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Honestly, my story is not related to the conflict (suicide argument) between Nut and Ko-ai at

all, and I have nothing to do with it. My own conflict with Ko-ai was actually on Monday (22nd
of May) during the IB graduation ceremony. After me, my sister(Proud year 9) and Ko-ai
ffinished the performance, we went to sit at the back of the auditorium and year 10 row was
in front of us. Ko-ai was sitting on the right with my sister in the middle and me on the left
with Yumi sitting in front of my sister. The ceremony was quite serious so no one was playing
anything. However, Ko-ai decided to pull Yumi's hair quite hard, and when Yumi turned back
and asked who did it, Ko-ai intentionally pointed at my sister and said it was my sister who
pulled her hair. My sister was very awkward and nervous at the moment as Yumi was a little
bit confused and upset as she does not know my sister. Two days later, Yumi told me that
my sister came to apologize to her about the event and that she really thought Yumi was
actually mad at her. After that, I really want to have a talk with Ko-ai about why she did that
as I thought it is very unfair for someone who didn't do something wrong but got mad
because of the misunderstanding and has to apologize for the action they did not do.
However, on Friday(26th of May) during the TRS time, I think it was the best time to clear up
the misunderstanding. After Nut and Ko-ai got into an argument in which I did not join nor
support anybody and has been quiet for the whole time, I decided to ask her out politely, of
why she did that and told her about my sister's apologies. I can confidently say that I DID
NOT use any bad words or abusive language at all, as I thought it would just make the
conversation more emotional and less reasonable. However, Ko-ai on the other hand started
yelling and swearing at me right away, telling me I am an idiot and that she thought she was
just playing and why would I have to make it serious. I told her that I understand that she
may be just playing but my sister was not at all, she was really worried that Yumi might get
mad and she might get misunderstood by Yumi's and also her friends. Moreover, Yumi was
also with me at the time so she also told me that she was a little bit angry and annoyed as
she thought it is very rude for someone to do that to others especially with someone that is
not her friend. I did not tell Ko-ai to apologize to my sister as she started to swear and cry
again, but I did tell her politely that she needs to stop avoiding the problem and accept her
action. Later that afternoon when I had already gone back home, my sister told me that Ko-ai
directly messaged her to apologize about her action and accepted that she did this would
affect my sister and said she did not know my sister would take it seriously. However the
chats were in Thai, so I can translate them if you want me to but I think I prefer it to be
original to avoid any misunderstanding.
To conclude, I do not think that I have done anything wrong as I speak based on the events
and reasons with respect and did not provide any threats or abuse. My whole point is to
clear up the misunderstanding and protect my sister.

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