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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Tagboa, Lupon, Davao Oriental

First Quarter Periodical test

In Personal Development

Year Level & Section:____________

Directions: Read and carefully understand the questions. Write the letter of the best answer on the
space provided.

_____________1. What do you think is our biggest asset?

a. attitude b. behavior c.character d. self
_____________2. What characteristic of an individual that able to meet and know new people help develop a
healthy mental image?
a. Being tactful b. Being a good listener c. Being friendly d. Being humble
_____________3. What is the synonym of psychological word of actual self?
a. the future self b. the authentic self c. the present self d. the false self
_____________4. What do you think refers to the self-one desire to be, like the ones we admire and wish to be in
the community from any sector or profession?
a. Actual Self b. Ideal Self c.Self-concept d. Self-knowledge
_____________5. What character is shown in one's personal judgment, ability, and capacity in responding to
a. Being confident b. Being Courteous c. Being properly dressed d. Being sensitive
______________6. When a person values the good in things, rather than having the tendency to focus on bad
things,what characteristic of a person refers to?
a. Being a friendly b. Being tactful c. Being optimistic d. Being properly dressed
______________ 7. What is the ability to do something in showing one’s passion more than usual capacity?
a. Being knowledgeable b. Being talented c. Being tactful d. Being skillful
_______________8. What do you mean when showing a high level of self-esteem but not bragging oneself to
a. Being tactful b. Being positive c.Being courteous d. Being humble
_______________9. There are two categories of the self that makes up the Self-Concept. These are__.
a. the factual and false Self c. the authentic and fake Self
b. the present and future Self d. behavior and character
______________10. These traits are the things seen by others. No matter how people view each one as a person,
one’s knowledge of the actual self comprises the____________.
a. Self-image b. Ideal Self c Self-concept d. Self-knowledge
_______________11. What is Self-Concept ?
a. hardships and sufferings that we experience inside of society
b. our compelling comparison of ourselves to the future and present self.
c. our beliefs, unique qualities and typical behavior that manifest to that unique individual
d. our feelings inside and constant re-assessment of these emotions as we respond to our environment.
________________12. A concept of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential is called?
a. Mental Health c. Physical Health
b. Emotional Health d. Social Health
_________________13. A state of well-being that includes happiness, interest in life and satisfaction of well-being
is called?
a. Physical well-being c. Emotional well-being
b. Social well-being d. Psychological well-being
________________14. What health problem significantly affects how a person feels, thinks, behaves and interacts
with other people?
a. Mental illness c. Physical illness
b. Social illness d. Depression
_________________15. A disorder that is characterized by compensating for the overeating, such as vomit,
excessive exercise and laxative is also called?
a. Anorexia nervosa c. Social Eating
b. Bulimia nervosa d. Binge eating disorder
_________________16. A person’s capability to manage and control his or her emotions and posses the ability to
control the emotions of others well is considered as?
a. Well-being c. Wellness
b. Emotional intelligence d. Physical fitness
_________________17. A person who has a strong drive to achieve optimism and high organizational commitment
a. Self-awareness c. Self-motivation
b. Self-management d. Social skills
_________________18. Any agitation or disturbance of mind, feeling, passion and any vehement or edxcited
mental state is called?
a. Social c. Emotion
b. Physical d. Well-being
_________________19. A person who exhibits self-confidence, realistic self-assessment and self-drecating sense of
humor has?
a. Empathy c. Self-awareness
b. Social skill d. Self-management
_________________20. A positive emotion; admiration is stronger; acceptance is weaker its is called?
a. Joy c. Surprise
b. Anger d. Trust
_________________21. What self-aspect when someone is being careful in our ways in dealing with others and in
handling situations, and seeks for God’s guidance?
a.Emotional b. Moral and spiritual c. Mental d. Social
_________________22. What personality development is when the innate capacity to relate with others, to
connect, and feel the sense of belongingness?
a. Social development c. Emotional development
b. Spiritual development d. Cognitive development
_________________23. Having criticism in our lives is a necessity in shaping our self-concept. Which of the
following is contrary to this statement?
a. Allan tells those who criticize his work, to leave him, because they are not the ones who actually had
a hard time doing his work.
b. Rebecca, constantly tells his/her students to be open-minded and open for new developments for
people who show approval or disapproval of their work.
c. Milo is usually upset when someone criticizes his TVE project, but after soiling, he gets back to his
work and show more determination and enthusiasm for his homework.
d. Perola, always tell herself, that both constructive and disapproval statements are key ingredients in
becoming a better person.
_____________ ___24. Marissa admired her friend Liza and she wanted to be like her. What kind of self-did Liza
a.Actual self b. Other self c.Ideal self d. Better self
_________________25. Gino knows the things he like and dislike. Distinguish what trait he manifests?
a.Self-concept b. Self-image c. Self-development d. Self-worth
_________________26. Lina is a girl who is true to herself and faces everyone with the characteristics she truly
possesses. What did Lina show when she is with others?
a.Actual self b. Other self c.Ideal self d. Self-image
______________ ___27. Nida, a Senior high school student joins school clubs and maximize every learning. What
do you think is her interest?
a.self-development b. Social roles c. Self-image d. Self-worth
__________________28. Dione understands her friends more than herself to value relationship. Distinguish what
is her trait?
a. Being confident b. Being friendly c. Being diligent d. Being humble
__________________29. Candy has personal way of carrying oneself, showing one’s ability, and capacity in facing
others without fear and hesitation. What did Candy shows?
a.Being confident b. Being friendly c. Being diligent d. Being humble
__________________30. John, a senior in high school, completes all his assignments with attention to detail and
skill. What standard will you use to evaluate John's actions?
a. Being knowledgeable b. Being a talented c. Being tactful d. Being skillful
__________________31. Rita is preparing for her impending first-quarter exam by studying. Additionally, she is
overloaded with papers that are due the day before the exam. Rita is under a lot of pressure from her parents to
be the best student, yet despite this, she has managed to keep her cool and avoid burning out. What best
describes Rita's character?
a. Rita is a strong person.
b. Rita can do multitasking.
c. Rita developed a whole rounded personality
d. Rita is competitive.
___________32. Family is the center of a child’s development. Basic and relaxed values are learned through the
guidance of a family. Why is family considered as the building blocks of a developing child?
a. The family is the social laboratory of a child.
b. The family is an institution where the child learns both positive and negative attributes.
c. The family provides meaningful learning experiences that help the child develop maturely.
d. All of the above.
___________33. Which of the following illustrates an involuntary movement of the body?
a. Inhalation and exhalation
b. Contraction of biceps
c. Winking of the eye
d. Squat siting
___________ 34” You are beloved. You are worthy. You are a gift.” Distinguish which of the following best
described the statement?
a. Every human being is unique and original.
b. Parents should always be the greatest support system of a child.
c. Everyone is given the free will to be happy,
d. To appreciate one’s value and importance in life.
___________ 35. is the extreme fear or shame,doubt, and falling short. It results from feeling unworthy, unloved
and hopelessness. What health problem is these?
a. Anxiety b. phobia c. depression d. mental disorder
___________36. The mental aspect is one of the aspects that affects the holistic development of a person. Which
of the following situations best illustrates a person having a well-developed mental aspects?
a. Person A is always cautious of his actions leading him to become perfectionist.
b. Person B shares his experiences to his classmates about combating depression.
c. Person C executes understanding of the lesson by remembering the topic.
d. Person D shows positive attitude for his teachers to praise him.

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