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Journal of the Neurological Sciences 412 (2020) 116735

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Concordance of Mini-Mental State Examination, Montreal Cognitive T

Assessment and Parkinson Neuropsychometric Dementia Assessment in the
classification of cognitive performance in Parkinson's disease
Jannik Florian Scheffelsa, Leon Fröhlichb, Elke Kalbec, , Josef Kesslera

Clinic and Polyclinic for Neurology, University Hospital Cologne, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany
Cologne University of Applied Sciences, faculty: Economics and Law, Cologne, Germany
Medical Psychology | Neuropsychology and Gender Studies & Centrum for Neuropsychological Diagnostics and Intervention (CeNDI), Medical Faculty and University
Hospital Cologne, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany


Keywords: Background: Cognitive impairment (CI) is frequently observed in Parkinson's disease (PD) and negatively in-
Cognitive screening fluences the patient's and carer's quality of life. As a first step, assessment of CI is often accomplished by using
Concordance screening instruments (level I diagnosis). Three commonly used instruments are the Mini-Mental State
Parkinson's disease Examination (MMSE), Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA), and Parkinson Neuropsychometric Dementia
Parkinson Neuropsychometric Dementia
Assessment (PANDA). Because different preferences regarding test selection exist between clinics, this study
Montreal Cognitive Assessment
aims to provide evidence about the concordance of these tests. It also converts total test scores of the three
Mini-Mental State Examination instruments to assist clinical practice.
Methods: Between January and December 2018, 96 patients with idiopathic PD were examined at the University
Hospital of Cologne, Germany. Comparability of MMSE, MoCA, and PANDA scores was investigated by calcu-
lating correlations, classification agreements, and percentile ranks. Additionally, we converted test scores among
the three screening instruments by implementing the equipercentile equating method and log-linear smoothing.
Results: The MMSE classified 26%, the PANDA 32.3% and the MoCA 54.2% of PD patients as having CI. The
screening instruments' concordance in classifying cognition into normal cognition versus CI was 75%
(AC1 = 0.62) for MMSE and PANDA, 63.5% (AC1 = 0.28) for MoCA and PANDA, and 57.3% (AC1 = 0.24) for
MMSE and MoCA. The provided conversion table enables a quick and easy transformation of the three screening
instruments within PD diagnostics.
Conclusion: These results contribute to a better understanding of the screenings' utility and concordance in a
population of PD patients. Additionally, communication between clinics may be enhanced.

1. Introduction population [6], with increasing age being a relevant predictor [7].
Cumulative prevalence rates of PDD in twenty-year survivors can even
Cognitive impairment (CI) is frequent in Parkinson's disease (PD). It reach up to 80% [8]. Although all cognitive domains may be affected in
often is already present at disease onset and may even precede PD di- PD, and multi-domain impairment is observed in up to 35% of de novo
agnosis [1]. The severity, extent, and pattern of cognitive symptoms is patients [9], greater impairment is typically observed in executive
heterogeneous [2] and can vary from mild cognitive impairment (MCI) functions, attention, visuo-spatial skills, and memory [10]. Although
in one or more cognitive domains to severe dementia (Parkinson's language is less frequently affected compared to impairments in Alz-
disease dementia; PDD) [3,4]. The point prevalence of suffering from heimer's disease, language is still an important domain that should be
PDD varies from 25 to 30% [5], whereas the estimated risk of devel- investigated. Overall, CI does not only impair the patients' but also the
oping dementia in PD is five times greater than in the general carers' quality of life [11].

Abbreviations: BDI-II, Beck Depression Inventory-II; CI, Cognitive impairment; MCI, Mild cognitive impairment; MMSE, Mini-Mental State Examination; MoCA,
Montreal Cognitive Assessment; NC, Normal cognition; PANDA, Parkinson Neuropsychometric Dementia Assessment; PD, Parkinson's disease; PDD, Parkinson's
disease dementia

Corresponding author at: University Hospital Cologne, Kerpener Str. 62, D-50937 Cologne, Germany.
E-mail address: (E. Kalbe).
Received 29 October 2019; Received in revised form 7 February 2020; Accepted 12 February 2020
Available online 13 February 2020
0022-510X/ © 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J.F. Scheffels, et al. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 412 (2020) 116735

Due to time and financial constraints, assessment of CI is frequently knowledge, the MMSE, MoCA, and PANDA together have neither pre-
done using short cognitive screening instruments that serve as a first viously been compared in this regard within a population of PD patients
step (for recommended scales, see [12]). For instance, instruments nor in a healthy sample. Additionally, despite validation of all three
targeting generic cognition such as the Mini-Mental State Examination screening instruments in French, comparisons are lacking for this lan-
(MMSE) [13] or the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) [14] are guage. In the context of PD research, there are several studies com-
used because they provide a broad estimation of cognitive status within paring the equivalence of the MoCA and MMSE by mainly focusing on
a few minutes. psychometric aspects such as sensitivity and specificity, test-retest re-
The most widely used screening instrument is the MMSE, which is liability, and convergent validity, or by providing conversion tables for
used in various languages and contains a 30-point scale. The assessment translating a test score on one instrument into an equivalent score on
takes about 5 to 10 min. Cut-off scores for dementia defined as 24 to 26 another instrument [31–35]. However, the PD-specific PANDA, which
out of 30 possible points are commonly used (for a systematic review, is widely established in Germany, was not included in either of the
see [15]). Higher scores are interpreted as normal cognitive func- studies. Moreover, the three tests' score distributions and their (dis)
tioning. The MMSE includes tasks to assess orientation in time and agreements in the classification of patients' cognitive status have not
place, visuo-construction, memory, language, and apractic aspects. been compared yet. This, however, would be useful because clinics
Education and age corrections exist but are usually not considered [16]. have different preferences concerning the selection of cognitive
Overall, although the MMSE has been used consistently in PD stu- screenings. For instance, some clinics prefer to use generic cognitive
dies [17], the MoCA is more appropriate due to its psychometric screenings (e.g., the MMSE or MoCA) while others prefer disease-spe-
properties [17–21]. A recent study by Vásquez and colleagues [22] cific instruments (such as the PANDA). This might ultimately present a
showed that 80% of their PD patients had abnormal performance on the challenge when patients are screened for cognitive deficits in different
MoCA while being evaluated as age adequate by the MMSE. Ad- clinics (e.g., for diagnosis confirmation or follow-up assessments) that
ditionally, the MoCA can be used specifically for assessing MCI because do not use the same instruments. Therefore, it would be useful to define
it is sensitive to cognitive changes [21,23,24]. On the MoCA, as on the the equivalence of three commonly used screening instruments within
MMSE, a maximum of 30 points can be achieved. It assesses various PD diagnostics to contribute to a better understanding of the screenings'
aspects of cognitive functioning such as visuo-spatial abilities, naming, utility as well as to facilitate communication between clinics by
memory, language, abstraction, and orientation. Implementation
duration is about 10 min. For the general population, a cut-off score of 1.) investigating and comparing the screenings' results (correlations,
26 points or more is interpreted as age equivalent performance. Edu- sociodemographic effects, score distributions, percentile ranks)
cational effects on test scores are considered by adding one more point 2.) comparing their classification agreement in differentiating between
to the total score in people with 12 or fewer years of education. The NC vs. CI, as well as
MoCA is provided in various languages, although there are not always 3.) providing a conversion table for the three screening instruments.
sufficient norms available.
However, this generic cognitive screening instrument was not spe- 2. Methods
cifically developed for PD patients. Although the MoCA assesses im-
pairments highly prevalent in those patients (e.g., executive dysfunc- 2.1. Subjects
tions), results in these domains are not sufficiently incorporated into
the total score (that is, they receive too few points) [25,26]. Therefore, Patients were recruited between January and December 2018. A
an alternative scoring system for PD patients has been proposed. Ad- total of 96 patients with idiopathic PD diagnosed according to the
ditionally, there is disagreement about possible MoCA cut-off scores clinical criteria of the UK Parkinson's Disease Society Brain Bank [36]
that can be used within PD diagnostics (for different proposed cut-off were included. They were in- and out-patients from the Clinic and
scores see [19,20,27]). Another important point is that both the MMSE Policlinic for Neurology of the University Hospital of Cologne, Ger-
and MoCA only provide cut-off scores for differentiating between many, and were assessed in the course of the routine neuropsycholo-
normal cognitive functioning (NC) and cognitive impairment but not gical examination by the neuropsychology work group's staff. Severity
between subtypes of cognitive impairments—for instance, MCI and of motor symptoms was equivalent to Hoehn and Yahr stage II to IV and
PDD. patients were in the “on” phase of dopaminergic medication. Sample
The Parkinson Neuropsychometric Dementia Assessment (PANDA) characteristics are summarized in Table 1. For assessing cognitive
[28] is a more recent screening instrument developed especially for performances subjects were examined on the same day with, in addition
cognitive symptoms in PD. It comprises a number of subtests, including to other instruments, the PANDA, MoCA, and MMSE (German adapta-
paired association learning with immediate and delayed recall, an al- tion: [37]). Affect was evaluated with the Beck Depression Inventory-II
ternating semantic word fluency task, as well as spatial imagery and
working memory tasks. Within 8 to 10 min these tasks assess specific Table 1
domains – especially executive dysfunctions – having high prevalence Sociodemographics and neuropsychological test scores.
in PD. A maximum of 30 points can be achieved. A total score of 18 to
Clinical characteristics N = 96
30 points is interpreted as normal cognition (NC). The PANDA also
provides cut-off scores for classifying patients into either having MCI Age (years) 63.15 ± 11.36
(15 to 17 points) or cognitive impairment probably indicating dementia Sex, male 67.7
(0 to 14 points). Norms for adults below 59 years and above 60 years of Education ≥12 years 32.3
Education < 12 years 67.7
age are available. A short mood questionnaire included on the PANDA
can evaluate three central aspects of depressive symptoms (mood, in- MMSE [range] 27.59 ± 2.13 [16–30]
terest, drive) and can be administered independently from the cognition MoCA [range] 24.12 ± 3.70 [15–30]
part. The test is validated in German and French [29]. However, since PANDA [range] 19.86 ± 6.04 [6–30]
the PANDA has not been used very frequently in PD research, extensive Affect
BDI-II [range] 11.90 ± 8.65 [0–42]
clinimetric evaluation is lacking [30].
Despite the shortcomings of these three screening instruments, they Values in means ± standard deviation for continuous variables and %
are used frequently within PD diagnostics in neurological clinics. for categorical variables. MMSE Mini-Mental State Examination,
Unfortunately, it is not clear yet to what extent their results are PANDA Parkinson Neuropsychometric Dementia Assessment, MoCA
equivalent (e.g., classification agreement). To the best of our Montreal Cognitive Assessment, BDI-II Beck Depression Inventory-II.

J.F. Scheffels, et al. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 412 (2020) 116735

[38] among others. Test administration did not take place in a fixed significant: MMSE (r = −0.03, p = .78), MoCA (r = 0.10, p = .38) and
order to prevent exhaustion effects on test scores of specific tests. PANDA (r = 0.02, p = .89).

2.2. Statistical analysis 3.2. Sociodemographic effects on test scores

Patients' demographics, total score distributions, and percentile Additionally, age, gender and education effects on total scores were
ranks of the screenings as well as their concordance values were ob- investigated. It should be noted that the PANDA total score already in-
tained by using SPSS Statistics 25 (for a summary of demographics, see cludes age, and the MoCA score includes education adjustments. Using
Table 1). Initially, patients' sociodemographics and scores on the neu- Spearman's rank correlation coefficient, the patients' age showed a sig-
ropsychological tests were computed. Correlations between screening nificant negative correlation with the MoCA (r = −0.33, p < .001) as
instruments as well as age effects were investigated with Spearman‘s well as the MMSE (r = −0.38, p < .001). As expected, due to age
rank correlation coefficient, whereas for education and gender effects correction, PANDA scores were not significantly correlated with age
nonparametric Mann-Whitney U tests were used. For reviewing the (r = −0.11, p = .30). Gender and education (≥12 vs. < 12 years) ef-
comparability of the screening instruments in rating patients’ cognitive fects on test scores were tested by Mann-Whitney U tests. There were no
status, classification agreement regarding NC and CI was checked. For significant gender differences in scores of the MMSE (Z = −0.65,
this purpose, the number of patients who were classified by all instru- p = .52), MoCA (Z = −0.44, p = .66), or PANDA (Z = −0.80,
ments into NC and CI (agreements), as well as those who were classified p = .42), but patients with 12 or more years of education scored sig-
as NC by one and as CI by the other instrument (disagreements) were nificantly higher than subjects with fewer years of education on the
calculated and summarized in contingency tables. In addition to the MMSE (Z = −2.17, p = .03, r = 0.22) and (despite education corrected
exact percentage agreements, we calculated first-order agreement scores) MoCA (Z = −2.01, p = .05, r = 0.21). No differences in scores
coefficients in Microsoft Excel. These are also known as the Gwet's AC1 related to education on the PANDA (Z = −0.62, p = .54) were found.
statistic and are used to adjust for chance agreement (that is, some
portion of the screenings' classification agreements might be due to 3.3. Score distributions and percentile ranks of MMSE, MoCA and PANDA
chance). Gwet's AC1 can range from 0 (no agreement) to 1 (perfect
agreement) and is calculated with the following formula [39]. The distributions of total MMSE, MoCA and PANDA scores are
shown in Fig. 1-3. Median values were 28 for the MMSE, 25 for the
p e( )
Gwet s AC1 = MoCA and 21 for the PANDA, indicating that at least 50% of patients
1 e( ) (1) were evaluated as having CI by the MoCA, since 25 points falls below
Here, p represents the overall percent agreement the cut-off score. The variability of test scores between instruments was
compared by calculating the interquartile range, which was 3 for the
p= MMSE, 5.75 for the MoCA and 8.75 for the PANDA. Thus, scores on the
N (2)
PANDA were the most widely distributed, showing that it is less prone
with A being the number of times both screening instruments classify a to ceiling effects (i.e., it is more cognitively demanding) than the gen-
subject into category 1 (CI), D being the number of times both screening eric cognitive screening instruments MoCA and MMSE. This finding was
instruments classify a subject into category 2 (NC), and N representing supported after calculating the corresponding percentile ranks (Fig. 4):
the total sample size. In Gwet's AC1, e(ɣ) is the chance agreement the curve for the MMSE is the steepest, followed by the MoCA and
probability PANDA. For instance, subjects with a test result of 25 points reached a
percentile rank of 8.9% on the MMSE, 50% on the MoCA, and 79.7% on
e ( ) = 2q (q 1) (3)
the PANDA.
3.4. Concordance of the screenings' cut-off scores for NC and CI
A1 + B1
2N (4)
By generating contingency tables, classification agreement of the
where A1 is the number of subjects classified into category 1 (NC) by three instruments on patients' cognitive status was compared based on
both screening instruments plus the number of subjects classified by the their classification into NC and CI (ranging from severe to mild deficits).
first instrument (e.g., MMSE) into category 1 (NC) and by the second In our PD sample, 26% are interpreted as having CI by the MMSE,
instrument (e.g., MoCA) into category 2 (CI), and B1 is the number of 32.3% by the PANDA, and 54.2% by the MoCA. As shown in Table 2,
subjects classified into category 1 (NC) by both screening instruments MMSE and PANDA showed the highest agreement (75%), mostly be-
plus the number of subjects classified by the first instrument into ca- cause both evaluated patients as having NC in 65.6% of cases. Here,
tegory 2 (CI) and by the second instrument into category 1 (NC). Gwet's 96.9% of patients who scored above the PANDA cut-off score for NC
AC1 statistic instead of Cohen's Kappa was chosen since it provides also reached the respective cut-off score on the MMSE. Most disagree-
more stable reliability coefficients and it is less affected by a low pre- ment between the two came from patients being judged as having CI by
valence of cases [40]. the PANDA and NC by the MMSE. MoCA and PANDA agreed in their
Finally, for a conversion of test scores between MMSE, MoCA, and classification into NC and CI in 63.5% of cases. The highest disagree-
PANDA, we implemented the equipercentile equating method and log- ment came from the classification into NC by the PANDA but CI by the
linear smoothing using R version 3.4.3 (equate-package) [41]. MoCA (29.2%). Concordance of the MoCA and MMSE showed the same
pattern: in 57.3% of cases both agreed in their classification, whereas a
3. Results high percentage of subjects (42.7%) scored normal on the MMSE but
not on the MoCA. No patient was evaluated as having CI by the MMSE
3.1. Sociodemographics, neuropsychological test results and correlations an NC by the MoCA.
Besides exact percentage agreements between the screening in-
The subjects' sociodemographics and neuropsychological scores are struments, first-order agreement coefficients were calculated by using
shown in Table 1. PANDA and MoCA scores (r = 0.44), MMSE and Gwet's formula [39] in order to adjust for chance agreement and to
MoCA scores (r = 0.60) as well as MMSE and PANDA scores (r = 0.33) increase precision of our results. We found an AC1 of 0.62 for MMSE
were highly correlated (respectively p < .001). Correlations between and PANDA, 0.28 for MoCA and PANDA as well as 0.24 for MoCA and
cognitive instruments and the affective screening BDI-II were not MMSE.

J.F. Scheffels, et al. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 412 (2020) 116735

Fig. 1. Distribution of MMSE scores.

For a comparison with the previously mentioned study by Vásquez scores of standardized measures can be regarded as equal when their
and colleagues [23] showing that 80% of their PD patients (N = 40) respective percentile ranks are similar within the same population (for a
had abnormal performance on the MoCA (defined as a total score practical example, see [43]). For instance, a person who scores 23 on
of < 26 points) while being evaluated as age adequate by the MMSE the MoCA reaches a percentile rank of 37% in our PD sample, meaning
(total score of ≥24 points), we performed the above analyses with the that 63% of people in this sample scored higher on this measure (see
same cut-off scores used in this article. In our PD sample, 94 out of 96 Fig. 4). In the same cohort, the percentile rank distribution might be
patients were classified as NC by the MMSE. In addition, 64.9% of these different for the MMSE: here, a patient with a score of 27 falls within an
patients showed CI as evaluated by the MoCA, which is slightly less equal percentile rank (37%) because the MMSE is cognitively less de-
than in the previous PD sample. manding than the MoCA. The same applies for the PANDA: a total score
of 18 again means a percentile rank of 37%. Using this rationale, total
scores on all three screening instruments can be equated. An advantage
3.5. Conversions of PANDA, MoCA and MMSE total scores
of the equipercentile equating method is that equivalent scores are al-
ways within an interval of achievable scores. However, irregular score
A conversion table was generated using the equipercentile equating
distributions are possible [44]. To ensure a normal distribution, log-
method and log-linear smoothing (see Table 3). A comprehensive de-
linear smoothing of each measure's raw scores is needed [45], leading
scription of this method can be found elsewhere [42]. Generally, test

Fig. 2. Distribution of MoCA scores.

J.F. Scheffels, et al. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 412 (2020) 116735

Fig. 3. Distribution of PANDA scores.

to higher equating accuracy [42]. screening instruments within PD diagnostics – MMSE, MoCA and
When reviewing the following conversion table, it should be noted PANDA – measuring generic cognition (MMSE and MoCA) versus dis-
that the transformed scores in italics (PANDA < 7, MMSE < 23 and ease-specific cognitive domains (PANDA). We aimed to compare the
MoCA < 16) are estimated values due to few PD patients falling into screenings' general characteristics and their classification agreement
the low score spectrum. For this reason, linear interpolation was used into NC and CI as well as to provide a conversion table for total scores
for test scores outside the 0.5% percentile, as advised by Kolen and to add to the understanding of their equivalence as well as to assist
Brennan [42]. The given values should therefore be interpreted with clinical practice.
caution. As can be seen in Table 2, a PANDA score of 18 points is, for All screening instruments were highly correlated. There were no
instance, equivalent to a score of 23 on the MoCA and 27 on the MMSE. gender effects on test scores. However, age and education effects were
For each test score in one of the three screenings, the equivalent score found for MoCA (which already includes education correction) and
on another instrument can be looked up. MMSE scores, but not for PANDA scores (already including age cor-
rection as proposed by the instrument). Based on our analyses, adding
one point on the MoCA to the total score in people with 12 or fewer
4. Discussion years of education therefore seems not enough to correct for education
effects, at least in PD patients. The finding that people with higher age
This work compared the concordance of three commonly used

Fig. 4. Distribution of MMSE, MoCA and PANDA scores in relation to their percentile rank. For instance, a percentile rank of 37% (y-axis) means a total score of 18 on
the PANDA, 23 on the MoCA and 27 on the MMSE.

J.F. Scheffels, et al. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 412 (2020) 116735

Table 2
Percentage of patients classified into NC and CI by MMSE, MoCA and PANDA (N = 96).

NC (18–30 points) CI (0–17 points) NC (26–30 points) CI (0–25 points)

MoCA NC (26–30 points) 38.5 7.3 45.8 0

CI (0–25 points) 29.2 25 42.7 11.5
MMSE NC (26–30 points) 65.6 22.9 – –
CI (0–25 points) 2.1 9.4 – –

Values in %. MMSE Mini-Mental State Examination, MoCA Montreal Cognitive Assessment, PANDA Parkinson Neuropsychometric Dementia Assessment, NC normal
cognition, CI cognitive impairment.

Table 3 the MoCA is “stricter” than the other screenings in evaluating patients'
Conversion table of PANDA, MMSE and MoCA total scores in the PD po- cognitive performance. The screenings' concordance in classifying
pulation (N = 96). cognition into NC versus CI was 75% (AC1 = 0.62) for MMSE and
PANDA MMSE MoCA PANDA, 63.5% (AC1 = 0.28) for MoCA and PANDA, and 57.3%
(AC1 = 0.24) for MMSE and MoCA. According to the criteria developed
1 1 1 by Landis and Koch [47], classification agreement between MMSE and
2 5 4
PANDA can be interpreted as “substantial”, whereas agreements be-
3 9 7
4 14 9 tween MoCA and PANDA as well as MMSE and MoCA are “fair”. The
5 18 12 relatively high classification agreement between PANDA and MMSE
6 22 15 comes from evaluating cognitive performance as NC, because patients
7 23 16 who score high on the PANDA will probably also score high on the
8 23 16
9 24 17
easier MMSE (96.9% in our PD sample).
10 24 18 We showed that a high proportion of patients (64.9%) who were
11 25 19 classified as having normal cognition by the MMSE (≥ 24 points)
12 25 19 scored abnormal on the MoCA (< 26 points). This is in line with a study
13 25 20
by Vásquez and colleagues [23], who found that as much as 80% of
14 26 21
15 26 21 their patients showed this pattern. Together with the ceiling effects
16 27 22 shown in this study, these results highlight the deficiency of the MMSE
17 27 23 in evaluating patients' cognitive performance.
18 27 23 It has to be emphasized that the definition of CI varies with the
19 28 24
20 28 24
choice of the screening instrument (as well as the cognitive subdomains
21 28 25 tested and their cut-off scores for classifying MCI). Different cut-off
22 29 26 scores than those we used - PANDA < 18, MMSE < 26, MoCA < 26 -
23 29 26 would logically have an influence on the screenings' sensitivity as well
24 29 27
as specificity and, consequently, would reveal different results con-
25 29 27
26 30 28 cerning their classification and concordance values (see [48]). There-
27 30 28 fore, the percentages we give here should not be regarded strictly as
28 30 29 representing the “true” classification (dis)agreements of the screenings
29 30 29 but rather as a general pattern: the PANDA, MMSE and MoCA diverge
30 30 30
to a great extent in their interpretation of the PD patients' cognitive
MoCA scores were adjusted for educational level. PANDA scores were performances, especially when it comes to the classification into CI.
corrected for age and educational level. Italic scores are interpolated data, In our transformation of test scores, we used the equipercentile
scores in bold are considered as normal cognition by the respective equating method which has been used frequently for similar purposes.
screening instrument. MMSE Mini-Mental State Examination, MoCA An advantage of this method is that it can handle non-linear scales.
Montreal Cognitive Assessment, PANDA Parkinson Neuropsychometric Therefore, the calculated equivalent test scores will always fall within a
Dementia Assessment range of possible scores, which is not always the case with other tra-
ditional equating methods [49]. However, there can be an irregular
score lower on the MoCA is consistent with a recent study by Barnish distribution of test scores, which was prevented in prior studies by
and colleagues [46] on epidemiological factors influencing this using log-linear smoothing (e.g., [33,34,49]). Another important ad-
screening instrument and again underlines the importance of ac- vantage of our approach here is enhanced flexibility in clinical practice
counting for sociodemographics when interpreting test scores. The due to the conversion table offered. It guarantees continuity in patient
median MoCA value in their study was 25, a result we also observed in status determination by enabling a standardized comparison of a pa-
our PD population. Since this score falls below the suggested cut-off tient's prior test scores (repeated measures), even when different in-
score of < 26, at least 50% of patients had an abnormal MoCA score, struments are used. This might be of interest when patients' cognitive
which is more than in the MMSE (median value 25) and PANDA performance is screened in more than one clinic and, therefore, dif-
(median value 21). ferent measures are used.
The PANDA showed the most widely distributed test scores, fol- However, the equipercentile equating method by no means provides
lowed by the MoCA and MMSE, demonstrating that the latter is more complete concordance between screenings. This is due to the screen-
prone to ceiling effects (meaning that it is less cognitively demanding) ings' differences in the examined cognitive domains and different
and is less able to detect subtle cognitive changes than the other in- scoring methods. For instance, the MoCA includes executive aspects
struments. These results were supported by the calculated percentile that are not measured by the MMSE (word fluency and abstraction).
ranks. In our PD population, 11.5% were interpreted as having CI by the The PANDA measures executive functions to an even greater extent
MMSE, 32.3% by the PANDA, and 54.2% by the MoCA, indicating that than the MoCA by additionally including a spatial imagery task

J.F. Scheffels, et al. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 412 (2020) 116735

(measuring visuo-cognition and executive aspects) as well as pair-as- Study funding

sociation, alternating word fluency, and working memory tasks. In
contrast, the MMSE assesses apractic aspects as well as speech com- This research did not receive any specific grant from funding
prehension by implementing a motor task (folding a sheet of paper) that agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
are not considered in the other instruments. Lastly, naming as well as
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