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 HIST 101 | BSCRIM 1L-1

 Assignments

1. What was being emphasized by the article? How did the article show that Rizal was a
poetry of patriotism?
-It is claimed that Jose Rizal initially expressed his concept of country and the Philippines
as an unique nation from Spain as a young student in Manila. Spain was known as the
compassionate and dedicated mother of her daughter Filipinas. He was a nationalist for Spain
because it was the Philippines' mother country. Rizal witnessed numerous injustices against his
fellow Filipinos. The privilege and the benefits that came with it were severely missing.
Rizal observed that the Philippines were not always represented in the Spanish
parliament. That, for him, was the source of the country's lack of justice. Rizal essened in the
essay "Love of Country" in 1882, when he was already in Spain.

2. Expound on a concrete situation that exemplifies the emphasis of the

-The following is an example of a concrete situation that exemplifies the article. Rizal
penned 'A la juventud filipino'[1] when he was only 18 years old and dedicated himself to the
young people of the Philippines, whom he referred to as "my Motherland's Fair Hood."

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