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Present Continuous

-short presentation-
ex. I am talking at the moment.
I am writing rightnow.
We are walking today.
She is readinga book now.

Present Continuous – activities at the moment of speaking.

Affirmative Form

S + BE(am/ are/is) + V-ING

Time Expressions: now, at the moment, today, this week/ month/

Ex. I am running today.
We are swimming right now.
I’m eating now.
She’s playing video games at the moment.
Spelling Rules for -ING ending:
1). VB + -ING
Ex. eat---- eating
2) VB in -e, drop -e + -ING
Ex. write---- writing
have---- having
ride---- riding
3) Short vb: cons + vowel + cons = duble the final
consonant sound
Ex. shop---- shopping
Stop---- stopping
Cut---- cutting
Get---- getting

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