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Definition Lower than 8.6 mg/dl Higher than 10.2 mg/dl

Causes LOW CALCIUM Hyperparathyroidism

Low Parathyroid Hormone Malignant tumors
Oral intake inadequate Thiazide diuretic - potentiate the action of PTH on the
Wound Drainage kidneys, reducing urinary calcium excretion
Celiac Disease, Crohn’s Disease Vitamin A and D intoxication
Acute Pancreatitis Chronic lithium use and theophylline toxicity
Low Vitamin D intake Hypophosphatemia
Chronic Kidney Disease Kidney disease (decreased excretion)
Increased phosphorus level
Using Medications
Mobility Issues
Clinical Manifestations Tetany Hypercalcemia reduces neuromuscular excitability because it
most characteristics manifestation suppresses activity at the myoneural junction
Caused by increased neural excitability by decreasing the
threshold needed for the activation of neurons Cardiovascular:
Cardiovascular: Tachycardia in early phase
Bradycardia Bradycardia in late phase that can lead to cardiac arrest
Hypotension Increased BP
Diminished peripheral pulses bounding, full peripheral pulses
Impaired clotting time
Gastrointestinal: Ineffective respiratory movement as a result of
Increase motility profound skeletal muscle weakness
Hyperactive bowel sounds Neuromuscular:
Cramping Profound muscle weakness
Diarrhea Diminished or absent DTR
Disorientation, lethargy, coma
Bronchospasms Gastrointestinal:
Respiratory failure due to tetany and seizure Decreased motility
Hypoactive bowel sounds
Neuromuscular: Distention
Irritable skeletal muscles Constipation
Twitching, cramping, seizures
Carpopedal spasms
Hyperactive DTR
Anxiety, irritability
(+) Trousseau Sign - Carpopedal spasm induced by
inflating a BP cuff above the systolic BP
(+) Chvostek Sign - Contraction of the facial muscle
elicited in response to light tap over facial nerve

Laboratory Findings ECG Changes: ECG Changes:

Prolonged ST, QT interval Shortened ST segment
Widened T Wave
Management Parenteral Calcium Salt IV administration of 0.9% sodium chloride solution
Calcium gluconate and calcium chloride To dilute calcium and to promote calcium excretion
 Calcium chloride has higher calcium content but Administering IV phosphate
is not commonly used
 Irritating if infiltrated, can cause necrosis or Furosemide - increases calcium excretion
 Caution for pt’s receiving digitalis - Can cause Calcitonin - reduces bone resorption, increases the deposition
digoxin toxicity of calcium and phosphorus in the bones, and increases urinary
 Do not use 0.9 NaCl - Increase renal calcium loss excretion of calcium and phosphorus
 No to solutions containing phosphates or Skin testing for allergy to salmon calcitonin
bicarbonates - Can cause precipitation given by intramuscular injection rather than
 Can cause postural/orthostatic hypotension - subcutaneously
Bedrest during infusion, BP monitoring
For patients with cancer
 Too rapid administration can cause cardiac arrest
surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy
 Should be diluted in D5W and given slow IV bolus
Corticosteroids may be used to decrease bone turnover
or slow IV infusion using pump
Bisphosphonates - inhibit osteoclast activity
Increase calcium diet
(pamidronate disodium [Aredia], ibandronate sodium
1000 – 1500 mg daily
Milk products, green leafy vegetables, canned salmon,
Mithramycin - cytotoxic antibiotic, inhibits bone
canned sardines, fresh oysters, tofu, soymilk resorption
Vit D Therapy - Increase calcium absorption in GIT o S/E: thrombocytopenia, nephrotoxicity,
rebound hypercalcemia when discontinued,
and hepatotoxicity

Nursing Management Seizure precaution Increase patient mobility

Quiet environment Encouraging fluids - 2.8 to 3.8 L (3 to 4 quarts) of fluid
Maintain patent Airway - Laryngospasm daily
Safety – Risk for bone fractures Fluids containing sodium should be given unless
Foods high in Calcium contraindicated, because sodium assists with calcium
Avoid alcohol and caffeine - Inhibits absorption excretion
Smoking increases urinary excretion of calcium Adequate fiber in the diet
Avoid laxatives or antacids containing phosphorus – Safety precautions - altered mental status, pathologic
decreases absorption fractures
Assess for signs and symptoms of digitalis toxicity
Renal Calculi – complication, strain urine, monitor for
presence of flank pain
cardiac rate and rhythm are monitored for any

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