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to shrive shrove shriven shriving liberar de culpa
to shut shut shut shutting cerrar
to sing sang sung singing cantar
to sink sank sunk sinking hundir
to sit sat sat sitting sentarse
to slay slew slain slaying matar
to sleep slept slept sleeping dormir
to slide slid slid sliding resbalar
to smell smelt smelt smelting oler
to sow sowed sowed/sown sowing sembrar
to speak spoke spoken speaking hablar
to speed sped sped speeding acelerar
to spell spelt spelt spelling deletrear
to spend spent spent spending gastar
to spill spilt/spilled spilt/spilled spilling derramar
to spin spun spun spinning hilar
to spit spat spat spitting escupir
to split split split splitting hender/partir
to spoil spoilt/spoiled spoilt/spoiled spoiling estropear
to spread spread spread spreading extender
to spring sprang sprung springing saltar
to stand stood stood standing estar en pie
to steal stole stolen stealing robar
to stick stuck stuck sticking pegar/engomar
to Sting stung stung stinging picar
to stink stank/stunk stunk stinking apestar
to stride strode stridden striding dar zancadas
to strike struck struck striking golpear
to swear swore sworn swearing jurar
to sweat sweat sweat sweating sudar
to sweep swept swept sweeping barrer
to swell swelled swollen swelling hinchar
to swim swam swum swimming nadar
to swung swung swung swinging columpiarse
to take took taken taking coger/tomar
to teach taught taught teaching enseñar
to tear tore torn tearing rasgar
to tell told told telling decir
to think thought thought thinking pensar
to thrive thrived/throve thrived/throven thriving prosperar
to throw threw thrown throwing arrogar/tirar
to thrust thrust thrust thrusting introducir
to tread trod trodden treading pisar
to understand understood understood understanding entender
to undergo underwent undergone undergoing sufrir
to underpay underpaid underpaid underpaying pagar mal
to undertake undertook undertaken undertaking emprender
to wake woke woken waking despertarse
to wear wore worn wearing llevar puesto
to weave wove woven weaving tejer
to weep wept wept weeping llorar
to wet wet wet wetting mojar
to win won won winning ganar
to wind wound wound winding enrollar
to withdraw withdrew withdrawn withdrawing retirarse
to wring wrung wrung wringing torcer
to write wrote written writing escribir
to accept accepted accepted accepting aceptar
to achieve achieved achieved achieving lograr
to add added added adding agregar
to admit admited admited admitting admitir
to agree agreed agreed agreeing acordar
to allow aloowed allowed allowing permitir
to announce announced announcend announcing anunciar
to annoy annoyed annoyed annoying irritar
to answer answered answered answering contestar
to appear appeared appeared appearing aparecer
to argue argued argued arguing discutir
to ask asked asked asking preguntar
to assume assumed assumed assuming asumir
to attack attacked attacked attacking atacar
to attend attended attended attending asistir a
to avoid avoided avoided avoiding evitar
to believe believed believed believing creer
to bother bothered bothered bothering molestar
to bum burned burned burning quemar
to call called called calling llamar
to cancel cancelled cancelled cancelling cancelar
to care cared cared caring preocupars
to carry carried carried carrying cargar
to cause caused caused causing causar
to change changed changed changing cambiar
to clap clapped clapped clapping aplaudir
to close closed closed closing cerrar
to commit committed comitted committing cometer
to compare compared compared comparing comparar
to connect connected connected connecting conectar
to consider considered considered considering considerar
to contain contained contained containing contener
to continue continued continued continuing continuar
to control controlled controlled controlling controlar
to cover covered covered covering cubrir
to create created created creating crear
to cry cried cried crying llorar
to dare dared dared daring atreverse
to decide decided decided deciding decidir
to describe described described describing describir
to design designed designed designing diseñar
to dial dialed dialed dialing marcar (tel)
to discover discovered discovered discovering descubrir
to discuss discussed discussed discussing discutir
to dream dreamed dreamed dreaming soñar
to drop dropped dropped dropping dejar caer
to earn earned earned earning ganarse
to enjoy enjoyed enjoyed enjoying disfrutar
to enter entered entered entering entrar
to excuse excuseed excused excusing disculpar
to expect expected expected expecting esperar
to explain explained explained explaining explicar
to express expressed expressed expressing expresar
to face faced faced facing enfrentar
to fail failed failed failing fracasar
to fill filled filled filling llenar
to finish finished finished finished terminar

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