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Asking the Right Question:

 Well, asking open questions – questions the celebrities can't ………… with a short answer.
Open questions give them the chance to talk and possibly reveal some juicy details
about themselves!
 OK – bad choice. Sorry. But your reaction was juicy – you got pretty …………….. – and that
means embarrassed or angry! I'll try to think of a better question to ask you before the
end of the show.

Is Modern Life Making Us Tired:

 Six is enough for me. But did you know this? Humans sleep around three hours less than
other ……… like chimps, who sleep for about ten hours. So, you're a chimp, Neil – at the
weekends, at least! Are you ready for the quiz question?
 Their sleep was not that different from ours. The ………………. was about 6.9 to 8.5 hours.
If you actually ………… in current populations in the United States or in Europe they're
definitely ………………of what's been reported. They certainly don't sleep a lot less than
we do but they clearly don't sleep more.

Are We Afraid of Food:

 It only takes a tiny piece of peanut to cause a ………….. in some people. An
allergy by the way, is a ……….. that makes you feel ill after eating, touching or breathing
in ……………….
 Rickets is common in the developing world but this is London in the 21st century. These
children aren't ……………. because they're too poor to eat well – it's the opposite. Their
often-middle-class parents are spending money to give them foods with ingredients
taken out. It's as if some of us have become ………….. of our food.

It is in the Genes:
 Gene editing is the ability ……….. – or control – DNA. And in case you didn't
know, DNA is short for deoxyribonucleic acid – this is a substance in the cells of animals
and plants that contains genetic information. And a gene is part of the DNA in the cell
that controls the …………………………. of a plant or animal and is passed on from its
 Think of gene editing as a molecular …………. It scans the DNA searching for the error.
Then it uses molecular scissors to ………………, which switches off the faulty gene. Or it
can repair the code by inserting a healthy copy of the gene. These techniques ……………..
of treating – even curing – some genetic diseases – and it's not science fiction.

Social Media Distraction:

 ……………. we're changing, that almost the neck muscles ……….. to look down. We're
getting a new kind of human being. And I think – maybe I'm not getting it – but there is
actually a different kind of …………… in which these instruments are very important.
 You were right, Neil! Well done! It's a combination of' 'phone' and 'snubbing' – snub
means to …….. someone you know. New words formed by putting together parts of
existing words are known as ………………… words. And 'phubbing' is starting to appear in
some online dictionaries. Now can we hear the words we learned today?

Make sentence by these words and Phrases:

 Inception:
 Remake
 Tone down
 Pull an all-nighter
 Etiquette
 Shake a leg
 Fraud
 Spending spree
 Authenticate
 Commute
 Arid
 Evolve

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