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Strengths and Weaknesses in Quantitative Research

Quantitative research is research that collects data through numerical measurements or

observations. The data collected was then analyzed using statistical methods to look for
patterns and relationships between variables. Quantitative research usually uses a
sample that is representative of the larger population.
Strengths and Weaknesses in Quantitative Research include:
1. Objective results:
Because quantitative research collects numerical data, the results are more
objective and can be measured accurately.
2. Generalization:
Quantitative research can be generalized to the larger population because it uses
a representative sample of the population.
3. Reproducibility:
Quantitative research can be replicated easily because it uses established and
measurable methods.
4. Efficiency:
Because quantitative research uses modern technology and equipment, it can be
carried out more efficiently and quickly.
1. Inflexibility:
Quantitative research is inflexible and limited to predetermined variables.
2. Does not capture context:
Because quantitative research only uses numerical data, it is unable to capture
the broader context and situation.
3. Not deep:
Quantitative research can only provide limited and not in-depth information
about the topic under study.
4. Risk of data loss:
Risk of data loss can occur if the respondent does not fill out the questionnaire
correctly or does not meet predetermined criteria.

Thus some of the advantages and disadvantages of quantitative research.

Don't forget to evaluate the right type of research according to your research needs
before starting the research process.

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