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Importance sa hemisphere dominance

 The dominant hemisphere of the brain controls language, which is one of our more
important ways of interacting with the world. Any injury to the dominant hemisphere of
the brain—such as stroke, tumor, or head trauma—can cause aphasia.

Wada test

 Determine the lateralization of the brain’s part for memory, language

DM pathophysio (relation niya sa stroke)

 Inc risk for atherosclerosis- thrombus formation-emboli to emboli artery

AVM, Still phenomenon, diagnosis, grading

 Congenital/aquired shunts between artrial and veenous systems that may present with
headache seizures and intracrainial hemorrhag
 consist of tangle abnormal vessels across the cortical surface or deerp within the brain
 if large enough can raise cardiac output and precipitate heart failure
 usually in the posterior hald of thee hemisphers
 If large enough, it may steal blood away from normal brain tissue and produce ischemia

DWI and ADC (how it detects stroke)

Learning Issue: Broca and Wernicke Area-Brodmann area, Eloquent area of the brain

Broca’s area- motor speech area. It is near the motor cortex and utilized in speech production,
language comprehension located in the inferior frontal gyrus (area 44 and area 45) [pars
triangularis and pars opercularis]. This area regulates breathing patterns while speaking and
vocalizations required for normal speech.

Wernicke’s area –is responsible for speech fluency, allows you to string words
together in complete and sensical sentences. Found in area 22 (located in the
posterior superior temporal gyrus of the brain) , [39, 40 (angular gyrus (Brodmann Area 39) and
supramarginal gyrus (Brodmann Area 40) ]

Eloquent areas of the brain

Eloquent cortex areas of cortex that—if removed—will result in loss of sensory processing or linguistic
ability, or paralysis. The most common areas of eloquent cortex are in the left temporal and frontal
lobes for speech and language( Wernicke and broca), bilateral occipital lobes for vision (bilateral visual
area, b17), bilateral parietal lobes for sensation (primary somatosensory area, b3,2,1), and bilateral
motor cortex for movement (primary motor area, b4)

Broca-expressive aphasia, loss of ability to produce speech however they retain the ability to think the
words they wish to say, can write the words and can understand their meaning when they see or hear

Wernickes- receptive aphasia-loss of ability to understand the spoen and written word. Speech is
unimpaired and patient can produce fluent speech however pt is unaware of the meaning of the words
he or she uses and uses incorrect words. Pt is also unaware of any mistakes

MRI- T1 (

DWI-analyse imo water in the cells, hypercellularity. Ischemia or edema dec in water floow (Brownian

Adc-calculatee: apparent diffusion coefficient, dec in diffusion of water, hypercellular of swlling

In ischemia-inflammation and edema occurs,

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