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Anatomy 1

M.Balakrishnana, S.Sakthivel & Roshan Akthar
2 DMA’s Most Anticipated One Liners
1. Father of modern anatomy: Andreus vesalius
2. Cartilage has no blood vessels and nerves
3. Artery : thick walled, has smaller lumen
4. Veins : thin walled, has larger lumen
5. Lateral thyroid develops from 4th pharyngeal pouch
6. Trapezius is supplied by spinal part of accessory nerve
7. Rotator cuff muscles: Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Teres minor and Subscapularis
8. Dupytren contracture: inflammation of ulnar side of palmar aponeurosis
9. Knee joint is the largest and most complex joint of the body
10. Typical ribs are ribs 3-9
11. Atypical ribs are ribs 1,2,10,11,12
12. Inspiration is an active process and expiration is a passive process
13. Deep fascia of penis: Buck’s fascia
14. Deep fascia of thigh: Fascia lata
15. Nerve of laterjet is a branch of vagus nerve (present in stomach)
16. Arnold’s nerve is a branch of vagus nerve
17. Esophagus pierces the diaphragm at the level of 10th vertebra
18. Peyer’s patches are seen in Ileum
19. Stylopharyngeus muscle is a muscle of the 3rd pharyngeal arch
20. Risorius is the ‘Grinning muscle’
21. Notochord Develops Into nucleus pulposus
22. Most frequently fractured bone in the body is clavicle
23. Azygous means unpaired
24. Midgut is supplied by SMA (superior mesenteric artery)
25. Length of small intestine is 6 metres
26. Length of thoracic duct is 45 cms
27. Left testicular vein drains into Left renal vein & Right testicular vein drains into
IVC Uterine artery is a branch of Internal Iliac artery (IIA)
28. Broad ligament: Weakest support of uterus
29. Nerve responsible for knee extension: Femoral nerve
30. Popliteus unlocks the knee & quadriceps locks the knee
31. Sartorius is the ‘Tailor’s muscle’
32. Dermatome to small toe: S1
Anatomy 3
33. Ovary develops from Genital ridge
34. Myelin sheath is formed by oligodendrocytes
35. Microglial cells are derived from Mesoderm
36. Lateral pterygoid helps in mouth opening
37. Spinal cord ends at the level of L1 in adults (L3 in neonates)
38. CSF is contained in subarachnoid space
39. Dentate nucleus: Most lateral deep cerebellar nucleus
40. Average length of umbilical cord is 50 cms
41. Winging of scapula: results from damage to nerve supplying the trapezius
42. Lesion in axillary nerve: patient cannot raise the arm from one side
43. Nerve affected in cubital tunnel syndrome is Ulnar nerve
44. Triceps is supplied by which nerve: Radial
45. Radial nerve: largest branch of brachial plexus
46. Musician’s nerve is a name given to ulnar nerve
47. Klumpke’s paralysis: C8/T1 involvement (lower brachial plexus injury)
48. Nerve in posterior triangle of neck: Accessory nerve
49. Levator palatin is the muscle that elevates soft palate
50. Lingua belongs to left upper lobe of the lung
51. Splenic artery is located in splenorenal ligament
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52. Superior colliculus is involved in eye movements
53. Clavicle does not usually have a medullary cavity
54. Sciatic nerve is the thickest nerve in the body
55. Ileofemoral ligament is the strongest ligament in the body
56. Spleen is supplied by coeliac artery
57. Meckel’s diverticulum arises from Ileum
58. Largest ganglion in neck is the superior ganglion
59. Labrynthine artery is a branch of basilar artery
60. NLD (Nasolacrimal duct) drains into inferior meatus
61. Testes reaches the bottom of scrotum at 9th month
62. Floor of femoral triangle is formed by: Pectineus
63. Celiac artery contribution in esophagus: Left gastric artery and esophageal artery
64. Alveolar ventilation is directly proportional to: Surface area of alveoli
65. Skin over parotid is supplied by greater auricular nerve
66. Lymphatic drainage of ovary: Para aortic LN
67. Damage to radial nerve : wrist drop
68. Stapedius muscle is innervated by facial nerve
69. Spina ventosa is due to infection
70. Psoas is a hip flexor
71. Root value of phrenic nerve is C3-5
72. Ovum was discovered by Von Baer
73. Gartner’s duct is a remnant of Wolffian duct
74. Uterine artery supply: Arcuate a.> Radial a.> Basal a.> Spiral a.
75. Femoral triangle base is formed by Inguinal ligament
76. Deepest nuclei of cerebellum is Fastigii
77. Neural crest cell migration is due to Hyaluronic acid
78. Medial compartment of thigh is supplied by Obturator nerve
79. Skin over parotid is supplied by greater auricular nerve
80. Left anterior descending artery is a branch of Left coronary artery
81. Ansa nephroni is lined by - cuboidal & columnar epithelium.
82. Cranio facial angle is - 130 degrees
83. Axial artery of upper limb is derived from - 7th cervical intersegmental space.
84. Ossification centres in calcaneous & talus appears at- 3rd & 6th month.
Anatomy 5
85. In embryo the inner cell mass forms the - embryonic disc.
86. Injury to the ulnar nerve at wrist causes paralysis to - Adduction of Thumb.
87. Structure present in cross section of thorax at T4 - Arch of Aorta.
88. Drainage of Glans penis is to- Deep inguinal nodes.
89. Toughest layer in oesophagous is - Muscularis.
90. Structure archiving over hilum of right lung - Azygous vein.
91. Serratous anterior is supplied by - Long thoracic nerve.
92. Nerve supply of brachialis is from - Musculo cutaeneous nerve.
93. Splenic artery supplies - spleen/ pancreas/ stomach.
94. Posterior interosseus nerve of upper limb is branch of - Radial nerve.
95. Posterior belly of digastric is supplied by - Facial nerve.
96. Trigeminal nerve supplies - Masseter/ Anterior belly of digastric
97. Manubrio sternal joint - syndesmosis
98. Example for ellipsoid joint - wrist
99. Sensory nerve supply of trachea - recurrent laryngeal nerve
100. Most common nerve damaged in leg is Common peroneal nerve Cremastric mus-
cle nerve supply: Genital branch of genitofemoral nerve
101. Coracoid process is: Atavistic epiphysis
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102. Femoral triangle base is formed by Inguinal ligament
103. Deepest nuclei of cerebellum is Fastigii
104. Cremastric muscle nerve supply: Genital branch of genitofemoral nerve
105. Coracoid process is: Atavistic epiphysis
106. Intracranial pressure increase by which cranial nerve: Abducens nerve
107. Cords of billroth in spleen are found in Red pulp
108. Nerve checked by pinching before 1st and 2nd great toe: Deep peroneal nerve
109. Blood supply of dorsum penis: Internal pudental artery
110. Bulb supply to bulb of penis is: Bulbourethral artery
111. Artery for endometrial blood supply: Spiral artery
112. Artery for endometrial blood supply: Spiral artery
113. Floor of femoral triangle is formed by: Pectineus
114. Celiac artery contribution in esophagus: Left gastric artery and esophageal artery
115. Great cardiac vein lies in - Anterior IV grrove
116. Lower border of scapular corresponds to - D7
117. Venous drainage of upper part of uterus & placenta is through - uterine vein
118. Parietal peritoneum is lined by - simple squamous epithelium
119. Femoral vein lies medial to femoral artery
120. Most dependant part of lung in supine position - lower apical
121. Bundle of his is supplied by - Right coronary artery
122. Weight of the body is supported in sitting posture by Ischial tuberosity
123. Foetus born during 6th month of intra uterine will not survive due to - ab-
scense or insufficient amount of surfactant
124. Nerve supply to pronatar teres is - median nerve
125. Structure derived from right fourth aortic arch - right subclavian artery
126. Saftey muscle of tongue is - genioglossus
127. Superior cerebral veins drain into - superior sagittal sinus
128. Spontaeneous pelvic diasthesis is seen in squating
129. IV infusionis avoided in - long saphenous vein
130. Visual cortex is supplied by - posterior cerebral artery
131. Space of disse is seen in - liver
132. Posterior relation of left atrium - oesophagus
133. No man’s land in palm corresponds to - zone 2
Anatomy 7
134. Subcutaeneous muscle extending from clavicle to mandible - platysma
135. Olfactory epithelium is - pseudo stratified epithelium
136. Unpaired structure in brain - basilar artery
137. Nasolacrimal duct directed - downward/ lateral & backwards
138. Couper’s gland opens into - penile urethra
139. Chaissaignac tubercle is - carotid tubercle on c6 vertebrae
140. Complete sulcus is calcarine sulcus
141. Halocrine secretion is seen in - sebaceous gland
142. Transverse ligament of atlas is a part of - cruciate ligament
143. Foot plate of stapes is developed from - reicherts cartilage
144. Middle cranial fossa is supplied by - mandibular nerve
145. Opening of jaw is done by - lateral pterygoid
146. Major function of gluteus medius&minimus at hipjoint - abduction
147. Nailbed of thumb is supplied by - median nerve
148. Tip of corocoid process of scapula gives attachment to - short head of biceps
149. Anterior cruciate ligament of knee joint prevents forward displacement of tib-
ial con- dyle
150. Commonest cartilage to ossify - fibro elastic
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151. Nerve supply to the skin around the umblicus – 10th thoracic ventral ramus
152. Lower angle of scapula lies at level of- T6
153. Notochord develops in 3rd week
154. Cranial nerve decussate within the brain - trochlear nerve
155. In patients having external piles pain sensation is carried by - pudendal nerve
156. Sensory nerve supply of pinna is - mandibular nerve
157. Posterior fontanelles are ossified at the age of - 3yrs
158. Uterine artery is a branch of - internal iliac artery
159. Shortest part of colon - ascending colon
160. Lymph node of tonsils drains into - jugulo digastric node
161. Arterial supply of tonsils - facial artery
162. Superior oblique musle supplied by - Trochlear nerve
163. Erb’s point is = C5-C6
164. Double barr body is seen in - Klienfelter’s syndrome
165. Longest vein in human body - Long saphenous vein
166. Cancer prostate commonly occurs in - posterior lobe
167. Commonly used donor nerve for graft - sural nerve
168. Boxer’s muscle - serratus anterior
169. Toynbee’s muscle - tensor tympani
170. Internal pudental artery is a branch of – Anterior division of internal iliac ar-
171. Abduction & adduction of fore foot occurs at - Mid tarsal joint
172. Carpel tunnel syndrome - Median nerve compression
173. Spring ligament - synonymus with plantar calcaneo navicular ligament
174. Artery present in anatomical snuffbox – Radial artery
175. Placenta is developed from - Decidua basilis & Trophoblast
176. Tip of nose is supplied by - opthalmic nerve
177. Formation of primary ovary in female fetus takes place by - 8th wek
178. Lamina cribrosa is a modification of - Sclera
179. Germ cells in the ovary develops from - yolk sac
180. Medial collateral ligament of elbow is related to - ulnar nerve
181. Muscles of hypothenar eminance is innervated by - ulnar nerve
182. Hofbauer cells are seen in placenta
Anatomy 9
183. Sacral canal volume is - 25 to 35cc
184. Thoracic duct is also called - pecquet duct
185. Right supra renal gland is related to IVC & right lobe of liver
186. Popliteal muscle forms the floor of popliteal fossa
187. Bronchial veins of right side opens into azygous vein
188. Retina and optic nerve is an outgrowth of - Diencephalon
189. Peroneal artery is a branch of - posterior tibial artery
190. Serratus anterior cause refraction of shoulder
191. Glenoid cavity of scapula is rotated by - Trapezius/ serratus anterior
192. Lateral boundary of cubital fossa is formed by - Brachio radialis
193. Thinnest portion of myocardial wall - right Atrium/left atrium
194. Ducts of bellini are found in kidney
195. Fascia cribrosa is related to - femoral canal
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