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Republic of the

Tarlac State University
Lucinda Campus, Tarlac City
Tel. No. (045) 493-0182; Fax No. (045) 982-0110
Re-Accredited Level IV by the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities of the
Philippines (AACCUP), Inc.





Grade 7: Quarter 1
Competency: EN7LIT-I-6 Publish an original literary texts that reflects culture: poem

Filipino culture is incredibly diverse and vibrant, with a rich history, traditions, and values.
And with that, the Grade 7 students are to create an original poem in English that is a maximum
of 20 lines. As you are budding poets who have been given the opportunity to share the richness
of Filipino culture through your poetry. It should vividly convey the essence of Filipino culture,
thoughtful, well-crafted, and show evidence of creativity and originality, you are to choose only
one among these three aspects of Filipino culture to be your topic, such as the traditions,
festivals, or values.Your poem should also demonstrate creativity, an understanding of poetic
techniques (such as metaphors, similes, and imagery), clear communication, and free from
grammatical errors and typos. Your intended audience is your fellow students and English
teachers in the school quadrangle, and you will be given a three days preparation. In line with
this, your poems will be assessed based on creativity (30%), adherence to the theme of Filipino
culture (30%), poetic techniques (20%), and presentation (20%). This task encourages students
to explore and appreciate the cultural richness of the Philippines while developing their creative
and language skills through poetry. It also provides a clear assessment rubric to evaluate their


GOAL The goal is for Grade 7 students to create and publish an original poem in English
that reflects Filipino culture within three-day preparation.

ROLE As a Grade 7 student, you are budding poets tasked with the responsibility of
crafting an original poem that vividly conveys the essence of Filipino culture. Your
poem should be thoughtful, well-crafted, and demonstrate creativity and
originality. You must choose one aspect of Filipino culture to focus on, such as
traditions, festivals, or values.

AUDIENCE Your intended audience includes your fellow students and English teachers, who
will gather in the school quadrangle for a poetry presentation.

SITUATION You have three days to prepare and present your original poems. The objective is to
share the richness of Filipino culture through your poetry, focusing on one of the
following: traditions, festivals, or values. Your work will be assessed to encourage
exploration and appreciation of Filipino culture while developing your creative and
language skills.

PRODUCT Create an original poem in English, with a maximum of 20 lines that reflects an
aspect of Filipino culture. The poem should be creative, and free from grammatical
errors and typos. It should also showcase an understanding of poetic techniques
such as metaphors, similes, and imagery. Your poem should effectively
communicate the chosen aspect of Filipino culture to your audience.

STANDARD Your poem should meet the following standards:

● Creativity (30%): Your poem should exhibit creativity and originality in its
approach to reflecting Filipino culture.

● Adherence to Theme: (30%): Your poem should clearly reflect one of the
chosen aspects of Filipino culture: traditions, festivals, or values.
● Poetic Techniques (20%): Your poem should demonstrate an understanding
and effective use of poetic techniques like metaphors, similes, and imagery.
● Presentation (20%): You should present your poem effectively to engage
and captivate your audience.

Grade 9: Quarter 1
Competency: EN9LIT-I-4 Compose literary texts using appropriate structure

As Grade 9 English subject students who have already learned about different types of
poetry, elements of a poetry, and the basic structure of poetry. You are tasked to compose lyrical
poetry applying all the knowledge you attain. The class will be divided into two groups. The
theme that you have to follow is “Family ties make the best knots'' in celebration of Family Day
as family is hugely important to Filipino culture. You will be given 1 week and four days to
accomplish your composition. The lyrical poetry should be original, contain appropriate use of
words and literary devices, and it must be aligned with the theme as this will be the basis on
evaluating your composition. It may have uneven or regular stanza, the length depends on your
preference. This will be performed as one of the highlights of the Family Day celebration which
will be held at Bulwagang Kanlahi Convention Center. Parents, stakeholders, and other students
will be the audience. Teachers are also part of the audience and they will be the one to evaluate
the performance of the students following the criteria given.


GOAL The goal to attain is to compose a lyrical poetry within a week and four days with
the theme, "Family ties make the best knots.", tackling the importance of the
Filipino culture: family ties.
ROLE You have been asked to create a lyrical poetry discussing family ties of Filipino
culture as a Grade 9 English subject student who have already learned about
different types, elements, and basic structure of poetry.

AUDIENCE The audience for your original composition of lyrical poetry, which will be shown
at the Family Day celebration held at Bulwagang Kanlahi Convention Center, are
the parents, stakeholders, students, and teachers. The teachers are going to evaluate
the originality, appropriate use of words and literary devices, and alignment of the
lyrical poetry composition with the theme.

SITUATION Grade 9 English subject students have been tasked to compose a lyrical poetry
within a week and four days with the theme, "Family ties make the best knots." The
poetry will be presented at the Family Day celebration held at Bulwagang Kanlahi
Convention Center. The audience for the poetry will be parents, stakeholders,
students, and teachers who will evaluate the originality, appropriate use of words
and literary devices, and the alignment of the poetry to the theme.

PRODUCT The product of this task is a lyrical poetry composition that discusses the
importance of family ties in Filipino culture. The poetry should be original, well-
written, and relevant to the theme. It should also use appropriate words and literary
devices to create a vivid and meaningful piece of writing.

STANDARD The Grade 9 English subject students should be able to:

● Write original and creative lyrical poetry that is relevant to the theme.

● Use appropriate words and literary devices to create a vivid and meaningful
piece of writing.

Grade 9: Quarter 2
Competency: EN9INF-II-7 Distinguish facts from claim/opinions

As a grade 9 student who is already knowledgeable about facts and opinions

in evaluating informational text in range of media with your assigned group mates,
you will now create an original role play using English language that will show the
differences between facts and opinions using different scenarios that will serve as
your final performance task. One week will be given for the group to prepare and
plan for the role play. The clarity of speech, expression of feeling, use of body
language, believability of the role , and accuracy or the role will be observed. The
role play will be presented in the classroom to be watched by students and teacher.

GOAL The goal is to show differences between facts and opinions through role playing
using different scenarios.

ROLE As a Grade 9 student who is already knowledgeable about facts and opinions in
evaluating informational text in a range of media with your assigned group mates ,
you are tasked to create an original role play showing the differences between facts
and opinions.

AUDIENCE The audience for the role play will be your fellow students and your teacher, that
will later assess your performance through the clarity of speech , expression of
feeling , use of body language , believability of the role and accuracy of the role.

SITUATION You are a group of Grade 9 students who have been assigned to create a role play
using the English language , showing the differences between facts and
opinions ,within one week. You will be presenting your role play to your fellow
students and teacher , who will be assessing your role play based on the clarity of
speech, expression of feeling, use of body language , believability of the role and

PRODUCT A role play that shows differences between facts and opinions in a creative,
informative, and engaging way. The role play should accurately present the
differences between facts and opinions.

STANDARD Standard - Your role play should meet the following standards:

Originality: Your prole play should be unique and creative

G. Clarity of speech: Pronunciation of the words should be clear
Expression of Feeling: Your words, actions, and artistic activities should persuade
your audience
Body Language: Should be accurate to your feelings, and and words
J. Believability of the role: Attitude and actions should suit the and accuracy of the
K. role role to persuade audience

Grade 9: Quarter 4
EN9INF-IV-17 Publish a multimodal informational text for one's purpose and target
audience: a literature review.
Today, we're stepping into the world of literature reviews. A literature review is a guide
that helps us understand what others say about a particular topic or subject. As Grade 9 students
in this assessment, your task is to create a comprehensive literature review on the literary piece
'Beowulf.' Your goal is to research, compile, and present this literature review within a three-day
timeframe, ending at our next meeting. Your literature review should effectively communicate
insights and findings related to 'Beowulf,' aligning with your purpose and target audience. Utilize
visuals, citations, and supporting materials to enhance the clarity and depth of your presentation.
You will share your literature review with your fellow students and your teacher, who will assess
it based on specific criteria, including the depth and quality of research, the organization and
clarity of content, your presentation skills, and the depth of critical thinking demonstrated in your
literature review.


GOAL The goal is to create a comprehensive literature review focusing on the literary
piece "Beowulf" within a three-day timeframe, effectively communicating insights
and findings while meeting specific assessment criteria.

ROLE As Grade 9 students, your role is to research, compile, and present a literature
review centered on the literary work "Beowulf."

AUDIENCE Your primary audience includes your fellow students and your teacher, who will
evaluate your literature review based on specific criteria.

SITUATION You have been assigned the task of producing a literature review within a three-day
timeframe, concluding at our next meeting. This assessment prioritizes your
research, synthesis, and presentation skills, emphasizing the process of creating an
informative text focused on "Beowulf."

PRODUCT The final product is a well-structured literature review that effectively conveys
insights and findings related to the literary piece "Beowulf." To enhance clarity and
depth, incorporate visuals, citations, and additional materials.

STANDARD Your literature review will be assessed based on established standards, including:

Depth and Quality of Research: The thoroughness and quality of your research
on "Beowulf."
Organization and Clarity: The structure and clarity of your literature review.
Content: The accuracy, relevance, and completeness of information presented.
Presentation Skills: Your ability to engage the audience and convey information
Critical Thinking: The depth of analysis and insights demonstrated in your
literature review.
Grade 10: Quarter 2
EN10INF-II-19 Publish a multimodal informational text for one’s purpose and target
audience: documentaries and vlogs.
Every year we celebrate World Mental Health Day on the 10th of October, and Grade 10
students who are already competent when it comes to discerning the style, form, and features of
informational texts. You will now get in on the act of making a 10 minute vlog to take your
creativity and credibility on sharing information into another level as part of your final
requirements for the second quarter. The theme of the vlog is “Mental health is a universal
human right” to raise awareness of mental health. With four weeks given as the time in making a
vlog, one vlog should be produced per section. The competence to show the clarity of meaning,
purpose, and target audience of the vlog as well as the appropriate use of music, visual images,
the creativity, originality and clarity of the content will be the criteria on evaluating your work.
The presentation will be held at the Auditorium where all the vlogs made by the sections of
grade 10 English students will be presented. The vlog who won the best presentation will be
chosen as the official video to advocate Mental Health awareness in the school.


GOAL The goal is to raise awareness of mental health as a celebration of World Mental
Health Day through a 10-minute vlog in a span of four weeks.

ROLE As a Grade 10 student who is already competent when it comes to discerning the
style, form, and features of informational texts, you have been asked to create a 10-
minute vlog about raising awareness of mental health.

AUDIENCE The audience for the 10-minute vlog showing, which will be held at the auditorium,
are the students, teachers, and the invited judges who are experts in the field of
mental health, wherein these judges are going to evaluate the creativity, originality,
appropriate use of media, and the competence to show the message of the vlog.

SITUATION Grade 10 students are tasked to create a 10-minute vlog about raising awareness of
mental health as a celebration of World Mental Health Day. The vlog will be
shown at the auditorium to students, teachers, and invited judges who are experts in
the field of mental health. The judges will evaluate the vlog based on its creativity,
originality, appropriate use of media, and competence to show the message.

PRODUCT A 10-minute vlog that raises awareness of mental health in a creative, original, and
informative way. The vlog should use appropriate media to engage the audience
and effectively communicate the message.
STANDARD The vlog should demonstrate the following standards:

● Creativity: The vlog should be original and engaging, using creative visuals
and storytelling techniques.
● Originality: The vlog should not simply rehash information that is already
available online. It should present new insights and perspectives on mental
● Appropriate use of media: The vlog should use media effectively to
communicate the message and engage the audience.
● Competence to show the message: The vlog should accurately and
comprehensively address the topic of mental health, and it should be clear that
the creator has a good understanding of the topic.

The GRASP model was difficult to complete. We started by looking for
competency, and even then, it was tough to make a decision. We communicate
and exchange our ideas, opinions, and thoughts because we are entrusted with
developing a performance challenge based on the competency that has been
selected. We made an effort to be as detailed as we could within the larger
learning objectives of the selected competency, and we were successful. To use
the GRASP paradigm, we must be clear about the problem or condition we want
to solve. Make sure you are knowledgeable about any problems or potential
fixes. assemble all the information and knowledge you can regarding the
problem. This might require research, surveys, interviews, or data analysis. Set
precise, doable objectives for your model. What do you hope to achieve using the
GRASP model? Make sure your goals are practical and attainable. It
encourages organized thinking and decision-making to assist you in achieving
your goals. Additionally, as I worked through the GRASP model, I became
aware of the usage of comprehension, critical thinking, and other intellectual
abilities in this situation. I honestly don't understand this type of activity
completely, but thanks to this exercise and my group members, I was able to
comprehend it. My group also contributes significantly to how well I succeed in
this activity, thus I owe it to them.

Peer Evaluation Form for Group Work

Write the name of each of your group members in a separate column. Rate your level of
participation from 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest) and justify your answer. Then rate the participation level of each
member of your group from 1 to 10 and elaborate your rating for each member.

Myself Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Group
member: member: member: member: member: member: member: member: member:


10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

I helped the She helped helped the She He She helped He helped She She helped She
group to the group to group to helped the helped the the group to the group helped the the group helped the
accomplish accomplish accomplis group to group to accomplish to group to to group to
the task by the task by h the task accomplis accomplish the task by accomplis accomplis accomplish accomplis
helping helping by helping h the task the task by helping h the task h the task the task by h the task
from from from by helping from by helping by helping helping by helping
choosing choosing choosing helping from choosing from from from from
competenc competency competen from choosing competency choosing choosing choosing choosing
y up to the up to the cy up to choosing competenc up to the competenc competen competenc competen
last task. last task. the last competen y up to the last task. y up to the cy up to y up to the cy up to
task. cy up to last task. last task. the last last task. the last
the last task. task.

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