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5. In countries with arable land, agriculture is used

1 - 6: For these questions, choose the best to support the economy; however, the top five
word or expression to fill the space. most prosperous European countries ----
industrial manufacturing for economic stability.
1. The worldwide ---- of fresh water shortages has
compelled researchers to investigate alternative A) break out B) end up
water sources for the irrigation of agricultural C) call off D) turn down
E) rely on
A) threat B) profit
C) competition D) donation Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ Ⓔ
E) usage

Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ Ⓔ 6. Cancer, the second leading cause of death in the

US, is estimated to ---- nearly 1 out of every 4
deaths each year.
A) look after B) break up
C) account for D) turn into
2. Freud believed that we dream so that we can E) show off
release the deep, secret desires that we are not
allowed to ---- in real life because of the rules of
polite society. Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ Ⓔ
A) acquire B) facilitate
C) survive D) contribute
E) express 7 - 16: For these questions, choose the best

word(s) or expression(s) to fill the space(s).

7. The English Civil War ---- by the rule of Oliver
Cromwell, a puritan leader who ---- control of
Britain following the execution of the king and
the exile of the king’s heir.
A) has been marked / had taken
3. The Mayans were skilled astronomers and
mathematicians who used their abilities in these B) was marked / took
fields for both ---- and religious purposes. C) is marked / would take
A) anxious B) practical D) had been marked / takes
C) current D) invalid E) would be marked / has taken
E) deficient

8. The origins of geography ---- back to ancient

Greece, where the term ---- first by Eratosthenes,
a Greek mathematician, geographer, poet,
astronomer, and music theorist.
4. Nuclear power provides ---- 13-14% of electricity
worldwide, and is widely used particularly in the A) might be traced / had been coined
United States, France and Japan. B) should be traced / used to be coined
A) previously B) recklessly C) would have been traced / has been coined
C) approximately D) briefly D) may have been traced / is coined
E) initially E) can be traced / was coined



9. Worrying about family problems during work 13. Most comedies borrowed heavily from a number
time ---- conflict with work colleagues, ---- to of influences; ----, playwrights drew from the
spousal arguments at home in the evening. classical Greek and Roman plays and looked to
the theatre of the French and Spanish for
A) increased / to lead inspiration.
B) has increased / having led A) nevertheless B) for instance
C) is increasing / lead C) otherwise D) rather
D) increases / leading E) in addition
E) would increase / to have led

10. By applying laws of mathematical probability ---- 14. The original inhabitants of Australia are usually
his study of inherited features, Gregor Mendel called Aborigines, ---- the term has recently fallen
was able to predict ---- amazing accuracy the out of favour because of its negative
outcome of hereditary processes. connotations.
A) to / with B) for / upon A) therefore B) likewise
C) on / over D) in / at C) to illustrate D) instead
E) off / for E) however



11. Deodorants are preparations used ---- the body to 15. Many people mistakenly think that writing is
eliminate the odour of perspiration, and they are simply a transcription of speech, ---- it is in fact
available ---- the form of lotions, sprays and solid an expression of a language that is distinct from
sticks. speech.
A) with / of B) at / on A) but B) thus
C) in / for D) by / at C) moreover D) as long as
E) on / in E) since


12. A recent study has found out that roundworms

with a particular gene have lower rates of 16. Maps are ---- used to show where a location is ----
infection ---- they prefer to live in environments to portray political borders, geographic features,
with fewer microbes. and even population densities as well.
A) although B) after A) whether / or B) not simply / but
C) because D) so that C) so many / that D) neither / nor
E) just as E) such / as



17 - 21: For these questions, choose the best 22 - 26: For these questions, choose the best
word or expression to fill the spaces in the word or expression to fill the spaces in the
passage. passage.

(17)---- knowledge of genetics increases and the The noticeable adjustments in a river’s behaviour
ability to manipulate genes improves with that flood controls entail can have a negative impact
technological advancements, the possibilities are (22)---- the environment. The sediment (23)---- by
(18)---- endless. Food shortages can be averted, rivers is usually rich in nutrients and can replace the
pests can be deterred, and plants can adjust (19)---- topsoil of nearby land. By preventing floods, many of
their environment. With new discoveries, the process these restorative nutrients are lost. (24)----,
(20)---- more streamlined day by day. Hopefully, regulating flood cycles is expensive and labour-
(21)---- genetic manipulation, science may one day intensive. Reliance on artificial flood controls has
be able to stop hunger around the world. also led to disaster. With the aid of these controls,
people can now settle in areas (25)---- to flooding.
(26)---- levees, dams, or channelization fail, the
17. resulting flood can be devastating and costly.
A) As B) Though
C) Unless D) Whether
E) Only if A) into B) for
C) with D) on
Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ Ⓔ E) off

A) accurately B) nearly
C) incidentally D) willingly 23.

E) reflectively A) to carry B) carrying

C) carried D) being carried
E) to be carried

A) upon B) for 24.
C) to D) into A) That is B) In the meantime
E) with C) Even so D) In short
E) Furthermore

A) would become B) became
A) sensible B) hostile
C) becomes D) had become
C) reliable D) vulnerable
E) is becoming
E) profound


21. 26.
A) rather than B) despite A) When B) Unless
C) except for D) thanks to C) Although D) As if
E) in case of E) Before



30. Despite being protected by the thick bones of the

27 - 36: For these questions, choose the best skull, ----.
option to complete the given sentence.
A) the human brain is susceptible to many types of
27. Even though a great number of children dream damage and disease
of becoming astronauts when they grow up, ----. B) the largest part of the human brain is the
A) the term “astronaut” derives from the Greek cerebrum, which is divided into two
words meaning “space sailor” hemispheres
C) the human brain is the largest brain of all
B) astronaut candidates can come from either vertebrates relative to body size
civilian or military life
D) the popular notions about “left brain” and “right
C) the distinction between pilot astronauts and brain” qualities are generalizations not well
mission specialists has become less rigid supported by evidence
D) only a minority of them actually realize this E) the human brain receives input from the
aspiration sensory organs and sends output to the
E) both men and women are eligible to apply as
either a pilot or a mission specialist candidate

31. While African penguins may not be found in

28. There are over a million people in the UK who freezing temperatures, ----.
have survived a stroke, ----. A) they are covered in an array of waterproof
A) for it is the 5 leading cause of death in the feathers that keep them dry and warm in the cold
United States waters off the African coast

B) they communicate with one another through

B) yet during a stroke, the brain does not receive vocalizations and body language
enough oxygen or nutrients, causing brain cells
to die C) being fast swimmers allows them to catch a
variety of prey from the sea
C) but strokes need to be diagnosed and treated as
quickly as possible to minimize brain damage D) the juveniles leave the colony when they are
around four months of age
D) so the most effective way to prevent the disease E) their numbers have declined by 60 percent in the
is through maintaining a healthy lifestyle last 28 years
E) but many of them eventually develop dementia
due to the after-effects


32. In order to minimize the damage and to alleviate

some of the suffering resulting from earthquakes,
29. Field archeology requires a great deal of patience ----.
A) the effects of an earthquake range from mild to
A) although analytical skills are vital in determining severe and include structural damage,
its significance avalanches and flooding
B) because years can go by without a significant B) most earthquake-related deaths are caused by
discovery the collapse of structures

C) even if field archeologists need extensive C) scientists are working on ways to facilitate
training in excavation accurate prediction
D) earthquakes are defined as an intense shaking
D) while knowledge of ancient techniques is of the ground that occurs when a fracture in the
required earth’s rocks causes the ground to shift
E) unless a great number of archeologists work in E) the construction practices play a tremendous
difficult conditions role in the death toll of an earthquake



33. Every year, millions of impoverished people 35. Although not all cigarette smokers die of lung
around the world die of preventable diseases ----. cancer, ----.
A) provided that people who do not have much A) mouth cancer has also been associated with
money are not necessarily unhappy cigars and pipes
B) though most existing service research comes B) smoking and poor diets account for two thirds
from highly developed Anglo-Saxon countries of cancer deaths in the United States
C) simply because they cannot afford the medicines C) lack of physical activity and exposure to
they need to survive ultraviolet light are additional risk factors for
D) so a number of people do not realize the
important role vaccines can play in keeping D) they still have an increased chance of
adults healthy developing a form of cancer
E) yet millions of people get sick, leading to E) personal lifestyle choices have the biggest
missed work and not being able to care for influence on physical health
those who depend on them

36. ---- so as to ensure that people age healthily and

34. Life on land probably began about 430 million continue to contribute to society for longer.
years ago, ----.
A) The fastest-growing segment of the population is
A) but the currently-accepted theory of the evolution the 85-and-older age group
of man rests on some major principles
B) Age-related declines in capabilities may
B) though it had existed in the water for as much as compromise older adults’ ability to maintain
3 billion years their homes
C) for the theory of evolution of man is supported C) Despite advances in health care, many elderly
by a set of independent observations people have chronic, incurable progressive
D) instead Neanderthals looked much like modern
humans - only shorter, more heavily built and D) Changes in the body due to age can result in
much stronger loss of muscle mass, changes in balance and
other factors that impact day-to-day function
E) so modern humans spread from their African
homeland some 70,000 years ago E) It is essential to strengthen health and social
care systems


38. A computer programme is a complete structured

37 - 42: For these questions, choose the most sequence of instructions in a programming
accurate Turkish translation of the sentences in language which directs the computer to carry out
English, and the most accurate English translation specific tasks.
of the sentences in Turkish.
A) Bir bilgisayar programı belirli görevleri yerine
37. Experts predict that within 100 years, water getirmek üzere bilgisayarı yönlendiren bir
resources will become scarce, climate change programlama dilindeki eksiksiz yapılandırılmış
will irreversibly alter the planet and habitats will komutlar dizisidir.
be lost forever. B) Hem bilgisayar programları hem de
A) Uzmanların tahminlerine göre, 100 yıl içerisinde programlama dillerinin, eksiksiz yapılandırılmış
su kaynakları kıtlaşacak, iklim değişiklikleri bir komutlar dizisine göre belirli görevleri yerine
gezegeni geri dönüşü olmayan bir şekilde getirdiği bilinmektedir.
değiştirecek ve yaşam alanları sonsuza dek C) Belirli görevleri yerine getirmesi için bilgisayarı
kaybolacak. yönlendiren bilgisayar programı, eksiksiz
B) Uzmanlar su kaynaklarının yaklaşık 100 yıldır yapılandırılmış komutlar dizisinden
kıt olduğunu tahmin ediyorlar ve iklim oluşmaktadır.
değişikliğinin bu durumu geri dönülmez bir hale D) Bir bilgisayar programı, programlama dilindeki
getirip yaşam alanlarını da yok edeceğini eksiksiz yapılandırılmış bir komutlar dizisi
öngörüyorlar. sayesinde belirli görevleri yerine getirmektedir.
C) İklim değişikliği gezegeni geri dönülmez bir E) Bir bilgisayar programını belirli görevleri yerine
şekilde değiştirdiği takdirde, yaşam alanlarıyla getirmesi için yönlendiren şey, programlama
birlikte su kaynaklarının da yok olabileceği 100 dilindeki eksiksiz yapılandırılmış komutlar
yıldır uzmanlar tarafından tahmin edilmektedir. dizisidir.
D) Uzmanlar 100 yıl içerisinde su kaynaklarının
kıtlaşacağını, iklim değişikliğinin gezegeni geri Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ Ⓔ
dönüşü olmayan bir şekilde değiştireceğini ve

yaşam alanlarının sonsuza dek kaybolacağını

tahmin ediyorlar.
E) Uzmanların beklediği şey 100 yıl içinde iklim
değişikliğinin gezegeni geri dönüşü olmayan bir
şekilde değiştirmesi, su kaynaklarının 39. Although young children are certainly sensitive
kıtlaşması ve yaşam alanlarının sonsuza dek to other people’s facial expressions, their brains
kaybolmasıdır. are not capable of fully understanding the
emotions that cause these expressions.
Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ Ⓔ A) Diğer insanların yüz ifadelerine kesinlikle duyarlı
olan küçük çocukların beyni, bu ifadelere sebep
olan duyguları tamamen anlama noktasında
yeterli değildir.
B) Beyinleri, yüz ifadelerine sebep olan duyguları
anlama noktasında sınırlı kalan küçük çocuklar
yine de diğer insanların yüz ifadelerine
C) Küçük çocuklar diğer insanların yüz ifadelerine
kesinlikle duyarlı olmalarına rağmen, beyinleri
bu ifadelere sebep olan duyguları tamamen
anlamak için yeterli değildir.
D) Yüz ifadelerine neden olan duyguları tam olarak
anlama kapasitesine sahip olmayan küçük
çocuklar diğer insanların yüz ifadelerine
kesinlikle duyarlıdır.
E) Küçük çocukların beyinleri, yüz ifadelerine
sebep olan duyguları anlamakta yetersiz kalsa
da diğer insanların yüz ifadelerine kesinlikle



40. Değişen iklimin dünyadaki tüm bölgeler üzerinde 42. Günümüz insanı mantığı ve kişisel çıkarları
olumsuz etkileri olacak, ancak insanların arasında kaldığından dolayı topluma daha akılcı
konumuna ve yaşam tarzlarına bağlı olarak bir bakış için bencil isteklerini aşmakta
onların sonradan karşılaşacağı sağlık zorlanmaktadır.
sorunlarında büyük farklılıklar olacaktır.
A) Modern man, who is caught between his reason
A) Since all parts of the world are likely to be and self-interests, is having trouble in providing a
adversely influenced by the globally changing more rational outlook on society by overcoming
climate, human populations have been subject to his selfish desires.
resultant health risks, regardless of how and
where they reside. B) Due to being caught between his reason or self-
interests, modern man is having hard times
B) Whether all regions of the world will be providing a rational outlook on society so as to
negatively affected by the climate change largely overcome his selfish desires.
depends on people’s location and way of life, yet
human populations will end up with health risks. C) In order to overcome his selfish desires, modern
man, caught between his reason and self-
C) All regions of the world will be adversely affected interests, is having trouble providing a more
by the changing climate, but the resulting health rational outlook on society.
risks to human populations will vary greatly,
depending on where and how people live. D) Modern man is caught between his reason and
self-interests, which makes it difficult for him to
D) The changing climate will have negative effects overcome his selfish desires for a more rational
on all parts of the world, but depending on outlook on society.
people’s location and lifestyles there will be great
differences in the subsequent health problems E) Being caught between his reason and self-
that they will face. interests, modern man is having difficulty
overcoming his selfish desires for a more rational
E) No matter how and where people live, the outlook on society.
subsequent health hazards will be terribly great
after the varying climate negatively affects all

regions of the world.


41. Çocukların zihinlerine ve duygularına ulaşabilme

yeteneği, bir öğretmen için yalnızca istenen bir
şey değil, aynı zamanda gerekli bir niteliktir.
A) For teachers, it is not only necessary but vital to
have a skill to be able to reach the minds and
feelings of children.
B) The ability to be able to tune into the minds and
feelings of children is not merely desirable but
an essential characteristic for a teacher.
C) The capability to be able to tune into the minds
and feelings of children is both a desirable and
an essential characteristic for a teacher.
D) Not only is it required but also a crucial point
that a teacher has the capability so that he or
she will be able to reach the minds and feelings
of children.
E) To be able to understand the minds and the
feelings of children, a teacher has to possess a
skill of empathy.



44. One can conclude from the passage that ----.

43 - 46: Answer these questions according to
the passage below. A) during an outbreak, the United States
government can call on many doctors and
Public health emergencies are a fact of life in a world nurses to work voluntarily
as interconnected as ours. In just the past five years B) health officials reportedly put some other critical
we have witnessed unexpected outbreaks of programs on hold to deal with a new threat
devastating diseases, each of which has spread far C) legislators from the parties have recognized the
beyond its historical geographical range. No one can need for a public health emergency fund
say what the next large-scale emergency will be,
whom it will affect or when it will strike, but we do D) to purchase a few thousand first aid kits might
know that it is inevitable. Yet the U.S. is woefully be enough for health authorities when the next
unprepared to meet this threat because it does not international health emergency hits
set aside money to beat back an outbreak before it E) the United States is not as much prepared for
can spread. The U.S. used to have a robust national public health emergencies as for natural
public health emergency fund, first created by emergencies
Congress in the 1980s, but its balance has since
dwindled to a paltry $57,000—enough to buy a few
thousand first aid kits but not much else. A Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ Ⓔ
mechanism is already in place to deal with natural
disasters such as earthquakes and floods. Creating
a similar “rainy day” fund—and providing the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention with 45. The author of the passage believes that ----.
permission to use it in advance—could save lives A) what Americans need is to add a few hundred
and money, both at home and overseas. million to $1 billion in new funding that is
Lawmakers need to follow through by approving always and immediately available
one or both of the proposed measures for the
B) the United States government and health
president to sign to ensure that the money will be
officials know exactly what to do when the next
there when the next public health emergency
public health emergency strikes

C) future disease outbreaks are unavoidable, so

the U.S. should minimize the danger with a
robust health emergency fund
D) since natural disasters usually bring about public
health emergencies, it is essential to have a
public health emergency fund
E) the president will not be convinced even if
lawmakers introduce well-planned legislations for
a public health emergency fund


43. It is clear from the passage that ----. 46. The passage is mainly concerned with ----.
A) because we all live in an interconnected world, it A) the indifference of the President of the United
is easier than ever to deal with public health States towards a health emergency fund
emergencies B) the necessity of a robust public health
B) recent outbreaks of devastating diseases were emergency fund so as to respond to future
all kept within their historical geographical range disease outbreaks
C) a mechanism needed to deal with such natural
C) it is probable that the next large scale health disasters as earthquakes and floods which have
emergency will cost the United States over one taken so many lives since the 1980s
billion dollars
D) some unexpected outbreaks which could have
D) it is not easy to guess the next international been prevented if the government had
public health emergency and its possible target unleashed a massive effort right away
audience E) the remarkable efforts put in by US legislators so
E) the United States urgently needs a robust as to make sure enough money will be available
emergency fund to handle natural disasters to deal with a future health crisis



48. It is clearly stated in the passage that ----.

47 - 50: Answer these questions according to
the passage below. A) only the male bison can become the leader by
simply being the first to move in the direction
Ecologist Amandine Ramos of the French National which the majority chooses
Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) spent three B) the study has been able to help reduce conflict
months observing a bison herd at the Monts-d’Azur among farmers and bison, which almost always
Biological Reserve. It turns out that European bison invade crops
operate by majority rule. These individuals “cast a
vote” for the direction they would like to move by C) European bison adapt to the extreme weather
orienting their bodies. For instance, if they want to conditions from summer heat to winter cold and
graze in a meadow, they face the meadow. blizzard
Eventually one bison makes a move. If the initiator
D) a collar, designed to dissuade the herd from
advances in the direction preferred by most herd
invading an undesirable field, could be outfitted
members, the group follows. If the initiator chooses a
on the likely bison leaders
less popular option, few follow, and the group might
split for a brief period. Anyone can initiate a E) known for roaming great distances, European
movement, although adult females typically gather bison move continuously as they feed
the greatest number of followers. In essence, the
initiator with the most votes wins and ends up
leading most of the herd. The findings could help Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ Ⓔ
wildlife managers reduce conflict among farmers and
bison, which frequently raid crops. By outfitting those
individuals likely to be leaders with collars that
deliver a mild shock, managers may be able to
effectively control an entire herd. European bison are 49. According to the passage, it is true that ----.
not the only non-human species that make decisions
collectively. The behaviour has also been observed A) if the initiator goes to a minority direction, it leads
in animals ranging from other ungulates such as to the groups’ moving separately indefinitely
African buffalo to primates such as Tonkean

B) a bison herd moves in the direction chosen by

most of its constituents
C) African buffalo are able to take collective
decisions far better than European bison
D) despite their size, the bison are very fast
creatures and excellent swimmers
E) invasions carried out by European bison are not
a threat for farmers anymore

47. One can understand from the passage that ----.
A) the herd patterns and direction selection of
European bison are the two subjects that have
been studied for the last three months 50. Which of the following could be inferred from the
B) females and adult males generally live in small, passage?
separate bands and come together in very large A) Democracy, or at least a form of it, is not
herds during the mating season unique to human beings.
C) communication and consensus are two B) European bison have few natural predators
processes that exist not only among human thanks to their size.
beings but also in the animal kingdom
C) In some areas, people legally hunt bison or
D) if the initiator goes in a majority direction, he will raise them for their meat and hides.
get a few followers that will eventually return to
the herd D) European bison show the best example of
democracy among the animal kingdom.
E) strong adult males usually acquire the largest
number of followers while adult females care for E) African buffalo can be mentioned as the sole
their young example of ungulates.



52. It is implied in the passage that ----.

51 - 54: Answer these questions according to
the passage below. A) scholars have either praised the 18 Dynasty
kind Akhenaten as visionary or condemned him
Few pharaohs made an impact on ancient Egypt as a fanatic
quite as severely as the 18th Dynasty king B) the 18th Dynasty king Akhenaten had more
Akhenaten, also known as Amenhotep IV. He did not severe influence on ancient Egypt than many
change the nation by his military campaigns or his other pharaohs
desire to erect great and imposing monuments – his
mark on history used the most powerful tool C) the Church of Amun had a positive influence on
available: religion. From time immemorial, Egypt had Amenhotep IV as a young prince, which later
celebrated and worshipped a host of different gods, affected his reign accordingly
each one representing the different facets of life,
D) Akhenaten’s transformation of religion brought
industry and human nature itself. The rise of Theban
th with it radical changes in artistic conventions
pharaohs and their prosperity in the 18 Dynasty had
elevated the god Amun to patron status. The Church E) the long held notion that Akhenaten was anti-
of Amun had grown in power, too, and its gradual military and pacifist is no longer acceptable
influence over the court of his father, Amenhotep III,
had soured the prince as a child. When he ascended
to the throne in 1351 BCE, Amenhotep IV dismantled Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ Ⓔ
the church that had irritated him so much as a young
man. He banned polytheistic practices (worship of
multiple gods) across the nation and forced his
people, priests and family to worship one, single god:
Aten. He even moved the capital from Memphis to
Akhetaton, but ultimately his attempts to undo the
theological fabric of his countrymen failed and his 53. One can conclude from the passage that ----.
Amarna Period was buried by future monarchs trying
to erase his legacy. A) Pharaoh Akhenaten forbade the worship of
many gods in favour of worshipping just one,

B) the rise of Theban pharaohs had nothing to do
with the status of the god Amun
C) how the king Akhenaten died is still under
discussion and a matter of controversy
D) Akhenaten was able to transfer the Egyptian
capital from a site devoted to Aten to Memphis
E) at no time in its long history had the military ever
been more evident in Egyptian art than during
the reign of Akhenaten
51. It is understood from the passage that ----.
A) breaking with the past, the young king conceived Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ Ⓔ
the idea of polytheism, the belief in many gods,
as opposed to monotheism, the belief in one god
B) although the Theban pharaohs flourished in the
18th Dynasty, Ancient Egypt was not prosperous
enough during this period
C) even though Amenhotep IV tried very hard, he 54. The underlined word “fabric” in the passage is
was unable to alter the religious beliefs of his closest in meaning to ----.
A) procedure and process
D) the 18th Dynasty king Akhenaten left his mark on
Ancient Egypt more through architectural B) invention and innovation
achievements than through military campaigns
C) assumption and misconception
E) Akhenaten is believed to have been the most
th D) characteristic and belief
controversial figure in the history of the 18
dynasty of Egypt’s New Kingdom E) upkeep and maintenance



56. One can infer from the passage that ----.

55. - 58. Answer these questions according to
the passage below. A) many Afghans are of the opinion that the racial
discrimination in the country will continue
The condition of women in Afghanistan does not ceaselessly
seem to be improving though there have been many B) if the security situation in the country improves,
promises and commitments to change the scenario. violence against women will most probably
As the country has been largely influenced by lessen
insecurity and instability, people in general and
women in particular, have suffered to a great extent. C) issues pertaining to women in Afghan society
They have been targeted both by parochial social have been handled by the authorities in a
thoughts and extremist religious beliefs. democratic manner
Unfortunately, there are no concrete measures
D) religious extremism and tribal partiality no longer
planned or taken by the authorities to tackle the
play a critical role in Afghan social culture
situation. As a matter of fact, the magnitude of work
that has been done regarding the rights of women E) the Afghan government has started to accept
in Afghanistan is much less than the funds and that women form an integral part of the society
resources that have been utilized. Moreover, the
incidents of violence and atrocities against women
have kept on multiplying. Every now and then, there Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ Ⓔ
is an incident that shows the nature and frequency
of violation of women rights and their subjugation by
the male members of the society and the social
norms and values. There is a clear rise in incidents
of violence against women. This is directly linked to
the overall security situation. As the security
situation in the country has deteriorated, the weaker
strata seem to be in trouble the most. There was no
serious attention to their woes and now with rising
insecurity, the authorities have more excuses for

57. Which of the following best describes the

less attention to the issues of women.
author’s attitude toward the condition of women
in Afghanistan?
A) promising
B) appreciating
C) indifferent
D) pessimistic
E) suspicious

55. It is stressed in the passage that ----.
A) Afghanistan is today considered to be a safe and
affluent place for women to lead their lives
B) despite the efforts from different quarters, the
problem of violence faced by Afghan women still
remains unsolved
C) though the rights of Afghan women are often 58. Which of the following could be the best title for
violated for several reasons, they no longer the passage?
encounter violence A) The Women’s Right Movement in Afghanistan
D) the Afghan government has taken drastic B) Donations to Protect Afghan Women
measures to solve the problem of violation of
women rights in the country C) How to Protect Afghan Women from Violence
E) international organizations have not focused on D) Gender and Violence in Afghanistan
the condition of women in Afghanistan as much
E) Violence Against Women in Afghanistan Persists
as expected



60. One can conclude from the passage that ----.

59 - 62: Answer these questions according to
the passage below. A) in the course of history both the theory and the
practice of democracy have undergone profound
Democracy is considered to be the best form of changes
government, but it is also the most difficult to attain. B) it is basically the intellectual and enlightened
History shows that though democratic system of people that take democracy towards a success
government was formed in many countries, it failed in or a failure
several of them and ultimately turned into something
close to dictatorship. Enlightened citizens are the C) whether democracy is the most efficient system
most important prerequisite for democracy. In is still questioned among people governed by
democracy, the citizens must be alert and dictatorship
enlightened or properly educated. They should be
D) citizens of the governments governed by
motivated and aware enough to participate actively in
democratic system have never been
public affairs. Closely linked to active citizenship is
disappointed about their choice
the character and capability of the common masses.
In democracy, common men must be sufficiently E) the citizens have no right in democracy to stand
interested in public affairs and must comprehend against whatever the government imposes
them. A democratic government is also well-
maintained through active criticism. Therefore, every
citizen must be ready to protest and criticize the Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ Ⓔ
injustice and tyranny of the government, for
democracy thrives when the people are eloquent.
Furthermore, every man should be keenly interested
in the welfare and happiness of his fellow-men and
ready to help overcome the difficulties. It has been
justly believed that the price of democracy is eternal
61. It is emphasized in the passage that ----.
vigilance. The people should be alert, vigilant and
active in order to preserve their democratic A) once genuine democracy is established in a
institutions and enjoy their rights and liberty.

particular society, it will never let down its

B) political leaders must mix with the public in order
to meet their needs and expectations
C) active criticism plays a more significant role in
democracy compared to its role in dictatorship
D) enlightened citizens are aware that they cannot
actively participate in the affairs of the
E) there are certain conditions that must be
satisfied and maintained by the societies to
acquire true democracy

59. We learn from the passage that ----. Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ Ⓔ

A) the education level of the citizens cannot be
cited among the prerequisites for democracy
B) the problem of organization and leadership is
more urgent for democracy than for other forms
of government
C) democracies demand not passive but active and 62. The passage is mainly concerned with ----.
constant participation and cooperation of the
citizens A) the criticism of democracy in modern times

D) for democracy to be attained, political leaders B) the developmental stages of democracy

are to be honest, intelligent and public-spirited C) the fundamental questions about democracy
E) democracy and enlightenment are thought to be D) the prerequisites for attaining democracy
incompatible since the latter brings about
excessive criticism of the former E) the adoption of democracy throughout history



64. William:
63 - 67: For these questions, choose the best – What do you know about home-schooling?
option to complete the dialogue.
63. Mark: – Not much. But I know it’s very widespread in
– It says here in the article that girls with autism the United States and though it’s not a novel
may be harder to diagnose for several reasons. idea, it’s getting more popular nowadays.

John: William:
– It sounds weird. Can you tell me one of them? – Yeah, you’re right. But there are also some
misconceptions about it.
– ---- Beatrice:
– What do you mean by misconceptions?
– So you mean, the symptoms of females with John:
autism are likely to be confused with those of – ----
females with other disorders. A) There are some legal requirements for home-
schoolers and there are certain compulsory
things in many US states.
A) I am really tired of talking about autism and I
think we should focus on our presentation about B) I mean, you can use any books you want as long
eating disorders of adult females. as you follow the city’s program.

B) Some experts suggest that eating disorders at C) For instance, many people think that they’ll have
early ages might result in autism spectrum to hire private tutors for their children, but that
disorder among girls. isn’t necessary indeed.

C) Well, it is claimed here that there might be D) There are a lot of experienced families around
overlapping diagnoses such as obsessive- who can help you get started.
compulsive disorder or anorexia. E) As everybody knows, the state provides you with

D) No, I can’t. I don’t have enough time to give you some textbooks, which you don’t necessarily
all the details about the causes of autism have to use.
spectrum disorder.
E) One of the reasons provided in the article is that Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ Ⓔ
the criteria for autism have been developed
specifically around males.



65. Lucy: 66. Alice:

– Here is an article about the consumption of – ----
coffee and its benefits.
Helen: – But as far as I know, it took decades before
– What does it put forward? scientists learned how to successfully
manufacture penicillin.
– It suggests that a person’s consumption of the Alice:
beverage is determined in part by his or her – Still, they got there just in time to treat huge
DNA. numbers of soldiers in World War Two.
Helen: Susan:
– ---- – Right. And since then, it has been a game
changer in the field of medicine.
A) In fact, people find it difficult to understand that
coffee is more than just caffeine. A) Do you happen to know penicillin acts very
effectively against certain bacteria?
B) Which means that it is not the colour or the smell
of coffee that mainly attracts us, but it could be B) Can you see the soft green fuzzy stuff that has
our genes. grown in the bottom of my coffee cup, Susan?
C) Now I see why some people feel anxious even C) Physicians allege that penicillin only works
after a single cup of coffee. against bacteria with proteins that are sensitive
to penicillin.
D) I totally agree. Some types of coffee beans
generally yield more than others. D) I have just learned that penicillin was discovered
in 1928 by a Scottish scientist, Alexander
E) In other words, it is totally associated with Fleming.
E) Some bacteria are less vulnerable to penicillin,
and also have systems built into the structure of
Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ Ⓔ the cell that sweep out harmful compounds.



67. Thomas:
– I think boredom at work is a feeling we have to 68. – 71: For these questions, choose the best
learn how to cope with. rephrased form of the given sentence.

Vladimir: 68. Romeo and Juliet ultimately commit suicide as a

– Certainly. But people often feel they want to result of trying to hide their forbidden love, which
change their life to change their job. They causes their respective families to come upon
might feel stuck in a rut. realization that the feud is meaningless.
Thomas: A) Because Romeo and Juliet decide to take their
– ---- own lives due to concealing their prohibited
Vladimir: affair, their own families come to understand that
– Well, guess what: even pilots get bored, you the family feud is futile.
know? For instance, an American fighter pilot B) Their attempts to conceal their prohibited love
listened to a show hosted by the American eventually lead Romeo and Juliet to kill
presenter Oprah Winfrey on the radio to stave themselves, driving their own families to admit
off her boredom while she was up in the air. that the family feud is trivial.
A) But some experts think there’s something good C) In order to force their own families to accept that
about feeling bored. the family feud is nonsense, Romeo and Juliet,
B) I heard that holidays are the best way to stave who attempt to conceal their prohibited love,
off boredom. That’s why I’m going to book myself eventually take their own lives.
a fantastic holiday! D) Romeo and Juliet, who kill themselves as a
C) Yes. Even I sometimes dream of something a bit consequence of struggling to conceal their
more exciting like being a professional diver or prohibited love, compel their own families to
maybe even a pilot of a really fast plane. accept that the family feud is pointless.

D) Dealing with wild animals can help us cope with E) Since Romeo and Juliet fail to make their own
boredom. Maybe I could start with a visit to families admit that the family feud is petty, they
eventually take their own lives while trying to

Patagonia in Argentina to see the penguins.

keep their prohibited love a secret.
E) Spending time up in the air sounds like an
interesting idea to get away from stressful daily
activities. Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ Ⓔ



69. The notion that we might be able to generate 71. Early 19th century English writer Charles Dickens
organisms that will solve our most vexing energy was virtually alone in his admiration for the
and pollution problems has preoccupied works of his contemporary, the great painter
scientists for decades. John Ruskin.
A) Scientists have long been endeavouring to find A) Charles Dickens thought John Ruskin’s works
an answer to our most frustrating energy and were the only early 19th century pieces worthy of
pollution problems by producing effective admiration.
mechanisms. B) Charles Dickens and John Ruskin were
B) Scientists have already proven that we can considered by their contemporaries to be the
create a good number of life forms which may greatest English artists of the early 19 century.
one day resolve our most annoying energy and C) The only contemporary early 19 century painter
pollution crises. whose works English writer Charles Dickens
particularly admired was the great artist John
C) Scientists have long been thinking that we have Ruskin.
the ability to produce mechanisms to get to the th
bottom of our most frustrating energy and D) Almost no one in the early 19 century
pollution predicaments. appreciated the great painter John Ruskin’s
works, except for English writer Charles Dickens.
D) Scientists have been trying to demonstrate that E) Charles Dickens appreciated the great painter
we can actually produce some creatures so as to John Ruskin’s works because they expressed
find an answer to our most disturbing energy and the loneliness felt by many early 19th century
pollution crises. English writers.
E) Scientists have long been considering the idea
that it is possible for us to produce life forms
which will put an end to our most bothering
energy and pollution crises.


72. – 75: For these questions, choose the best

option to complete the missing part of the

72. Geomatics is a discipline that can be studied in

70. The latest study carried out by the European conjunction to geography. It is a comparatively
Union claims that the increase in exports over young science that developed as a result of new
the last ten years has been responsible for technology. It is devoted to the collection,
Turkey’s economic recovery. analysis, and management of geographic data.
Data is acquired through satellites that orbit the
A) A recent report released by the European Union Earth. In addition, information is taken from
suggests that growth in Turkey’s economy have sensors in the air, in water and on the ground.
partly been achieved by increasing exports ---- For example, navigating devices such as
within the past few decades. GPS (Global Positioning System) use
B) According to the latest research conducted by geographic data from satellites to provide
the European Union, the improvement in accurate maps and route information.
Turkey’s economy has been the result of A) This data is then processed by computers and
increased exports during the past decade. used in many applications.
C) A recent report published by the European Union B) As an applied science it involves an integrated
maintains that the remarkable growth in Turkey’s approach to the measurement, analysis and
economy over the last decade has encouraged other spatial data.
the export of more goods. C) Geomatics is an umbrella term for every
D) According to the latest study by the European method and tool from data acquisition to
Union, if Turkey’s economy had recovered in the distribution.
past decade, the country might be able to export D) There continues to be evidence of a severe
large amounts of goods now. lack of understanding of what Geomatics
E) A recent report brought out by the European
Union demonstrates that increased exports E) This new term has also been adopted by
within the last decade have played the most vital governments and private industry across
role in Turkey’s economic improvement. Canada and is becoming accepted world-wide.



73. Most people agree that the weather is an 75. ---- The subsequent invention of motion pictures
important part of daily life. It influences added another dimension. Television
everything from travel plans to how people broadcasts of picture and sound followed soon
dress. Yet, few people understand the basic thereafter. Both radio and television enormously
mechanisms that cause rain, wind or other increased the amount of information available.
weather-related phenomena. ---- Understanding Now, communication is again undergoing
these factors has allowed scientists, called radical changes due to innovations in
meteorologists, to study the weather and be electronics and computer technology. With the
able to predict future weather patterns. advent of the Internet and World Wide Web,
printed words, pictures, films and sound can
A) Modern technology allows predictions to be now be transmitted almost instantaneously to
made so people know when and where a all corners of the globe.
hurricane is going to hit land.
A) Unlike technologies such as the light bulb or the
B) Severe weather can include hazardous telephone, the Internet has no single inventor.
conditions produced by thunderstorms,
including damaging winds, and tornadoes. B) Electricity is a form of energy and it occurs in
nature, so it was not “invented.”
C) Climate change is having serious impacts on
the world’s water systems through more C) Radio remains a strong advertising medium
flooding and droughts. with continued growth in advertising revenue,
according to the Radio Advertising Bureau.
D) Weather is affected by many reasons, including
atmospheric changes and jet streams. D) Radio is an active medium capable of stirring
emotion, creating demand, and selling your
E) Flooding may happen with only a few inches of product or service.
water, or it may cover a house to the rooftop.
E) In the early 20th century, the invention of the
radio made possible the wireless transmission
Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ Ⓔ of the human voice.


74. Made up of 53 countries, Africa is the second

largest continent in the world. The continent is
typically divided into five geographically and
culturally unique regions: Northern, Western, 76. - 80. For these questions, choose the
Middle, Eastern, and Southern. It is not irrelevant sentence in the passage.
surprising that the enormous continent is not
homogeneous. ---- Moreover, the African 76. (I) A watershed event in modern European history,
population makes up an equally diverse the French Revolution began in 1789 and ended in
landscape of culture and traditions. the late 1790s with the ascent of Napoleon
A) Long before humans were around, Africa was Bonaparte. (II) During this period, French citizens
joined to the other continents in a massive razed and redesigned their country’s political
continent called Pangaea. landscape, uprooting centuries-old institutions such
as absolute monarchy and the feudal system.
B) It boasts one of the most diverse geographies (III) During the final decades of Louis XIV’s rule,
in the world and is home to a plethora of natural France was weakened by several lengthy wars that
resources. drained its resources. (IV) Like the American
Revolution before it, the French Revolution was
C) In Africa, just like in Asia, people have to walk
influenced by Enlightenment ideals, particularly the
an average of 3.7 miles daily to fetch water for
concepts of popular sovereignty and inalienable
various uses.
rights. (V) Although it failed to achieve all of its
D) Over 90 percent of all malaria cases reported goals and at times degenerated into a chaotic
worldwide come from Africa, but not enough bloodbath, the movement played a critical role in
measures are taken. shaping modern nations by showing the world the
power inherent in the will of the people.
E) All of Africa’s nations were colonized by the
Europeans except two: Ethiopia and Liberia. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V



77. (I) Religion and art share long-term bond with each 79. (I) Psychologically, there are three types of suicide.
other. (II) Research about religion and art shows a (II) First, egoistic suicide which happens when one
dialectic bond, which has resulted in their blossom, feels lonely and solitary or whose social ties are on
between them. (III) However, discussing the relation the wane or broken. (III) However, individuals do
between art and religion does not necessarily mean not want their lives due to the extremely
overlooking the conflicts. (IV) Although religions suppressing environment. (IV) The next type is
have paved the ground for art’s blossom, artists altruistic suicide, which happens when one’s social
have been restricted in some cases, yet the entire tie reaches to excess and giving more value to
art has never been opposed. (V) Roughly one third society rather than themselves. (V) The third and
of the paintings in the National Gallery's collection the last one is fatalistic suicide, which occurs in
of Western European art are of religious subjects social conditions where the individual experiences
and nearly all of these are Christian. pervasive oppression.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V


78. (I) Youth are the integral part of every society. 80. (I) To better understand the social role of media in a
(II) They are considered as the nation builder and society, think of its impact on public morale.
are the biggest force of the society. (III) For (II) Media supports democracy through supervising
instance, in the course of history, revolutions state’s activities and reflecting them to nation.
happened by the force of the youths only. (IV) For (III) On the other hand, nation can convey its
this reason, investment in youth talents will not lead messages to state and officials via media. (IV) In
to eradication of poverty, peace building, minimizing addition to means of supervising, information and
corruption, or declining crimes. (V) That’s why, it awareness, it is also means of nation-state
can be suggested that governments should include communication. (V) For instance, nation needs to
young people in decision making and development know about the enforcement of law by the state,
process. and officials need to be sure whether or not the law
is practiced rightly by nation.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V




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