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The inverse of 3 x 3 matrices with matrix row


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The inverse of 3x3 matrices

with matrix row operations

From our lesson about the 2x2 invertible matrix we

learnt that an invertible matrix is any square matrix
which has another matrix (called its inverse) related to it
in a way that their matrix multiplication produces an
identity matrix of the same order. In general, this
condition of invertibility for a n × n matrix A is defined

A ⋅ A−1 = A−1 A ⋅ A = In
Equation 1: General condition for matrix A to be

Remember that, we call them nxn matrices because they

are all square matrices (same numbers of rows and
columns). And so, following the condition from equation
1, we have that if we define a 2x2 matrix X , the
condition for the inverse 2x2 matrix is written as:

X ⋅ X −1 = X −1 ⋅ X = I2
Equation 2: Condition for matrix X to be invertible

So let us start this lesson with a quick review on how

calculate the inverse of a 2x2 matrix since it will help us
understand the standard (or formal) methodology to
compute the inverse of a 3x3 matrix.

How to find the inverse of a matrix

Recall from our lesson on the the inverse of a 2x2 matrix

that given a 2x2 matrix, which we will call X just as the
one shown below:

Equation 3: Matrix X

We can find the inverse of a matrix such as X by

computing its determinant, and then dividing a modified
version of the original matrix by this number in the next

Equation 4: Formula for the inverse of a 2x2 matrix

Notice that the first factor in the right hand side is

composed of a division with the determinant of the
original 2x2 matrix in place of the denominator. This
comes from our general equation for the determinant of
a 2x2 matrix, which is mathematically defined as:

det(X) = ad − bc
Equation 5: Determinant of matrix X

The second factor in the right hand side of equation 4 is

what we called before the modified version of the
original matrix, where we have swapped the elements of
the top left corner with the one in the bottom right
corner, and then multiplied by -1 the elements left in the
matrix which werent swapped (basically, the elements in
the remaining two other corners).

So this is pretty much the principle behind the formal

methodology to compute the inverse of any square
matrix, not only those of second order (with two rows
and two columns, or simple 2x2). For the case of matrix
X defined in equation 3, its inverse receives the name of
X −1 .

This particular notation for matrix inverses is interesting

to study, since the notation itself hints us that what is
happening when we invert matrices is a division of
matrices. Remember that this is not true, division of
matrices does not exists in itself, and so, never be fooled
to think that you could simply divide a matrix with
another one (or even divide a number by a matrix) in
order to obtain an inverse.

In conclusion, a matrix inversion comes to represent an

equivalent operation to algebraic division in the sense
that it allows the cancellation of matrices to take place
when used as variables in solving systems of equations
or even in simple matrix multiplications. But remember,
this operation is NOT a division in itself, and so, is always
called inversion.

What is this cancellation of matrices that we are talking

about? Well, this is actually how matrix inversion comes
to be an important part of linear algebra, and we have
explained this already with the next example:
Imagine you have a matrix multiplication defined as A ⋅
B = C , where all A, B , and C are all square matrices
of the same order (same dimensions) and A and C are
both known. Then you are asked to find out what the B
matrix is.
Intuitively you will think about dividing out matrix A
from both sides of the equation in order to cancel it out
from the left hand side and solve for B . This is the
method that we would use if they were regular variables
after all, the problem is, these are matrices and division
of matrices does not exist! Therefore, in order to cancel
matrix A from the left hand side of the equation we
obtain its inverse and multiply it to both sides as follows:

A⋅B =C

A−1 ⋅ A ⋅ B = A−1 ⋅ C

In ⋅ B = A−1 ⋅ C

B = A−1 ⋅ C
Equation 6: Solving for matrix B

Three important things can be observed here:

First, this solution allows us to appreciate the

equivalency of inversion of matrices to algebraic division
when solving equations where matrices are taken as

Second, any matrix multiplied by an identity matrix gives

a result the non-identity matrix itself.

And third, we can cancel out matrices in equations like

this thanks to a special case of matrix multiplication.
Remember, in general, matrix multiplication IS NOT
commutative, but for square matrices that are inverses
of each other, this property does not apply. Just go back
and take a look at equation 1, notice how no matter in
which order the factors are arranged, the matrix
multiplication of two matrices which are inverse of each
other produces an identity matrix In of the same
dimensions as the two original matrices. The same
applies to the multiplication of a square matrix and the
identity matrix of its same order: any matrix multiplied
with an identity matrix of the same dimensions (both
need to be square matrices of course) will produce the
same non-identity matrix from the multiplication, no
matter the order in which they were multiplied. And so,
we can conclude that B is equal to the inverse of A
times C .

Now, let us take this knowledge as basis in order to

understand how to find the inverse of a 3x3 matrix.
Although the process in itself get complicated as more
elements are found inside the matrix, the principle from
equation 4 remains even for matrices of greater

How to find the inverse of a 3x3 matrix

Let us define a matrix named A as follows:

Equation 7: 3x3 matrix A

In order to explain the formal method to obtain the

inverse of 3x3 matrix A, let us see the complete
equation formula for its calculation first, compare it to
equation 4 and then explain step by step how it is
worked out.

Equation 8: General formula for the inverse of 3x3

matrix A

For starters, in equation 8 we can see how this formula

also contains a product of the division by the
determinant of the original matrix and a modified
version of the original matrix, just as for the case of the
inverse of a 2x2 matrix.

At this point we know how to the determinant of a 3x3

matrix (with general & shortcut method), and so, the first
factor on the right hand side of equation 8 should be
easy to obtain.
The complicated on the calculation of a 3x3 inverse
matrix comes from the second factor in the right hand
side: the modified version of the original matrix.

Notice how this matrix contains a collection of

determinants from selected parts of rows and columns
from the original matrix, this new modified matrix is
what we call the adjugate or adjoint of a matrix. Thus,
equation 8 is equal to:

A−1 = 1 adj(A)
= 1 adj(A)

Equation 9: General formula for the inverse of 3x3

matrix A (simplified form)

The adjoint of square matrix A is the transpose of the

cofactor matrix of A, in other words, the original 3x3
matrix A from equation 7 needs to pass through 3
computations: the calculation of a matrix of minors from
A which then, will help us to calculate its matrix of
cofactors, and once we have this matrix of cofactors we
can transpose it to obtain the adjoint.

A matrix of minors obtains its name because each of its

element is what we call a minor. A minor, is a
determinant of a square matrix which happens to be
conformed from a selected piece of a bigger matrix; a
piece of a matrix selected to compute a minor is based on
the terms left when deleting a row and a column that
cross each other at the element place which the
determinant result will occupy in the new matrix.

Then, the cofactor matrix is obtained by applying the

minus sign to alternate elements inside the matrix. And
finally, the adjoint is obtained by transposing the
elements inside the matrix we had so far (remember the
elements in the main diagonal remain unchanged of

All of these calculations are tedious and produce the

matrix found as the second factor in the right hand side
of equation 8, as you can imagine, this can get tiresome!
Therefore, we will not be using this method to calculate
the inverse 3x3 matrix during this lesson, we will used a
wonderful shortcut! Still, remember the inverse of a 3x3
matrix formula shown in equations 8 and 9 is important,
and if you have time we recommend you to work through
it with the example exercises we provide at the end of
this lesson. You may not use this inverse matrix formula
often while working on assignments or tests, but
remember that it provides the principle behind the work
needed to inverse even bigger matrices.

3x3 matrix inverse shortcut

Then, how to inverse matrix A from equation 7 if not by

the formal process? Well, lucky for us, the inverse of a
matrix 3x3 can be obtained through methods we are
already familiarized with: matrix row operations and
gaussian reduction!
Although the process itself continues to be considerably
long, is a relief since we will make use of concepts we
already know to simplify the rather extensive and
complicated standard method we saw in our past
section. So let us create a little step guide to follow in
order to obtain an inverse 3x3 matrix.

How to inverse a 3x3 matrix using matrix row

operations, step by step guide:

The best way to show the process is with an example so

you can follow along, notice that some of the steps will
be summarized since it is assumed you already know
how to work through the three types of matrix row

We define matrix X as follows:

Equation 10: Matrix X

1. We start by rewriting the matrix into a

notation which is similar to the augmented matrix:
a. We keep the whole matrix X as it is but
then instead of a rectangular bracket on the right
side, we'll put a vertical line.
b. On the right hand side we put the 3x3
identity matrix.
c. Close the right side of the rectangular

Equation 11: Finding the inverse of matrix X (part 1)

2. Having this matrix organization, we can now

perform row operations in the matrix in order to find
the 3x3 inverse matrix.
a. The purpose of this matrix notation is to
exchange the identity matrix to the left hand side
of the vertical line.
b. In simple words, we are to perform matrix
row operations until the left hand side of the
matrix looks like the identity matrix.
c. Whatever ends up being the result for each
element on the matrix on the right hand side of
the vertical line is what will conform the matrix

Equation 12: Finding the inverse of matrix X (part 2)

3. After the row operations are down, we can

transcribe the result on the right hand side of the
vertical as the inverse of the original matrix by itself:

Equation 13: Finding the inverse of matrix X (part 3)

And so, in equation 13 we can see the final inverse

matrix 3x3.
Let us now work through some example problems so you
get practice on the technique.

Inverse matrix 3x3 practice problems

For the next example problems, find the matrix inverse

3x3 for each of the given square matrices.

Example 1
Given matrix Y as shown below, find its 3x3 matrix

Equation 14: Matrix Y

We start finding the inverse of a 3x3 matrix such as Y, by

rewriting Y together with the third order identity matrix
separated by a vertical line, just as studied in the past
sections of this lesson. Then, we perform row operations
on this matrix until the identity is passed to the left hand
side of the vertical line, and the inverse is what is left on
the right hand side.

Equation 15: Finding the inverse of matrix Y

Notice the last three row operations were performed at

the same time for practicality purposes. And so, the
inverse matrix of Y is:

Equation 16: Inverse of matrix Y

Example 2
Find the inverse of a 3x3 matrix R as defined below:

Equation 17: Matrix R

To obtain the inverse of 3x3 matrix R we apply the same

method as in example 1. Thus, let us start by rewriting R
along with the identity matrix to start the inversion and
solve through matrix row operations as follows:

Equation 18: Finding the inverse of matrix R

And so, the final inverse of matrix R is:

Equation 19: Inverse of matrix R

Example 3
Defining the matrix A as follows:

Equation 20: Matrix A

Find inverse matrix 3x3 that comes from A:

Equation 21: Finding the inverse of matrix A

And so, after gaussian reduction through row operations

we have that the inverse of matrix A is:

Equation 22: Inverse of matrix A

Example 4
Providing matrix U as defined below:

Equation 23: Matrix U

Find inverse of 3x3 matrix U by using row operations.

Equation 24: Finding the inverse of matrix U

And our final result is:

Equation 25: Inverse of matrix U

Example 5
Find inverse of matrix V which is defined as:

Equation 26: Matrix V

Row reducing to obtain the inverse of matrix V :

Equation 27: Finding the inverse of matrix V

We have that the inverse matrix of V is:

Equation 28: Inverse of matrix V


And so, we hope you have enjoyed this lesson. If you

would like to practice the formal method to obtain the
inverse of a 3x3 matrix, we recommend you to visit the
next link about the inverse of a matrix using minors,
cofactors and adjugate. The same can be explained in the
next page about the inverse of a 3x3 matrix. Both
resources complement our lesson for today, and we
recommend you to solve the exercises found here with
both methods to complete your studies.

This is it for our lesson today, see you in the next one!

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Get Started Now

30. Matrices
30.1 Notation of matrices
30.2 Adding and subtracting matrices
30.3 Scalar multiplication
30.4 Matrix multiplication
30.5 The three types of matrix row
30.6 Representing a linear system as a
30.7 Solving a linear system with matrices
using Gaussian elimination
30.8 Zero matrix
30.9 Identity matrix
30.10 Properties of matrix addition
30.11 Properties of scalar multiplication
30.12 Properties of matrix multiplication
30.13 The determinant of a 2 x 2 matrix
30.14 The determinant of a 3 x 3 matrix
(General & Shortcut Method)
30.15 The inverse of a 2 x 2 matrix
30.16 The inverse of 3 x 3 matrices with
matrix row operations
30.17 The inverse of 3 x 3 matrix with
determinants and adjugate
30.18 2 x 2 invertible matrix
30.19 Solving linear systems using Cramer's
30.20 Solving linear systems using 2 x 2
inverse matrices
30.21 Transforming vectors with matrices
30.22 Transforming shapes with matrices
30.23 Finding the transformation matrix

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