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One of the most well-known ancient structures in the entire world is Stonehenge, which is located in

Wiltshire, England.

Age and Construction:

Between about 3100 and 1600 BC, throughout the Neolithic and Bronze Ages, Stonehenge was
constructed in multiple phases. It has been estimated to be about 4,500 years old.

Information about the Stone Arrangement: Large standing stones are set in a horseshoe and circular
manner to form the monument. The outside ring is made up of larger sarsen stones, some of which
weigh up to 25 tons, while the inner circle is constructed of bluestones.

Purpose: There is still uncertainty over Stonehenge's precise function. Some theories contend that it
served as a graveyard, a house of worship, or an observatory for the stars. It could have served a number
of purposes.

As a repository of knowledge about the past and the accomplishments of the Neolithic inhabitants of
Britain, Stonehenge continues to be a subject of fascination and study. Its historical, architectural,
astronomical, cultural, and spiritual significance are what give it its overall value, making it a UNESCO
Heritage Site and a representation of human creativity and cultural history.

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