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Question 1

We need to calculate Trading Fee first since Trading fee is required to calculate T0, then we
calculate Trading Limit.
Question 2

Disclaimer: I think there are incorrect numbers in the test. The expected trading limit should be
Rp9.619.388 instead of Rp8.619.388, and system trading limit in the system should be
Rp4,351,622 instead of Rp3.351.622. Thus, I will use these number for this quiz:
- Expected trading limit: 9.619.388
- System trading limit: 4,351,622

Then only reason why this happens, because the third top-up is still pending. Here’s the
calculation when only the first and second top-up is fully processed:
 Rp9.294.760 + Rp10.000.004 = Rp19.294.764
Question 3

1. Loyalty program
Grading users levels based on their trading volume over the time (could be yearly or
lifetime). Each level defines user trading fee. The higher level of user trading volume,
the more cheaper the trading fee is. This rewards users with high trading volume.
2. Daily Task and Reward
Each day (or each n of day) we provide tasks to users such as top-up 500K IDR to
account and get 50K bonus. This incentives retail users to be more “sticky” with the app
and do more trade.
3. Auto Invest
This system provides user to automatically buy a crypto/assets per period of time (daily,
weekly, monthly) from their stable coin wallet or (in advanced system) from bank/credit
account. This bring benefits to users see crypto as long-term investment and want to
passively invest in crypto. We can stretch this feature by automatically auto-stacking the
4. Launchpad
Launchpad is a program to onboard and crowdfund project coin. Usually targeted for
project who have a community and want to launch their coin. This program can also
attract new users from community to onboard.
5. Margin & Future
Margined trading and Future trading is common feature. This feature served for high-
risk trader to onboard to our platform.
Question 4

Feature : Daily Task and Reward
Motivation :
- To attract user and increase transaction volume in daily term, we need to create a daily
“unique-incentivising challenge” on the platform to increase the chance of boosting
volume transaction.
- Typically, the challenge could ask users to:
o Deposit n stable coin,
o Hold a specific token,
o Referral, or
o Join a specific program like Futures, Margin, or by learning some crypto
knowledge like what Coinbase did.
- This approach is commonly used by big Exchanges like Binance and to increase
daily user activity.
Objective :
- Build a feature to give a task to users and incentivise them if they have cleared the task.
Requirement :
1. Create a set of task with category:
o Deposit, example:
 Deposit 50 USDT and get 5 USDT bonus {[50, 100, 250], [5, 10, 25]}.
 Deposit 500.000 IDR and get 50.000 bonus.
o Holding, example:
 Hold of average 1000 of $AJAIB token for 2 week.
o Referral, example:
 Invite a friend and get 5 USDT reward after your friend deposit 50 USDT
o Join, example:
 Trade minimum 1000 USDT in Margin Trade and get 10 USDT
 KYC your account and get 2 USDT
2. Task can be configured such as:
a. Task Type: Deposit, Holding, Referral, Join
b. Task Name: {Task Name}
c. Description: {Task Description}
d. Valid Date: single date, from {date} to {date}
e. Target: every users, new registrant only, KYC-ed user only, specific user, user
with specific level.
f. Repeat Every: every month, every week, every day, repeat each n day, repeat
each n week.
g. Limit Participant: unlimited, n first user claimed.
h. Restriction: flagged users, user who have claimed {program name}.
i. Custom configuration:
i. Deposit:
1. Coin.
2. Nominal.
3. Reward Coin.
4. Reward Nominal.
ii. Holding
1. Holding Coin.
2. Average Holding Nominal.
3. Holding Time.
4. Holding Coin Reward.
5. Nominal Reward.
iii. Referral
1. n referral.
2. Reward nominal each referral.
iv. Join
1. Program selection.
2. n valid participant.
3. Nominal Reward.
j. Task launch date: {Date to launch the task}
k. Task campaign link: {Link to description of the task}
3. Send notification for task announcement
a. Via notification
b. Via email
Journey :

Figma – User Journey
Question 5
1. Acquisition: How well our users know the feature and use the feature
2. Stickiness & Retention: How well our users comeback to the feature and how well they
are using our product.
3. Growth: How well our feature grow overtime

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