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2x innovation 2x speed 2x direct connections

Socio-political Problem 1. Nike attempts to innovate may be constrained by rigid Problem 1. Labor shortages Problem 1. Growing concerns regarding data collection and
developments regulations pertaining to the environment sustainability campaigns. pose by the BREXIT has resulted privacy can have a major impact on how companies will be
(Sir Joselito) Compliance with these standards may require changes to materials, in fewer immigrants and the able to gather, store, and use consumer data. Compliance
manufacturing processes, and products designs, influencing the timeline departure of many workers with these regulations regarding data collection and privacy
for innovation. According to Achlim and Achlim (2022), majority of the from the country. The BREXIT might be a hard one for the company to deal with especially
Nike’s products are made of cotton polyester, both of which are highly notably made an impact in the for those who are seeking direct ties with the consumer. In
polluting. They use some organic cotton in their products and transportation and logistics that accordance to this aspect, companies may encounter
hinders speed in production constraints in terms of the type of data and on how they can
Solution 1.1 Nike may invest in long-term product innovation through the (Aukera & Aukera, 2021). fully utilize it to deliver personalized consumer experiences,
creation of environmentally-friendly materials and processes. To remain Solution 1.1. To cope up with thereby minimizing success rate of their direct connections
abreast of shifting environmental legislation, collaborate with research the problem imposed by with the latter. Moreover, data privacy laws are influencing
institutions and partners. BREXIT, companies may offset it how firms collect, store, and analyze customer data.
through employee development Businesses that have so far been unaffected by data privacy
Solution 1.2. On the other hand, Nike may engage in conducting a and retention strategies. They can expect a larger legal need to secure their customer’s data
research and development to identify and examine alternative materials may even impose also a more as more people seek privacy rights (Businesses Are Collecting
that can serve as a replacement to cotton that have less environmental resilient and flexible labor force Data. How Are They Using It?, n.d.)
impact such as renewable natural fibers. by investing in existing
employees and attracting new Solution 1. Companies can handle this stringent effect of data
Problem 2.1 one thing that can be considered as an impediment for talent to boost the efficiency privacy showing data transparency in gathering and utilization
innovation of nike is the conflict in patent of intellectual property and speed in production. procedures. They need to make the customers fully
conflicts. Moreover, the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), like other understand the portion of what data is being gathered, why is
international treaties, has not been approved by several countries thus it being collected, and how it will be utilized. Companies can
they lack intellectual property laws or patent acts meaning they do not alleviate several concerns about mishandling of customer data
have local rules that govern the granting or enforcement of patents by demonstrating a strong commitment to data security and
(Inventa, n.d). compliance. It will better assist also the business in identifying
Since some regions have insufficient intellectual property protection and problems created by the regulations while still attempting to
enforcement, companies like Nike might hesitate to invest in innovations establish direct connections with customers.
due to the portion that their property or idea might be stolen or claimed
by the other manufacturer.

Solution 2.1. in line with this, Nike might identify first their geographical
scope in order to figure out the most cost-effective patent filling
methods. Hence they, should be aware of the thorough deadlines that
must be complied in order to ensure that intellectual property protection
is not overlooked.

Achlim, Y., & Achlim, Y. (2022). Just How Ethical is Nike? One Green Planet.

Aukera, & Aukera. (2021, November 19). The effects of Brexit on the logistics chain - Bilogistik. Bilogistik -.

Businesses are collecting data. how are they using it? (n.d.). Business News Daily.

Inventa. (n.d.). Which countries do not belong to the International Patent System? Inventa.

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