connections that you experience during this course
because of everybody's commitment. Everybody is conscious joining in at the
same time. How exciting is that? I also love that The Shift Network has put
together this Facebook page for all of us to interact during the week. We don't
just get excited when we see each other on Wednesday or when you get view
this video perhaps afterwards, but we get to interact all week. I have my
wonderful two assistants, Bev and Lynette, who are going to be joining me on
Facebook because I may not be able to answer or connect with all of you. But I
want you to know that Bev and Lynette have been with me long enough that we
are of one mind, all of us really are and we'll talk about that later today. But if
they answer a question on my behalf, trust me, they're speaking for spirit and for
me. I know that you'll love getting to know Bev and Lynette.

Before I go any further, I want to thank Natalia. Doesn't she have great energy?
She's going to be with us every week. And the entire Shift Network team is such
a joy to work with. I have had many offers to teach and do online things like this.
Each time I've been asked, I do what I'm going to encourage all of you to do
always, when you're faced with any decision and that's to tune into your heart
and to ask spirit, is this the right thing to do? In this case, it was just a big yes
from the spirit world because everybody on this team, their heart and soul are in
the right place. There's a reason you were drawn to this. I'm just thrilled that
you're going to be on this journey with me at least for the next seven weeks.

This is all about energy, and I want to create the right energy for us right from
the start. We're going to do an intention setting practice at the beginning of
every week. Intention is absolutely key for everything we do, but most especially
when we want to connect with higher vibrations of guides and loved ones who
have crossed, we send out the right vibration with our intention, and we do it
from the heart. Right off the bat, we all get to do something together. If you've
been running around doing something and watching out of the corner of your
eye, I highly recommend it right now. You take a seat and center yourself and
everybody, just relax your body. If you're sitting, put your feet flat on the floor.
Don't cross your legs. We just want to create this atmosphere where our body is
the perfect instrument for connecting with spirit. Just close your eyes for a

Answering the Sacred Call of Mediumship | Module One | p. 2

moment so that you focus within. If you exhale longer than you inhale, you
trigger the body's relaxation response. Every time that I suggest that we do the
deep breathing, keep that in mind. For now, we're going to become centered by
taking in a nice breath and exhaling longer than you just inhaled. You might want
to just keep doing that with a nice slow breath. Move your awareness to the
heart. That's the bridge between your physical body and the soul and all the
higher consciousness. We set the intention now, focused on our
multidimensional aspects as souls and a physical body that we get as much as
possible growth, spiritual growth, and even as our human being side, as a result
of being joined together in this session. Imagine a light at the center of you. It's
sending rays outwards in all directions. Do that now and turn up the light. Turn it
up as bright as you can. You can no longer sense the end of those rays. They go
out into infinity. In that state of awareness, know that you are now energetically
connected with everyone else, with this shared intention of coming together,
with the purpose of connecting with the spirit world.

Let me speak for all of us as we affirm that we are so grateful for this time to
come together. We're grateful for having followed the nudge of our heart, our
soul, to be here. May we each, in our own way, learn exactly what we're
supposed to learn. May we grow as a result of it, and may we be a light unto
others as a result. May we not be disappointed with ourselves if we don't need
our human expectations. But at the same time, may we surprise and delight
ourselves with what does result from our efforts here. Again, with gratitude,
we're simply so grateful for this time together. And so it is. Beautiful. You just
open your eyes and come back into human awareness. Didn't that feel good?
This kind of intention setting is good to do all the time.

I want to tell you that this session today is going to be mostly my teaching to set
the foundations. We will normally have a full half hour for questions and
answers at the end. I don't know how much time we'll have. I'm going to try to
leave at least 10 minutes, but I want to get the foundations down of the teaching
so that we can move forward. We're not going to do any actual readings today.
Your first interaction as far as reading spirit energy will happen in the second
module. But today is very important for opening your awareness to what this is
all about and certainly the sacredness of what we're entering into together. But
before I do that, though, I want to tell you how my teaching as a teacher of
mediumship came about.

I was sitting at the breakfast table with my husband, Ty, who you'll probably hear
about throughout this course. He's my soul mate and so supportive of me. He
turned to me and he said, "Suzanne, I know you're busy and I know I've said this
before and you probably don't want to hear it, but you need to be teaching
mediumship." If you know the two of us, anybody who's ever seen us interact, I
love that man with all my heart. I respect him. We never speak back to each

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other. But I shocked myself when I turned to him and I said, "No!" He looked a
little stunned. He said, "I'm sorry." I said, "Honey, it's just that I'm too busy. You
know I have so much going on right now with readings and writing my latest
book." He said, "Okay, it's just that you've really studied how this works, and
you're such a great teacher," et cetera. We went back to eating our scrambled
eggs. I'm not kidding you. Thirty seconds later, I reach down, I pick up a piece of
paper that was nearby, I pick up a pen, and I start writing right in between bites.
Ty looks at me and he says, "What are you doing?" I said, "They're giving me the
syllabus." Clearly, the spirit world urged him to tell me I needed to be teaching
and once the floodgates were open, it just flowed and it didn't stop till I had an
entire course put together.

My point of all of this is this teaching that I'm sharing with all of you comes from
the higher realms. This may be Suzanne Giesemann talking to you, but I'm going
to show you starting today that you are far more than the person with your
name on it. You are a soul connected to this light being aspect of you, and all of
us are extensions of the same mind, source, whatever you want to call it, Spirit,
with a capital S. That's what makes this connection possible. Anytime I have an
answer I can't answer and I want to encourage you to always do the same, know
that you are innately connected to source and all the levels in between. If I need
material for the class, I just make the shift that I'm going to teach you how to do
every week of this class, and the answers are so much greater than anything that
Suzanne Giesemann could come up with. I'm in this body. I have to teach
through this body, but I am connected to my guides right now. At times you'll
see me get grabbed, depending on which guide is talking. They may jump in and
redirect me. It's kind of fun. I know that sometimes it looks a little bit crazy, but
it really results in some pretty cool teaching.

I want to make sure all of you understand, every teacher can only teach what
they know. I'm going to be teaching you my method. I'm teaching you because it
works great. I could not be more thrilled with the connection I have with spirit.
The great thing is it keeps getting better even for me. I hope none of us ever get
to the point where we know it all, or we're satisfied completely with our
connection. What I'm getting at here is that you all may already have your own
connection with spirit. But I want you to try the methods that I'm teaching even
though they're my methods. This is such a great environment to try these when
we pair up with each other. It's a safe environment, meaning that nobody's going
to ridicule you or criticize you. Nobody's expecting you to get 100% or an A on
any experiments that we do or any practices we do. Stretch yourself. That is how
we grow. Just jump a little bit outside your comfort zone anytime we do any
exercises. By the end of this course, you'll be just ready to pat yourself on the
back for doing the best you can.

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I'd like to just take a poll. Natalia showed you how you can raise your hand by
clicking that little button down there at the bottom. Briefly, how many of you
this is brand new to you? Raise your hand if you have never connected with a
spirit, your own loved ones or anyone else's. Raise your hand if you've never
done this before. Everybody can watch the little ticker go up there. Okay, it's still
climbing. Here we go. How many of you are working now as professional
mediums? Raise your hand. Okay. All right. Let's see what happens if we ask how
many of you now, raise your hand, how many of you have enjoyed a connection
across the veil, and you're taking this course because you want to get better at
it? Look at that thing. All right, cool. I love that, I would say, the vast majority of
you have had a connection with spirit. That's awesome. Those of you who
haven't, you get a great opportunity to learn from some who have, and you're
going to have some nice connections in the pairing up. Those of you who are
working as professional mediums, I know you will find new things to add to your

The great thing about this course is very, very practical. We'll talk about why that
is so as we go along. My goal in this class is to teach you how to do one-on-one
readings with other people and to connect with your own loved ones, but
mostly, in the breakout practices, we're going to be working on one-on-one
readings with people as opposed to standing in front of a group and practicing
mediumship and bringing through a spirit. Everything that I teach you will be
applicable to group demonstrations. But there is actually an art to that. There's a
craft. The connection with the spirit world is the same but handling the audience
and the interplay of energy is very different in group demonstration. We're going
to focus on one-on-one or one medium and two or three people who want to
hear from the same people. Alrighty.

Let's talk about why I consider this work sacred. Those in the spirit world are
right here. They're trying very hard to let us and their loved ones know that they
are here. But so many of us don't sense them. What a blessing it is for those in
the spirit world when somebody here goes to the effort to actually tune into
them and deliver their messages. That's what I mean by sacred. We're taking the
effort, taking the time, committing ourselves to say, "I am here for you." Doesn't
that just make your heart open up? Well, I'll tell you in a minute, the main
reason that I got into this work, but the healing potential of mediumship goes
beyond anything that I've ever seen. I gave a short example in the call with
Stephen Dinan when we started announcing this course about a woman who
came to me for a reading because her doctor recommended that she see me.
The doctor had nothing else to do to help this woman who was in deep grief but
said, "There's a medium in our community." She sent her to me and right away,
without knowing who she had across the veil, I sensed her husband. He brought
through beautiful evidence that left her stunned. She said, "How do you know
those things?" This is one of the main goals I'm going to teach. You have to

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educate your client, also called the sitter, why certain things are happening. We
take it for granted. "Well, because he's right here." No, you have to say,
"Because he's right here and he's telling me these things. He knows what's going
on in your life." The crucial moment of that reading was when I said, "And your
husband just said to me, 'Tell my wife, don't you dare take those pills in your
purse.'" What that woman had not told anybody is that on the way to that
session with me, she stopped at the drugstore. She's had put enough pills in her
purse to take her own life if she didn't hear from her husband.

Well, let me tell you, I don't tell you that story to frighten you off. I tell you that
because that is everybody's personal responsibility, but it's to tell you the
responsibility that we have to hear those in the spirit world correctly. Now, I'm
going to share stories with you every week, stories of my personal evidence that
I've brought through. There's a reason for that, because it opens us up to greater
possibilities when we hear these stories. Well, if that came through for her, then
I can do that and more. I love sharing the stories. Many of them just seem
magical. Absolutely all of them are 100% true and as they occur. There's no need
to exaggerate or amplify anything when the spirit world will knock your socks off.
I want to share with you why I consider evidential mediumship, evidence from
those in spirit that they are right here, the gold standard of mediumship. I'm
going to do it by sharing with you an email I got from a woman who heard about

Her name is Amy, and she allowed me to share her story. She wrote to me, "Hi,
Suzanne, I recently had an event that just crumbled my spirituality. I did a 180
turn and went from feeling a strong and purposeful connection to the divine
universal force to now feeling like I'm completely alone in my struggles here on
earth." Well, I'll tell you, she got my attention with that because I know that
we're all connected to this infinitely intelligent field that we could call source or
God or whatever you want to call it. It's there. She said, "I'm searching and
hoping to find a medium who can offer me one piece of evidence from any of my
loved ones on the other side." Now, when I heard that, I thought, she wants one
piece of evidence? As an evidence-based medium, I'm not happy unless we get
way more than one piece of evidence in every session. That's what I'm going to
teach you how to get. The spirit world knows what you want. If we tell them we
want the evidence, they are going to give it to you. I hope that excites you as
much as it did me the first time I heard it. It's validated every time I do a reading.

Now it's very important to understand that this woman has said, "I'm looking for
the one piece of evidence that would convince me that my loved ones are here,"
I actually would not have done the reading, because we can't guarantee what
evidence comes through such as a secret password, a code word before
somebody passed. We could never guarantee that, and we don't want people to
think this isn't real because we didn't get that one word. But she's just looking

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for one piece of evidence in general, and that's what we do as evidential
mediums. She said, and this is key, "I had readings with two mediums, but all of
what they said was either really far off, didn't make any sense, or was so
incredibly vague that now I'm worse off than where I started." I have to tell you,
I've had those kind of readings from other mediums. I know what she means. I'm
going to teach you in this class how to not do that kind of reading, how to listen
to what you're getting and think, is this vague? Okay, guides in spirit world, we
need something more specific, and they will comply. We set the stage with the
spirit world, every reading. She said, "I'm desperately searching for that one
piece of hope I can hang on to. If you don't mind adding me to the bottom of
your waiting list, I'd much rather wait three plus years than live another 40 to 50
years in limbo."

My goodness, I wasn't about to leave her hanging. I got in touch with her and I
said, "We're going to do reading for you this week." That's what we did. I tuned
in and right away, I sensed her father. The first thing he showed me was my
current event sign. He showed me painting with a paintbrush. This wasn't little
brushstrokes. This was a wall. I said, "Your dad is telling me that you have done
some painting lately." She said, "Yes, my shed. I just painted my shed yesterday."
It's like, well, there's one piece of evidence. We could stop right now, but we're
going to keep going. Then he showed me another current event. He showed me
shrimp. That's all I heard was shrimp. Now, I'll tell you, this was several years
ago. All I gave her was shrimp. But I'm going to teach you how to go deeper than
just getting shrimp and how to know why he was bringing up shrimp. But at the
time, when this story happened, I didn't know how to do that. But I gave her
shrimp and she said, "Well, that doesn't make any sense to me." I said, "Well, I
know your dad is talking about it. Remember I said it." We went on with other
evidence. I got a whole bunch of things about another gentleman with a fatherly
feel, but she didn't recognize him. I have to tell you, when your client, your
sitter, sits there and says, "No, no, no," that can be discouraging. But when you
know what you're sensing, you learn to trust the spirit and not the sitter. If any
of you are note takers, that's one to write down right off the bat: Trust the spirit
and not the sitter. I don't know which module it is, but we're going to be doing
discussing how your sitter can go wrong in many ways. But when you hear the
spirit, we learn to trust them.

It's really cool because after that reading for this woman, she got back to me and
she said, "Oh my gosh! I shared the reading with my family, and my mother who
was a non-believer, yesterday, the day before our reading, went to the freezer,
found a bag of frozen shrimp. She told me she thawed it and ate the entire bag
the day before." She said, now, mom, who didn't believe, says, "Well, how did
my husband know that?" See, this is great because this woman, Amy, didn't
know what I was talking about. Nobody can say I was reading your mind. She
now knew that was her dad who was watching her mom, watching all of them.

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This is what I talk about sacredness. This is a woman whose spirituality was
crumbled, right? But get this. All those nos about the fatherly figure, here's what
she wrote in her email. "The first part of the reading you talked about someone,
and I couldn't figure out who it was. But you said there's a sternness about him,
heart and/or lung issues, and that he fell." Notice these pieces of evidence,
everybody, okay, stern demeanor, heart and lung issues. He fell. "Then later on,
your legs started aching and you said he had achy legs and that he walked with a
limp," more evidence, "and that he had a name that started with a J." I really
don't like doing the initial thing, but that's what happened in that reading. I
would have rather had the whole name. She said, "I found out my husband's dad
apparently had leg problems and walked with a limp. His name was Joseph,"
with a J. "He had a stern demeanor and died of congestive heart failure where
the lungs filled with fluid. When he died, he was in his store and fell out of a
chair. At one point, you talked about a ledger and said he was very by the book,
and there was a gravestone with the word father. After my husband listened to
it, he said, 'That's my dad!' Oh, my, I never knew him and it just didn't register
with me at the time."

It’s very frustrating to get all that great evidence and she couldn't take it, but
what you do is you have to honor that spirit. If I had gotten three or four nos
from that gentleman and said, "Well, I must be imagining it," that's called leaving
the spirit hanging to dry, right? But instead, you stay with it. I know he's here. I
trust the spirit. You don't say, "I don't trust you." But you trust the spirit and you
keep going. Now listen to this. Now you'll understand why a spirit she didn't
know pushed his way into that reading. You talk about sacred. She tells me, "My
husband's sister," that's this man's daughter, "was recently diagnosed with a
rapidly progressing, very rare, 100% fatal brain disorder. My husband is going
there this weekend to say his last goodbyes. He's going to share this insight, and
hopefully her family and his other sisters will have some comfort." Could there
be anything more sacred than a father across the veil, drops into a reading with
someone he never met, but knows his son is going to see his daughter that
weekend and say, "I am here. I'll be here to greet you, and you will not be alone
when you pass." She said, "Not only has your reading provided us comfort in
actually knowing that our loved ones are still with us, it was particularly touching
for me to hear a message from my spirit guides." Remember that. I rarely bring
through guides in a reading but in this one, she got the whole gamut. She said,
"My guides point blank touched on an issue I've been grappling with, and I'm
beyond blessed to have had the opportunity to hear it. It was that aha moment
where I knew, just knew that I have a connection to a divine source, and it
means the world to me."

Wow. Answering the Sacred Call of Mediumship is the name of this course, and
that is, I feel, just the perfect way to set the tone. I hope that you listening to this
now or just thinking, yes, I want to get an email like that, and it's strictly a matter

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of setting intention right here. Like I said, my guides, those in the spirit world, I'm
here for you. I'm going to be the best student possible. I'm going to soak all this
up. I'm going to push myself and stretch myself beyond anything I thought it was
possible of achieving. I want that kind of connection with the spirit world. Are
you all in? All right. Yes, I see those thumbs up. I love it. Why does mediumship
matter to those here? Again, it opens us up to a greater reality, to spiritual side
of all of us. You can change someone's worldview in an instant. You can be the
conduit for healing in an instant. I'm being told right there right now, be sure
when you say you can do this, that you know that, just like any healer, it's
flowing through us and we're the mouthpiece for spirit, but we are an equal part
of this team with the spirit world.

Talking about instant healing, I had a woman come to me. She sat down and I
said to her, "Your mother is here, and she's coming with an apology." We'll talk
about symbols throughout this course. When I saw that mother with her head
hanging down, right away I know we have an apology. I noticed my client was in
person, she stiffened like this. I knew this had struck a chord. I don't want you
ever to ask your client what was that apology all about? You have a real person
right here in the spirit world. Now you ask them. I silently and I always ask
questions silently. Why do we do that? We don't want our sitters to hear the
question. If I said to mom aloud "Why are you apologizing?" your sitter is going
to think the answer. As you'll learn in Module Two, you could psychically pick up
that answer from your sitter. You want to get the direct answer from the
perspective of the spirit, so we ask it silently. I silently said, "Mom, why are you
apologizing?" Many of the things I get from spirit world clairvoyantly come in
charades. Then I saw this motion and that motion, and then you feel into it
clairsentiently. I said, "Your mother is apologizing because she abandoned you as
a baby." This woman said, "Yes, me and my eight brothers and sisters." Now I
want to know more. I silently say to mom, "Why did you do that?" We're giving
her a chance now. This is her chance to clear the air. She went into details. She
showed what her life was like at that time, and how it affected her for the rest of
her life. Can you see how important this was to this woman in the spirit world to
finally get this word through? My client said, at the end of that session,
"Suzanne, I've harbored anger at my mother for 75 years. And in one hour, it's
That's why this is the sacred call of mediumship. But the real lesson here why
this is a spiritual calling, a sacred calling is all we have to realize is that we are all
souls having a human experience, and that we can forgive each other in an
instant here and now when we realize that we're doing the best we can and see
from the soul's perspective. As a teacher, I always tell everybody, don't wait until
you have to find a medium to ask for forgiveness or to give your forgiveness. But
in the meantime, we get to be the voice for those that didn't do that while they
were here. How awesome is that? Now, those in the spirit world need you. What

Answering the Sacred Call of Mediumship | Module One | p. 9

they really need you to do is be accurate. Again, I don't want to put worries and
doubts in your mind. I just want to inspire you to do the best you can in this
course and to really apply yourself and the practices because I learned this from
one of my teachers in England, Mavis Pittilla. I wrote her biography. She's a
wonderful medium. She said, inspiring me, "You don't want to get to the other
side and have those spirits come up to you and say, 'I never said that. Why did
you tell my loved one this when that wasn't what I was telling you?'" She was not
really joking, and I'm not really joking. We're here to be the voice. We need to
get it right. If you're not quite sure, we don't have to say it. You wait and if it if
it's that important, the spirit world will give it to you again in the same reading.
Even though I said this is foundational, clearly we're doing a lot of teaching right
here in this first week, and they'll just continue all seven weeks.

Just remember, you are not connecting with energy as a medium whether your
loved ones or others. Yes, its energy, but I want you to hold in your awareness
these are people. They are souls without a body. What is a person? It's a pattern
of energy, with a personality, with character traits that we would recognize, with
memories, with love. You're connecting with disembodied souls who carry those
traits with them. We're doing this for the greatest possible healing on both sides
of the veil. Because there are still people, because they're just like people,
intelligent, creative, funny, interact with them. That's my point here. I hope that
in your practice sessions and when you actually do readings, you won't say, I
have an energy here. No. I have a man here. I have a woman here. This feels like
a father or a sister. We're going to get into systems to help you identify the
relationship. This is so much fun. I hope that you're having fun already. You
better get used to me. My mother and father used to call me Suzie, and you're
going to be witness to what they called my ensuzieasm. I can't control it and I'm
not going to try because I am so honored to be doing this work and to be able to
share it with you. I hope that that rubs off on you.

Let's talk about the ethics and integrity involved in mediumship. I want to back
up a little bit because I somehow didn't tell you about my background. Where do
we get to that? Oh, we'll get to that later. But I had 20 years in the Navy. The
Navy's core values are honor, courage and commitment. I think it must have
carried over. Hopefully, it's something I've had my whole life. But I would no
more dream of googling someone ahead of time in a reading than I would think
of cutting off my own hand. This work is so sacred to me that to know things
about people in advance, other than what they tell me and want me to know in
advance would take away the sacredness. That's how sacred I hold this, and I
hope you feel the same. You have this chance to heal people through this work
that quickly. I've had people say that one reading was as good as an entire year
of therapy. The reason why ethics are important is because many of your clients
are desperate. That's a heavy word. But I have a waiting list that's out of control.
I'm actually not adding to the waiting list now because it's too long. I can't keep

Answering the Sacred Call of Mediumship | Module One | p. 10

saying no to people when they ask me. But there were so many people that
would write and say, "I'm grieving my loved ones so badly. I'm desperate." How
do you say no to people like that? Well, I can't.

How do you help do desperate people? First, we have to realize you don't do
this. The spirit world does it through you. Let's take that burden off your
shoulders. But I'm going to teach you how to show up for the spirit world and
how to get those human worries out of the way, because if you're worried about
what if I fail this desperate person, that actually interferes with the connection.
I'll hammer that one home every week. But just know that that's why ethics are
important also because next week, Module Two, we're going to talk about
psychic ability versus mediumship. I'll tell you right off the bat, mediumship is
connecting to anybody in the nonphysical realm. That could be loved ones who
have passed. It could be guides or masters, source itself, higher consciousness
without a body. Psychic work is sensing the thoughts, feelings and emotions of
those still in a physical body. That could be animals as well, right? If you can tune
into the higher nonphysical vibrations, that's mediumship, then tuning in
psychically is actually quite easy because we're swimming at this level, this
bandwidth of vibration at the human level right now. Because we're very psychic
and intuitive, within minutes of sitting with a sitter, you can be into their most
intimate memories, you can know their most intimate issues far greater than
anything they would share with a psychotherapist after weeks and months of
therapy. They could be holding things back from a counselor, but as a psychic,
you could pick up on these things in the very first session.

Ethically, it's just so important to respect boundaries, to know what to say, and
to know what not to say. I'll tell you right off the bat, I'm making sure it's my one,
yes, the most important ethical rule that I have, and that is do no harm. We have
to listen to everything that's about to come out of your mouth when you're
speaking with a sitter and hear it from their perspective. How will they perceive
this? I'm going to tell on myself right now, I learned the hard way. Don't ever tell
anybody you see they're going to die or somebody around them is going to die. It
serves no purpose, and it really creates angst. That's Suzanne. Tune into your
heart and see how that one feels to you but do no harm. Listen to what's coming
out of your mouth.

We want to raise the bar of mediumship. I have heard some horrible stories of
people that had readings with other mediums. If we can't make a connection,
please don't ever blame it on your sitter, and don't put the blame on those in the
spirit world. Sometimes it's the human nature who want to do that to make
ourselves look good. Well, I'm not getting anything. I've heard mediums who
have said, "Your energy is really bad." Can you imagine what that does to your
client? Hear yourself before you talk. Or far worse, I have had people come to
me and said, "I hope you can tune into my loved one because another medium

Answering the Sacred Call of Mediumship | Module One | p. 11

told me they just don't want to talk to me." Do no harm. That's what I'm talking
about. This is the ethics that tells us that we're here to raise the vibration of our
world. Please just keep that in mind. Unfortunately, in this line of work, there is
no regulation whatsoever. People who come to you are going to trust you.
They're going to believe what comes out of your mouth. You need to believe it
and trust it to. Again, if you hear something from the spirit and you're not sure,
you don't have to say it. Wait till they repeat it several times. I'll share more
stories about that as we go along. Just strive to represent everybody accurately.

Can anybody do this work? Many of you have raised your hand that you already
have made a connection across the veil, and that's awesome. I know some of
you are taking this class because you have your own loved ones who passed, and
you want to connect with them. If you've been reading the promotional emails
from The Shift Network, you're probably getting really tired of hearing me say
this but yes, everybody can do this. Why? Because we all have the same
equipment, and it's not the physical body. We all have kind of sort of different
bodies, but our souls are all direct descendants of the light. So is the physical
body but the soul is what's tuning in. That information that your soul is picking
up is translated by your physical brain into information that you pass on as the
interpretive for those in the spirit world, but it's the soul that's making the
connection. This is what's so awesome about this course. You really increase
your own awareness of how much your soul is communicating. It's not just you
as a physical being. You are what I call a blended being. You are a soul who chose
to be in a human body versus an animal body or any other physical form. You
chose a physical body. My guides are reminding me, they often say that the soul
comes out at birth and says, "What was I thinking?" We chose this knowing that
the physical body comes with certain traits and characteristics. We judge each
other as humans, not as souls. We get afraid because this body is programmed
to have the fight or flight syndrome. We compare things all the time. We
compare ourselves to others because that's our innate human survival nature. To
do this work, we have to rise above the human nature as a blended being and
come mostly from our soul nature. Make that our dominant focus. I love this
stuff. That's why anybody can do it. We all have a soul. I'm going to teach you
how to keep the focus on the soul aspect of you.

How is it that I can teach this? How do I know that anybody can do this? Quick
background, most of you know from the promotional announcements about this
course that I am not what people would call a born medium. Almost everybody
that I've learned from has been seeing spirits their whole life, and they had no
doubt that spirit world is here, exists, but I sure didn't. Somehow I was always
interested in mediumship, but it was just something that was fascinating to me. I
never had a reason to go to a medium. I was very drawn to the military as a
career. I knew it from high school on I was going to join the military and after
college got a commission in the Navy as a Navy officer and served the full 20

Answering the Sacred Call of Mediumship | Module One | p. 12

years. I was very by the book, very structured and rose through the ranks to
become a commanding officer. After that, I was asked to be a special assistant to
the head of the whole Navy. Then the culmination of my career was when the
head of the whole United States military asked me to be his aide-de-camp, his
right-hand man, so to speak, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He did
that. He chose me because of that integrity and because of the fact that I was
good at planning. I was good at analyzing, all these left-brain things.

To me the thought that there was a spirit world and I would one day be working
as a medium was absolutely crazy. My abilities did not come about until after I
retired from the Navy. It came about after the very unexpected death of my
stepdaughter, Susan, who was struck and killed by lightning at age 27. She was
six months pregnant. I'm not going to go into the whole story, but it was my
search for answers, just like many of you were called into this work by a big
wake-up call. As much as that tragedy was the worst thing that ever happened to
our family, it has led to transformations that I never could have imagined. It led
to me being aware that I can make the same kind of connection that a medium
did when she brought our Susan through to us in a reading. From the very first
moment that I realized I can connect and get evidence, the Navy officer in me
would not have been satisfied with there's a lady here who loves you very much.
In fact, I have to laugh because the one reading The Shift Network is putting out
there for all of you to watch, it's on our Facebook page now, is a reading with
[Participant], one of our fellow participants. I always joke and say, if somebody
had said to me, "Oh, your grandmother's here and she loves you so much,"
looking at my age, figuring my grandmother has passed, I would have blown
them off. What happens in the reading I give for [Participant]? Oh, your
grandmother is here and she loves you very much. It's like the spirit world is
messing with me, right? But happily, we got all kinds of evidence, and that's who
she wanted to hear from. Her mother is still here. She hadn't lost a child, and she
didn't lose a spouse. That was perfect. But in our case, we were desperate to
hear from my stepdaughter, and that's who we heard from. If we hadn't gotten
incredible evidence about Susan, I wouldn't be here today teaching you. It was

The very first time I found out that I could get nicknames, how they pass, what
kind of work they did, personality, I was so blown away that I had the ability to
heal somebody like that medium healed me. Well, I had to know, how is this
possible? I've documented everything. The best part is I know what keeps us
from getting a good connection. I'm going to teach you what doesn't work. One
of the other things that will make this class unique, and I hope you appreciate it,
is that I've been to quite a few mediumship classes and the medium will say,
"Well, when you connect with the spirit world, you just flip the switch. You just
connect." If somebody said that to me, it would have made no sense. Somehow I
made it work and then when it came time to teach, I had to figure out, what is it

Answering the Sacred Call of Mediumship | Module One | p. 13

that happens in that moment when we flip the switch? What leads to that?
What's going on inside? How do we get the human out of the way? I've broken it
down into this very simple seven-step method that we're going to get into, and
people love it. I hope you will love it. I've only had two students and teaching
over probably close to 2,000 people now, two students that said, "Why do you
use that method? They're just right here." Well, that's because they're super
right brain, but most of us are pretty balanced. If the spiritual world is right here,
go for it. Don't use the process. But if you want to deepen that connection, try it.
I do believe you'll love it.

Today is the foundation, but we're really going to get into the how does this
work? What exactly do I have to do, Suzanne? in all the following weeks. Well, to
me, the how does it work is so important for us to understand it works because
you are that soul, because you're connected to this entire field of souls, of
source, of energy. What I'm going to do now is something a little different. I'm
going to share some slides with you that I've created to help you understand my
metaphor for who we are because as I've said several times already today, you
as the person with the name on you, that blended being like I'm the blended
being Suzanne, I'm far more than Suzanne, the physical body. I'm a soul and a
light being and an expression of source itself. And so are you. But I feel that
visuals will help you understand this. Why is this important? Because you need
to understand what you're tapping into and why these miracles happen. To me
the definition of a miracle is when the physical and the nonphysical world
become evident to us. It's that simple. This is an evidence-based course. We
produce miracles every time we connect with the spirit world.

Let me bring up this slideshow here. Just sit back and enjoy. Alrighty. One of the
phrases that spirit has taught that we can say to truly empower ourselves is to
state: I am the light. But what does that mean exactly? We have to use the
English language to put words to things that are beyond explanation. Light is a
metaphor for spirit, that which we're connecting into. Light is a metaphor for
source. It's an energy. It's a vibration. It's also synonymous with consciousness.
Substitute all of those words for light. You are that. We need to really get that
into our knowing awareness. I am the light, and that's why this connection is
possible. But as a teacher, I need to understand, how can I let people really
understand what that light is? One day, I was walking around my neighborhood
in Florida before I moved to South Carolina and walking at Christmas time. You
can see this picture. Many of you have probably seen these lights that shine red
and green things on garage doors and houses at Christmas time. As I was walking
through the neighborhood, this light was shining on the palm trees just as you
see here. What I noticed was where the tree trunks and the leaves were, you
could see those sparkly lights, but where there were no leaves, you couldn't see
the light.

Answering the Sacred Call of Mediumship | Module One | p. 14

It was this huge aha moment for me that the light has to have something to
reflect against or upon in order to be seen, to be recognized, to be known. It was
this huge aha, and I decided to do this thought experiment that I hope you'll try
to just feel this as I teach it to you in your heart. Don't try to think about it too
much. It's a metaphor for the light. What if, in the beginning, there is the light,
there is nothing but light, consciousness, spirit, God, source? But because it has
not expressed its true nature yet, it hasn't projected it outwards, all we have is
what appears to be darkness, just like where there are no leaves on the tree. But
actually within that darkness is all this potential just bursting to come forth. It
has beauty, intelligence, self-awareness, creativity. Everything that could
possibly be expressed is contained within this light that has not yet been
expressed. It's just bursting, to burst forth with his creativity, just like you might
understand why you have to create a child or why an artist has to create a
painting, a musician, a writer have to create, because all this potential is inside.
That's because you are created in the image of this creative source. It did, It
bursts forth in the beginning. What bursts forth was the light. But it was just a
thought, so we're going to call it a little thought bubble here. But that thought
bubble contains all the same qualities as that field, the light itself. That light is
self-aware, and so that light knows it exists. I am and that light contains the same
potential. We're going to call this thought bubble a light being. I've used that
term several times already. This light being is the first extension of the light
without form. This is actually formless, but it is an expression now of the light.

What do light beings do? Why they do the same thing that its father, its source,
its mother does. It creates. It bursts forth, and it creates a copy of itself which is
another light being. These light beings that burst forth contain the same qualities
as the light, self-aware, creative, intelligent, beauty, all of those same things.
Well, they're mirror images of each other. They become aware of each other
because that's what the light is, awareness itself. Becoming aware of each other,
they notice this connection. This connection feels so good. They think, what are
we going to call this connection? We'll call it love. I'm disappointed you can't see
my necklace today. It actually says love. That's the number one thing that
connects all of us because it's the basic connection of all that is. It's the basic
essence of this source that we are going to be drawing from when doing
mediumship. If we need to raise our vibration, all we do is go back to that innate
connection between all of us. Why are we doing this work at all? Because of the
connection that exists between us. The lack of separation is called love. The
simplest definition I've ever found for love: lack of separation.

These original light beings know they're connected and know they can't possibly
be separate. This is important for us as mediums to understand we are
connected because at another level, we are these light beings. Because they are
creative, they themselves say this feels so good. It needs to be shared. What a
happy thought that is. They burst forth with all this potential, sometimes like

Answering the Sacred Call of Mediumship | Module One | p. 15

today, can you tell I'm bursting? I hope you feel the same way. They burst forth
and create copies of themselves but a little bit stepped-down in energy. Now
starting to take on a little bit of noticeable form, relativity. What are we going to
call these creations? Well, in my metaphor, we're going to call these souls. What
we've been saying all afternoon? You are a soul, a direct creation of a light being
that you cannot be separated from which is part of this light that's shining forth
as you, all created in that same image so you put the full potential to do
anything, to create. You contain intelligence, beauty. These original light beings
and source together as one created worlds upon worlds upon worlds, all for the
experience of it, the light just bursting forth until finally we have these souls that
took on human form, blended beings in a body, all from that original projection.
We blended beings tell stories. We have stories. You are listening to what I call
the Suzanne story. It's a blended being that told you my story, the whole Navy
officer story. I told you the Susan story about being struck by lightning.

We as mediums have a story. It actually acts as a filter. We have to get beyond

the story to do this work as we tap into the story of disembodied souls. We are
here to tell their story as they relate it to us. The thing is some souls get so
absorbed in their story in being that blended being. They continue focusing
outward on the story, on the drama, and forget who they are. Those are people
that have not yet awakened to the fact of who we are. But happily, we're never
separated from the light. As long as we remember that, by going inward, and
you'll have deepening practices in this whole course, to go inward, to remember
who you are, to turn up the light, to connect more in awareness with yourself as
a soul and with your greater light being aspect, you'll have opportunities of that,
because this is why I'm sharing this on Module One, to understand why this
connection is possible, because you are the light. You're a multidimensional
being. All of us are. We're all souls bubbling up from the light in each now
moment, each of us telling our own story because the source who asked me to
call it joy loves these stories. Joy loves joy. I'm just enjoying sharing the joy of
this work with you. That's why I just love it. We get to do this for seven weeks
together. But really, you could start to see this as source putting forth the
original light being. But then we get nested. The soul is actually an aspect of that
light being shown here. But the soul has two aspects: the embodied aspect and
then the disembodied aspect.
Very briefly, some of you may be familiar with this figure here. It's called the
Flower of Life. It's a form within what's called sacred geometry, used to explain
creation. The Flower of Life is the perfect example of what we're talking about
here. All of us are these thought bubbles, these patterns of light within one
sphere, but they go infinitely inward. But ultimately, it's all one light, like nested
Russian dolls. You could look at this photo here and see we have source, the light
being aspect, the soul aspect of blended being. This is just a metaphor, trying to
put into human words in a structure something that is actually just one

Answering the Sacred Call of Mediumship | Module One | p. 16

continuum of the light, of vibration. I know this is a lot, and we will have time to
ask questions shortly. Also, I'll be happy to clarify this this week in the Facebook

The key to remember when we connect with spirit as a medium is it's not linear
like going soul to soul. It's holographic. If you go back to that flower of light
drawing, all those spheres are connected energetically. We're connected by the
heart. The soul is the bridge between the human being and source and all other
souls. Every bit of information that soul in the spirit world has to share with you
is in your field right now because there is only one field. I'm going to show you
this great teaching my guides gave me just about three weeks ago. This is a
funny picture, so I'm going to put myself out there with this picture. I was sitting
in a gym, doing bicep curls on a machine. I looked up and my guides said, "And
this is exactly what we were talking about." Look at the multiple images. In the
first image is me, the solid form. That's representative of us as a blended being.
But look behind, there's another aspect of you but not exactly behind like the
nested dolls. It's holographic. We're going to call that the soul of this blended
being in front. Behind that, a little bit more hazy being. We're going to call that
the light being aspect. Beyond that, it just dissolves. Can you see how cool that is
for a metaphor? Just click through those really fast. If we understand that our
true nature is as the whole sphere, put the circle around all four those images in
the mirror. We are all of those at once, all of those, and yet we're source. We're
also a light being nested within that one little bit smaller, then we're also a soul
and within the soul we play roles. We have the blended being in a physical body,
and then when the body no longer works, we are a disembodied soul. As a
medium, our soul can connect with blended souls in a physical body and
disembodied souls that we say across the veil. But because it's holographic, it
doesn't matter. There's only here in the great hologram of light.

Here's just a way to visualize all of this happening at once. This is a linear
diagram showing that we can connect with people down here at the bottom
level, even at the lower levels of consciousness. We can communicate with
plants and animals. Up a little higher will be disembodied souls. But, of course,
we can tap into the masters as well because it's one mind. Now that picture
there depicts the linear connection, but I'd like you to get thinking more as a
grid, a lattice, where each soul that we connect with is like a jewel that reflects
every other jewel in itself. Some nice visuals there to help you understand. This
is why you can make this connection too because you are the light.

That was kind of some deep metaphysics right off the bat. But the beauty of this
course is, within three days, you're going to have this video. You can go back and
watch that over and over. You're going to get a transcript of that, and you can
read it. As my guides, who call themselves Sanaya, said, when this teaching was
given to me, these are seeds. These are seeds. Just your soul will take where you

Answering the Sacred Call of Mediumship | Module One | p. 17

are on your path will be perfect for you right now. If it conflicts with your belief
system, you will process this in just the perfect way when your intention is that
ultimately we're here to serve the greater good and to connect with spirit. But
this is how I have been shown that it's possible for all of us to connect because
we are this light. The more you can remove your focus from the physical body
and come from an integrated place of awareness, of being, a multidimensional
expression of the light, the better the connection will be.

With just a few minutes left here, I wanted to just let you know when I say that
the spirit world is right here, my favorite way to explain this is that I'm talking to
you now through a computer screen. Am I in your computer? No. You're picking
up a signal of me. If we take your computer and throw it on the ground and it
doesn't work anymore, where did my signal go? The signal is still here, right? If
you have a loved one and they're walking about in an instrument called the
body, the important thing to understand about mediumship is your loved one is
no more stuck in that body than I'm in your computer. This is an instrument that
displays the soul. That's what the body is. When this body breaks and no longer
works, where did the signal go? It's still here. It's everywhere as the light. Our
intention calls that presence to us. If it serves the greater good, that soul will
show up. We'll get into this in future modules, why you might or might not be
able to tune into a soul when we want to.

Questions in just a minute. I think we'll do all the questions at the end. We did
promise you we'd talk about spirit guides, and I brought up my guides several
times. Very briefly, before we do questions, I just want you to know that you
have guides. You have spirit guides beyond a doubt. As a Navy officer, at first, I
didn't want to talk about guides. That was woo-woo stuff. But my guides have
made their presence so clear to me. I can't deny that they're with us. They love
when we acknowledge them. In this course, you'll be given an opportunity to get
to know your guides. But for now, understand that you as a soul doing a reading
for someone or doing this soul-to-soul, our guides are here to help us, but
they're not intermediaries. They're not the medium for the medium. They will
help you, but we want to set the intention that we do the reading soul-to-soul.
That's the purpose our guides serve. They'll teach us how to get better. After
every reading and every practice, I encourage you to sit and ask your guide, so
how was that for? How could I do that better? Is there anything that I did that
you can show me why I'm doing it that way? I do call on my guides. If nothing
else is working, say, hey, I'm just not getting a connection. I know this person has
a child across the veil. What's going on here? Then I'd call on my guide, and
hopefully in a reading, I'll sense what's going on.

You'll have one main guide who helps you with mediumship. Mine is named
Boris. The way he's explained it to me is before every reading, those spirits
you're going to bring through know all about you as a medium. They're getting

Answering the Sacred Call of Mediumship | Module One | p. 18

used to your energy and how best to work with you. Your guide will tell them
what your symbols are. We'll get into symbols in later modules. Your guides will
tell them how best to work. In Navy terminology, I say the guides take them in
the briefing room and give them a brief on, okay, this is the medium Suzanne. If
you have an apology to make, you're going to need to hang your head down like
this because that's the symbol for her. It's like shorthand. It makes it easier for
her. She's going to want evidence because she's an evidence-based medium. We
want you to work this in seamlessly. You know, she really likes to know how you
passed. This is how I picture the guides talking to those loved ones before they
come through. Then when they step in, they know how to work for you and the
reading just goes like that. Please acknowledge right off the bat that you have
guides. They will never let you down. You're never alone. They want you to
succeed. Use them. Even if you haven't sensed them until now, trust that they're
there, sit quietly, and make a connection with them.

All right, perfect for some time. What we're going to do is we're going to take a
few questions, and then I'm going to come back about five minutes before the
bottom of the hour and talk about some homework you're going to have this
week to keep the interest going. We call them deepening practices. Then for the
last half hour, this is where the really fun part of this whole course is, you guys
get to interact with each other. I set you up with a really cool practice for this
first half hour. Since I haven't taught you how to do this yet, we're going to do
something a little different. We're not going to be doing readings, but it's going
to build the excitement. Oh, by the way, speaking of excitement, if you love this
and you have a friend you know would love this, we're still taking new students
for two more weeks. When we finish, you can tell people, you can still sign up for
this course. They can watch this video to catch up. Meanwhile, Natalia, are you
ready to do some questions?

Natalia: All right, Suzanne. We have a lot of hands and a lot of questions already. I'm just
going to start quickly with one that came in from [Participant]. [Participant]
asked, "How does precognition link to psychic abilities and mediumship? Are
they related?"

Suzanne: Now I need to ask my guides to help me with these questions. Like I said, we get
the highest answer. Precognition is tapping into the same light that we were
talking about before. There are certain things that are already set in motion, that
are already unfolding in the earth experience that we as a collective
consciousness are experiencing. When you are tapping into the field, whether
psychically or mediumistically, you can pick up on things that are going to
happen. But to a certain point, there are certain major things that will happen
and then free will because that's part of our earthly experience that we blended
beings have free will, that changes thing, but it's all tapping into the same field of
creative intelligence.

Answering the Sacred Call of Mediumship | Module One | p. 19

Natalia: Thank you so much. All right, let's see, we have [Participant] here. [Participant],
I'm going to bring you on live. You are unmuted. Welcome on.

Participant: Hello.

Suzanne: Hey, [Participant]. What's your question?

Participant: Well, I'm just curious. You talked about spirit guides. Can a spirit guide be a loved
one or someone in your life that has passed?

Suzanne: Absolutely. You will probably, at some point, meet my friend Brenda, who is in
the spirit world, who's guiding me with this class. She was a teacher and a school
administrator. She's in her glory helping me with this. She's my guide. But I have
had so many people in readings tell me, they show me this symbol. I'm their
guide. Not all loved ones are guides but some just have this connection, and it's
just the right energy to wants to do that work with you. Absolutely.

Participant: Thank you.

Suzanne: You're welcome.

Natalia: Thank you both so much. All right, so let's see. I have a question here written in
by [Participant]. Let's see. [Participant] is asking, "How do we find our guide, or
does our guide find us?"

Suzanne: All right, because I haven't taught you my method yet, I will encourage you to
use whatever meditative practice speaks to you, to become silent, to set aside
your focus on this human world, and to set the intention to connect with a
guide. Truly, it's as simple as saying, "Hey, guide, I want to get to know you."
That's an intention. They don't need formalities. But if you want to truly hear
them by becoming silent and centered, you're creating space in your mind to
sense whatever they have to share with you. You say it from your heart, with
heart-filled intention and love to raise that vibration, to make yourself brighter
for them to tune into. Guide, please step in now. Boris may be my guide's name,
but it's because I needed a name. Our guides really don't have names. They are
often at the light being level. They know each other by their light. Instead of
saying, what's your name? You can play and say, what shall I call you? Notice you
can do this eyes open or eyes closed. The first name you hear, you say, all right, I
would like to sign with that name in it in the coming week, and let's make this
fun. Now that name will come up and you say, excellent. From now on, I'll call
you Boris, or whatever the name was. Make a note of that. Just it down in the
journal. You're going to be asked to get in your homework of how that works for

Answering the Sacred Call of Mediumship | Module One | p. 20

Natalia: Fantastic. I hope that answered many questions because we had quite a few
coming in on connecting with guides. I hope that helped everyone.

Suzanne: Let me just add, Natalia, that once you've made that connection, don't worry if
you didn't sense anything, you will hear a name. Some of you may think it's crazy
and you made it up. Run with that. But even if you don't sense a change around
you at all, trust that they're there. Then the next time you want to connect with
your guides, you simply do the same thing. You get centered. You set that heart-
filled intention to connect. Now you have a name and you say, "Hey, Boris," or
whatever name you were given, "I have a question for you." Because you're
asking it that deliberately, you'll get your answer.

Natalia: Wonderful. Thank you. Okay, I'd like to invite [Participant] on. [Participant], you
are unmuted. Welcome on.

Participant: Hi, Suzanne.

Suzanne: Hi, [Participant].

Participant: Thank you for this wonderful course.

Suzanne: Great.

Participant: I'm so excited.

Suzanne: Me too.

Participant: My little issue that I worry about is in all the different types of meditations,
there's a requirement for imagining. I just feel very frustrated. I feel weak at
imagining light coming through my head. Is it practice, practice? Or how does
that develop?

Suzanne: Let me ask you, what do you mean by weak? You mean, it's not a strong skill?

Participant: It's not a strong skill. I'm frustrated by it.

Suzanne: I was about to say, I don't encourage people to imagine things. But actually,
you're absolutely right. I start almost every one of my meditations, imagine
yourself sitting in a shaft of white light. Let's just change the word around
because that English language really limits us so often. You can just say, know
that you are sitting in a shaft of white light, or just remember a time when you
sat by a waterfall, if you need to picture a peaceful scene. Just change that word

Answering the Sacred Call of Mediumship | Module One | p. 21

from imagination and all you're doing is bringing into awareness, using whatever
sense is best for you.

Participant: Okay, thank you.

Suzanne: Great. Thank you.

Natalia: Great. Thank you. Okay, this question came in here from [Participant] asking,
"How does a medium know the difference between valid information that the
spirit world is gifting them and the medium's own consciousness?"

Suzanne: This is why I'm thrilled we have seven weeks because it comes with practice and
trust. You learn to just put out there what you're sensing. Because you set such a
clear intention, you learn to blank out your own thoughts, and this comes with
practice and commitment. Then because you've said, I want to hear this
information from you, those in spirit, I only want the information you're giving
me, you learn to give immediately what you sense without filtering it. The
moment you say, what if I'm making this up, your distrust lowers your vibration.
The more you just say these things, and then you get validation from your sitter,
the more you say, I can trust this. Then the more you do it, you sense this subtle
difference between your own thoughts wandering and what was put there.
There is a knowing that comes with it. Then happily, the other best way to know
that it's coming from spirit is because it's not something you would have ever
thought up. We'll get back to this over and over in this course because it's one of
the biggest challenges. I have to tell you, sometimes the connection is so subtle
I'll catch myself saying, did I really just see that? What was that? And then you
just say it. It's not like it's going to hit you over the head. Other times, I hear
them shouting at me, I see clear pictures, but it just varies all the time, just like a
radio signal. You are the transceiver, sending and receiving signals. You learn to
trust and say it anyway.

Natalia: Great. Thank you. All right, next up is [Participant]. [Participant], I'm unmuting
you, passing the mike. Welcome on, [Participant].

Participant: Thank you. Thank you, Suzanne.

Suzanne: Hi, [Participant].

Participant: I have to admit, I know I was meant to be chosen to ask this, but I'm really
nervous about it, just because I'm processing a lot of heaviness in my own
journey with relationships around me. It's a struggle to maintain my vibration. I
feel a deep calling to do this work. I do other types of energy work. I have spirit
come in just at random. I feel the gift and the call very deeply to do this. My

Answering the Sacred Call of Mediumship | Module One | p. 22

doubt comes. I don't know even if it's worthiness, but I have so much distraction
around me.

Suzanne: I'm so glad you came on to ask that because here I come across joyous, and I
absolutely understand that we're all called to this for different reasons. A couple
things come up in what you're sharing. Number one is boundaries. There is
something called the law of personal responsibility in the spirit world, and the
spirit world must comply. If you say, I can't handle you coming at me all the time,
I only want to do this work when I sit to do this work, they will respect that. If
somebody slips through the cracks, all we need to say is, you must leave now,
and they will. There's a very important thing I want to say right off the bat to
everyone is to recognize that this journey of mediumship is your journey. We are
not here to heal the world. This whole experience you're having is about your
spiritual growth. The beautiful part is that by doing this work, you grow as well.

In your case, you mentioned that worthiness, I would love for anybody that has
any challenge with worthiness to set the intention that I come to know through
this course, I could never be anything less than worthy because I am the light. I
want to give everybody the prescription right now to take a dose of awareness
throughout the day, as a nurse or doctor would say, PRN, as needed, a dose of
awareness to what your thoughts are telling you. Anything that talks to them,
that's that human body nature. That's the story. The beautiful part about this
work is you know that, as you said, we need to raise our vibration to do it. You're
going to sit in the light and affirm, I am the light. You feel the power in that. The
biggest thing that's going to help you in this journey is your guides because
you're going to turn to them. You're going to learn all of you. You turn to your
guides and say, where does this feeling of unworthiness come from? Or why do I
get so emotional? Or show me how I can improve this or that. I'm with you guys
for seven weeks, but your guides are with you for eternity, especially for this
lifetime. They are just waiting for you to ask. This is what's made my connection
better and better and better. That's why I say it gets better. Once I saw that
clearing out the gunk in me, any thought or vibration that's less than the light
makes the connection better. I can't wait to recognize what in me could stand to
be put aside. When my husband gives me this look, instead of thinking, what's
wrong with him? I think, what happened to me that caused that? Be willing to
say, I'm going to really enjoy this. I'm going to just turn up the light as a result of
this. But don't think it happens overnight and just know that where you are right
now is perfect and okay.

Participant: Thank you.

Suzanne: All right?

Participant: Thank you.

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Suzanne: You're welcome. Okay,

Natalia: You want to take one more time?

Suzanne: Do we have time?

Natalia: Yes. We're about coming towards the end, but let's do one more. I did have a
question that came in from [Participant]. [Participant] asked, "When I feel a
connection to source, I weep. The tears flow like a tap slowly. I sometimes feel a
swirling movement in my solar plexus and root chakra. Do the sensations of
source change over time?"

Suzanne: Yes, they do. As we learn to adjust to that energy, actually it's not so much a
learning to adjust. Our energy and physical bodies do adjust. You can carry more
and more higher vibrations as we go. When I first started connecting with my
guides, I would stutter and shake and now I don't anymore because I'm used to
that blended feeling. Sometimes in a reading, I'll find myself stuttering and I'll
say, whoa, this is really a strong soul that we're connecting to. But the
weepiness, that can be a challenge because what we need to practice in this
work to be the clearest possible instrument for spirit is what I call detached
compassion. If we get too much of our own story into connecting with others,
then we can't be that clear instrument for those in spirit to tell their story to
their loved ones. It's beautiful to be emotional. I don't want you to be like a
robot sitting there. It's okay to shed a tear. But just know that we can have
compassion, and yet know I'm here to do a service for both of you. I'm going to
hold this sacred space.

Natalia: Wonderful. Thank you so much. I just want to thank you for everything that you
shared with us. I know we have a lot of remaining questions. I just want to
remind everyone how lucky we are to have Suzanne's fabulous assistants, Bev
and Lynette, over on our Facebook group. I really encourage you to join out
there, and you can share some questions over there as well if we didn't get to
yours today. But for now, Suzanne, I'd love to invite you just to share some
thoughts on our deepening practices as well as our breakout group exercise

Suzanne: Great. I believe it's going to be on the course homepage after each module.
You'll see what the practice is to keep the excitement going and to increase your
awareness of what we're talking about will be there. I encourage all of you to go
out and get a journal, especially a blank, like the first day of school, right? Make
it something that speaks to you, perhaps something with a nice picture on the
front. Or if you're not into handwriting, then open a brand new file or folder on
your computer or iPad, whatever, and label it something meaningful to you

Answering the Sacred Call of Mediumship | Module One | p. 24

related to this course. Use that to journal your experiences. There are going to
be instructions of what to put in there each day. I have provided, and you'll have
it on the homepage under deepening practices, two essays, one essay that I
wrote, an experience that I personally had about oneness. As you read that,
think about how you might have had the same kind of experience and set the
intention. Hey, guides, I'd like that to happen too. Help me with that. That's all it
takes. Then also I talked about my guides Sanaya. I have over the years
channeled them many, many, many times. Their energy is palpable. They always
have so much to share with us. We're including in there a recording of one of
those sessions. I hope you'll take the time to listen to it this week. I want you to
treat that as an experience as much as listening to what they have to say. See if
you can feel the vibration. As you listen to it, notice if you feel any tingling or you
get a twitch or a tic anywhere in your body. Feel something, anywhere, just to
know that you are sitting in the power, in the presence of higher consciousness.
Your guides will be listening with you. Look at that, one half hour to go, Natalia. I
told you we'd do it.

Natalia: We did it. Beautiful. Thank you so much. The time is coming close to our
breakout groups.

Suzanne: All right. This is where we get to use the technology of Zoom, really cool.
Normally, we're going to be breaking you up into pairs in the following weeks to
actually practice connecting with each other and with each other's loved ones
and with them psychically. But this week, since I haven't taught you any how-to's
and I don't want each of you to be sharing what you do because we're going to
learn one method here, that's the point of just having one teacher, what we're
going to do is break you into groups of four. How's that sound, Natalia? Four
sound good? You will see on your screen the four videos or in some might not
have video, you'll just see a name, but there will be four of you. There'll be a
timer there. You're going to go around one by one. Determine who's going to go
first. I'd like you to share the best sign that you have received from a loved one
across the veil. It can be your loved one or somebody else's. But some of you
who haven't worked as mediums, surely you've noticed some kind of sign from
your loved one. Share that magical moment when you knew there was a spirit
with you, a sign. If there are some of you that haven't had a sign, the beautiful
part of this is you'll hear the other people's signs, and this will open you up to
start noticing how those in the spirit world make their presence known to us.
We have 30 minutes to do this. Once you've all gone around and shared your
signs, and I encourage you to speak with each other and say, "Oh, that's really
cool," and maybe you want to ask a question about that experience, then go
around one by one and just share why you signed up for this course, your major
intention and just share your excitement about this. Right off the bat, you're
making new friends. All of us kindred spirits. How cool is that?

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Natalia: That sounds wonderful. Thank you so much. Oh, something else. Go ahead.

Suzanne: By the way, in your groups of four, don't be surprised if I drop in on you. But
that's not question and answer time. I'm a fly on the wall. I'm not going to say
anything. Please don't talk to me. I'm the teacher walking around, checking on
the group activity.

Natalia: Perfect. Thank you again, Suzanne, for just a wonderful kickoff to this course. It is
so exciting and so grateful for everything that you shared today.

Suzanne: All right. Now, don't everybody run away. Stay and do this. It's so important to
dive in and get involved. You got to feel that spirit energy.

Natalia: Absolutely. Before we do so, I do just have some closing announcements. As we

mentioned the Facebook page a couple of times, I want to remind everyone how
you can connect. On your course homepage, you'll find a button in the top-left
area of the page where you can join your course community group on Facebook.
This group allows you to connect with fellow classmates and support each
other's journey in this course. We encourage you to come in, introduce yourself,
and join our discussion. Just a note that our Facebook join request can take up to
24 hours to process. All right, I want to thank everyone who joined us today. This
is going to be a wonderful journey we're all taking together.

© 2019 The Shift Network. All rights reserved.

Answering the Sacred Call of Mediumship | Module One | p. 26

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