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RU Bere vin eee RAYMOND MURPHY ENGLISH GRAMMAR IN USE by Raymond Murphy 130 Bai ng@ phap tiéng Anh va 5 Phu luc giai thich cdc truéng hgp dac biét cua ng& phap Dich va Chiu gidi Tran Huynh Phuc (Giang vién dai hoc Su Pham) Nha xuat ban Tré MUC LUC Thi eda dng ti (verb tenses) Bait Present continuous (/ am doing) Bai2 Simple present {/ do) Bai3 Present continuous / am doing) hay Present simple (! do) Bai4 Present tenses (/ am doing’ do) voi nghifa tuong lai Bal5 Going to (fam going to do) 8ai6 Simple Future (Wil) (1) Bai7 Simple Future (11) (2) Bai8 Will hay going to? Bai9 Cc cAu véi when va If (When I do... It I de...) Bal 10 Future Continuous (Will be doing) vA Future Pertect (will Rave done) Bal tt — Simpte past (1 dig) Bai 12 Past continuous (! was doing) Bai 13 Present Perfeet (! have done) (1) Bai14 Present Perfect @) Bai 15 Present Perfect - @) Bai16 —. Present Perfect Continuous (! have been doing) Bai 17 Present Perfect Continuous hay Present Perfect? Bai18 Present Perfect va Pesent Perfect Continuous vol how long, for va since Bai 19 Present Perfect vci how long, va simple Past voi when Bal20 Present Perfect hay Simple Past? (1) Bai21 Present Perfect hay Simple Past? (2) Bai22 Past Perfect (! have done) ~ Bai23 Past Perfect Continuous (1 have been doing) Béng tit dic bigt (Modal verbs) Bal24 HAVE-va HAVE GOT Bai25 USED TO (I used fo do) # Bal26 CAN, COULD va BE ABLE TO Bal27 COULD (could dova could have done) Bai28 = MUST va CAN'T Bai29 MAY va MIGHT Baig0 MAY va MIGHT (tugng fal) Bai 31 CAN, COULD, MAY va WOULD trong Idi ndi lich sy Bai32 MUST va HAVE TO Bal33. MUST, MUSTN'T, NEEDN'T, va NEEDN'T HAVE BaI34 = SHOULD (1) Bai36 — SHOULD (2) Cau diéu kign (Conditionals) Bai 36 Bai 37 Bai 38 Bai39 Bai 40, Balai Conditional sentences (hign tai, tuong lai) Cau 06 IF va WISH (thoi hign tal) Cau 06 IF va WISH (thoi qué kh) WOULD IN CASE UNLESS ; AS LONG AS va PROVIDED/PROVIDING (THAT) Dang bi déng (Passive) Bai42 Passive voice (1) (be done/have been done) Bai43 Passive voice (2) (cdc thi hién tai va qué khi!) Baidé Passive voice (3) Bai4s It is-sald that... / He Is saidto..., v.v... vA supposed to Bai46 Causation form (have something done) 7 ‘Lai néi twang thuét (Reported speech) Bai 47. Reported speech (1) Bai48 Reported speech (2) ‘Au hdl (Questions) Bai 49 Bai 50 Baidt Bai 52 Questions (Cau hdi) (1) Questions (Cau hdi) (2) : (Do you know where...? / He asked me where...) Auxillary verbs (Tro d6ng ti) trong cau tra IGv/hdi ngdn: So am I/ Neither am! 7 think 80/1 hope 80 ... Question tage (Cau hdi dud) ‘Dong tiv é hinh thuc ING va dong tir nguyén mu Bai 53 Bai sé Bai5s Bai 56 Bai 57 Bal 58 Bai 59 Bai6o Bai61 Bai 62 Bai 6d Bai 64 Bai 65 Verb +-ing Verb + to -Infiattive Verb + object + infinitive Infinitive hay -Ing? (1): vi tke, would lke Infinitive hay -Ing? (2): véi begia, start, intend, continue, remember, try Intinitive hay -Ing? (9): v6i be afraid, need, help Preposition + dng Verb + preposition + -ing Expressions + -ing Geiget used to Infinitive of purpose va ménh 46 vdi ao that Prefer va would rather Had better do something It's time someone did something Bal66 See someone do va see someone doing Bal67 —-Ing clauses (Feeling tired, ! went to bed early) Bai68 Chance va opportunity (dip, co hol) re Bai69 —_Uncountabte nouns (Danh tu khong 48m duge) Bai 70 Countable nouns (Danh ti dém duge, voi a/an va some) Bal71— A/anvathe - Bai72 The (1) Bai73 The (2) Bai74 —_Danh tit 86 nhiéu va danh ti khong d&m duge (c6 va khong o6 the) Bal75 —Cach diing the véi hospital, school, v.v.. Bai76 Gach ding the voi dja danh Bai77 Gach dang the véi cdc ten rléng khac Danh ti (nouns) va dal tit (pronouns) - Bai78 Singular or plural? : Bai79 — Posseasive case of nouns Bai 80 Possessive Pronouns and Adjectives (Bai tiy va tinh tir sd hau) Bai61 Reflexive Pronouns (Bai ti! phan than) ‘ Bai82 All aif of, no/ none of, most / most of, etc 8ai83 Both / both of, neither / neither of, either/either of Bales — Some va any Cite két hap voi some va any Bai85 No, none va. any Gée ket hyp val nova any Bai 86 Much, many, litte, few, @lotva pleniy Bai87 All, every va whole Ménh 46 quan hé (Relative clauses) Bai 88 Relative.clauses (1): + M@nh 46 bat ddu bAng who / that / which Bai 89 . Relative clauses (2): ménh dé cé hode khong 6 who 7 that " Bai@0 Relative clauses (3): ménh 68 voi whose, whom va where Bai91 Relative clauses (4): ménn 8 “cung cp thm thong tin’ 1)» Bai 92 Relative clauses (5): ménh dé “cung op them: tena) tin" (2) Bai 93 Ménh dé bat dau bang -ING vi ee Tinh ti (adjectives) va trang tt (adverbs) Bai94 — Tih tit (Adjectives) tan ciing bing -ing va -ed Baigs Thi ty cia tinh tit ("a nice naw house") Tinh ti duing sau dng tit ("Do you fee! tired?*) Bal 96 Tinh tif va trang tit (1) (quick / quickly) Bal97 Tinh tir va.trang tis (2) (good / well, fast/ hard / late, hardly) Bai98 Sova such Enough va too Bais9 Bai 100 To-Infinitive sau tinh ty : Bal 101 So efinh ca tinh ti va trang tir (1): cheaper, more expensive Bai 102 So sdinh (2) Bai 103 So sénh (3) -as ... as / than 3 Bai 104 So sénh.cle clip -the longest, the most enjayable, atc. ‘Trbt ty tis (Word order) Bai 105 Trt ty td (1) - dong t+ thie ti ; noi chén va thdi gian Bai 108 Trae ty tir (2) - trang tid vai dong tw Bai 107 Still va yet al Any more / any longer / no longer Bai 108 Quite va rether Bai 109 Although / though / even though ___. ln spite of /despite a Bai 110 Even (ngay cd, thm cho) Bai 111 As (chi lj do va cht thai gian) - Bai112 Like va as Sates gaia Aste $ _ G6! tit (Prepositions) Bai 114 At/on/ In (chi thai gian) Bai 115 For, during va while Bai 116 By va until By the time ... Bai 117 In/at/on (chi vi tr (1) * Bai118 — In/at/on (chi vj tr) (2) os Bai 119 To, been to, Into + a By car /in my car Bai 129 On time /in time At the end /in the end Bai 121 Danh tir giél ti (‘reason for" “cause of", v.v..) Bai 122 °GIdi ti! + danh tir ("by mistake", “on television”, v.v...) Bai 123 Tinh ti+ gid! ti (1) Bal 124 Tinh tit+ gldl tu (2) % # Bai 125 Beng tir + gidi HW (1) > Bai 126 Dong tir+ gidi ter (2) Bai 127 BOng tir+ gids te (3) Bal 128 Ong til+ tic tur + gid! ty (1) Bai 129 Dong ti + tic Nr + gid! tis (2) . Bai 130 Bgng ti kép (get up, break down, fil in, etc...) Phy tyc 4: Danh myc cdc thi hign tai va qué kher Phy lye 2: 86ng tis qui thc va bat qui te Phy lye 3: Chinh 1A (Spelling) Phy lye 4: Dang rit gon Phy Ive 5: Tiéng Anh cia ngudi MY 6 BAI 1: PRESENT CONTINUOUS (/ am doing) a) Hay xem xét tinh hudng mau Ann dang 6 trong xe. Cd ay dang trén dudng dijam. She is driving to work. C6 Ay dang Idi xe oi lam. Biéu nay 66 nghia la vao ldc nay, ngay tai thai diém ching ta ndi, cd dy dang lai xe. ‘Sau day la thi Hign tai tip dién (Present | Continuous): = Jam(=t'm). D he / she (itis (= he's, viv. we / they / you are (= we're, v.v...) Ching ta ding thi Present Continuous (Hién tai tiép dién) khi ndi vé mot viéc nao dé dang din rangay tic néi: -_. Please don't make so much noise: /'m studying, \ ‘Xin ding lam 8n qué nhu thé. T6i dang hoc. (Khong ding * study"). “Where is Margaret?" ‘She's having a bath yi “Margaret dau r5i?* "C6 dy dang thm”. (Khong ding “She has"). Let's go out now. It isn't raining any more. (Bay gid ching ta hay ra ngoai. Trdi hét mua ri) (ata party) Hello, Ann. Are you enjoying the party? (rat mét bda tigc) Chao Ann. Ban’ thich ‘a tiéc nay chu? (Khong ding “do you enjoy’). b) Chung ta cing ding Present(Continuous khi néi vé mot vide nao 46 dién ra trong © khoang thdi gian ciia ide n6i, nhung khong nhat thiét chinh x4c ngay le n6i, Hay xem tinh huéing mu sau: 2 Tom and Ann are talking and drinking in a café. Tom say: *I'm reading an interesting book at the moment. I'l lend it to you when I've finished it iN ‘(Tom va Ann dang noi chuyén va dang udng nuéc tai maf qudn ca phé. Tom noi: “Hién thai t6i dang doe mot cuén sdch hay ldm. T6i s8°cho ban mugn cudn sch dé khi nao 161 dge xong"). = Tom khéng doc cudn sach dé vao Ide anh ta ndi. Anh dy 6 ¥ ndi ring anh dy da bat dau doe truéc dé va hign thol thi cha doc xong. Anh dy dang dgc nila ching. Sau day la mot s6 vi dy khde! ‘ \ - Silvia is learning English at the moment, | (Hign' thei Sitvia dang hoc tiéng Anb). (Khéng ding “learns*) | ovina ~ Have you heard about Tom? He is butiding his own house. (Ben da nghe ing) vb Tom chua? Anh fy dang xy cin nha riérg cho anh ta) (Khong diing “builds"). Nhung cé thé 1a ngay lic n6i Silvia va Tom khdng dang thyc hign nhdng cong vige nay, Ching ta thudng ding Present Continuous khi néi v6 khodng théi giant bao gém ca ign {91 Vt.du: today (nem nay), this Season (mda nay) v.v. “You're working hard today”. "Yes, | have a lot to do" - "HOm nay ban lam viéc mét nhoc qua”. “Vang, tl cd nhiéu vige phai sam’. ~ Tom jsn't playing footballthis season. He wants to concentrate on his studies. _ (Mia ndy Tom khéng chai béng dé. Cu ta mun tap irung vao vite hgc cia mbh). Ghing ta dung Present Continuous khi néi vé nhitng tinh hang dang thay d6i, + The population of the world is rising very fast. (Dan 86 thé gidi dang gia ting rit nhanh). (Khong ding “Yises’). + ts your English getting better? (V6n tiéng Anh cila ban cé khd hon khdng?). (Khong ding "does... get?") UNIT 1: Exercises 1.1 In this exercise you have to put the verb into the correct form. Examples. Please don't make $0 much noise. | am studying (study). Let's go out now. It isn‘tralning (notin) any more. Listen to those people. What language ate thay speaking (they/speak)? Please be quiet, | ........ (Iry) to concentrate: 72 LOOK I enn (SOW). Why .....-. (JOUfloK) at me lke that? Have | said something wrong? YOU (Make) a lot of noise. Can you be a bit quieter? Excuse me, |... (100k) for a phone box. Is there one near here? (in the cinema) It's a.good film, isn't it? ........ (you/enjoy) i Listen! Can you hear those people next door? Thay .... (shout) at each other again why (youlwedr) your coat today? I's very warm. ~~ | sane (NUWOrK) this week. 'm on holiday. 10 I want to lose weight. I........ (noveat) anything today. 7 eoranaon 1.2 Complete these sentences using one of these verbs: get become . change rise improve fall Increase You don't have to use all the verbs and you can use some of them more than once. Example: The population of the world is tsing very fast. 1 The number of people without jobs ....... at the moment, 2 Heis stil il buthe....... better slowly. . These days food......... More and more expensive. The world........ Things never stay the same. The cost of living Every year things are dearer, George has gone to work in Spain, When he arrived, his Spanish wasn't very good but now it a. - The economic situation is already very bad and it ease ne WOFSO. —. SS 13 ead this conversation between Brian and Steve. Put each verb into the correct form. The first one has already been done for you. Brian and Steve meet in a restaurant: Brian: Hello, Steve, I haven't seen you for ages. What (1) are you toing (you/do) these days? 3 1 (2) we (rain) to be @ shop manager. _ Really? (3) one: (yow/enjoy) it? Yes, it's quite interesting. How about you? Well, # (4) seen (NOVWOFK) at the moment, but I'm very busy. | (5) ... (build) a house. Realty? (6 (youldo) it alone? No, some friends of mine (7) ...».... (nelp) me. KEY 14 1.21 is rising / is falling / is increasing 2 is snowing 2 is getting 3 are you tooking 3 is getting / is becoming 4 are making 4 is changing 5am looking -_, Sisrising /is increasing 6 Are you enjoying a * 6 is imprdiiitg (or is getting better) 7 are shouting 7 is getting / is becoming 8 are you wearing * 9am not working 10 am not eating . 1.32 amtraining 3 Are you enjoying : 4 am not working . 5am building 6 Ate you doing . are helping BAI 2: SIMPLE PRESENT (/ do) a) Hay xem Xéttinh hudng mau sau: Alex la mot tai x6 xe buyt. Nhung lc nay anh ta ‘ang ngi trén giuéng. Vithé: He is not driving a bus (he is asleep) L (Anh ay khéng dang Idi xe buyt (anh dy dang ng). S Nhung: He drives a_bus (Anh ay Idi xe buy?) Sau day la thi Hign tal don (Simple Present): we / you / they drive he / she /it/ drives, Ching ta ding thi Simple Present (Hién tai don) dé din ta cae sy vide mot cach téng quat, Ching ta khong nhat thiét chi nght dén hign tai. Ching ta ding thi nay dé néi dén ‘mot sy vide nao dé xay ra lién tyc hay laprdi lap lai nhiéy lAn, hay met viée nao d6 thusng 1a ding. Sy vide dé 06 xy ra ngay Ive néi hay khdng lé diéu khOng quan trong. + The earth goes round the sun. (Trai d&t xoay quanh mat trdi). Nurses /ook after patients in hospital. (Y té cham sdc bénh nhan 6 bénh vién). In Britain most of the shops close at 5.30 p.m. (0 Anh hdu hét cdc ca tiém dong cda lic 5 gié 30). Hay nh ring, chung 1a.ndi he / she /it- 5. Diing quén cha’ s. | work in a bank: Barry works in a shop. (T6i lam vie @ mét ngan hang. Barry lam vigc 3 mét oda tigm). b) Chung ta dung do / does a8 thanh lap cau nghi van (questions) va cau phi dinh (negative). Do I/we /you/ they T7we ypu they dont oon ] work Does he/she / it he / she /it doesn't Excuse me, do you speak English? - (Xin 16i, anh biét ndi tiéng Anh khéng?): "Would you like a cigarette?” “No, thanks, | don't smoke", (Anh hit mét diéu thude chu? “Khéng, c&im on. Téi khéng hut thude") What does this word mean? (Ch nay nghia W917} Khong ding “What moans this word?) * Rice doesn't grow in Britain, {ta khng trng duge 8 Anh). ‘B6i voi cau mghl vén xem them bai 49. 6) Ching ta ding thi Simpte Present khi n6i v8 milc 06 thudng xuyén cilia nhiing sy vibe ma ching ta thyc hign. ~ get up at 8 o'clock every morning. ~ : (8 sang 161 thie day hic 8 gid) {Khong dang ‘am geting) = How often do you go to the dentist? (Anh of thuting of nha et khéng?) + Ann doesn't often drink tea. ~ (Ann khong thudng uéng tra). — - In.summer Tom usually plays tennis twice a week. (Vao mia ha, Tom thing choi quén vot mot tudn hai én). d) Liu ¥ ring ching ta nét: “Where do you come from?" (= Where are you from?) (Anh ti dau 1317" (Khong ding: “Where are you coming from?") He come’ from Japan. (Anh ay ttt Nhat dp} (Khong diing: “He is coming trom Japan") @) Khi mu6n 4@ nghi mot diéu mS = ‘I'm tired, "Why don't you go to bed early?" ("Toi mét"."Thé sao ban hing ai ngd sdm?") "an c6 thé néi: Why don't you ...? (Tai sao ban khong UNIT 2: Exercises 2.1 inthis exercise you have to put the verb into the correct form. Examples. Water balls (ball) at 100 degrees centigrade, George doean't ga (nov’go) to the cinema very often. How many languages do you apenk (you/speak)? The swimming bath ........ (opan) at 9.00 and ...... (elose) at 18.30 every day. What time .......... (the banks/close}in Britain? . thave a car but (noWuse) it very often, How many cigarettes ........ (you/smoke) a day? “What {you/do)? “Tm an electrical engineer, vv (yOUF father/come) from?" "He i you need money; whi . (youtnotiget) a job? UV soem (Blay) the piano, But | (notplay) very well. | don’t understand the word "deceive". What (‘decsive'imean)? (come) trom Scotland" worvanrsans 1 2.2 This time you have to read some sentences and correct,them. The English is correct but the information is wrong. Write two correct sentences each time. < Example: The sun goes round the earth. The sun dagsn't go round the earth. . sews Tha earth goes round the sun, ‘The sun rises in the west. Mice catch cats. Carpenters make things from metal. The River Amazon flows into the Pacific Ocean... 2.3.Now you have fo use these sentences fo make questions. Begin your question with the words) in brackets. . Examples: Tom play tennis. (How often?) Haw offen does Tam play tennis? | get up in the morning. (What time/usually?) What time do ya usually get up? 1 Ann watches television. (How often?) How often. 2 twrite to my parents. (HOW O16?) a.aannnn nana annie ietnieenn 3. Ihave dinner in the evening, {What time/usually?) 4 Tom works. (Where?) ... 5 1.90 to the cinema. (How often?) 6 People do stupid things, (Why?) 7 The cpr breaks down. (How often?) KEY 2.1 1 opens... closes 2.3 1 How often does Ann watch television? 2 do the banks close 2 How often do you wiite to your 3 don'tuse _ 8 Parents? 4 do you smoke 3 What time do you usually have dinner S do you do {in the evetiing)? 6 does your father come ... comes 4° Where does Tom work? 7 don't you get - 5 How often do you go to the cinema? 8 play ... don't play 6 Why do people do stupid things? 9 doos "deceive" mean 7. How often does the car break down? 2.2 1 The sun doesn't tise in the west. It rises in the east. . 2 Mice don't catch cats. Cats catch mice. ‘ 3. Carpenters don't make things trom metal, Thay make things from wood. 4° The River Amazon doesn’ flow into the Pacific Ocean. It lows into the Atfantic 12 Ocean, bys BAI 3: PRESENT CONTINUOUS (/ am doing) nity SIMPLE PRESENT (/ do) ‘Tru6c khi hoc bai nay, ban phai hoc bai 1 va 2. a) Hay xem xét phén giai thich dudi day va so sdnh cde vi dy sau: Present Continuous (1am doing) (Thi Hign tai tidp din) Dung thi Hign tal tlép dién dé indi ve mOdt vic nao 46 dang din ra ngay Ide ndi hay chung quanh khoang thai gian We néi: qué kh hién tai tuong lai ~ The kettle is boiling. Can you turn it off, please? (Am nuée dang s6i. Ban tam on tht cong tde duuge cher?) + Usten to those people, Wiiat tanguage are they speaking? (Hay lang nghe nhing ngudi ‘kia néi Ho dang néi tiéng gt vay?) + ‘Where's Tom?" *He's playing tennis” ("Tom dau?" "Céu ay dang choi quén vor’), - What are you doing here? (Anh dang lam gi d day?) > Sia is in Britain for three months. ‘She's learning English. (Silvia @ Anh trong 3 thdng. Cé ta dang hoe tiéng Anh), Dang thi Hign tai tiép didn aé chi mot tinh hubing tam thai + I'm fiving with some friends until | can find a flat, {T8i dang s6ng cong vai may ngudi an cho d6n kh 16/ tlm aise mot can 6). + That machine isn't working. It broke down this morning. (Cai may 36 kh6ng hoat déng. No dé dng séng nay). ‘Simple Present (Ido) (Thi High tai don) Dang thi Hign tal don dé ndi vé cdc sy vigc mot céch t6ng quét hay sy vide xdy ra 1ap di lap iai — |} —__> qué knit ign tai twong ia -. Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius (Nude 561 8 100°C). Excuse me, do you speak English ? 7 (Xin 163, anh biét ndi ting Anh ‘kh6ng?) ~ Tom plays tennis every Saturday. Tom choi qudn vot méi thit Bay). ~ What do you usually do at weekends? (Ben thudng iam gi vao nhang agay cui tuén?) - What do you ‘do? (= What's your job?) (Ban lane nghé gi?) + Most people fear to swim when they are children, (Hu h6t ngudi ta hoc bol khi con nha). Ding thi Hign tal don cho tinh hudag Sn dinh. + My patents five in London. They have ‘been there for 20 yoars. (Cha me i6i sting 3 London, Ho a & 6 chee 20 n&m). + That machine doesn't work. It hasn't worked for years. (Ci may 8 khéng hoat dong. No da Khéng hoat d6ng ahiéu nim i). 13 b) Mot 86 dong tir chi duge ding trong cée thi dim. Vi dy: ban khing th ndi “1 em knowing* (Ti dang biét). Gan chi c6 thé ndi “/ known” (Téi biét). Sau day la danh myc ‘cdc dong tis khdng thudng ding 3 thi tiép din. (Nhung cfing o6 nhiing trudng hyp goal |e). ‘ want Hike belong know’ suppose — remember need _ love see release mean forget prefer” hate hear believe understand — seem have (khi mang nghia fa "ed, s@ hdu"- Xem thém 2 bal 24) think (khi mang nghia 1 “tin, cho 1”). = Do you like London? {Ban thich Luan O8n khong?) (khdng dang "are you liking’) + He doesn’t understand. a (Anh ta khong hibu) (khong dling “he isn't understanding’) These shoes belong to me. - (NhOng chige glay nay a-cia 16) (khong ding “are belonging’). What do you think Tom will do? (= What do you believe he will do?) (Anh nghi Tom sé tam gi?) * Nhung: - What are you thinking about? {= What Is going on in your mind?) {Ban dang nghT gi thé?) UNIT 3: Exercises ; slag an clare el Np rac caniFarnReoriomanient ty 34 Ue Wis exercise oe (nay Ree ected ie, Verb These sesticces ‘ars Ot wrong. Correct those which are wrong. The verb is underlined. . ‘Examples: | don’t knew your telephone number. RIGHT Please don't make so much noise. | siudy. WRONG-am studying. ‘Look! Somebody is climbing up that tree over thera: Can you hear those people? What da they talk about? ‘Are you bellaving In.God? Look! That man tes to open the door of your car. Tha moon gags round the earth. 'm thinking it would be & good idea to leave early. The government is worried because the number of ithout jobs is ingreasing. ‘ging to work by car. Neos ene 3.2 Now youu have to put the verb into the correct form, present continuous (1 am doing) or « present simple (1 do). ; Examples: Please dont make so much noise. 1 am studying (study) How many languages does Tom speak (Tom/speak)? This machine donan't work (novwork). | hasn't worked for years. 14 nee (NOVDEIONG) to & political party. Hurry! The but (Come). |... (HOVWant) to misa it. The River Nile ....... (low) into the Mediterranean. The rive (Hlow) very fast-today - much faeter than usual (Weverisnow) in India? ‘We usually ........ (grow) vegetables in our garden but this year we (novgrow) any. . A: Can you drive? BENNO, DUET... (learn). My father... (teach) me. 8 You can borrow my umbrella, | {notneed) it at the moment. 9 (at a party) | usually ........ (enjoy) parties but 1 {noVenjoy) this one very much. 10 George says he's 80 years old but | {novbélieve) him. 11 Fon is in London at the moment. He ........ (Stay) at the Hillon Hotel. He usually (stay) at the Hilton Hotel wrien he's in London, in these sentences think about whether the situation is temporary or permanent. oorens ~ 12 My parents ....... (Ie) in Bristol, They were bom there and have never lived anywhere else, Where ......... (Your parentsitive)? : 13 She ....... (Stay) with her sister at the moment until she finds samewhere to live. 14 A: What ........ (your father/do)? B: He's a teacher, buthe (novwork) at the moment, KEY _— ee 3401 right 3.21. don't belong 2 wrong-are they talking 2 is coming ... don't want 3° wrong-Do you believe 3 tows, 4 wrong-is trying 4 is tlowing 5 right 5 Does it ever snow & wrong-| think 8 grow... aren't growing 7 right 7 am leaming ... is teaching 8 wrong-I usually go 8 don'tneed 7 9 enjoy... am not enjoying 10 don't believe him 11 is staying .. stays 12 live :.. do your parents live 13 is staying 14 does your father do... isn't working, 16 BALA: PRESENT TENSES (I am doing/I do) vdi nghia tuong lai : a) Thi Present Continuous (Hign tai tiép.gin) mang ghia tudng lai, Hay xem xét tinh huéag mau sau: Day la'nhat ky cia Tom cho tuén ti. He fs playing tennis on Monday afternoon. {Anh ay sé choi quén vot vo chiéu thi Hai). He is going to the dentist on Tuesday morning, (Anh ay sé di nha si vao sng thi Ba). He is having dinner-with Ann on Friday. (Anh ay s& &n 167 voi Ann yao thi Sau). Trong tat c& cae vi dy'nay, Tom d& quy8t dinh xong va da sp xSp dé thye hign nhiing vigc 46. Khi ban dang néi vé nhing vige ma ban da sap xép dé thyc hign, ban dung thi Hign tai tiép din (present continuous) - khong ding thi Hign tai don (simpte present). =A: What are you doing tomorrow evening? (Ban 86 lam gi vao 161 mai?) (Khéng ding "What do you do?") = B : {im going to the theatre. (161 s& di xem hit) (Kndng ding *! go") = A: Are you playing football tomorrow? ___ (Phi ngay mai ban chal bing dd khong?) = B : Yes, but Tom isn't playing. He has hurt his leg. (Vang, nung Tom khéng choi. Cau dy bj dau chan). - A: Ann is coming tomorrow (Ngay mai Ann dé). - B : Oh, is she? What time Is she arriving? (0! Vay hd? May gid c6 ta d6n?) ~A LAL 10.15 (ao te 10 gid 15). = B: Are you mesting her at the station? (Ban 8 gap 6 ta tai nha ga chu?) =A: Veantt. fm working tomorrow evening. (Khong thé duge. Séng mai 10/ kaon vide). ‘Cng c6 thé ding going to (do) trong cac cau sau: = What are you going to do tomorrow evening? (Ban dinh lam gl 161 mai?) - Tom is going to play tennis on Monday aftemoon. ._ (Tom s& choi qudn vot vito chiéu thi Hai). Nhung thi Present Continuous thutng ty. nhign hon khi ban dang noi vé nhing viée 48 duge s4p xép. (Xem thém bai 5). Khong ding will 6 ndl v6 nhiing vige ma ban da thu x6p d€ thyc hign. 16 What are you doing this evening? (T6i nay ben sa tam gi?) (Khong ding’ "what will you do’). Alex is.getting married next month. (Alex 88 ip gia inh thang 161) (Khong ding "Alex wil get’) b) Thi simple Present (Hign tai don) véi ngtiia tudng tai. Ching ta ding thi Hign tai don khi néi v8 thal khOa bidu, chuong trinh viv... (vi dy nhu 46i voi.vige van chuyén cing cing, xem phim). - What time does the film begin? (Mdy gid phim bat du chigu?) ‘The train /eaves Plymouth at 10.30 and arrives in London at 13.45 (Xe lita 101 Plymouth lic 10.gid 30 va dn London tie 13 gid 45), The football match starts at 8 o'ctock. (Tran bong dé bat ddu hic 8 gid). Tomorrow is Wednesday. a (Ngay mal t& thd Tu). - Nhung thuting thl.ching ta khéng ding thi Simple Present cho nhing viée da duge thu x6p mang tioh chat cd nhan: What time are you meeting Ann? (My gid ban 58 gap Ann?) (Khong ding "do you meet’). UNIT 4: Exercises 4.1 A friend of yours is planning to go on holiday very soon. You ask him about his plans. Use the words in brackets to make your questions. Example: {whiere/go?) Where ase you going? 1 (how fong/stay?) 4 (golby car?) ... 2 (when/eave?) 5 "(where/stay?).. 3 (go/atone?).... Ss 4.2 Ann is going on holiday. You have to write sentences about her holiday plans. Use the words in brackets to write your sentences. Example: (go/Scottand) She ts going to Scotland. 1 (leavernext Friday) Sho 2 (stay/in Scotland for two weeks) ... 3 (go/with a friend of hers) 4 (stay/in a hotel) They... 5 (gorby train) —_—. 4.3 Tom wants you to visit him but you are very busy. Look at your diary for the next few days and explain to him why you can't come. 7 = Can you come on Monday. evening? : Sorry, I'd love to but I'nmplaying volleyball + What about Tuesday avening then? :Ican't I'm afraid. (9) ~~. : Well, what ase you doing on Wednesday evening? T>T>O>O>O>O> 29 | What would you like to drink - tea or coffes? + Tonos (Nave) tea, please. Has George decided an what to do when he leaves school? 1 Oh yes. Everything is planned: He ........ (Rave) a holiday for a few weeks and then he ---n-.-~ (Start) a computer programming course. Did you post that letter for me? (Oh, I'm sorry. | completely forgot. | : What shall we have for dinner? | dont know. I can"tmake up my mind, : Come on, huity up! Make a decisiont B : Okay then, We ...-..-.2.. (have) chicken. 42 Jack : We need some bread for lunch. Ben : Oh, do we? | a=...» (go) to the shop and gat some. | feel like a walk Before he goes out, Ben talks to Jane : ‘ o>a> 10 . (do) it now, 11 >oror Ben :1.. ans (get) some bread. Do you want anything from the shop? vane : Yes, | need some envelopes. - Ben : Okay, | ..1.--=--- (get) you some. 43. John has to go to.the airport to catch a plane. He hasn't got a car John : Alan, can you take me to the airport this evening? Alan : Of course | ===. (take) YOU. I'd be delighted Later that day Eric offers to take John to the airport. Eric : John, do you want me to take you to the airport? John : No, thanks, Eric. Alan .. (take) me. KEY 8.11 MMget 2 I'm going to wash . : 3 are you going to paint 4 Weal 5 itis going to fall 6 I'm going to buy 7 Wshow 8. Iithave 9 he is going to have he is going to start 10 I'do 41 welll have 12-11 go " I'm going to get... Wi get 13 tI take ... ‘Alan is going to take BAI9: Céc cau véi WHEN va IF (When I do ...f 1 DO...) a) Hay xem vi dy sau day : ‘A: What time will you phoné me tonight? (T6i nay ban sé goi dién cho 16i ide may gid?) B: Ill phone you when | get home from work. (761 88 goi dién cho ban khi 61 di lam ve). “Toi 88 gol dign thoai cho ban khi ti di iam v6" { mot céu cé hai phén : “Toi sé 99i dign thoal cho ban” (phén.chinh) va *khi (Oi di lam vé" (phdn when). Cau nay mang nghia twang fai (16i nay) nhung ban khéng thé ding will ho&c going to 8 phén when cia c&u. Thay vo d6, ching ta dang mdt thi hign tai, thudng I thi Simple Present (| do). > _ Ii send you @ postcard when #m on holiday. (not “when | will be") (761.88 9@i cho ban mét tim buu thiép khi 167 di nghi. When the rain stops, we'll go out. (not “when the rain will stop*) (Khi mua tanh chung ta sé rangoet). Chting ta cing 4p dyng qui téc trén sau céc CONJUNCTIONS of TIME (Lién tiz ch! {thoi gian) while (trong khi) after (sau khi) before (trudc khi) untilflll (cho dén khi) a8 soon as. (ngay ki). ~ . Can you look afer the children while | am out? (not “will be") (C6 5 thé tring gidm méy dita tré trong khi t61 di ving dug khéng?) + Before you ieave, you must visit the museum. (not “will leave") (Tridc khi ban ra di, ban phdi ghé tham Vien Béo tang). Wait here until come back. (not “will come") (Hay che 8 aay cho a6 kb 101 8 tai) b) Ban cling o6 thé dang thi Present Perfect (Hién tai hoan thanh). (/ have done) sau when / after / until v.v... 48 chi ring hant dong thd: nh&ts8 duge hoan thanh trudc hanh dong thu hai. ~ When Ive read this book, you can have it. (Khi 107 doc xong quyén sdch nay, ban c6 thé mugh nd). + Don't say anything while.Tom is here. Walt here unt he has gone (Bting néi gi ca trong khi Tom ob mat a dy. Hay cha & day cho dén khi anh ta 04 di khdi). ‘Thuting thi chiing ta c6 thé ding thi Present Simple hogc thi Present Perfect : + Nlcome as soon as | finish ; oF : MM come as soon ast've fished (Ti 88 En ngay khi 16 hodn tt cong vide ; hode : T6i-s8 an ngay ii 16 xong vige). + You'll fee! better after you have something to eat; of : You'l feel better after you've had something 10 eat. (Ban sé cim thy khde hon sau khi An chit gl d6 ; ho&c : Ban 38 cdm thy khde hon sau khi d& &n chilt g) 46). ‘31 ¢) Sau ff ching ta cng ding thi Simple Present (1 do) d6 néi vé tuong ai: It's raining. Well get wet it we go out. (not “if we will go") (Trei dang mua. Ching ta sd bj ubt néu chiing ia ra ngodl). - Hurry up! ff we dont hurry, we'll be late. (not “it we won't hurry") (Nhanh Jén ndo! Néu ching ta khéng v6l ién, ching ta s& bj tr gid). Cn than ding nhém In gida when va If, Dang when cho nhing diéu chic chn sé xay ra. ¥'m going shopping this aftemoon. When | go shopping, I'l buy some food. (Chiéu nay 161 s8 di mua sdm. Khi 10i di, 107 sé mua mét & thie an). Ding It (cha Knog dang when) cho nhiing diéu ¢6 thé s& xay ra, I might go shopping this afternoon. if| go shopping, !1l buy some food. (Chidu nay 06 thé t8i 66 df mua sdm. NBu 16i di, 101 $8 mua mot A thc An). If it rains this evening, | won't go out. (not "when it rains") (N6u 167 nay trdi mua, 181 88 khdng ra Khoi nha +. Don't worry ift'm late tonight, (not “when I'm late") * (Xin ding lo ting nu 16i nay 181 dén td). ithe doesn't come soon, I'm not going to wait. (not “when he doesnt come") (N6u anh ta king én sdm, 16i sé khéng doi). UNIT 9 : Exercises eT 9.1 All the sentences in this exercise are about the future. Put the verbs into the correct form: willwon't or the simple present (| do). Example : When | saa (see) Tom tomorrow, I'l invite (invite) him to.our party. 1 dont forget to shut the windows. 2 you as soon as | (arrive) in London. 3. Please dont touch anything before the police (come). 4 Everyone (be) vary surprised if he ~. (pass) the examination, 5 When you (see) Brian again, you (not / recognise) him. 6 We.. (nolstart) dinner untit Jack - (arrive). @ {youfbe) lonely without me while 1 . (be) away? 8 it (need) any help, | 9 . Come ont Hurry up! Ann (be) late, 9.2 This time you have to make one sentence from two sentences. Example; You are going to leave soon. You must visit the museum before that, ‘You mustvisit the museum before youleave. = * 4 Tl find some where to live. Then I'll give you my address. Le 2. ite going to start raining, Let's go out before that Let anne DOLOFE 32 3° I'm going to do the shopping Then I'll come straight back home. 6 Well make our decision, Then well you kaow 3 joss @8 SOON BS — a 9.3 In this exercise you have to put in when or it. Example : fit rains this evening, | won't go out. 1 I'm going to Paris next Week, ....-..... 'm there, I hope to visit a friend of mine. 2 Tom might phone this evening... .. he does, can you take a message? 3 | think he'll got the job. Ill be very surprised ... .. he doesnt get it. 4 Thope to be there by 10.30. But .. . Imnot there, don't wat for me. 5 6 'm going shopping... you want anything, I can get itfor you. | think Il go home now. I'm feeling vary tired. | think Il go straight to bed .. { get home. 7 I'm going away for a few days. I'l phone you .- get back. & I want you to come to the party but... . you dont want to come, you needn't. KEY 91 1 leave 2 will phone ... arrive 3 come (*police® is plural) 4° willbe .. passes 5 see... won't recognise 6 won't start... arrives 7 Will you be .... am 8 need ... will ask 8 will be... are 92 1 I'llgive you my address when t find (or have found) some where to live. 2. Let's go out betore it starts raining. 3. Ilcome straight back home after | do (or have done) the shopping, 4 You must come and see me when you're in London next month. 5 i get the dinner ready when I finish (or have finished) reading this book. 6 Weill let you know as soon as we make (or have made) our decision, 9.31 When 5 It 2u 6 when 3 it 7 when ait 8 if 33 BAI 10: FUTURE CONTINUOUS (will be doing) va FUTURE PERFECT (will have done) a) Trudc hét hay xem xét tinh huéng mau sau: Tom 1a mot o8 dong vién béng da va t8i nay tr&n tivi cé mot tran bong dé. Tr4m ‘du 88 bt d&u vao Ide 7 gid 30 va kat thic vao lic 9 gid 15. Ann mugn dén gap Tom 16t nay va mudn bist gid nao c6 ta cé thé dén duge. ‘Ann: Is itall right if| come at about 6.30? (Em d&n vao khodng 8 gid 30 duoc khdng?). Tom: No, dan't come then. If be watching the match on television. (Khong duge dau, ding dén vao llc dé, Lic dé anh sé dang xem wrén béng dé trén TV). = Ann: Qh. Well, what about 9.307 . (A. thé 9 gio 30 dupe knong?) Tom: Yes, that'l be fing. The match will have finished by then. (Buge, t6t idm. Lie 6 tran dau sé 8 kBt thiic r6i). b) Chung ta ding wit! be doing (thi Future Continuous - Tuong lal tiép din) 48 néi ring ching ta dang lam mot vige gi nila ching vao mt thai diém ndo 46 trong tuang | Tran bong dé bat d4u uc 7 gid 30 va két thie Ide 9 git 15, v1 vay trong khodng thi gian nay, vi dy vao lic 8 gid 30, Tom s8 dang xem tran béng da. , Dui day 1a mot vai vidy khde: ‘You'll recognise her when you see her. She? be wearing a yellow hat. (Ban sé nhén ra khi ban g&p od ta. CO ay s8 d6i ndn vang). This time next week Ii be on holiday. I' probably be fying on a beautiful beach. (Vao gid nay tun 101 101 s8 dang nghi mét. Co thé lic d6 67 s8 dang ndm nghl trén mt bai bién tuyét dep). Hay so sanh will be doing véi nhing thé tiép didn khac: ‘Mi budi sing Tom Jam vide ti 9 gid cho én trua. Vi vay: = At 10 o'clock yesterday he was working. (Vito tic 10 gié ngay hdm qua anh ta dang tam vige) {tht Past Continuous. Hay xem bai 12). ts 10 o'clock now. He is working. (Béy gid la 10 gid. Anh ta dang lam viéc) (thi Present Continuous. Hay xem bai 1). At 10 o'clock tomorrow he will be working. (Vao hic 10 gid ngay mai anh ta 58 dang lam vigc) c) Ban cling c6 thé ding will be doing theo mét cach khac dé ndi vé nhdng vigc d& duge dy dinh ho&e quyét dinh ri = be going to the city centre later. Can | get you anything? {LAt nda 181 dinh s& xu6ng trung tam thanh phd. Ban o6 mun t8i mua gi cho ban khéng?). 34 Voi ¥ nghT nay wit! be doing tucng ty nhul am doing (thi Present Continuous) (xem bai 4a), + 4m going to the city centre later. (Lat nla #8i 88 xu6ng trung t&m thanh phd}. Ching ta thudng ding Will (you) be + ing? dé hai vé nhdng dy tinh ca ngudi khde ac bigt Id khi ching ta mudn cai gi 4 hay muén ngudi nao iam diéu gi dé. - "Will you be using your bicycle this evening?* "No, you can take it*. ("T6i nay ban od sit dung xe dap cila ban khong?" "Khong, ban cé thé ding nd". Will you be passing the post office when you go out?" “Yes, why? ("Ban 6 di ngang buu dién khi ra phé khéng?* *Cé, thé thi sao?” ¢) Ching ta dung will have done (thi Future Perfect - Tuong lai hoan thanh) dé néi ring MOt viee No 46 da xay ra trudc mot thei diém trong tyong lal. Tra bong d4 ma Tom xem két thc vao lic Sht5, Vi thé sau indi diém nay, vi dy vao Ide 9 gid 30, tran dau 8 két thoc r6i, (The match wil! have finished at 9.30). Du6i dayJa mot vai vi dy kha: + Next year is Ted and Amy's 25th wedding anniversary. They will have been married for 25 years. (Now they have been married for 24 years). (Nam 181 $6 14 ky nigm 25 nam ngay cudi cla Ted va Amy. Khi 06 ho 8 ISy nhau duge 25 nam 18), (Bay gid ho 04 dy nhau duigc 24 nm r6i). - We're late. { expect the film wil! already have started by the time we get to the cinema. (Ching ta tr gid 151, T6i nght rng phim da bat du khi chiing ta dén rap hat). UNIT 10: Exercises 10.1 In this exercise you have to make sentences with will be -Ing. Example: I'm going to watch television trom 9 until 10 o'clock this evening. So at 9.30 | will be watching television” 1 Tomorrow afternoon I'm going to play tennis from 3 o'clock until 4.30. S0 at 4 O'Clock tOMOFFOW | nnn new at 2 Jim is going to study from 7 o'clock until 10 o'clock this evening, So at 8.30 this evening he set 3. We are going to clean the flat tomorrow. It will take from 9 until 11 o'clock. So at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning .. 10.2 This time you have to wite three sentences, one each about the past, present and future. Bob always reads the newspaper in the moming. it always takes him haif an hour, from 8 o'clock until 8.30. So: 1 At8.15 yesterday morning Bob 2 It's 8.15 now. He... oe 3 AtB.15 tomorrow morning he .. 35 10.3 This time you have to ask questions with Will you be -Ing? Example: You want to borrow your friend's bicycle this evening. (you / use / your bicycle this evening?) Will you be using your bicycle this evening? 1 You want your friend to give Tom a message this afternoon. (you / see / Tom this afternoon?) . 2 You want to use your friend's typewriter tomorrow evening. (you / use / your typewriter tomorrow evening?) . 3 Your friend is going shopping, You want himvher fo buy some stamps for you at the post office. (you / pass / the post office when you're in town?) 1044 In this exercise you have to use will have done. Example: Tom and Ann are going to the cinema. The film begins at 7.30 and it is already 7.20. And it will take them 20 minutes to get there. When they get there, (the film / already / start) the film wil have already started, . 1 Jim always goes to bed at 11 o'clock. Tom Is going to visit him at 11.30 this evening. When Tom arrives, (Jim / go /10 bed) ....-~ : 2 Tom is on holiday. He has very little money and he is spending too much too Quickly. Before the end of his holiday, (he / spend / all his money) ...w.nnn-mn: 3 Chuck came to Britain from the US nearly three years ago. Next Monday it will be exactly three years since he arrived. Next Monday (he / be / here / exactly three years) .. KEY 10.1 1 [will be playing tennis. 2 he will be studying. 3 we will be cleaning the flat. 10.2 1 Bob was reading the newspaper. 2 He is reading the newspaper. 3 he will be reading the newspaper. 10.3 1 Will you be seeing Tom this afternoon? 2 you be using your typewriter tomorrow evening? 3 Will you be passing the post office when you're in town? 10.4 1 Jim will have gone to bed. 2 he will have spent all his money. 3. he will have been here exactly three years. BAI 11: SIMPLE PAST (/ did) a) Hay xem vi dy sau: Tom: Look! t's raining again. (Nhin kia, trai tai dang mua). Ann: Qh no, not again. It rained all day yesterday too. 7 (6 khéng, du phai tai dang mua. Tréi cing da mua sudt ngay hom qua ri) “Rained ta thi Simple Past (Qua khi don). Chung ta ding thi Qua khd don dé néi v6 céc hanh dong hed cdc tinh huding trong qué knw. - very much enjoyed the party. (T0i 08 rt thioh baa tiéc). ~ Mr Edwards died ten years ago. a (Ong Edwards da chét cach day musi nam). - When # fived in Manchester, ! worked in a bank. - (Khi 10i con sng 8 Manchester, 16i da lam vide trong mét ngan hang). b) Rat thang khi dong tid thi Simple Past tan cing bing -ed. - We invited them to our party but they decided not to come. (Ching 16 48 mei ho dy bud tiéc cia ching 161 nhung ho dé quyét dinh khong 6n). + The police stopped me on my way home last night. (Canh sét da chan 16) lai trdn dudng 18i vé nha 16: qua). - She passed her examination because she studied very hard, (C6 Ay thi dau vicd &y d8 hoe rét cham) Nhung nhiéu dong ti quan trong lai l& dong ty b&t qui tdc (Irregular verbs). Diéu nay 66 nghia la hinh thc qui Khit cila cdc dng tw nay khong tn cng bing -ed. Vi dy: - Leave = left. We all Jeff tho party at 11 o'clock. (TAI cA ching ti roi khdi bia tic tic 11 gid). + go= went: Yesterday | wentto London to see a friend of mine. (Hom qua ii di di Luan 88n d8 gap mét nguai ban). + cost => cost. This house cast 35,000 in 1980. (Can nha nay tr gié 35.000 bang vao nam 1980) Qua khi cia dong tu be (amvis/are) la was/were. Ihe / she /it was We / you / they were | was angry because Tom and Ann were late. (761 d& ndi gian vi Tom va Ann dén td). Xem bang dng ti b&t qui te & phn Phu Iyo 2. ¢) Trong cdc cau hdi va céc céy phil dinh 3 thi Simple Past ta ding did/didn't + dgng tu Aguyén thé (do/openvrain v.v...) 37 it rained Gid it rain? in didn't rain, = Ann: Did you go out last night, Tom? (T6i hém qua ban cé ra khéi nha Khong Tom?) = Tom: Yes. I went fo the cinema. But | didn't enjoy the film, (C6, 161 da oi xem phim nhung 161 kh6ng thich bé phim dd) = When did Mr Edwards die? (Ong Edwards chét khi nao?) - What did you do at the week-end? (Ben dé lam gi vao ngay nghl cu6i tudn 156i?) - We didn't invite her to the party, 80 she didn't com (Ching t6i da khong mai c6 Ay dy tigc, vi vay 0b Ay da khong dén). + Why didn’t you phone me on Tuesday? (Sao hom thir Ba ban khong goi dién thoai cho 16i?). Chi ¥ rng ching ta thuding ding did/didn't voi have: = Did you have time to write the letter? - (Ban cd tht gid vist thu khong?) = (didn't have enaugh money to buy anything to eat. (Ti da khong c6 06 tién a8 mua thilc &n). Nhung chung ta khong ding did v4i dong tit be (was/were| + Why were you so angry? (Tai sao ban gin da qué nhu thé?) = They weren't ablo to come because they were very busy. (Ho da khéng thé dén dugc bdi vt ho rét ban). - Was Tom at work yesterday? (Hémm qua Tom o6 di lam king?) ‘©6i véi thi Simple Past, xem thém cdc bai 12,20,21. UNIT 11: Exercises —— eee 11.1 In this exercise you have to read a sentence about the present and then write a sentence about the past. Example: Tom usually gets up at 7.30. Yesterday ha got up at 7.20. ‘Tom usually wakes up early. Yesterday morning ‘Tom usually walks to work. Yesterday Tom is usually tate for work. Yesterday Tom usually has a sandwich for lunch. Yesterday ..... Tom usually goes out in the evening. Yesterday evening . Tom usually sleeps very well. Last night anurans 11.2 This time you have to put one of these'verbs in each sentence. hurt teach spend sell throw cost Example: was hungry, 80 | baught something to 1 Tom's father . 2 ipdn)...... down the stairs this morning and his leg. 3 We needed some money 0 we ~~ 4 Ann 2 (4 money yorlarday.& ee SIM sosssne the alll to Sue who .. 11.3 In this exercise you have 10 write questions. A friend has just come back from holiday and you are asking him about it. Examples: where/go? Where did you go? food/good? Was the food goad? how long/stay there? stay in a hotel? go alone? how/travel? .. the weather/tine? . whatido in the evenings? ... « meet any interesting people’ 11.4 This time you have to put the verb into the correct form. All the sentences are past. Example:| didn't ga (not/go) to work yesterday beacuse | wasn't (noUbe) very well. Noasen+ 1 TOM wnnnine=n~ (noUshave) this morning because he -.......... (navhave) time. 2 we {noveat) anything because we - (noVbe) hungry. st inovrush) because | (novibe) in a hurry. 4 She . . (novbe) Interested in the book because she {notunderstand) it. KEY 11.1 1 he woke up early. 11.31 How fong did you stay there? 2 he walked to work. 2 Did you stay in hotel? 3.he was late for work, 3 Did you go alone? 4 he had a sandwich for lunch, * 4 How did you travel? 5 he went out. 5 Was the weather fine? 6 he slept very wet, 6 What did you do in the evenings? 11.2 1 taught 7 Did you meet any interesting 2 fell... hurt people? 3 sold 11.4 4 didn't shave ... didn’t have 4 spent ... bought ... cost 2 didn't eat ... werent 5 threw ... caught 3 didn't rush ... wasn't 4 wasn't ... didn't understand 39 BAI 12: | PAST CONTINUOUS (thi Qué khu tiép dién) (/ was doing) a) Hay xem xét tinh huénigmAu sau: Hom qua Tom va Jim chgi quén vgt. Ho bat 4u choi lc 10 gid va chdm dit ie11 gi What were they doing at 10.30? (Ho dang lam givéo hic 10 gid 307) They were playing tennis (at 10.30) (Ho dang choi quén vot vao lic 10.30) Ho dang chaicé nghia l& ho dang & gid thai diém hanh dong xay ra. Ho da bat du choi inhung hg chua choi xong. Sau day la tht Past Continuous: \ne/she <—— -was we/theylyou_<—— wer Chiing ta ding thi Past Continuous dé néi ring mot ngudi nao dé dang lam motviec gi vao mét thdi dim nao dé trong qué khi. Hanh déng hoae tinh hudng dabat dau trudc thei diém nay nung van chua chdm dut: +\\ This time last year | was living in Brazil. (Vao gid nay nam ngoai t6i dang séng 3 Brazil). ‘What were you doing at 10 o'clock last night? (Ban dang lam gl vdo lc 10 gid 161 hém qua?) b) Thi Past Continuous khong cho ching ta biét hanh dong d& duge hoan thanh hay chia. Cé thé n6.da dug hoan thanh ma cing cé thé chya. Hay so sanh: = Tom was cooking the dinner. (past continuous) (Tom dang n&u bia t6i). (thi Qué kh tiép dién) = Anh ta dang ndu bia 161 na chilng va ching ta khong biét dugc la anh ta da nu xong réi hay chua. Tom cooked the dinner. (past simple) = He began and finished it. (Tom da nu boa an 16i). (thi Qué khit don) = Anh ta da bat du va di hoan tat vigc a3. ©) Ching ta thudng ding thi Past Continuous (I was doing) va thi Simple Past (/ did) cling vdi nhau dé néi rng mét viéc nao dé da xy ra trong lic mot vide khac dang tép dién. + Tom bumt his hand when he was cooking the dinner. (Tom da bi phdng tay khi anh ta dang ndu bia an t6i). | saw Jim in the park. He was sitting on the grass and reading a book. (T6i da gap Jim trong céng vién. Anh ta dang ngédi trén bai cé va dang doc mét quyén sach). < playing 40 + Itwas raining when | got up. (Trot dang muta khi 10% thie ody) > While | was working in the garden, | hurt my back. (Trong tae t6i dang lam vige trong vidi, t6i bj dau hung). Nhung dé ndi ring mt viée da xAy ra sau mot vigc khdo, ta diing thi Simple Past. ~ Yesterday evening Tom was having a bath when the phone rang. He got out of the bath and answered the phone. (T6i h6ra qua khi chuéng dién tnogi reo th) Tom dang tém. Anh ta ra khdi nha tim va trd 18% dién thoai). Hay so san: ~ When Tom arrived, we were having dinner. (past continuous) = we had already started dinner before Tam arrived (Khi Tom a6, chiing ta dang n 101). (thi Qué khi tiSp din) = Ching t6i da bat dau an t6i truée khi Tom dén. ~ When Tom arrived, we had dinner (past simple) = Tom arrived and then we had dinner. - (Kbi Tom 60, ching 167 an 16i). (th) Qué khdt don) = Tom dén va r6i ching tdi An ti Ghi cha: C6 mot s6 dong ty (thi dy know) thudng khéng duge ding trong cc thi tiép ibn (continuous tenses). Xem bang Let ké cdc dong tw nay & bai 3b. UNIT 12: Exercises a 12.1 Here is a list of some things that Ann did yesterday (and the times at which she did them). 1 8.45-9.15 had breakfast... 4 12.45- 1.30 had lunch 2 9.15 - 10.00 read the newspaper 8 2.30 - 3.90 washed some clothes 940.00 - 12.00 cleaned herflat....... 6 4.00 - 6,00 watched television Now write sentences saying what she was doing at these time: 1 AtBo'clock she was having breakfast, 4 At 1 o'ctock 2 At9.30she...... 5 3o'clock 3 At 11 o'clock 6 AtSo'clock 12.2 A group of people were staying in a hotel. One evening the fire alarm rang. Use the words in brackets to make sentences saying what each person was doing at the time. Example: (Don / have / a bath) Dan was having’a bath. 1 (Ann / write / a letter in her room) Ann. 2 (George / get / ready to go out) George 3° (Carol and Dennis / have / dinner) Carol and Den 4 (Tom / make / a phone call) Tom 4 42.3 Make sentences from the words in brackets. Put the verbs into the correct form, past simple (I did) or past continuous (I was doing). Example: (| / feel / asleep when | / watch / television} Lialt asieap when 1 was watching talavision. 4 (the phone / ring / when | have / a shower) The phone 2 (it/ begin / to rain when I/ walk / home) 3 (we / see / an accident when we / wait /for the bus) 12.4 Put the verb into the correct form, past continuous or past simple. Example: While Tom was cooking (cook) the dinner, the phone rang (ring). 1 fall) off the ladder while he {paint) the ceiling. 2 . (read) in bed when suddenly t .. . (hear) @ scream. 3 (you, watch) television when | phoned you? 4 (wait) for me when | =. (ative), 5 . (novdrive) very fast wher the accident 0: (Rappen). 6 (break) @ plate last night. | ———yienene (do) the washing-up {slip) out of my hand, 7 .. (take) @:photograph of me while { {noviook}. a (not/go) out because it .» (rain). 9 . (you/do) at this time yesterday? 10 | (see) Carol at the party. She ........ (wear) a really beautiful dress, KEY 12.1 2 she was reading the newspaper 12.4 1 fell... was painting 3. she was cleaning her flat 2 was reading ... heard 4 she was having lunch 3 Were you watching 5 she was washing some clothes 4 was waiting ... arrived 6 she was watching television 5 wasn't driving ... happened 12.2 1 Annwas writing a letter inher room. 6 broke ... was doing 2 George was getting ready to.go out. == 7_‘t00k ... wasn't looking 3. Carol and Dennis were having dinner. 8 didn't go... was raining 4 Tom was making a phone call 9 were you doing 42.3 1 The phone rang when I was having 10 saw... was wearing a shower, 2 Itbegan to rain when | was walking home. 3 We saw an accident when we were waiting for the bus. 42

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