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Jireh G.


BSEd – Mathematics 2

Great Books

War and Peace
Activity 1
Intellectual Discussion

Literal Questions and Discussions.

1. What was the agenda of Anna Pavlovna Schere in meeting with
Prince Vasili Kuragin?B-1
 Anna Pavlovna Schere spoke to her old friend Prince Vasili
Kuragin about the threat Napoleon brings to Russia, calling him
an Antichrist and declaring that Russia will save Europe alone.
2. What favor did Prince Vasili Kuragin asked from Anna in return?
 He asked Anna to arrange a meeting between his son Anatole
with the daughter of the rich Prince Bolkonski, Mary Bolkonski.
3. Who believes that peace is still possible at that time?
 The one who believed that peace was still possible at that time
is Pierre.
4. What nations were allies and at war with what nation during the war
in 1805? B-2.
 The nation that were allies are Russia and Austria.
5. Identify the illegitimate son and heir to the fortune of count
 The illegitimate son and heir to the fortune of count Bezukhova
is Pierre.
6. Why do you think that the critics of Pierre suddenly becomes very
friendly to him? B-3.
 One of the critics of Pierre is Vasili Kuragin who has an ulterior
motive of marrying his daughter Helene to him and borrowing
forty thousand rubbles.
7. Explain what happened to Pierre and Dolokhov during the duel.
 During the duel, Pierre wounds Dolokhov severely, and wrongly
assumes that he killed him. With this thing happens, it leads to
the separation of Pierre and Helene agreeing that the latter will
receive a part of Pierre’s fortune and because of this Pierre
departs alone for St. Petersburg.
8. What was the greatest transformation in the life of Pierre after he
left his unfaithful wife, Helene? B-5.
 He met a stranger wearing a Masonic ring. After knowing the
stranger, Pierre decided to join the Freemason which influenced
his personal and fortunes greatly.
9. Discuss the significance of the old oak tree to Prince Andrey’s
realization of “Life”. B-6.
 Prince Andrei is unable to overlook the oak's obnoxious ugly
appearance. He ponders its significance and comes to the
conclusion that he is the oak, serving as a sobering reminder
that, in spite of the Spring's fake joy and vigor, everyone is
helpless and that the only things that are constant in life are old
age and death.
10.Discuss the reasons why Pierre discontinued his affiliation with the
Freemasonry Society.
 Being frustrated with Freemasonry's mysticism and passivity,
Pierre becomes aware of its limitations. After giving a speech at
the Masonic lodge, his discontent turns to open disobedience,
and his religious faith nearly completely vanishes.
11.Explain the changes that Pierre had noticed in his wife after they
were reconciled as husband and wife.
 He noticed that she is always amazing at how her stupidity can
be considered the expression of intelligence, how her least
remark gains rapt attention.
12.Examine and explain the effect of Bazdyev on Pierre’s spirituality. B-
 After Bazdyev’s death, Pierre lost his interest in religious life. He
only sees the evil in every human activity.

1. What does Tolstoy mean with this, “ inspite of the war, inspite
of all the self-sacrificing, people continue with their personal
lives, these daily human activities are more significant than the
public ones we know. Those who are concerned with their
immediate problems, has the most utilized role in history,
while those who tries hard to hold the general flow of events,
and try by heroism and self-sacrifice to take a hand in it, are
the most useless in society."?
 It expresses Tolstoy belief that the daily human interests and
activities of ordinary people are more important than the public
events and heroic actions that are often celebrated in history
books. Tolstoy argues that people who are focused on their
immediate problems and concerns, such as providing for their
families or pursuing their personal goals, are playing a more
useful role in society than those who are striving to influence the
course of history through acts of heroism and self-sacrifice.
Tolstoy's view reflects his belief in the importance of individual
agency and the idea that history is shaped not just by great
leaders and events, but also by the actions and choices of
ordinary people. He suggests that the most meaningful
contributions to society are made through the small, everyday
actions of individuals, rather than through grand gestures or
attempts to shape the course of history.
2. Expound this statement, “ Happiness is merely the absence of
 The statement "Happiness is merely the absence of suffering"
implies that happiness is simply the relief of suffering, and that if
we are not experiencing pain or discomfort, we can be
considered happy. While this view has some merit, it is limited
in that it ignores the active pursuit and creation of positive
experiences and meaning, as well as the fact that happiness can
coexist with suffering.
3. Pierre was happy despite cruelty and deprivation he
experienced in the hands of the French army while in prison.
 The character of Pierre is optimistic and he considered
everything that happened in his life good and able to turn it into
4. Explain this, “ Life is God, and to love life is to love God”, Pierre
 When we say life, it refers to our daily experiences, bad and
good. But there is no such thing as bad, when we trust God in
His ways. We only suffers bad experiences because of our poor
decisions, and sometimes, God allows us to face the
consequences of our poor decisions to teach us.
 So if we love life, we must care of it through our decisions
(mental), actions (physical), and by choosing healthy peers
(social and emotional), and by reading God’s word (spiritual).
 Life is God because He is the author of life, and when we know
God, we know how to love for God is love. So, choose God as we
care of our life for we can only find Eternity of Life and Love in
His presence.

War and Peace Book 1 Characters
 Anna Pavlovna Scherer – Old friend of Prince Vasili Kuragin, the one that
spoke to Prince Vasili about the threat Napoleon brings to Russia.
 Prince Vasili Kuragin – A self-seeking man who has a low opinion of his
children but seeks to further their interests. Convinces Pierre Bezukhov to
marry his daughter Helene despite Pierre's reservations.
 Helene Kuragin – Beautiful but shallow and self-serving woman, daughter
of Prince Vasili. She accedes to parental pressure and marries Pierre.
 Pierre Bezukhov – Illegitimate son of Count Bezukhov. He inherits his
father's enormous fortune and, passively obeying the desires of others,
marries the beautiful but shallow Helene Kuragin.
 Marya Fedorovna – Empress of Russia.
 Anatole – One of Prince Vasili’s sons.
 Prince Bolkonski – Father of Marya Bolkonski.
 Marya Bolkonskaya – Daughter of Prince Bolkonski.
 Lise Bolkonski – Bolkonski’s daughter-in-law who is married to his military
son Andrew.
 Andrew Bolkonski – Son of Prince Bolkonski.
 Hippolyte Kuragin – Son of Prince Vasili.
 The Rostovs – Anna’s wealthy relatives in Moscow.
 Natasha Rostov – Daughter of the Count and Countess Rostov.
 Nicholas Rostov – Brother of Natasha Rostov.
Book 1. Plot of the Story
 It was in July, 1805 at a society party in St. Petersburg, Anna Pavlovna
Scherer speak to her old friend Prince Vasili Kuragin about the threat
Napoleon brings to Russia, calling him an Antichrist and declaring that
Russia will save Europe alone.
Initial Action
 Prince Vasili Kuragin asks a favour from Anna to arrange a meeting between
his son Anatole with the daughter of the rich Prince Bolkonski, Mary
Rising Action
 The simple and ungainly son of Count Bezukhov who studied abroad and
just came back to Russia arrived in the party, his name is Pierre Bezukhov.
 After the party, Pierre visited Andrew’s house where they talked about the
idea of peace that Pierre really believed it is possible.
Falling Action
 Anna went to her wealthy relatives in Moscow, the Rostovs. There they
discussed Pierre’s uncivilized lifestyle.
 Anna visited her dying godfather Cyril Bezukhov, there they were greeted
by Vasili Kuragin heir to the Bezukhov’s fortune due to Pierre’s illegitimacy.

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