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The 12 most common irregular verbs in English

Base form Past tense Past participle

Be Was/were Been
Have Had Had
Do Did Done
Say Said Said
Go Went Gone
Get Got God/gotten*
Make Made Made
Know Knew Known
Think Thougth Thougth
Take Took Taken
See Saw Seen
Come Came Come

1. Irregular verbs with the same base form, past tense and past participle

Base form Past tense Past participle

Burst Burst burst
Cost Cost Cost
Cut Cut Cut
Hit Hit Hit
Hurt Hurt hurt
Let let Let
Put Put put
set set Set
shut shut shut

2. Irregular verbs with the same base form and past participle

Base form Past tense Past participle

Become became Become
Come Came come
Run Ran run

3. Irregular verbs with the same past tense and past participle

Base form Past tense Past participle

Bring brought brought
buy bought bougth
build built Built
find found Found
keep kept kept
leave left left
lead led led
lose lost lost
mean meant meant
lead led led
meet met met
Read* Read* Read*
sell sold sold
send sent sent
sleep slept Slept
teach taught taught
understand understood understood
win won won

4. Irregular verbs with a different base form, past tense and past participle

Base form Past tense Past participle

begin Began begun
bite Bit Bitten
Break Broke Broken
Choose Chose Chosen
Draw Drew Drawn
Drive Drove driven
Eat Ate Eaten
Fly Flew Flown
Freeze froze Frozen
Give Gave Given
Hide Hid Hidden
Lie Lay Lain
Ride Rode Ridden
Rise Rose Risen
Shake Shook shaken
Sing Sang Sung
Sink Sank Sunk
Speak spoke spoken

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