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Lazy Brahmin

Narrator, Zara : Once upon a time, there was a brahmin in village. He lived in there with his wife
and his kid. The brahmin lived his live in a very different way. Every morning, he would wake
up, have a bath near the well, come back home, have his food and go back to sleep. The brahmin
had everything in life. He had a big farm. He grew various kinds of fruits and vegetables. But he
had a very bad habit. The brahmin was a very lazy man. His family was always worried.
Because he never did any work, and kept sleeping all day long.

Brahmin’s wife, Aisyah : Are you going to sleep again? Come on, wake up! Dont you go to the
farm today? All our crops will be wasted!

Narrator, Zara : But all the efforts to wake him up were useless. The brahmin opened his one
eyes, smiled and went back to sleep.

Brahmin’s wife, Aisyah : There is no use in trying to wake him up. I will go to the farm my self
and see wether everything is fine.

Narrator, Zara : Shortly after, his kid began to make noise in the house, which wake the brahmin
and he started to play with them.
On the other hand, as the brahmin’s wife was returning from the farm, she met a sage. She then
invited the sage to come home for food.

Brahmin’s wife, Aisyah : Oh, sage. I have not had the honor to meet you in a long time. You
must come home with me. Please give me the oppurtunity to serve you!

Sage, Layla : You are very generous. My god keep his blessing on you. Lets go!

Narrator, Zara : As the brahmin’s wife walked back home with the sage, she saw her husband.

Brahmin’s wife, Aisyah : Thank god, he is awake. Look who has come to our house!

Narrator, Zara : As soon as the brahmin saw sage, he immidiately went to outside to welcome
him in. The husband and wife then served sage very well. They gave him food to eat.
The sage was very pleased with their service and spirit. He then asked the brahmin to make a

Sage, Layla : Tell me, what do you want? I will grant any wish you have!

Brahmin, Faaqih : Sage, i only have one wish. That i never have to do any work ever again. I
wish for someone who would magically do all my work.

Sage, Layla : I will grant your wish, but you will have to keep him busy all the time! He must
never sit idle.

Brahmin, Faaqih : As you say, Sage. I will remember this.

Narrator, Zara : After agreeing to grant his wish, sage blessed the brahmin and went away. As
soon as he left, a big monster appeared.
Monster, Fathir : Ha.ha...haaa..haa... master, your wish is my command! Tell me what can i do
for you?

Brahmin, Faaqih : Allright.. do one thing, go and water my farm!

Narrator, Zara : The monster vanished immediately. Brahmin was now very relieved. He now
didn’t have to do any work.
After some time, the monster appeared again.

Monster, Fathir : Ha..haaa..hahaah.. master, the work you asked me to do is done. What else do
i do?

Brahmin, Faaqih : What? You watered the entire farm, in such short time. What other work do i
give you now?

Monster, Fathir : You have to give me work, master! Or else i will eat you!

Narrator, Zara : The brahmin was now scared! He immediately gave another work to the

Brahmin, Faaqih : Go fast and plow the entire field!

Monster, Fathir : Yes, master! I will do the work and come back soon!

Narrator, Zara : As he left, the brahmin calmed down and thought.

Brahmin, Faaqih : It takes a lot of time to plow an entire field! Till the i will go back and have
some food!

Narrator, Zara : After that. The brahmin sat down with his wife and kids to have food. But just
then the monster appeared!

Brahmin, Faaqih : You are back, again! Did you plow the entire field?

Monster, Fathir : Yes, master! What else do i do? Give me more work!

Brahmin, Faaqih : Work!work!work! What work do i keep giving you? Come now. Come here
and play with my head!

Narrator, Zara : As soon as the brahmin said these words, the monster started to play with the
brahmin’s head!

Brahmin, Faaqih : Oh! Is he gone mad! Somebody stop him! He will break my head otherwise!
What do i do now? What work do i gave him? How do i get rid of him!

Brahmin’s wife, Aisyah : If you want to get rid of him, i can help you. But you will have to
promise me something first!

Brahmin, Faaqih : Yes!!! Tell me fast... my head will explode now!

Brahmin’s wife, Aisyah : From now on, you will do all your work by yourself.

Brahmin, Faaqih : Oh.. okayy! Agree! Now please help me in getting rid of him!
Brahmin’s wife, Aisyah : Listen! Do one thing. Stop playing with his head. Our dog, Moti, his
tail is crooked. Go straighten it!

Monster, Fathir : Your wish is my command! I will do it right away!

Narrator, Zara : Amused to see her husbands situation, the wife started laughing!

Brahmin’s wife, Aisyah : HAHAHAHAHA.. i always warned you! I knew one day you will
have to pay for being so lazy! Now you see!

Brahmin, Faaqih : Alright! I got what i deserved. But he will straighten moti’s tail and be back
soon! What do i do then?

Brahmin’s wife, Aisyah : What are you talking about? Has anyone ever able to straighten a
dog’s tail? Believe me. He will spend all his time trying to do it, but the work will never get

Brahmin, Faaqih : You saved me today! From now on i will do all my work by myself. I will
never rely on anybody...

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