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English Trails 6 – TEST 1

Test: Unit 1


A. Find the words.

1. the ability to speak

s _ _ _ _ _

2. an instrument used in science which makes very small things look larger

m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

3. a movement you make with your hands, head or face which has a special meaning

g _ _ _ _ _ _

4. a part of a building usually below the ground

b _ _ _ _ _ _ _

5. the shape of things, such as planets, balls and coins

c _ _ _ _ _

6. something that you cannot see

i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

7. the number 1,000,000,000

b _ _ _ _ _ _

8. to be very hungry

s _ _ _ _ _ score 8

B. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box.

call raise be lose hug bow nod wave

1. If you your eyebrows in Peru, it means ''money'' or ''Pay me.''

2. When I asked her if she wanted to go for a walk, she


Copyright © MM Publications
English Trails 6 – TEST 1

3. We at him from the window, but he didn’t see us.

4. We saw each other again two years after I left, so we for a long

5. To this day, people to kings and queens.

6. I left several messages on her cell phone, but she never me back.

7. We forgot to ask for their address and our way to their house.

8. What? Give you my laptop? You must out of your mind.

score 8

C. Match and then complete the sentences.

1. spare a. language

2. computer b. letters

3. sign c. literate

4. lower-case d. time

1. They took lessons in to communicate with their deaf son.

2. I like playing tennis in my .

3. Why have you written their names with ?

4. If you want the job, you must show them you are .

score 8

Copyright © MM Publications
English Trails 6 – TEST 1

A. Choose a, b or c.

1. you answer the phone, please?

a. Must b. Will c. Need

2. Mina hasn’t eaten anything since yesterday morning. She be starving!

a. can’t b. may c. must

3. Did you know that Daniel wiggle his ears?

a. might b. can c. would

4. You download Chilli’s new album. I’ve already done it.

a. don’t need to b. may not c. mustn’t

5. Jamie know how to break the secret code. Let’s ask him.

a. might b. is able to c. needs to

6. Tim understand sign language two years ago but now he teaches it.

a. could b. wasn’t able to c. can’t

score 6

B. Complete the sentences with the correct form of need.

1. I to borrow your microscope. May I?

2. Gary to feed his pet. His dad has already fed it.

3. You to be computer literate to get this job.

4. Mom, you to hug Charlie every time you see him. He hates it!

score 4

Copyright © MM Publications
English Trails 6 – TEST 1

C. Complete the sentences with the full infinitive, bare infinitive or -ing form of the verbs in

1. Peter doesn’t like (shake) hands with people he doesn’t know.

2. Sally refused (help) me with my homework.

3. You shouldn’t (point) at people. It’s very rude.

4. Mandy doesn’t mind (iron) as long as somebody else does the


5. Kelly went to the movies with Peter to (watch) the new Star Wars


6. Stop (do) that! It’s really annoying!

score 6

D. Rewrite the sentences using the words given and the full or bare infinitive or the -ing form.

1. Let’s buy Jim this cell phone for his birthday.

How about

2. I was very sad when I heard that Carol’s pet had died.

I was sorry

3. I’m not sure we turned off the TV before we left the house.

I don’t remember

4. Eating too much sugar is not good for you.

You should avoid

5. Do this exercise. It’s easy.

It’s easy

6. John can’t go to the movies. His mother doesn’t let him.

John’s mother

score 6

Copyright © MM Publications
English Trails 6 – TEST 1

Complete the dialogue with the phrases a-e.

a. I’m stuck in traffic

b. they’re starving
c. you’ve lost your way again
d. How long is it going to take you
e. I’m on my way

Eric Fiona! It’s me, Eric! Where are you? Everyone else is here and (1) !

Fiona Don’t worry, (2) .

Eric (3) ?

Fiona I'll be there in about twenty minutes.

Eric Don’t tell me (4) !

Fiona No, not this time. But (5) .

It seems that I’ll be here for a while.

Eric OK, then. Drive safely.

Fiona I will.

score 10

Copyright © MM Publications
English Trails 6 – TEST 1

Listen to three people talking. Choose a or b.

Speaker 1

a. went to New Zealand to visit her aunt

b. went to the U.S.

Speaker 2

a. got upset because he didn’t like the food

b. upset the waiter with his gesture

Speaker 3

a. didn’t know his way around Tokyo

b. asked a stranger for money

score 6

Copyright © MM Publications
English Trails 6 – TEST 1

Read the emails and answer the questions.

Trip to town

What time are we meeting tomorrow? Personally, I think we should go into town as
early as possible so we can spend the whole day shopping before going to the
movies. How about nine thirty?

Re: Trip to town

I’m afraid there’s been a change of plans. I won’t be able to meet you until the
afternoon. Why don’t you go shopping in the morning and I’ll meet you at three
o’clock in front of the library?

Can I ask a favor?

Three is fine. Are you coming by train or will your dad drive you into town? If your
dad drives you, I could put my shopping bags in the car so I don’t have to carry them
with me to the movie theater.

Re: Can I ask a favor?

My dad’s driving me into town, so you’ll be able to leave your shopping bags in my
Dad’s car. He won’t be able to park near the library so come to the station.

1. What did the girls arrange to do together?

2. When are they going to meet?

3. How will Nancy get into town?

4. Where will the girls meet?

score 8
Copyright © MM Publications
English Trails 6 – TEST 1

Write an essay discussing the advantages and disadvantages of online magazines.

score 10

total score 80

Copyright © MM Publications
English Trails 6 – TEST 1

Copyright © MM Publications

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