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Name: Hanna Rolish J.

Digamon - This model shows that communication is a

Section: BSIA11

Lesson 1: Communication Models and
What is Communication?
- It is the exchange of ideas, thoughts, and
information from one source to another interaction
- The communicators share a common set of
understanding or interpretation of the

Transactional Communication Model

- By Barnlund in 1970
- This model posits that how the individual
communicates determines the way the
Shannon & Weaver Communication Model

- By Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver in

- Mirroring the radio and telephone
- message will be interpreted
- - Factors in communication may include
- gender, age, culture, value system and many
- more
- 1.2: Communication Processes
First major model for communication
SMCR Communication Model
- It
- By David Berlo in 1960 is
- Sender-Message-Channel-Receiver the
- Still derived from Shannon-Weaver’s model
but changed and enhanced by another
source of the message, the one who encodes
the message
- Transforms thoughts into message
- The primary responsibility of the sender is
to convey the message in the most
SMRC Communication Model comprehensible way possible
- By Wilbur Schramm in 1954 - It is the body of information that is sent by
the sender to the receiver
- Refers to anything that is communicated by Intrapersonal communication
the sender to the receiver
- The latin prefix intra means “within” or
Channel “inside”
- Interpersonal communication then means
- It is what connects the sender to the
talking to oneself (inner talk, inner
monologue, or inner dialogue)
- It is the means of accessing the message
- Psychologists call it with other names such
sent by the sender to the receiver
as self-verbalization or self-statement
For example: Saying “I can do it” to yourself in
- It is the recipient of the message from the times when you lack or need motivation
Interpersonal Communication
- The receiver is the one who decodes and
process the information conveyed by the - The latin prefix inter means “between,
sender among, and together”
- The primary responsibility of the receiver is - It is an interactive exchange
to understand the message - A communication situation is interpersonal
if it is meant to establish or deepen one's
relationship with others
Noise Barrier - It is less serious and less formal
- It is what impedes the communication - Interpersonal talks are meant for
process maintaining social relationships
- It refers to the distractions that interfere Extended Communication
with the accurate transmission and
reception of the message - This type of communication involves the use
of electronic media
Feedbacks - With the use of electronic media, messages
- It is the response of the receiver to the are transmitted quickly
sender - Unlike before when there is just television
- When this is made, the role of the and radio, nowadays, the description of
participants in the process is reversed extended comm may be expanded as to
include tele, audio, or phone conferencing,
video conferencing, and other technological
Lesson 2: Types of Communication
Types of Communication According to:
Organizational Communication
- With these types, the focus is on the role
Verbal-non-verbal communication that communication plays in organizational
- Effective communication calls for the
- You should know that each organization has
blending of these two
expectations that you as a communication
For example: (1) giving instructions, (2) professional should meet or that you as the
express feeling owner may establish
Intercultural Communication
Visual Communication
- As the term implies, it is communication
- A type of communication that uses visuals between or among people having different
to convey information and/or messages linguistic, religious, ethnic, social, and
professional backgrounds
For example: signs, symbols, maps, graphs,
charts, illustrations
Formal Communication
- Employs formal language delivered orally or Adjust your speech or writing context of the
in written form situation
Examples: Lectures, public speeches, research and - The environment in which your speech or
project proposals, reports, business letters writing is to be delivered determines the
kind of language you will use
- Texts have been thought out carefully and
written well before delivered
- To inform, entertain, and persuade are the Work on the feedback given
main objectives of this type of
communication - Once you receive comments from the
listeners/readers, work on them
Informal Communication - Take kindly the criticisms
- In the long run, constructive criticisms will
- This type certainly does not employ formal
prove beneficial to you as you learn to
address them
- It involves personal and ordinary
conversations with friends, family members,
or acquaintances about anything under the Ethic in Communication
- The purpose is simply to socialize and Communication Ethics emphasizes that morals
enhance relationships influence the behavior of an individual, group, or
organization thereby affecting their communication
It is important to note that one’s behavior should be
Lesson 3: Communication Principles and Ethics regulated by honesty, decency, truthfulness,
sincerity, and moral uprightness
“Since communication is a two-way process, it is
important that you know the principles to be Be truthful
observed to make it effective.”
- Truthfulness is fundamental to all forms of
Principles in Communication communication.
- Communicators who are caught lying will
Know the purpose in communicating
lose their credibility and the goodwill of the
- Are you communicating basically to inform, audience, which are essential to influencing
to entertain, or to persuade? them.
- While you have more than one purpose,
Show respect for the power of words
there is still dominant objective or reason
why you communicate - Words are powerful.
- They can make or break careers, launch
Know your audience
wars, or bridge peace among others.
- In both speaking and writing, you should
For example
know your audience as it will dictate the
speaking or writing style you are going to ▻ It is common for our government leaders to
employ sit down and discuss peace negotiations. And
- Consider the age, educational background, they do that with words.
profession, culture, and other salient
▻ One wrong statement from a celebrity may
features of your listeners
cause his or her downfall.
Know your topic
Invoke participatory democracy
- You communicate essentially because you
- Communication ethics is a joint
want to share something
responsibility between the speaker and the
- This is like a direction, it will keep you focus
on the messages that you want to say or
write For example, speakers should put themselves in
- Utilize several communication techniques to the shoes of the listeners and see if they are
easily catch the attention of the audience treating the listeners as they would like to be
treated, with respect.
Demonstrate mindfulness of cultural diversity country. Some regional dialects have been
given traditional names which mark them
- Ethical communicators construct their
out as being significantly different varieties
speeches being mindful of cultural
spoken in the same place
differences, which means being careful not
to offend others with the things that they Indigenized Variety
- These are mainly spoken as second
- Our practices and beliefs vary from culture,
languages in ex-colonies with multilingual
but we can be both respectful and mindful
populations. The differences from the
of other people's culture without entirely
standard variety may be linked to English
accepting their cultural practices.
proficiency or may be part of a range of
Minority Dialect
- Sometimes, members of a particular
SPOKEN AND WRITTEN LANGUAGE minority ethnic group have their own
LANGUAGE VARIETIES variety which they use as a marker of
identity , usually alongside a standard
A specific set of linguistic terms or human speech variety.
pattern (sound, words, grammatical features)
which can be associated with some external factors
(geographical area, social group). LANGUAGE REGISTERS
DIFFERENT KINDS OF LANGUAGE VARIETIES: - The perceived attitude and level of formality
Pidgin associated with a variety of language
- A variety of language used in a particular
- Is a new language which develops in social setting, using certain words, phrases,
situations where speakers of different and contractions that arenot normally used
language needs to communicate but don’t in other settings (or if they may sound
share common language. The vocabulary of strange or out of place
the pidgin comes mainly fromone paticular
- No native Speakers. Mixing of languages. MAJOR DIVISIONS OF LANGUAGE REGISTERS:
Reduced grammar and vocabulary.
- Example: Conyo - It has a colloquial FORMAL REGISTER
meaning differs from its origin, and isn’t
Appropriate for professional writing such as:
vulgar at all times.Itrefers to the way of
speaking or one who speaks taglish and/or o Business Letter
with an English accent,
usuallyassociatedwith ipper-class citizens o Complaint Letter
because such is the stereotype in Filipino o Reports o Official speeches
pop culture.
o Announcements o Professional e-mails
Formal Language
- When people and children start learning a
pidgin as their first language and it becomes - Does Not Use Contractions
the mother of - Contraction refers to the shortening a word,
- community or becomes as Creole. syllable, or word group by omission of a
- It is distinct language which was taken most sound or letter
of its vocabulary from another language, but - Instead of using “don’t” in a sentence, use
has unique grammatical rules. “do not”, spell out the words
- Contractions can be use if you are quoting
Regional Dialect someone’s exact words in your writing
- It is not a distinct language but a variety of - Formal Language Does Not Use
language spoken in a particular area of a Colloquialisms: Colloquialism refers to local
or dialect expression or language which is What’s Up, Watcha doin’ SLANG
common to spoken English (PABALBAL)
- As much as possible use the appropriate - - The usage of language, especially by
and formal words in formal writing certain groups of people such as teenagers,
and specific fields or professions.
Formal Language Focuses More on Vocabulary
- More informal than colloquialisms and used
in any culture or society
FOR EXAMPLE: - Examples: Yosi, Bagets, Syota, Omsim,
Babae, Kool
- (Informal) The research assistant checked
out the incident and got back to him the
next day.
- (Formal) The research assistant
investigated the incident and reported to INTIMATE REGISTER
him the following day. Formal Language
- This communication is private.
Spells Out Numbers Less Than One Hundred
- It is reserved for close family members or
intimate people.
- For example: Husband and Wife, Siblings,
and Parent.
Use conversational language and appropriate when
writing or talking to friends and people you know
very well such as: This is informal language used by peers and friends.
o Chatting with friends and family o Diaries and - Slang, vulgarities and colloquialisms are
journals normal.
- This is "group" language. One must be a
o Friendly Letters o Personal e-mails
member to engage in this register.
o Phone texts o Messenger conversations
o Short notes o Blogs/ vlogs
Used for the purpose of seeking assistance
Common Informal Register
- May use a standard or non-standard variety
- Slangs and cliches Figurative Languages of English yet a level of detachment is
- Symbols and abbreviations maintained.
- Acronyms - It is a professional discourse
- Incomplete and Short Sentences - For example: Communications between a
- Personal Opinions and Jokes superior and subordinate, Doctor and
- First person, Second person and Third Patient, Lawyer and Client.
person point of view.
- Extra punctuation (!!!)
- Passive and Active voice This language is used in formal settings.
JARGON - This use of language usually follows a
commonly accepted format.
Refers to the specialized language of a professional
- It is used in impersonal and formal settings.
or occupational group. Such language is often
- For example: Sermons, Speeches,
meaningful to outsiders.
Pronouncements made by judges
- The everyday use of language commonplace
This style of communications rarely or never
parlance or vernacular language that lends
changes. It is "frozen" in time and content. For
people their identity.
example: The Lord's Prayer, Philippine Constitution.
- The informal use of language consisting
words or expression used by common
people. Examples: Kamo, Ewan, Teka,
- It is wise to maintain a moderate speed to
enable the listeners to follow the
presentation and grasp the message more
- The rate can also change once in a while for


MIDTERMS - This refers to the temporary stop in the

vocal delivery, which serves a good purpose.
Lesson 5: Public Speaking - It allows the listeners some time to process
the information while, at the same time,
What is Public Speaking?
allowing the speaker to recall something
- A form of communication wherein one that he/she might have forgotten about the
delivers a message or speech in front of an presentation. He/she must learn when to
audience pause.
- A skilled public speaker has the ability to
get across his/her message effectively to an
interested audience so that the audience - This refers to the liveliness of the voice.
can arrive at a good decision… thus - The speaker's ability to animate his/her
influencing people’s outlook and character voice will definitely make the presentation
- Styles and strategies play an important role dynamic.
in achieving the power to influence your
Vocal Clarity
audience to act and do something
- This refers to proper pronunciation. The
Elements of Vocal Delivery
speaker must be able to utter the words
Pitch properly and clearly.
- He/she must likewise avoid disruptive
- This refers to the highness and the lowness
speech sounds such as uh, well, um, and you
of the tone of the voice.
- The speaker’s knowledge of when to raise
or lower the tone of his/her voice is Vocal quality
- This refers to the distinct characteristic of
- The pitch must be varied
one's voice.
Volume - It can be thin, hoarse, hinky, rough, or airy,
- This refers to the loudness or softness of the
- Since vocal quality can be improved and
even changed, it is important for the
- Modulating is one thing while shouting is
speaker to explore the beauty of his/her
another. The speaker must know which
own voice, knows its strengths and
parts he/she should speak louder or softer.
weaknesses, and optimize it to his/her
- Likewise, he/she should be sensitive
enough too notice whether or not his/her
voice is audible, particularly to those who Elements of a Physical Delivery
may be seated at the farthest end of, for
Facial Expression
instance, a hall.
- No matter how speakers project their voice
or dancers move their body, if they do not
- This refers to the speed at which words are show appropriate facial expressions, they
spoken. fail.
- The rate must be adapted to the type of - Their facial expressions must be reflective
audience with which speaker of the message they wish to express to the
communicates. audience.
Eye Contact - Dress appropriately for both your audience
and the occasion.
- Effective eye contact will establish
▻ Avoid flashy jewelry.
connection with the audience.
▻ A little makeup for women and a clean
- Looking directly at the audience will make
haircut for men will definitely be appealing.
them feel that they are significant part of
the presentation. Elements of Public Speaking
- The eyes must be directed not toward the
ceiling nor the floor, but the audience.
- This refers to the movement of the body
that expresses or emphasizes an idea,
sentiment, or attitude.
- Too much gestures might be an overkill; too
little of them might make the presentation Lesson 6: Speeches According to Delivery
- Hence, it is imperative that speakers Speech Delivery is one of the most important aspect
consider the size of the audience, that is, in delivering a speech aside from the preparation of
whether or not their gestures must involve the speech which entails research, organization,
only the fingers or the wrist or if they must outlining, and practicing. Delivery is a result of the
be extended to the use of the elbow or the combination of two kinds of communication which
shoulder. is verbal and nonverbal communication.


- Good posture does not have to be very stiff - Is the presentation of a short message
like that of a police officer when coming to a without advance preparation.
position of attention nor does it have to be - Impromptu speeches often occur when
too relaxed that the speaker appears lousy someone is asked to "say a few words" or
or even arrogant. give a toast on special occasion.
- Standing straight and tall, with both feet flat - You have probably done impromptu
and slightly apart, chin up, shoulders speaking many times in informal,
relaxed, coupled with that charming smile conversational settings. Self-introductions
can make up a good posture. Just do it in classes are examples of impromptu
naturally! speaking.
- The advantage of this speaking is that it's
Movement spontaneous and responsive in an animated
group context.
- Knowing when to move to and from must be
- The disadvantage is that the speaker is
clear to every speaker. Moving too much and
given a little or no time to contemplate the
aimlessly can be very distracting.
central theme of his or her message. As a
- Effective movements must be purposeful,
result, the message may be disorganized
that is, the speaker moves only when
and difficult for listeners to follow.
making or emphasizing a point.
- Especially in formal settings, movement EXTEMPORANEOUS SPEAKING
must be limited such that it reinforces the
message instead of distracting its - It is the presentation of a carefully planned
presentation. Observe timing, and move and rehearsed speech, spoken in a
smartly. conversational manner using brief notes. By
using notes rather than a full manuscript.
- This speech can establish and maintain eye
Appearance contact with the audience and assess how
well they understand the message as it
- While people are basically there to listen to
what the speaker has to say, how he/she
- The opportunity to assess is also an
looks can make the audience interested and
opportunity to restate more clearly any idea
pay attention to his/her presentation.
or concept that the audience seems to have This speech serves to provide interesting and
trouble grasping. factual information to the audience. To deliver
- Advantages: Promotes the likelihood that this information, the message must be
you, as speaker, will be as knowledgeable delivered clearly to the audience.
and credible; audience is likely to pay better
attention to the message because it is Example:
engaging both verbally and nonverbally
- Disadvantage: It requires great deal of • College professor lecturing on a specific topic
preparation for both verbal and nonverbal during a class.
components of the speech
• Guest speaker presenting information to a
group of students about how
to apply for college.
- This speech is the word-for-word iteration
of a written message • Company president presenting information
- The success o this medium depends on: (1) about last quarter's sales to
the speaker is already an accomplished
a group of board members.
public speaker who has learned to use a
conversational tone while delivering a
prepared script; (2) the speech is written in Main elements in writing an informative speech:
a style that sounds conversational
- Advantage: This speech is the exact 1. Knowledge. Expertise and knowledge of the
repetition of original words subject is shown when the information is
- Disadvantage: Typically an uninteresting adequately enough for your audience.
way to present, unless the speaker is 2. Key Points. Repeat all key points to ensure
rehearsed just like in poetry interpretation, knowledge retention.
declamation, etc. 3. Interest. Convey your speech with
confidence and include unusual facts about
- It is the rote recitation of a written that the DEMONSTRATIVE SPEECH
speaker has committed to memory.
- Memorization can be useful when the This speech is written to explain and show people a
message needs to be exact and the speaker step-by-step instruction on how to do something.
doesn’t want to be confined by notes This involves various types of visual aids to ensure
- Advantage: Enables speaker to maintain eye effectiveness of the instructions.
contact with the audience through the Example:
- Disadvantage: Forgetting the lines and How to write a speech
might end up speaking in a monotone or a How to bake a cake
sing-song that fails to emphasize the most
important points A step-by-step instruction on how to assemble a
miniature house
Elements in writing a Demonstrative Speech:
Lesson 7: Speeches According to Purpose
1. Instructions. Provides clear and concise
There are four basic types of speeches that are instructions to your audience.
used: to inform, to demonstrate, to persuade, and to 2. Task Breakdown. The task must be
entertain. All of these are not mutually exclusive of understandable in a logical way, step-by-
one another. For example, you may try to inform step.
your audience in an entertaining style, but you 3. Key Points. This must be emphasized
might also inform the audience by persuading them including safety issues.
to act on the information.

PERSUASIVE SPEECH 3. Keep it simple. Your presentation should be
easy to follow. Do not make it hard for your
This speech is written to persuade or convince your
audience to keep up with you mentally.
audience of the validity of your argument. This
4. Make it visceral. Use vivid word pictures;
involves persuading someone to change their
this enables your audience to use their wild
opinion or take into account some elements that
imagination so that your presentation will
have not really been considered before. The speech
not be dull and boring.
is arranged in such a way to hopefully cause the
audience to accept all or part of the expressed view.
It is usually the most difficult to deliver.
Lesson 8: Speeches According to Special
Example: Occasions
Be a blood donor These speeches are given during a ceremony or a
ritual that observes formality or etiquette. Different
Become a volunteer and change the world
types of ceremonies tend to be very special to some
Elements in writing a Persuasive Speech: people, so it shouldn't be surprising that these are
opportunities for speech making.
1. Credibility. Establish your credibility by
demonstrating expertise, evidence, and
knowledge of your subject. Present factual
information, statistics combined with your SPEECH OF INTRODUCTION
personal experience to make your argument A speech of introduction should be a complete
even more believable. speech and have a clear introduction, body, and
2. Passion. Convey the subject with confidence, conclusion.
passion and conviction to appeal to the
emotions of the audience. For an introduction, think of a hook that will make
your audience become interested in the upcoming
This speech's sole purpose is to have your audience The body of your introduction should be about the
enjoy the presentation. The purpose of this speech speaker's topic, why he is qualified and why the
is to make your audience laugh, relax, enjoy, and audience should listen.
even laugh their heads off.
The final part is the conclusion; this is generally
Entertainment speech has the nature to transmit a designed to welcome the speaker to the lectern
feeling of pleasure as well as goodwill to the
audience of listeners. The speaker should be SPEECH OF PRESENTATION
gracious, good natured as well as relaxed to his/ her
This speech is given to accompany a prize or
honor. When creating a speech of presentation,
How do you make a speech entertaining? it is important to ask how long the speech will
Tell jokes be.

Tell funny stories Firstly, you should ask what the award or honor
is and why the whole presentation is
Over dramatize an anecdote. important.
Guidelines in Creating an Entertaining Speech Second, you can explain what the recipient of
1. Choose an appropriate topic. The topic the award has accomplished in order for the
should not be too dense, complicated or award to be bestowed. Did he/she win a race?
heavy. Your audience came to have a good Did he/she write an important piece of
time, not to have a greater understanding of literature?
2. Enjoy yourself. It is hard for an audience to Whatever the recipient has done, you need to
enjoy your presentation if it looks like you clearly highlight his or her work.
are not having fun. Be confident and enjoy.
SPEECH OF DEDICATION guidance to other students, and look to the
This speech is delivered when a new store
opens, a building is named after someone, or a
a new library is completed, and so on.
These speeches are designed to highlight the
importance of the project and those whom the
project has been dedicated. It is a speech of some duration addressed by
character and usually performed on stage with
characters on play or role-playing a story.
This speech is designed to congratulate, or
Monologue - a long interrupted speech
delivered by a character to other characters on
First, toasts can be delivered for the purpose of stage.
congratulating someone for an honor, or getting
Soliloquy - a speech in where a character, alone
married. You can also toast someone to show
on stage, reveals private thoughts that audience
your appreciation for what they've done.
is allowed to overhear.
Lastly, we toast to people to remember what
Aside - a brief remark a character makes to the
they have accomplished in life.
audience rather than to other characters.
Dialogue - the playwright's main tool for
EULOGY developing characters and furthering the plot.
It's more on conversing with each other.
A eulogy is a speech given at a funeral or
memorial service praising the deceased
While a eulogy is not mandatory, it can be the
most important part of the service. An Inspirational speech is written to persuade,
or convince the listeners, that they can succeed.
Many attendees may not know the deceased
well, or may have only known the deceased for This might involve relating optimistic and
a portion of his or her life. uplifting stories, or anecdotes, based on faith or
real life situations taken from the lives or
ordinary or famous people from history, sports,
politics and the Business world.
This speech allows someone to say goodbye to
a part of his/her life as he/she will move on to
the next chapter that awaits him/her.
Goodwill speeches are both informative and
This could be that you are graduating from
college and entering the work force or leaving
your current job. You seek to persuade your audience to be in
favor of you and who or what you represent.
SPEECH OF PROMOTION Goodwill speeches highlight shared values,
customs, beliefs, and morals.
Speeches are a form of writing in which the
writer imparts an important, often galvanizing This speech is mostly done by pastors and
message to an audience. priests.
Promotion Speeches also recognize others for
their contributions to your success, offer
• It occurs when the interactants are from
different races
Interethnic Communication
• It refers to interaction with individuals of
different ethnic origins
• It occurs when communicating parties have
Lesson 9: Local and Global Communication in different ethnic origins
Multicultural Setting
International Communication
Globalization is the increasing economic,
• It is the communication between persons
political, and cultural integration and
representing different nations
interdependence of diverse cultures – the
worldwide integration of humanity. • It occurs between persons representing
political structures
Globalization requires that we pay attention to
a related concept – diversity – the recognition
and valuing of difference, encompassing such Intracultural Communication
factors as age, gender, race, ethnicity, ability
• It is the interaction with members of the same
religion, education, marital status, sexual
racial or ethnic group as yours
orientation, and income.
• It includes all forms of communication among
members of the same racial, ethnic, or other co-
Whenever cultural variability influences the
nature and the effects of communication, CO-CULTURE STRATEGIES
intercultural communication is at work. Thus,
when we speak about it, we are concerning
ourselves with the process of interpreting and System of knowledge, beliefs, values, customs,
sharing meaning with individuals from behaviors, and artifacts that are acquired,
different cultures. shared, and used by its members during daily
living Understanding One Another
In actuality, intercultural communication CO-CULTURE
comprises a number of forms: Within culture as a whole are co-cultures; these
are composed of members of the same general
• Interracial Communication
culture who differ in some ethnic or
• Interethnic Communication sociological way from the parent culture
• International Communication Assimilation
• Intracultural Communication - The means by which co-culture
members attempt to fit in with members
of the dominant culture
Interracial Communication
- The means by which co-culture
• It is interpreting and sharing of meanings members maintain their cultural
with individuals from different races identity while striving to establish
relationships with members of the
dominant culture
Separation ▪ Superiors and subordinates in this culture
are likely to view each other differently
- The means coculture members use to
resist interacting with members of the ▪ Subordinates are quick to defer to superior
dominant culture
VARIABLES IN DISTINGUISHING CULTURES ▪ Power should be used only when legitimate
INDIVIDUALISM ▪ Emphasizes their interdependence by displaying
▪ Refers to cultures in which individual goals a preference for consultation, subordinates will
even contradict their bosses when necessary
are stressed

Individualism vs. Collectivism Lesson 10: Cultural and Global Issues Affecting
▪ Refers to cultures in which group goals are
stressed 14 Our cultural identity is based on our group
memberships which are determined by gender, age,
• This means that, while the “I” may be most racial, ethnic, religious, socioeconomic, political or
important in individualistic cultures, the “we” is even national affiliations.
the dominant force in collectivistic ones
• Culture as a social group's system of meanings.
• While in collectivist cultures the individual is You are part of a culture because you've been taught
expected to fit into the group, in individualistic to attach meanings to almost everything - persons,
cultures emphasis is placed on developing a places, ides, rituals, things, routines, and even
sense of self communication behavior.
Our experiences are different from others what
High-context vs. Low-context Communication
with the different social education and upbringing
HIGH-CONTEXT that we had.

▪ Communication system depends on How we define gender roles, for instance, affects the
indirectness way males and females present themselves,
socialize, work, perceive their futures, and
▪ Their cultural traditions shape the behavior communicate.
and lifestyle of group members, causing them
American men tend to adopt a problem-solving
to appear to be overly polite and indirect in
orientation, while women tend to be relationship-
relating to others oriented. We also have ideas regarding the meaning
LOW-CONTEXT and significance of age, including how persons
particular age should look and behave. In the United
▪ Communication system encourages States, large numbers of people place great value on
directness looking youthful and appear to be younger than
they are. In contrast, in Muslim, Asian, and Latin
▪ Members tend to gather background American cultures, people respect, rather than
information when meeting someone for the deny, aging.
first time
Our racial and ethnic identities are similarly socially
constructed. Some racial and ethnic groups, for
High-power Distance vs Low-power Distance example, share experiences of oppression. Their
attitudes and behaviors may reflect their struggles,
Power distance measures the extent to which influencing their attitudes toward contemporary
individuals are willing to accept power issues such as affirmative action.
• Religious Identity is at the root of countless
HIGH-POWER contemporary conflicts occurring in the Middle
East, India and Pakistan, and Bosnia and Racial Profiling - one of the more common
Herzegovina. The proselytizing that occurred at the stereotype examples is stereotypes surrounding
U.S Air Force Academy by Evangelical cadets and race. For example, saying that all Blacks are good at
officers illustrates the strength and influence of sports is a stereotype, because it's grouping the
religious identity. Even the conflicts in some areas race together to indicate that everyone of that race
in our country especially in Mindanao, were caused is a good athlete.
partly if not mainly by conflicting religious
Gender Profiling
Similarly, socioeconomic identify frames how we
respond to issues of our day. The widening gap There are also some common stereotypes of men
between the ultra wealthy and the middle and and women, such as:
lower classes in the different parts of the world is • Men are strong and do all the work.
contributing to their developing different attitudes
on a wide array of issues. • Men are the "backbone."

• National identity refers to legal status or • Women aren't as smart as a man.

citizenship. People from different countries have • Women can't do as good of a job as a
been U.S. citizens for generations, yet some still
perceive them as foreigners. man.

ETHNOCENTRISM vs. CULTURAL RELATIVISM • Girls are not good at sports.

When cultures meet, when we interact with • Guys are messy and unclean.
persons whose values are different from ours or
• Men who spend too much time on the computer
whose behavioral norms differ from our own, we
or read are geeks
must first recognize and acknowledge our
differences. We must come to accept diversity if we COMMON STEREOTYPES:
are to be able to process other cultures' influences
and communicate with each other in a meaningful Groups of Individuals- A different type of stereotype
way. also involves grouping of individuals. Most of this
stereotyping is taking place in schools.
• Goths wear black clothes, black makeup, are
Ethnocentrism, the tendency to see your own depressed and hated by society.
culture as superior to all others, is a key
characteristics of failed intercultural • Punks wear mohawks, spikes, chains, are a
communication efforts. menace to society and are always getting in trouble.

Cultural relativism is the opposite of ethnocentrism. • All politicians are philanders and think only of
When you practice cultural relativism, instead of personal gain and benefit.
viewing group to which you belong as superior to • Girls are only concerned about physical
all others, you work to try to understand the appearance.
behavior of other groups on the basis of the context
in which the behavior occurs rather than from your Cultures- stereotypes also exist about cultures an
own frame of reference. countries as a whole. Stereotype examples of this
sort include the premises that:
Stereotypes are mental images or pictures we carry • All white Americans are obese, lazy, and
around in our heads, they are shortcuts, whether dimwitted. Homer Simpson of the TV series The
positive or negative, that guide our reactions to
others. When attached to the way we view the Simpsons is the personification of this stereotype.
world, stereotypes generate unrealistic pictures of
• Mexican stereotypes suggest that all Mexicans are
others and prevent us from distinguishing an
individual from a group. Racial profiling is just one lazy and came into America illegally.
example of how stereotyping affects worldview
• All Arabs and Muslims are terrorists.
• Italian or French people are the best lovers.
• All Blacks outside of the United States are poor.
• All Jews are greedy. Lesson 11: SEMIOTICS
Semiotics is the study of signs and symbols and
• All Asians like to eat rice and drive slow.
their use of interpretation. Usually, semiotic
• All Irish people are drunks and eat potatoes. analysis studies the roles of signs and the part they
play on a social and cultural scale.
Sexual Stereotypes
At one level, we all interpret signs every day of our
Sexual stereotypes, on the other hand, suggest that lives, we negotiate the signage of human
any feminine man is gay and any masculine woman interactions, purchases, work, travel etc. In most
is a lesbian. Those who believe gay stereotypes may cases we do this successfully because we have
also believe that homosexuality is immoral, wrong learned how to decode and use the signs in our
and an abomination. everyday lives.
Prejudice describes how we feel about a group of What is sign?
people whom, more likely than not, we do not
personally know. A negative or positive pre- • A sign is the smallest unit of meaning.
judgement, prejudice arises either because we want
• In order to create or define a sign, you will need
to feel more positively about our own group, or
because we feel others present a threat, real or not. two pieces:
Ex: In Colorado, a same-sex couple wanted to order 1. The signifier (any material or physical form of the
a cake for their wedding day. Based on his prejudice sign – the object that exists)
toward gay couples, the owner of the bakery
refused to bake their cake. The issue was even taken 2. The signified (a cultural or social concept that a
to the Supreme Court in a ruling that sided with the signifier refers to – what it means)
baker. The baker claims he is not prejudiced but,
rather, was simply abiding by his religious beliefs.
The diagrams above are examples of the
“Sausserean” models (named after Ferdinand de
While culture is a tie that binds, the creation of the Saussure, who helped create the model).
global village makes it essential that you leave the
comfort of your cultural niche, become more • The tree represents the concept of what we think
knowledgeable of other cultures, and strive to be about when we hear the word “tree.” (the signified)
culturally aware. • The sound of the word “tree” - or reading the
It is important to familiarize yourself with the word in print – brings up the mental image of an
communication rules and preferences of members actual tree. (the signifier)
of different cultures so that you can increase the • The line between the signified and signifier
effectiveness of your communication encounters represents the link the mind triggers whenever the
Your ability to develop intercultural communication two are placed together. The arrows represent that
skills depends in large part on how many of the constant interaction between concept and
following promises you are willing to make:

Always remember, that communication must be

placed into a framework of understanding or it is sound/visual.
meaningless. That framework is based on
assumptions from our home culture and any other TYPES OF SIGNS
cultures that we have come into contact with. To
bridge the intercultural communication gaps, we
should be familiar to the different terms, - The signifier (the physical/material) does
expressions, and images reflecting different not resemble the signified (concept), so the
cultures because some aspects of intercultural relationship between the two must be
communication are somewhat embarrassing, taught.
complicated, and mysterious to other cultures.
- Some examples of these are: traffic
signs/traffic lights, foreign language/sign
Mythology – the combination of paradigms and
language, national flags, punctuation, and
syntagms that make up a well-told story with
Morse code.
regards to cultural association
▻ Example: the American cowboy mythology/the
- The signifier (the physical/material) Wild West mythology)
resembles the signified (concept), so the Semiotic situation – a moment when we try to make
relationship is obvious. sense of our surroundings and interpret one aspect
- Some examples are: a photograph or based on the signs of our situation
portrait of someone, a cartoon, a
gesture, or a metaphor
Denotation – the most basic literal meaning of a
sign. Denotative interpretations help associate
the signifier (the physical/material) with the
actual definition of the signified (concept).
▻ Example: a rose is a sign for a type of flower
in a garden.
▰ Connotation - the secondary, cultural
meaning of a sign. Connotative interpretations
help associate the signifier (the
physical/material) with emotions, feelings, or
cultural “stories” of the signified (concept).
▻ Example: a rose is a sign for passion or true
love (think Romeo and Juliet or the enchanted
rose in Beauty and the Beast)
Other Semiotic Terms to Know
Ideology – a set of ideas that create a culture's
expectations, goals, and actions; in semiotics,
this relates usually to social or political issues.
Paradigm – a set of associated signifieds
(concepts) or signifiers (the physical/material)
which belong to the same category;
▻ Example: when working with film and
television, a paradigm may include ways of
transitioning, or moving, from a shot/camera
angle (dissolve, cut, fade, etc.)
Syntagm – a sequential chain that combines
interacting signifiers (the physical/material)
and forms a meaningful whole within a
semiotic text
▻ Example: courses to different meals – each
meal (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) holds a
separate meaning, so the sequential chain
would dictate what courses to serve.
- Video is the medium, advocacy is the
purpose, change is the goal
- Any message that promotes the programs,
services or activities of any national
government agencies or any non-profit
FINALS - Often in the form of commercial and print
Lesson 12: Evaluating Messages of Different
- Created to persuade an audience to take a
Types of Texts Across Cultures
favorable action.
A “text” is not limited to something written down. - Using media as a strategic tool to engage
people to create change.
▪ Text can be a film, an artifact, anything in
language and culture that conveys meaning MEDIA CAMPAIGN (MC)

Multicultural literature serves as a powerful tool in Media campaigns are planned series of newspaper
enabling students to gain a better understanding of articles, television interviews, infographics, etc. that
both their own culture and the cultures of others. are intended to achieve a particular aim.

Students therefore develop greater cognitive skills EVALUATING MESSAGES IN A MULTIMODAL TEXTS
as they learn to engage with and critically evaluate
Evaluating messages/images is necessary to check
the texts that they read.
the truth, accuracy, and relevance of any
WHAT IS MULTIMODAL TEXT? information. Doing so will develop or enhance your
critical thinking skill
Multimodal Text is the strategic use of two or more
communication modes to make meaning. For • Messages are constructions. Someone thinks long
example, image, gesture, music, spoken language, and hard about any print or electronic message that
and written language. is produced.

While the development of multimodal literacy is • Messages have unique forms, language, symbols,
strongly associated with the growth of digital and other features. The type of message determines
communication technologies, multimodal is NOT the form, language, symbols, and images that are
synonymous with digital. used in it.

• A multimodal text can be: Lesson 13: Writing Business Letters and
Paper - such as books, comics, posters.
Business letters and memos are two of the most
Digital - slide presentations, e-books, blogs, e-
common formal communication documents which
posters, web pages, and social media, through to
contain information. Such type of documents are
animation, film and video games.
forms of information dissemination within and
Live - a performance or an event. outside organizations. However, these said
documents have similarities and differences in
Transmedia - use of multiple delivery channels' terms of goal, types, format etc.
through a combination of media platforms, for
example, book, comic, magazine, film, web series,
and video game mediums all working as part of the Business letters are formal paper communications
same story between, to or from businesses

EXAMPLES OF MULTIMODAL TEXTS • Business letters’ goal is typically to exchange

messages ranging from routine, informational
VIDEO ADVOCACY CAMPAIGN (VAC) matters to complex, and even controversial matters.
- A video for a reason, not about something. • It has types raging from sales and inquiry letters
- “Advocacy” refers to the process of bringing to adjustment and follow-up letters.
about change in policies, law, or people's
behavior and attitudes.
• Memos or Memorandum is used to communicate of the third person rather than first person
something of immediate importance to people perspective, A clear focus on the research
within a business or organization problem under investigation, and precise word
choice (James, 2008). Hence, it requires
• Like a business letter, a memo is a permanent
formality in language and structure of writing.
record of your communication. It is used in both
It strictly follows writing rules and guidelines
paper and electronic formats.
even including the requirement for the font
• This document is utilized to trade information style and fun size that you will use in presenting
within and beyond organization your idea.

As far as professionalism is concern, transactions Academic English is not the daily-kind of

within and outside the organization – formality spoken or written in English because it may be
should not be forsaken in choosing the most used for a specific purpose like explaining the
appropriate form of written communication in formal definition, describing how something
every writing situation. works or classifying items.
There might be varied accepted forms of
academic writing depending on preferred style,
PRINCIPLES IN BUSINESS WRITING purpose, context and the target audiences.
Observing the principles in writing business letters However, most academic writing papers
and memos are the key to help writers attain the demand particular considerations to the
objectives. following elements:

• These are important elements to be considered so Organization

as to convey messages or information effectively Unlike other writing styles, the general
WORD CHOICE construct of academic writing demands
formality and logic.
The correct choice of words provides clear and
effective letters and memos. Cohesion and logic bring together the various
parts in an organized manner to create a unified
- Writers should be careful in choosing words idea that is to be communicated. It is important
to be used when writing because insensitive to note that the transitions between sentences
usage of words can lead to unclear and paragraphs must be very clear to guide the
messages which would lead to frustration, readers. be reminded that the function of the
miscommunication, and other possible introduction of any academic writing is to show
problems. flow of the whole paper.
- Since writers purpose is to relay messages,
the use of familiar or everyday words helps The Tone
your reader to comprehend your message. any academic writing inherently has a stance or
- Writers should avoid wordiness, slang, point of view that shapes The kind of arguments
clichés, and pretentious words or explanations presented. balance and
- The formula in writing effective business accuracy are expected in the presentation of
letters and moms is to express complicated these arguments. Thus you, the writer, having
ideas with strings of words that readers can the authoritative point of view in exposing the
easily understand relevant insignificant details must “state the
strengths of your arguments confidently, using
language that is neutral, not confrontational or
Lesson 14: Writing Research-based
Argumentative Essay
The Choice of Words- words to be used in any
academic writing make the difference. Since
“Academic writing in English” refers to a style of words can be interpreted in varied ways
expression that researchers use to define because of cultural influence, your choice of
intellectual boundaries of their disciplines and words must show definiteness for you to
their specific areas of expertise. Characteristics express the intended purpose and meaning
of academic writing include a formal tone, use
within the context of your writing without
confusing the readers.
The Language- with the intention to convey an
idea in a formal and structured manner, you
must not be ambiguous with the language used
for your readers to follow your line of thoughts
without being confused and lost. As a writer,
you must inhibit from using general
terminologies, colloquial expressions, and
irregular punctuations and abbreviations. The
most appropriate and effective language that
you use should be to the point (conciseness),
specific (preciseness), and proper (formality) to
develop the intended meaning.
Since language is very crucial in conveying the
intended meaning of the academic writing, all
necessary elements associated with it like
punctuations must be critically selected and
used. Exclamation points, dashes, hyphens if not
properly make use of suggest informality of
tone. be sure that you correctly use periods and
semicolons so that your paper will not look like
dramatic poetry. If you are not confident with
your use of punctuation in your sentences, all
you need to do is revise your sentence to avoid
incomprehensible line of thoughts.
The argumentative essay is a genre of writing that
requires the student to investigate a topic; collect,
generate, and evaluate evidence; and establish a
position on the topic in a concise manner.

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