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In this movie, Sam Dawson, is a developmentally disabled adult who has been raising

his daughter Lucy for seven years. He receives help in raising Lucy from a group of
friends that also have developmental disabilities. Although Sam provides a loving and
structured environment for Lucy, her intellectual development begins to surpass her
fathers. Because Lucy’s school reported their findings of Lucy’s developmental
progress possibly being altered by Sam’s disability, Lucy was taken by a social worker
and placed in foster care. Sam, who is faced with a nearly impossible-to-win case,
decides to fight they system and pairs up with a popular attorney named Rita. It seemed
impossible for Sam to win back custody, but he shoed people how much love and
structure he gave to Lucy. Sam and Lucy’s love for each other made the people realize
that they couldn’t keep Lucy away from her father.I would say Sam is very much like his
peers because he also, has a developmental disability and is loving, supporting, and
caring just like his peers. Everyone develops differently in the young adulthood stage.
Many studies have examined what young people view as the important markers of the
transition to adulthood. The most important markers are accepting responsibility for
oneself, making independent decisions, and becoming financially independent.

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