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In this day and age, with the rapid advancement in the sphere of technology, entertainment using only electronic

devices has been undergoing apparent rise in popularity. It is not unusual to see children playing games on their
computers or watching videos on their phones for hours on end. Personally, I fully agree with the view that they
should take part in outdoor activities instead, which works wonders for their health and soft skills.

To start with, sports activities help to enhance children’s physical well-being. Indeed, recreational activities such
as playing video games, watching television, scrolling through social media do not encompass considerable
movement, which certainly leads to several ailments, a few of which are obesity, weak muscles, low blood flow,
etc. It is highly likely that they will also be taken ill with blurry vision, short-sightedness due to staring at the
screen restlessly. Consequently, it is advisable for children to take up sports or traditional pastimes where they
engage in numerous movements.

Additionally, pastimes that include inherent interaction with others offer children opportunities to sharpen their
soft skills. Unlike on video games or social media platforms where one mostly communicates by typing texts,
outdoor sports and games require one to put his or her thoughts across through verbal methods or body
language. It is thanks to performing such acts frequently that children can become successful communicators in
their future affairs. Moreover, working with others to achieve ultimate results, they also accumulate collaboration
skills. Take team sports as an example. The members of one team co-operate to beat another, which necessitates
collaboration skills.

In summary, I believe there is need for children to turn away from electronic entertainment which is detrimental
to them and start joining in outdoor activities in their free time as they have positive impacts on not only their
physical health but also social skills.

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