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Dr. Pooja Walia M.Sc. (Mathematics) M.Ed=(gold medalist) NET, JRF, M.Phil, Ph.d (Education) Assistant Professor, Department of Education MIZORAM UNIVERSITY Outline of the presentation * Classification of Medical Model * Traditional Medical Model * Modern Medical Model * Concept of Health * Definition of Health * Dimensions of Health * Concept of Well being * Definition of Well Being * Dimensions of Well Being Traditional Medical Model + In view of ancient Indian and Chinese medicine and greece Medicine “The concept of health as a balance between a person and the environment, the unity of soul and body, and the natural origin of disease, was the backbone of the perception of health. + In the 5th century BC, Pindar defined health as “harmonious functioning of the organs”, emphasizing the physical dimension of health, the physical body and the overall functionality, accompanied by the feeling of comfort and absence of pain. + Plato (429-347 BC) in his book “Dialogues” pointed out that a perfect human society could be achieved by harmonizing the interests of the individual and the community, and that the ideal of ancient Greek philosophy “a healthy mind in a healthy body” could be achieved if people established internal harmony and harmony with the physical and the social environment. Modern Medical Model This is consistent with the biopsychosocial model of health, which considers physiological, psychological and social factors in health and illness, and interactions between these factors. Health is more than the absence of disease, implying a maximum capacity of the individual for self-realization and self-fulfillment. Concept of Health Health is a relative state in which one is able to function well physically, mentally, socially, and Spiritually to express the full range of one’s unique potentialities within the environment in which one lives. Definition of Health According to W.H.O. (1948) “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well- being and not merely an absence of disease or infirmity. Health is not merely to live happy, wealthy, successfully and absence of disease but it is a state of mind and body that can survive in worst condition. The WHO definition links health explicitly with wellbeing, and conceptualises health as a human right requiring physical and social resources to achieve and maintain. Definition of Health Huber et. al. (2011) proposed a new definition of health as ‘the ability to adapt and to self-manage’, which includes the ability of people to adapt to their situation as key to health.It also acknowledges the subjective element of health. Dimensions of Health 1.Physical 2.Mental 3.Emotional 4.Social 5.Spiritual Dimensions of Health Physical Health Physical health refer to any of the aspects that are needed to keep your body in perfect condition. Mental Health Finding a way to engage in creative and stimulating activities that allow you to share your ideas and expand your knowledge is essential for ie Dimensions of Health Emotional health focuses on ensuring that you are attentive to your feelings, thoughts and behavior. Social Health It refers to your ability to interact with people, respect yourself and others, develop meaningful relationships and develop quality communication skills. It helps to create a balance between their community and the a Spiritual Health It is a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction with our own lives, system of values, self-confidence and self-esteem, self-awareness, peacefulness, morality and truthfulness, selflessness, positive emotions, compassion and willingness to help and support others, responsibility and contribution to the common good, and successful management of everyday life problems and demands and social stress as well. Health is more than freedom from illness and disease Over 50 years ago, the World Health Organization defined health as being more than freedom from illness, disease, and debilitating conditions. In recent years, public health experts have identified wellness as “a sense of well-being” and “quality of life.” Health & Well Being ‘Wellbeing’ refers to a positive rather than neutral state, framing health as a positive aspiration. This definition was adapted by the 1986 Ottawa charter, which describes health as ‘a resource for everyday life, not the object of living’. From this perspective health is a means to living well, which highlights the link between health and participation in society. Concept of Well-being Well-being is a positive outcome that is meaningful for people and for many sectors of society, because it tells us that people perceive that their lives are going well. Every aspect of our life influence our state of well being. Some people believe that wealth is a fast track to happiness,perhaps it is the quality of our personel relationship not the size of our bank balance which has the greatest effect 2 a — of wellbeing. Meaning of Well Being * Wellbeing is not just the absence of disease or illness. It is a complex combination of a person's physical,mental,emotional and __ social health factors. It's strongly linked to happiness and life satisfaction. * Well-being generally includes global judgments of life satisfaction and feelings ranging from depression to joy. + Well being is the feeling of you about Definition of Well Being Well-being can be described as judging life positively and feeling good. It also includes: * Presence of positive emotions and moods (e.g., contentment, happiness) « Absence of negative emotions (e.g., depression, anxiety) * satisfaction with life, fulfillment and Dimensions of Well Being * Physical Well-being * Societal Well-being * Emotional Well-being * Occupational Well being Physical Well-Being It is the ability to improve the functioning of our body through healthy eating and good exercise habits. To develop our physical well-being, we need to know what a healthy diet and exercise routine looks like, so that we can implement effective strategies in our daily lives. When we improve our physical well-being, not only we feel better but help to prevent many diseases. Things for boosting Physical well- being * Eating Nutritious food * Avoiding Junk Food * Correcting Nutritional Deficiencies * Detoxing Your Body Emotional Well-Being It is the ability to practise stress- management, be resilient, and generate the emotions that lead to good feelings. It refers to the emotional quality of an individual experiences. It is influenced by a variety of demographic, economic and _ situational factors. Skills Contribute to Emotional well- being Here are some of the skills that research suggests contribute to emotional well-being: * Happiness * Mindfulness * Positive Thinking * Emotional Stabilty * Resilience Skills(able to withstand or recover a a — situation) Societal Well-Being The ability to communicate, develop meaningful relationships with others, and maintain a support network that helps you overcome loneliness. or The ability to actively participate in a thriving community, culture, and environment. Societal Well-Being we need to build skills that make us feel interconnected with all things. We need to know how to support our environment, build stronger local communities, and foster a culture of compassion, fairness, and kindness. These skills help us feel like we're part of a thriving community that really supports one another and the world at large. When we cultivate societal well-being, we feel like we are a part of something Skills Contribute to Social well-being Here are some of the skills that research suggests contribute to better social well-being: OPracticing Gratitude OBuilding Meaningful Social Connections OManaging Your Relationship with Technology Relationship between Societal and Emotional Well being It's important to know that building social well-being is one of the best ways to build emotional well-being. When we feel socially connected, we also tend to just feel better, have more positive emotions, and we are able to cope better with challenges. This is why it's essential to build our social well- being. Occupational Well-Being It is the ability to pursue our interests, values, and purpose in order to gain meaning, happiness, and enrichment professionally. To develop our occupational well-being, we need to build skills that help us pursue what really matters to us. This can include building professional skills which help us to advance more effectively, but it also includes things like living our values ae neenacail ini -life balance. Key Skills for Occupational Well-being We spend so much time at workplace. Building our workplace well-being has a big impact on our overall well-being. Following skills helps us to stay focused, motivated, and successful at workplace. * Building Professional Skills * Maintaining Work-Life Balance * Finding Purpose Factors Affecting Well Being Happy intimate relationship with a partner Network of close friends Enjoyable and fulfilling career Enough Money Regular Excercise Nutritious diet Sufficient Sleep Spiritual or Religious Belief Factors Affecting Well Being * Fun hobbies and leisure pursuits * Healthy self esteem * Optimistic outlook * Realistic and Achievable Goal * Asense of Belongingness * The ability to adapt to change * Living in a fair and democratic society Thanks for Watching Please Like, Share & Comment.

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