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Performance Report

Time Frame: 03/15/2023-06/13/2023

Score for L4 -TOWELS

Score Order Defect Rate(CIR) Your Score Cancellation/Rejection Your

Score Score
Starting Range (%) Closing Range (%) Starting Range (%) Closing Range (%)
5 0 0.5 5 0 0.1 5
4 0.56 0.75 4 0.11 0.15
3 0.76 1.5 3 0.16 0.2
2 1.6 2.5 2 0.21 0.25
1 2.6 100 1 1 0.26 100

Score Delayed HOTC Your Score O2D Your

Score Score
Starting Range (%) Closing Range (%) Starting Range (%) Closing Range (%)
5 0 10 5 5 91 100
4 11 30 4 71 90
3 31 50 3 51 70
2 51 80 2 41 50 2
1 81 100 1 0 40
Score for L4 -Coasters

Score Order Defect Rate(CIR) Your Score Cancellation/Rejection Your

Score Score
Starting Range (%) Closing Range (%) Starting Range (%) Closing Range (%)
5 0 0.5 5 5 0 0.1 5
4 0.56 0.75 4 0.11 0.15
3 0.76 1.5 3 0.16 0.2
2 1.6 2.5 2 0.21 0.25
1 2.6 100 1 0.26 100

Score Delayed HOTC Your Score O2D Your

Score Score
Starting Range (%) Closing Range (%) Starting Range (%) Closing Range (%)
5 0 10 5 5 91 100
4 11 30 4 71 90
3 31 50 3 51 70
2 51 80 2 41 50
1 81 100 1 0 40 1
Score for L4 -Mugs

Score Order Defect Rate(CIR) Your Score Cancellation/Rejection Your

Score Score
Starting Range (%) Closing Range (%) Starting Range (%) Closing Range (%)
5 0 0.5 5 5 0 0.1 5
4 0.56 0.75 4 0.11 0.15
3 0.76 1.5 3 0.16 0.2
2 1.6 2.5 2 0.21 0.25
1 2.6 100 1 0.26 100

Score Delayed HOTC Your Score O2D Your

Score Score
Starting Range (%) Closing Range (%) Starting Range (%) Closing Range (%)
5 0 10 5 5 91 100
4 11 30 4 71 90
3 31 50 3 51 70
2 51 80 2 41 50
1 81 100 1 0 40 1
Score Details

Category Sale contribution CIR Cancellation/ Delayed O2D Customer NPS Final Final
Score Rejection HOTC Rating Rating Sore Weighted
Score Score
Total 0.00

Q. What are the parameters being used to calculate the scores?

A. CIR requests, Rejections/Cancellations, Delayed HOTC, O2D, Customer Ratings, NPS.

Q. How each parameter is getting calculated for final score?

A. Score will be for different parameter will be decided depending on the ranges assigned to
below parameters which can be configured at different category level.

Q. Why I cannot see the detailed calculation of my score?

A. The score getting calculated has weightages against each parameter and those are
confidential. Hence the detailed calculation is not visible though the individual scores are
available in the report.

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