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1. What platforms and channels are you most interested in using for your online marketing
efforts (social media, email, paid ads, etc.)?
2. Do you have any goals or KPIs for online marketing, such as website traffic, leads, or
3. Do you have any analytics or tracking tools in place to measure the performance of your
online marketing efforts?
4. Are you open to exploring new and emerging channels or technologies for online
5. How do you plan to communicate with your audience through online marketing, such as
through email newsletters, blog posts, or social media content?
6. Do you currently use any lead scraping software to collect potential customer
information from the internet? If so, which one and how has it worked for you?
7. Are you present on any photography-specific websites or forums, like 500px or Behance?
Do you have any reviews or testimonials on any of these sites that potential clients can
read to get a sense of the quality of your work?

1. Do you plan to utilize traditional marketing methods such as print advertising or,
2. Have you identified any industry events or trade shows where you can promote your
business in person?
3. How will you distribute your offline marketing materials, such as brochures or flyers?
4. Are you planning any partnerships or sponsorships with other businesses or
organizations to increase brand awareness?
5. How will you measure the success of your offline marketing efforts, such as through
tracking foot traffic or coupon redemption rates?


1. What is your current marketing budget, and how do you plan to allocate it across
different channels and tactics?
2. Do you have any internal capabilities for marketing, or will you be outsourcing
3. Does the business have any collaborations in place with other businesses in the wedding
sector (e.g., event planners)?
4. How do you typically acquire new clients - through referrals, online advertising, or other
5. Do you have any systems in place for following up with leads or managing client
relationships, such as a CRM system?

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