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Realistic Job Preview (RJP) Criteria

Discuss the conditions that a good Realistic job preview should satisfy and relevance of outlining the
necessary conditions

A Realistic Job Preview (RJP) is a tool used by organizations to provide potential employees
with an accurate and comprehensive understanding of the job and work environment. To be
effective, an RJP should satisfy several conditions, including:

1. Transparency: The RJP should be honest and upfront about the job requirements,
duties, and expectations. This includes highlighting both the positive and negative
aspects of the job.
2. Relevance: The information provided in the RJP should be relevant to the specific job
and should not contain irrelevant or misleading information.
3. Completeness: The RJP should cover all aspects of the job, including the tasks,
responsibilities, work environment, and company culture.
4. Accessibility: The RJP should be easily accessible to potential employees and should
be provided at the appropriate time in the hiring process.
5. Objectivity: The RJP should be objective and avoid any bias or manipulation of the
information presented.

Outlining these conditions is important as it ensures that the RJP provides potential
employees with a complete and accurate understanding of the job, which can help to reduce
employee turnover and increase job satisfaction. Additionally, it helps the employer to attract
the right candidates for the job and reduce the cost of recruitment.

Discuss the relevance of realistic job

Realistic Job Previews (RJPs) are relevant for both employers and potential employees in
several ways:

1. Attracting the right candidates: RJPs provide potential employees with an accurate
and comprehensive understanding of the job and work environment, which can help
to attract candidates who are well-suited for the job and are more likely to stay with
the company long-term.
2. Reducing employee turnover: By providing an accurate and realistic picture of the
job, RJPs can help to reduce employee turnover. When employees have a clear
understanding of the job, they are less likely to be surprised or disappointed by the
work environment, which can lead to dissatisfaction and turnover.
3. Improving job satisfaction: RJPs can improve job satisfaction by giving employees a
realistic expectation of the job. When employees understand the demands of the job
and the work environment, they can make an informed decision about whether the job
is a good fit for them, which can lead to greater job satisfaction.
4. Cost Savings: RJPs can save the employer money by reducing the cost of recruitment,
training, and turnover. When employees are better matched with their jobs, they are
more likely to stay with the company and less likely to require costly training or
5. Legal compliance: RJPs can also help employers to comply with legal requirements
by providing potential employees with accurate and relevant information about the
job and work environment.

Overall, realistic job previews are important tools for employers to attract, retain and engage
employees. They are also a way to ensure that potential employees have a clear
understanding of the job, the work environment, and company culture, which can lead to
greater job satisfaction and reduced turnover.

Explain purpose of realistic job preview

The purpose of a Realistic Job Preview (RJP) is to provide potential employees with an
accurate and comprehensive understanding of the job and work environment. This includes
information about the tasks, responsibilities, work schedule, company culture, and any other
relevant details. The goal of an RJP is to ensure that potential employees have a realistic
expectation of the job and work environment, and that they are well-suited for the position
before they accept an offer. This aims to reduce employee turnover

Explain 5 purposes of realistic job preview


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Realistic Job Preview Benefits

Role of realistic job preview in effectively acquiring and maintaining new employees

A realistic job preview (RJP) is a tool used by employers to provide potential employees with
accurate and comprehensive information about the job, including both the positive and
negative aspects. RJPs are designed to help potential employees make informed decisions
about whether or not to accept a job offer and can also help to increase job satisfaction and
reduce turnover among new hires. RJPs can be presented in various forms, including videos,
brochures, or one-on-one interviews with current employees. By providing a realistic view of
the job, RJPs can help to set realistic expectations for new hires and reduce the likelihood of
disappointment or dissatisfaction once they begin working. Additionally, RJPs can help to
attract self-selected, highly-qualified candidates who are more likely to be a good fit for the
job and the organization.

5 roles of realistic job preview in effectively acquiring and maintaining new employees

1. Setting realistic expectations: RJPs provide potential employees with accurate and
comprehensive information about the job, including both the positive and negative
aspects, which can help to set realistic expectations for new hires and reduce the
likelihood of disappointment or dissatisfaction once they begin working.
2. Attracting self-selected, highly-qualified candidates: By providing a realistic view of
the job, RJPs can help to attract self-selected, highly-qualified candidates who are
more likely to be a good fit for the job and the organization.
3. Reducing turnover: RJPs can also help to increase job satisfaction and reduce turnover
among new hires. By providing new hires with a realistic view of the job, RJPs can
help to ensure that new hires are well-suited for the job and less likely to leave the
4. Improving the selection process: RJPs can be used as a tool to improve the selection
process by providing potential employees with accurate information about the job,
which can help to identify candidates who are well-suited for the job and the
5. Enhancing communication: RJPs can be used as a tool to enhance communication
between employers and potential employees, by providing potential employees with
the information they need to make an informed decision about accepting a job offer
and to ensure that they have the right expectations once they start working.

Diverse Workforce Pros Cons

5 Benefits and drawbacks of having a diverse workforce

Benefits of having a diverse workforce include:

1. Increased creativity and innovation: A diverse group of people brings a variety of

perspectives and ideas, which can lead to more creative solutions and breakthroughs.
2. Improved decision-making: A diverse group of people is more likely to consider a wider
range of options and perspectives, leading to better decision-making.
3. Increased adaptability and competitiveness: A diverse workforce can help an organization
respond more effectively to a rapidly changing business environment.
4. Better representation of the customer base: A diverse workforce can help an organization
better understand and serve its diverse customer base.
5. Improved employee satisfaction and retention: A diverse workforce can lead to a more
positive and inclusive work environment, which can improve employee satisfaction and

Drawbacks of having a diverse workforce include:

1. Potential communication difficulties: People from different backgrounds may have difficulty
communicating with one another, which can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts.
2. Higher potential for discrimination or bias: A diverse workforce can also lead to an increase
in discrimination or bias, if not properly managed.
3. Potential for resistance or pushback from employees: Some employees may resist or push
back against a more diverse workforce, due to their own biases or prejudices.
4. Potential for increased costs: Establishing and maintaining a diverse workforce can be costly,
both in terms of time and resources.
5. Potential for lack of understanding: Employees may not have knowledge or understanding of
the cultural backgrounds of their colleagues, this can lead to lack of understanding and

Main reasons for increasing workforce diversity.

There are several main reasons for increasing workforce diversity, including:

1. Legal and regulatory compliance: Many laws and regulations require organizations to
take steps to increase diversity and prevent discrimination in the workplace.
2. Business competitiveness: Having a diverse workforce can give organizations a
competitive edge by allowing them to better understand and serve diverse customer
base, and increase adaptability and innovation in a rapidly changing business
3. Social responsibility: Many organizations recognize that they have a responsibility to
promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace as a way of contributing to a more
equitable and just society.
4. Talent acquisition and retention: A diverse workforce can help organizations attract
and retain the best talent from a wide range of backgrounds and experiences.
5. Improved decision making: A diverse group of people is more likely to consider a
wider range of options and perspectives, leading to better decision-making, which can
bring benefits to the organization.
6. Reputation and branding: Having a diverse workforce can also enhance an
organization's reputation and branding as a socially responsible and inclusive

5 ways workforce diversity increases employee retention

1. Increased job satisfaction: A diverse workforce can lead to a more positive and
inclusive work environment, which can improve employee satisfaction and increase
retention rates.
2. Greater sense of belonging: When employees feel that they are valued and respected
for their unique backgrounds and experiences, they are more likely to feel a sense of
belonging within the organization, which can lead to increased retention.
3. Improved communication and collaboration: A diverse workforce can lead to
improved communication and collaboration, as employees learn to work effectively
with people from different backgrounds and cultures.
4. Greater opportunities for development and growth: A diverse workforce can provide
employees with greater opportunities for professional development and growth, as
they are exposed to new ideas and perspectives.
5. Reduction in discrimination and bias: A diverse workforce can help to reduce
discrimination and bias in the workplace, which can create a more positive and
equitable work environment, which can increase employee retention.

Money is the only way to motivate and maintain employees in any business organization. Do you
agree or disagree? Defend your answer
I disagree that money is the only way to motivate and maintain employees in any business
organization. While money is certainly an important factor for employees, it is not the only
way to motivate and retain them.

Employees are motivated by a variety of factors, including the opportunity to do meaningful

work, the ability to learn and grow professionally, a positive and inclusive work environment,
and a sense of belonging and connection to the organization. When employees feel that they
are valued and respected for their unique backgrounds and experiences, they are more likely
to be engaged and motivated to stay with the organization.

Additionally, non-monetary incentives such as benefits, flexible working hours, training and
development opportunities, recognition, and opportunities for advancement can also play an
important role in employee motivation and retention.

In summary, while money is an important factor in employee motivation and retention, it is

not the only way to motivate and maintain employees in any business organization. A
combination of monetary and non-monetary incentives, as well as creating a positive work
culture and providing opportunities for professional growth, can also play a significant role in
employee motivation and retention.

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