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Name: MD.

Homework ( Mid Term)
Grade: 7 Sec: C Date:8/10 /2023

Subject: History & Bangladesh


Topic: French revolution

A. Answer the following questions-

1. Summarize the three Estates considering the following criteria- ‘privileges, criticism, challenges and action’.

First Estates- Privileges/ Benefits- Criticism-

Who- Clergy Enjoyed various privileges in France, including tax First estate faced criticism for their greed,
exemptions, extensive land ownership, and significant corruption, and lack of accountability.
political influence.

Second Estates- Privileges/ Benefits- Criticism-

Who- Nobility vast land ownership, immunity from certain taxes, and Second estate faced criticism for their
a high social status. arrogance, privilege, detachment from
the needs of the common people

Third Estates- Challenges- Action-

Who- Peasants Suffer from poverty, heavy taxation, and lack of Third estate took actions such as
political power revolting, storming the Bastille, and
forming the National Assembly.

2. ‘The French revolution taught us the rights of man’- Do you agree with the statement? Justify your answer. Yes,
the French revolution taught us the rights of man by sparking the idea of equality, liberty, and individual rights, which
had a profound impact on the development of modern human rights. Yes, I agree with the statement.
3. Find out the differences and similarities between ‘American and French Revolution’. ( 2 differences and 2 similarities)

Differences: -

1. Causes: The American Revolution was primarily driven by the desire for independence from British rule and unfair
taxation, while the French Revolution was fueled by social inequality, economic hardship, and political corruption.

2. Outcomes: The American Revolution resulted in the establishment of a democratic republic and the drafting of the
United States Constitution, while the French Revolution led to a period of radical political and social changes, including
the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte.

Similarities: -

4. Enlightenment Influence: Both revolutions were influenced by Enlightenment thinkers and their ideas of individual rights,
liberty, and equality.

5. Inspiring Other Revolutions: Both the American and French Revolutions served as inspirations for other countries and
peoples seeking to overthrow oppressive regimes and fight for their own independence and rights.

6. How do you justify that the ‘American and French Revolutions’ were turning points in global history?

Due to their enormous impact on the political, social, and intellectual environment of the time, the American and
French Revolutions were significant events in world history. These revolutions promoted democracy, individual
liberties, and general independence while opposing the monarchical and aristocratic systems that had previously been
in place. They opened the way for the spread of democratic ideals and the pursuit of liberty and equality on a global
scale, serving as an inspiration to later revolutionary movements and having a significant impact on the development
of modern society.

7. Explain any two causes of the French Revolution.

The common people saw growing prices, food shortages, and high taxes, while the nobility and clergy benefited from
privileges and exemptions, which was a major contributor to the French Revolution. The strict social system that
privileged the aristocracy and limited opportunities for upward mobility, as well as social inequalities, contributed to
rising anger and calls for revolution.

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