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Digestive Diseases and Sciences


Elimination of Dietary Triggers Is Successful in Treating Symptoms

of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
Cesare Tosetti1,4 · Edoardo Savarino2 · Edoardo Benedetto1,3 · Rudi De Bastiani1,5 on behalf of the Study Group for
the Evaluation of GERD Triggering Foods

Received: 28 March 2020 / Accepted: 14 June 2020

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2020

Background The relationship between aliments and pathophysiological abnormalities leading to gastroesophageal reflux dis-
ease (GERD) symptoms elicitation is unclear. Nevertheless, patients often report symptoms after ingestion of specific foods.
Aims To identify in primary care setting the presence of foods able to trigger GERD symptoms, and evaluate whether a
consequent specific food elimination diet may result in clinical improvement.
Methods Diagnosis of GERD and quantification of reflux symptoms were done according to GERD-Q questionnaire (posi-
tive when > 8). During clinical data collection, patients were asked to report aliments associated with their symptoms. Also,
a precompiled list of additional foods was administered to them. Then, patients were requested to eliminate the specific
foods identified, and to come back for follow-up visit after 2 weeks when GERD-Q questionnaire and clinical data collec-
tion were repeated.
Results One-hundred GERD (mean GERD-Q score 11.6) patients (54 females, mean age 48.7 years) were enrolled. Eighty-
five patients reported at least one triggering food, mostly spicy foods (62%), chocolate (55%), pizza (55%), tomato (52%),
and fried foods (52%). At follow-up visit, the diagnosis of GERD was confirmed in only 55 patients, and the mean GERD-Q
score decreased to 8.9. Heartburn reporting decreased from 93 to 44% of patients, while regurgitation decreased from 72 to
28%. About half of the patients agreed to continue with only dietary recommendations.
Conclusions Most patients with GERD can identify at least one food triggering their symptoms. An approach based on
abstention from identified food may be effective in the short term.

Keywords Gastroesophageal reflux disease · Primary care · Food · Symptoms · Heartburn · Regurgitation

Background a relevant number of these subjects do consult their Gen-

eral Practitioner, particularly when their symptoms influ-
The presence of typical symptoms (i.e. heartburn and ence their daily life [3]. The main mechanism involved in
regurgitation) of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) symptom elicitation is represented by the inappropriate
is very common in the general population, pertaining about relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter with consequent
20–25% of the individuals in Western Countries [1, 2]. Thus, migration of gastric contents into the esophagus [4, 5], but

* Edoardo Savarino Gastroenterology Unit, Department of Surgery, Oncology and Gastroenterology – DiSCOG, University of Padova, Via
Giustiniani, 2, 35128 Padova, Italy
Cesare Tosetti
3 Primary Care Gastroenterologist, National Health System,
Cosenza, Italy
Edoardo Benedetto
4 Department of Primary Care Porretta Terme, Health Agency
of Bologna, Bologna, Italy
Rudi De Bastiani
5 Department of Primary Care, Heath Agency of Belluno,
Feltre, Italy
National Health System, Group for Primary Care
Gastroenterology (GIGA-CP), Belluno, Italy

Digestive Diseases and Sciences

others features have been involved in the pathogenesis of this observational questionnaire-based studies with all the data
disease, including poor esophageal clearance and visceral de-identified prior to analysis do not require IRB or EC
hypersensitivity (6–9). approval. The study was carried out in accordance with the
Various risk factors have been associated with GERD, Helsinki Declaration.
and above all, diet seems to play a major role [10–14]. How- The study was carried out as part of routine evalua-
ever, studies are generally inconclusive to show a clear asso- tion of the patient. A complete clinical history was col-
ciation between the ingestion of particular aliments and the lected, including demographics (race, age, gender), body
occurrence of specific pathophysiological abnormalities [12, mass index, medical records, and ongoing treatments. In
15]. Nevertheless, patients often report the rising of reflux these subjects, General Practitioners after having checked
symptoms after the ingestion of specific alimentary foods [1, and recorded in a professional database demographic
16–24]. For this reason, in presence of typical symptoms, it and anthropometrical data, noted in the individual chart
is generally recommended to reduce the intake of such foods, every food that the patient spontaneously related to typi-
for instance, orange, mint, chocolate, suspected to facili- cal GERD symptom occurrence. Moreover, additional
tate the symptomatology. This is usually done empirically, foods were annotated by General Practitioners asking the
but the right and timely identification of these foods may patients to look at a precompiled list including foods not
positively impact on reflux disease presence and severity, reported spontaneously by patients (Table 1). This list of
and it could be also useful in reducing the pharmacological possible dietary triggers was compiled based on previous
exposure of this population. Indeed, patients with symptoms studies [1, 12, 20, 22, 30, 33], considering also the eating
of GERD often start therapies with powerful suppressors of habits in Italy.
acid gastric secretion, that are difficult to reduce and stop At the end of the first visit, each patient was asked to
[25]. eliminate from the diet the foods identified, and to come
The aim of the present study was to identify the presence back for follow-up visit after 2 weeks. In this period, patient
of foods able to elicit typical symptoms of GERD, and to did not assume antisecretory drugs, but the use antacids or
verify whether a consequent diet modification (i.e. specific medical devices on demand was allowed by the study proto-
food elimination diet) may result in clinical improvement in col. During the follow-up visit, after 2 weeks, the GERD-Q
GERD patients evaluated in primary care setting. questionnaire was administered again and was recorded in
the database, together with the statement on the eventual
removal of GERD triggering food and the outcome with
Methods respect to prescription of drugs (gastric acid suppressive
drugs or antacids), endoscopy and/or specialist consultation.

This was a prospective study, carried out between March Table 1  List of foods Alcoholic drinks
specifically subjected to
and October 2019 in twelve General Practitioner outpa- the patient after him/her Chocolate
tients’ clinics, each enrolling consecutive adult patients has spontaneously reported
Citrus fruits
presenting for the first time with typical symptoms of the foods related to his/her
occurrence of typical GERD Coffee
GERD. Diagnosis of GERD and quantification of symp-
symptom Cucumbers
toms were done according to GERD-Q questionnaire that
Fatty foods
has been validated for both diagnosis and follow-up of
Fried foods
reflux disease patients in primary care [26, 27]. In par-
ticular, the GERD-Q questionnaire evaluates symptoms
Meat broth
occurring in the last week and it is included in the pro-
fessional software that General Practitioners use for the
routine management of the patients. Individuals with a
GERD-Q score higher than 8 were enrolled in the study
[26, 27]. Patients with known GERD and/or alarm (includ-
Processed meat
ing dysphagia and chest pain) symptoms and/or dominant
extraesophageal symptoms, as well as patients in therapy
Soft drinks
with antisecretory drugs for non-GERD reasons (i.e. gas-
Sparkling water
troprotection and dyspepsia) or previously submitted to
Spicy foods
esophagogastroduodenoscopy were excluded. The recruit-
ment of the study was considered completed upon receipt
of the hundredth patient enlisted. According to Italian law,

Digestive Diseases and Sciences

Statistical Analysis symptoms at baseline, as per inclusion criteria, requiring

investigation with upper endoscopy.
Data anonymously extracted by the clinical file of the
patients were collected in order to create a single database. Correlation Between Foods and Symptoms
Results are reported as absolute frequency and percentage or at Baseline
mean and standard deviation. At univariate analysis, contin-
uous and categorical variables were evaluated with the Stu- Eighty-five patients reported spontaneously at least one
dent t test and Chi-squared test. The Kolmogorov–Smirnov triggering food they believe to cause their typical reflux
test was used to assess the normality of data. Results were symptoms, whereas 88 patients reported at least one spe-
considered statistically significant when p value was lower cific aliment after the use of the precompiled list. Overall,
than 0.05. Analyses were performed using Stata software all patients reported at least one food. Table 4 shows the
(StataCorp LLC, USA). foods identified by the patients with the percentage of the
patients recording it. The foods more frequently associated
with typical reflux symptoms resulted: spicy foods (62%),
Results chocolate (55%), pizza (55%), tomato (52%), fried foods
(52%), alcoholic drinks (50%), citrus fruits (48%), sauces
Overall, 100 patients, whose demographic characteristics (48%), coffee (41%), processed meat and fatty foods (34%).
are reported in Table 2, were included into the study. Fifty- To note, 70 patients reported to be already informed of the
four were females, with a mean age of 48.7 years and with possible benefit of excluding these foods from the diet and
a mean body mass index of 24.8 kg/m2. Table 3 reports 54 patients reported an attempt to cut out them from the
the results of the GERD-Q Questionnaire administered at alimentay habits.
the first visit. The mean value of the GERD-Q score was
11.6 (range 9–17). None of the 100 patients reported alarm Correlation Between Foods and Symptoms After
the Specific Food Elimination Diet
Table 2  Demographics and risk factors of the 100 patients included
in the study At follow-up visit, after 2 weeks, again, none of the 100
patients reported alarm symptoms. Only 1% of patient
declared not to being able to eliminate the identified trig-
Sex Males 46 gering food, whereas 46% reported to have completely
Females 54 eliminated from the diet the triggering food and, finally,
Age Median 48.7 years 53% suspended it only partially (between 50 and 75%
Range 18–83 years
of the meals). Table 5 shows the results of the GERD-
Body mass index Median 24.8 kg/m2
Range 18.0–38.8 kg/m2
Q Questionnaire administered at follow-up visit. The
Smokers Never 57
mean GERD-Q score was 8.9 (range 3–17) and decreased
Past 5 23.3% between the first and the follow-up visit. Thus, as
Current 38 illustrated in Fig. 1, GERD-Q score resulted positive for
Alcoholic drinks Never 26 the diagnosis of GERD in 55 patients compared to 100
Non-daily intake 62 patients at baseline (p = 0.001). Figure 1 shows the rate of
Daily intake 10
patients complaining of heartburn and regurgitation with

Table 3  Results of the GERD-Q Questionnaire administered at the first visit (100 patients)

Item Never 1 day 2–3 days 4–7 days Mean score (SD)
n (score) n (score) n (score) n (score)

Heartburn 3 (0) 4 (1) 55 (2) 38 (3) 2.3 (0.7)

Regurgitation 9 (0) 19 (1) 47 (2) 25 (3) 1.9 (0.9)
Epigastric pain 7 (3) 19 (2) 35 (1) 39 (0) 2.1 (0.9)
Nausea 18 (3) 8 (2) 16 (1) 65 (0) 2.4 (1.0)
Difficulty to have night sleep due to heartburn or 23 (0) 31 (1) 26 (2) 20 (3) 1.4 (1.1)
OTC medication for heartburn or regurgitation 30 (0) 15 (1) 25 (2) 30 (3) 1.6 (1.2)
Mean total score 11.6 (2.2)

Digestive Diseases and Sciences

Table 4  Frequency of spontaneous reports, as a result of a specific 0.9) (p = 0.001), while the score of regurgitation decreased
request and the total frequency of foods triggeing GERD symptoms from 1.88 (SD 0.9) to 0.97 (SD 1.0) (p = 0.001).
in 100 patients
After the follow-up consultation the following outcomes
Food Spontaneous After specific Total were observed: 45% of patients have agreed to continue
report (%) request (%) only following the dietary recommendations, whereas 55%
Spicy foods 41 21 62 of patients started a pharmacological treatment as follows:
Chocolate 37 18 55 39 (70.9% of treated patients) patients with PPI once daily,
Pizza 28 27 55 6 (10.9% of treated patients) with H2 receptor antagonists
Tomato 27 26 53 once daily, and 10 (18.2% of treated patients) with alginate
Fried foods 43 28 52 (6 of these in combination with antisecretory drugs). None
Alcoholic drinks 33 17 50 of the patients was sent to a gastroenterlogy specialist.
Citrus fruit 27 21 48
Sauces 19 29 48
Coffee 19 22 41 Discussion
Processed meat 13 21 34
Fatty foods 13 9 34 There has been speculation for many years about the concept
Meat broth 19 9 28 that certain dietary and lifestyle factors may play a role in
Peppermint 8 19 27 the pathogenesis or course of GERD. However, a wide-rang-
Sparkling water 9 17 26 ing review of the available data reveals conflicting findings
Milk 12 6 18 regarding the impact of most of these factors. In addition, the
Cucumbers 6 9 14 majority of the studies concerned about the small numbers
Peppers 5 8 13 of patients included, the retrospective design, the lack of
Soft drinks 5 6 11 use of validated questionnaires for GERD assessment, the
Lettuce 6 3 9 unclear duration of the follow-up, and because they did not
Others * 26 evaluate concomitant therapy with PPIs and antacids.
Consequently, any advice given on modifying diet and/
*Red meat (4%); walnuts (3%); cabbages, licorice, onions (2%); pota- or lifestyle in the management of GERD represents a form
toes. ice cream, garlic, pickles, beans, artichokes, olives, tea, leg-
umes, almonds, chestnuts (1%) of empirical therapy. Thus, this study was carried out in
subjects presenting for the first time to their General Practi-
tioner because of symptoms of GERD without alarm signs,
a score > 1 (presence of symptoms more than 1 day in the to assess whether it was possible to identify triggering
week). The frequency of heartburn scoring > 1 decreased foods by means of the General Practitioner interview and
from 93 to 44% (p = 0.001), while the frequency of regur- the administration precompiled list of potential triggering
gitation scoring > 1 decreased from 72 to 28% (p = 0.001). aliments. We showed that patients are able to identify at
Figure 2 shows the difference in the mean score for heart- least one food which is considered to cause their symptoms,
burn and regurgitation between the two consultations. The with an increased detection by using a precompiled list of
score of heartburn decreased from 2.3 (SD 0.7) to 1.3 (SD potential triggering foods. Moreover, after 2 weeks of spe-
cific food elimination diet according to the results of the

Table 5  Results of the GERD-Q Questionnaire administered at the control visit (n = 100 patients) after the elimination of the triggering food
from the diet
Item Never 1 day 2–3 days 4–7 days Mean score Significance
n (score) n (score) n (score) n (score) (SD) vs initial visit

Heartburn 19 (0) 37 (1) 37 (2) 7 (3) 1.3 (0.9) < 0.001

Regurgitation 39 (0) 33 (1) 20 (2) 8 (3) 1.0 (1.0) < 0.001
Epigastric pain 3 (3) 12 (2) 28 (1) 57 (0) 2.3 (0.8) NS
Nausea 7 (3) 5 (2) 13 (1) 75 (0) 2.6 (0.9) NS
Difficulty to have night sleep due to heartburn or 62 (0) 22 (1) 14 (2) 2 (3) 0.6 (0.8) < 0.001
OTC medication for heartburn or regurgitation 45 (0) 17 (1) 20 (2) 18 (3) 1.1 (1.2) 0.031
Mean total score 8.9 (2.9) < 0.001

NS as not significant

Digestive Diseases and Sciences

Fig. 1  Diagnosis of GERD % 100

according the GERD-Q ques-
First visit Control visit
tionnaire (score > 8) and fre-
quency of patients scoring > 1
(presence of symptoms > 1 day
in the week) for heartburn and
regurgitation at the first consul-
tation and at the control visit 60



Diagnosc score for GERD Score for heartburn > 1 Score for regurgitaon > 1

Fig. 2  Mean score for heartburn Score

and regurgitation in the first
First visit Control visit
consultation and at the control 3.5
visit after 15 days




Heartburn Regurgitaon

questionnaire, about half of the patients obtained such a ben- In contrast, data on coffee consumption are mixed [1, 21,
efit to not require the start of a pharmacological therapy or 23, 28, 31, 32], similar to tea [22, 23, 28, 32, 33], citrus
to undergo further investigations. fruit [20, 22] and even alcoholic beverages [1, 16, 20, 22,
Foods causing GERD symptoms identified by our patients 28–30]. Data on foods normally cited in dietary recommen-
are quite varied and mostly correspond to what has been dations such as chocolate and peppermint [20] are surpris-
reported in previous studies, in which the foods involved ingly scarce.
vary according to the patient’s food habits and the country The results of the studies that have tried to associate
in which they live [20]. Anyway, patients’ ability to recog- certain foods to specific pathophysiological alterations
nize exacerbating food symptoms has been demonstrated by able to explain the onset of symptoms of GERD are gener-
investigations in different countries such as Korea [21] and ally poorly significant [15, 34]. High-fat meals increase the
Tanzania [30]. Although the different studies do not show esophageal acid exposure as assessed by reflux monitoring
univocal results, most of the available data substantially in reflux patients with and without esophagitis [24], reduce
identify the following foods as exacerbating reflux symp- the resting pressure of the lower esophageal sphincter and
toms: fried foods [16, 18, 20–22], spicy foods [1, 16–18, prolong the time of gastric emptying [35]. Animal fats and
20, 21, 30], fatty foods [19, 24] and tomato [20, 22, 30]. proteins seem to increase acid secretion and gastrin levels

Digestive Diseases and Sciences

[36], whereas chocolate is considered a food capable of number of subjects are mandatory to define whether this
reducing the tone of the lower esophageal sphincter [15, approach could determine a lower exposure of patients to
37]. A study carried out in 15 patients by means of pH pharmacological therapies, particularly in the long-term.
impedance monitoring and comparing in the same patient
the effects of a meal with a high rate of animal proteins Acknowledgments Study Group for the Evaluation of GERD Trigger-
ing Foods: Alessandra Belvedere, Carmelo Cottone, Patrizia Gambaro,
and those of a meal with a high rate of vegetable proteins Maurizio Mancuso, Enzo Pirrotta, Riccardo Scoglio, Enzo Ubaldi,
showed that the meal rich in animal proteins was followed Maria Zamparella.
by a greater number of total and acid refluxes [38]. Finally,
it has been shown that the frequency of GERD is lower in Author contributions CT and ES contributed to study concept, data
individuals following predominantly a Mediterranean diet collection and analysis, critical review of manuscript, drafting, and
finalization of manuscript; EB and RDB contributed to study concept,
(frequent consumption of composite/traditional dishes, data collection, critical review of manuscript, and finalization of manu-
fresh fruit and vegetables, olive oil, and fish) compared to script; and AB, CC, PG, MM, EP, RS, EU, and MZ contributed to data
those following largely non-Mediterranean diet (frequent collection and critical review of manuscript
consumption of red meat, fried food, sweets, and junk/
fast food) [39]. Funding None.
More consistent are the data that associated the pres-
ence of GERD with overweight and obesity [12, 15, 40–42] Compliance with Ethical Standards
rather than the different components of the patients’ diet,
Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
and, to confirm, there are studies observing that weight loss interest.
is effective in reducing symptoms and PPI use in GERD
patients [12, 43, 44]. In our study, the mean BMI of the Ethical approval All the procedures performed in studies involving
patients was at the upper limit of the international normal human participants were in accordance with the ethical standards of
the national research committee and with the 1964 Helsinki Declaration
range and, given the short time follow-up study, it is difficult and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards.
to hypothesize that the results on the GERD symptoms, in
absence of a structured diet, were due to a possible mod-
est weight reduction rather than the elimination of one or
more specific foods. However, the lack of solid evidence
between specific foods and pathophysiologic alterations of References
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