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The Excel TIME function is a built-in function that allows you to create a time with individual hour, minute, and
second components. The TIME function is useful when you want to assemble a proper time inside another

Return value

A decimal number representing a particular time in Excel.


=TIME (hour, minute, second)


hour - The hour for the time you wish to create.

minute - The minute for the time you wish to create.

second - The second for the time you wish to create.

Using VLOOKUP to Find Data

The best way to learn how lookup functions work is to look at an example.
The arguments for the lookup function are:

Lookup_value - Value to match, from the left most column of the lookup table
Table_array - Lookup table name or range
Col_index_num-Number of the column in the table containing the relevant data
Range_lookup-TRUE or FALSE

Using HLOOKUP to Find Data

HLOOKUP is the same as VLOOKUP, except that it looks across rows for a match rather than

down columns.

Using Database Functions

Database functions allow you to perform operations on an Excel database that involve multiple fields, including
counts, averages, or sums.

Some useful database functions are:

DSUM Used to create total values in a field based on specified criteria

DAVERAGE Used to average values in a field based on specified criteria

DCOUNT Counts the cells that contain numbers and meet the specified criteria

DMAX and DMIN Return the largest and smallest values respectively from records that meet the specified

All of the database functions use the same argument format:

=FunctionName(Database range, Field to be returned or calculated, Criteria range).


The Excel DSUM function returns the sum of values from a set of records that match criteria. The values to sum
are extracted from a given field in the database.

Example 1

Example 2

The Excel DCOUNT function counts matching records in a database using criteria and an optional field. When a
field is provided DCOUNT will only count numeric values in the field.

Use DCOUNTA to count numbers or text values in a given field.


The Excel DMIN function returns the maximum value in a field, from a set of records that match criteria


The Excel DAVERAGE function returns the average in a given field for records that match criteria

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