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Circular No. VIS/Gen/2023/23. Date:10.10.


Dear Parents,

We have received a circular from the Department of Education, regarding the National Deworming Programme
which is to be conducted in all schools on 11th October 2023.

Under this Programme, Children studying in all schools in Delhi, are to be administered a 400 mg. chewable
Albendazole tablet in school. We have been assured that the medicine is safe, with hardly any side effects. Children
who are suffering from any disease or are on medication are exempt from this programme. In case a child is absent
from school on 11th October, the medicine will be administered between 12th-17th October, which has been designated
Mop Up week by government.

We require your consent to administer the medication to your ward. Please fill in the attached consent form by 9:00
pm on the 10th October.

Link for Consent form

Best Regards
Vandana International School

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