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Due to globalization and technological advancement no nations are continuously

dealing with shifting economic and social difficulties by fostering knowledge and high

skills education aids in overcoming these obstacle and promote quicker economic

growth (OECD,2019) the role of computer and information technology in education

institution, development and employment are increasing thanks to the benefits of the

digital of which include digital markets, advanced scientific technology, and social

network (OECD,2015). According to the OECD (2019), education must adjust to social

change students needs, and technology advancement. The most recent pandemic

provides the best illustration of this adaptation somehow the computers made the

learning process a lot simpler and communication unavailable offline. For example,

students can check their grades or lesson plans online, and also communication directly

with their teacher via email or education platform such as blockboard. Student can also

send work to their teachers from home or anywhere else, letting them finish work

outside the constraints of school hours and teaching them about procrastination and

personal responsibility, computers have supplied infinite resources for learning and

made education more flexible and easier to access. Students can now again knowledge

and information and only from classroom assignment and libraries but also from

available online resources. The importance of this topic is to give the student of past

way to gain all need from the school specially on the time of pandemic student who use

computer have been shown to attend school more steadily and perform better than

student who do not use computer. Along with getting higher grades an exam, students
also stated they felt more involved with their lesson and work if they used a computer.

Using computer get student to became more focused on their work at home. In

collaborate project with another student and on their own. When taking on computer,

students are frequently sidetracked by other activities they may easily carry out through

their laptops, like browsing the internet or utilizing social media (e.g., Maxwell, 2007).

Due to two cognitive biases – a presents bias and an optimism bias -using computers in

class can make pupils less attentive. David Laibson, a behavioral economics expert and

professor of economics expert and professor of economics at Harvard University,

explains how the current bias operates by saying that many students enter the

classroom intending to pay close attention in class. However, once seated in front of

their computer, they may choose the instant gratification of a simple diversion presented

on their screens due to their internet connections work more quickly thanks to

computers the capabilities of computers, software, and hardware all increase with time.

For instance, compared to someone typing on typewriter, someone with a very basic

understanding of a processor can work more quickly and enjoy writing. A word

processor makes it simple to edit anyplace in a document, delete, move copy, and

change front, among other things. All of this task was difficult or impossible to complete

using a typewriter. You can keep learning and improving after mastering the

fundamentals of an activity or program until you are an expert and work more quickly.

For instance, someone who is knowledgeable about a program and is aware of its

keyboard shortcuts can work two to three times as quickly as someone with only a

cursory awareness of it.


Technology is the main support for the students learning developments nowadays. With

shifting from the teacher-centered instruction to child-centered instruction, the role,

activities, attitudes, reflections of the students become more important concern to

overlook the effectiveness of technology in instruction. Computers are the main

technology support as a tool for effective learning and teaching process. Computer

based instruction and computers programs, tools as itself provides much facilities and

supports to students’ educational life. Computers are update mechanism for the

education and it is not only for education, these developments affect all global, cultural,

economic life standards as well.

The computer as productivity tool has great role in education. Computers include

hardware and software, word processing functions, graphics, programmed instruction

for problem solving, spreadsheets, databases, networking and telecommunications for

today high technology developments as a reflective to education. In addition to this,

within the constructivist approach perspective, computers help the differentiate roles of

students and teachers, application of instruction by providing equal standards,

understanding, meaningful learning for all students. Computer help to convert teacher

based instruction to child centered instruction with providing multiple intelligence

atmospheres to the educational cycle (Forcier, 2010).

Within the today’s application, it is important to get the meaningful learning for the

students’ learning cycle. It is not necessary to get information directly from the

instructors, what is important today is that experiencing reality, discovering reality with

technology guidance. When we look at issues and ahead, we can commend that

technology has main responsible process in instruction for today educational world.

With the development of high technology improvements, students get main role in their

learning process. Computers have role to support easy study of students with their

learning process. Beside this, all students take advantage of learning opportunities

technology offers within the instruction Grabe, et. al. 2001).

As we know that, research is main consideration to form alternatives and critical thinking

by comparing all issues. Today, we can face with learning by doing, discovery learning

and learning by searching. These concepts refer to understand that individualized

learning becomes more needed to contribute stable learning among individuals. In

addition to this, computer is basic home to get and apply all these items under the idea

of equalities in education among all people. Because by the computer included learning,

everyone gets same chances to know and follow issues. Therefore, considering issues

should be done individually as being free. In order to be reflective on the usage of

computers and facilities, there should be examination of the thoughts, attitudes of

students towards computer. Because based on the constructivist perspectives, students

have great role in the learning process and much affected from the technology support

to their education.


1. What is the demographic profile of the grade 11 TVL students in terms of ;

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

2. What is the effect of capability and handling and manipulating computer of GAS

11 A and B on their academic performance

1.1 Computer attitudes

1.2 Learning environment

1.3 Learning motivation

3. What action/strategies can be preposed to improve the handling computer in the


Significance of the study

This study is important for the reader to determine the effect of computer to the

academic performance among the students of JNHS. Computer literacy enables

students to make use of the online learning platforms that are available on the internet.

There are a number of learning platforms and doubt-solving platforms available for

students and also, they can connect with expert on the internet to learn more about their

learning concepts

For the students, the learning gets much simple and efficient when there is the use of

computer. The student get access to new tools and method of communication. This
helps them to have online communication with their teacher. They can check their

lessons plan or grades online

For the school, Computer in education have been known to improve the performance

of the student by helping them to engage better with their school work. Its believed that

computer in education completely enhance student mathematical knowledge, critical

thinking, improve score, besides helping with problem solving

For the parent, digital technologies can often detract from parent-child interaction. as

turkles research has shown, parents can become distracted and less present with their

children because of mobile devices. The aforementioned distracted father is not alone

his mobile to obsession.

For the next researchers, it will help as a guide to their researcher and will give

information to understanding the research.

Scope and Limitation

This study focuses on the level of capability handling and manipulating computer

on the academic performance of grade 11-TVL

The researcher focused to the TVL 11 Student on Jomalig National High school in the

main campus wherein it consists of different grade level and section of the respondents.

This research was conducted to senior highs school student on Year 2023-2024.
Conceptual framework


-students of Level of -handling and

JNHS capability manipulating
of computer

Figure 1: conceptual framework

This study focuses on level of capability of handling and manipulating computer

in the academic performance of Grade 11-TVL students at JNHS. The main focus of

this research is to determine the level of capability of handling and manipulating


The researcher will be provided, the two variables of the study. Which is the

independent and the dependent, the independent variables include handling and

manipulating computer, the dependent variables of the study is the academic

performance of grade 11-TVL students at JNHS.

Definition of terms

JNHS- Jomalig National High School. This is the place where the respondents who are

the grade 11-TVL students studied.

Academic performance -is the measurement of student achievement across various

academic performance

TVL/TRACKS- under the Enhance basic education act of 2013, most senior high school

(SHS) picked Technical-Vocation-Livelihood track with deals primarily with technical

vocational skills or tech-voc, these skills are requirements for certificate of competency

(COC) and national certifications (NC) that you will need especially if you are looking for

a career in electronic, agriculture or trading

Student profile- encompasses a student’s personal and academic information for the

current school years and includes several areas for each student. These are student

overview, enrollment academic record, benchmark tests, classroom tests, standard

tests, growth report, disciplinary incidents report and interventions.


Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies as supportive details,

also it presents the research paradigm

Countries are constantly facing everchanging economic challenges and social

transformation due to globalization and technology development. Education helps

overcome these challenges by developing knowledge and high skills, allowing better

opportunities and faster economic progression (OECD, 2019). Computers and

information technology have become key to educational institution worldwide (Hsu and

Huang, 2006). With advantages of the digital era through digital market, advanced

scientific and social network, there is a growth in innovation, development and

employment (OEC, 2015)..

Technology is a recent marvel in our everyday life that has takin off. Technology

allows the most difficult tasks to become seamlessly easy and more

education, technology has allowed the dissemination of knowledge to be dispersed

instantly and its allow for quicker and more effective communication. Also, technology

has allowed student to be engaged and learn ways that they never have in classroom

setting before. According to spears (2012) she cite Donovan, Hartley & Strudler (2007)
and describes the first 1.1 technology program that was used in a school setting.

Spears (2012) state, “the first provider of 1.1 computer access for teacher was apple

classroom of tomorrow (ACOT). The goal of ACOT was to promote change in the

context of education “(p.1). spears continue in her study and describe Microsoft s 1.1

initiative through the anytime anywhere learning (AAL) program. Spears (p.1) cites the

work of Donovan et al. (2007),”an increase in enthusiasm for teaching and learning with

technology, an improvement in students writing skills, an increase of authentic and

purposeful use of technology … are some of the benefits of 1.1 technology integration

programs like the AAL program “.these program in the 1980”s and 1990’s paved the

way for presidents, administrators, and educators to be come aware of how positively

technology could impact the student and teacher in the classroom, like .

According to (Zimmerman) Theory and research on self-regulated academic

learning emerged in the mid-1980s to address the question of how students become

masters of their own learning processes. Neither a mental ability nor an academic

performance skill, self - regulation refers instead to the self – directive process through

which learners transform their mental abilities into task – related academic skills. This

approach view learning as activity that student do for themselves in a proactive way,

rather than as covert that happen to them reactively as a result teaching experiences.

Self – regulated learning (SRL) theory and research are not limited to social forms of

education, such as discovery learning, self – education through reading, studying

programmed instruction, for computer assisted Instruction, but can include social form

of learning such as modeling, guidance and feedback from peers, coaches, and

teachers the key issue defining learning as self – regulated is not whether it is socially
isolated, but rather whether the learner displace initiative, perseverance, adaptive

approach to academic learning instruction historically and then identify their common

features. Finally, I briefly introduce and compare seven prominent theoretical

perspective on self – regulated learning- operant, phenomenological information

processing, social cognitive, volitional, by Vygotskian, and cognitive constructivist

approaches- in terms of those common feature. In the chapters that follow, each

theoretical perspective is discussed at length by prominent researchers who have used

it to guide their research and instruction

According to Randell this article reviews the literature the compare the

instructional effectiveness of games to conventional classroom instruction. Studies

dealing with empirical research rather than teacher judgement are reviewed. Published

reviews of research in English dating from 1963 to 1984 were examined and the

literature ways search for studies from 1984 to 1991. Of the 67 studies considered over

a period of 28 years, 38 show no difference between games and convention instruction,

22 favor games, 5 favor games, but their controls are questionable, and 3 favor

conventional instruction. Results for social science, math language arts, logic physics,

biology, retention over time language and interest are examined. Math is the subject

aria with the greatest percentage of result favoring games, but only eight studies have

adequate controls. Thirty-three out of 46 social science games/simulations show no

difference between games/ simulations and classroom instruction, the authors conclude

that subject matter areas where very specific content can be targeted are more likely

show beneficial effects for gaming.


This study aimed to determine the effect of handling and manipulating computer in the

academic performance of GAS 11 A and B students in JNHS. In the completion of this

study, the researchers consider a research paradigm

The researcher will identify the strategies and action for the effect of handling and

manipulating computer in the academic performance oof students. The researcher will

distribute a questionnaire with regard to the research questions. The gathered

information is about students’ assessing of the effect in hand ling and manipulating

computer in the academic performance on GAS 11 A and B students on JNHS. After

analyzing the data and information from the respondents’ the researcher will propose

the strategies of Handling and Manipulating computer in the student.


This study was designed to determined the effect of handling and manipulating

computer on student in GAS 11 A and B. in this chapter, it presented the materials and

procedure used in this study. It also included the research design, population and

sampling research instrumentation, Data gathering procedure and statistical treatment.

Likewise, it will identify the respondents and the sampling techniques employed in the

study. Validation techniques for the instrument and data gathering procedure will

completely utilize.

Research locale

This study was conducted in JOMALIG NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL campus were

all the GAS 11 A and B have a determined the effect of handling and manipulating

computer in the student.


The population of this study are Senior High School Students who are the Grade 11

GAS -A and B. It will be conducted at Senior High School students at Jomalig National

High School (JNHS). The total number of respondents are 98 GAS 11-A and B

Population and Sampling

The population group of this study are Senior High School students with the total

of 98 students in GAS 11-A and B. The respondents will be chosen using random



The researchers utilized checklist-type of survey questionnaire to determine the

level of capability handling and manipulating computer of students. The checklist-type of

survey questionnaire was used as the main tool to gather information by using survey

questionnaire for this study.

Instrument Validation

For the validation process of this study, the researchers asked first their practical

research II teacher to check if their survey questionnaire are valid. Also the

researchers’ subjects teacher will checked the grammar and content of this


Data Gathering Procedure

In order to make this study more possible, the researchers asked a permission

to the Teachers In-Charge (TIC) in a form of approval letter from the office of the

principal of JNHS, to allow the distribution of the questionnaire to the Grade 11 GAS-A

and B students. They scheduled the conduction of the survey questionnaire. The

researchers explained and introduced the purpose and the significance of this study.

For the data analysis, they analyzed and interpreted wise the gathered data using a

quantitative approach.

Research Design

This study non-experimental research where the researchers utilized a

quantitative approach in gathering and analyzing the necessary data. Descriptive

method was used in this study. It deals with the process of determining the level of

capability handling and manipulating computer of students. This study was descriptive

because it described the level of manipulating computer in terms of Computer

attitudes,Learning environment, Learning motivation. It involves the systematic

collection and analytic processing of statistical data by conducting a survey

questionnaire on the sample size of respondents. In order to describe a statistical data,

the researchers will analyze the data by using statistical analysis.

Statistical Treatment

The gathered data was tabulated, analyzed, tallied, and interpreted statistically

to determine the level of capability handling and manipulating computer of students.

1. Weighted Mean to determine the Grade 11 GAS-A and B level of capability

handling and manipulating computer.

The formula is




WM- Weighted Mean

F- Frequency of responses

N-Total number scale points and descriptive rating were referred for analysis.


4 3.51-4.00 STRONGLY AGREE

3 2.51-3.50 AGREE

2 1.51-2.50 DISAGREE


2. Percentage of the respondents to determine the demographic profile.

The Formula is:

P= N x100


P-Percentage of respondents

n- Number of respondents

N- Total number of respondents

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