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 Being Batman (or like Batman) means saying no to goofing off, eating crap

and missing heavy squats at the gym. To be like Batman means developing

 To be like Batman means conditioning your body to the best of your ability
through multiple methods of training.

 To be Batman means the constant training of mind and body.

 The lessons learned through physical training include respecting the limits
of your body and when to go beyond them.

 Systematic training means applying our intelligence creatively. Studying

sound scientific principles on ergonomics, body mechanics, how muscle
tissue is stimulated to grow through progressive overload, getting adequate
nutrition and rest to allow for full recovery and growth of muscle, tendons,
bones etc.

 Physical discipline often means getting up at odd hours to train, at times

we may feel uncomfortable, and we may find this routine downright
unpleasant. However there is a very real sense of satisfaction when you
keep your body fit and well through regular exercise and healthy eating
habits. There is a joy in sculpting your body to the proportions you prefer,
rather than just settling for what nature gave you.

 While we may not want to go to the lengths Batman does, we can challenge
ourselves by moving outside of our comfort zone on a semi-regular basis.

 To be like Batman means conditioning your body to the best of your ability
through multiple methods of training. Having a razor sharp mind honed
through meditation, contemplation, analysis, and detective work, using
intellect and intuition in equal measure.

 Perform physical training that is useful in how it applies to the real world,
and not just in a gym or sport.

 If you want to change, you must have in your thoughts an idealized self—a
model that you can emulate, which is different from, and better than,
the “you” that exists today in your particular environment, body, and time.
 The more we condition our mind/body through the breath, meditation,
mental training and exercise, the easier is is to transition from one state to
another effortlessly. To be in a state of arousal when we want to sleep is not
helpful, neither is being sleepy or overly relaxed when we need to go for a
run or drive a car or pay attention at work. With practice, we create what
NLP refers to as an “anchor”, basically a shortcut to any mental state we
want to be in.

 But some of the most important things he did were to eat real food, get some
exercise every day and set himself new challenges to conquer.

 “I do it as a therapy. I do it as something to keep me alive. We all need a

little discipline. Exercise is my discipline.”

 But just as important, if not more important than physical conditioning is

having an iron will and a determined can-do attitude.

 A weak will means never challenging yourself in life and letting

mediocrity creep in to every part of your being. It means living a shallow
unsatisfying life.

 Developing an IRON-WILL is not about being a hard ass, it is about saying

“YES!” to life and doing whatever you need to get done, even when you
don’t want to do it. Especially when you don’t want to do it.

 You get off your ass and you act, you go about your day with purpose, drive
and determination. And when things don’t go your way, you don’t bitch and
moan about it, you simply put any negative experiences behind you and
move on, focusing on the task at hand, and refocus on what your next
achievement will be. That’s how Batman does it, he doesn’t have time to
indulge in complaining about the past, and neither do you.

 To be like Batman takes an Iron Will.

 It takes hard work, determination, persistence, an attitude of never giving


 A habit of doing things that are uncomfortable, a habit of doing what we

dislike doing but know is good for us. It is one of the fundamental qualities
of Batman that is rarely understood.
 Developing an Iron-Will does not mean putting on a symbolic suit of armor,
and shutting ourself off from our emotions or other people, it means that we
acknowledge and respect the needs of others, but do not compromise our
core values just to fit in or conform with popular opinion.

 Tough times make for tough and resilient people.

 We live in an era where if we want to be challenged, to build strength of

character, we must choose our own challenges rather than wait for the world
to provide them for us. A life where we never challenge ourselves is really
no life at all. The man who strives to better himself and his circumstances
enjoys greater joys than the man who has everything handed to him on a
plate without ever lifting a finger.

 He may have been born into a life of privilege and soft living but he chooses
to forge his Iron-Will through struggle, difficulty and his relentless pursuit
of personal excellence and adaptive learning in any task he applies himself

 Batman chooses the road less traveled, he embraces obstacles and lives a life
of hardship by choice [...]

 It takes discipline to get up early and train or be willing to do what most

people will not do.

 But once begun the momentum of self-discipline pays rich dividends. After
a time it is no longer discipline, but a joy to be living a conscious life of
creation, rather than a life of constant animal-like unconscious reaction to
everything that vies for our attention on any given day.

 Forging an Iron-Will is a lesson we all could learn from Batman, and an

essential quality on the road to being a hero or superhero. Batman’s will is
so strong it could almost be considered a super power. Where lesser men
would fall or give up, he pushes through pain, fatigue, and injuries.

 Batman’s mental training, never say die attitude, his ability to never give up,
are not abilities has was born with, but what he chose to develop through
progressive incremental training.

 His worst defeats he uses as further victories, further opportunities to iron

out his weaknesses and improve his mental resolve.
 His true super powers are his Iron Will, Discipline, Preparation and
Planning, Determination, Persistence, a refusal to quit, a refusal to die, a
refusal to give up or abandon his cause. A man may reach great heights of
achievement, but he will never succeed beyond the cause he devotes himself
to. Batman’s personal mission, his calling in life is his never ending War on
Crime and his commitment is total.

 A man may reach great heights of achievement, but he will never succeed
beyond the cause he devotes himself to.

 We as individuals can face all the difficulties in life that the world seemingly
thrusts upon us. We can be starved, beaten and tortured, but we always
have the ability to choose our attitude to life. We can literally go through
hell on earth, and we can not only survive but thrive. No force in the
universe can choose our attitude to life for us, only we can do that.

 Batman is a master of not giving up. While he is a dark brooding character,

he is also the eternal optimist.

 It takes discipline, courage and intense focus to get up every day and train
and keep your body in condition to be Batman.

 It takes effort and willpower to stay the course, not to quit too early, to study
many disciplines over many years. To increase ones knowledge and skills,
in ever deepening circles of influence. Resolve and determination are
essential, as is the ability to do one thing, to focus on a single task thus not
dissipating ones energy.

 A wise man will be the master of his mind. A fool will be its slave.

 Batman makes constant infinite incremental improvements to whatever he

applies himself to.

 The Batman is the man who does not attempt to do everything at once, but
can focus on a single goal or task in the present moment. He pursues his
given task with relentless laser-like mental focus and determination, he
never wavers from his task.

 An essential element to Batman’s character is that he does not panic, no

matter how extreme the situation.
 He has experienced states of panic and extreme fear under controlled
conditions, learned all he can from those states, and how to overcome
them. Of all the things the Batman can do that we can also do in the real
world, this is perhaps the most useful skill set to train.

 many people are addicted to their own self-created dramas, having no

interest in maturing as adults.

 Only by staying in the present moment, dealing with what is right in front
of us, can we have any control over the external situation or our internal
states. Only by breaking things down to little steps, focusing on one task at a
time in the present moment can our actions have any potency.

 Worry and panic are luxuries we can no longer afford to indulge in if we

wish to be the captain of our own ship.

 What is defeat? Nothing but education. Nothing but the first steps to
something better.

 If we want to be like Batman it means not accepting yesterday’s reality, but

creating each day anew, putting aside self-imposed limitations, which are
after all only perceptions, or our attitude to life, they have no objective
existence whatsoever.

 To be Batman, or like Batman means total dedication to being the best

version of yourself you can be. It means saying yes to life and yes to
challenges and hardship. It means taking action, rather than making
excuses. If you are going to make excuses, make them for why you have
to do something important that truly matters to you, rather than put off
what you most value in life.

 And when trouble comes looking for us, we can stand proud and laugh in its
face, for we all have the Iron-Will of Batman within us if we choose it.

 Struggle only makes us stronger. Batman welcomes adversity, it keeps him

sharp, it keeps him on his toes, it keeps him at his best.

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