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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Quarterly Examination in Science 5
S.Y. 2022-2023

Name: ______________________________ Teacher: _________________________

Grade & Section: _______________________Date: ___________________________

Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on the space provided.

________1. Your mother asked you to cook fry egg for breakfast. You noticed that the frying fan that you
used is made up of metals. Why do you think, most of the cooking pots are made of metal?
A. Because unlike wood, glass or plastic metals can be hammered into different shapes without breaking.
B. Because metals like glass and plastics are waterproof.
C. Because metals conduct heat well and are chemically unreactive, and are generally tolerant to rapid
changes in temperature.
D. Because metal is inexpensive and you can buy it anywhere.
_______2. Every Saturday your task is to wash your uniform. You use a liquid bleach to remove tough stains,
bright, and whitens clothing. Bleach may also bring hazards. When it can be harmful?
A. It can be harmful when poisonous substances ingested by the users.
B. It can be harmful when bleach container thrown anywhere.
C. It can be harmful because bleach is corrosive, which means it can irritate or burn your skin or eyes.
D. It can be harmful because bleach contains toxic chemicals that can pose health hazards to users and
_______3. Conductors are materials that allow heat and electricty to pass through easily materials.
Which of the following materials are good conductors?
A. Aluminum, Copper and Gold C. Rubber, Plastic and Cloth
B. Rubber, Silver, and Copper D. Plastic, Aluminum and Rubber
_______4. Farmers use chemical fertilizers to increase their harvest. What are the harmful effects of
this when not properly used?
A. It pollutes water, air and soil.
B. It gives abundant harvest.
C. It gives more income to the farmers.
D. It makes the plants healthy.
_______5. Why are glass and clear plastic good materials for making bottles?
A. They are expensive to make.
B. They are not easy to shape and style.
C. They keep what’s inside the bottle cool.
D. They allow you to see what’s inside the bottle.
_______6. Father came home from work. Upon entering the gate, he disinfects his hands by using 70% alcohol.
However, Mother was carrying a lighted candle and about to approach Father. What is the best thing to do?
A. Mother may bring a kerosene lamp instead of a candle.
B. Let her continue to approach Father with a lighted candle.
C. Tell Mother to put out the flame before going to the gate.
D. Bring more bottles of alcohol for Father
_______7. A teacher mixes a white powder into a beaker with water. The powder cannot be seen in the water.
The teacher then heats the mixture until the water evaporates and the powder can be seen again.
Which property of the powder is the teacher demonstrating?
A. conductibility B. density C. mass D. solubility
_______8. Jewelries are made from metals which can be hammered into thin sheets without breaking.
They can also withstand wear, pressure and damage. Which properties best describe jewelries?
A. Malleability C. Durability
B. Electrical Conductivity D. Elasticity
_______9. Hazardous materials consist any of these properties. What are they?
A. absorbency, brittleness, corrosive, flammable
B. brittleness, reactive, softness, toxicity
C. corrosive, flammable, reactive, toxicity
D. flammable, reactive, softness, waterproof
________10. You were asked by your younger sister to cook an egg for her snacks. What do you think is the
changes happen in the egg when you applied heat?
A. A chemical change occurs to the egg because the liquid becomes a solid, and the "white" of
the egg goes from being basically clear to being literally white.
B. A chemical change occurs due to change in color and taste.
C. A chemical change occurs due changes its size, shape, color, and smell, and new material is formed.
D. A chemical change happens to an egg because egg can be back into its liquid form before
it was cooked.
________11. What happens to the food and materials inside our body when oxygen is present?
A. All food is going to digest and turn into carbon dioxide.
B. Your body cells use the oxygen you breathe to get energy from the food you eat.
C. The energy in food is converted into energy.
D. The food will not be able to digest because oxygen is present.
_______12. Which of the following is an example of chemical change when heat is applied?
A. burning of wood, cutting clothes, freezing of water
B. sharpening a pencil, grilling chicken, burning a paper
C. heating of sugar, frying egg, grilling pork
D. drying wet clothes, boiling water, melting chocolate
______13. If you leave an apple slice on the table for a couple of hours, which is likely to be observed?
A. it will get bigger C. nothing changes
B. molds will be observed D. the color will turn brown
______14. Mario wanted to find out if he can breathe under the swimming pool. After a few minutes, he
experienced difficulty in breathing. Which best explains what happened to him?
A. He had no combustion. C. He suffered hypoxemia.
B. He had no potassium under water. D. He had undergone fermentation.
______15. During summer vacation, Anna wanted to eat ginisang mongo. When she served the food,
the smell was different and had bubbles in it. What caused the changes in the food?
A. absence of oxygen C. application of heat
B. absence of heat D. presence of oxygen
______16. Maria lights one candle and covers it with a small jar. What will happen after a few minutes?
A. Candle will stop burning due to the lack of oxygen inside the jar.
B. Candle will stop burning due to the presence of oxygen inside the jar.
C. Candle will continue burning because of the presence of oxygen inside the jar.
D. Candle will continue burning because of the absence of oxygen inside the jar.
______17. Peter soaked the steel wool in a glass of water. He observed it for two days. After two days, he
noticed that a brownish substance is formed in the steel wool. What do you think is this?
A. Dirt C. reaction of the steel wool
B. Rust D. oxygen
______18. The Bureau of Fisheries investigated that fish kill incident was due to _________.
A. lack of oxygen supply
B. hot summer temperature
C. use of illegal fishing methods
D. lack of carbon dioxide supply
______19. You were asked by father to segregate your garbage. You noticed that there are many water bottle
in the trash bin. What will you do to the water bottles?
A. Throw the water bottles in a Non-biodegrable trash bin.
B. Put the water bottles in a storage are for future use.
C. Throw the water bottles as your father told you to do.
D. Design a product made of water bottles that will generate income.
20. Non-biodegradable waste materials can still be reused or recycled to lessen the garbage in the
environment. Why is it important to lessen the garbage in the environment?
A. When land is dumped with garbage, the land becomes occupied.
B. Garbage releases toxins that can cause land and air pollution.
C. We can make money out of recycled materials.
D. We can save money out of the reused materials.
_______21. How can you lessen the amount of waste produced in your kitchen?

A. Avoid using disposable materials.

B. Always buy a soy sauce in a small pack.
C. Throw a damaged frying pan in the compost pit.
D. Use plastic bags instead of cloth bags while marketing.
______22. When food spoils, you cannot eat it anymore, or else you will be poisoned.

What is the best way to make spoiled food useful to the environment?

A. use it for composting

B. reheat the spoiled food
C. feed the spoiled food to house pets
D. throw it in the non-biodegradable garbage bin
______23. Waste management using 5R’s can promote a clean and healthy environment. Which can free Earth
from garbage?
A. Disposal of garbage anywhere C. Improper collection of garbage
B. Greenhouse effect D. Recycle and composting waste
______24. When land is dumped with garbage, the land becomes polluted. The polluted land will serve as the
breeding places for pests that carry germs, hence dangerous to human health. As a child, you can do the
following activities to avoid this problem, except one.
A. Make a compost for all decaying materials.
B. Recycle and reuse non-biodegradable waste materials.
C. Throw all waste materials in one area in your backyard.
D. Segregate waste materials into biodegradable and non-biodegradable.
______25. Reuse means to use materials more than once. Which is an example of reusing?
A. Ronald refills his drinking bottle with juice.
B. The grade 5 pupils make flower vases out of pet bottles.
C. Mother bought vegetables just enough for a one-day meal.
D. Alice unplugs the entire appliance before leaving for a vacation.
______26. Your group was assigned to do a campaign about the importance of reducing the use of materials.
Which do you think is the best way of reducing waste?
A. Use styro foam to keep the food.
B. Sean Beda made a string notebook out of the unused pages of his old spiral notebook.
C. Use disposable plates, spoons, and glass.
D. John is repairing the worn shoes by applying an adhesive.
______27. Our community is under the General Community Quarantine due to COVID-19 pandemic.
One should be protected from the virus. Wearing of face mask is one of the measures being done to protect
oneself from the deadly virus. You’re task is to make your own version of a face mask for protection.
Arrange the correct steps in making DIY facemask.
I. Lay the cut fabric rectangle on a flat surface and discard the rest of the shirt.
II. Cut the string fabric in half.
III. Place an old t-shirt on a flat surface. Measure 7-8 inches from the bottom of the shirt and cut
IV. Measure about 6-7 inches in from the side of the fabric rectangle and cut out the material, leaving
about a half inch of material at the top and bottom. These are the strings to tie the mask behind
your head.
V. Tie the strings around your neck, and then around the top of your head.

______28. Justine noticed that the most of his classmates drink soft drinks during recess. This morning their
Science teacher told them to make a recycled product for their Science project. He decided to collect the
empty bottles in the recycle bin for his project. What product can he make out of the empty plastic bottles?
A. Flower pot C. Bag
B. Origami D. Pillow stuffing

_______29. Binggoy collects used straws from the canteen’s garbage bags every morning. What could possibly
be Binggoy’s plan with his collections?
A. He will make a colourful hat/bag from the used straws for his grandmother.
B. He will throw the straws somewhere in school.
C. He just want to fill their house with used straws.
D. He does not like to see straws in the garbage bags.
_______30. Your father has celebrated his birthday yesterday, there were many empty plastic bottles of soft
drinks left. What is the best way you can do with these empty plastic bottles in order to protect the
A. throw the empty plastic bottles into the seashore
B. make the empty plastic bottles as flower vases
C. dump the empty plastic bottles in the landfill
D. burn the empty plastic bottles

________31. Which of the following is the designed finished product made from the recyclable materials.

A. B. C. D.
__________32. Which recyclable materials were used to create the designed final product?

A. B. C. D.
_________33. Which of the following materials can be recycled to make chairs and tables if lumber and wood

are not available due to their expensive price?

A. boxes C. old tires
B. egg trays D. tin cans
_________34. Maria wanted to decorate her room with colorful flowers that will last for years. What
recyclable materials should the flowers be made of and would not require paints and other coloring materials to
make these colorful?
A. aluminum foil C. magazines and papers
B. cans D. wood

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