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8 Health Benefits of Probiotics

Probiotics are live microorganisms that are beneficial to our health that we gained through eating and
drinking fermented foods and supplements.

Increased research shows that the stability or disproportion of bacteria in your digestive system is linked
to overall health and ailments.

Probiotics have been associated to a wide range of health comfort and encourage a healthy balance of
gut bacteria.

Reduction of weight, enhanced digestion, immune function are some of benefits that we can gained.

1. Probiotics Help Balance the Friendly Bacteria in Your Digestive System

• Probiotics are live microorganisms that contains ‘good’ bacteria that aid and provide health benefits
when ingested.

• These benefits are the outcome from the ability of probiotics to re-establish the natural balance of
bacteria from the gut.

• An imbalance indicates that there are excessive bad bacteria than the good bacteria. It can happen
due ingestion of antibiotics for medications, inadequate diet, etc.

• our digestive system may experience problems such as allergies, mental health issues, overweight and
more as consequences.

•For most individuals it appears that probiotics are safe which is commonly obtain in fermented foods

Bottom Line: Probiotics are live microorganisms that when use in enough amount it can assist restoring
the natural balance of gut bacteria. As an outcome we may attain benefits for our health.

2. Probiotics Prevent and Treat Diarrhea

• Antibiotics causes an imbalance between good and bad bacteria in the gut that is why when taking
antibiotics you might experience diarrhea as a common side effects.

One study shows that 42% of antibiotic-related diarrhea are decrease by taking probiotics.
• Probiotics might aid other forms of diarrhea that are not cause by antibiotics

Base on a wide review it shows that the time period of infectious diarrhea can be lessen by a certain
strains of probiotics for an average of 25 hours.

Probiotics lessen the risk of diarrhea by 8% in travelers. While diarrhea from other causes was lessen to
26% in adults 57% in children.

• Depending on the type and dose of the probiotic taken, effectiveness may vary.

The strains that are usually linked to risk reduction of diarrhea includes lactobacillus rhamnosus,
lactobacillus casei and yeast saccharomyces boulardii.

Bottom Line: Probiotics may lessen the probability and seriousness of diarrhea from different causes.

3. Probiotic Supplements Improve a Number of Mental Health Conditions

• Mental health disorders might be improved by probiotic supplements base on studies of both human
and animals.

Studies shows that OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) anxiety, autism, depression and memory might
be improved by supplementation of bifidobacterium and lactobacillus strains in a duration of 1-2
months. In another study , health benefits might be sustain for the people who are taking 100 grams of
probiotic yogurt or capsule daily.

• Depression levels, C-Reactive protein ( a marker of inflammation ) and hormones such as insulin are
lessen by taking probiotic supplements in a duration of 8 weeks.

Bottom Line: Studies shows that manifestation of mental health disorders like anxiety, depression,
stress, etc. may improve by taking probiotic supplement.

4. Your Heart May Keep Reducing Blood Pressure and LDL Levels

• Probiotics may assist on keeping your heart healthy by reducing blood pressure and LDL (low-density
lipoprotein) also known as 'bad' cholesterol.
• cholesterol may decrease with the help of a certain lactic acid-producing bacteria through breaking
down bile in the gut. A bile is largely made of cholesterol and it is commonly exist can be a help in

Reabsorption of bile in the gut where it can infiltrate blood as cholesterol can be prevented with
probiotics by breaking down the bile. .

In some review, it shows that cholesterol are lowered by 4% while the LDL cholesterol is lessened by 5%
when a person is ingesting probiotic yogurt. While it shows that there were no difference in total or LDL
cholesterol in other research that was conducted for a duration of more than 6 months. But there is a
little increase in HDL which is a good cholesterol.

• Ingestion of probiotics may also decrease blood pressure. Studies found out that probiotic
supplements decrease blood pressure, but only modestly.

Daily supplementation beyond 8 weeks and 10 million units may sustain health benefits associated with
blood pressure.

Bottom Line: Probiotics decreases levels of “bad” LDL cholesterol and lessen blood pressure moderately
which may help protect the heart.

5. Probiotics May Decrease the Severity of Certain Allergies and Eczema

• Severity of eczema in babies and children may decrease by specific probiotics. One study shows that
babies fed boost milk with probiotics might enhanced eczema symptoms rather than the babies' fed of
lacking probiotic supplemented milk.

• In another study, the first two years of life for the children of women taking probiotics throughout
pregnancy may have 83% lower risk of developing eczema.

• However, proof is inadequate and it is still needed more studies to prove that responses of probiotic in
people with allergies to milk and dairy may also decrease inflammatory.

Bottom Line: Probiotics might lower possibilities and seriousness of specific allergies, like eczema in
babies. But still it needed more studies.

6. Probiotics Can Help Decrease Symptoms of Specific Digestive Disorders

• In the U.S, more than 1 million people experience inflammatory bowel disorders including ulcerative
colitis and Crohn’s disease (It causes inflammation of your digestive tract, which can lead to abdominal
pain, fatigue, severe diarrhea, weight loss and malnutrition).

• Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus strains are specific type of probiotics that might improved
symptoms in people with mild ulcerative colitis.

• In one study, it was unexpectedly found out that in people with ulcerative colitis, supplementing with
probiotics E. coli Nissle is just as effacious as drug in decreasing symptoms. But in Crohn’s disease,
probiotics are seem to have a little effect.

Aside from the benefits of probiotics in other bowel disorder it may also aid manifestations of irritable
bowel syndrome or IBS base on initials studies.

• It has been shown that probability of a fatal bowel disorder that happens in premature babies called
‘Necrotizing Enterocolitis’ are reduced by 50%

Bottom Line: Symptoms of bowel disorders like ulcerative colitis, IBS (inflammatory bowel disease) and
necrotizing enterocolitis may decrease by the help of probiotics.

7. Probiotics Also Helps Boosting Your Immune System

• Probiotics may assist on boosting your immune system and it hinders harmful gut bacteria from
growing. It also shows that production of natural antibodies is enhanced and immune cells such as IgA-
producing cells, T lymphocytes and natural killer cells (NK Cells) may boost.

Taking probiotics lower the possibility and the time period of respiratory infections base on huge studies
but the quality of proof are inadequate.

In another study the seriousness and constancy of respiratory infections are lowered by 17% for the
children taking lactobacillus GG. While lactobacillus crispatus decreases the possibility of urinary tract
infections(UTI) by 50% in women.

Bottom Line: Probiotics may protect us from infections by boosting our immune system.
8. Through Different Numbers of Processes, Probiotic Helps with Weight Loss

•Through a number of different process probiotics might help us in losing weight.

• Instead of keeping it within the body, the fat is discharged through feces. Due to increase levels of
hormones like GLP-1, it helps you feel full for a period of time, stores less fat and burn more calories.

• In another research, Lactobacillus gasseri can reduce 8.5% body fat if it is taken for 12 weeks in low
doses while Lactobacillus rhamnosus may also help in reducing 50% more weight for a dieting woman
taking it in a duration of 3 months compared to women who didn’t take probiotics.

• However, in some studies, it shows that some probiotics like Lactobacillus acidophilus can cause
gaining weight.

Bottom Line: There might be some strains that have been connected to gaining weight but there are
certain probiotics that will help you reduce weight and lose belly fat.

Probiotics can be found in many foods like yogurts, milk, miso, kimchi, and other fermented
goods. We can also get probiotics from supplements.

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