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Vieror S. Kennedy, Roger I.E. Newell.

and Albert E Ebie, eds. 1996. The

Eastern Oyster: CrdJJOJlrM lIirginrca.
College Park. Maryland: Maryland
Sea Granc College. xvi +734 pp.

Chapter 13

Natural Environmental Factors


INTRODUCTION Of all the abiotic factors that can affect me biol­

Cunrer (1957) wrote, "temperature is the most ogy of an estuarine organism such as C. virgitliClI, me
important single factor governing the occurrence and synergistic effects of temperature and salinity proba­
behavior of life," a paine reiterated by Kinne (1970) hly have me most profound effects. As, pointed out
who stared mat, "with regard to life on earth, rem­ by a number of researchers (e.g., Alderdice 1972;
perarure is, next to light, the most potent environ­ Vemberg and Vernberg 1972), rwo or more environ­
mental componenr." It can act directly on me organ­ mental variables working in concert can have more
ism as a factor affecting physiological performance,
and it can also be a factor in evolution of rhe species,
profound biological consequences than anyone of
chose facrors acring independently.
acting as a selective force in speciation. Pryrbcrch Temperature or salinity affect virtually every as­
(1928) stated that, "in the environrnenr of the oyster, pect of oyster biology including feeding, respiration,
temperature is the most important factor as it con­ utilization of food reserves, gonadal development
trols, either directly or indirectly, me growth and re­ and time of spawning, parasite-disease interactions,
production of the organism." In the eastern oyster, predation rates, growth, and distribution. Tempera­
Crassostrea virginica, as in many ocher organisms, me ture and salinity can affect rate functions, can be the
p rocesses of reproduction, developmenr, and growth trigger that initiates a process, or can be a threshold
arc intimately linked seasonally to climatic condi­
factor such mac a particular temperature-salinity com­
tions and to the availability of energy resources. In
bination is necessary for continuation of specific pro­
addition, thermal effluent may, in many instances,
cesses. Further, effects can vary with specific stages of
induce detrimental changes in reproduction, gameto­
the oyster's life cycle.
genesis, fecuudiry, and larval development. Conver­
In addition to temperature and salinity variations,
sely, heared effluents from power planes have been of
oysters experience other environmenral factors such as
benefit to oyster growers in their efforts to extend the
growing season. variations in sesron concentrations, light, and pH.
For estuarine species, salinity is also an irnportanr There is an extensive literature available on rhe ef­
and influenrial facror, limiring disrriburion of many fects of all of these factors on marine invertebrates,
aquatic organisms (Gumer 1961; Wells 1961). Buder and only chose studies that specifically pertain to C
(1949c) suggesred that the single most imporranr fac­ virgilJica arc discussed here. This review will elucidate
[or affecting oyster populations is salinity. Salinity the physiological and behavioral mechanisms that al­
variations in estuaries may be diurnal, seasonal, or spa­ low me easrern oyster to survive and flourish under
rial and changes may be gradual or abrupr. often harsh estuarine conditio us.


DISTRIBUTION, TOLERANCE, the diflerendal survival rates to a reduced metabolic

ANDSURVNAL rare ar low temperature.
As with remperacure, oysters have a wide toler­
Adult oysters arc highly tolerant of extremes in
ance of salinity. Commercial production occurs in ar­
ambient temperatures and are commonly found in
eas with aunual salinity variations from 0 to 42.5 ppt
waters where the annual range is from _2° to 36°C
(Ingle and Dawson 1950a, b, 1953). The species
(Butler 1954; Gumer 1954; Galrsoff 1964). Loos­
normally occurs from abour 5 to 40 ppt (Calrsoff
anoff and Engle (1940) reponed :I1l elevated body
1%4; W31lace 1966) and Menzel et al. (1966) gave a
temperature of 35.rC for oysters immersed in shal­
range of 1.2 to 36.6 ppe. Amemiya (I926) reported
[ow (25 em) tidal pools; only 12 h later on the fol­
the lower and upper saliuiry limits for this species to
lowing tide, me water remperarure was 22<1C lower.
be 1.5 and 39 ppe. Loosanoff (1953a) and Wells
In some shallow-warer habitats, emersed oysters can
(1961) gave minimum values for normal survival of
be frozen solid in the winter and, if not disturbed.
7.5 ppt and 7 ppt, respectively. Several authors set
will thaw our and survive when covered by Water
the minimum salinity for indefinite survival at 4 to 5
(Loosanoff 1965). If frozen oysters arc shaken or
ppr (Arnold 1868; Ryder 1885; Belding 1912; Loo­
dropped, however, death occurs. Henderson (1929)
reported a thermal death point for C oirginica of sanoff 1932). The optimum salinity rauge is general­
48.5°C and Pingerman and Fairbanks (1956, 1957) ly considered [Q be about 14 to 28 ppt (Moore 1900;
nored appreciable death and weight loss in oysters ex­ Buder 1949c; Chanley 1958; Galrsoff 1964) al­
posed to temperatures above 41"C. Galtsoff (1964). though this optimum range can vary geographically.
however. reponed mat oysters can survive iurcnidal R. Newell (University of Maryland. pers. comm.)
temperatures of 46° to 49°C when emersed at low suggested mat inrermediarc salinities of about 15 to
tide. This findiug was supported by Ingle er 31. (1971) 18 ppt represent a physiologically optimum range.
who reponed survival of intertidal Gulf oysters at Gunter (1950, 1953) noted chat although C vir­
49.5°C even when temperatures between 44° and ginica is uncommon below 5 ppt. it can survive salin­
49.5°C were sustained for 3 h. Further, Vernberg er ities as low as 2 ppt for a month. or even fresh water
al. (1963) dcmonsrrared mat excised gills survived for for several days when water temperatures are low.
100 min at 44°C. Self-sustaining populations occurred where salinities
Rare of change of cemperature seems [Q have a were as low as 0.2 to 3.5 ppt for five consecutive
greater effect than temperature level per sc, i.e., the months annually (Butler 1952), and permanent oys­
slower me rare of remperarure increase, the lower me ter communities flourished in 10 to 30 ppt (Butler
upper lethal remperature. Oysters can also be killed 1954). Disciucr types of oyster reefs occur at different
by short exposure [Q high remperamres or longer ex­ salinity regions in the Gulf of Mexico (Butler 1954).
posure to lower temperatures. Pingerman and Fair­ Reefs near the head of an estuary experience salinity
banks (1957) demonstrated experimentally that the ranges of 0 to 15 ppt (average 10 ppt) annually, and
rate of thermal increase can greatly influence the final because of high annual monaliry rates, the popula­
median tolerance levels. Oysters acclimated to 24°C tions are sparse. Oysters from low-salinity areas tend
and exposed to increases of 0.74°C h- 1 suffered 50% to be small and rounded with smooth whitish shells.
mortality at 41"C. In coutrast, ojsrers exposed [Q an and spatfall is low and growth slow. Where salinity
increase of 13.2"C h- I experienced 50% rnortaliry at fluctuates from 10 co 20 ppt (average 15 ppr), popu­
47.5°C. Quick (197l) reponed 54% mortality after lations tend to be dense as a result of high reproduc­
5-d exposure to 35°C in oysters acclimated to 16°C. tive ability. availability of oyster shell upon which lar­
A direct relationship between the survival time of vae can metamorphose, and low concentration of
buried oysters and temperarure was reponed hy DWl­ predators. Near the mouth of a typical Gulf Coast es­
ningron (I %8). He found that under these anaerobic ruarywirh a salinity of about 25 ppt, growth rates are
conditions oysters survived for 2 d in summer (25"C) usually high and reproductive poremial is at irs maxi­
aud for over 5 weeks in winrer « 5°C) and attributed mum; however, competition and predation arc also

maximal. Where rhe estuary opens into high-salinity include the mourn of the Mississippi River (Gunter
Gulf waters, oysters are sparse, growth is slow, and 1950, 1953; Buder 1952), the npper reaches of the
mortality is high. Suitable witch is lacking and me Chesapeake Bay (Beaven 1946; Engle 1946; An­
high concenrrarion of predators leads to low spat sur­ drews er al. 1959), the Santee River in South Caroli­
vival. The commercial importance and reproductive na (Luna 1938; Burrell 1977), and areas of Louisiana
capaeiry of oyster beds in these high salinity regions (Owen 1953; Andrews er al. 1959; Dugas and Perrer
are negligible. 1975). The situation is exacerbated because these pe­
Long-term exposure to high salinities can also be riods of runoff usually coincide with periods of high
deerimemal. Eastern oysters can survive in open ocean temperature and increased metabolic energy de­
waters for some time; however, they usually do nor mands. Major mortalities in Chesapeake Bay also oc­
reproduce or grow well, although there are excep­ curred after Tropical Storm Agnes in 1971 (Cory and
tions. W. Menzel [lare of Florida Slate University, Redding 1976; Haven et al. 1976). In some areas, it
pers. cornm.) observed rapid growth. profuse spawn­ is the combination of high temperature and high
ing, and sparfall in salinities of 35 ppt and higher at salinity rhar causes mass mortaliries of oysters, as in
Port Aransas, Texas. Breuer (1962) described a com­ southeast Louisiana (Owen 1953) and Texas (Cope­
mercial population of C. oirginica at Pore Isabel in land and Haese 1966).
the lower Laguna Madre, Texas, that spawned and In Long Island Sound, oysters survived in fresh­
grew rapidly in a range of 32 to 42 ppr. Moreover, water or ar 3 ppt for 70 and 115 d when water rem­
some spat survived salinides of 1.4 ro 4.2 ppr in this perarures ranged from 8° to 11 C; at me same salini­

same location as evidenced by successful propagation ties, all oysters died within 15 d when me tempera­
during periods of flood and reduced salinities. Breuer ture ranged between 23" and 27"C (Loosanoff
(1962) suggested rhar this Texas population might
constitute a new physiological race bccanse irs salini­
ty tolerance is lower than for C oirginkn from north­
1948). Andrews er al. (1959) reported that oysters
conditioned ro low salinity and low temperature
combinations were able to withstand low salinities in
ern popularions. The possibility that populations of a state of "narcosis" for as long as closure was contin­
oysrcrs have different salinity optima warrants fur­ uously enforced by fresh water or orher factors.
mer iuvesrigarion. The tolerance or susceptibility of oysters to pol­
Few data exist on effects of salinity ou juvenile Iurancs can be exacerbated by remperarure and salini­
oysters. Loosanoff (1953a) found mat juvenile oys­ ty stresses, especially in the early stages of develop­
ters (spar) could resist reduced salinities as efficiently ment. Mandelli (1975) exposed juvenile and adult
as do adult oysrers. In a larer study, Chanley (I958) oysters to diluted desalinanon brines and found that
showed that juvenile oysrers less than 1 year old (0.3 both groups were adversely affected by copper con­
to 1.2 mrn) from Chesapeake Bay survived waters or centrations in the water (19 to 43 \-lg CU L- I ) and
5 ppt and that the optimum salinity for growth of re­ rhar spring and summer mortalities (elevated remper­
cently set oysters was 15 to 22.5 ppt juveniles dif­ arures) were higher than those in anrumn and winter,
fered somewhat from larvae in their salinity require­ Maclnncs and Calabrese (1979) reported an influ­
ments and responded to reduced saliniries as did ence of temperacure in me roxie eflecrs of heavy mer­
aduhs, i.e., with no growth below 5 ppt, slow growrh als on oyster embryos, with the highest suscepribiliry
below 12 ppt. and normal growth from 12 to 27 ppr. to metal toxicity at either 20" or 30°C and the lowest

The effecr of salinity on morraliry rare in eastern roxiciry at 25°C. They also demonstrated that. while
oysters is highly dependent on ambient remperarurc interaction of temperature and salinity on survival of
as shown by variable survival during spring floods embryos and larvae was ouly significant at high con­
auo heavy rains, mostly in the sourberu portions of ccnrrarions of copper, low concentrations of cop pet
the rmgc. Oyster mortality from excessive freshwater produced iurolerable srress during periods of persis­
runoff is fairly common, as has heen reported by nu­ renrly low salinities and low or high temperarures.
merous authors (see Baughman 1948; Galrsoff 1972; They also showed that veliger larvae were more toler­
joyce 1972). Specific areas most frequently affected ant ro tcuipetarurc and salinity changes than were de­

veloping embryos. A synergistic effect of cemperarure son and Perkins (1931) were the first [Q demonstrate
on the coxiciry of free chlorine and chloramine to increased activity of oyster larvae exposed to in­
oyster larvae (7-d old) was also demonstrated by Ca­ creased salinities. They concluded that oyster larvae
puzzo (1979); also see Capuzzo, Chapter 15. are usually found at a point midway between the sur­
face and bottom in the water column and that this
Larval Distribution area of greatest concentration could not be correlated
with fluctuation in temperature, pl-l, or salinity, but
Distribution of oyster larvae and their behavior rather with areas of greatest current velocity. They
during development is governed by a number of fac­ believed that, in the absence of a halodine, oyster lar­
tors, not the least of which is salinity, their response vae are most abundant in numbers where currenr is
co these factors, coupled with tidal currents, plays a strongest; where salinity gradients are present, the
mosr significant role in their distributional patterns. greateH numbers of oyster larvae were found just
For years, scientists have debated whether or nor hori­ above the halocline. Thus, Nelson and Perkins (1931)
zonral or verrical distribution of oyster larvae and demonstrated that it is a combination of larval swim­
their retention in estuaries at spawning are controlled ming activity, salinity, current, and halocline presence
by active swimming in response ro environmental fac­ that determines vertical discribucion of larvae in the
rors, or whether purely mechanical forces of strong estuary. In the presence of a halocline, larval swim­
currents and turbulences at mid-tides keep larvae in ming is stimulated as larvae sink into the more saline
suspension. Some authors believe rhar oyster larvae water, which causes them to rise into the less saline
are carried at random by currenrs and exhibir no dif­ overlying water. If no halocline is present, or if it
ferential vertical posicion with ridal stage, whereas moves with the ridal current, larvae are distributed in
others believe that there is a response by larvae to in­ proportion to speed of the current, being most abun­
creased salinity and propose this increased swimming danr where current is most rapid (see also J. Nelson
as a mechanism in estuarine movement. 1917). When current is negligible, larvae are found
Julius Nelson (1908,1909,1911 to 1917) found in greatest numbers on the bottom. Contrary to the
more larvae in the water column during flood than conclusion of Nelson and his colleagues, Pryrherch
ebb currents. He postulated that larvae were more ac­ (1928, 1934) concluded that larvae remain on rhe
tive during increasing salinities and therefore would bottom during most of the tidal cycle and that they
tend to rise more during flood currents and be car­ remain within several hundred meters of spawning
ried up the estuary, i.e., he postulated that the oyster beds. However, Prytherch's conclusions were not sup­
larvae overcorne strong, non-tidal seaward drift by porred by other research.
rising and swimming on the flood tides and settling Loosanoff (1932) found that larvae in the water
to the bottom during ebb tides. His ideas were later column were most abundant at and arouud slack wa­
confirmed by Nelson (193 I) and other authors (Car­ ter, i.e., when current velocity was at its minimum,
riker 1951; KunkJe 1957; Haskin 1964; Wood and and were practically absent during the peak of flood
Hargis 1971). and ebb. Larvae were most numerous ncar the bottom
Nelson (1931) summarized a long-term study of during late ebb and least abundant at the beginning of
factors that affect vertical distribution of oyster lar­ flood tide. These observations led Loosanoff to con­
vae. Oyster larvae tended to be concentrated at the clude that oyster larvae swim only during periods of
rap of the halocline. The sharper the rrausicion zone weak tidal currents and remain au the bottom during
berweeu the overlying brackish water and the under­ most of their existence. Later, Loosanoff (1949) did
lying saline Water, the more marked the conccnrra­ not find any significant correlations between larval
rion of larvae. The concentration was deemed to be a number and stage of the tidal cycle; he concluded that
passive, physical effect with no evidence for any ac­ larvae do not settle during ebb rides and arc thus
tive selection of an optimum salinity by larvae. NeI­ rapidly dispersed in tidal currents.

Carriker (1947) provided a mosr insighrfu! sur­ of the physical character of the circulation and mix­
vey of the literature extant on evidence for the hori­ Ing processes.
zonral movements of oyster larvae. He agreed with In contrast to earlier studies, Loosanoff (1949)
previous workers' findings that larvae, especially old­ found no relationship between srrarificacion of larvae
er srages, rise on the flood and sink on the ebb tide. and tidal stages in Milford Harbor, Connecticut, and
He concluded by pointing our mar much more ex­ no evidence that larvae in advanced srages of devel­
haustive work had to be done both in the laboratory opment were more common near the bottom. He
and in the field before rhis question could be re­ believed that oyster larvae do nor descend to the bot­
solved. His derailed field study of larval distribution rom during periods of rapid tidal flow bur are widely
in New Jersey waters and of larval movements with dispersed by tidal currents. These data supported ear­
respecr to tidal cycles demonsrrared thar marure and lier findings of Pryrherch (1928) and Galrsoff er al.
eyed larvae can be present close to the bottom in rel­ (1930) who reported the distribution and abundance
atively large numbers during the ebb ride. Within the of oyster larvae in Milford Harbor ro be extremely ir­
larval "swarm," larvae were hererogeueously distrib­ regular.
ured, with the swarms tending to remain in definite Andrews (1954) believed mar roo much arren­
"lanes" or areas (see also Nelson 1952). Carriker cou­ rion had been given to larval activity and too linle to
eluded that salinity gradients as well as curreur veloc­ the physical system of currents, rides, wind, and tur­
ities are iufluenrial in larval movements, based on ev­ bulence. He believed that larvae are disrribured pas­
idence that differeur larval stages exhibited different sively with their own active motion essentially limit­
ver rical distributional pauerns, i.e., younger stages ed to vertical migracious. Further suPPOrtfor the pas­
tended to sink near or onro the bottom on ebb tide sive particle theory came from Mauuiug and Whaley
and swim upward on the flood. He also showed that (1954) who concluded that the estuarine circulation
yowlger srages ebbed and flowed passively with the system, which provides a means of slow upsrream
tide, with older stages tending to sink ouro the bot­ transport and ensured rerenrion of larvae, was appar­
corn on me ebb and rise inro the water on the flood. ently the major facror in determining horizontal dis­
Finally, Carriker (1947) determined that relatively tribution of oysrer larvae and sparfall iu St. Mary's
large numbers of mature and eyed larvae were pres­ River, Maryland. They also suggested mar water den­
eur on me borccm during ebb tide. These observa­ siry can be a controlling facror in larval vertical distri­
tions led him to conclude that older larvae tend to bution. This suggestion, though, is in keeping with
mi grare inro headwaters of esmarles to set beyond the previous studies in that it is JUSt this vertical migra­
distance made possible by tidal couveyance alone, as a tion and activity that ensures distribution via physi­
result of an active vertical movement by the larvae. cal means.
These findings were disputed by Korringa (1952) and Kunkle (1957) found that older larval stages
Verwey (1966) who believed rhar swimming move­ tended to congregate on or near the borrom at both
menrs of the larvae were not important, though Car­ slack and ebb rides, but were in the water column
riker's studies were supported by subsequent research during early and maximum flood. Youug larvae (up
(see below). to 8-d old) were uuiformly distributed throughout
Pritchard (1953) provided a derailed srudy ofhy­ the water column on both ebb and flood tides. His
drographic conditions prevailing in the James River, work thus srrongly confirmed rbar of rbe Nelsons
Virginia, and be predicted rhe distribution of oyster and Carriker reponed above.
lar-vae. His theoretical predictions did nor agree wirh Haskin (1964) extended this work with exreusive
observed distributions of oyster larvae, so he suggest­ field studies coupled with laboratory experiments. His
ed char oysrer larvae could nor be considered simply experiments were designed to determine whether or
as passive panicles. Rather, they appeared to exhibit nor saliniry is indeed an adequate stimulus to induce
some ability to remain closely grouped, independent activity changes iu oyster larvae (Nelson 1931). He

demonstrated thar larvae disappeared from surface oyster larvae with those of the coal panicles. The tem­
waters as the ride ebbed and later increased with me poral pattern in concentration maxima was different
flood ride. His data provided strong evidence chat between larvae and coal panicles so Wood and Hargis
there is a different distribution of older stage larvae (1972) concluded that selective swimming by the lar­
on flood and ebb tides (Fig. 1). His laboratory data vae mUH be involved. Their data suggest (Fig. 3) that
further indicated that large changes in saliniry (al­ fluctuations in abundance of coal panicles coincide
though greater than those normally experienced in with variations in tidal current velocities, whereas
me field [Fig. lA]) were definitely correlated with in­ those of bivalve larvae coiucide with increases in salin­
creased swimming activity. Under conditions of more ity. They claimed that larvae can swim vertically at
subtle saliniry changes, there was still a strong, though speeds of GO cm min-I. "With currents of up {Q 480
not as pronounced, pattern of activity change as the cm min- t present in the region, this behavior alone is
salinity varied (Fig. 2B). Although Haskin's (1964) not sufficient to provide an}' advantage in discribu­
data do not prove conclusively that salinity accounts don. Larvae could, however, rise in the water column
for vertical distribution of oyster larvae over the tidal through about 10m of wafer in 15 min at this rate,
cycle, chey do demonstrate that salinity can play an
important role in regulating larval acriviry, The accn­
mulared data lend suPPOrt to the possible role of
"ebb tide eddies" as larval traps, evidence for which is 30 20
found in heavy sparfalls that commonly occur in 0
months and lower rribnrary streams of estuaries (NeI~ 25 10 m
son 1931). o
Wood and Hargis (1971) found rhar coal pani­ ~ 20 0 m

cles, present in nearly all their samples from the James

:s'a sc
15 3
River, Virginia, had a density similar {Q that of oyster o­
larvae. Wood and Hargis (I972) took advantage of s
chis built-in "control" and compared distributions of 10 o Larvae
• Salinity
20 22 24 2 4
200 ,---====-----------,
-0-- Time (h)
- gouon

30 20 ~
10 ~.
li 25
o "~
~m 15 o
50 "' 10 • larvae

B • Salinity s
16 18 20 22 24 2 4
oL---~~~~ Time (h)
Ii 7 B 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 III lCi 20

Time (h) Figure 2. (A) Swimming acriviry of eyed larvae in re­

sponse ro salinity changes, August 21, 1958 and (B)
Figure 1. Numbers of eyed larvae collected during ridnl swimming ncciviry of eyed larvae in response to salinity
cycle observations at [he Paris Green Stnrion, Delaware changes during laboratory experiments, August 30,1958.
Bay, on August 20, 1956. After Haskin (1964). Ali:er Haskin (1%4).

which is sufficient speed to allow chern to capitalize and Hargis (1971) concluded that bivalve larvae are
on ridal changes in water flow. During tidal ebb not transported passively, but exhibit an active swim­
(salinity decreases), larvae descend to the bottom ming response that results in movement upriver.
where currents are weakest. 'When the tide floods, lar­ These researchers also demonstrated that the swim­
we stimulated by increased salinities may then swim ming behavior was correlated with increases in salini­
up into surface Waters to be carried upstream. Wood ty, nor with increasing current speed as had been sug­

Depth (m) • • larvae Depth (m)

1 to 4 0- ...•••.••.••• 0 Coal 7 to 10

Flood 0
Ebb "­
23 "i
- 21
~- 80 16 '"

~ ..,




20 ~.D" 4
0 • .</ .0"
". 0
- ~

Flood 0
Slack "­
Ebb D
23 "i
- u
:~ 21
,:;- '"
19 in
80 16 X-



12 0
8 0
4 0

"= .' ". r:

,.<10-''0., o.
0 ­
Flood 0
Slack "­
Ebb D

.~-:::;- 23
_~ a.
,:;- 8019

~ 16 X''"

0.;:-' 60 12 0
' 0 40
, 8

"= 20 , 0
.. ,

0 ­
00 04 08 12 16 20 24 00 04 08 12 16 20 24
Hours Hours

Figure 3. Hourly measurements of relative flow (upper curve), snliniry (middle curve), and density of larvae and panicles
(rwo lowest curves) averaged for each of three channel stations [CU, MC, CO] in james River, Virginia, over average
de pihs of 1 to 4 m (len) and 7 to 10 ill (right). AfterWood and Hargis (1971).

gesred previously. Menzel (I955) suggested that late ern part of its range, the oyster appeared to be mainly
umbo larvae of C. virgillicll are really influenced by or wholly prorandric, bur in somewhat warmer wa­
salinities in relation to the specific gravity of the larvae ters a higher proportion of young oysters functioned
themselves, so that in high salinities (>35 ppr) they as females during their first breeding season (end of
rend ro "float" near me surface. This might help to ex­ Year 1). Coc (1934) suggested that more favorable
plain inrercidal sparfall in high-salinity areas. conditions for rapid growili of young oysters led to
Hidu and Haskin (1978) monirored swimming omission or nborrion of the initial male phase and
speeds of oyster larvae of various Stages in response ro that localities and seasons in which l-year old oysters
differing salinities. Srraighr-hingc larvae (75 pm shell attained the largest mean size usually had the largest
length) swam vertically between 0.6 and 2 em min-I, proportion of females in the first breeding season.
whereas eyed larvae (300 urn) swam at 5 em min-I, From North Carolina southward, young eastern oys­
Hidu and Haskins (I978) dernonsrrated mat larvae ters of both sexes reached functional maruriry within
could move up or down at a rare of up [Q 14 em the same reproductive season that they settled. Ani­
min-I; at these speeds they could move through a lin­ mals from Connecticut to North Carolina increased
ear distance of 7 [0 8 ill h- 1 , an ample speed to place not only in mean size of individuals, but also in the
larvae well above me bortom in time to "take advan­ proportion of females in yearling populations under
mge of' available tidal ttanspon systems. Much high­ favorable conditions (Coe 1936).
er swimming rates of 67 em min- l were reponed by A number of authors have proposed various equa­
Wood and Hargis (1971). Different swimming speeds tions to predict marurarion of gametes at a given rem­
of different larval stages reponed by Hidu and Haskin peratUre. Loosanoff and Davis (1952) maintained
(1978) can partially explain some of the differences of oysters at experimental temperatures ranging from
vertical position noted in the work of Kunkle (1957) D
lO to 30 DC
in an effort to determine the number of
and others. days needed for formation of the first physiologically
Temperature effects on verrical disrriburion have mature gametes of each sex. They found that almost
nor heen as widely studied as those of salinicy, Nelson no gametogenic activity took place at 1O"C, whereas
(1908, 1916) speculated that high water tempera­ a temperature of 15 DC
proved adequate for ripening
tures caused larvae to rise to the surface whereas low and spawning in somc animals. Their equation for
temperatures tended to drive them deeper into the the prediction of average rimes needed for develop­
water column; however, Nelson and Perkins (1931) ment of mature gametes in 50% of rhc oysters at dif­
found no correlation between temperature and larval ferent temperatures is:
disrribucion. For further discussion oflarval behavior
see Kennedy, Chapter 10. D = 4.8 + 4205e--O·3554 T

REPRODUCTION PATTERNS where D is the average time needed, T is temperature

Gametogenesis and spawning in oysters are di­ ("C), and e is the base of natural logarithms. Devel­
reedy correlated with water tempetature. In addition, opment time ranged from 26.5 d at 15 to 4.9 d at
rhe condition index (the ratio between dry meat 30"C (mature gametes); however, calculated dara did
weight and shell cavil)' volume; Grave 1912; Hop­ not always coincide with empirical data. LoosanofF
kins 1937) of oysters is strongly influenced by season and Davis (1952) suggested that the amouur of gly­
and environmental factors and not solely by temper­ cogen in oysters at the beginning of gonadal develop­
ature. Major changes associated with variarion in menr could control the quantity of spawn produced.
condition are a function of the gametogenic cycle. Price and Maurer (1971) were able to predict the
For further discussion of the gametogenic cycle in exposure temperatute necessary for laboratory matu­
easrem oysters, see Thorn pson er al., Chaprer 9. ration of eastern oyster gametes from Delaware Bay.
Coe (1936) first discussed rhc role of tempera­ They found that these oysters required 6 to 7 times
ture in determining sex in C. virginica. In the north­ as long to ripen at temperatures between 12" and

22 DC as did oysters from Long Island Sound. The cu­ 30") and the experimental data of Loosauoff and
mulative temperature exposure was more significant Davis (1952) are in agreement.
in me ripening of Delaware Bay oysters than exposure Kaufman (1978) further concluded, based on cal­
to "high" temperatures per se, and ripening did not culations using his revised formula, that at lower rem­
oeeur at 12"C and below. Their equation is: perarures, a slight temperature change in the environ­
ment causes a more significant change in the rate of
700 gametogenesis than at higher temperatures: at 20° s;
7'12 T s 30 Dall cbree proeesses had a Q 10 of 2, in agree­
ment with van'r Hoff's rule, whereas at 15°C =:;; T '5
where D is exposure time in days and T is the daily 21"C, me figures deviated significantly from me rule.
mean exposure temperature within the approximate
Thus, rhe time at whieh the Iirsc ova appear increases
r:mge of 12" to 22 DC Their equation was specific in
by a factor of four while the time at which the first
mat it was only applicable to Delaware Bay oysters
spawning oecurs is reduced by a faeror of five aud the
removed from the field in winter and spring before
time of mass spawning is reduced by a factor of eight.
ambieut water temperatures had risen above 12°C
Salinity is also known to affect gametogenesis,
They estimated mat the average number of days for
condition index, and spawning in oysters, although
50% of easrem oysters to produce ripe gametes was
to a lesser degree than temperature. Like the effeccs
150 d at 15"C, 56 d at 20°C, and only 35 d at 25°C
of temperature, those of salinity also vary among
Kaufman (1978) proposed a revised version of
populations. Amemiya (1926) reponed normal egg
the formula given by Loosanoff and Davis (1952)
development from 18 to 40.1 ppt, with optimal de­
such mat;
velopment in the range of 19.3 to 35.1 ppt. Davis
(1958) found egg cleavage from 7.5 to 35 ppt, with
normal development from 10 to 22.5 ppt.
where D and T are the same as in Loosanoff and Gametogenesis is arrested or depressed at low sa­
Davis' equation; k, a, and b are coefficients, the val­ [iniries. Loosanoff(1953a, b) showed that normal go­
ues of which were determined from me experimental nadal development proceeded in salinities near 7.5
data of Lcosanoff and Davis (1952); ppt and he placed the lower limit somewhere between
7.5 and 5 ppt. Calabrese and Davis (1970) reponed
mature gonads and spawuiug activity ar 27.5 ppt, but
eggs did not develop at 10 Ppt- At 12.5 ppt they
Event k a b
rarely developed to the straight hinge larval stage.
"Time of appearance 10288 -0.29 -1.96 Larvae reared to the setting size at 27.5 ppt could
ormature gametes successfully complete metamorphosis in salinities as
low as 9 to 10 ppt. Successful spawning has been re­
Time offirst 348 X lOR 3.84 -13
poned at salinities rangiug from 32 ro 42 ppt in the
lower Laguna Madre, Texas (Breuer 1962). Buder
"Time of mass 36 x 1018 7.68 -24 (1949c) found that gametogenesis was iuhibited in
spalvnlllg oysters held in brackish water for long periods, bur
that the condition was reversible if oysters were reo
turned to uormal conditions. He, roo, recorded a low­
The revised formula allows accurate description er limit of about 6 ppr for successful garnecogcuesis
of the maturation rate of garneres as a function of and suggested (as did Loosanoff 1953a, b) chat the
ambient temperature, and it can be used to predict marked variation and suppression of gonadal activity
bam when spawning will be initiated and the time of ar low salinities could also be caused by variations in
mass spawning. Kaufman's (1978) calculations for C food availability. Further, oysters apparently do not
oirginica over temperamre changes of 1DC (15° < T < "fatten" or increase proportionally in dry weight when

salinity drops below 20 ppt in Canadian waters (Med­ environment where oysters generally grew poorly to
eof and Needler 1941; Medcof 1946). Ingle and Daw­ an environment where oyster growth and condition
son (1953) suggested that me low glycogen conrenr was better could increase the glycogen content of the
and poor quality of oysters from Apalachicola Bay, transplanted oysters.
Florida, could be due to great ranges in salinity to Swift and Ahmed (1983) showed that eastern
which oysterswere exposed. oysters exhibit some regulatory mechanism for main­
The glycogen content of C oirginica is intimate­ taining concentrations of glucose, total Lowry-posi­
ly linked (Q me reproductive cycle which in rum is tive substances (LPS), and rriacylgiycerols in the he­
strongly affected by season. Generally, condition in­ molymph. Over a 27-d period of starvation, oysters
dex and glycogen content decline during the breed­ purchased commercially (Washington, D.C.) and
ing season and at elevated temperature. This is a re­ held at constant temperatures and salinities main­
sult of more rapid conversion of glycogen to glu­ tained concentrations of their hemolymph glucose
cose in response to elevated metabolic demands (see and LPSj environmental extremes, however, caused
Mitchell 1917; Mccleaf and Needler 1941; Mccleaf variacions in these hemolymph constituents (Swift
1946; Galrsoff er al. 1947; Chipman 1948; Menzel
and Hopkins 1952; Lee ec al. 1960; Haven 1962;
Sakuda 1966). In a comprehensive review, Walne
(1970) summarized data available on condition in­ A
dex in various oyster species including C oirginica. 30 •
He found that the median condition index increased ~
• •
exponentially with the larirudinal iocarion of the spe­

.• : •• •
cies or population and suggested that populacions in 10
• •
cooler waters generally rend to be in better condition •
than those from warmer waters. Figures 4 and 5 sum­ NDJFMAMJJASONDJ FMA
marize data on seasonal variations in the proportion 1lilllllllllllli00WOIWI
ID 80 B
of glycogen and in condition Indices for C lIirgillicll, en
respectively. C 60
Condition index is often high in winter and de­ 2
ID 40
clines to a lower level in summer once spawning has n.
occured. Condition indices vary among popularions. SONDJFMAMJJASON
Engle (1958) reponed meats in Chesapeake Bay to 10
be thinnest in summer, with :l11 increase in condition
Q llllia II n lan,
index during winter. In COntrast, Galtsoff er al. (1947), •
working in a different section of the Bay, reponed 6
higher indices in summer rhau in winter; Galtsoff er
al. (1947) demonstrated that glycogen content of
oysters from the York and Piankatank Rivers in Vir­
ginia varied seasonally, but that quantitative varia­
2 I
dons were different herween the tWO arC:J..S. They fur­ NDJFMAMJ J ASONDJ
ther demonstrated that the glycogen content of York Month
River oysters decreased nom the mouth of the river
towards its head; the process was reversed iu the Pi­ Figure 4. Seasonal variation in the percentage of glycogen
ankarank River, where oysters from upper pans of (or carbohydmrc) in the tissues of C /lirgim'cf1. Data from
the river were richer in glycogen than those from the (A) Ga!tsoff er ::1.1. (1947), (B) Lee cr al. (1960), and (C)
lower parr of the river. They also showed that trans­ Menzel and Hopkins (1952). Hatched bar indicates ap­
planting oysters with low glycogen content from all proximate: time:of spawning. After Walne 1970.

and Ahmed 1983). Oysters maintained at 4°C had ed. Fisher and Newell (1986) showed in laboratory
significantly higher concentrations of hemolymph experiments that temperature, salinity, and nutrition
glucose and LPS than did oysters held at 20°C. Oys­ did not playa major role in affecting concentrations
ters maintained at low salinity (12 ppr) had signifi­ of these constituents, rhus indicating good shorr-rerm
cantly lower concentrations of glucose in their he­ regulation. They did find, however, mat there were
molymph and concentrations of LPS than animals large differences in hemolymph constituents between
kept at either 18 or 24 ppr. oysters taken from different localities. They attributed
Seasonal changes in protein and carbohydrate rhese differences ro long-term differences in environ­
conrenr of oyster hemolymph have also been report- mental condition or to population differences. They

A •
100 ~

• •

• ­ 140,,:----------,
­ -
• • •• •

.. P

• -
60 C­ • • 120

O • ,
iii •• "
"0 •• I • I • 0'
.~ • • /
40 • • I 100
C • o •

\ .... 0

jjj I ;
E o M J
N D J F M A J A S 0 N D J
o 120 r : : - - - - - - - - - - ,

o " , , " ,
N D J F M A M J J A S o N D J A J A 0 D F A J A


Figure 5. Seasonal variation of the dry meat condition index in C. virg;uicn. Data from (A) Menzel and Hopkins (L952)
and (B) Medcof (I946), in which solid circles and full line arc samples from me upper pan of the Bideford River, Prince
Edward Island, and open circlesand broken line are for samples From the lower parr of the river. Additional darn arc fmm
(C) iakuda (1966) for oystersin Hawaii, (D) Haven (1962) in the YorkRiver (.), and (E) Haven (1962) in me Rappahan­
nock River (0). Dam from Haven (1962) ate composite curves of four years' observations. After Walne (1970).

also suggested that the relationship between hemo­ only 17"C in Long Island Sound (Fig. 6). The major
lymph protein and carbohydrate eoncenrrarions is period of spawning (spring) reponed for Mexican
linked to me reproductive cycle and stressed the im­ oysters by Garcia and Ramirez (1981) is very short,
ponance of establishing good controls before using however, minor spawnings also occurred during win­
hemolymph composition co assess effects of other va­ ter and summer.
riables such as parasitism or environmental stress. Temperature is nor always me only critical factor
governing spawning. For example, Manhiesseu (1971)
SPAWNING reponed mat although water temperatures in pans of
Nova Scotia, New Brunswick. a.nd Prince Edward Is­
Temperature is undoubtedly me single most im­ land in Canada became sufficienrly high during the
portant factor governing spawning of eastern oysters. summer to stimulate spawning, overall the condi­
For many years, the concept of a "critical temperature" tions necessary for successful reproduction were mar­
for spawning was believed to apply to oysters in gener­ ginal and inconsistent from year to year.
al. Nelson (l928b) wrote that oysters spawn after wa­ Dependence of spawning on temperature has
rer temperature reaches 20°C "over all parts of their had major ramifications for hatcheries. Loosnnoff
range, with no adjustment to me extremes of their dis­ (1945a) firsr proposed the "conditioning" of oysters
tribution" (see also Townsend 1893; Stafford 1913; OUt of season by exposure to increased temperatLlfes.
Churchill 1921; Cursell 1924; Nelson 1924a; Pry­ Loosanoffand Davis (1951) were able to delay spawn­
cherch 1924). This was supposedly confirmed in the ing activity in C lJirgiJdca from Long Island Sound hy
laboratory by Calrsoff et al. (1930), but as will be transporting nearly ripe oysters to Boothbay Harbor,
demonsrrared later, his results were a direct conse­ Maine, where temperatures were adequate to permit
quence of geographic location. continued gametogenesis but teo low to stimulate
The proposition that ambient water temperatures spawning. These eastern oysters could men be used
must attain 20°C in order for eastern oysters to spawn in autumn when ripe oysters from natural popula­
has since been refuted by several authors (Loosanaff tions were unavailable to hatcheries. The abiliry to
1932; Galtsoff 1938; Loosanoff and Davis 1950; control gametogenesis and to induce spawning has
Stauber 1950b; Loosanoff and Nomejko 1951j Bar­ assured the supply of oyster larvae on nearly a year­
dach er al. 1972). Indeed, Nelson (1931) wrote that round basis.
spawning of ripe gonads is triggered by a rapid rise in The increasing number of electricity-generating
temperature but is not determined by a specific criri­ power plants built during the 1960s and 1970s prompt­
cal temperature as others had originally suggested. ed a number of studies on effects of heated effluent on
This belief was reiterated by Medcof (l939) who stat­ various phases of oyster biology Roosenburg (1969)
ed that spawning occurs wirh rising temperatures found significantly higher initial oyster mortalities
"which mayor may not reach 20°C." It is now well near a power plant in Maryland wben oysters were
established that there is a fairly direcr relationship be­ placed in the effluent between May and Seprember,
tween larirude and the minimal temperature required presumably due to weakened conditions brought
fOr spawning (with some exceptions), and the exis­ about by garnerogenic activity or spawning. Similar
tence of physiological races based on these differences. results were reported by Quick (1971), who found
Although minor, irregular spawnings are known to mar condition of oysters before exposure to elevated
take place in most popnlarions, a required minimal temperatures was critical to their reproduction at me
temperature must be reached before a major, mass high temperature. Oysters ill good condition and not
spawning will occnr, In general, oysters in more spawning were better able to maintain or improve
southern portions of their range exhibit longer their condition when exposed to elevared tempera­
spawning periods [han their more northern connrer­ tnres than those not in good condition. Wimer mor­
parts and mass spawning temperatures arc consider­ talities of oyster spat were significandy reduced in a
ably higher, e.g., 26"C ill Apalachicola Bay versus heated effluent in New Ham pshire (Ayer er al. 1970).

Tinsman and Maurer (1974a, b) reporred both bene­ biochemical composition compared with control oy­
ficial and detrimental effects of exposure to thermal Hers, and gonadal development began about 4 months
effluents. They fonnd that meat weighrs and condi­ earlier (Ruddy cr al. 1975). Protein, carbohydrate, and
tion indices were low during warm months, bnr condition index increased hy 56%, 109%, and 22%
more favorable winter conditions in me effluent al­ respectively in winter and spring, and thicker shells
lowed both body weight and condition of oysrers to were produced. Ruddy er al. (1975) estimated that me
improve and exceed the weight and condition of oys­ growing season could he extended from the normal 6­
ters from control areas. They also noted increased rates month period [Q ahour 9 months and at the same
of mear growth and shell heigbcs chroughonr the study time allow oysters to take advantage of the spring
in the heated cfiluenr. phytoplankton bloom that normally occurs when wa­
Oysters kept in heated effluents in Connecticut ter remperarures are still roo low for oysters to feed ef­
during winrer and spring were superior in growth and frcienrly under normal conditions. Interestingly, even

30 G~[cia & Robles (1976); Garcia & Ramire! (19Bl)

Laguna de Pueblo, VelilCNI





Upper Chesapeal<e Bay (Engle 1950)
~ 0 I
Barnegat BayNJ \NelSlln. T.G. 192().24; 1928}

E 20 o Tomales Bay, CA (Berg 1964) !
I _
ShediaG Bay (M~1 1939; Medcol s Needler 194\)


15 L-_--L_ _.L_......J_ _...L_ _L-_--L_ _L-_--l.. ---l

March Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oel

o Assuming larval period 01 approximately 2 weeks; Ingle (1952) reported spat settlement into the second week 01
e Temperature was above 20·C lor several months; Loosanoff (1932) speculated tnat other faClor(s) influenced spawning
e Mean average temperature 24 h belore spawning ranged Irom 21.6" to 23.4·C lor the years 1924t01927; temperature
continued to increase throughout spawning season.
o Crassosrrea virginica tntroduceo; although spawning occurred, successful propogation 01 larvae was lacking.
o Spawning in shallew waler completed by mid-August; only deep water oysters (lower lemperalure) spawned Ihrough

Fi gure 6. Lower mass spawning tempernrure for C. virgillica from various geographic locations.

rhough the gonadal maturation cycle began subsran­ where salinity was about 35 ppt, a few spat were
dally earlier (4 months) in oysters in the effluent, me found on the bonom. Menzel (1954) did point our
onset of spawning was delayed and once begun, ex­ that oysters serried abundantly in waters of high salin­
tended over a longer period of time. ity, bur only in the intertidal zone. Breuer (1962)
Finally, Priee et 31. (1976) studied effects of heat­ found successful settlement in the lower Laguna
ed effluent in Maine and found that, although in­ Madre at 32 to 42 ppe. Haskin (19G4) demonsrrared
creased temperatures promoted growth. food became rhnr a gradual increase in salinity will stimulate older
a limiting factor during the late aururnu when food stage larvae to swim and rhar with a decrease in salini­
concentrations decrease in spite of temperatures re­ ry, the larvae tend to remain quiescent on me bottom.
mauung warm. Kenny er nl. (1988) studied settlement patterns
of C oirgiuica in North Inlet Estuary, Sourh Caroli­
LARVAL SETTLEMENT na, over a 5-year period. Although the timing and
duration of secrlcrnenr was similar each year, the pat­
Patterns of larval senlemenr vary from location
rem of spatfall within years varied significandy,
to location and year to year. A number of factors
There were no consisrenr relationships between set­
have been suggested that could affect setting behav­
tlement intensity and late stage larval density in the
ior of oysrer larvae, induding mechanical disrur­
water column, water remperarure, or salinity.
bancc, increased oxygen supply, increased food sup­
The precise effects of tcmperature and salinity on
ply, light, type of culrch, and waterborne chemicals
settlement behavior of oyster larvae are nor clearly un­
from previously ser oysters (Lutz et a]. 1970). One
derstood. Although it is evident rhac both factors play
factor that has received particular attention is rem­
a significant role in settlement behavior, there are un­
perature. Ryder (1885) reponed that me most favor­
doubtedly a number of facrors working in concert
able temperature for secrlcmenr was approximately
that influence larvae, such as tidal current, sedimenta­
19° to 24°e. Loosanoff and Engle (1940) reported
tion, predation, nutrition, competition, and grega­
setting at temperatures as low as 16.9°e. Lutz ec al.
riousness (Kenny ct a]. 1988). Settlement in the east­
(1970) studied effects of temperature on setting and
ern oyster is considered in more detail by Kennedy in
reponed that a thermal shock (24° [Q 29°C) admin­
Chapter 10.
istered for 4 h to larvae of settlement size increased
the percemage that settle, i.e., a rapid rise of only Development and Larval Growth
SoC had a significant effect on settlement rate. Lutz
ec al. (1970) added that other factors such as respons­ Nelson (1891) reponed that sperm collected from
es to conspccifics can be equally imporranc in senle­ freshly opened oysters were acrive for up to 5 h, with
memo This possibili t)' was studied by Hidu and eggs losing their ability to be fertilized about 1 h after
Haskin (I 971) who found char both increased tem­ being stripped. Clark (1935) reported on effects of
peramres and a gregarious senlemenr response play temperature and salinity on early larval development.
important roles in decerrnining the secdemenc pat­ The temperature range of his experiments appears to
tern of oyster larvae. Diaz (1971, 1973) found that be 5° to 40°e. Sperm survival was higher at low tem­
settlement was nnaffecced by a thermal shock of peratures than at higher temperatures (148 h at 5°C,
10°C, whereas shocks of 15° and 20°C significantly GO h at 20°C, and 9 h at 40°C). Eggs remained vi­
decreased settlement rares. able for shorter periods and were less tolerant of in­
Saliniry is also a possible factor in senlemenr be­ creased temperature than sperm and showed no de­
havior of C virgiuica. Hopkins (1935) reported that velopment or ferriliaarion after more than 6 h at
senlemenc periods appear to be correlated with peri­ 20°e, after 1 h at 35°e, and afier less than 5 min at
ow of high salinity. Menzel (1955) suggested rhac C 40°C Successful fertilization and developmenr to the
virginica larvae were unable ro set effectively in deep first swimming stage occurred berween 15° to 30°e.
water of high salinity but that it was not an all-or­ The time between fertilization and firsc swimming
nothing phenomenon. Even at Port Aransas, Texas, srages varied from 25 h ar 15°C to 3 h at 30°e.

Sperm were active in seawater from 4.6 to 40.7 ppt, opment time of 6 d when larvae were exposed to
with salinities of about 23 ppt providing greatest sur­ only a 2°C difference in temperatnre (Fig. 7). Length
vival. Normal development of the first swimming of larval life varied from 24 to 30 d at 19° to 21"C.
larval stage occurred from 14.5 to 39 ppt; however, Pryrherch (928) reported an even shorter larval pe­
below this range, there was moderate egg develop­ riod of 13 to 16 d at 21.3 to 23.2°C.

ment but no swimming larvae were produced. Many discrepancies regarding optimal salinities
Unfertilized eggs are known to be less tolerant of for development were resolved by the work of Davis
heat than post-fertilization developmental ~tages (Da­ (958) and Davis and Calabrese (1964) who showed
vis and Calabrese 1964; Hidu et a]. 1974). Fertilized that larval development appears to be governed by
eggs did not tolerate temperatures greater than the salinity at which the parent eastern oysters under­
32YC (Davis and Calabrese 1964) and Roosenburg go gametogenesis. They further showed mat degree
er al. (970) reported that normal development of and rapidity of salinity change is probably more im­
oystet embryos was impaired at temperatures between portant than actual salinity nnder field conditions.
30" and 34"C during 1 to 16 h exposures. Hidu er al. In his first series of experiments, Davis (1958)
(974) reported that LD 50 valnes decreased at 40", showed that the optimal salinity for development of
36",34", and 31°C with increasing exposure times eggs from eastern oysrcrs that developed gonads at a
00 sec, 1 min, 10 min, 1 h) for oyster eggs acclimat­ salinity of 26 (Q 27 ppr was about 22.5 ppt; oysters
ed to a constant 24"C. Larval stages suffered similar that developed gonads ar abonr 8.74 ppt had optimal
mortalities, but calculared ll)50 values averaged 4°C salinity for egg development between 10 and 15 ppt,
and 100C higher for ciliated gastrula and veliger lar­ although some normal development was noted at
vae, respectively, compared with eggs during equal ex­ salinities as low as 7.5 ppt. Optimal salinity for de­
posure periods. velopment of straight-hinge larvae from eggs at 8.7
Larval development takes place over a much nat­ ppt ranged from 7.5 to 22.5 ppt whereas the range
rower range of temperatures and salinities than those fur eggs from oysters conditioned at 26 to 27 ppt was
commonly experienced by adnlr oysters. Early stud­ from 12.5 to 35 ppt. Optimal saliniry for growth of
ies give values for successful development of oyster
larvae ranging from 5.6 to 7.5 ppt minimum salinity
(Hopkins 1932; Butler 1949a, b: Loosanoff 1948, 360
1953a) [0 30 to 33 ppt (Amemiya 1926; Prycherch 320
1934). Nelson (I909) reported finding larvae in
plankton samples in New jersey when salinities were 280
:J..S low as 11.5 ppe. Larvae in New [ersey appeared ro E
develop equally weU at both 10 and 28 ppt (Nelson 'rn"


1931). Ranson (1948) gave a value for optimum lar­ 200

val development in C. oirginica of 12 to 19 ppe. Kor­ "•>
ringa (957) disagreed strongly with the low up pet ~• 160
saliniry value given by Ranson (1948), citing popula­
tions in Long Island Sound (27 to 28 ppt): Beanforr,
North Carolina (over 30 ppr). and Port Aransas, 80
Texas (36 ppr) as examples. A similar array of values
is given in the early literature for the effecrfs) of rem­ 40 L~,--!---'--.!\--,~c-'--'!c-'--'!',-l--,!,,.L+O--'J
2 6 10 14 18 22 26 30
pcncure on larval development and growth. Hopkins Age 01 larva in days alter spawning
(]935) found that larval development was retarded
by low salinity, apparently as a result of effects of Figure 7. Approximate growth curves for Bideford River,
salinity on food supply. Medcof (939) demonstrat­ Prince Edward Island, oystcr larvae nt consrnnr surface
ed [hat eastern oysrer larvae had an increased devel­ temperatures of 19°, 20~, and 21°C. After Mcdcof I! 939).

larvae of oysters from Long Island Sound, condt­ growch occurred in salinities varying from 15 to 27
rioned and spawned at 26.0 ro 27 ppr was 17.5 ppc ppt at some temperatures and from 20 co 27 ppt at
(Fig. 8). Optimal salinity for growth of larvae from 17.s"C. Thus, me effect of reduced salinities on lar­
Hodges Bay, Maryland (8.7 pprl, conditioned and vae was ro reduce the range of temperature rolerance.
spawned at 26 to 27 ppt. appeared to be about 22.5 Loosanoff (1965) provided further data on larval
ppt. Although not conclusive, it appeared that larvae growth and development at various temperatures and
from Maryland oysters did not tolerate lower salini­ salinities in Long Island Sound. He reponed mat no
ties man did larvae from Long Island Sound oysters eggs developed into norma], straight-hinge larvae at
conditioned at the same salinity. Davis (1958) re­ IS.S°C, about 97% developed to fully formed,
poned a minimal salinity for snccessful metamor­ straight-hinge stage at 17.rC, most fertilized eggs
phosis of 10 ppe for larvae of unstated parentage. developed normally at 30"C, and only about 50% of
Similar resnlts were reponed hy Chanley (1958) who the eggs developed to the straight-hinge stage and
found some growth of recently metamorphosed lar­ many were abnormal at 33.3"C. Opdmal salinity for
vae at 5 ppe, but optimal growth between 12.5 and egg development was 22.S ppt; some normal larvae
25 pp', developed at 15 ppt and at 3S ppt; below 22.5 ppt,
Davis and Calabrese (1964) studied the com­ the percentage of normally developed larvae de­
bined effects of temperature and salinity on develop­ creased. Opdmal salinity for larval development from
menc of eastern oyster eggs and larval growth. Rates eggs was about 17.5 Ppr- Good larval growth was
of growth and development were poor at the ex­ recorded at 15 ppt, with appreciably slower growth at
cremes of temperarure ranges and sarisfacrory survival 12.5 ppr and almost no growth at 10 ppt. The older
rates (70% or berrer) were limited ro tcmperatures of larvae were better able to withstand low saliniry.
27.S" to 32.s"C and salinities of 10 to 27.5 ppr- As Wright et al. (1983) also studied thermal tolerance of
saliniry decreased, the tolerated range of rempeta~ larval stages of C. oirginica and found mat larval mor­
tures narrowed. Optima! temperature for larval tality generally increased with exposure to higher
growth was between 30" and 32.5°C for all salinities temperature and with increased exposure time at any
excepr 7.5 ppt where the optimum was 27.S°C. one temperature. Nevertheless, at temperatures as
Conversely, there was no well-defined optimal salini­ high as 40° to 41 "C, straight hinge larvae sustained
ty for larval growth at any temperature as maximal low mortality (11 %) when exposed for up co 1 h.

S 15
C 12.5
7i3 10
7,5 e sno I" Glh day
5 _6lhw10thday
2.5 '00% morlality by Gin day lZI,Olh 1014th day

70 80 90 100 110 120 130 1.:10 150 160 170

Mean ',englh (um)

Figure 8. Growth of oyster larvae at different salinities. Samples from eadi of (he duplicate cultures ar each salinity were
taken on the Srh, 10th, and Izith days. The lengths (pm) of one hundred larvae from each sample were measured. After
Davis (1958).

Diaz (1973) found tbar growth of larval eastern oys­ Lough (l975) gives a clear expression of the com­
ters was not affected by brief tempera[llre increases of bined effects of thermal and salinity variations on
10° or 15"C, but a 20"C increase resulted in perma­ oyster larvae. Lough (1975) used response-surface
nently impaired growth of surviving larvae. techniques to show that maximal survival of 2-d old
Loosanoff (1965) collected oysters from Chesa­
peake Bay at 8.7 ppt and spawned them. Some eggs
developed into normal larvae at 10 ppt and even at o Mixed Algae
7.5 ppt, although abnormally small individuals were fBI Chlore/llJ sp.
common at the latter salinity. Optimal salinity for 15 • DunalielllJ euchlora
development of eggs in this group of oysters ranged G
between 12 and 15 ppt, with a salinity of about 22
ppt being the upper limit for normal development. •

Hidu et al. (1974) demonstrated that the fenii­

c 25
ized egg and ciliated gastrula were considerably more E
temperature sensitive than later stages of larval devel­ 30
opment. Time of exposure greatly affected the tem­
perature tolerance of the larvae in that longer expo­
sures led to increased mortality.
Amemiya (1926) studied effects of salinity on e 50 100 150 200 250
early development of C uirginicll cultured over rhe Mean length (I-lm)
salinity range of 12.3 co 52.1 ppti 24.5 to 29.8 ppt
was the optimum salinity for development, and the Figure 9. Growth of oyster larvae receiving different foods
range of 22 co 33 ppt was favorable. He provided a and reared ar different temperatures. Plots are based on
me-ill length of 100 larvae from each temperature at each
description of larval development at 24 separate
measuring period. After Davisand Calabrese (964).
salinities to which the reader is referred for details.
He also reponed that only a small proportion of oys­
ter larvae develop normally between 31 and 34 ppL
Maclones and Calahrese (1979) reported 25"C and 15
26 ppt as the optimum temperature and salinity for I:ll Znd to 6th day
~ 17.5 • en to 10th day
normal embryonic development.
Although temperature and salinity have a direct '" :!:' 20
EllOlh to 14th day

effecr on larval growth, availability of suitable food "

• 30
items to support growth is also of considerable im­ c,
ponance. Davis and Calabrese (1964) grew larvae on ~ 33
moaoculrures of the nuiccllular algae, Dunaliella en­ 35
cbloa and Ch/Qrel/n sp., and on a mixture containing
70 90 110 130 150 170 190 210 230 250 270
C/'/orellil sp., Dicmteria sp., lsocbrysus galbana, and
Mean length (urn)
M. lutberi. Although rbere was a distinct effect of
temperature on growth rate regardless of food supply,
oyster larvae fed the mixture of four algal species
Figure 10. Growth of oyster larvae receiving a mixture of
snowed highest growth rates (Fig. 9). foods and reared at high and low temperatures. Plors
In a further experiment to determine upper and based on mean lengrh of 100 larvae from each duplicate
lower limits for growth of oyster larvae, Davis and culture at each temperature: at each measuring period.
Calabrese (1964) found no growrh at 15"C, minimal Q
Many of the larvae kept at 30 and 33"C set becveeo the
growth at 17.5"C, and maximal growth at 3D" and Iuch and tdrh days and were not included in the 14-J
3 j'C (Fig. 10). A re-evaluation of these dara by samples. After Davis and Calabrese (I 964).

larvae (80% contour, Fig. IlA) occurred between Adulr Growth

19" and 30.5"C and 19 arid 30 ppt. Maximal survi­
Growth rate of adult eastern oysters is as strongly
val after 8 d (60% COntour, Fig. lIB) occurred above
affected by temperature and latitude (Table 1) as are
21"C and between 8 and 30.5 ppr, with a much
egg and larval development. Butler (1953) believed
higher tolerance to higher temperature and a wider
that a clear-cue differential in oyster growth exists at
salinity range man the 2-d old larvae demonstrated.
different latitudes and that differences in shell growth
Maximum growth (100% response contour) (Fig.
do nor necessarily reflect diflereuces in tissue or meat
IIC) was esdmared to oceur above 33"C and 19 ppc.
yield. Measurement of shell volume provides a more
Differences berwecu survival and growth at 8 d indi­
critical evaluation of growth than does shell height.
cated mat a significantly higher salinity range is rc­
k an example, 2-yeat old oysters from a South Car­
quired for optimal growth than for oprimum survi­
olina clustered reef yielded about 1.2 kg of meats per
val. Lough (1975) estimated that the oprimal (80% bushel (average height -75 mm, Buder 1953). Oys­
concour) temperature and salinity conditions for maxi­ ters grown individually in me same area can require 3
mizing both larval survival and growth are above 30 D
e years to attain the same size, but the yield inereases ro
and between 18 and 35 ppt. -3.4 kg per bushel.
Generally speaking, within me woe of tolerance. k a rule, growth is more rapid in warm waters
the higher the temperature the faster the develop­ such as chose of the Gulf of Mexico where a mar­
ment of eggs and growth of larvae. Because factors ketable oyster (90 mm) can be grown in 2 years. In
apan from temperature can also affect these process­ northern waters, e.g., Long Island Sound, 4 rc 5 years
es, it is prohably besr ro define optimal conditions for are required to arrain the same size. Butler (I953)
developmenr as those ar which mortality is lowest,
rather than those at which development is fastest.
Development of eastern oysrer eggs and larvae is con­
pointed out. however, that oysters growing in the Che­
sapeake region tend to grow fasrcr and produce more ­
meat per unit time than oysters growing north or
sidered further by Eble in Chapter 2 and Thompson south of this region. Loosanoff and Nomejko (1949)
er al. in Chapter 9. in observations of monthly shell growth rates for oys­

,O~---------~ ,,
.ro .... .'
." .. .... \ .
40 ...,
..... .' /

oc"',/ L / co,: ./ f

uu •••••
..' ....
\. ./ , ,..­
20 20\ ~""20
jii ......... "'" , 40 .

.......... .... .......
E ...., ··20·· , .

'" to . 0··.. ..-'

~, survival alief ~. survival alter % g rOWlh ener
2 dayS 01 cevelopmem 8 days 01 development C
oI A o
8 days 01development
0 20 40 0 10 20 30

Salinity (ppt)

Figure 11. Responsesurface estimation of percenr survival of C. flirgilJimlarvae (A) after 2 d of development and (8) after 8
d of development at experimental temperature and salinity combinations given in Davisand Calabrese (1964) and (C) rc­
rponse surface csrimarion of pera:m growth of vcligcrlarvae mer 8 d of development at these rempcraturc-salinlty cornhi­
nations. Contours earapolared beyond rhe experimental dam are given us dotted lines. After Lough (1975).

Table 1. Summary of growth rare studies all Crnssostretl lIi1Xi1Jicll (Gmdin) and rime required [0 produce equivalent growrh
at Apalachicola rare. From Ingle and Dawson (I952).

Linear Elapsed Time required in

Place growth Cline Apalachicola Reference

Canada Setting ro 2 in 24 rna 5 mo Srafford 1913

Long Island 1.4 ro3 in (i mo" 12 wk" Moore 1905
Long Island Sound Setting ro 4.5 in 4 yr! lAyr! Churchill 1921
New Jersey 3.7 [Q 4.2 ill 12 mo 6 me Nelson 1922
Chesapeake Bay 0.8 in 44d 42 d Ryder 1885
Chesapeake Bay 1.5 in 12 mo 3.5 mo Ryder 1885
Chesapeake Bay 3.5 in 23 rna 15 mo Ryder 1885
Chesapeake Bay Setting to 0.75 in 3mo 1.5 rna Winslm.r 1913
Beaufort, NC Setting [Olin 2 mo 2mo Osborn 1883
North Carolina 3.4 ro 4.3 in 2 mo Glaser 1905
North Carolina 5.2 [0 5.9 in 2 mo Glaser 1905
North Carolina 7.2 to 7.6 in 21110 Glaser 1905
North Carolina Seed [0 market sii'£ 2 y' Higgins 1940
North Carolina Swing to 3 in 6 mo' 4mo'" Higgills 1940
South Carolina Marketable size Oue season Dan 1892
South Carolina Setting to 1.5 in 2-3 mo" 7wk'" Moore 1905
South Carolina Setting to 2.5 in 6-7 me 6.2 mo Moore 1903
Tarpon Springs, FL Sening to good sized 10mo Brice ]896
louisiana Scning to 1 in 6wk" 5 wk" Moore 1899
louisiana Setting to 3.5 in 18 rna 15 me Moore 1899
louisiana Setting to 4 or 6 in 23 mo 17mo l Moore 1899
louisiana Setting to 3.1 in 10.3 9mo Gunrer 1951
Louisiana Swing to 4 in 39 wk' 3] wk' Menzel 1951
Texas Seccing to 3.7 in 12 moh 28 wk3* Gunter 1951

• Maximum growth rare.

I Time refers to 4 inches growth.
1 See Stafford 1913.
J The data of Concce (I 995) arc not easily compared wilh Apalachicola Bay findings inasmuch as the oysrers he observed were
growiog under unusual ecological conditions and his s;lmplcs were small.

rers in Long Island Sound, found mat growth was Ingle and Dawson (1950a, b: 1952) and Cope­
[imired (Q about 8 momhs of the year, although most land and Hoese (1966) reponed exceptionally rapid
individuals showed growth increases only during 6 or growth of oysters from Apalachicola Bay, Florida, end
7 months, no growth occurred after the point of in­ south Texas. Growth was continuous throughout the
d union of cold coma in rhe Milford Harbor area. If year and basic growth curves remained me same de­
the water temperatures were maintained above the spite seasonal environmental changes, i.e., oysters that
p oinr of cold coma, growrh would continue. There set in autumn had very nearly the same growth curves
was a strong relationship between changes in rate of as those that set in me spring. Reported growth rates
increase in shell volume and changes in water rem­ are faster man for any other oyster populations; both
per.J.ture. sees of authors attributed high growth rares (Q high

temperature. Ingle and Dawson's 0950a, b; 1952) cs­ stated that while tempetature has no direct influence
rimares were based on shell size and may not necessar­ on the duration of shell opening, lowered salinity re­
ily reflect tissue growrh. The authors summarized sults in partial or complete contraction of the adduc­
growth data over me entire geographic range of C. tor muscle and a slowing or cessation of water cur­
virginiCll (Table 1); their recorded values for Apala­ rem through the gills.
chicola Bay (column 4) remain among me highest Numerous authors have reponed mass morrali­
known. ties due to fresh water flooding, predominantly in
Only Loosanoff (1953" 1965) and Shaw (1966) southern United States waters. Flooding is a com­
have provided data on effects of salinity on growth mon phenomenon in these regions, and in some ar­
rare. Loosanoff (195301, 1965) noted char oysters eas low salinity flood conditions can last up [Q a
adapt rapidly [Q salinity change, but mar growth was month. Oysters are thus left inundated in fresh water
stunted at 7.5 ppt and almost nonexistent at 5 ppr. at high temperatures, and mortalities up to 100010 are
He suggested that 10 ppt was me minimum salinity not uncommon. The magnitude of the effecrfs) of
ar which adult oysters grew at a normal rare. Shaw environmental perturbations (such as salinity chan­
(966) transplanted seed oysters from low-salinity ges) on oysters depends on the range of fluctuations
waters in Chesapeake Bay [0 a low-salinity area and abruptness of these changes (see Hand and
(Broad Creek in Chesapeake Bay; 8 to 16 ppt. aver­ Stickle 1977). The ability of oysters to withstand
age 12 ppr) and a high-salinity area (Chincoteague such changes in salinity is enhanced by their ability
Bay; 17 to 35 ppr- average 30 ppr). Over a two-year to dose rbe shell valves when exposed to extreme
period, shell growth rate was similar in both areas. conditions such as protection from sudden freshwa­
ter input from floods and freshets.
Activity Salt sensitivity at the mantle margin would be an
advantage to oysters as an early warning sysrem.
There have been few studies concerned with ef­ Hopkins (1932), developed a method for studying
fects of temperature and salinity on valve activity or the latent period of reactions of C. oirginica to chem­
closure in C. oirginica; with most data collected as a ical stimulation. He monitored the latent period of
by-product of other studies. Galrsoff (1946) subject­ reaction of renracles on the oyster mantle ro 21 dif­
ed oysters exposed in air for 24 b at 5°C to tempera­ ferent salts (most of the chlorides, iodides, bromides,
tures of 22°C and found irregular shell movements nitrates and sulphares of potassium, sodium, ammo­
accompanied by a complete cessation of pumping nium, lithium, and magnesium) and was able to
until the third or fourth day after transfer, after group the different ions according to their stimulat­
which normal pumping resumed. Loosanoff (1953a) ing efficiency. He found that effectiveness of an ion
noted that at the lowest salinities tested (0 to 5 ppr), as a stimulant depends in a direct manner on its
valve movement and warer transport were abnormal atomic weighr and that sensory stimulation of oyster
and growth was inhibited (see also section on growth). tentacles by tile sales is primarily a function of the
Valvular activity also becomes irregular above 30°C. cations presem. He gave the following order of stim­
with some eastern oy5ters closing their valves com­ ulating efficiency: cations, K :> NHIj »Na :> Li; an­
pletely, and with pumping activity frequently inhib­ ions, I :> Br > N0 3 > Cl. It is not clear what role this
ited (Loosanoff 1958). There was a reduced rate of sensiciviry might 'play in srimularing valve closure
pumping even during periods when valves were during exposure to various salinities, but it may con­
open. Between 34.1° and 36°C, these symptoms be­ fer an advantage.
came exaggerated and oysters remained closed 300m Valve closure can only serve as a tempor:uy means
67% of the time above 36. 1°C. When o)'srers were of protection against such adverse environmental con­
exposed to a sudden increase in temperarure, there dirions as reduced salinities. Even a slight contraction
was an immediate opening of the valves and inhibi­ of the valves will resulr in a reduced rate of water flow
tion of pumping (Lcosanoff 1958). Calrsoff (1964) that will in turn affect the rare of feeding and gas ex­

change (see below). Long-term valve closure will re­ of 25°C regardless of acclimation temperature of oys­
sulr in eventual mortality, especially when coinciden­ ters.
tal with high temperatures. Loosanoff (I953a) studied effects of salinity on
A distinction must be made berween pumping pumping acriviry. Exposure to an abrupt reduction
rate (the velocity of water movement through the from 27 ppr co 20, 15, 10, and 5 ppt resulted in a
mantle cavity) and filtration rate (the amonnr of wa­ decrease in pumping rate of 24, 89, 91, and 99.6%
ter complerely cleared of particles larger than a speci­ respectively for about 6 h after transfer. Thereafter,
fied size per nnir time). Obviously, the twO are inti­ normal pumping activity resumed and there were no
mately relared, bot not necessarily synonymous. If long-term effects on pumping rare. Oysters condi­
animals are not actively pumping, feeding cannot oc­ tioned [0 live in lower salinities ceased or resumed
cur; conversely, even though some pumping activity pumping water and closed or opened their valves at
can be underway, feeding still may not occur, espe~ lower salinity concentrations than did oysters from
cially at very low temperatures. higher salinities.
In an early study of pumping rate in C. 1Ji"gil1ictl, Pumping rare of C. 11irginicft is affected by a num­
Galrsoff (1928 a,b) calculated a maximum pumping ber of factors other chan saliniry and temperature.
rate of 3.9 L h- I for a 76 to to2 mm oyster at 25°C Nelson (1936) stared that pumping is increased dur­
(Fig. 12). Nelson (1938) disagreed with Galrsoff's ing active shell secretion and by addition of fresh oys­
findings, believing that Galtsoff's method interfered ter sperm to incurrenc water of the male oyster; the in­
with activity and that the correct rate was actually a crease is typically nom 5.9 to 11 L h- I . No response
mnch higher value of 26 L h- I . Subsequent studies occurs in female oysters unless they are indnced to
(Locsanoff 1950a, 1958; Loosanoff and Nomcjko spawn, at which time water flow is markedly reduced.
1946) reported values similar [0 those given by Nel­ Subsequent research by Nelson and Allison (cited by
son. While it is possible that Galrsoff's experimental Calrsoff 1964) snggests that pumping activity in
design resulted in low valnes for pumping rates, it is spawning female oysters is acrnallyenhanced although
also possible that other factors were responsible for efficiency of particle retention on the gill is reduced.
differences. Nelson (1936) suggested that rednced pnmping by fe­
Several anrhors have demonstrated that pumping males reduces the likelihood of retaining eggs on the
rate is affected by both temperatnrc and salinity. gills whereas increased pumping by males permits
Most of our knowledge of pnmping activity in C. wider and more rapid dissemination of sperm.
1Jirgjnim is from the work of Loosanoff (1958). His Eastern oysters can feed and grow at temperatures
data show that pumping race increased steadily as much lower and higher than reqnired for spawning
temperature rose from 8° [0 28°C (Fig. 12). Pump­ (Gnmer 1957). Studies that deal specifically with the
ing was rednccd or non-existent below 2°C, whereas effects of remperamre and salinity on feeding in C
above 34°e oysters began to show distress thar result­ vilgillim are scant. Galrsoff (192801.) reported char no
ed in a marked decrease in pumping rare and ahnor­ cnrrenr was produced and no feeding took place at or
mal shell movements. Highesr flow rates were mea­ below 5°C. This statement was later modified by
sun:d at about 29°C. Even thongh the absolute values Loosanoff (1958; sec below) but me generalization re­
for pumping rate measured by Loosanoff (I958) and mains true. Pryrherch (928) concluded that gonadal
Galtsoff(1928a) differ, they are in agreement that the development was dependent on the amount of food
upper tempcrature range of 35°C is the limit for nor­ consumed hy oysters and that, in years when ambient
mal pumping activity. W. Menzel (pers. comm.) ob­ temperatures were above normal, higher races of spat
served oysters open and pumping at temperatures of production due to the increased feeding activity and
36" ro 37°C. Other temperaturc values for maximal subsequent gonadal development rnighr be expected.
pumping rate are given by Nelson (1936) and Collier Loosanoff (1953a, 1958, 1965) provided the
( 1959) as 30 and 20° co 25°C, respectively. It ap­
most derailed studies of effects of rernperarurc and
pe~rs that optimal levels are sustained in the region salinity on feeding activity. He fed 90 oysters on a

culture of Cblorelta sp. at 2° to 3°e and found mar moeic balance of heart tissue and with the activity of
only one produced true feces, whereas 15% produced acetylcholinesterase in the heart (decreased salinity
psendofeces (Loosanoff 1958); at 3" [Q 4°C, about inhibits acetylcholinesterase activity, the extent of me
50% of (he oysters produced pseudofeces but still inhibition being influenced by the oyster's ambient
only one produced feces. Between 5° and Goe, 11 of salinity).
the 90 oysters expelled feces and over 75% produced Feng (1965) found a simple linear relationship be­
pseudofeces. Thus, feeding occurs below SoC only as tween number of lcucocytes in suspension in me he­
an exception and the ability (Q produce pseudofeces molymph and me temperature of the external medi­
may be a fimccion of ciliary activity (as demonstrated um (Fig. 14). He suggested that lcucocyres are nearly
by Galtsoff [19283] who showed that frontal cilia are 100% settled Out at O°C because the heart is probably
able [Q transport particles at a temperature of 3°e. quiescent at this remperarure. The number of Ieuco­
whereas lateral cilia generally only produce a feeding cytes in suspension was strongly influenced by the
currenr when the ambient temper:Hure is about SOC). heart rate, which was affected in turn by temperature
In terms of salinity, no feeding was seen in oysters or other srimnli. Peng and Van Winkle (I975) subse­
maintained at 3 ppt or lower (Loosanoff 19533; quently used C lJirgimcll from two populations (New
1965). Animals exposed to 5 ppt exhibited abnormal Jersey and Connecticut) and found that the time of
activity, and their feces ofrcn appeared white or green­ acclimation to low salinities did not significantly affect
ish and were composed principally of blood cells. recovery of heart beat for either srock, although the
Oysters were, however, producing both Feces and time ofacclimation wasvery short (4 co 5 h versus ]8
pseudofeces, indicaring mat feeding activity and inges­ h). Above lODe, heart beat of New Jersey oysters was
tion were not totally impaired. Loosanoff (1958,
1965) again dernonsrrared mat oysters stopped feed­ • LOO5~nQfI (195B)
mg and "hibernated" [sic] below soc. Feeding rate in­ ... Gallsoll (192:6b)
creased rapidly between 13.9° and 27.8°C, with a fur­ •
mer, less rapid increase up to 32.2°C. Above 33.8°e, a
••• • •
marked decrease in pumping rare was nored (Fig. 12)
and shell movements became abnormal. •
Davis and Calabrese (1964) demonstrated that the •
ability of oyster larvae to digest food is temperature de­ •
pendent and that some food items are more easily di­
gested at lower cemperarures than ochers. Thus, naked

flagellates were more easily digested than were algae
with cdl walls. No SImilar smdies exist for adults, but
it seems reasonable to assume that temperature must
afiecr digestion rare in adnlrsas it does in ocher species I
of bivalves (Bayne and Newell 1983 and references
• • I

therein). \
• 10 20 30 '0
Temperature (0C)
Heart beat increases with increased temperatures Figure 12. Pumping rare of C. uirgil1irn. Data taken from
within the range of SO to 30°C (Fig. 13), depending Loosnnoff (1958) (plorrcd as upper level of each 2°e rern­
on geographic location (Federighi 1929; Pryrhcrch, perature interval tested) and Galrsoff (l928b). No size
cited in Higgans 1931 j Sranber 1940; Sranber, unpub­ specified in GaJ~lOff 0928b). Loosnnoff (1958) gives size
lished cited in Stauber 195030; Menzel 1955, 1956; range as 100 to 110 mm length; 80 10 85 mm width; 30 to
Feng 1965). Dimock (1967) reponed that salinity af­ 35 mm depth, 85 to 100 ml volume; he provided no infor­
fects C. /!l'rgilJiclt heart activity by interfering with os­ mation on samplesizes.

less inhibited mer a gradual decrease (3 to 4 d) in
salinity from 5 to 10 ppt than after an abrupt de­
100 crease in salinity. Oysters from Connecticut exhibit­

c ed a maximal rate of heart beat at intermediate salini­

E ties (14 and 19 ppr) at 20° to 30 DC with heart rare
~ relatively insensitive to salinity ar lower temperatures
E• (5° and lOOC). Feng and Van Winkle (1975) further
~ 60 concluded mat the effect of salinity on heart rate is
~ probably ncr very strong in that it is readily masked
L • 40 at low temperatures. Again, acclimation periods in
•• rhis study were shore and results should be consid­
" 20
ered as acute responses rarber than acclimation re­
sponses to reduced salinity.
The only information available on effects of rem­
peramre on accessory hearts is given in a personal
8-11 12-15 16-19 20-23 24-27 28-31
Temperature range (OC)
communication by Stauber (cired in Feng 1965)
who stated rhar rhe two accessory hearts are as tem­
Figure 13.Average rate of heart beat min-I at various rem­ perature-dependent as me systemic heart.
peratute tanges for C lIirginint. After Menzel (956).
Surprisingly few data are available on effects of
remperature or salinity ou respiration rate in C. vir­

I jI
5 35
ginica. Galtsoff(1964) reported no significant change
-o • Leucocyte count in respiratory rate mer 3 d of acclimation to water of
0 30
:0 ... Heart rete lowered salinity, although he based rhis conclusion Oil
E only nine individuals and a salinity change of31.6 to
25 "••
24.1 pp'.
• A number of studies followed that of Calrsoff
• 3

t "
20 (1964) in which authors reported on the effects of
~ temperature and salinity on excised tissues, wirh con­
>- 2
\ 15 cr
• flicting results. Van Winkle (1968) reported that
t li oxygen consumption ('YO~j volume respired per unit
I t 10 3
rime) of excised gill tissue was relatively constant over
a range of temperatures (l0°, 18°, and 26°C) and
• 1­ salinities (5, 10, 15, 20, and 30 ppr) during both
" 5
summer and winter. Percy et a1. (1971) monitored
VO~ in excised mantle, adductor muscle, and gill tis­
sue -of eastern oysters from Trinity Bay, Newfound­
land. Respirariou rates of gill tissue increased during
exposure to dilute salinities, remained constant for
Figure 14. The effect of temperature on leucocyte num­ maude [issue, and declined for adductor muscle. All
benand heart rate of oysters. Each poiur represents aver­ tissues exhibited an increased V02 with increased
age heart rate of three determinations on 10 oysters. The temperature. Respirator)' maxima for boch mantle
mean leucocyte COUll[ in heart blood at 6°, 12°, 18°, and and adductor muscle were about 32<JC, whereas gill
2::ZC is obtained from a group of 21 oysters. 111e vertical V02 increased continuously up to 40°C. There were
lme are ranges of the means. After Feng (1965). also marked seasonal effects on V0 2 .

Wegener (1971) reponed that me \102 of gill tis­ perimenral temperature and salinity. This regression
sue from eastern oysters collected at Beaufort, North is significant at p < 0.001 and explains almost 92%
Carolina, was unaltered by osmocic mess. Bass (1977) of me roral variance in YO,. _ Interaction terms, T eS:l
also reported on the effects of temperature and saliniry and T~Sc' are negligible. Little evidence exists for any
on the metabolism of excised gill, man de, and adduc­ temperature regulation, even after three weeks of ac­
ror muscle from Chesapeake Bay oysters. He demon­ climation.
mated mat cold-acclimated gill tissue showed good Values of Q 10 for warm-acclimated individuals
acdimacory ability, whereas mantle tissue showed little were higher than those for cold-acclimated individu­
and muscle none. Gill and maude showed partial ac­ als when exposed co low experimental tcrnpera.rures,
climation and muscle none when acclimated to warm the only exception being oysters acclimated at 7 ppt
temperatures. When exposed to dilute seawater, gill and exposed to 28 ppt (Shumway and Koehn 1982).
and rnanrle tissues showed elevated respiration rates At any given experimental salinity, highest Q IO values
aud muscle tissue did uor change. None of the tissues were observed berween 20" and 30"e. The multiple
exhibited any alterations in respiration rates when ex­ regression relating Q IO to acclimation and exposure
posed to increased salinities. In COntrast, Percy er aI. salinity and temperature is:
(1971) found an increased respiration rate in both gill
and mantle tissue when exposed to dilute salinities Q lO = 4.401 - 0.0035" + 0.0674 T"- 0.1457T, - 0.00825,
and no change in adductor muscle for Newfoundland
oysters. Bass (977) also showed that cold-acclimated where T r ': mean of the temperature range consid­
tissues were, on average, better able to acclimate to ered; and S:l , SC , and T a are as before. Although the
perturbations of temperatures man warm-acclimated regression was significant at p < 0.001, it only ac­
counrs for 36% of the observed variation in QlO' in­
The dara available for YO, in whole oysters are dicating that other factors also influence Q 10 values
(e.g., acclimation time, starvation, or phase of game­
limited, and it is clear that the responses of individ­
ual tissues are not always applicable to whole oysters rogenic cycle). Finally, Shumway and Koehn (1982)
(see Shumway 1982 for review). Shumway and Koehn demonstrated that oysters regulated V02 when ex­
(l982), in the only comprehensive study to date of posed to declining oxygen tensions at all [empera­
the combined effects of tempcrarure and salinity on rure-saliniry combinations tested; however mere was
respiration in C 1Jirginica. measured me acclimated no clear pauern of response berween exposure condi­
and acute rates of oxygen consumption under nine [ions and ahiliry to regulate Y02 . Generally, the de­
temperature-salinity regimes. They presented a series gree of regulation decreased with increased tempera­
of multiple regression equations relating acclimation ture or decreased saliniry,
and exposure temperature and salinity to standard Wlddows cr al. (1989) found chat the tolerance
YO, measured in starved oysrers. As acclimation of C 1Jirginim larvae to anoxia increases with devel­
saliniry decreased, the effect of exposure temperawre opmental ~tage and hody size. Like juvenile and
became more pronounced and the effect of exposure adult oysters, oyster larvae maintained rates of heat
salinity decreased. As acclimation temperature in­ dissipation and oxygen uptake independent of POz
creased, the effect of exposure salinity decreased and down to low critical pressures of oxygen_ Pur rher,
the effect of exposure temperature increased (Table 2; prodissoconch larvae maintained relatively high rares
Fig. 15). The overall multiple regression equation is: of heat dissipation uuder anoxic conditions (34% of
normoxic rate), whereas pediveliger and juveniles
lowered their anoxic rates of heat dissipation to 3%
R:O.00LS+0.0004 T,,-0.OOI95.+0.0178 7".-0.00495,
of [he normoxic rate.
Newell {pers. comm.) studied oysters from both
where R '" Y01 (ml 02 0.4 g-lh-1) ; T~ and Sa '" accli­ a high (30 ppr) and low (to ppr) salinity environ­
mation temperature and salinity; and T e and Se '" ex­ ment in Chesapeake Bay and found that [hose from

me high-salinity population had significantly lower me subjecr ofnumerous reviews (see Spaargaren 1979
clearance rates coupled with higher metabolic rates and references therein; Burton 1983). Mosr marine
man rhose from me low-salinity population. There bivalve molluscs have little, if any, capability for ex­
was no evidence that oysters held in 6 ppt seawater tracellular osmotic regulation and C lIirginictl is no
had acclimated ro low salinity after a 14-d acclima­ exception. It is pcikilosmoric, i.c., an osmoric con­
tion period, supporting me contention of Shumway former wirh no ability for osmotic regulation of me
aud Koehn (1982) that the degree of regulation of extracellular fluid (hemolymph). When exposed to
respiration rate decreases wirh decreased salinity. waters of increased or decreased salinities, the he­
Shumway and Koehn (I982) found no evidence molymph becomes concentrated or diluted co remain
for capacity adaptation or acclimation in oxygen in osmotic equilibrium with the surrounding sea­
consumption of starved C virgi"icn. It is, however, water. This lack of extracellular regularion puts a bur­
undoubtedly the possession of this rather "elastic" or den on cells with regard to maintenance of cell vol­
"euryplascic" (Alderdice 1972) physiology mat allows ume compatible with cell function and maintenance
C oirginica to use available o>;ygen over a wide range of cellular constituents. Newell (pers. camm.) demon­
of temperature-salinity combinations and thus to sus­
strated mat although eastern oysters are tolerant of ex­
tain an energy gain from a constantly flucruaring en­
tended e."posure co low saliniries, they are physiologi­
cally stressed by such conditions.
Loosanoff (I953a) found mar me body fluids of
OSMOTIC REGULATION C virginictl are isosmotic with me external medium
The effects of salinity on osmotic and ionic regu~ as long as shell valves remain open. Fingerman and
lation in marine and estuarine invertebrates have been Fairbanks (1955a, b, 1956) reporred mat me species

Table 2. Mulriple regression equations relaring'VO:! (R; ml 1 0.4 g'\ h") of C. lIirgilJicfl from Long Island Sound to accli­
mation (Tl' SI) and experimenml (T 1l Sl) temperaturt:s and salinities (r = correlation coefficienr). From Shumway and
Koehn (1982).

Acclimation condition
SI (ppc) T, (0C) Regression equation

10 R= 0.0160 + 0.0140T1-0.0095 S2 0.950

28 20 R= 0.1050+ 0.0133T2-0.0085 Sl 0.910
30 R= 0.0181 +0.0202T1-0.0107 Sl 0.859

10 R = -0.0048 + 0.0153 T 1 - 0.0037 S2 0965

14 20 R = -0.0902 + 0.0189 T 2- 0.0024 S2 0.984
30 R = -0.0286 + 0.0210 T 1 - 0.0074 S2 0.913

10 R = -0.0597 + 0.0192 T 1 - 0.0022 Sl 0.994

7 20 R = -0.0779 + 0.0175 T z - 0.0006 S2 0986
30 R = -0.1580 + 0.0211 T 2 + 0.0001 Sl 0.977
28 ppt

V0 2

14 ppt


7 ppt 0.6

Figure 15. Graphic representation of the: combined effects of temperature (T, °C), snliniry (28, 14, and 7 ppr) and declin­
ing m.:ygcn tension (POz) on rate of m:ygcn consumption 'V0 z (ml 02 h-I) for n standard oyster 0(0.4 g dry weight. After
Shumway and Koehn (1982).


has a limited ability to osrnoregulare, however; this rebrares has been studied extensively (Duchareau et
conclusion was based on hemolymph analyses taken al. 1952; Simpson er al. 1959; jeuniaux et al. ]96];
only 4 ro 8 h after transferral of oysters adapred ro 17 Bricreaux-Gregoire er al. 1962, 1964a, b). Lynch
ppt inro salinities ranging from 10 to 36 Ppt- Galr­ (1965) and Lynch and Wood (I966) collected east­
soff (1964) srared that> if a salinity change of 10 ppt is ern oysters from areas of various salinities (i.e., field
maintained for several hours. it reduces the amount of acclimatized animals) and measured concentrations
time C oirginica remains open and pumping. He also of 20 free amino acids and ammonia in adductor
showed that oysters attained osmotic equilibrium in muscles (Figs. ]8, ]9). The roral concentration of
about 120 h when transferred from 31 or 32 ppt to FAAs of the muscle tissue increased proportionally
16.7 or 17.7 ppt. It seems likely that oysters used by with increased salinity> with taurine, glycine, alanine,
Fingerman and Fairbanks (1955a, b, 1956) had and proline accounting for most of the observed in­
closed their valves in response to the salinity change creases. Interestingly, concentration changes of indi­
and thus gave the impression of osmotic regulation. vidual free amino acids were not proportional to the
These researchers stared in their summary (1955b) salinity changes. Histidine was the only FAA that ex­
that "oysters must be free to open and close their shells hibited a decrease in concentration with increased
for weight and volume regulation. Oysters prevented salinity over a portion of the range tested. Lynch and
from completely closing their shells losr weighr both in Wood (1966) suggested that alterations in Na:K ra­
and out of water due ro secretion of body fluids." An­ tios associated with salinity changes could playa role
derson and Anderson (1974, 1975) demonstrated quite in regulation of the iicc amino acid concentration.
clearly that osmotic and chloride ion concentration of Wegener (t 97 t) used isolated mantle tissue as
body fluids of the oyster conformed to those of ambi­ well as whole oysters acclimated in the laboratory to
ent seawater over the non-lethal range of salinities half-screngch seawater (17 to 19 ppc) to study by­
(Fig. 16).
Hand and Stickle (1977) exposed C. virginica to
simulated tidal fluctuations of salinity of 20 to 10 to " •

20 ppt and 15 to 10 to 15 ppt and monitored peri­ :., 600

cardial fluid osmolality and concentrations of CI-, E

Nat, Mgt", K++. Cat" and ninhydrin-positive sub­ 0
.s 500
stances during both shan-and long-term expcri­
.~ ••
menrs. Their resulrs reconfirmed that oysters are os­
moue conformers and thar their pericardial fluid re­ "

mained slighrly hyperosmocic to the surrounding a


-c 300

seawarer (Fig. ] 7). They also dernonscrared that oys­ ~ •• • 3d
ters exposed to gradual flucruadons of salinity remain ~
200 •• _10 d
.... 17d
open and pumping for a greater percentage of rime
than do oysters exposed to sudden and abrupt salini­
c, 100
ty alterations. Hand and Scicklc (1977) suggested
rhar oysrers close their valves to partially dampen the
o 'O~-'OLO-"20LO~"30LO~-'40LO~-'5"0"0---'6c'0"0-7c'OLO-l
osmotic stress imposed when faced with continuous
Medium osmolarity (mOsm L -1)
salinity fluctuations for prolonged periods.
ln the absence of any extracellular osmotic regu­ Figure 16. Relationship between osmolarity of the medi­
lat.ion of the hemolymph, the cells must bear the um and that of oyster pericardia! fluid. Each point repre­
burden of volume regulation. During the late 1950s sents the average osmolaritymer 3, 10, and 17 d of three
and early 19605, arrenrion became focused on the oysters rrausferred from 620 mOsm L-I to the various me­
roleof intracellular free amino acids (FAAs), and Jia. The isosmotic tine is shown. Data points arc connect­
their function in osmotic regulation by marine inver­ cd for convenience. AfterAnderson and Anderson (1975).

Body Water
600 76




.s •~
.£ 84
82 1ft
500 78

" 400



0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26

Figure J7. Curves for percent body water and pericardia! fluid rnilliosmolaliry for 20-10-20 ppe (above) and 15-10-15 ppt
(below) diurnal experiments. ALma! seawater milliosroolafiry values are denoted by circles. Vertical Jines represent 95%
confidence intervals at each sample point along the regression lines. Alter Hand and Stickle (1977).

products of amino acid metabolism and mefate of in FAAs and a concomiranr release of a portion of me
both precursors and individual amino acids during FAA pool and some metabolic by-products. includ­
salinity stress. Her values for total FAA concentra­ ing FAAs, NH J 1 HCO z' and a non-FAA fraction
tions are similar ro those of Lynch (1965) and mu­ known to originate from alanine-Ucl'C. The FAAs
rine was again found to be the most abundant free released accounted for about 30% of the net reduc­
amino acid. Wegener (1970 found mat both whole tion in me tissue FAA pool of free amino acids in an­
oysters and isolated gill tissue maintained a constant imals acclimated in 50% seawater. Powell er al.
cell volume when exposed to reduced salinity and (1982) demonstrated mat factors other man salinity
mat measured changes in ammonia excretion rates of changes, including anoxia, turbidity, and drilling ef­
isolated mantle tissue indicated a shift in amino acid fluents, can cause alterations of me FAA pool in C
metabolism. Adjustments of the FAA pool were oirginica. Their results with regard to salinity induced
shown to be rapid, occurring within less man 3 h of changes are in agreement with those of me rwc previ­
exposure to reduced salinity. Conversely, FAAs were ous studies mentioned; again, taurine was the most
rapidly synthesized hy isolated mantle in response (Q prominent FAA present.
increased external osmotic pressure. When tissues Pathways of synthesis and degradation of FAAs
were exposed [Q 17 ppt seawater, mere was an imme­ are controlled by ionic concentration of intracellular
diate decrease in me incorporation of pyruvare-I J4C fluid tim in turn is determined by ambient salinity

gjnica during isosmotic intracellular regulation. Activ­

8.0 ity of GUr, however, increased substantially with in­
creased ionic concentrations. Because they could not
demonstrate an increase in aspartic acid with salinity
in adductor muscle, Wickes and Morgan (1976) spec­
6.0 ulared that a direct pathway exists for synthesis of ala­
nine from decarboxylation of aspartic acid, whereby
z aspartic acid formed From oxaloacerare could imme­
ci 4.0
diately undergo decarboxylation to form alanine. In
turn, this process would prevent build-up of aspartate
E 2
as the result of increased GOT acriviry and would
No. 01 Samples

2.0 4
Meal'l K] Hange
lead to an increased concentration of alanine. This
pathway for alanine synthesis remains to be demon­
scrated. Activity of GDH showed a high positive cor­
reiacion with salinity in adductor muscle but GDH
activity was absent in gill tissue.
In the only other similar study on eastern oysters,
o '---+----!:c-----;!:,---J
10 20 30 Cripps (1977) studied effects of salinity on six en­
Salinity (ppt) zymes, including GOT, PK, MDH, glutamate dehy­
drogenase (GDH), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), and
Figure 18, Mean concentration of weal Free amino acids in
phosphoenolpyruvate: carboxykinase (PEPeK) in gill,
adductor muscle of C. virgillica from various salinities. Af­
adductor muscle, and mantle tissue. His results were
ter Lynch (1965).TKN '"Tow Kjeldabl nitrogen.
in general agree:ment with Wickes and Morgan (1976)
and he pointed out that tesponses of individual tissues
and hemolymph concentration (Gilles 1969). Follow­ were variable for acute salinity stress.
ing the studies discussed above that demonstrated a In ocher related studies, Feng er al. (1970) re­
relationship between salinity and concentration offree ported seasonal variations in hemolymph FAAs as
amino acids, other studies were undertaken to deter­ well as a shift in the FAA pool in eastern oysters in­
mint the effecrfs) of salinity on enzymes implicated in duced by parasitic infestations of Bncepbalns sp. and
amino acid metabolism. For example, Sarkissian Haplosporidinm (=-MinchiJlia) nelsoni. These alter­
(1974) studied citrate synthase (an enzyme reversibly ations could conceivably iurerfere with osmoregula­
inhibited in vitro by increasing ionic strength) in C tory capabilities of infected oysters under some con­
viryjnim and found that catalytic activit)' was affected ditions. Prusch and Hall (978) calculated diffusion­
by increased concentration of salt, with The apparent al water permeabiliues (Pd) for eight different marine
K m increasing approximately six-fold, i.e., citrate syn­ bivalve species and found thar C. oirginica had one of
thase was slightly inhihired by salt. Sarkissian and Go­ the lowest P d values of any species studied, 3.01 ±
molinski (1976) demonstrated that malate dehydroge­ 0.28 X 10-5 ern s-'. This low permeability to water
nase from the oyster was not significantly affected by movement undoubtedly aids the ability of C. I)irgini­
changes in ionic strength of the reaction mixture. m to resist desiccation in high intenidal areas.
Wickes and Morgan (1976) examined the effects The role of amino acids in intracellular osmotic
of salinity on glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH), py­ regulation is complicated. and there are obviously
ru.vare kinase (PK), and gluramare-oxaloacerare trans­ numerous mechanisms operating simultaneously.
aminase (GOT) activity, in adductor muscle and gill Data reponed for C virginicil are similar to, although
tissue of eastern oysters. There was no measurable ef­ not in total agreement with, dara reponed for other
fectof salinity on PK, suggesting that it does not play bivalves with tegard to their osmotic regulation and
a regulatory role in the build-up of FAAs in C. vir­ amino acid pools (Lange 1963, 1972i Shumway et

al. 1977; Shumway and Youngson 1979). The ability GENETIC ADAPTATIONS TO
of eastern oysters to cope with a wide amplitude of ENVIRONMENTAL STRESSORS
salinity variation at the cellular level represeurs but
The existence of physiological races that are geo~
one more means by which they have successfully in­
graphically separnred has been demonstrated quite
vaded estuaries.

25 A
fi:l Taurine

2.0 ~ Glycinli1

• Proline
o Alanine
r-. 1.5
rn OGlulamic acid


0.03 l!Ilooleucine IMethionine B

'k Ilt.eucme t'l Valine
I- 0.02
~ 0.01


0.3 c
• Histidine
~ 0.2
a 01

3.4 9.0 12.5 16.5

19.7 26,7
Salinity (ppt)

Figure 19. Mean concenrrruions (1J1\A mg TKN-l) of (A) taurine, glycine, proline, alanine, and glutamic acid; of (E)
isoleucine, leucine, methionine, valine; and of (C) histidine in adductor muscle of C. virgillicft From various salinities.
TKN' [Total Kjddahl nitrogen]. Af[er Lynch (I965).

clearly, and differences can exist between populations Koehn and Shumway (1982) showed that marc
located in close geographic proximity. Longwell hereroaygous individuals of C oirginica were at an
(quoted in Loosanoff 1969) stated that "there is suffi­ energetic advantage compared to their homozygous
cient justification for the interesting speculation that siblings when exposed (Q temperature or sallniry
genetic differences playa role in the differences in ga­ stress. They found rhat the metabolic energy demand
metogenic activities of South Carolina oysters ex­ of high temperature and low-salinity was over twice
posed to the same temperatures that failed to elicit a as great for multiple locus homozygous individuals as
response from the other southern groups studied." for the most heterozygous individuals, and conclud­
Unformnarely, the prospect is still speculative. New­ ed rhat homeostasis represems a magnification of in­
ell and co-workers (pers. comm.) found significant herent genetic differences between individuals.
differences in attributes such as scope for growth.
feeding rate, and oxygen consumption between oys­ PARASITES, PREDATORS, AND
ter popnla tions from high and low-salinity areas;
however, they were nnable to demonstrate any differ­
ence between the two populations through elec­ Alrhongh salinity per sc can affect disrribunon of
trophoretic analyses of nine enzyme loci. The qnes­ oysters, the indirect role of salinity on the incidence
cion remains as to whether or nor separated popnla­ of parasites, predarors, and diseases can also control
dons of oysters exhibiting different tolerances to vari­ the distribution of eastern oysters. The estuarine hab­
ous environmental factors represem merely physio­ itat and associated freshwater influxes can have lethal
logical races or are in facr genetically units. effects on srenohaline carnivorous gastropods, star­
Newkirk ec at. (I977) showed that two popula­ fish, and other pestilential raxa. It has been noted that
tions of C virg1nicll exhibited genetic differences in high temperature and salinity combinations generally
regard to tolerance of reduced salinities and that some tend ro increase the threat of disease and predation.
of the genetic variation was non-additive. In a more For further discussion of effects of diseases of and pre­
complete smdy, Newkirk (1978) used oysters from dation on eastern oysters. see Ford and Tripp, Chap­
four populations and found evidence of overdomi­ rer 17 and White and Wilson. Chapter 16, respec­
nance in survival in one of their hybrids, although tively.
there were no signlflcanr differences in survival One of the most severe diseases of oysters (Der­
among the populations. Salinity also affected the ex­ ma) is caused by the protistan parasite Perkinsus nmri­
pression of differences in growth rate demonstrated lIUS, and is most prevalent in oysrers exposed [0 condi­

among populations. Non-additive genetic effects in tions of high remperarure and salinity (Mackin er al.
the hybrid crosses were also seen, but direction and 1950; Mackin 1951, 1956, 1%1; Hewarc and An­
magnitude were dependent upon salinity. Expression drews 1956; Andrews and Hewan 1957; Quick 1971;
of survival differences seen between populations was Qnickand Mackin 1971; Ogle and Flnrry 1980). The
dependent on the environment in which larvae were infectious agent was first erroneously described as a
reared and whether larvae were from a pure or a hy­ fungal disease by Mackin cr al. (I950) and initially
br id cross. Inreresdngly, there was as mnch difference named Dermocystidium nmrinum (later changed [Q
in survival between populations from the same esm­ Labyrintbomyxa marina; Levine 1958; see Mackin and
ary' :1S there was between populations from geographi­ Ray 1966). The relationship between this parasite and
cally isolated populations. Even though Newkirk high temperature and salinity conditions was quickly
(1 978) was able ro demonstrate evidence for geno­ established (Mackin 1951), as was the incidence of
rype-environmenr interaction on growth rate, the high mortalities of infected oysters during warm sum­
presmce of non-additive effecrs inreraccing with the mer mouchs (Mackin 1953; Hewarr and Andrews
environment precluded assigning these survival differ­ 1954). Ray and Chandler (1955) established that
errce either to adaptation to particular environments temperamres above 20°C favored development of rhe
or isolation of the populations. disease in the Gulf of Mexico.

In a later study, Mackin (1956) more clearly de­ Other diseases known to show chronic infections
fined me effects of salinity on Derma. He demon­ only at high salinities are Haptosporidinm COIM/is (SSO)
strated conclusively that low temperature-salinity and Haplosporidium nelsoni (MSX), with the latter tol­
combinations retarded parasite development and erating a wide range of temperanues and posing a se­
concluded that oysters can exist and grow vigorously rious and increasing threat to oyster populations (An­
in salinities slightly lower than the minimum rolerar­ drews 1967, 1988; Andrews and Ray 1988). Newell
ed by Derma. He hastened [0 point om, however, (1985) demonsrrarcd a marked reduction in clearance
that the margin of tolerance is so narrow that, for rate and condition index of C. virginicn with systemic
practical purposes, it does not exist. He summarized infections of MSX. He also noted that there were no
his results and others as follows: in the estuary there differences in the rate of oxygen consumption be­
is generally a positive correlation of high salinity with tween iufected and uninfected oysters. Decreased
high incidence and weighted incidence of the disease, feeding rates coupled with sustained metabolic cates
although infection by P marima is reduced at low lead to a decreased condition index and imparts a se­
saliniry. The saliniry tolerance range of me parasite is vere physiological stress on oysters (Newell 1985).
wide, in some instances varying from 8 [0 50 ppr. Barber er al. (1988a, b) demonstrated that condition
From laboratory experiments. he concluded. that, index aud fecundity in C virgilliCfl are a fuuctlon of
while there cau be a retarding effect of low saliuiry the infection intensity of MSX. Uninfecred individu­
per se, the disease may nevertheless develop in oysters als have higher values than epithelially infected indi­
at these low salinities and there is probably no physi­ viduals, which in turn have higher values than sys­
ological handicap for P marinns produced by low temically infected individuals. The condition indexes
salinities. He suggested that dilution of infecrive par­ of oysters with gill infections of MSX and systemic
ticles by freshwater inflow. coupled with the prepon­ infections were 13% and 31% lower than uninfecced
derance of ebb over flood current rates, tended to oysters, respectively. Fecuudiry was reduced in oysters
eliminate infective cells in low-salinity areas and (Q with gill infections (35% reduction) and systemic in­
concentrate them in high-salinity areas. fections (81% reduction) and Barber er al. (1988a. b)
Hewart and Andrews (1956) found that oysters concluded that reduced fecundity is most likely the
infected by P marinas all died within about four result of metabolic stress whereby MSX reduces food
weeks at 28 e. When infected oysters were held at
intake and competes for energy reserves. These authors
15 C, infection was arrested and mortalities caused
also dernousrrared that all biochemical componems
by the disease were negligible. Hewan and Andrews (lipid, glycogen, proreiu) geuerally decreased in con­
(1956) also suggested that oysters taken from an en­ cenrrarion with increasing MSX infection, inrensiry,
demic area were less susceptible to infection by Der­ and duration. Thus, even at sublethal levels, meat yield
mo than were oysters collected from non endemic and recruitment potential of C. virgin/en are reduced
waters. Andrews (1965) later showed that tempera­ by the presence ofMSX.
tures above 25 were uecessary (Q cause high mor­ Fisher aud Newell (1986) provided a possible ex­
talities. aud that P marirua growth is dependent on plauarion for the marked seasoual trends in infection
warm seasons. by diseases such as Derma, SSO, and MSX. They
Soniar (I985) studied the qnantirarive relation­ suggested that high salinity reduces the oysters' de­
ship berween intensity of infection by P. mnrinns and fense capacity, leaving them more susceptible to
the interaction of water temperature and salinity in pathogenic parasites. Fisher and Newell (1986) stud­
Galveston Bay. Although the temperature-salinity in­ ied effects of salinity on granular hemocyres in C.
teraction explaiued more variability in weighted inci­ oirginicn from Chesapeake Bay. These oyster hemo­
dence of P. marima than either temperature or salini­ lymph cells are responsible for most phagocytic activ­
ty alone, most variability was still unexplaiued. Soni­ ity that provides the primary line of defense against
at (1985) suggested that this variability was prohably foreign particles. Fisher and Newell (1986) demon­
the result of individual differences in resistance to in­ strated rbar increases in acute salinity retarded activi­
fection. ty of hemocyres and that decreases in acute salinity

enhanced hemocyric activities. They speculated that rates in fluctuating salinity cycles were not signifi­
differences in hemocyte activities found between high candy different from rates for drills at constant accli­
and low-salinity areas could provide oysters with marion salinities of 10 and 30 ppr- Garton and Scick­
greater disease resistance, i.e.• oysters that are able to lc (1980) were able to show that T. bnenmstomn can
maintain maximal hemocyric activity can be at an tolerate changes in its physiology chat accompany
advantage when faced with possible infection. This changes in environmental temperature and salinity
topic has been treated in greater detail by Cheng in and are able to function as an efficient oyster preda­
Chapter 8. tor under these conditions.
In addition to parasites and diseases, many oyster Various other oyster predators are also known to
predators are also limited to more saline waters (Grave be limited in their distribution by salinity. The star­
1905; Buder 1954; Wells 1961; Maurer and Wacling fish, Asterias [orbesi. has a lower salinity threshold of
1973). Indeed, Gunter (1955) proposed that one ad­ about 16 ro 18 ppt (Loosanoff 1945b; Wells 1961) as
vantage conferred to eastern oysters living in less saline does the whelk, Fasciolaria bunterin (Wells 1961). In
estuarine water was reduced predation and competi­ Virginia, Hopkins (1962) reponed on the distribu­
tion. Probably the most completely studied of these tion of species of the boring sponge, Cliona spp., on
predators are the drills. Thais baemasoma; Thai; lapil­ the eastern shore ofVirginia in relation to salinity. He
his, Urosalpinx cinerea. and Eupleum cnudata: These found that Cliona celatn was most abundant in high­
species constitute one of the largest groups of preda­
salinity bays and the least abundant in lower salinity,
tors on oysters and as such their tolerance and func­
whereas Cliona tmitti was the most abundant species
tional capabilities have heen studied by numerous au~
in low salinity areas and became increasingly promi­
rhors (see Carriker 1955; Hanks 1957; Manzi 1970i
nent as salinity decreased (see also Old 1941). The
Zachary and Haven 1973; Bayne and Scullard 1978).
flatworm, Stylochus ellipticus, is also a predator of oys­
Manzi (1970) exposed drills (Euplcnra amdntn
ters (Loosanoff 1956) that is tolerant of low salinities.
and Urosalpinx cinerea) to 12 salinity-temperature
Various species of crabs also pose a threat to oys­
combinations, and showed that feeding rates on oys­
ters. The commensal pea crab, Pinnotberes sp., fre­
ter spar increased with each increase in salinity and
quently occurs in oysters in high-salinity water on
temperature. Maximum rates were measured at the
the Atlantic coast bnt is uncommon in Gulf waters
highest salinity (26.5 ppr) and temperature (25°C)
(Buder 1954). MacKenzie (1970) showed that mud
tested; [irrle or no feeding was seen at 12.5 ppt.
Manzi (1970) concluded rhar this salinity is near me crabs (family Xanrhidae) prey on oyster spat and Lit­
[ower limit for feeding. He further showed rhac at all de and Qnick (1976) reported mat prolonged peri­
temperature and salinity combinations studied, U ods of high salinity (greater than 25 ppr) foster pro­
cinerea consumed more oyster spat than did E. can­ liferation of xanrhid crabs, among other species. The
dam: stone crab Menippe mercenaria preys on eastern oys­
Garron and Stickle (1980) found that both pre­ rcrs but is nor tolerant of low salinities and is elimi­
darien and ingestion rates of T. haemastoma feeding nated by freshwater intrusion (Menzel er al. 1966).
on eastern oysters are sensitive to temperature and Menzel et a]. (1966) also reponed thar the blue crab,
salinity, and rhar the temperature threshold for pre­ Callinectes sapidus, becomes a more serious predator
darien is herwecn 10 and 12.5°C; no feeding occurs when large oysters are weakened by high tempera­
below 7.5 ppt. Garton and Stickle (1980) also ex­ tures.
posed drills to diurnal tidal fluctuations of salinity, Finally, che sea anemone, Diadumene lcncolena, is
more closely representing the estuarine environment a predator of oyster larvae in the Chesapeake Bay re­
rh an did previous studies, and demonstrated that gion (MacKenaic 1977; Steinberg and Kennedy
drills had predation rates significantly lower than 1979). Clearly, me fact that oysters can tolerate lower
rhosc ar rhe optimal constant salinity of 20 Pl" at salinities than those that inhibit predators has aided
30°C; however, there were no significant differences in the proliferation of oysters in the upper reaches of
among salinities at 20°e. Predation and ingestion esruanne systems.

LIGHT, pH, AND TURBIDITY and sperm released outside the range of pH 6.0 to
10.0 lose their viability rapidly within 2 to 4 h, with
Orton (1929) first suggested that oysters do not rhe lowered viability due to a combinarion of pH
feed during lace night or early morning hours. 100­ and aging (Fig. 21). The pH range for normal em­
sanoff and Nomejko (1946) studied the possible ef­ bryonic development is 6.75 rc 8.75, with a lower
fects of tidal stage and periods of light and darkness pH limit of 6.00 for larval survival. Normal growth
on the feeding activity of about 1,400 C oirginica. In was found over rhe pH range of 6.75 to 8.75 and
darkness, the percenrage of oysters with full stomachs growth rare decreased rapidly at pH levels below
was comparable to that of the individuals examined 6.75. Optimum pH for growth of oysrer larvae is
in daylight, the oysters fed actively, and the average 8.25 ro 8.5.
rare of pumping was comparable ro that by day. Shell The effect ofvarying quantities of suspended rna­
valves remained open 94% of the time during day­ rerial (sesron) on the biology of C. oirginica has been a
light and darkness and the oysters were feeding all Of matter of discussion for many years, yet sesro n re­
most of the rime when their shells remained open. mains one of rhe lease studied environmental vari­
Thns, no experimental evidence exists ro support the ables. Suspended materials may be natural (floods,
early theory that oysters feed only by day, and it is storms) or anthropogenic (dredging) in origin. Opin­
now generally accepted that light has no discemable ions of researchers have ranged from (he claim that
effect on their feeding acriviry oysrers feed only in clear waters (Kellogg 1915,
Light has, however, been shown ro affect other as­
pects of oyster biology. Medcof and Kerswill (1965)
reported that shading increases linear shell growth of
oysters about 150% bur reduces the ratio of thickness
ro length. Punher. exposure ro light increases plump­ x

ness of meats, specific gravity of (he body tissue, and series I X--X
6 series II 0 - 0 1.2
shell fluring and pigmentation. These results are in
agreement with those reponed previously by Medcof c;
~ <
(1949). No physiological mechanisms were suggesred •
for these differences.
.~ w
Medcof (1955) indicated that light favors setting en 4 x 0.8
~x ,a
of C. virginiclllarvae. Rirchie and Menzel (1969) and a,

Shaw er al. (1970), however, demonstrated rhar eyed w ~

larvae of C uirginica are light sensitive and rhar larval "w en

0 __ 0
swing is encouraged by darkness and partially inhih­
ired by light (Fig. 20). Larval behavior is covered in
greater derail by Kennedy in Chaprer 10.

2 \0'

Early dara on the effects of pH on rhe biology of

C. oirginicaese anecdoral. Based on a few field obser­
varions, Prytherch (1928) suggested that spawning is
inhibited by low pH. Loosanoff and Tommers 01 I
0 20 40 60 80 100
(1948) demonstrated that pH affects pumping rate
Maximum ligh\ ('Yo)
such thar oysters kepr in waters of pH 4.25 pump
only 10% as much water as control animals at 7.75
pH, even (hough the oysters remain open about 75% Figure 20. Etfecs oflighr on numbers of oystcr larvae scr­
of rhe rime. Calabrese and Davis (1966, 1969, 1970) ring. Toral spat setting over 3 to 4 d expressed as pcrcclll
demonsrrared that the minimum and maximum pH of living larvae prcselll, plocrcd againsc rhc proportion
levels at which the oyster will spawn are 6.0 and 10.0, (%) of each 24 h period during which ranks were illnmi.
respectively. Moreover, they found that oyster eggs oared. AfterShaw cr a.l. (1970).

1916) [Q that of oysters being unaffected by highly rion are discussed by Newell and Langdon in Chap­
turbid waters (Grave 1916), and have provided the ter 5.
basis for several debates in the early literature. Nelson The effects of rurbidiry (silt or scsron concentra­
(I921c) demonstrated that oysters fed in waters of tion) on the activity pam:rns of oyslef!i has been the
high levels of sesron (up to 0.4 g dry weight L- I ) . focus ofseveralstudies, especially in relation to dredg­
Loosanoff and Engle (I947a) presented evidence in­ ing activities. Increased concenrradons of suspended
dicating that Kellogg (1915,1916), Grave (916), materials can induce a reduction in pumping rare, a
and Nelson (1921 c, 1951) were all partially correct in dogging of me gill apparatuS, a subsequent reduction
their conclusions. They supported Kellogg's (1915, in growth me, and death. As, pointed our by Stern
1916) contentions that oysters feed most efficiently in and Stickle (1978), alrhough the effects of turbidity
clear waters; however, they also found that oysters and suspended marcrial may nor necessarily be lethal,
can feed in water containing relatively large numbers quite ofien the associated sedimentation may smocher
of microorganisms, although under snch conditions and kill both juvenile and adult oysters.
the rate of feeding is decreased. If the concentration Lunz (1938) performed a field study dnring the
of planktonic organisms is roo great, feeding ceases. dredging of the Intracoastal Waterway of Sonth Car­
A more derailed acco nnr (Loosanoff and Engle olina. Unless adnlr oysters were completely buried.
1947b) provided data on the effects of high conccn­ their morraliry near the dredging acriviry was no
rrarions of microorganisms on feeding and pumping higher than in areas remote from the dredging opera­
by C. virgilliCfl. The changes in feeding activity of tions and there was no evidence ofchanges in the phy­
oysters In response to increases in scsron concenera­ siological condition of the oysters. The intensity of
serring of oysters adjacent to rhe dredging operations
did nor differ from serring intensity in areas remote
from snch activities. Lunz (1938) concluded that
150 ----0-- oro Eggs developing normally dredging apparently had no effect on spawning and
- % Survival01 larvae setting success. Much subsequent work has found
-- .....- % Increase In mean lenglh delereriuous effects of siltation on culcch cleanliness.
Even a thin layer of silc reduces spar serrlemenr as re­
viewed by Mackenzie in Chapter 21.
100 Loosanoff (1948) and Loosanoff and Tornmers
(1948) demonsrrared rhar concentrations of silt (0.1 g
L-I; note that rhis is over four times the maximnm
levels commonly observed in estuarine waters) caused

a 57% reduction in primping rate of adult oysters in
50 Long Island Sound. The redncrion in the average
I pumping rate was more than 80% at 1 gL- ' and 94%
I in concentrations of 3 and 4 g L_I. Similar resnlrs
l were shown for kaolin and chalk. Fuller's earth at a
concenrrarion of 0.5 g L-1 reduced the rate of pump­
0~~~~~~~""""~,...J ing hy 60% (Fig. 22). Although the efficiency of feed­
6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 ing was greatly reduced, the oysters could ingest small
Adjusled initial pH quantities of panicles in very turbid waters. This find­
ing suppom the earlier statement of Nelson (1921b)
that oystef!i could feed in turbid waters.
Figure 21. The pH tolerance of oysrer embryos and larvae Loosnnoff and Tommers (1948) also demonsrra­
as indicated hy percentage of eggs that developed normal­ red that the shell movements of oysTers in turbid wa­
ly, survival of larvae, and increase in mean length. After ters were greater in amplitude and of a different rype
Calabrese and Davis (1966). than those under normal conditions. Movements in

turbid waters were usually associated with the expul­ kaolin concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 4 g L:'.
sion of large amounts of pseudo feces. Loosanoff and rate of change in pumping ranged from -100 ro
Torners (1948) speculated on the possibility of physi­ +18%. with average reductions ranging from 57 ro
ological races of oysters with varying degrees of toler­ 94% for silt and from 46 (Q 85% for kaolin. Over a
ance to turbidity. These findings were confirmed by similar range of concentrations of chalk, the rates of
the work of Hsiao (1950) who reported that the change ranged from -12 to -94%, with average re­
more turbid me water, the more irregular the respira­ duceions of 38 ro 89%. Ar 0.5 g L", Fuller's earth re­
rory and feeding movements of me shells of C. vir­ duced pumping by an average of 60%.
giniefl. A reduction in the rurbidicywas followed im­ In addition (Q the reductions in pumping rates,
mediately by increased shell movement. Hsiao the oysrcrs formed and discharged large quantities of
(1950) also showed that in very turbid seawater, pseudo feces containing silr and increased their shell­
where the silt was allowed to settle on the oysters, valve activity, presumably in association with the rapid
mere was an immediate cessation of shell movement expulsion of the pseudofeces. In heavy concentrations
for 16 ro 19 h. The animals subsequently anempred of silr, oysrers closed their shells entirely for extended
to reopen their shells in an effort to remove the silt. If periods of rime, somerimes remaining closed for a pe~
the silt deposits remained for more than 3 d. death
Engle (I958) found no detrimental effects of
suspended silr on eastern oysrers hung in baskers ad­
jacent to dredging acriviries in Chesapeake Bay. He 90
suggesred thar dredging mighr provide an increased
supply of organic detritus that would in turn increase
. . . ?::---­
.' ---<>

the condition of the oysters. McKinney and Case
(1973) reponed similar results for oystcrs suspended
in experimental cages in San Antonio Bay, Texas, al­
/ c

though populations on the bottom were killed by the J: C

70 o.~
accumulation of dredged particles. Mackin (1956,
Q , ..
1962) and Mackin and Hopkins (1961) found that g I.:"
D Ii
turbidities up to 0.7 g L" were not harmful (Q east­ ~ 60 ~
ern oysters and rhar ir was apparently impossible (Q C
maintain a suspension of high concentration long ~ I
enough to cause mortality of oysrers. They did repon 0... 50 I
an inverse relationship between turbidity and mortal­
ity of oysrers; however, these differences in mortality
rares were probably more a function of salinity than 40 I
turbidity (see also Buder and Engle 1950; Gunter Sill •••••••••

1953; Cory and Redding 1976). Mackin (1956) also Kaolin o---tl

stated thar high rurbidirics neither enhance nor de­ 30 CaCO J - ­

press the effect of Derma disease.

The mosr detailed studies on rhe eflecrs of rurbid­
iry on pumping and shell valve activity in easrern oys­ OL---------­
2 3 4
ers is char of Loasanoff (1962). He demonstrated thar Concenlralion (9 L _I)
0.1 g L- 1 of silr can noticeably affect the behavior of
zdulr oysters. The average reduction in rate of pump­ Figure 22. Percent reduction in pumping rate of eastern
ing was 57%; however, occasionally the oysters ap­ oysters subjected to different concentrations of turbidity­
peared to be srimularcd and pumped Faster. In silt and creating substances. After Loosanoff (1948).

riod of several weeks. Loosanoff (1962) concluded ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

that oysters "feed most efflclendy in relatively clear
. I am indebted to Pam Shepard-Lupo and Mary
Of equal or grearer imponance than the effects Lou Gilmor, librarians without whom this review
of sesron on adult oysters is irs effecrfs) 011 eggs and would nor have been possible. Jan Burrer; John Hed­
larval stages. Davis (cited in Loosanoff 1962) and ley, and Kristin Geib performed many thankless tasks
Davis and Hidu (1969) showed clearly that silt was and their help is greatly appreciated. Thanks also to
harmful to oyster eggs. Egg mortality was 27% at Kim Knowlton and Jim Rollins who prepared the
concentrations of 0.25 g L" of silt and 69% ar 0.5 g figures and ro Martha Hernandez-Davis who typed
L-I. Silt was more harmful to oyster eggs than either the manuscript. M. Carriker and rhe lare W Menzel
kaolin or Fuller's earth. Oyster larvae could with­ kindly read an earlier version of the manuscript and
srand highly turbid warer (2 g L:' silt and up to 4 g made many helpful suggestions.
L-l of either kaolin or Fuller's earth) for up to 14 d.
Carriker (1986) has recently reviewed the avail­ REFERENCES
able literature concerning the effecrs of silt on plank­
tonic srnges of C. virginica ranging from eggs and Alderdice, D.F. 1972. Factor eombinarions. Responses of
spermatozoa to pediveligers. His review demonstrates marine poikilcdierrns to envircnmenral facrcrs acting
the paucity of informarion on this topic. He suggests in concert. Pages 1659-t772 in O. Kinne (cd.). Ma­
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stages may bc particularly vulnerahle to the presence Amemiya, I. 1926. Nores on experiments on the early de­
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Anderson, R.D. and J.W Anderson. 1974. Physiological
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