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Name :Uswatun khasanah

Heni windayani

D3 farmasi

Eating chocolate.Good for the body??

Chocolate is a food which is popular in the world.Almost everyone likes

chocolate.Chocolate is made from cocoa fruit.It is has a wide range
taste,type,and colour.And usually liked by woman.And now many patiens with
obesity caused by excess sugar.Besides that chocolate use by womankind for

I feel chocolate have a sweet taste.And have some adventages .for

example,could feel calm,make skin smooth,and beautiful,restrain heart
disease,nourish the eyes, chocolate has compounds serotonin wich atcs as a
natural anti-depressant,natural scrub.etc.Therefore it is good consume for us
and our body or healt.

However,consume chocolate to over can make our body broken.why??

make tooth broke,allergy.chocolate has a rich flavour not only because of the
fat it contains.And also from high sugar content.Therefore chocolate cause
obesity.It is low vitamins and minerals.currently,mostly chocolate nothing
content of flavanols because the taste is bitter,and dominated only fat and
sugar.Even though this both substances is enemy for heart and blood vessel.

Therefore chocolate has a adventeges and disanfantages.we may

consumtion chocolate,however may not over.In other that good for our healty
and balanced.

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