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Token Economy Canvas Designed for: Designed by: On: Text

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Problem Scale & Growth The economy Governance Stakeholders

Network, roles, responsibilities.
list 1-3 problems that the token economy List 1-3 things that the economy needs to A short, clear description of what the economy Who makes decisions about the economy and how
solves . scale and be engaging for participants. does and how it works. are they implemented?


Existing Alternatives Issuance & Circulation Why blockchain? Outside Economy Incentives
Which outside actors, data, technology or systems
System Token issuance, to whom, when, how Why is using blockchain a requirement for
List how the problems are solved today much, burn List the incentives for participantion.
this economy?


Token distribution & Value Token Usage Text

How are tokens initially distributed? How does the token value increase or change over time? How are tokens used within the economy? -

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