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Batang Pisang

Batang Pisang as Food: According to , batang pisang refers

to the stem of a banana plant. In Lombok, Indonesia,
batang pisang is commonly eaten by locals during times of
food scarcity. The article also mentions that the bonggol
pisang, which is the base of the banana plant where the
roots are located, is also consumed by locals and is more
durable compared to batang pisang.

Batang Pisang in Indonesian Literature:

describes a story in Indonesian literature called "Tiga

Cerita di Batang Pisang." The story is about a puppeteer
named Astrajingga KI Dalang who is searching for Semar
and his children in a puppet box. The story is part of a
collection of stories called "Wayang Purwa" and is
considered a classic in Indonesian literature.

Batang Pisang in Poetry:

includes a poem that compares two types of bananas, one

that is heavenly and the other that is hellish. The poem also
mentions batang pisang being sold in a market.

Batang Pisang in a Fable:

tells a fable about a turtle and a monkey dividing a banana

tree. The story is from the Philippines and mentions a
banana tree, which includes the batang pisang.

In conclusion, "Cerita batang pisang" can refer to multiple

subjects, including a type of food, a story in Indonesian
literature, a topic in poetry, and a component of a fable.

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