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Advanced Dungeon & Dragons Game Accessory

An expanded-upon version of the Player's Option Skills and Powers, Psionics



The idea of psionics has evolved tremendously since it's introduction in 1st Edition as a 'sub-
class'. In the days of 1st Edition it was about as common to have a character with psionics as it
was to have a bard in the party. Since 2nd Edition, the whole thing has stayed the same, the
chance of having a character with psionics still is the same chance of having a bard in the party.
Luckily for all of us, bards have become possible for characters at 1st level and the psionicist
character class was also born, quite a bit later I admit. The psionicist opens up new doors of
possibility with their ability to penetrate any magic resistance. These characters can quickly
make enemies of any mage foolish enough to tangle with them. Like mages though, they are
weak at lower levels.
One of the biggest problem with psionicists is that there were no rules laid down for
psionicists or DM's alike to create new powers. The only thing that was given was a whole
book of powers. Luckily, most of the psionicist supporters have enough brains to use the given
powers as a guideline and make their own. To make things easier, I have also made up rules for
the psionicists equivalent of 'researching' like a mage researches spells. Since a psionicists
powers come within themselves and not the environment and the magic power it provides, a
psionicist goes about power 'research' in a different manner. More on that later in the netbook.

Psionics With psionics, a character can read the minds of others, move objects without
physically touching them, or travel across vast distances in an instant. This chapter explains the
game mechanics used to run psionic characters and provides enough powers to get wild talent
and psionicist heroes started. Consider the definitions of the following terms:
Psionics: The practice of extraordinary psychic powers. A character who has psionic abilities
harnesses the power of his or her mind to produce a particular effect. Characters who have
psionic powers are either psionicists or wild talents.
Psionicist: A character who uses the force of his or her mind to affect the environment and
inhabitants around them.
Wild Talent: A character from any class who has a natural psionic ability and at least one
psionic power.
The psionic system presented in this chapter provides descriptions of the core powers. This
chapter presents the same psionics rules that appear in the revised Dark Sun boxed set.

What’s Different?
If players are new to psionics, skip this section because the changes to the original rules from
The Complete Psionics Handbook discussed below may be confusing. If players are familiar with
the previous psionics rules, then a brief discussion of the changes to look for should be noted.
Many of the terms and powers used in The Complete Psionics Handbook have been retained
for this new system. However, the definitions and descriptions may have changed, so read this
section carefully. The most important changes to watch for are the following:

· Attack and defense modes are no longer powers, but bonus proficiencies. The new terms are
psionic attacks and psionic defenses. Psionicists gain psionic attacks and defenses
automatically by level advancement. Existing characters with attack modes must select other
telepathic devotions to replace them.
· The contact power is now the contact bonus proficiency. The proficiency allows characters
to participate in psionic combat. In addition, psionic combat has been simplified to work like
other AD&D combat forms (that is, using attack and damage rolls). Characters who had the
contact power must select another telepathic devotion to replace it.
· Tangents have been eliminated.
· Maintenance costs for powers have been eliminated. All powers now have a standard PSP
cost per round of use and can be maintained each round by paying that cost.
· Power scores and the optional effects of rolls of power scores and 20s have been eliminated.
All characters now have mental armor classes (MAC) and mental attack numbers
(MTHAC0). MTHAC0 stands for “mental THAC0” or “mental attack roll.” The acronym
refers to the number (or higher) a particular character needs to roll on 1d20 to hit an
opponent with a mental armor class of 0. This mechanic has two distinct uses that work in
basically the same manner.
· The power check has been eliminated. To determine the successful use of a psionic power, a
character makes an MTHAC0 roll. In psionic combat, a character makes MTHAC0 rolls to
break through a target’s mental defenses and open the mind. To use a psionic power on an
open mind, an MTHAC0 roll is made against the power’s MAC instead of the target’s MAC.
(All psionic powers have base MAC scores.) Some minds are considered open automatically
(like the psionicist’s own mind for the purposes of using a power on himself). In these cases,
no psionic combat is needed, for the mind is already open.
· The metapsionics discipline has been eliminated; its powers have been redistributed among
the remaining five disciplines.

Using Psionics Psionic energy can be shaped and used by psionicists and wild talents to
produce desired effects, called psionic powers. All psionic powers are grouped into one of five
categories, or disciplines, based on how the energy is used. The major powers of a given
discipline are called sciences.
Two key concepts need to be presented before the rules for using psionics in the AD&D
game are detailed. These are psionic strength points (PSPs) and mental attack rolls
(MTHAC0s). These are described below.
Psionic Strength Points (PSPs): Every psionic character has an internal store of psionic
energy, represented as psionic strength points. These are used to activate sciences and devotions,
to focus psionic attacks, and to determine how much psionic damage a hero’s psionic defenses
can stand.
Mental Attack Rolls: The success of psionic attacks against closed minds is determined by
the number a character needs to roll on 1d20 to hit a specific mental armor class (MAC). The
mental attack number (MTHAC0) is the number the character needs to hit a MAC of 0. When
used on open minds, the roll is made against a power’s MAC. Each power has a base MAC
number used to determine the difficulty of activating a psionic power against an open mind.
All psionic powers belong to one of five disciplines: clairsentience, psychokinesis,
psychometabolism, psychoportation, and telepathy. Within each discipline, the powers are
divided into two categories: major powers, or sciences; and minor powers, or devotions. The five
disciplines are defined as follows:
Clairsentient powers allow characters to perceive things beyond the natural range of human
and demihuman senses.
Psychokinetic powers move objects across space using only the energy of the mind.
Psychometabolic powers affect the user’s body by altering it in some manner.
Psychoportive powers allow psionic travel, moving characters from one location to another
without crossing space.
Telepathic powers involve the direct contact of two or more minds.

Closed and Open Minds

The minds of all characters and creatures exist in one of two states: either closed or open. A
closed mind has either natural or enhanced defenses that protect it from unwanted intrusion.
Only those things that enter through the normal senses (such as sight, sound, taste, touch, or
smell) can impact on a closed mind. The minds of all characters and creatures are naturally
closed. A character can voluntarily open his or her mind to psionic contact, or a closed mind can
be opened by psionic attack.
An open mind is not a natural state. For a mind to be open, psionic defenses must be
voluntarily lowered (in the case of a willing subject) or breached by psionic attack (in an
unwilling opponent). A psionicist’s own mind is considered open when using a psionic power
with an area of effect of “personal” (such as the heightened senses devotion).

Psionics Contact Revisions:

In order to mesh the telepathy rules with the Prism Pentad series (similar to the abilities
acquired by Rikus and Sadira in the Prism Pentad), nonpsionicsts will be allowed a saving throw
versus contact. The ability to resist psionic contact improves with exposure, hence the saving
throw will improve with experience. Also since high wisdom provides a greater chance of
fighting off mind based magical attacks, it will also provide some improved protection versus
psionic attacks. The magical defense bonus will be applied to the saving throw. In no case
may the saving throw be modified below 8. Intelligence of the target will not increase the cost
of contact.

Level Saving Throw

1-3 19
4-6 18
7-9 17
10-12 16
13-15 15
16-18 14
19-21 13
22-24 12
25-27 11
28-30 10

If a psionicist makes a successful power check and the target fails his saving throw, contact is
established without the target becoming aware.

If a psionicist makes a successful power check and the target makes his saving throw, contact
is not established, but the psionicist was able to break off the attempt at contact before the target
became aware of it.

If a psionicist makes an unsuccessful power check, the attempt at contact fails and the target
becomes aware of the attempt. If the target ceases all activity and focuses on preventing future
invasions into his mind, he receives a +2 bonus on all saving throws as long as he concentrates.
If he continues to engage in any activities after a failed attempt, he gains a +1 bonus to his saving
throw for the next 1d6 rounds.

If a psionicist rolls his power score, in addition to the reduced maintenance cost outlined in the
Psionics Handbook, the target receives a -2 penalty to his saving throw on future contact
attempts if the initial attempt was thwarted by a made saving throw.
Mental Armor Class (MAC)
All characters and creatures have mental armor classes (MACs). While physical Armor
Classes protect a body from physical attacks, MACs provide protection from psionic attacks. The
MAC rating ranges from minimal defense (MAC 10) to maximum defense (MAC -10); there are
no MACs worse than 10 or better than -10.
As with standard Armor Class, the higher the MAC number, the more vulnerable the
character is to psionic attack. Likewise, with all attacks, a roll of 20 always hits and a roll of 1
always misses, regardless of the target’s MAC number.

For those who have copies of The Complete Psionics Handbook and who want to continue using
the “optional results” rules (page 28), make the following change. A roll of a power’s MAC
score gives the good result (what used to be signified by a roll of the power score), while a roll of
1 gives the bad result (what used to happen on a roll of 20).

To determine a base MAC number, find the character’s Wisdom score on Table 74 below.
Then find the character’s Intelligence score and add the indicated MAC modifier. MACs can be
improved through proficiencies and other means, as detailed later.

Table 74: Base MAC and PSP Bonuses

Ability Base MAC PSP
Score MAC Modifier Bonus
15 or less 10 0 0
16 9 -1 +1
17 8 -1 +2
18 7 -2 +3
19 6 -2 +4
20 5 -3 +5
21 4 -3 +6
22 3 -3 +7
23 2 -4 +8
24 1 -4 +9
25 0 -4 +10

Example: Tylk of the Westwoods has a Wisdom score of 18, which yields a base MAC of 7.
He has an Intelligence score of 16, which gives a modifier of -1. Without other enhancements,
Tylk has a MAC of 6 (7-1 = 6).

Psionic Strength Points (PSPs)

Every psionicist and wild talent character has psionic strength points, or PSPs. In many ways,
PSPs are like mental hit points, though with a different function. Not only do they determine a
character’s current psionic strength, they also power psionic abilities. This mental strength is
used to create psionic attacks, activate psionic powers, and keep psionic defenses in place. As
long as any PSPs remain, psionic defenses keep the mind closed to psionic intrusion of any sort.
When a psionic character’s PSP total falls to zero, his defenses crumble and his mind is left open
to psionic contact.
Each time a character uses (or attempts to use) a psionic science, devotion, or attack, he must
pay the listed cost from his current PSP total. Damage caused by psionic attacks is also
subtracted from PSP totals.
The PSP total for a psionicist depends on four factors: the psionicist’s Wisdom, Intelligence,
and Constitution scores, and his experience level. Together, these factors determine the
psionicist’s PSP pool. A 1st-level psionicist automatically gets 15 PSPs. This number is modified
by bonuses granted by high ability scores. Lastly, the psionicist rolls 1d6, which is added to
generate a PSP total.
The PSP total for a wild talent is determined with slight modifications. A wild talent
automatically receives enough PSPs to use his power (or powers) once. In addition, he gets 10
PSPs (instead of 15) and any bonuses granted for high Wisdom, Intelligence, and Constitution
scores. He also rolls 1d4, instead of 1d6.

Example: Tylk of the Westwoods has a Wisdom score of 18, an Intelligence score of 16, and
a Constitution score of 17. At 1st level, he gets 21 PSPs (15 + 3 + 1 + 2 = 21) plus a 1d6 die
roll. Garon, a wild talent with the same ability scores, gets 16 PSPs (10 + 3 + 1 + 2 = 16), a
1d4 die roll, and enough PSPs to use his psionic power once.

Gaining PSPs
The PSP total of psionicists and wild talents increases with every level advancement.
Psionicists receive 1d6 PSPs with each level increase up to 9th level, plus any bonuses for high
Wisdom, Intelligence, and Constitution scores. Starting at 9th level, psionicists gain just 3 PSPs,
and they receive bonuses only for high Wisdom scores. Regardless of their Intelligence or
Constitution scores, they no longer receive bonuses for these abilities. Wild talents, on the other
hand, receive only 4 PSPs at each level increase, regardless of their level. Further, no die rolls or
additional modifiers are applied.
Example: The psionicist Tylk of the Westwoods has a Wisdom score of 18, an Intelligence
score of 16, and a Constitution score of 17. When he advances from 1st to 2nd level, he receives
1d6+6 PSPs: the automatic 1d6 die roll and a +6 bonus for his high ability scores.

Recovering PSPs
Characters recover expended PSPs by resting for specific lengths of time (minimum of one
full hour). The only states of rest that allow for PSP recovery are sleep or meditation. Any other
physical activity or the use of psionic powers (which expend PSPs) negates the recovery process
for that hour. A character can never recover more PSPs than his maximum total.
During each hour of rest, characters recover one-eighth of their total PSPs (bearing in mind
that they never recover more than their maximum total). To do this, divide a character’s PSP
total by eight and round up. This is the number of PSPs the character recovers after one full hour
of rest. So, if a psionicist is reduced to 0 PSPs, it takes eight full hours of rest to recover the
expended PSPs-regardless of whether he has 20 or 100 PSPs.

Example: Neecha Nightmoon has a total of 48 PSPs, and she has lost 24 of them during a
recent psionic battle. After an hour of sleep or meditation, Neecha can recover 6 of the expended
PSPs (48 ÷ 8 = 6). She is now at 30 PSPs.
Power Score Alternative
I created this system since I was frustrated by the fact that the psionicist's power scores never
got better with levels. The system is based upon percentage roles. The formula for the percentage
role takes in to account the difficulty (Power score modifier) of the power, the character's level,
and the level of the required proficiency attribute eg; wisdom, con, intelligence. The higher your
level, stats, or both, the better you will be at a certain power. I have also played around with the
Range category and weight for certain powers. A telepath using CONTACT has an unlimited
range. I have incorporated % modifiers for range AND PSP modifiers. It didn't make sense to me
that a telepath could spend only 3 PSP when he was contacting someone 1 mile or 1,000,000
miles away. Granted, his power score modifier was tremendous but still. DMs can play around
with the numbers as they wish, they role the skill percentage secretly.

Using any psionic power is made by rolling percentile dice. There are 4 outcomes:
1. Role under your skill percentage: Power comes off with out a hitch
2. Optional: Role 1-5%: Special Bonus (See specific entry in Psionics Handbook for each
power under Power score).
3. Role over your skill percentage: Power doesn't work. You still expend 1/2 the initial amount
of points for the failed power.
4. Role 96-100%: Always fails. Optional rules- see the Psionics Handbook for the result of
rolling a 20.


A skill percentage can be found using the following formula: Base chance of failure-
(character's level * (pertinent attrib. MOD 3)) + external modifiers. Base chance of failure is
the power score modifier. Pertinent attrib. is the required proficiency role attrib. eg; Wis.,
Intelligence., Con. MOD means the INTEGER division of the attribute by 3. NOTE: the skill
percentage can never go below 0%!

Base chance Failure

0 power score modifier 6%
1 power score modifier 12%
2 power score modifier 24%
3 power score modifier 36%
4 power score modifier 48%
5 power score modifier 60%
6 power score modifier 72%
7 power score modifier 84%
8 power score modifier 96%
9 power score modifier 108%
10 power score modifier 120%

For example: If a 5 level character having the following stats: Wis.18, Con 16, Int. 14, tries to
use the psychometabolic Science ENERGY CONTAINMENT, the power score is listed at CON
-2. The skill percentage formula would be figured as follows: (Base failure 24%)-
(5*(16MOD3=5) +0 (no external modifiers)= 24%-25%=-1% =0%
The base failure percentage comes from the power score modifier, if the power was listed as
Wis -6 the base failure rate would be 72%, etc..
Now, since the energy containment power is used under stressful situations, the DM may give
a 10%,20%,30% external modifier to simulate the fear of being in such a situation and its effect
on the psionicist's concentration.

Example external adjustments (cumulative):

in combat +05%
attacked in melee +10%
additional attacker in melee +05% (each)
in missile combat +05%
attacked by missile fire +10%
each additional missile attacker +05%
struck for damage +50%

Along with the ability in psionics to cross vast distances, large masses, up to 1 metric ton max.,
can also be manipulated by the telekinetic. These abilities do not come with out a price ; distance
and weight cost you more PSPs and a greater % chance for failure the more distant or heavier the
object or creature is. These distance modifiers can ONLY be used for powers where the
RANGE is listed as unlimited. The weight modifiers are for the psychokinetic science
Telekinesis ONLY!

Distance Initial/Main. Weight Initial/Main. % Failure

in Miles points Mod. in Kilos points mod. modifier
0* 0 0-15 1 pt.per
1 1.5/1 16-125 15*2/14 12%
10 2/1.25 126-250 15*3/21 21%
100 2.5/1.5 251-375 15*4/28 32%
1,000 3/1.75 376-500 15*5/35 45%
10,000 3.5/2 501-625 15*6/42 60%
100,000 4/2.25 626-750 15*7/49 77%
1,000,000 4.5/2.5 751-1000 15*8/56 96%
*0=Line of sight.

For example, if Argent is a 7th level psionicist with a wisdom of 18 and wants to CONTACT
Joe(3rd level fighter) who is X(12) miles away, he will have to do the following:
1. Argent must have had prior CONTACT with Joe before. You can not contact a new mind
unless your in the line of sight range. Once Argent has contacted Joe for at least 1 round, Joe's
"mind print" is now known to Argent and may be recognized and search for in the future.
2. Since Argent does NOT know how far away Joe is, he can either start searching in the
smallest radius first and then work his way out OR he may just try to search at say the 10 mile
2A. If Argent tries to do an ever widening search, the scenario runs like this:
1st attempt with in a 1 mile radius yields the equation (6%-(7*6)) -12%= -31% therefore
is 0%. The DM roles a 55% and Argent's power works. He has expended 3(Joe is 3rd
level)*1.5=5 (4.5 rounded up). He finds no Joe. 2nd attempt is with in the 10 mile range and
yields the equation (6%-(7*6)) -21%= -19% is again 0%. The DM roles a 39% and the power
works. Argent still did not find Joe and used in addition to the 5 PSPs from the last attempt,
2*3=6. So the total PSPs used by Argent is 11. 3rd attempt with in the 100 mile range yields a
skill percentage of 0% again. The DM roles a 97%. Argent failed and expends
(3*2.5)/2=4(rounded). His running total is now 15 PSP expended. 4th attempt with in the 100
mile range yields a successful search and he finds Joe ( he also senses that Joe is about over 10
miles away but less than 20.) He expends 8 PSPs for the successful role. The total expended is 23
PSPs. To maintain contact with Joe in the following rounds, he must expend (1 * 1.5 (the
maintenance modifier))= 2 PSPs per round.
2B. Argent decides he wishes to search with in 100 miles right away. The DM roles a 96%
an he fails. He expends 4 PSPs for the failure. He tries again and the DM roles 86%. Argent
succeeds and expends 8 PSPs for the success and now has CONTACT with Joe. Once again he
"feels" that Joe is between 10 and 20 miles away.
3. If Argent now tries to MINDLINK with Joe, he has already paid the initial cost of
CONTACT. To maintain MINDLINK he will expend 8 * 1.5 (the distance maintenance modifier
for 100 miles) or 10 total per round.

Psychic combat follows the rules in the Psionics Handbook. The skill percentage formula
Psionic Awareness

Power Check: WS
Range: 50 yards

Psionic Awareness is termed a "psionic ability," rather than a "psionic power," since it does not
belong to one of the six disciplines, does not take up a science or devotion slot, and does not cost
any PSPs to initiate or maintain.

Psionicists develop their Psionic Awareness during their early training. (Wild talents do not
develop this ability since they undergo no formal training in harnessing the power of the mind.)
As part of the beginning stage of mental exercises that develop a psionicist's mind into a highly
focused source of energy and control, neophytes are taught how to use this natural ability. (See
page 81 of the TCPH, second paragraph under "Resistance" in the Contact devotion description
for a basis on allowing psionicists to have "natural" abilities. Also note that although the five
psionic defense modes are devotions and a science under the Telepathy discipline, psionicists
learn these powers as part of their level progression and schooling, without the need to use a
devotion or science slot.)

The Psionic Awareness ability allows a psionicist to recognize psionically capable minds when
he initiates a mental "scan". The psionicist is able to tell which minds (within the Area of
Effect) are capable of psionic activity, whether these minds are engaged in any psionic activity at
that time or not. The mark of a disciplined and empowered mind is the "signature" that allows
the psionicist to recognize other psionically-capable minds. (Wild talents do not have this
disciplined mark on their minds since they undergo no training to develop it to this level;
therefore, wild talents are not recognized by Psionic Awareness.)

Psionic Awareness does not recognize psionic activity or the expenditure of PSPs, only that a
mind is disciplined and capable of such activity. The Mind Bar power prevents the Psionic
Awareness scan from identifying that mind as psionically-capable, even though PSPs are being
expended. (Likewise, if the Psionic Concealment power is a power available in your campaign,
it prevents the scan from properly identifying as well.)

Even though Psionic Awareness costs a psionicist nothing with regards to PSP expense, there
are other reasons why this is a dangerous ability to exercise. Psionicists not engaged in physical
melee, psionic activity, or other focused activity will immediately recognize that they have been
scanned. Further, the scanned psionicist will be able to tell where the scan originated, thereby
identifying the psionicist who initiated the ability. Needless to say, utilizing this ability in
unfamiliar surroundings can create quite a dangerous situation.

No psionicist appreciates being "checked out" by another. Lawful Good and Lawful Neutral
psionicists who recognize that they have just been scanned will at the very least think it to be a
serious breach of etiquette. Lawful evil psionicists are quite likely to launch a psionic attack
upon the initiator without asking any questions. All psionicists who realize they have been
scanned immediately go into a defensive mindset, and realize that they could be in store for a
confrontational event.

Because a psionicist never knows what high-level psionicist they might possibly scan and
thereby make an enemy of, psionicists simply do not walk down a city street with this ability
maintained and "out there" for all other psionicists to pick up on. Beyond using this ability in
early training to develop a psionicist's mind, the primary use of this ability is in the following
manner: When a psionicist's party has already determined themselves to be in a confrontational
event with another party (that will most certainly lead to combat), the psionicist will use Psionic
Awareness to scan the other party members for possible psionic combatants; (and the psionicist
can bet that any psionicists in the other party are scanning him at the same time!)

Finally, this ability causes psionicists to recognize other psionicists who are just coming into
their mental powers. This typically occurs as a young psionicist is involved in puberty; the
young psionicist may not even realize that he has psionic capability, but as part of all of the
changes his body is undergoing (hormonal, mental, etc.), his untrained mind is "broadcasting" its
ability. In this case, a trained psionicist does not need to make a Power Check in order to
recognize the psionically-capable mind in his presence. Likewise, several psionicists who
recognize a young, broadcasting psionicist in their presence will not recognize each other as
scanning since they each are not having to initiate this ability -- all of the signals are being sent
to them without them even trying to receive. Trained psionicists will no doubt want to get a
moment alone with the young pubescent in order to tell them what they are, what they have the
potential to be, and to try to convince them to begin training with their school. Young
psionicists who are never exposed to another psionicist while going through this puberty period
that causes this mental broadcasting, eventually mature and become wild talents.

Compilers Note: This ability would also be useful for determining if an item is the psionicist
equivalent to a magical item, although it would only give an indication, either Aura Sight or
Object Reading would determine this for sure.

Power Discovery Rules

The introduction of the psionicist character brings out many opportunities for new and different
experiences in the AD&D game world. The main problem with the character is that, unlike
mages and priests, there is no existing rules for the creation of new powers. The idea of making
new powers by players poses many problems. A mage can just go to the magic guild and study
existing spells to find similarities in the way that the magic is shaped. A cleric can pray to their
god for a new and different power. But a psionicist's power comes from within themselves, not
from a god or the magic power of the world that the character is in. Thus, a psionicist is not so
much searching for a way to create a new spell that all mages can use as they are searching for
the power within themselves and unleashing it.
Because they are searching within themselves for the power, a lot of meditation is involved.
Therefore, the meditative focus proficiency is a requirement. The new power may not fall
within the standard rules of new spells in that it cannot duplicate another power. Since self
discovered powers are unique to each individual, it is possible for two psionicists to discover a
similar power, each with it's own advantages and disadvantages. However, duplicating of
powers in the CPH should be disallowed. As well, the creation of powers that are similar in
effect to ones in a barred discipline, and yet not in that discipline, should be disallowed. It may
be a combination of other powers, but be careful with this, as it is not always good for game
balance. The new power should not be a way of circumventing rules that the player does not
like. However, this may be allowed if a specific and logical reason is given. For example, the
dreamer power Dream Link is able to avoid the problems of ejection and other powers that will
break contact. The reason behind this is that the dreamer is linking on a difference
consciousness (or in the actual case, sub-conscious) level that most psionicists never deal with
and therefore they are not able to understand the nature of the contact. If this kind of
circumventing of the rules is allowed, it should be death with in a very cautious and careful
manner so as not to give the character and unfair advantage.
The steps in the creation of a new power are similar to the creation of a new spell. First the
player must submit to the DM what the character hopes to create. Then the DM and the player
must go over the power and talk about what it is suppose to do. Effectively, the character
should write out the description of the power and possibly some of it's statistics. The Power
Score and 20 results should be done later. As well, and PSP costs should be done at a later time,
when the power is defined better. The DM should look for ways in which the power could be
abused and misused. Fixing this should be one of the first priorities of this stage.
The next step is to determine the type of the power. A science is a more general power that is
harder to learn. Telekinesis for example, is a multi-purpose power that can be used for many
things. Therefore it is a science. Detonate on the other hand has a very specific purpose and is
more specialized as a devotion. This is also the time to balance out the power by giving it pre-
requisites as necessary and giving the PSP costs to the power. This is also the time to decide
what happens when the character rolls the Power Score and a 20.
Since the psionicist does not need to research a power, just look within themselves, you might
think it will take less time to get the discovery done. But because the introspection is so
personal and revealing, it may take longer. As a guideline, it should take 1 day for each PSP
needed for the initial cost of the PSP plus the PSP needed to maintain the power once, if that is
possible. This is only a guideline, the time needed may possibly be more, possibly less
depending on the potential of the power and it's type. Generally, a science will take more time
than a devotion. This time should not include any traveling time needed to get to specific
During the introspection, the psionicist must be healthy. Adventuring may be needed,
especially if the psionicist needs the advice of a wise guru and must travel to find him. This can
be part of the cost of research. A psionicist may also need to purchase special incenses and
potions to achieve a proper state of mind. As well, paying for any kind of healing due to
mistakes made and other strange happenings may be needed. Other then that, there would be no
cost. As a guideline, the cost should be the PSP of Initial cost and maintenance cost multiplied
by 50 gold pieces. This should keep most powers from costing too much, but some may cost
more, depending on what is needed.
The biggest thing that is needed for the power is that it will be able to be adopted by the
psionicists after it is discovered. If it is a science, the psionicist must have a slot free for a
science. The same goes for a devotion. As well, the power must fall within one of the
previously taken disciplines or there must be a slot open for a new discipline. Unlike mages,
there can be no extra powers. A mage with one more spell in his spell books than is allowed by
the maximum will not unbalance a campaign because of the number of spells that there are.
However, one extra discipline or science will due to their rarity.
The actual chance of discovering the power should be 100% as it is not an actual discovering
of a new power, but a discovery on one's inner self and the power that they possess. Unless the
DM has decided that the power cannot be discovered because of some reason it should be
implemented immediately. Because it is not written down in any way, there is very little chance
that a rival psionicist will learn the power. Some of the actual research might be role-played
just for fun. An example might be what happens with Priran the Powerful succeed in his earth-
splitting power and engulfs the city palace by mistake. This kind of thing will also give the
psionicist an idea of what happens if they get the power score or a 20 on a roll.
Psionic Combat
Psionicists automatically receive the contact bonus proficiency when they are created.
Contact gives them access to psionic attacks and allows them to participate in psionic combat.
The psionic attacks come naturally and don’t take up any proficiency slots.
Wild talents, however, must select the contact proficiency and place it in an open nonweapon
proficiency slot. (Note that this should occur at the point when a character becomes a wild talent,
whether when he is first created or later in his career when his psionic ability becomes known.)
Along with the proficiency, wild talents receive only one psionic attack form. However, as a wild
talent rises in level and gains nonweapon proficiency slots, he may select additional attack forms.
These fill open slots, and the wild talent may choose more forms (for a total of three) as he gains
slots. Wild talents may never have more than three of the five psionic attacks.
Psionic combat is used to assault closed minds so that they can be opened to further psionic
contact. This is accomplished like other attacks in the AD&D game system: The attacking
psionicist selects an attack form and makes an MTHAC0 roll equal to or exceeding the
defender’s MAC. Regardless of that MAC, a roll of 1 always fails and a roll of 20 always
Psionic attacks can be used against psionic and nonpsionic minds. A nonpsionic mind is
defined as any character without a PSP pool. The procedures are the same, but the results are
slightly different.
When attacking a psionic mind, psionic combat continues until one opponent is reduced to 0
PSPs or until the battle is broken off. A mind with 0 PSPs is open and can be subjected to other
psionic powers. When attacking a nonpsionic mind, however, only one successful attack is
required to open the mind.
Psionic powers only can be used on open minds, whether willingly opened or attacked until
that state occurs. A psionic power can be used in the same round that a mind is opened by
psionic attack.
Psionic defenses, like armor and shields in physical combat, remain in place until the
defender’s PSP total is reduced to 0 (in the case of a psionic character) or one successful psionic
attack breaches the defenses (of a nonpsionic character).
Psionic attacks require concentration. A psionicist who uses one during a combat round can
move at only half his walking rate. A character using a psionic attack also can be disrupted the
same way as can a wizard casting a spell. In the round when a character using a psionic attack is
disrupted, the attack can’t be used. A disrupted psionic attack costs 1 PSP for the attempt.
Psionicists can make a number of psionic attacks in a round according to their level: 1-6, 1/1
round; 7-12, 3/2 rounds; 13+, 2/1 round. Wild talents can never make more than one psionic
attack in a round.
Psionicists and wild talents receive MTHAC0 bonuses depending on their Intelligence
scores, making it easier to accomplish psionic attacks.

In telepathic combat, a psionicist uses a psionic attack mode to attack another. The attacker and defender must
make power checks to initiate their respective attacks or defenses. Whoever makes his power check with the highest
roll wins the psychic contest. If the attacker wins, he gains a tangent on the defender. If the defender wins, the attack
is foiled.
Remember, a character can use a psionic defense while taking another action in the round-attacking physically,
casting a spell, using a magical item, or initiating a psionic power or attack mode of his own. There can be two
simultaneous telepathic combats occurring between two characters!
An overmatched psionicist may decide to defend himself while using his other action to shoot his crossbow at
his tormentor, hoping to disrupt his concentration. If a character chooses to attack via the telepathic attack modes, he
may make two mental attacks per round.
Another reminder: maintaining a power of any kind does not count as taking an action.

Psionic Combat Sequence

· The DM secretly decides what actions the monsters or NPCs will take-including choosing
psionic attacks and defenses (if they have access to any). The DM doesn’t announce that
decision to the players.
· The players indicate what their characters will do, including choosing psionic attacks and
defenses from the ones they have access to.
· Initiative is determined. Note that psionic attacks and powers don’t have initiative modifiers.
· Attacks are made in order of initiative.

Table 75: MTHAC0 Modifiers

Intelligence MTHAC0
Score Modifier
15 or less 0
16-17 -1
18-19 -2
20-22 -3
23+ -4
All psionic attacks require line of sight, as do the use of all psionic powers-with a few
exceptions, such as those in the clairsentience discipline.

The Five Psionic Attacks The five psionic attack forms are ego whip, id insinuation, mind
thrust, psionic blast, and psychic crush. Psionicists have access to all five forms (depending on
their levels), whereas wild talents can never have more than three of the five. The psionic attacks
are described below.

Ego Whip (EW)

This attack assaults a target’s self-esteem and individuality. It strikes like a glowing whip, its
crack slicing open the wells of inferiority and worthlessness buried deep behind the target’s
defenses. For every 4 PSPs put into the attack (declared after a successful attack roll is made),
the attacker rolls 1d6 to determine psionic damage against his foe. If hit, the defender loses that
many PSPs or has his mind opened to further psionic contact if no PSPs remain. A failed attack
costs 2 PSPs.
Ego whip has three ranges: short (40 yards), medium (80 yards), and long (120 yards). At
medium range, the defender receives a +2 bonus to his MAC; at long range, the bonus is +5.
If used against an open mind, ego whip leaves the target dazed for 1d4 rounds, costing the
attacker 4 PSPs. Though no psionic defenses remain, the attacker must roll the defender’s MAC
to successfully hit (this attack receives a +2 bonus). While dazed, all of a character’s die rolls
(attacks rolls, saving throws, etc.) receive a -5 penalty, and the character can’t cast spells above
3rd level.
Id Insinuation (II)
This attack assaults a target’s subconscious, like a mental battering ram tearing through the
walls that separate primitive needs from social constraints. For every 6 PSPs put into the attack
(declared after a successful attack roll is made), the attacker rolls 1d8 to determine psionic
damage against his foe. If hit, the defender loses that many PSPs or has his mind opened to
further psionic contact if no PSPs remain. A failed attack costs 3 PSPs.
Id insinuation has three ranges: short (60 yards), medium (120 yards), and long (180 yards).
At medium range, the defender receives a +2 bonus to his MAC; at long range, the bonus is +5.
If used against an open mind, id insinuation leaves its victim confused and powerless to act
for 1d4 rounds. While no psionic defenses remain, the attacker must roll the defender’s MAC to
successfully hit (the attack roll receives a +2 bonus). This use of the attack costs 6 PSPs.

Mind Thrust (MT)

This attack stabs the mind of the defender, piercing thoughts and memories. For every 2
PSPs put into the attack (declared after a successful attack roll is made), the attacker rolls 1d4 to
determine psionic damage against his foe. If hit, the defender loses that many PSPs or has his
mind opened to further psionic contact if no PSPs remain. A failed attack costs 1 PSP.
Mind thrust has three ranges: short (30 yards), medium (60 yards), and long (90 yards). At
medium range, the defender receives a +2 bonus to his MAC; at long range, the bonus is +5.
If used against an open mind, mind thrust causes the target to lose the use of one psionic
power (chosen randomly) for 1d6 days. While no psionic defenses remain, the attacker must still
roll the defender’s MAC to successfully hit (with a +2 bonus to the attack roll). This use of the
attack costs 2 PSPs. Beyond opening a closed mind, mind thrust has no effect on nonpsionic

Psionic Blast (PB)

This attack takes the form of a wave of mental force that jolts a defender’s mind. For every
10 PSPs put into the attack (declared after a successful attack roll is made), the attacker rolls
1d12 to determine psionic damage against his foe. If hit, the defender loses that many PSPs or
has his mind opened to further psionic contact if no PSPs remain. A failed attack costs 5 PSPs.
Psionic blast has three ranges: short (20 yards), medium (40 yards), and long (60 yards). At
medium range, the defender receives a +2 bonus to his MAC; at long range, the bonus is +5.
If used against an open mind, psionic blast causes 1d8 points of physical damage (hit point
loss) for every 10 PSPs put into the attack. While no psionic defenses remain, the attacker must
still roll the defender’s MAC to successfully hit (with a +2 bonus to the attack roll).

Psychic Crush (PsC)

Like a terrible mental weight, this attack seeks to crush a defender’s mind. For every 8 PSPs
put into the attack (declared after a successful attack roll is made), the attacker rolls 1d10 to
determine psionic damage against his foe. If hit, the defender loses that many PSPs or has his
mind opened to further psionic contact if no PSPs remain. A failed attack costs 4 PSPs. Psychic
crush has a range of 50 yards.
If used against an open mind, psychic crush causes 1d6 points of physical damage (hit point
loss) for every 8 PSPs put into the attack. Although no psionic defenses remain, the attacker must
roll the defender’s MAC to successfully hit (with a +2 bonus to the attack roll).
The Five Psionic Defesnses Both psionicists and wild talents develop psionic defenses
naturally when they progress in experience, as detailed on the Psionic Progression chart. Psionic
defenses are gained without using up any proficiency slots. As with psionic attacks, wild talents
may never have more than three of the five psionic defenses.
A character activates a psionic defense at the beginning of a combat round. This defense
protects against all psionic attacks launched at the character in that round. The PSP cost is only
paid once per round, no matter how many attacks it defends against in that round.
Some psionic attacks are more effective against certain psionic defenses. The reverse is also
true. This is represented by modifiers that apply to the attacker’s MTHAC0. See the Psionic
Attacks vs. Psionic Defenses, below, for a cross-referenced list of penalties and bonuses.
When a psionic attack clashes with a psionic defense, cross-index the attack with the defense
on Table 76. The resulting modifier is applied to the attacker’s MTHAC0. Thus, positive
modifiers are bonuses and negative modifiers are penalties.
Combat cards that list psionic attacks and defenses are strongly recommended. Use 3¥5
cards; one for each attack or defense that a character has. During a round of psionic combat, each
player puts an attack and a defense in front of him, face down, to lock in his action. After all
declarations have been made, cards are turned over and combat commences.
There are five psionic defenses. They are intellect fortress, mental barrier, mind blank,
thought shield, and tower of iron will. These are described below.

Intellect Fortress (IF)

This defense encases the mind in a powerful keep of mental energy to protect it from psionic
attack. Intellect fortress provides the best protection against ego whip, but it’s extremely
vulnerable to psionic blast. The cost is 4 PSPs per round to use this defense.

Mental Barrier (MB)

This defense throws up a wall of thought to protect against psionic attack. A mental barrier is
extremely effective against a psionic blast, but vulnerable to a psychic crush attack. It costs 5
PSPs to use this defense in a round.

Mind Blank (MBk)

This defense hides the mind from psionic attack, forming a vast, featureless area that makes
it harder to target the closed mind. Mind blank protects best against id insinuation, while mind
thrust easily slices through the defensive fog. It costs 3 PSPs per round to use this defense.

Thought Shield (TS)

This defense forms a glowing shield to turn away a psionic attack. Thought shield defends
most effectively against psychic crush but is vulnerable to ego whip. The cost is 2 PSPs per
round to use this defense.

Tower of Iron Will (TW)

This defense builds an unassailable haven for the mind. Mind thrust has a difficult time
penetrating this defense, while id insinuation can breach its protection. The defense costs 6 PSPs
per round.
Table 76: Psionic Attacks vs. Psionic Defenses
Mind Thought Mental Intellect Tower of
blank shield barrier fortress iron will
Mind thrust -5 -3 +2 +3 +5
Ego whip -3 -4 -2 +4 +3
Id insinuation +5 +3 +1 -2 -5
Psychic crush -1 +4 -4 +1 +2
Psionic blast +3 -2 +5 -4 -3

· Wild Talents have been changed so that they are not quite so powerful as the the new
rules, and stronger than the old rules

Wild Talent Attacks and Defenses

Attacks(Int) up to 17 18-20 21+
0 1 2
Levels --- 7th 6th,8th
Defenses(Wis) up to 17 18-20 21+
1 2 3
Levels 6th 5th,7th 4th,6th,8th

· Wild Talents roll on the table in TWaTW for their talent. PSPs are equal to the
initial cost + 1 round of maintainance(if applicable) + bonuses + 1d4. Wild talents
gain 4 PSP's per level

· Wild Talent MTHAC0s and MACs are calculated normally, all Wild talents have
Contact in their Combat discipline.

· Wild Talents do not gain attacks and defenses immediately, but rather the learn
them at later levels:

· Any character may attempt to foil a mental attack by constructing a barrier of

thoughts, much like a child plugging his ears and yelling, or reciting a poem ad
nauseum. This imposes a -2 to the opponent's attack roll.

Adding Substance to Psionic Combat

All psionic combat takes place in the minds of the combatants. This mindscape has its own
rules and reality. Each combatant reaches into his or her own nexus of power, the place where
the energy of mind, body, and spirit come together. The trained psionicist can readily draw upon
this nexus of power, as can the wild talent. Nonpsionicists can’t access this energy, but it springs
forth to protect them in the form of natural Mental Armor Class (MAC).
The attacker and the defender appear as glowing forms, mental pictures of themselves in the
mindscape. Psionicists can shape these psionic forms as elaborately as they see fit. Wild talents,
however, appear as crude, featureless shapes of humanoid light. Nonpsionicists are simply
glowing balls surrounded by mental armor, usually in the shape of a luminescent wall.
While the only thing that determines the success of psionic combat is the MTHAC0 rolls and
the choices of psionic attacks and defenses, players and DMs are encouraged to add flavor by
describing how their characters’ psionic forms look and how the powers they use manifest
themselves. Being creative and having fun with the mindscape as a psionic battle progresses
enhances the roleplaying experience for all.

Example: Tylk of the Westwoods, a psionicist, decides to use the mind thrust attack against
Neecha Nightmoon (also a psionicist). A glowing sword of energy takes shape in his psionic
form’s hand. The sword slashes out, but Neecha calls forth a thought shield, and a luminescent
shield forms suddenly to block Tylk’s attack. Then Neecha shapes her own attack, unleashing a
psionic blast. Energy swells up from her nexus, forming the image of a glowing tiger. The claws
of the great beast slash through the maze of ruins Tylk has formed from his mind blank defense,
then scrape across Tylk’s psionic defenses, reducing his PSP total as the psionic blast finds its

Using Psionic Powers

All psionic powers have a MAC score. To determine if a psionic power works against an
open mind, a player must make an MTHAC0 roll against the power’s MAC score on 1d20. Any
roll equal to or greater than the number means the power has been activated and its effects are
applied for that round of play.
All powers have a cost per round of use. The cost listed to the left of the slash is the number
of PSPs needed to use the power for a single round. The cost listed to the right of the slash is the
number of PSPs expended if the MTHAC0 roll fails (in which case the power’s effects aren’t
Powers that have been successfully activated can be maintained from round to round without
making additional MTHAC0 rolls. The psionicist simply expends PSPs to pay for the power’s
cost. The first round that the character fails to pay the cost (either voluntarily or because his PSPs
have been depleted), the power’s effects cease to function. If the psionicist wishes to reactivate
the power in a later round, even against the same target, he must make a new MTHAC0 roll. If
an MTHAC0 roll to activate a psionic power fails, and the character has enough PSPs remaining,
he can try to activate the power again in the next round by making another MTHAC0 roll.
A roll of 1 is always a failure and a roll of 20 is always a success, no matter what the power’s
MAC or the psionicist’s MTHAC0 scores are.

Table 77: THAC0s & MTHAC0s

----- Psionicist’s Level -----
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
THAC0 20 20 19 19 18 18 17 17 16 16 15 15 14 14 13 13 12 12 11 11 10 10 9 9 8 8 7 7 6 6

----- Psionicist’s Level -----

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
MTHAC0 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9

----- Wild Talent’s Level -----

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
MTHAC0 20 20 19 19 18 18 17 17 16 16 15 15 14 14 13 13 12 12 11 11 10 10 9 9 8 8 7 7 6 6

Table 78: Psionicist Saving Throws

Paralyzation, Poison, Rod, Staff, Petrification Breath
Level or Death Magic or Wand or Polymorph* Weapon† Spell‡
1-4 13 15 12 16 15
5-8 12 13 10 15 14
9-12 11 11 8 13 12
13-16 10 9 7 12 11
17-20 9 7 6 11 9
21+ 8 5 5 9 7

* Excluding polymorph wand attacks.

† Excluding those that cause petrification or polymorph.
‡ Excluding those for which another saving throw type is specified.

New Rules for Contacts, Telepathic Combat and Psychic Contest

Option 1. Simple method
- Everybody has mind blank defense mode.
- Psionic combat against mind blank is not perceptible and it is instantaneous (the psionicist
does not lose the round).
Option 2. More simple method
- Contact does not exist its only a reference to calculate the cost. Every power affects
- Put a saving throw to avoid all powers that do not, originally, have one. Most people use
Save vs. spell + wisdom bonus. However, Save vs. petrification + wisdom bonus is considered a
strange choice but it is more fair, since psionicists have the best numbers there. Someone may try
to invent a new table.
Option 3. Even more simple method
- from "Dark Sun - Shattered Lands" computer game.
(read the notes about the game at the end)
- Contact does not exist its only a reference to calculate the cost. Every power affects
- A psionicist or everyone that has defense modes, tries a contest with his current turned on
defense mode against the attacker s power to avoid the effect (only one).
Option 4. The oversimplified method
- Contact has saving throw vs. petrification + widow bonus. All defense modes are useless and
contact does not spend a round.
Option 5. New method: Psionic Powers Usage
- All Psionicist gain contact free when they get the Telepathic discipline.
- A contact is made in less than a round. The psionicist can make 1 contact plus one devotion
or science that list contact as initial cost. A psionicist cannot make contact as he attacks
physically (only with split mind this is possible). Use psionic powers this way does not made real
contacts, so, this kind of contact cannot be maintained.
- To make the contact the psionicist must see the target. The psionicist may use other powers
(as clairvoyance) to be able to see the target.
- No one can defend a contact. If you want to defend yourself you must be a psionicist and
must start your defense mode before (mind blank is not always active and costs 1 PSP.).
- A defense mode does not have initial cost. The listed initial cost is the maintenance cost per
- When attacked a psionicist can try to win a contest against the attacker power score to avoid
the attack, try to avoid an attack does not occupy the round. The contest has one modification:
The attacker gets a bonus (or penalty) equal to the difference in level between the psionicists.
Telepathic combat is another way to contact and attack a psionicist.
- Some powers should be modified to include a saving throw. Ego Whip and Id insinuation
have saving throw vs. petrification (+ wisdom bonus).

Telepathic Combat:- When two psionicists want to fight each other they can choose to enter
into telepathic combat. First, a psionicist must try to contact the other in a special form calling
the other to a telepathic combat (In game terms: the player or the DM says "I want to fight you".
The character hears this on his mind). If both ones want to enter into combat the combat starts.
If one of them does not accept the challenge the combat is impossible and the psionicist should
try to use any power he wants in the normal way (described before). In suchlike situation, the
challenger automatically wins initiative and the retreater has a -2 ST. penalty against the first
psionic attack (fear + attacker "next" of his mind).
- All telepathic attacks get a bonus (or penalty) equal to the difference in level between the
psionicists. A psionicist cannot try to leave a combat or he automatically looses. At the end of
the combat the winner can automatically execute any telepathic power in looser with maximum
effect and no saving throw (power score still required).
- When a psionicist loose a combat, he is contacted and cannot use any defense mode until the
attacker stops paying maintenance cost or until the psionicist made a successful Ejection. Of
course, the contacted can attack the attacker (if he survives the final attack).
- During combat none of the participants can attack each other in any non-telepathic way. If the
psionicist is disturbed, walk or do any non-telepathic action he suffers -2 penalty (to anything,
attack, ST., ...) and can use only defense modes in that round. The penalty can be increased, at
DM discretion, when trying a complicated activity or when strongly disturbed.
- A psionicist can telepathic attack (and be attacked by) more them one person at the same
time. The number of attacks per round does not increase, but the number of defense mode usages
are unlimited (but with only one type of defense mode per round).
- In all others aspects the telepathic combat is the same described in page 25 of the CPsiH.

About "Dark Sun - Shattered Lands" computer game

The game is very fealty to AD&D stories and rules, but some things were simplified, within
them the psionic powers. The game is very good and gives me some new ideas for adventures,
but this is not relevant in the following description.
In this game, contact does not exist. All powers affect immediately and depend only on
attacker power score and victim saving throw. Everything works OK and the psionicists are not
more powerful than other classes. Not all psionic powers exist in the game but the critical ones
are there (Mass Domination, Psionic Blast, ...)
In one hand, is not obvious the way the game uses to decide when some power works since all
calculations are automatic. In the other hand it obvious that psionic combat does not exits
(contact does not exit, I never was prompted for attack or defense mode usage) but since all
defense modes are there they should be useful in some way. Observing the only two powers that
do not have saving throws (Id insinuation and Ego whip) I see that they do not always work, so,
the defense modes are used in this case. I guess that a successful contest against the victim
defense mode is required by these powers.
Some of the powers are simplified too and the game has helps for each one, so, I list some of
- Detonate: "Inflicts 1-10 points of damage in any creature in the area of effect."
- Animal affinity: "Allows the psionicist to briefly grow claws that inflict 1-10 points of
- Superior Invisibility: "Makes the psionicist nearly undetectable in combat. It is dispelled if
the psionicist attacks."
- Enhanced Strength: "Allows the psionicist to increase his or her strength to 24"
- Inertial Barrier: "This barrier of "elastic" air halves damage form breath weapons, missile,
acid, gas and ice storms."
- Id insinuation: "Paralyzes the target for 1-4 rounds"
- Ego whip: "Target is stunned for 1-4 rounds"
Every psionic power is executed in one round and the only possible effect for domination like
powers are all dominated characters attack their own groups.
All other changes do not affect psionicists and I will not list them. Two final changes maybe
interesting: none distinction between sciences and devotions (only a few of the devotions are
available) and sometimes you can find psionic bracelets, these items can teach a new power to
one person (like a wizard scroll, the bracelet disappears when used).

Closing an Open Mind

A nonpsionic mind is one that has never had any PSPs. Its natural state is closed unless
willingly opened or opened by psionic means. If such a target’s mind has been opened, but the
subsequent psionic attack or power used against it wasn’t successful, the target can attempt to re-
close its mind in the next round. This requires a saving throw vs. paralyzation at no penalty. If a
psionic power was used successfully against the newly opened nonpsionic mind, the target can
still attempt to close its mind, but its saving throw is at a -4 penalty. The target may attempt to
close its mind every round thereafter.
For a newly opened psionic mind (one whose PSPs have been reduced to 0), the target can’t
attempt to re-close its mind until 1d4+1 rounds have passed. After the required rounds have
passed, the target can make a Wisdom check at a -3 penalty every round thereafter to attempt to
close its mind.
When either a nonpsionic or psionic character succeeds at re-closing his mind, the following
occurs: any psionic power currently in use against the character ceases to function, and contact
between the two minds is broken. If the power’s effect already took place in the round in which
the mind re-closed, the psionicist expends the full PSP cost. If the power’s effect didn’t take
place yet in the round, then the lower PSP cost is subtracted from the psionicist’s PSP total (as if
the activation attempt failed). If the psionicist wants to reestablish contact, he’ll have to once
again open the target’s mind.

Psionics in a Round
A psionicist can do several actions during a single round. He can:
· Make as many psionic attacks as his experience level indicates.
· Use one psionic defense.
· Activate one psionic power against an open mind.
· Maintain as many previously successfully activated powers as he wishes, provided he can
afford to continue paying the PSP costs. Further, if a psionic attack succeeds and opens a
closed mind, a psionic power can be used against the mind that same round.
· Revised Optional rules:
· The actions that can be performed in one round has been changed. The psionicist can do
the following, in this order
The psion can elect to pay maintainance on any powers from the previous round, or
drop them. This is done first
One Defense/Construct can be raised. If Mind Blank is active, this action is simply
the formation of a construct. Another defense will cause mind blank to be
dropped. Note that surprise is impossible in full psionic combat, but some other
powers can be more insidious.
The psion may also send as many Attacks/Harbringers as allowed by his level. This is
the same as the number of attacks by a fighter. Wild talents with attacks may only
attack once here.
The psionicist can also perform another action. This can be The use of a power,
activation of a power against an open mind, or a physical action at 1/2, such as
moving half, or attacking with melee or missile weapon at half rate. In lieu of any
other action, a psion can choose to use this action to direct another psionic attack
against an opponent.
Some powers, such as split mind, might change these actions

Limitations to Psionic Powers

Psionic powers have definite limitations. Some of these already have been discussed, but are
repeated here to emphasize them. Other limitations are new.
· PSPs: Psionicists and wild talents have a finite amount of psionic strength available to them
at any given time. This strength, expressed as PSPs, must be expended to use psionic attacks,
defenses, and powers. The total also indicates how much damage a hero’s psionic defenses
can withstand before his mind opens. As such, the psionic character must always balance the
use of powers, attacks, and defenses with how strong he wants his own internal walls to
· Line of Sight: All psionic attacks and most powers require line of sight to use. If line of sight
is blocked, most psionics won’t work.
· Touch: Some psionic powers have a range of “touch.” These can be used in melee combat,
but they require a physical attack roll and an MTHAC0 roll to work. Like all psionic powers,
they only can be used against open minds.
· Obstructions: Anything that hinders a character’s normal vision blocks line of sight. Unless
the description states otherwise, psionicists require a line of sight to use a power. Obvious
exceptions to this rule are the clairsentient powers and many of the telepathic powers.
However, certain materials can obstruct these psionic powers if they completely block the
target. These are lead and iron (at least 1 inch thick), obsidian (at least 2 inches thick), stone
(at least 1 foot thick), and the antimagic shell spell.

Psychic Contests
Sometimes two or more psionicists try to use a psionic power on the same target. For
example, two psionicists might try to use telekinesis to move a stone in two different directions,
or they might attempt to teleport the same character to different locations, or they might use any
psionic powers in such a way as to be in direct conflict with each other. Which power use
prevails? The struggle results in a psychic contest.
To resolve a psychic contest, compare the competing characters’ MTHAC0 rolls made to
activate the powers. The character who has the lowest successful MTHAC0 roll wins the contest.
If none of the competing characters roll successfully, none of the power uses succeed. If one
character succeeds and the others fail the rolls, then that character wins the contest. If competing
characters have the same MTHAC0 score and they roll the same numbers on the dice, then a
psychic lock occurs.
In a psychic lock, neither competing character wins the psychic contest that round. Both are
applying equal psionic pressure, thus creating a stalemate. To resolve the contest, both characters
must pay the power’s PSP cost and engage in another round of psychic contest. If either
character fails to pay the cost-effectively giving up-that character suffers a psychic backlash and
loses 4d4 PSPs immediately.

PsiVsPsi (Athasian Style)

Psionic combat is not just a matter of exchanging mind thrusts until a person falls. It’s a delicate dance in which the
attacker strives to pierce his opponent’s defenses. On Athas, this dance has been codified with a set of constructs
with which the combatants arm themselves, like gladiators before a match.
The battle occurs in the defender’s mindscape, and the various attacks and defenses have tangible forms in this
realm. Insinuative attacks seek a point to begin spreading their poison; psychic barrages batter down the victim’s
defenses with irresistible forces. Psionic combat occurs in a realm of virtual reality; the human mind is incapable of
grasping the abstract play of the forces involved and assigns a landscape and symbols to represent the battleground
and the weapons used.

Constructs and Harbingers

In mental combat, attacker and defender strive to find forms to best their opponent’s. The defender assumes the form
of an impregnable tower; the attacker takes the shape of a so-ut, a beast that can destroy any building. The defender
responds by changing into a forest in which his psyche cannot be found; the attacker becomes a withering flame to
burn the trees away. The various forms are known as harbingers, for attack modes, and constructs, for defenses.
The use of harbingers and constructs is voluntary. The psionicist need not trouble with the symbology of combat.
However, the images are excellent for focusing the mind and can provide significant advantages to those who use
them well. If a character uses a construct or harbinger in combat against a foe who does not, the character using the
imagery receives a +1 modifier to power score checks in addition to the normal modifiers provided by the Attack
Mode vs. Defense Mode Table.

Attack Mode vs. Defense Mode Table

Attacks M- TS MB IF TW
MT +5 -2 -4 -4 -5
EW +5 0 -3 -4 -3
II -3 +2 +4 -1 -3
PsC +1 -3 -1 -3 -4
PB +2 +3 0 -1 -2

MT: Mind Thrust M-: Mind Blank

EW: Ego Whip TS: Thought Shield
II: Id Insinuation MB: Mental Barrier
PsC: Psychic Crush IF: Intellect Fortress
PB: Psionic Blast TW: Tower of Iron Will

In addition, harbingers and constructs make for a colorful mental battle. Instead of simply rolling dice, the
players can imagine their characters taking he forms of unique variations on the standard attacks and defenses.
The tradition of Tarandas recognizes 10 psionic combat modes: mind thrust, ego whip, id insinuation, psychic
crush, and psionic blast for attack; and mind blank, thought shield, mental barrier, intellect fortress, and tower of
iron will for defense. Each of these modes possesses four common harbingers or constructs, for a total of 40
symbols. Dozens of variations exist, and almost every master of the Way will customize his symbology to reflect his
own tastes and strengths and his unique set of abilities.
The Harbingers vs. Constructs Table sums up the combat effects of the various symbols. Cross-index the
attacker’s harbinger with the defender’s construct to find the modifier to the attacker’s power score check. These
modifiers replace the modifiers from Table 14 of The Complete Psionics Handbook, Attack vs. Defense Modes.
(Table 14 is reprinted on page 29 for your convenience.)

Example: Koren is psionically attacked by a gith! Quickly he decides to throw up his mental barrier defense and
chooses a construct of pure Will. The gith is attempting to ego whip him, using a harbinger of the Slave. The Will is
strong against the Slave’s despair, and the gith suffers a -5 penalty to his attack instead of the normal -3 penalty for
using ego whip against mental barrier.

A Dark Sun game psionicist begins play as a 3rd-level character with two defense modes. He is allowed to select
three constructs between the two defense modes. Each time the character gains a level, he may learn a new
construct. If he gains a new defense mode, he automatically gains one construct from that mode in addition to the
construct he gains for increasing in level.
When a character learns an attack mode, he automatically gains one harbinger in that mode. He may also learn a
new harbinger each time he advances in level, so it is possible to learn two harbingers in one level increase. A
character cannot learn a harbinger or a construct for an attack or defense mode he does not know.

New Psychic Harbingers and Constructs

The Will and the Way describes psychic constructs and harbingers in Chapter Five:
Mental Combat. However, the images and symbols presented in it do not quite fit the
tone of a Planescape campaign. They have been reworked in this document to allow the
use of these colorful images, although a few remain in their original state.
These symbols are not universal; plenty of Upper Planar psionicists scorn the use of symbols
regarding the Lower Planes and prefer to focus on the positive. For example, an aasimon versed
in the arts of the mind may prefer to use the image of an army of Einheriar instead of an angry
Balor. Their effects are the same, however, whether or not the Upper Planar being calls his
defense Nemausus or Malsheem, the same chart on the following table should still be used.

The Harbingers
Each symbol used in mental combat is selected for a specific quality of strength that the psionicist wishes to
emulate. For example, harbingers of the mind thrust attack are weapons. Harbingers of the ego whip attack are
symbolic personalities that signify emotion. Id Insinuation harbingers are horribly venomous creatures, while those
representing psychic crush are powerful, irresistible forces. The harbingers of psionic blast are strong, savage
animals renowned for their ferocious fighting abilities.
The 20 commonly recognized harbingers used by psionicists on Athas are presented below.

The Sword (Swd): Strong and flexible, the Sword pierces defenses and slashes away deceit.
The Chatkcha (Cht): Swift and graceful, the Chatkcha circumvents defenses to strike its targets.
The Incantation (Inc): The power of the Incantation overwhelms resistance and erodes the will.
The Flame (Fla): Defenses are seared to ash by the pure touch of the Flame.
The Templar (Tmp): Signifying betrayal, the templar can destroy the most powerful mind from within.
The Noble (Nob): Scorn is the noble’s weapon, exposing weakness to harsh scrutiny.
The Slave (Sla): Utter despair can defeat those who are too strong to overcome otherwise.
The Dragon (Drg): Grief and horror follow in the Dragon’s wake, swallowing the weak and defenseless.
The Wyvern (Wyv): Fierce and dangerous, the wyvern attacks with rage and blinding speed.
The Scorpion (Scp): Relentless in its pursuit of its prey, the scorpion never gives up the attack.
The Crystal Spider (Cry): Beautiful but deadly, the spider’s mystic poison can destroy defenses easily.
The Silk Wyrm (Slk): The Silk Wyrm is stealth personified, slithering past defenses to attack.
Sand (San): The crushing weight of Sand has covered the green jungles and blue oceans of Athas.
The Mekillot (Mek): Strong and relentless, the mekillot cannot be stopped.
The Silt Horror (Hor): Powerful tentacles can drag even the strongest defender into death and madness.
The Boulder (Bdr): Shattering walls and crushing the weak, the Boulder cannot be stopped.
The So-Ut (Sot): The insane rage of the Rampager sweeps frail human minds before it like dust.
The Sloth (Slt): Slashing claws and relentless tenacity can carve a defense to pieces.
The Kirre (Kir): Graceful and strong, the Kirre fights with honor and skill.
The Tembo (Tem): Malice and guile can defeat skill and honor with ease.

New Harbinger Forms

The Sword (Swd): Strong and flexible, the sword pierces defenses and slashes away deceit.
The Scythe (Scy): All fall before the mighty swing of the scythe.
The Glaive (Glv): The glaive of the barbazu shreds all put before it.
The Axe (Axe): Defenses are chopped through by the might of a stout dwarven axe.
The Anarchist (Ana): Cunning and silent, the Anarchist works from within to destroy the defenses of
other minds.
The Factol (Fac): Those who cross the Factol often find themselves dead for their insolence.
The Arcanoloth (Arc): Knowledgeable and deceitful, the Arcanoloth knows every chink in the armor of
the defense.
The Succubus (Suc): None can resist the sultry whiles of the Succubus.
The Aeserpent (Aes): The venom of the Aeserpent destroys the enemy from within.
The Asuras (Asu): Righteously slaying the enemies of their patron, the asuras are a powerful servant in
the service of anyone.
The Pit Fiend (Ptf): Powerful and cunning, the pit fiend lets none escape its gaze unscarred.
The Yeth Hound (Yet): The constant howling of a Yeth Hound drives all to insanity.
The Waste (Was): None can resist the omnipresent soul-draining of The Waste.
Phlegthon (Phl): The Fire burns all, cleansing the impure and stripping away their defenses.
The Holy Mount (Hol): The Holy Mount purifies all from a body, leaving nothing behind.
Stygia (Sty): The icebergs of Stygia stop for no man, pushing forward until they are triumphant.
The Vrock (Vro): When the Vrock screeches, the mightiest souls know fear.
The Barbazu (Bar): The Barbazu cuts through the mental defenses like a hot glaive through The
Elemental Plane of Butter.
The Mezzoloth (Mez): The strong mercenaries of the Blood War are known for their ferocity in combat.
The Balor (Bal): All fear the balor, the horrible and mighty scourge of The Abyss.
The Constructs
Like harbingers, constructs are images that allow a psionicist to concentrate on his mental defense. Mind blank
constructs are landscapes in which the psyche can hide. Thought shield constructs are arms that can parry or confuse
blows. Mental barrier constructs are concepts that can fill the mind, while those of intellect fortress are living
fortresses. Lastly, tower of iron will constructs are strong places in which the mind can hide.
The 20 common constructs are presented below.

The Void (Voi): Empty of substance, the Void is unassailable and cannot be harmed.
The Forest (For): A wealth of life misdirects the attacker, leading him astray.
The Mudflat (Mud): Liquid mud frustrates the attacker, miring him in featureless terrain.
The Ruins (Rns): Utter anarchy and destruction surrounds the mind with a pathless barrier.
The Shield (Shd): Swiftly moving to block any blow, the Shield is unbreakable.
The Rune (Run): Mystic defense halts the most determined attack with but a word.
The Armor (Arm): Impenetrable protection surrounds the psyche, defeating all assaults.
The Wall (Wal): An endless barrier that is continuously renewed as it is destroyed.
The Truth (Tru): Lies and deceit cannot withstand the pure light of the Truth.
The Will (Wll): Nothing can overcome one whose Will is truly unbreakable.
Acceptance (Acc): Embracing the attack can often defeat it.
Denial (Den): If the attack does not exist, it cannot harm.
The Cha’thrang (Cha): Bristling with chitinous spikes, the cha’thrang is impervious to attack.
The Beetle (Btl): A rock-hard carapace surrounds the psyche, deflecting even the strongest blows.
The Drake (Dra): Sheer strength and mass shrug off the most dire wounds.
The Bramble (Bra): Razor-sharp thorns bar the passage of any attacker, guarding the psyche.
The Tower (Tow): Strong and tall, the Tower is unassailable.
The Rampart (Ram): Layers of defense upon defense can trap and destroy any attack.
The Gate (Gat): The path to the mind is barred with locks of steel and gates of stone.
The Crag (Cra): Lonely and strong, the crag resists all attacks.

New Construct Forms

Vacuum (Vac): Consisting of sheer nothingness, Vacuum cannot be destroyed.

Pelion (Pel): The Wastes of Pelion have served to hide more than one dark secret.
Ooze (Ooz): More than one confident attacker has lost himself in the mire of Ooze.
Agathinon (Aga): The caverns of Agathinon are infinite and impregnable.
The Shield (Shd): Swiftly moving to block any blow, the Shield in unbreakable.
The Glyph (Gly): The glyph protects the user safe inside it; nothing outside may break in.
The Armor (Arm): Impenetrable protection surrounds the psyche, defeating all assaults.
The Wall (Wal): Unbreakable and unscalable, the Wall keeps that out which was not meant to be in.
The Truth (Tru): Lies and deceit cannot withstand the pure light of truth.
The Will (Wil): Nothing can overcome one whose Will is truly unbreakable.
Acceptance (Acc): Embracing the attack can often defeat it.
Denial (Den): If the attack does not exist, it cannot harm.
The Demarax (Dem): The Demarax shrugs aside all blows, allowing nothing to distract the psyche.
The Quill (Qui): The defenses of the quill yield for no attack.
The Mortai (Mor): What can truly harm the clouds? The mortai hides the psyche within it from all
outward assailants.
The Baku (Bak): The hide of the baku ignores all attacks with the pure light of reason.
The Tower (Tow): Strong and tall, the Tower is unassailable.
Malsheem (Mal): The mighty fortress of Malsheem has yet to be pierced by mortal eyes.
The Gate (Gat): The path to the mind is barred with locks of steel and gates of stone.
The Spire (Spi): The psyche lies at the top of the Spire; those who attempt to climb are surely in for a fall.
Harbingers vs. Constructs Table
Attack Defense Modes
Modes M- TS MB IF TW
Voi For Mud Rns Shd Eun Arm Wal Tru Wll Acc
Den Cha Btl Dra Bra Tow Ram Gat Cra
MT Swd +5 +5 +5 +5 -4 0 -2 -2 -4 -2 -6 -4
-2 -6 -6 -2 -4 -6 -4 -6
Cht +6 +5 +5 +4 0 -4 -4 0 -2 -2 -6 -6
-4 -2 -4 -6 -6 -3 -8 -3
Inc +8 +3 +4 +5 0 -4 0 -4 -6 -6 -2 -2
-4 -4 -2 -6 -3 -6 -5 -6
Fla +1 +7 +6 +6 -4 0 -2 -2 -4 -6 -2 -4
-6 -4 -4 -2 -7 -5 -3 -5
EW Tmp +3 +7 +6 +4 0 -2 0 +2 -4 -1 -5 -2
-3 -3 -6 -4 0 -3 -3 -6
Nob +4 +6 +6 +4 +1 -2 -1 +2 -2 -2 -2 -6
-5 -6 -1 -4 -4 -2 -2 -4
Sla +6 +4 +4 +6 -1 +2 +1 -2 -3 -5 -2 -2
-4 -2 -3 -7 -4 -3 -3 -2
Drg +7 +3 +4 +6 0 +2 0 -2 -3 -4 -3 -2
-4 -5 -6 -1 -4 -4 -4 0
II Wyv -4 -2 -1 -5 +2 0 +2 +4 +4 +6 +3
+3 -3 +1 + -3 -4 -3 -3 -2
Scp -5 -1 -3 -3 +3 +1 +3 +1 +4 +5 +5
+2 +1 -1 -3 -1 -4 -2 -2 -4
Cry 0 -4 -5 -3 +2 +4 +2 0 +3 +5 +3
+5 0 -3 -2 +1 -3 -3 -4 -2
Slk -3 -5 -3 -1 +1 +3 +1 +3 +5 +3 +2
+6 -2 -1 0 -1 -1 -4 -3 -4
PsC San +3 0 +1 0 -1 -4 -2 -5 -1 -1 -2 0
-4 -5 -2 -1 -4 -4 -7 -1
Mek 0 +2 0 +2 -5 -4 -2 -1 -1 0 -1 -2
-3 -4 -3 -2 -3 -5 -3 -5
Hor +1 0 +3 0 -1 -3 -4 -4 0 -3 0 -1
-3 -1 -3 -5 -6 -4 -2 -4
Bdr 0 +2 0 +2 -5 -1 -4 -2 -2 0 -1 -1
-2 -2 -4 -4 -3 -3 -4 -6
PB Sot +3 0 +1 +4 +3 0 +4 +5 0 +2 -1 -1
0 -3 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -5
Slt +2 +4 +2 0 +4 +2 +4 +2 +1 0 0 -1
-1 0 +1 -4 -2 -3 -1 -2
Kir +1 +3 +2 +2 +3 +5 +2 +2 +1 0 0 -1
-2 0 -2 0 -3 -2 -3 0
Tem +2 +1 +3 +2 +2 +5 +2 +3 -2 -2 +1
+3 -1 -1 -3 +1 -2 -2 -3 -1

Cross-index the harbinger against the construct. The result is the modifier to the attacker’s power initiation check for
that round.

Updated Harbingers vs. Constructs Table

(taken and modified from The Will and the Way)

Attack Defense Modes

Modes M- TS MB IF TW
Vac Pel Ooz Aga Shd Gly Arm Wal Tru Wll Acc Den Dem Qui Mor Bak Tow Mal
Gat Spi
MT Swd +5 +5 +5 +5 -4 0 -2 -2 -4 -2 -6 -4 -2 -6 -6 -2 -4 -6 -4 -
Scy +6 +5 +5 +4 0 -4 -4 0 -2 -2 -6 -6 -4 -2 -4 -6 -6 -3 -8 -
Glv +8 +3 +4 +5 0 -4 0 -4 -6 -6 -2 -2 -4 -4 -2 -6 -3 -6 -5 -
Axe +1 +7 +6 +6 -4 0 -2 -2 -4 -6 -2 -4 -6 -4 -4 -2 -7 -5 -3 -
EW Ana +3 +7 +6 +4 0 -2 0 +2 -4 -1 -5 -2 -3 -3 -6 -4 0 -3 -3 -
Fac +4 +6 +6 +4 +1 -2 -1 +2 -2 -2 -2 -6 -5 -6 -1 -4 -4 -2 -2 -
Arc +6 +4 +4 +6 -1 +2 +1 -2 -3 -5 -2 -2 -4 -2 -3 -7 -4 -3 -3 -
Suc +7 +3 +4 +6 0 +2 0 -2 -3 -4 -3 -2 -4 -5 -6 -1 -4 -4 -4 0
II Aes -4 -2 -1 -5 +2 0 +2 +4 +4 +6 +3 +3 -3 +1 + -3 -4 -3 -3 -
Asu -5 -1 -3 -3 +3 +1 +3 +1 +4 +5 +5 +2 +1 -1 -3 -1 -4 -2 -2 -
Ptf 0 -4 -5 -3 +2 +4 +2 0 +3 +5 +3 +5 0 -3 -2 +1 -3 -3 -4 -
Yet -3 -5 -3 -1 +1 +3 +1 +3 +5 +3 +2 +6 -2 -1 0 -1 -1 -4 -3 -
PsC Was +3 0 +1 0 -1 -4 -2 -5 -1 -1 -2 0 -4 -5 -2 -1 -4 -4 -7 -
Phl 0 +2 0 +2 -5 -4 -2 -1 -1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -3 -2 -3 -5 -3 -
Hol +1 0 +3 0 -1 -3 -4 -4 0 -3 0 -1 -3 -1 -3 -5 -6 -4 -2 -
Sty 0 +2 0 +2 -5 -1 -4 -2 -2 0 -1 -1 -2 -2 -4 -4 -3 -3 -4 -
PB Vro +3 0 +1 +4 +3 0 +4 +5 0 +2 -1 -1 0 -3 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -
Bar +2 +4 +2 0 +4 +2 +4 +2 +1 0 0 -1 -1 0 +1 -4 -2 -3 -1 -
Mez +1 +3 +2 +2 +3 +5 +2 +2 +1 0 0 -1 -2 0 -2 0 -3 -2 -3 0
Bal +2 +1 +3 +2 +2 +5 +2 +3 -2 -2 +1 +3 -1 -1 -3 +1 -2 -2 -3 -

Psionics and Magic

Psionics and magic use completely different forces. Psionics uses internal energy, while
magic taps into extraplanar power. Both arts can produce similar effects, but they do so in very
different ways. For this reason, psionics and magic don’t ordinarily mix. Magical spells, for
instance, can’t be used to detect or dispel psionic activity, unless otherwise stated. Likewise,
psionic powers can’t detect magic that simulates psionic abilities. Lastly, if a psionicist uses a
psychokinetic, psychometabolic, psychoportive, or telepathic power against a magical illusion,
he automatically gets a saving throw vs. spell to disbelieve it. Specific spells, as listed below,
intermix with psionics in the following ways.

Antimagic shell: This spell blocks the effects of psionic powers.

Detect charm: This spell detects telepathic control, such as domination.
Detect invisibility: This spell allows the caster to see clearly psionic invisibility, astral
travelers, shadowform, and ethereal creatures. It doesn’t work against characters in other
Detect magic: This spell has no effect on psionics.
Detect scrying: This spell will detect psionic scrying, though psionicists get a save vs. spell
to avoid detection.
ESP: If this spell is used against psionicists, they get a save vs. spell with a +2 bonus to
negate the effects.
False vision: This spell works against psionics, though psionicists get a save vs. spell to
negate effects.
Forbiddance: This spell effectively blocks all teleportation and metabolic powers.
Free action: This spell overcomes all psychokinetic effects against the subject’s body, as
well as domination.
Globe of invulnerability/minor globe of invulnerability: These spells have no effect on
Magic jar: Psionicists use their combined Wisdom and Constitution scores when
determining the differential modifier.
Mind blank: Psionicists get a save vs. spell to overcome this enchantment.
Misdirection: This spell has no effect on psionics.
Mislead: A psionic attack reveals this spell, but the first attack automatically fails.
Nondetection: This spell works normally against psionics.
Otiluke’s resilient sphere: Psionics can’t penetrate this spell’s protection.
Protection from evil/protection from evil, 10-foot radius: These spells provide +2 bonuses to
Spell immunity: This spell has no effect on psionics.
Trap the soul: Psionicists trapped by this spell can’t use any psionic powers.

Psionicists and
Wild Talents

Psionic powers can be used by any character class, though one class specializes in the use of
psionics: the psionicist. Wild talents are a subclassification within other character classes. These
characters possess one or two psionic powers. Their main vocation is that of their class. For
instance, a priest could have a psionic ability or two, but he relies primarily on the skills of his
class. A psionicist, on the other hand, relies almost entirely on his psionic gifts. The differences
between the two types of psionic characters are explained in the section that follows.

Psionicist The psionicist character works to mold mind, body, and spirit into a unified,
powerful whole. The hero’s internal energy, or psionic strength, comes from deep within
himself-from a place psionicists call the nexus. This energy is given form and purpose by the
individual’s strength of will. Through extraordinary discipline, long contemplation, and
deepening awareness of self, the psionicist taps the vast potential of his mind.
Psionicists must meet or exceed the following prerequisites.
Ability requirements: Constitution 11, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 15
Prime requisites: Wisdom, Constitution
Races allowed: Any
Because the pursuit of psionics require strict mental and physical discipline, a psionicist has
two prime requisites: Wisdom and Constitution. His primary mental ability score is Wisdom. As
the measure of his willpower and enlightenment, Wisdom promotes the understanding and
mastery of the inner self-the essence of psionic ability. Likewise, the tremendous stress of using
psionics requires a healthy body to house a fit mind. This is where Constitution comes into play.
Lastly, Intelligence is important to psionicists because of the reasoning and memorization
necessary to the class.
All races eligible for use as player characters can become psionicists. Human psionicists have
no limit on the levels of experience they can attain in their chosen class. Half-elves, half-orcs,
and half-ogres (due to their partial human heritage) can reach 12th level. Halflings and gnomes
can attain 10th level. Dwarves and elves can reach only 8th level as psionicists. All creatures not
listed here can reach 10th level.

Dual-Classed and
Multiclassed Psionicists
A human character who has scores of 15 or more in the prime requisites of his first class and
scores of 17 or more in the prime requisites of the class he switches to can be a dual-classed
psionicist. See the Player’s Handbook, for more details on dual-class benefits and restrictions.
Demihuman characters can be multiclassed psionicists if they meet the requirements in the
Player’s Handbook.

Psionicists can be of any alignment, save chaotic. The discipline integral to psionics can’t be
maintained by chaotic characters. If a psionicist’s alignment shifts to chaotic for any reason, he
quickly begins to lose psionic powers. Every day his alignment remains chaotic, the character
must make an ability check against one-half his Wisdom score, rounded down. Each time the
character fails this check, he loses access to one psionic discipline and all the powers related to
it. The discipline is selected randomly by the DM.
Psionicists who change to chaotic alignment can’t recover PSPs. If a psionicist’s alignment
turns from chaotic back to nonchaotic, he begins to recover lost disciplines at a rate of one per
day. This is accomplished by making the same halved Wisdom check described above-success
indicates the return of a random discipline from those that were lost.

Weapon and Armor Restrictions

Psionicists disdain using weapons of any sort. Further, they don’t have the time to properly
train in their use. If a psionicist character wants to use a weapon, he must select it from the
following small-sized items: hand crossbow, dagger, dart, dirk, knife, scourge, sickle, and short
Psionicists can only use the following types of armor: padded, leather, studded leather, and
hide. They may also carry small shields.

Psionicist Benefits
Psionicists have their own THAC0s, which are listed on the THAC0s and MTHAC0s, above,
along with their respective MTHAC0s. MTHAC0s for wild talents are listed on the same table,
though these characters must refer to their class’s own THAC0 tables for calculated attack rolls.
Psionicists gain a +2 bonus on all saving throws vs. enchantment/charm spells. This is in
addition to any magical defense adjustments for high Wisdom scores. the Psionicist Saving
Throw table lists saving throws for this character class.
At 9th level, a psionicist becomes a contemplative master. Such a master can build a
sanctuary to use as his headquarters and can attract followers. A 1st-level psionicist arrives
monthly to study with the master, regardless of whether he builds a sanctuary. The maximum
number of followers is equal to the master’s Charisma score if he builds a sanctuary, or half that
number rounded down if he doesn’t.
A master’s followers want to learn. They serve in any capacity the master chooses as long as
the master spends at least 10 hours per week instructing them. If the master doesn’t live up to
this schedule, the followers leave to find someone else.

Psionicist Advancement
A psionicist earns experience points and advances in level like members of other classes, as
outlined on Table 79 below.

Psionicists and PSPs

A psionicist determines his initial PSP total by adding bonuses awarded for high Wisdom,
Constitution, and Intelligence scores to a base of 15, then adding the result of a 1d6 die roll:
Wis bonus + Con bonus + Int bonus + 15 + 1d6 = 1st-level PSP total.
With every level increase, up to the 9th level, a psionicist gains additional PSPs by adding
the bonuses to a 1d6 die roll:
Wis bonus + Con bonus + Int bonus + 1d6 = PSPs gained per level (2 through 8).
Starting at 9th level, a psionicist gains just 3 PSPs per level, plus his Wisdom bonus.
Wis bonus + 3 = PSPs gained per level (9th level and higher).

Table 79: Psionicist Experience Levels

Psionicist Experience Hit Dice
Level Points Roll (d6)
1 0 1
2 2,200 2
3 4,400 3
4 8,800 4
5 16,500 5
6 30,000 6
7 55,000 7
8 100,000 8
9 200,000 9
10 400,000 9+2
11 600,000 9+4
12 800,000 9+6
13 1,000,000 9+8
14 1,200,000 9+10
15 1,500,000 9+12
16 1,800,000 9+14
17 2,100,000 9+16
18 2,400,000 9+18
19 2,700,000 9+20
20 3,000,000 9+22

Gaining Disciplines and Powers

Every psionic power belongs to one of the five psionic disciplines: clairsentience,
psychokinesis, psychometabolism, psychoportation, and telepathy. Powers are either major (and
are called sciences) or minor (called devotions). Before a psionicist can learn a psionic power, he
must have access to the appropriate discipline.
At 1st level, a psionicist selects one discipline. This is his primary discipline. As a psionicist
advances in level, he gains access to additional disciplines (as shown on the Psionic Progression
table. A psionicist starts out at 1st level with four powers within his primary discipline: one
science and three devotions. With each advance in level, the psionicist gains additional
disciplines and powers, as outlined. Some additional points to consider include the following:
· A player can select new powers for his character as soon as the character reaches a new
experience level. These new powers can be selected from any discipline the character has
access to, including a discipline that was just gained.
· Within a single discipline, a character must have twice as many devotions as sciences. For
example, a player can’t select a third telepathic science until his character has at least six
telepathic devotions.
· A character can never learn as many sciences and devotions in another discipline as he
knows in his primary discipline. This provides a focus for a hero that he can adhere to
throughout his career.

Table 80: Psionic Progression

Exp. Total Total Total Psionic
Level Disciplines Sciences Devotions Att/Def
1 1 1 3 1/1
2 2 1 5 1/1
3 2 2 7 2/2
4 2 2 9 2/2
5 2 3 10 3/3
6 3 3 11 3/3
7 3 4 12 4/4
8 3 4 13 4/4
9 3 5 14 5/5
10 4 5 15 5/5
11 4 6 16 5/5
12 4 6 17 5/5
13 4 7 18 5/5
14 5 7 19 5/5
15 5 8 20 5/5
16 5 8 21 5/5
17 5 9 22 5/5
18 5 9 23 5/5
19 5 10 24 5/5
20 5 10 25 5/5


Psionics on Athas
Psionics are prevalent everywhere in the DARK SUN campaign. Every living creature on Athas will have
contact with psionics during its lifetime. Creatures may possess talents that help them to hunt or survive,
people with natural talents fill the cities, and even nonpsionic creatures and characters must deal with
their psionic counterparts. Those who can’t adapt to these conditions will not survive beneath the
crimson sun.
All living things are blessed with some psionic potential, even if they do not develop mental powers.
This potential is the summation of three characteristics: physical strength, mental strength, and spiritual
strength. Only by using all three aspects together can a creature call upon its psionic energies.
Physical strength does not refer to muscle mass or hardiness; a more accurate term would be physical
self-awareness. Students of the Way strive to understand their bodies, their limits, and their strengths.
Many people are not paragons of physical prowess, but still enjoy an aptitude for psionics simply by
recognizing their weaknesses and compensating for them.
Mental strength refers to the one’s intellectual strength and mental quickness. As with physical
strength, it’s not how much the characters possess but how well they use it. People of only average
intelligence have achieved mastery of the Way by compensating for their lack of brilliance with
perseverance and determination.
Spiritual strength is the summation of strength of will and character. While it is possible for physically
weak or mentally weak characters to use psionics, it is very difficult for a weak-willed person to ever
proceed far in the study of the Way.
When people learn to use psionics, they’re taught to create a nexus-a point in the center of their beings
where physical, mental, and spiritual energy can be harnessed. It is the union of these powers that allows
psionicist to perform the remarkable feats they’re capable of.

The Will
Athasians use the term “Will” to refer to someone’s innate ability for psionics. A nomad with a wild
talent is said to have the Will, while a noble who studies at an academy of the Way but never learns more
than the
theory of poisons clearly lacks the Will. Without the desire to push oneself, to master the forces within, a
person can never learn to use the Way.
To psionicist, Will also refers to reserves of mental strength. Using psionic powers can be strenuous,
and the limit of a character’s endurance is his Will. Eventually, even the most powerful of masters
becomes exhausted and must rest to replenish his strength. When wounds and exhaustion cloud the
vision and the mind swims in delirium, only the greatest masters still possess the Will to continue using
their powers.
In game terms, Will is represented by a character’s psionic strength points (PSPs). With time and self-
study (rising in level), a character’s psionic strength increases. A psionic strength points are expended,
the Will diminishes. Use of psionic powers becomes harder and harder, until finally the energies can’t be
summoned again until the character rests.

The Way
The Way is the study of the psionic sciences. Many people may possess the Will, but unless they are
schooled in the Way they will never do more than scratch the surface of their potential. The study of the
Way is difficult and demanding; not every creature with the Will can learn the Way, but every master of
the Way must possess a strong measure of Will.
The Way is very similar to the study of magic. Just as wizards strive to master more advanced and
difficult spells, psionicists seek to unlock new and more powerful abilities. Unlike wizardry, there is no
single formula that will reproduce an effect of the Way that will work the same for each individual.
Students must independently develop the command of their powers.
While many beings can discover the strength of the Will within themselves, most who go on to study
the Way require guidance from a teacher. There are schools of the Way in every city of Athas, and
merchant houses and noble families often pay dearly to have their scions educated by the best. Rarely, the
academies waive tuition for a promising student of the free classes. Slaves are never formally instructed
in the Way.
In addition to the formal schools, there are wandering teachers or tribal elders who take it upon
themselves to instruct those who show promise. Even field slaves may be instructed by an older, wiser
slave in secret sessions. Most of these tutors can’t provide the quality of training that a formal curriculum
can, but some wandering masters are very capable and can provide an unrivaled education in the psionic

Tarandas of Raam
Psionics have been a part of Athasian society for thousands of years. It is almost certain that use of mental
power predates the founding of most of the city-states of the Tyr region. The modern culture’s
understanding of psionics dates back almost 900 years to a woman known as Tarandas, the Gray Lady.
Tarandas was a member of the Raam’s nobility who displayed potent psionic talents at a very early
age. At that time, no formal psionic schools existed. All psionic learning was passed on by the efforts of
masters who often banded into orders to pursue their own goals. As a young woman, Tarandas quickly
rose past the teachings of the masters her family hired and began to develop her own methods of
accessing psionic power.
Over the course of her lifetime, Tarandas codified the six disciplines and created the basic structure of
learning that is still used by instructors throughout the Tyr region. She rejected the various orders that
monopolized psionic power, and she opened an academy where people could study the Way without the
mystery and deceit that had been fostered by the orders, who sought to preserve their own power.
It is said that Tarandas ventured beyond mastery of the Way into realms unseen by lesser beings. She
vanished 800 years ago, her fate unknown.

Masters of the Way

Although thousands of Athasians command a unique talent, true masters of the Way-or “mindbenders”-
are still rare. It takes exceptional ability and dedication to take up the study of the Way, and many do not
progress far. Less than one person in one hundred can be considered a true psionicist.
Because trained psionicists are scarce, they are highly valued by many elements of Athasian society.
Unlike defilers and preservers, psionicists are free from the taint of magic and need not disguise their
calling. They owe no loyalty to the sorcerer-kings, unlike the templars. Even clerics and druids have
elemental powers and guarded lands that they must place before all other considerations. Psionicists are
free from these patrons and responsibilities and may employ their powers as they see fit.
Any psionicist willing to sell his services will find there is great demand for someone skilled in the
mental arts. Merchant houses, psionic schools, nobles, and templars routinely employ psionicists to help
them against their enemies. In fact, it is unusual to encounter a psionicist who has no patron or employer.
They are often seen as troublemakers.
Psionics and Race
Athasian psionicists are born of almost every sentient species, including character races and humanoid
monsters. In a world where many powerful monsters also share a command of the Way, it is only natural
that the intelligent races learned to defend themselves against psionic attack.

Dwarves are among the most numerous of the character races. They are capable of living among humans,
but also flourish when left to their own devices. Dwarven craftsmen can be found in every city, and
dwarven villages dot the Tablelands.
Most dwarves don’t bother with the Way, but those that do become excellent psionicists. Their great
physical strength and stamina are well-suited to the study of Psychokinesis and Psychometabolism, and
the dwarven ability to focus on their studies is unrivaled on Athas.
Dwarves can pursue a second profession. This is rare, but some choose the path of fighter/psionicist or
cleric/psionicist. Dwarf psionicists live among their own kind in dwarven villages, using their skills to
protect the villagers from all threats.

Elf merchants and riders can be found throughout the deserts of Athas. The swift-moving tribes rarely lay
down to sleep in the same place twice. Like dwarves, elves can coexist with humans, and large elven
communities (the Elven Markets) can be found in every Athasian city.
Elves rarely have the patience to take up the Way, and elf psionicists are rare. The elven make-up does
not include a great deal of persistence, and elven Will is often weaker than that of other races. Despite
this, a few elves study the Way to give their tribes one more advantage in battle and trade.
When an elf takes up psionics, he often combines it with a second calling. Fighter/psionicists,
thief/psionicists, and some mage/psionicists can be found among the elf tribes. Elves prefer Clairsentience
and Psychokinesis, but their frail Constitutions make Psychometabolism difficult for them to master.

Found wherever the paths of elvenkind and humanity cross, half-elves are loners who truly belong to
neither race. Most are born and stay in the cities, children of tribes who have temporarily settled in the
Elven Warrens. Other follow their elf parents when the tribe begins to roam again.
Half-elves share some of their elf parents’ weaknesses, but often take up psionics, as it is a solitary
calling. Mastery of the Way provides independence and self-knowledge, traits that half-elves seek to
develop. It is more common to find multi-classed psionicists than single-classed psionicists among half-
elf students of the Way. The ranger/psionicist is probably the most common half-elf character
Half-elves often study Telepathy, because it augments the remarkable rapport they have with animals.
They also make good psychokineticists.

The most powerful warriors on Athas, half-giants are content to dwell in humanity’s shadow. Nearly all
half-giants are mercenaries, gladiators or slave soldiers serving in the armies of the sorcerer-kings.
Half-giants are greatly hampered in psionic studies by their limited intellect and weak Will. Many
people might assume that a half-giant psionicist is some kind of joke, but this can be a deadly mistake.
Exceptional half-giants often study the Way.
While a single-classed half-giant psionicist is almost unheard of, some half-giants study psionics in
conjunction with the martial arts. The half-giant’s enormous strength and stamina lend themselves to the
study of Psychometabolism and Psychoportation. A half-giant fighter using the devotions of adrenalin
control or body weaponry becomes a killing machine that can take apart a mekillot bare-handed.

Children of the Forest Ridge, halflings are alien to the people of the Tyr region. They are separated from
the other people by physical, linguistic, and cultural barriers that are difficult to breach. A halfling
outside the Forest Ridge is an outcast or wanderer who has turned his back on his people.
Psionics play a vital part in halfling culture. The study of the Way is considered to be honorable and is
highly encouraged by halfling society. A complete halfling warrior doesn’t rest until his mental skills
match his physical talents.
Halflings have a natural aptitude for psionic study. Their traditions of psionic learning are not traced
to Tarandas, but are unique to their race and have been handed down from time immemorial. Some
people claim that halfling invented the use of the Way.
Halflings are often possessed by a Will far stronger that appearances would indicate. They favor the
Telepathic abilities and can be extraordinarily dangerous in psionic combat. A great percentage of
halflings share their profession with a study of the Way: ranger/psionicists, druid/psionicists, and
thief/psionicists are the most common.

The most numerous of the peoples of Athas, humans dominate the Tablelands, organized into cities,
villages, and wandering tribes. Given the sheer numbers of humans, it isn’t surprising that the majority of
psionicists are human. Lacking the physical advantages of some of the other races, humans are quick to
turn to supernatural powers to compensate.
The role of psionics in human society varies greatly from culture to culture. In some places it is
regarded as a practice nearly as vile as sorcery, but in most areas psionics are a recognized and accepted
part of life. The most powerful creatures on Athas-dragons, avangions, and elemental clerics-are humans
who combine the study of the Way with their advancement in another art. Human psionicists are very
diverse and can specialize in any discipline.

Bred as slaves, muls are found in the slave pits, arenas, and fields of the great human cities. From early
childhood, they are condemned to an existence of heavy labor or bloody arena games. Death is the only
escape for many muls. Only a handful of these crossbreeds are born into the ranks of free citizens or slave
The tough mul constitution lends itself to the study of Psychometabolism, but most muls have
difficulty mastering the other disciplines. Since most slave owners take steps to ensure that their property
does not get schooled in the Way, it is very rare for a mul to receive any formal training.
When a mul does take up the study of psionics, he usually becomes multiclassed. As with dwarves,
fighter/psionicists and cleric/psionicists are most common among muls.

Hunters of the scrub plains and stony barrens, thri-kreen packs roam the Tablelands and the Hinterlands.
Like halflings, they are aliens to the culture of the Tablelands. Wandering thri-kreen often visit the
“civilized” cities, motivated by the desire to learn more of human society.
Thri-kreen often study the Way, paying almost as much attention to it as halflings do. They favor
Telepathy and Clairsentience, but have a significant disadvantage when using Telepathic powers against
nonthri-kreen subjects; their insect minds don’t easily contact the minds of other races.
Thri-kreen possess a powerful, alien Will. It isn’t unusual to meet mantis warriors who make the
study of the Way their only profession. The natural fighting ability of the thri-kreen can be augmented to
frightening levels with the Psychokinetic or Psychometabolic disciplines. Thri-kreen packs almost always
include psionic members. The thri-kreen often coordinate psychic and physical attacks as they seek to
bring down their prey.

Other Races
Besides the character races, there are many other intelligent beings who make extensive use of psionics.
The most prominent are gith, jozhal, nikaal, beastheaded giants, belgoi, and braxat. Racial tendencies are
noted in the appropriate MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM® entries, but it is worth noting that not all individuals
of these races will conform to the racial averages. Exceptional gith or belgoi are frequently encountered
among the raiding tribes of these vile creatures.

Psionics and Society

As noted before, nearly every level of Athasian society is permeated with psionics. Even the humblest
slave may possess an unusual talent or ability, while the most powerful enchantments of the sorcerer-
monarchs include psionic elements.
Mental powers are used on an everyday basis in Athasian culture. Telepaths allow instantaneous
communication across hundreds of miles. Draft animals and slaves are kept under control by psionic
overseers. Clairsentients use their visionary powers to forecast the fortunes of kings and peasants, find
missing objects, and solve crimes. Psychokineticists and psychometabolists use their potent abilities in all
manner of enterprises, both legitimate and otherwise. Many wild talents find a way to harness their
special abilities in day-to-day life.

The Sorcerer-Monarchs
The rulers of the cities of Athas are among the most powerful psionicists on the planet. Only the most
powerful of masters may hope to rival a sorcerer-monarch’s strength in the Way.
The rulers of Athas are devious in all their endeavors, and psionics are no exception. Most sorcerer-
kings have psionic and magical arsenals designed to bolster their own strengths or to guard against
intrusion. At a minimum, the typical sorcerer-monarch has an enormous bank of PSPs stored by means of
the receptacle devotion. Most will routinely make use of items such as a ring of mind shielding or helm of
In addition to their own potent abilities, the sorcerer-monarchs often have a retinue of several
powerful masters who are sworn to serve them. Some of these retainers were personally schooled by their
monarch from an early age and are loyal beyond question. Generally, the sorcerer-kings will not permit a
follower to become as skilled in the Way as they are, for fear of one day being bested by a treacherous
The sorcerer-kings are capable of remarkable feats of mental prowess. It is nearly impossible to hide
from the personal attention of a sorcerer-monarch, or to resist his terrible Will.

Most servants of the sorcerer-monarchs rely on the magical power provided by their master, but the most
dangerous templars are also students of the Way. In the competitive ranks of the king’s bureaucracy,
competence in the psionic arts can often mean the difference between survival and failure. A few
individuals in the ranks of the templars are not clergymen at all, but instead psionicists who were
rewarded with a position.
Templars who wield psionics often use their powers to ferret out the truth about events or crimes.
They also turn their powers against their fellows, guarding against plots or pursuing some intrigue
against their superiors. It can be assumed that anyone captured by the templars will eventually be
subjected to a psionic interrogation. Once a criminal is known to the templars, it is extremely difficult to
stay ahead of them when his own thoughts may betray him.

Nobles enjoy access to excellent psionic instructors at a very early age. Most are taught the basics of the
Way. A greater proportion of nobles are psionicists than any other social class. With the innate
advantages of wealth and education, it is surprising that the noble class does not dominate Athasian
society completely. The only explanation lies in the decadence of the nobility-many young lords turn a
deaf ear to their masters’ teachings and view their studies as a waste of time.
Despite the sloth that pervades Athasian nobility, a number of nobles do succeed in their studies and
become formidable psionicists. Agis of Asticles, a noble of Tyr, is an excellent example. Unfortunately,
most nobles with psionic ability choose to waste their time and energy in an endless circle of intrigue and
backstabbing. The Way is viewed only as one more edge over one’s rivals.
The wealthy noble families also employ a number of psionicists. Some are valued advisers and mental
bodyguards, rarely found without their masters nearby. Others are nothing more than brutal overseers
who watch over the field slaves on the noble plantations.

The powerful merchant dynasties of the Tyr region rely on mercenary psionicists to keep watch over
family members and assets. With emporiums in every cities and caravans scattered across the desert,
psionics are a vital means of communication. On a smaller scale, psionicists are used to help guard
caravans, control dangerous draftbeasts such as mekillots, and to keep slaves docile until they are sold.
Most merchant dynasties can afford to send their children and most valuable agents to the finest
psionic academies, much like the nobility does. However, more merchants take the training seriously. The
dynasties are not self-perpetuating and must remain competitive to survive. They aggressively seek out
any possible advantage and exploit it.
At a minimum, any outpost or caravan will have at least one practicing psionicist nearby to guard the
house assets against psionic attack. Merchant dynasties are very aware of the possibilities of others
psionically influencing bargaining, and they take steps to make sure that their agents are defended from
mental attack. Adventurer who dream of using domination or awe to convince a merchant to part with a
steel sword for a few bits should be warned: a loyal psionicist is probably nearby, watching for cheats
and scoundrels.

Free Citizens
The free craftsmen and farmers of the cities may be the class least touched by psionics in Athasian society.
Potters, smiths, and shopkeepers have little need for mental powers in their day-to-day life. A few may
possess wild talents that they put to use in their trade, but most get along without psionics.
Sometimes a wandering masters may settle in a city neighborhood, training local children and
watching over the area. The psionicist keeps an eye on the shopkeepers and their customers, ensuring
that no one uses the Way to cheat the proprietors. Thugs and bullies should be careful in guarded
neighborhoods; they can suddenly find themselves hailing the nearest templar patrol and confessing their
crimes. More than one adventurer has met this fate.
Since the free citizens comprise one of the larger classes of Athasian society, a great number of
practicing psionicists have their origins in this group. Many psionicists are the sons of villagers or the
daughters of craftsmen.

In most cities of the Tyr region, it is against the law to school any slave in the Way. Teaching a slave to
use his psionic potential gives him a weapon far more powerful and subtle than any gladiator’s blade.
The study of the Way is fruitless for conditioned or brainwashed subjects, so the only slaves able to learn
psionics are those beyond their masters’ mental control.
Most prosperous slave owners find it necessary to retain the services of several mindbenders to keep
their slaves in line. Even a berserk mul can be put back to work by a skilled psionicist. These mental
overseers are the lowest and most ignoble of psionicists, but they are a crucial part of the slave trade and
are well-paid for their efforts.
While most slaves are denied even the least schooling in the Way, a number develop wild talents and
a very few blossom into extraordinary psionicists. Slaves are very careful to keep their abilities hidden
from their masters; those who demonstrate any real power are often put to death on the spot.

Living beyond the reach of the sorcerer-kings, tribesmen include nomadic herders, hunters-gatherers,
slave tribes, and raiders. It is a hard life, and a few accidents or misfortunes can push a tribe to the edge
of extinction. Any advantage a tribe can gain, such as elemental magic, sorcery or the use of psionics, can
often spell the difference between life and death in the deserts of Athas.
In any good-sized clan, there will be several adults with significant psionic skills. Children are closely
watched for signs of psionic potential, and if any show promise they are given the opportunity to study
the Way under the tribe’s psionic leader. A large and wealthy tribe can have one or more clerics, a
preserver or defiler, and several skilled psionicists to help overcome adversity and defend against the
predators of the deserts.

Psionics and Law

Athasian society has had to deal with the issues of psionics for hundreds of years. Each city-state has its
own specific codes of what is permissible and what is not, but generally the following laws will hold true
no matter where a psionicist goes.
1. Crimes committed by psionic means are punished normally. Killing someone by means of a
psychic crush or by using control body to march a victim off a rooftop is still murder, and will be treated
as such by most authorities. Using psionics to obstruct investigation, resist arrest, or avoid the agents of
the sorcerer-king is a crime, as well.
2. A psionicist bears the guilt for any crime committed by someone under his mental control.
This is difficult to prove, but there have been cases where a psionicist has been judged for the crimes of
someone he dominated. There have been many more cases where criminals claimed that a mindbender
made them break the law. Templars generally scoff at this plea unless some astounding evidence appears
to the contrary.
3. No one may read another’s thoughts. In most cities it is illegal for a psionicist to pry into
someone’s mind without consent. This law is almost impossible to enforce, but it is often used as a
general charge against a psionicist who has angered the templars. Slaves aren’t counted as people under
Athasian law, however; slave owners may use any means to keep control of their property.
4. No one may use the Way to influence another person’s thoughts or actions. This law is almost
universal. Using the Way to dominate people or to implant post-hypnotic suggestions is considered the
vilest of crimes against a free citizen. Most telepathic devotions fall under this category, including awe,
daydream, aversion, repugnance, and so forth.
5. No one may use the Way to spy on another. Using clairaudience or clairvoyance to pry into the
privacy of a free citizen is considered a crime. Other means of psionic espionage might include using
sight link or sound link through a third party. Again, this is difficult to enforce and even more difficult to
prove before the templars.
6. The summoning or contact of extraplanar powers is considered high treason. Most city
dwellers take a very dim view of the reckless summoning of fiends or similar planar horrors.
7. Officers of court may use psionic interrogations in due process of the law. If necessary, the templars
may summon a master of the Way to get to the bottom of almost any matter. This is usually a last resort
by the templars, since even the most oppressive rulers respect their citizens’ privacy of thoughts.

The Disciplines
Athasian psionicists recognize six distinct disciplines-Clairsentience, Metapsionics, Psychokinesis,
Psychometabolism, Psychoportation, and Telepathy. Each psionicist selects a primary discipline to
specialize in when first created. It is easy to master one discipline, but only the most powerful masters of
the Way ever gain access to more than three or four.
In this chapter, each of the disciplines is discussed in detail. Characters specializing in each are examined,
and potential uses of the trickier powers are dealt with. Each discipline also contains an NPC Psionicist
Template which can be used to quickly generate NPC psionicists.

Clairsentient psionicists are in great demand throughout Athasian society. They are second only to
telepaths in importance to everyday affairs. Nobles, merchant dynasties, templars, and sorcerer-kings use
their talents to ferret out enemies and to help determine who to trust or betray.
Generally, any given NPC with sufficient wealth can hire a clairsentient. Powerful noble and sorcerer-
monarchs often have a clairsentient psionicist as a permanent adviser.
This prevalence of psychic seers has serious implications. Object reading can be used on any piece of
evidence left behind at the scene of a crime. Mastermind villains will take advantage of their psychic’s
precognition to anticipate the PCs’ actions. Clairvoyance or environment can be used to spy on the PCs
anywhere. An NPC who makes good use of clairsentient reconnaissance can be very difficult to defeat.
Of course, the reverse applies for PC psionicists who specialize in Clairsentience. If they are wise,
they’ll keep tabs on their enemies and check out potential hirelings or employers. The DM may find it
nearly impossible to sneak an evil NPC into the party if the PCs hit everyone they meet with aura sight.
In an adventuring party, the clairsentient is a tactical liability. He has little combat power and should
be kept out of harm’s way. The clairsentient is at his best when using his powers to scout ahead of the
party and to anticipate traps and ambushes. A well-played clairsentient may provide information of such
importance that the party may never miss the extra firepower.
Clairsentients are also known as seers, psychics, mediums, fortune-tellers, and spirit-speakers.

Clairsentient Advancement
The clairsentient enjoys an easy advancement schedule with few prerequisites for his better powers. He
can choose almost any power in the discipline early on and select freely from the others as he advances.
When the clairsentient psionicist is first created, he should choose clairvoyance or clairaudience as his
first science. These are the reconnaissance powers of the discipline, and the most useful to a low-level
The clairsentient has access to navigation powers (know direction, know location, and know course)
that can guarantee that he’ll never be lost in the wastes of Athas. Other useful powers include combat
mind, danger sense, see sound, environment, and feel moisture. The new science of detection is a potent
addition to the clairsentient’s arsenal, as well.

Clairsentient Powers
It is important to remember that clairaudience and clairvoyance can only be used on areas the psionicist
has knowledge of. He cannot target his power on “wherever Uldan the mul is at this moment”, or “on the
sorcerer-king s throne room in Urik” if he has never been there.
Places the psionicist know include any place he has ever been to himself, any place within his sight
now, or any place he can specify. He could use clairvoyance to peek behind a sand dune, since he can tell
from where he is that the sand dune has another side. He could also scan a point “10 miles directly west”
or “two miles north of the central square of Urik” if he had ever been to the square. Standing outside a
tower, he can make a reasonable guess that there is a room or passageway behind any windows he can
see, but he can’t know the layout of the tower and use his powers against interior rooms.
However, a psionicist with a lot of PSPs could “visit” an area with clairvoyance. Once inside the tower
window with clairvoyance, he can see a small room with a door. Now he may look behind the door, since
he knows it exists.
The devotions of see sound and feel light are of limited usefulness, but see sound negates darkness-
based combat penalties for the psionicist, as long as his opponents are making any normal amount of
noise. (Incorporeal opponents such as spectres or ghosts don’t make noise when they attack!)

The Clairsentient Template

The list of powers below describes a typical advancement scheme for a clairsentient psionicist. The DM
can use this template to quickly generate a psionicist NPC specializing in clairsentience and players can
use it as a guide for how they might develop their own characters. Sciences are noted by (S).
Recommended secondary and tertiary disciplines are also included. The DM can substitute disciplines or
individual powers, so long as the number of sciences and devotions in a discipline are not changed.

Level Powers Gained

1 Clairvoyance (S), danger sense, know direction, see magic
2 Know location, safe path
3 Detection (S), see sound; PSYCHOMETABOLISM: Displacement
4 All-round vision; PSYCHOMETABOLISM: Chameleon power
5 Object reading (S), know course
6 TELEPATHY: Contact
7 Aura sight (S), feel sound
9 TELEPATHY: Mindlink (S), id insinuation
10 PSYCHOPORTATION: Dimensional door
11 True sight (S), sensitivity to observation
12 TELEPATHY: Incarnation awareness
13 Feel light; TELEPATHY: Probe (S)
14 Radial navigation
15 Precognition (S); PSYCHOPORATION: Astral projection
16 PSYCHOMETABOLISM: Cell adjustment
17 Spirit sense; PSYCHOPORATION: Teleport (S)
18 METAPSIONICS: Intensify
19 Poison sense; PSYCHOMETABOLISM: Metamorphosis (S)
20 TELEPATHY: Ego whip

Psychokineticists are battlefield psionicists who are actively sought out as military auxiliaries. They can
be found serving as elite guards for noble houses or merchant dynasties, assisting templar patrols, or as
the heavy artillery for savage desert raiders. A powerful psychokineticist is almost as good as a wizard
for creating mayhem in a fight.
In Athasian society, psychokineticists are widely recognized for their firepower. Like the clairsentient,
the psychokineticist will never lack for work. However, they rarely are used as advisors; instead, they are
enforcers and bodyguards expected to use their talents to destroy the enemies of their employers.
Most noble estates or merchant dynasties have a psychokineticist among their guards. Many nomadic
tribes also possess one or more psychokineticists among their number-the potent combat abilities of the
psychokineticist can often spell the difference between life and death in the desert wastes.
A psychokineticist can be a great addition to an adventuring party. Much like a wizard, he commands
formidable offensive and good defensive abilities. A psychokineticist in a low-level party can literally
blow away the opposition. At middle or higher levels, the psychokineticist’s abilities are not so powerful
compared to other characters. At this point, the character should begin to concentrate on acquiring a
broad variety of skills from the other disciplines to keep himself useful.

Psychokinetic Advancement
It is essential that the psychokineticist selects telekinesis as his first science. Most of this discipline’s
sciences and devotions list telekinesis as a prerequisite, and the character will dead-end if he cannot
choose these powers until later in his career.
The psychokineticist character should select a good mix of offensive, defensive, and diversionary
powers as he advances. While direct-attack powers such as disintegrate, detonate, and ballistic attack are
attractive, less offensive powers like create object and levitate can be enormously useful.
The most powerful sciences in this discipline have a large PSP cost and have power scores based on a
variety of abilities. The psychokineticist should take a look at his chances to successfully initiate a power
and how much of his psionic strength it would consume before selecting it.

Psychokinetic Powers
Special Note: Two psionic powers appearing in Dragon Kings were placed in the wrong disciplines.
Teleport object is not a Psychokinetic power; it’s a Psychoportive devotion with teleport as a prerequisite.
Return flight is not a Psychometabolic devotion; it belongs in the discipline of Psychokinesis.
If existing characters have selected these powers, the DM can either ignore this retraction and allow
the character to continue play as is or he may allow the psionicist to discard teleport object or return flight
and select another power.
You may own a copy of The Complete Psionics Handbook that has several important pieces of errata in it.
The following Psychokinetic devotions do not require telekinesis as a prerequisite: animate shadow,
control light, control sound, molecular agitation, and soften.
Other difficult powers include the following.
Detonate: If used against an opponent’s weapons or armor, it is reasonable to assign combat penalties
to partially destroyed equipment. A -1 to attack rolls or Armor Class for each 10% destroyed is
appropriate. If the item targeted by the psionicist is magical, it gains a saving throw versus disintegration
to resist the detonation effect.
Monsters composed of magically animated material, such as golems, are allowed a saving throw
versus spells to resist being detonated. If they fail, they lose a percentage of their hit points equal to the
percentage of their mass that was destroyed by the attack. Creatures that don’t get a saving throw
(zombies, skeletons, and plant monsters, for example) against this attack take damage in the same way.
Disintegrate: Some Athasian monsters are so huge that they can lose 8 cubic feet of their mass to
disintegration and survive. These include the cloud ray, all drakes, the dune trapper, the megapede, and
the sand vortex. If these monsters fail their save versus death magic, they are not killed outright but
instead sustain 10d10+20 points of damage.
Project Force: No attack roll (other than the power check) is required with this power.
Telekinesis: It is possible to use telekinesis for very fine work such as sewing, writing, or picking a
lock. The character attempting to perform the task must be capable of doing the work himself-sewing
telekinetically doesn’t help if you know nothing about sewing. The psionicist should make a second
power check to successfully complete any fine work. In the case of picking a lock, this gives the character
an opportunity to roll against his Open Locks percentage.
If a character wants to engage in a tug-o’-war with someone (for example, trying to yank a sword out
of a guard’s hand) resolve the situation with the normal psychic contest rules, using the defender’s
Strength score against the psychokineticist’s power score.
Inertial Barrier: The barrier affects missile fire and movement in both directions. It can stop a spell
such as fireball or some breath weapons (a red dragon’s flames, for example), causing the effect to splash
off the surface of the barrier, but does nothing against pure energy attacks like a blue dragon’s lightning
breath or a magic missile spell. The inertial barrier protects against all forms of disintegration, not just
psionic disintegration.
Molecular Agitation: Items are not required to make saving throws until they could actually be
damaged. For example, a steel sword is not threatened until the fourth round of agitation, but a scroll
must make a saving throw after only one round of molecular agitation.
Molecular Manipulation and Soften can be used against body weaponry or flesh armor. However,
the subject can negate the effects by allowing the power to drop and then re-initiating it later in the
Compact (from Dragon Kings): Most creatures can easily tell if something they are about to eat or
drink has been compacted. Even water is obvious, because it weighs 10 times what it should. Most
animals will refuse to eat compacted material, since it doesn’t feel right, but if they are extremely hungry
they may let their appetite overcome their judgment. Sentient creatures may realize that “something’s
wrong with this pear,” but the DM should be the judge of whether or not an NPC views it as a potential

The Psychokineticist Template

The powers listed below are recommended selections for a character of that level. The DM is free to
substitute sciences or devotions as he or she sees fit, but should be careful to observe the rules of
acquiring psionic powers. First off, no discipline may have as many sciences or devotions as the
character’s primary discipline, and second, the character must have at least twice as many devotions as
sciences in any given psionic discipline.

Level Powers Gained

1 Telekinesis (S), control light, levitation, molecular agitation
2 PSYCHOMETABOLISM: Adrenalin control, reduction
3 Detonate (S), ballistic attack, inertial barrier
4 PSYCHOMETABOLISM: Body equilibrium, chemical simulation
5 Control wind; PSYCHOMETABOLISM: Life draining (S)
7 Disintegrate (S), soften
8 PSCHOPORTATION: Dimension walk
9 Control flames; PSYCHOMETABOLISM: Energy containment (S)
11 PSYCHOMETABOLISM: Teleport (S), teleport trigger
13 Create object (S); PSYCHOMETABOLISM: Cell adjustment
14 CLAIRSENTIENCE: Radial navigation
15 METAPSIONICS: Ultrablast (S), stasis field
16 Molecular manipulation
17 PSYCHOMETABOLISM: Metamorphosis (S); PSCHOPORTATION: Dimensional door
18 TELEPATHY: Contact
19 Control body; PSCHOPORTATION: Probability travel (S)
20 CLAIRSENTIENCE: Danger sense

Like Psychokinesis, Psychometabolism is often regarded as a good fighting discipline. Like the
psychokineticist, psychometabolists ore sought out as bodyguards and agents by the great merchant
dynasties and the nobility of Athas.
The psychometabolist takes more personal assignments than a psychokineticist does.
Psychometabolism is a good combat discipline, but its powers augment the user’s own abilities rather
than directly damaging several opponents at once. A psychometabolist must settle for dispatching his
foes one by one. They are more valued as bodyguards than artillery pieces.
If not employed as a bodyguard, a psychometabolist may find work as an assassin, scout or spy. His
powers can duplicate or surpass a thief’s stealthy abilities. Many psychometabolists remain free of any
patrons or employers, working as freelancers.
As an adventurer, the psychometabolist is a powerful and flexible addition to a party. He can stand in
as a warrior, a thief, or a cleric for a brief time. However, he is best used as an advance scout. His
capabilities for hidden movement and observation are unsurpassed, and he can fight well in a pinch.

Psychometabolic Advancement
Few of the psychometabolist’s powers have prerequisites, and he is largely free to advance as he sees fit.
He should maintain a mix of offensive, defensive, and other powers as he advances. Because his
devotions are so useful, the psychometabolist is under little pressure to select offensive secondary
Metamorphosis and animal affinity are excellent sciences to learn early in the psionicist’s career, since
they combine offense, defense, and movement powers in one selection. Death field is best saved for
higher levels when the psionicist can afford to lose enough hit points to seriously damage his enemies.
Adrenalin control, body weaponry, cause decay, double pain, and rigidity are all excellent attack
powers and should be considered early on. Catfall, chameleon power, displacement, ectoplasmic form,
and flesh armor are all very good defenses. The psionicist also has access to the useful powers of body
equilibrium, cell adjustment, heightened senses, mind over body, and reduction.
Psychometabolic Powers
Note: In the Dragon Kings hard cover game accessory, the devotion return flight is listed as a
Psychometabolic power. It should be considered Psychokinetic. If a character has selected return flight as
a Psychometabolic power, the DM may allow it to stand or let the player exchange it for another
Some powers worth discussing are presented below.
Animal Affinity: Many of the creatures listed in the table that appears in The Complete Psionics
Handbook (page 50) do not exist on Athas. See the description in this book for animal affinity.
Energy Containment: This science is reflexive. Whenever subjected to an energy attack, the psionicist
may try to make a power check to avoid the damage. He need not state that he is initiating the power
before a round begins. If the psionicist has not yet taken his action in a round when he uses this power, he
must abort his intended action to initiate this power.
Metamorphosis: Nonmagical movement powers are included, so a character who changes into a bird
can fly, and one who changes into a thri-kreen can leap or dodge missiles. It doesn’t confer special
powers such as poison, gaze attacks, or weapon immunities. If a character metamorphs into another
character race, he uses the generic monster description for that race.
Some forms the character selects may have intrinsic advantages. Changing into a fish or a rock renders
the character immune to drowning. The character does not retain any senses not normally associated with
his new form, so if he changes into a rock, he won’t be able to see or hear. (The character can always feel.)
He can decide to keep eyes or ears when he transforms, so that he will be able to know what’s going on
around him. Of course, eyes or ears on a rock may give away the psionicist’s position and may be
vulnerable to attacks.
Adrenalin Control: If used to enhance Constitution, the character may gain temporary bonus hit
points. Any damage he suffers is subtracted from these extra hit points first.
When enhancing Strength, count each category of 18 as a point gained. A psionicist with a 16 Strength
who rolls a 5 would increase to 17, 18, 18/01, 18/51, and 18/76-not to 21.
A character may exceed his racial maximums with this power, but takes a risk of injuring himself.
When he stops maintaining adrenalin control, he must make a system shock check if he operated beyond
the normal maximum for his race in any ability. If he fails, he suffers 1d6 damage from stress and fatigue.
Body Control: Use of this power allows a character to survive in a sandstorm or the Sea of Silt without
Body Equilibrium: The psionicist can walk on silt.
Cause Decay: This can be used against an opponent’s weapons or armor by making a touch attack
Ectoplasmic Form: A character using this devotion can be struck by magical weapons of a +1 or better
enchantment, and by any monster of 4+1 Hit Dice or more. The psionicist’s equipment must remain
ectoplasmic as long as he does. An ectoplasmic character falls as if affected by a feather fall spell.
Enhanced Strength: A psionicist may enhance his Strength score to his racial maximum.
Flesh Armor: The base Armor Class granted by this power is not cumulative with armor worn-
instead, use the better base Armor Class. Dexterity bonuses contribute to the character’s new AC, as well
as any magical protection that works in conjunction with regular armor, such as a ring of protection.
Heightened Senses: A character using this ability may reduce any darkness-based combat modifiers
by 2.
Reduction: The psionicist’s gear is not affected
Forced Symmetry: Generally, any character who has been injured has sustained 10 to 100% of that
damage (d10x10) to one side of his body. For example, Frenla has 30 hit points and has taken 12 points of
damage. A d10 roll shows she has sustained 80% to one side and 20% to the other, or 9 points and 3
points respectively. Her total damage can be increased to 18 or decreased to 6 with forced symmetry.

The Psychometabolist Template

The powers listed by each level are the recommended progression for an NPC psionicist. They can also be
used as a model for player characters mapping out their advancement from level to level.
As noted before, the DM should feel free to substitute as he or she sees fit. Remember, a character
must have twice as many devotions as sciences in any given discipline, and may not have as many
sciences or devotions in a secondary or tertiary discipline as he has in his primary discipline.

Level Powers Gained

1 Animal affinity (S), accelerate, body equilibrium, chameleon power
2 Cell adjustment; TELEPATHY: Contact
3 Metamorphosis (S), reduction; TELEPATHY: mind bar
4 Adrenalin control, ectoplasmic form
5 TELEPATHY: Mindlink (S), ego whip
6 PSYCHOPORATION: Dimensional door
7 Energy containment (S); TELEPATHY: ESP
8 PSYCHOPORATION: Pocket dimension
9 Cause decay; PSYCHOPORATION: Teleport (S)
11 Poison simulation (S); METAPSIONICS: Prolong
12 Spider touch
13 TELEPATHY: Domination (S), id insinuation
14 CLAIRSENTIENCE: Know location
15 Photosynthesis; METAPSIONICS: Empower (S)
16 CLAIRSENTIENCE: Danger sense
17 Regenerate (S); TELEPATHY: Post-hypnotic suggestion
18 PSYCHOKINESIS: Control sound
19 Mind over body; CLAIRSENTIENCE: Clairvoyance (S)
20 METAPSIONICS: Convergence

True psychoporters are rare. They lack the combat abilities of a psychokineticist or a psychometabolist
and are not as good at information gathering as the others. While their powers are expanded considerably
in this book, they are basically good for one thing only: going places.
On Athas, psychoporters mostly work as scouts, messengers, or couriers. Their ability to cover
distance fast and avoid trouble makes them very valuable to commanders and merchants. Most large
merchant houses have a psychoporter agent who can carry small, valuable parcels without fear of
interception. The psychoporter’s ability to bypass any normal defense also makes her useful in espionage,
burglary, or covert strikes.
A psychoporter can be a valuable addition to an adventuring party. While she won’t inflict great
amounts of damage, she is fairly safe in a fight, as she is able to get out of harm’s way. She’s especially
useful when used as a long-range scout or to get the party to places they could not reach otherwise. In a
melee, the psychoporter should look for an opportunity to attack the enemy from the rear with a teleport
or dimensional door.
Psychoportive Advancement
The psychoporter is flexible in her advancement, but should take teleport as her first science since many
powers list it as a prerequisite. It’s possible to advance without it, but not far.
Almost all psychoportive powers are defensive, but the psionicist should use both tactical and
strategic defenses. Dimensional door and teleport are strategic; they get the character out of the fight.
Defenses like blink and dimension screen are tactical, since they give one an improved defense.
Attack powers are rare, but several powers can be used creatively to defeat opponents. Teleport object
can be used to disarm an enemy, as can phase object. Time shift is also a useful means of attack. Of
course, the true utility of a psychoporter lies in her ability to go anywhere at anytime. She is most
effective when she uses her powers to bypass fights.

Psychoportive Powers
Many psychoportive powers can be difficult to adjudicate. In most cases, the DM will simply have to
make the best call he can. Some of the specific powers include:
Summon Planar Creature: If the DM does not have access to MC 8, The Outer Planes Appendix, he is
perfectly within his rights to require the psionicist to summon creatures from the elemental planes only.
Possible elemental creature summoning would include:
Air: Elemental (lesser, standard, or greater), invisible stalker, aerial servant, genie (djinn), sylph.
Earth: Elemental, xorn, genie (dao), pech, sandling.
Fire: Elemental, fire snake, salamander, genie (efreet).
Water: Elemental, water weird, genie (marid).
It’s assumed that if the psionicist reaches one of the Outer Planes, he contacts either the Abyss, Baator
(the Nine Hells), Limbo, a generic Lower Plane, or a generic Upper Plane. Note that planar powers can’t
be summoned with this science.
An asterisk (*) indicates a Monstrous Manual entry.
The Abyss: Bebilith, bodak, tanar’ri (alu-fiend, babau, balor*, bar-igura, cambion, chasme, dretch,
glabrezu, hezrou, manes, marilith*, molydeus, nabassu, nalfeshnee, rutterkin, succubus, vrock).
Baator: Baatezu (abishai*, amnizu, barbazu, cornugon, erinyes, gelugon, hamatula, lemure, nupperibo,
osyluth, pit fiend*, spinagon).
Limbo: Githzerai*, slaad (red*, blue*, green, gray).
Upper Planes: Aasimon (agathinon, astral deva, monadic deva, movanic deva, light, planetar), air
sentinel, archon (hound, warden, sword, tome), bariaur, lammasu*, adamantite dragon, enheriar, marut,
moon dog, noctral, per, phoenix*, warden beast, zoveri.
Lower Planes: Gehreleth (farastu, kelubar, shator), hordling, maelephant, night hag*, nightmare*,
vaporighu, yugoloth (arcanaloth, dergholoth, mezzoloth, nycaloth, piscoloth, ultroloth, yagnoloth).
Astral Plane: Githyanki*, aasimon (astral deva, movanic deva), slaad (gray), tanar’ri (nabassu,
succubus, glabrezu, vrock), baatezu (amnizu, erinye), githzerai*, lammasu,* shedu*, rakshasa*.
Ethereal Plane: Aasimon (monadic deva), gloomwing*, tenebrous worm*, lammasu*, shedu*, rakshasa*,
any elemental or genie.
There are no guarantees with this power. The summoned creature is under no obligation to obey the
psionicist and will probably be quite angry with him. The psionicist uses this power at his own risk.
Dimensional Door: One of the two portals created must appear in front of the psionicist, one to four
feet from his body. The portal by the psionicist is oriented to his body, so that if he is lying on his back,
the door is actually a horizontal plane hovering above him. If the psionicist is so close to something that
the door must appear in a solid object, the power fails.
A psionicist can only maintain one dimensional door at a time, so one character can’t cage an
opponent with such doors. However, two or more psionicists can cooperate to place their portals very
close together. Remember, one of the portals will have to be right next to the initiating psionicist, so
placing one next to an enemy may simply bring him right to you.
If a psionicist tries to place a dimensional door in a position that will force another character to fall or
step through it unwillingly, the victim gets a saving throw versus paralyzation to step around the portal
and avoid the trip.
The portal of a dimensional door has only one side. It has no thickness, and from its “back” side it
does not exist. This means that a psionicist can’t use the dimensional portal in front of him to screen
missile attacks or to force an enemy in melee with him to be transported. The doorway works in both
directions, but each portal only exists on one side.
If the dimensional door is maintained over several rounds, both portals must remain in the exact spot
where they first appeared. The psionicist can create a set of portals and then move away from the nearer
one, as long as he continues to pay the maintenance cost. In a combat situation, up to five characters per
round can pass through the door; if the party prepares by lining people up and going in order, as many
as 10 per round can use the door.

The Psychoporter Template

The powers listed below are the recommended progression by level for an NPC psionicist. The DM
should feel free to substitute as he or she sees fit. As always, a character must have twice as many
devotions as sciences in any given discipline, and may not have as many sciences or devotions in a
secondary or tertiary discipline as he has in his primary discipline.

Level Powers Gained

1 Teleport (S), duo dimension, dimensional door, dimension blade
2 Astral projection, time shift
3 Teleport other (S), teleport object;TELEPATHY: Contact
4 Ethereal traveler; TELEPATHY: Life detection
5 TELEPATHY: Mindlink (S), psychic crush
6 CLAIRSENTIENCE: Radial navigation
7 Summon planar creature (S); TELEPATHY: ESP
8 Time dilation
9 Summon planar energies (S), phase
10 PSYCHOMETABOLISM: Cell adjustment
11 CLAIRSENTIENCE: Clairvoyance (S), know location
12 Pocket dimension
13 TELEPATHY: Domination (S); PSYCHOMETABOLISM: Chameleon power
14 PSCHOKINESIS: Control light
15 Spatial distortion; PSYCHOMETABOLISM: Metamorphosis (S)
16 TELEPATHY: Post-hypnotic suggestion
17 Time travel (S); PSCHOKINESIS: Soften
19 TELEPATHY: Probe (S), ego whip
20 Time/space anchor

Telepaths are common in Athasian society. Almost every powerful person employs one or more telepaths
to guard against any hostile influences or attacks that may be directed at him. The telepath functions as a
bodyguard and a valued adviser who is often the client’s right-hand man. Even the sorcerer-monarchs
employ telepaths to watch over their other minions and ensure their continued loyalty to the crown.
Slavery creates an enormous demand for psionic guards capable of quelling any uprising with but a
thought. Templar patrols often include a telepath to interrogate witnesses and suspects. The great
merchant caravans often require telepathic assistance to keep the mekillots docile and direct them in their
work. A telepath will never lack for work, as long as he is willing to perform tasks of overseeing,
domination, or animal control.
Telepaths are also the finest communicators in Athas. With mindlink, a character can instantly contact
any person he knows. Merchants make extensive use of this ability, and the master psionicist of the house
is introduced to every caravan captain or outpost agent in the dynasty.
Diplomacy is another arena in which rapid communications are important. Most city-states don’t trust
their neighbors enough to make a high-ranking psionicist available for direct contact, but the city-states
do maintain embassies with each other. Usually, at least one member of the embassy is a skilled psionicist
who can report news quickly to his sorcerer-king.
In an adventuring party, the telepath is useful. He can eliminate one foe at a time with his mental
attacks. However, he’s best used to circumvent or confuse defenses by distracting sentries, controlling
guards, and so forth. The telepath’s most important duty is to guard against enemy telepaths.

Telepathic Advancement
It is critical for the telepath to have mindlink and contact. These are prerequisites for the majority of his
abilities. Since one of the telepath’s primary duties is to suppress other psionicists, he should learn a
telepathic attack mode early, too.
The telepath can hold his own in combat with foes subject to his powers, but should select a secondary
discipline that will provide him better physical combat abilities. Even at his best, a telepath can be in
serious trouble in a brawl against several opponents at the same time. Psychometabolism or
Psychoportation are good choices, since they include excellent defenses.
Good powers to learn early on include aversion, ESP, false sensory input, post-hypnotic suggestion,
and truthear. Id insinuation and ego whip are useful psionic attack modes, since they inflict serious
physical penalties upon their targets.

Telepathic Powers
The first printing of The Complete Psionic Handbook contained errata in the Telepathy chapter. First, none of
the telepathic defense modes have a prerequisite. Second, mindlink is not a prerequisite for the following
powers: empathy, ESP, identity penetration, incarnation awareness, psychic impersonation, and send
thoughts. Psychic crush is actually a devotion, and psionic blast is a science. On page 75, the heading for
Fate Link is missing. And lastly, ego whip and mind thrust both require contact as a prerequisite.
Any telepathic power listing contact as a prerequisite or an initial cost will only work on a contacted
mind. Remember, there are two ways to establish contact: by using the contact power directly or by
getting three tangents with one of the telepathic attacks. Psionicists are immune to direct contact, and the
attacks must be used to force contact with their minds.
The telepathic attack modes can force contact with a nonpsionicist’s mind, but it still requires three
tangents. It is easier and more efficient to simply use contact on these foes instead.
Mindless undead such as zombies or skeletons are immune to telepathic powers. On worlds other
than Athas, all undead are immune to telepathic attacks, an extension of their immunity to sleep and
charm effects. However, the unique undead of Athas are not immune to telepathic attacks unless it is
specifically stated so. Many Athasian undead command formidable psionic powers and can defend
themselves anyway.
Characters asleep or unconscious can be affected by telepathic powers. A sleeping psionicist can
defend himself with mind blank and will awaken within one round of the attack. Nonpsionicists awaken
only if their attacker takes some action to make them wake up, such as dominating them and
commanding them to wakefulness. Attacking characters in their sleep creates a unique role-playing
opportunity, since the attacking telepathist will appear in his victim’s dreamscape.
In general, the telepath can decide if his target is aware of his contact. Powers such as invisibility or
daydream would be useless if the victim realized his mind was being tampered with. If the psionicist
chooses to announce his presence, the target realizes that someone is trying to reach him psionically.
Each psionicist’s mind has a distinct announcement that other psionicists can recognize, if they have
been contacted by that psionicist before. A telepath cannot falsify his signature unless he uses psychic
impersonation to mask his identity and win unguarded contact with his victim’s mind. Nonpsionicists
cannot distinguish between contacts of any kind.
Specific abilities and explanations include the following.
Fate Link: The only two damaging effects that can pass through a fate link are the direct loss of hit
points and death. Effects such as poisoning, paralyzation, stoning, disease, or unconsciousness cannot.
However, if the effect causes a loss of hit points (poison that inflicted 20 points of damage, for example)
the hit point loss would be conveyed to the other person.
The fate link power is excellent as an insurance policy. If the psionicist wants to make sure that an
NPC isn’t sending him to his death, he can use fate link to take the NPC hostage.
Mindwipe: The telepath may use this power to seal off memories, instead of Intelligence or Wisdom.
Memories are lost from most recent to most distant. The first round seals off the previous day, the second
round the previous week, the third the previous month, the fourth the previous year, and the fifth and
subsequent rounds 10 years each. The victim still loses one experience level for each round.
At the psionicist’s option, he can try to bar a specific memory or skill (like picking locks or a specific
spell). Work of this precision requires a second power check. If the psionicist fails this precision power
check, he blots out a month surrounding the event or the most recent use of the skill in question.
Switch Personality: Should one of the two bodies he killed, the personalities don’t automatically
switch back-the personality that is inhabiting the body which has died dies as well. The second
personality will be doomed to eventual death as it weakens in the body that is not its own. Neither
personality understands what is happening to its original body.
This science is an excellent tool for espionage and infiltration, but the psionicist should take steps to
prevent the possible abuse of his original body while he is inhabiting another.
Contact: As noted above, a telepath may state whether his target is aware or unaware of his contact.
Psionicist targets are always aware of the fact that someone is trying to contact them.
As insects, thri-kreen psionicists use a revised contact table based on life orders. A thri-kreen
psionicist’s modifiers are:

Thri-kreen Contact Table

Life Order Contact Score Modifier
Insect -1
Other arthropod -2
Fish -3
Reptile, amphibian -4
Bird -5
Mammal (including human) -6
Monster -7
Plant -8
Id Insinuation: Victims of this power can still defend themselves against physical attacks and suffer
no Armor Class penalties while doing so. However, they can’t move, cast spells, take cover, attack with a
weapon, or initiate psionic powers.
Post-Hypnotic Suggestion: The effects of this psionic devotion are far less powerful than those of the
3rd-level wizard spell suggestion. The victim can’t be convinced that her sword is a snake, or that her
armor is covered with stinging scorpions. She can be convinced that a particular battle is very dangerous
and that she should try to withdraw, or that she will require lots of water on her next journey. How the
victim responds to an effective suggestion is up to the DM, but this shouldn’t be an instant-kill power.
Psychic impersonation: The telepath who uses this power must have met or contacted his borrowed
identity in order to be able to portray it realistically. He can use this ability when contacting another
psionicist to announce himself as someone else and possibly trick his victim into lowering his mental

The Telepath Template

The template presented below provides the DM with the complete advancement schedule for a NPC
psionicist specializing in telepathy. The DM may substitute powers at his or her discretion. Remember,
no other discipline can have as many sciences or devotions as telepathy, and there must be twice as many
devotions as sciences in each discipline.

Level Powers Gained

1 Mindlink (S), contact, ESP, id insinuation
2 Invisibility; PSYCHOMETABOLISM: Ectoplasmic form
3 Domination (S), phobia amplification; PSYCHOMETABOLISM: Adrenalin control
4 Ego whip; PSYCHOMETABOLISM: Flesh armor
5 Mindwipe (S); PSYCHOMETABOLISM: Cell adjustment
7 Invincible foes; PSYCHOMETABOLISM: Energy containment (S)
8 PSYCHOKINESIS: Static discharge
9 Sensory suppression; PSYCHOKINESIS: Telekinesis (S)
10 PSYCHOPORTATION: Dimensional door
11 Ejection (5), psychic crush
13 Hallucination (S), aversion
14 METAPSIONICS: Martial trance
15 PSYCHOMETABOLISM: Animal affinity (S); METAPSIONICS: Convergence
16 PSYCHOKINESIS: Inertial barrier
17 METAPSIONICS: Psychic surgery (S), splice
18 Sight link
19 Mindflame(S), mind thrust
20 CLAIRSENTIENCE: Know location

Unlike other disciplines, Metapsionics has no preconceived role in Athasian society. DARK SUN game
NPCs know that they can expect telekinetic punches from a psychokineticist, but they have no idea what
a mindbender versed in Metapsionics may be capable of. Only the most powerful masters-sorcerer-kings,
leaders of psionic schools, or members of the Order-can grasp the full implications of Metapsionic
Metapsionics are usually left alone by lower-level psionicists, regardless of their calling. A typical
practitioner of the Way will desire access to powers with more immediate and tangible effects. Most
NPCs begin to study Metapsionics only after they have learned the “best” powers from several
disciplines to complement their command of their primary discipline.
The psionic academies of the city-states are probably the most common practitioners of Metapsionic
powers. The most skillful and learned of the academy masters take up the study of Metapsionics for the
sake of knowledge. In some city-states, research into Metapsionics is barred by the sorcerer-king for fear
of potential rivals unlocking powers the tyrant can’t control. It is rumored that some greater realm of
power or stage of existence lies beyond psionics, and that the key to this unimaginable power lies
somewhere in the Metapsionic arts.
From an adventuring standpoint, Metapsionics is usually a luxury that a low-level psionicist cannot
afford. However, they can drastically multiply the power of certain disciplines. Psychokinesis and
Telepathy are particularly dangerous disciplines when augmented by Metapsionic enhancements. The
only constant advice that a Metapsionic character should keep in mind is to be creative and imaginative
in the use of his special powers.

Metapsionic Advancement
To date, no student of the Way has managed to begin his learning by choosing Metapsionics as his or her
primary discipline. It is possible that with the additional powers described later in this book, a character
could begin to study Metapsionics. This is not recommended.

Metapsionic Powers
Several of the Metapsionic powers described in The Complete Psionics Handbook list “Telepathy” as a
prerequisite. Mindlink fills this requirement.
Empower: It is possible to magically enchant a psionically empowered item. The item’s creator must
perform both actions, so a dual- or multiclassed psionicist/wizard of at least 10th/12th level is required.
Sorcerer-kings and avangions would certainly qualify. The empowering and enchantment are completely
independent of each other, so if one fails the other may still take effect.
Psychic Surgery: Some powers that can be permanently implanted in a character are: domination, fate
link, attraction, aversion, awe, daydream, false sensory input, inflict pain, invincible foes, phohia
amplification, post-hypnotic suggestion, repugnance, sight link, sound link, taste link, telempathic
projection, acceptance, alignment stabilization, beast mastery, focus forgiveness, impossible task,
hallucination, suppress fear, sensory suppression, amnesia, and passive contact.
Note that some of these are major game effects-a permanent domination or acceptance is a serious
problem for the victim, and PCs should never be allowed to use these on other PCs. The DM should
watch for characters who abuse this power and apply appropriate alignment penalties.
Split Personality: If a psionicist has the PSPs to do it, his personalities can split again by initiating this
power. This is handled separately for each personality. If the psionicist was maintaining a power or had a
girded or spliced power in effect, he decides if one or both personalities inherit its effects.
If a personality uses switch personality, the initiating personality will be transferred to the victim,
taking full control, while the victim’s personality becomes the second half of the psionicist’s mind. They
are in contact with each other. The victim can try to assert control over his new body, but must win a
psychic contest against the psionicist. The psionicist uses his split personality power score, and the victim
uses his level.
Cannibalize: A psionicist can cannibalize the body of a victim he has used switch personality on.
Psychic Drain: A victim of this power must have a combined Intelligence, Wisdom, and Constitution
of 30 or greater. Subtract 30 from the combined scores to determine the psionic potential. The percentages
described in The Complete Psionics Handbook apply to the victim’s psionic potential loss. For example, a
slave named Serak has an lntelligence of 13, a Wisdom of 15, and a Constitution of 14. The total is 42, so
his psionic potential is a 12. Up to 6 points (a total of 60 PSPs) can be drained from Serak with no ill
The psionicist does not have to stop when he exhausts the creature’s psionic potential. He can
continue until his victim’s scores are reduced to 0. The victim must save versus death each time a score is
drained to 2 or less or die. Serak can be drained for 33 points, which exhausts 100% of his psionic
potential and forces a saving throw versus death. Nine more points can be drained, but each point that
reduces an ability to 2 or less forces Serak to make another saving throw.
Humanoid creatures without scores may he drained at the DM’s discretion. Good examples are gith,
jozhal, silt runners, or b’rohgs. A monster’s psionic potential equals its numerical Intelligence score -10, so
a gith of average Intelligence (9-11, average 10) has a psionic potential of 0 and can’t be drained.
Receptacle: The psionicist’s potential is equal to the number of PSPs he began with as a 1st-level
character. Take note: an empowered receptacle can old an enormous number of PSPs! Many high-level
psionicists such as members of the Order or sorcerer-kings probably have receptacles of this nature on
their person.

Metapsionicist Template
Since psionicists cannot select metapsionics as their primary discipline, no template is needed.

Meditation and Research

Geryas drifted in the cloud realm of his own mind, contemplating the sun-like nexus of energy that glowed at the
core of his being. He perceived his sentience as a shower of golden sparks that whirled and darted around the nexus,
and the various disciplines of the Way as colorful spheres of light that danced and bobbed in the gray vapor. He
selected a large scarlet orb-his psychokinetic powers-and concentrated on it.
Geryas’s body sat cross-legged on a rocky shelf overlooking the Sea of Silt. His eyes stared blankly ahead. As he
touched the red sphere with his consciousness, his body began to levitate, rising from the rocky crag. Without
stirring from his lotus position, Geryas began to imagine flight. The golden sparks surrounded the red sphere,
exploring it.
When Geryas opened his eyes at last, he was far above the Sea of Silt, the air whistling past his ears as he flew
forward. At last, he thought, telekinetic flight.

The psionicists of Athas are constantly searching for better ways to harness their psychic energies. In
some cases, they seek to alter the way a familiar power is used. In others, they may try to identify entirely
new manifestations. Psionicists attempting psionic research must spend months in deep reflection and
meditation, exploring the potential of their minds.
There are several applications of this research The psionicist may attempt to improve some of his
ability scores, improve or alter a power he already possesses, tutor himself as he rises in level, develop a
new psionic power, or even refine an existing power into a High Science.

The Contemplative Life

A character who undertakes a prolonged meditation exiles himself for weeks or months on end. He seeks
a setting where he will not be troubled by the affairs of the world, a place where existence is simple and
easily understood. Natives of the city-states often isolate themselves in their homes or academies,
avoiding all outside contact and adopting a spartan lifestyle of contemplation and discipline. Characters
who grew up outside the walls of the cities of Athas often find their best results by journeying into the
deserts of the Tablelands.
Students searching for enlightenment believe that meditation consists of several stages. First, the
student must test his physical limits through fasting and the acclimatization to physical hardship. The
character may subject himself to the full power of Athas’s sun or seek to deny himself comfort by resting
on stone. There are almost as many ways to discipline the body as there are psionicists beneath the
crimson sun.
Second, the student must perform the same kind of deprivation and test of endurance for his intellect.
The character seeks to banish unnecessary thoughts, to deny himself the luxuries of conversation or
daydreams. Some psionicists use a mantra to focus their minds, while others repeat series of
mathematical calculations to bring order and discipline to their minds.
Last, the character must test his spirit. Most students engage in harsh self-examination, questioning
their decisions and their morals to prepare themselves for inner study. This can be the most difficult
aspect to confront.
When the psionicist is ready, he begins his meditations by withdrawing from the world around him.
In an urban setting, he finds a quiet room or garden where he can concentrate, uninterrupted by the
bustle of the city around him. Students meditating in the wilderness seek out an inaccessible area where
they are unlikely to be intruded on by passers-by or eaten by the desert predators who haunt Athas’s
During the meditations, the psionicist keeps irregular hours, alternating silent contemplation with
attention to the needs of human existence. A student involved in serious meditation may spend as much
as 20 hours a day in his trance, sleeping for only two or three hours and pausing to eat and drink only
when it becomes absolutely necessary.
Psionicists who meditate in homes or academies often make sure that friends or hirelings screen
visitors to prevent interruptions. Characters seeking enlightenment in the deserts have no such luxury,
but are rarely set upon by any of Athas’s predators-the psionicist’s harmony with his surroundings tends
to discourage attacks by dangerous creatures.
Some masters have all but abandoned their outside existence’s and live in a world of contemplation.
They seek to become one with the universe, to abandon the petty cares of humanity for enlightenment.
These hermits can be encountered in the deserts, living simply and asking nothing of any person. In some
cases, they have achieved a state of harmony resembling a druid’s attachment to his guarded lands.
Travelers should be careful of disturbing their meditations.

Meditation Requirements
Psionicists require nothing more than time and concentration to unlock the secrets of their minds. Despite
this, psionic research is still very difficult. A character must be wholly committed to the study of his mind
to have any chance of success.

The first requirement is time. Each of the various meditations has a basic time requirement, which
may be shortened or lengthened by the psionicist’s abilities and dedication. The following guidelines
apply to any psionic research:
· Any interruption of more than 1 day forces the psionicist to start over.
· Each failed progress check adds 10 days to the time of meditation.
· If the psionicist is interrupted for any reason on two consecutive days, he must start over.
Interruptions do not include routine activities such as eating, sleeping, or brief conversations.
However, any kind of combat, important meeting, or confrontation would be an interruption. For
example, if a templar patrol comes to the character’s home and interrogates him, it is an interruption. A
single templar having a conversation with the character is not.

Progress Checks
Every 10 days, the meditating character must make a progress check to see if she is still on the right track.
This is treated as a saving throw versus spells. The psionicist’s +2 bonus versus mind-affecting spells does
not apply to this saving throw. However, a character may add ability modifiers for high Wisdom,
Constitution, or Intelligence scores.

Ability Score Modifier to Progress Checks Table

Ability Score Bonus
16 +1
17 +2
18 +3
19 +4
20 +5
21 +6
22 +7

The character may also gain bonuses to his progress check saving throw for any of the following:
· +2 bonus if the character has any of the following nonweapon proficiencies: meditative focus,
power manipulation, psionic lore, or rejuvenation.
· +2 bonus if the character is instructed by another psionicist who has developed the power the
character is studying.
· -2 penalty if the character has suffered an interruption during the time of the check.
Any bonuses to the progress check are cumulative. If a character fails a progress check, she must add
10 days to the time of meditation-in effect, she found a dead end and must restudy that portion of her
research. If a character fails three consecutive progress checks, she has found the effect she is seeking to
be beyond her skills and must wait until she has gained a level until she can try to study that particular
effect again.
If the psionicist rolls the exact number required for the progress check (after adjustments) she has an
inspiration and cuts 10 days from the meditation time.

The psionicist must find a good place to meditate or risk failure due to distractions. Wilderness is good,
as long as the psionicist can be certain no creatures will make a snack out of her. Natural predators tend
to ignore a meditating psionicist-the character keeps such a low profile that animals don’t notice her. The
DM should decide if the circumstances warrant any lessening in the chance of encounters.
If a psionicist can’t escape to the wilderness, then the quiet halls of a psionic academy will suffice for
prolonged meditation. The masters of the school will usually screen out visitors and actively discourage
any outside interruptions for a psionicist meditating in their midst. In addition, the character may be able
to ask for guidance from some of the school’s masters.
Level Training by Meditation
Psionicists can train themselves to rise in level without the assistance of a higher-level character as an
instructor. A character may only attempt this kind of meditation when eligible to rise in level (she has
gathered enough experience points to advance to the next level) and is seeking to train herself.
Self-training for level advancement takes a total of 20 days. If the character has access to a tutor who
specializes in the same discipline and is at least two levels higher in level then herself, she need not make
any progress checks. Otherwise, she can train herself hut must make progress checks as normal.
Training to advance a level is the easiest of the meditations, since the character has already
accumulated many of the skills she will need later on. After all, she already earned the necessary
experience points for the next level. Because of this, she need not start over if she is interrupted and
suffers no ill effects from missing three progress checks in a row.

Self-Improvement by Meditation
The wind hissed and curled across the sand, raising eddies of dust that stung Trevana’s legs and left a patina of grit
on her skin and clothes. Squinting, she looked out over the dunes and then drew a ragged scrap of cloth over her nose
and mouth.
“The Sand Wastes are no place for a human, Trevana,”s aid her companion, a mul named Zerik. The warrior had
to shout to make herself heard above the wind. “I wouldn’t wish a journey across that on a baazrag.”
Trevana nodded. “ln hardship it is possible to grow strong,” she replied. “For months now l have felt that it was
time to return, to re-examine my self and my life.”
Zerik snorted. “Well, be careful,” she said, her brow furrowing. “Our tribe will miss your wisdom and skill.”
Trevana smiled and turned away. “l’ll be back,” she said, and then set off into the dusty wasteland.

A psionicist can meditate to explore her own potential and limitations, seeking to become a stronger
individual. In game terms, this allows the character to improve an ability score for psionic purposes,
possibly increasing her reserve of PSPs and affecting any power scores based on that ability.
Self-improvement meditation is a slow and uncertain process. The base time is 50 days. A character
seeking self-improvement will often have to leave a campaign for several adventures.
When the character successfully completes her meditations, she gains one ability point that may be
applied to Wisdom, Constitution, or Intelligence for psionic purposes only. The psionicist recalculates her
PSP total based on the higher score and may refigure any power scores based on that ability. The
character’s original score is used for all other game purposes.

Example: Trevana is a 6th-level psychokinetic with an Intelligence score of 14, a Wisdom of 17, and a
Constitution of 16. She requires 50 days to meditate. When she finishes, she decides to increase her Intelligence to
15, improving all Intelligence-based power scores by one.

A psionicist may not perform this meditation more than once every other experience level, and may
not increase an ability by more than 3 points above its normal score.

Modifying Powers by Meditation

Urdan studied the stone wall, his dark eyes impassive. He knew that he could create a small breach by disintegrating
a portion of the wall, but the hole would be too small to allow his allies to storm the desert fort quickly. The dwarf
frowned, trying to think of a better way to bring the wall down.
The raiders behind him began to shift and mutter restlessly. “Silence, “ he ordered. “l’m thinking.” The men fell
quiet again. Urdan considered the wall again, and it occurred to him that it was heavy enough to collapse under its
own weight.
The base, he thought. Instead of blasting a hole through the wall, l’II destroy a narrow strip along the
bottom. The wall will topple over by itself. Closing his eyes, he summoned the Way, hoping that he had
accurately judged the wall’s strength…

Many Athasian psionicists seek to increase their understanding of powers they have already learned. A
familiar devotion can be tailored to create unexpected results or augmented to a higher level of
effectiveness. A psionicist can modify existing powers through meditation, and even develop new ones.
Modifying powers is difficult and the results are often uncertain. The base meditation time is 80 days.
Before the character attempts to modify an existing power, the player must state what result the
character is seeking. The possibilities include: decreasing the power’s PSP cost; increasing its range or
area of effect; increasing the effect itself; increasing the power score; or altering the way the power works.
Once the player has decided what effect his character is attempting, the DM should assign a difficulty
to the task. For example, modifying ballistic attack to increase its range is not very difficult-the character
is not tampering with the essential nature of the power. However, modifying molecular manipulation or
detonate to affect living tissue is a major enhancement and very hard to do. Difficult modifications entail
a penalty of -2 to -8 on each progress check, depending on how difficult the DM decides the modification
Decreasing the PSP Cost. A power’s initial cost or maintenance cost can be cut by 25% with an easy
modification, or both can be cut with a moderate modification Decreasing the PSP cost of any given
power by 50% is a very difficult modification.

Example: Urdan wants to be able to disintegrate things more easily, so he researches to cut the initial cost from
40 to 30. This is relatively easy and suffers no progress check penalties.

Increasing Range or Area of Effect. A power’s range or area of effect can be increased by 50% with an
easy modification, or by 100% with a difficult check. A power with a range of self can be increased to a
range of touch (to affect another person) with a difficult check, and a power with a range of touch can be
given a range of 10 to 30 yards with a very difficult check.

Example: Urdan wants to share the joys of levitation with his friends. He wants to be able to use it on others.
The DM rules that this must be initiated by touch, and after that maintained as long as Urdan can keep the target in
sight. This is a difficult research with a -2 penalty to progress checks.

Increasing the Effect. The general effect of a power can be increased, too. This could apply to damage
inflicted, penalties inflicted on the victim, or duration. For example, a character increasing the effect of
ballistic attack could increase the damage inflicted by a projectile to 2d6 instead of 1d6, while a character
enhancing ego whip could increase the victim’s attack and save penalties from -5 to -8.
It’s also possible to increase the power of a devotion’s effect. A power such as phobia amplification
could be enhanced to the level of a fear spell, while post-hypnotic suggestion could be increased to the
power level of a suggestion spell.

Example: Urdan wants to make his disintegration nastier. Unfortunately, disintegration is disintegration-it
can’t get any worse than that. He settles for researching his project force attack to increase the damage to 2d6+AC.

Increasing the Power Score. A psionicist can attempt to enhance his abilities by raising a particular
power score. He can attempt to raise his power score 1, 2, or 3 points with an easy, hard, or very difficult
meditation respectively.
The character also gains a special benefit with his modified power: the power score results now apply
to both his original and his new power score. If a character had a power score of 14 and then raised it to a
16, he would achieve the results listed under “Power Score” with a power check roll of 14, 15, or 16.
Altering the Way a Power Works. A character may also attempt to change the way one of his psionic
talents operates. This requires the DM to make some judgment calls.
Some possibilities might be expanding the uses of a power (for example, allowing chemical simulation
to produce bases, oils, or glues as well as acid), altering the sphere of a power’s effects (allowing soften to
affect a living creature’s carapace or bones), or splicing two powers together (perhaps combining
detonate and ballistic attack to make exploding missiles).
The DM should be careful about allowing extensive modifications. As a rule of thumb, the more
spectacular the change, the harder it is to successfully research the altered power. If a player wants his
character to forge an altered power that will completely unbalance the campaign, the DM should exercise
his right to say no-or at least rule that the research is very difficult and assign an appropriate penalty to
the attempt.

Creating New Psionic Powers

Jorana meditated before the dark waters of the oasis, her legs crossed before her in the lotus position, her shaven scalp
gleaming in the midday sun. Three weeks ago she had realized that if she was capable of summoning creatures from
the elemental planes, she might also be capable of summoning the element itself. Since that day she had been
meditating constantly, exploring the possibilities of such an ability.
She concentrated on the water before her, feeling for the tenuous link that joined it to all water everywhere, the
intangible connection to the elemental plane of water. Suddenly, she found it! Gasping in surprise, she felt her mind
immersed in cool water that stretched in every direction! Hurriedly, she mentally grabbed a volume of the precious
liquid and dragged her consciousness back to her own body.
Jorana awoke from her trance as gallons of water dropped out of nowhere in a sudden deluge, drenching her to
the skin. l’ll need a bucket next time, she thought with a weary smile.

Some psionicists search for new expressions of their abilities to create more useful effects or to overcome
the shortcomings of existing powers. Characters may engage in meditation to develop new psionic
powers. Inventing a new power is difficult, and many masters fail because of the time and hardship of
such a challenging meditation. Creating a new psionic power has a base time of 120 days.
To create a new power, the player should first write up a description of it. Cost, preparation time, area
of effect, and range should all he covered. The player should also decide which discipline the proposed
power falls into and whether it should be a science or devotion.
Once the player has prepared a new power proposal, the DM should take a long look at it. Is it too
powerful? Is there a spell with a similar effect, and if so, how do the two compare? Are there any hidden
applications? Will it unbalance the campaign?
If the idea looks well thought out and balanced, the DM should then take it and edit it carefully. The
PSP cost may be too low, or the range too great, for what the PC has in mind. Once the DM is satisfied
with the power, he should tell the player that he’II allow the character to attempt the research. He should,
of course, also point out and explain any modifications he made to the player’s proposed power
For a character to develop a new power, he or she must have a slot of the appropriate kind open. If the
psionicist is trying to create a new Psychometabolic devotion, he must have an empty slot for a devotion,
and he must be able to spend it on a Psychometabolic power without violating the normal rules for
selecting new powers with level advancement.
In addition, the character suffers a -4 penalty to any progress checks he makes during the meditation if
he attempts to develop a new power outside his primary discipline. It is far easier to be a pioneer in your
own area of specialization.

The High Sciences

The most powerful psionics of Athas are the High Sciences, a group of abilities that far exceed the normal
range of powers. Unlike a lesser science or devotion, the High Sciences cannot be selected by a character
when he advances in level. Instead, they must he researched through extensive meditation.
Only single-classed psionicists may attempt to learn a High Science; multiclassed characters cannot
achieve the single-minded discipline necessary to master these arts.
High Sciences can be researched as if the character was trying to create a new science, but require a
base time of 200 days. The study of a High Science is always considered to be a difficult enterprise, and
the psionicist suffers a -4 on his progress checks through the course of his meditation.
Characters must be at least 10th level to attempt to learn a High Science. No characters may ever learn
more than one High Science; once they have mastered the High Science for their primary discipline, they
cannot try to research another.
The High Sciences are described in detail in Appendix A: New Psionic Powers section of this book.
They are presented below.
Cosmic Awareness: The High Science of Clairsentience. The psionicist gains extraordinary powers of
perception and detects any change in his surroundings.
Megakinesis: The High Science of Psychokinesis. The character learns to amplify his telekinetic
powers a hundred-fold, moving thousands of pounds at once.
Elemental Composition: The High Science of Psychometabolism. The character can assume the form
of any element.
Planar Transposition: The High Science of Psychoportation. The psionicist gains complete control
over the interfaces of other realities with the Prime Material Plane.
Mass Contact: The High Science of Telepathy. The character learns how to affect dozens or even
hundreds of minds at one time with his telepathic powers.
One final note: the High Sciences are completely optional. The DM can rule that such powerful abilities
have no place in his or her campaign.
Psionic Items
Since psionics are so prevalent on Athas, it is only natural that psionic items are far more common here
than elsewhere. Athasians have been creating psionic items to help them master their mental talents for
thousands of years. While psionic items are relatively common, they are not as common as magically
enchanted devices-few psionicists ever become skilled enough to easily create an empowered item.
Creating a psionic item is a much more personal and experimental process than enchanting a magical
device. When the psionicist finishes his work, he has actually created a new intelligence with its own
personality, goals, and capabilities. Most psionicists are accordingly cautious about empowering items
that may eventually fall into the wrong hands.

Empowering an Item
The basic method for creating a psionic item is to use the Metapsionic science empower to infuse it with
psionic energy and talents. Empower is described in detail in The Complete Psionics Handbook , so the
process will not be repeated here.
When the empowered item is finished, it possesses a minimum Intelligence of 12. It may be capable of
communicating with its owner, as described below.

Intelligence Communication Ability

12 Semiempathy; item communicates by tingling or dim feelings
13 Empathy; item transmits feelings
14 Speech, 1 language
15 Speech, 2 languages
16 Speech, 3 languages
17 Speech, languages, and telepathy with its owner only
18 Speech, 5 languages, and telepathy with any creature within 120 feet

An item learns languages as part of the creation process. It can only learn languages the creator
knows. Unless otherwise stated, the item first learns its creator’s native tongue. Items can have empathic
or telepathic abilities even if not empowered with telepathic powers, if they are sufficiently Intelligent.
If the psionicist wishes, he can minimize the item’s Intelligence and communication abilities. He can
always provide the item with a lower Intelligence than that indicated by the roll after the empower check,
but never lower than 12.

What does an intelligent item think about?
First of all, a psionically empowered item has the same alignment as its creator. It will pursue its own
goals based on this alignment. An evil-aligned item may betray its current owner by failing to operate or
may even try to control its possessor and force him to obey its orders. A good-aligned item may try to
convince an evil owner to discard it or refuse to commit evil acts.
Since psionic items are sentient, they can initiate their own powers. A teleporting staff may see its
beloved owner in danger of being killed and decide to get him out of harm’s way. An evil domination
helm may help its owner make up his mind by exercising its powers to influence his actions.
Items tend to pick up personality traits and goals from their creators. If the psionicist who empowers
an item has a deep-rooted hatred for defilers, the item is likely to make the elimination of defiling magic
one of its personal goals. There is always a streak of independence, though; items sometimes take their
cues from subconscious desires of their creators and develop personality traits the psionicists may not
recognize as their own.
Even if an item is only empathic, it is possible to communicate with it by using the power mindlink.
Empowered items with no telepathic abilities are considered to be monsters for purposes of contacting
them, with a -7 penalty to the initiator’s contact roll. However, empowered items with telepathic powers
of their own are considered to be fully human for contact purposes.

Psionic items develop egos like enchanted weapons. The item gains 2 points for each devotion and 3 for
each science. Refer to the “Weapon Versus Characters” rules, on page 188 of the DUNGEON MASTER®
Guide. Usually, psionic items are well-disposed toward their creators, since they initially share alignment
and personality traits. An item must be deliberately alienated to turn on its creator. The item will tend to
be friendly toward those its creator feels friendship for, as well.
The powerful ego of a strongly empowered item makes it dangerous to handle psionic items without
knowing who created them and why. Even strong masters of the Way have been overcome by the work
of an ancient mindbender. Most empowered items are clever enough to conceal their true purposes and
powers until they know their owner’s goals and strengths.

Using Psionic Items

Empowered items are like magical items in that their abilities can be used by anyone. Even characters
with no psionic ability at all can use them. Some items have trigger words which their possessor can use
to initiate their powers. (Of course, the device may disagree with the user about whether the power is
appropriate for the situation, but that’s another issue.)
Psionic items have a PSP total and expend PSPs to initiate their powers. An empowered device begins
with 8 PSPs per devotion and 12 per science. In addition, a device can be given extra PSPs if the creator
knows the receptacle power. The psionicist can implant a number of extra PSPs equal to his 1st-level total
by augmenting the device this way.
The empowered device regains PSPs as though it were resting, recovering 6 PSPs per hour under
normal circumstances. If the item is damaged, it regains only 3 PSPs per hour. Items with powers that
normally affect the psionicist only (such as teleport) extend these powers to their user if the user has the
item on his person. Powers with a range of 0 or of touch must be originated by the touch of the item to its
target or subject.

Damaging Psionic Items

Items can be damaged in two ways: physically and psionically. Physical damage can be caused by any
force that would normally damage an item of that sort, so a psionically empowered piece of cloth can be
pierced, torn, burned, or whatever. If a psionic item is destroyed by physical means, it is ruined.
Psionic devices may attempt item saving throws as if they were enchanted items of the appropriate
sort. Generally, an item gains a +1 on its saving throws for every 3 points of ego.
Psionic devices can also be damaged mentally. Since they are intelligent, they are subject to telepathic
attacks. Items with access to Telepathy may use any defense modes they have to defend themselves. (This
does not include items that only happen to have telepathy as a communication ability.) If an item does
not possess a defense mode, it can be attacked psionically as if it were a nonpsionic character.
Obviously, most telepathic effects such as id insinuation, daydream, or invincible foes may not apply.
Instead, when a psionic item is contacted and suffers a psionic attack it cannot defend against, it is shuts
down for a number of hours equal to the level of its attacker. If the attacker is physically touching the
item, he effectively dominates it, breaking it to his will.

Psionicist Kits and sub-classes

Description: Ambassadors are political psionicists who perform a variety of functions for a
sovereign including negotiations and declaration with other nations. As well, ambassadors may
function as political spies or even, if such a role is needed, the one calling the shots when dealing
with a foreign country. The minimum requirements are Charisma and Intelligence of at least
Role: Ambassadors are used mostly in communication with other empires, and as such, are
not prone to adventuring. Unless the adventure has a political nature, this kit would be almost
useless. Ambassadors are usually used for negotiating treaties and making declarations to other
countries. Most ambassadors will be nobles of some sort and will usually have some sort of
connections within the government. Because a psionicist has access to many powers that are
not detectable to magical means, they can do many things that a normal human could not. In
rare instances, an ambassador may even be used to telepathically control another leader or
manipulate them in treaty negotiations. This sort of action would not normally be taken because
if it ever were discovered, the next thing the ambassador would most likely do is announce a
declaration of war. Also, because many of the powers of a psionicist are not restricted by
common magical means, they can get away with things not normally done. For example, an
ambassador psionicist could enter a castle that is protected from entry via teleport spells. This
would allow an ambassador psionicist to get more unique and difficult jobs done.
Preferred Disciplines: For obvious reasons, the first discipline a psionic ambassador would
take is Telepathy. However, depending on the sovereign, Psychoportive powers may be taken
first. Clairsentient powers would probably also be a good second or third choice.
Psychometabolic might be taken later, if more militant operations are needed, or just for simple
protection. Psychokinetic and Metapsionic disciplines would most likely not be taken till much
later, if at all.
Recommended Powers: The powers chosen will depend most likely on the type of
ambassador created. Some good disciplines would be ESP, and Truth Ear. As well,
Dimension Door and other such quick methods of traveling would be recommended. If spying
missions are also in the ambassadors' profile, then some of the Clairsentient powers like
Clairvoyance and Clairaudience would be invaluable. As well, Aura Sight would be useful in
determining how one should act around the leader.
Barred Disciplines: None.
Secondary Skills: Required: Scribe.
Weapon Proficiencies: Required: None. Recommended: Dagger (it is small,
concealable, and least likely to be confiscated)
Nonweapon Proficiencies: Bonus Proficiencies: Etiquette, Heraldry. Required:
Reading/Writing. Recommended: Local History, Modern Languages, Reading Lips.
Equipment: Most of the equipment of the ambassador will be expensive clothing, perhaps
gifts for a foreign leader (usually provided by the ambassador's sovereign) scrolls, ink, and other
items that would be used in negotiations or treaties. Very little, if any, combat or adventure
oriented gear would be needed or wanted.
Special Benefits: Ambassadors are usually given special treatment by leaders. In our
modern world, a good example is diplomatic immunity, which allows an ambassador to avoid
prosecution from a crime. This, however, would most likely not be common, if in existence at
all, because of the very nature of most medieval countries. Some benefits would be things like
free room and board, free food, free clothing, access to such things as baths, tailors, healers and
other high society luxuries. As well, ambassadors would have some influence with leaders and
would be able to round up money at a moment's notice, as well as collect on favors. The extent
of the benefits should be decided by the DM.
Special Hindrances: Because an ambassador's job is to convince and to persuade, they are
often watched carefully. As well, most common folk see ambassadors as just another rich
person with no interest in their welfare. As well, ambassadors are prime targets for
assassinations and kidnappings.
Wealth Options: 3d4 x 100 gp
Races: There are no race restrictions, as ambassadors are in almost every government.

Ascetic Characters

Alignment Neutral Good

Ability Requirements: Wisdom 14, Constitution 12, Charisma 10
Prime Requisites: Wisdom, Constitution
Races Allowed: Any (Most human but Brahman is everything)
Patron Deity: Brahman

One of the basic Vedic doctrines is that in order to achieve unity with the Brahman, it is
necessary to release worldly desires. In accordance with this line of thought, many people
shunned worldly pleasures and devoted themselves to meditation, hoping to achieve some
spiritual intuition that would allow them to join the Brahman. Often, they took their efforts to the
extreme, forsaking family, friends, possessions, and even food. Although such efforts may
seem peculiar to western minds, it must be noted that these “ascetics” achieved many remarkable
insights that allowed them to perform seemingly impossible feats and produce an incredible
understanding of the true nature of the world.
Player characters who forsake their worldly possessions and devote themselves to spiritual
enlightenment may become ascetics. A character who wishes to become an ascetic gives away
all of the trappings (such as weapons, tools, magical components, etc.), saving only the clothing
on his or her back.
The ascetic must meditate four hours per day, cannot possess any item other than a begging bowl
and the clothing on his back, and must deny himself all pleasures of the flesh (such as eating fine
food, drinking expensive wines, the taking of a hot bath, etc.).
Remember, meditation is not sleep. An ascetic needs to sleep, as any creature, regardless of the
meditation. The ascetic can lend items that are necessary to perform important tasks, but they
must be immediately returned or given away, however, or the ascetic loses all benefits of being
an ascetic.
In return, the ascetic became a multiclass priest/psionicist using the better of each class
regardless of the race. However, the ascetic casts wizard spells instead of priest spells, and gains
new spells as if he were a wizard of the appropriate rank. Through his long hours of spiritual
devotion, the character learns more and more about the true nature of the cosmos. He can use this
knowledge in much the same way that wizards use their spells, except that he never needs
material components to cast a spell and does not need to record the spells he knows in a spell
book. Instead, his daily meditation serves to refresh these spells in much the same way that a
priest’s daily prayer restores his powers. Generally, the ascetic chooses to learn non-destructive
spells and normally specialize in divinations (Divination is the only school of magic an ascetic
can be specialist).
An ascetic uses wizard THAC0 table and the psionicist hit point progression. The psionicist class
progression is the same as the normal psionicist and, as a psionicist, the primary discipline of an
ascetic must be Psychometabolism. The priest class progression is presented hereinafter, just to
summarize all changes. Brahman has no priest in the normal sense, for he is usually worshipped
through one of his manifestations as another god, but all ascetics may be considered priests of
Remember, an ascetic is not a wizard. Brahman is a very “different” god and he does not directly
grant any power. The ascetics are very intelligent humans who study hard preparing his mind and
body to understand the word, so, the origin of his magic an powers is his personal enlightenment
and knowledge about the nature of cosmos. “They know how things works and how to manage
the energies of the nature to cast spells.”
As ascetics advance, they earn several other benefits - and suffer one additional detriment. First,
each time an ascetic advances a level, he loses a point of Strength because of the physical
deprivations to which he is subjecting himself (though he never falls below a Strength of 3). But
he also gains a point to put into either Wisdom, Constitution or Charisma (his choice). In this
way, an ascetic can raise any or all of these ability scores to a maximum of 20 (but never more).
All the benefits of been an ascetic are presented in the tables below.
The usage of the Reincarnation and Karma points optional rules is recommended. You can find it
in Legend & Loreô (pg. 126). A revised set of rules is presented in the end with some notes
about the Brahman as a Greater God.

Role-Playing notes

First, I do not add any anti-munchkin rule since this is not the kind of character a munchkin will
like (no +10 sword of godslayer, no ring of eternal stoneskin, etc.). However, an ascetic can be
very powerful. I recommend an enforcement on the role playing aspect. Here some guidelines.
An ascetic is an extremist pacifist (remember Gandhi) and will do everything to avoid a fight.
Ascetics must always avoid killing. His own death is not enough reason to kill anyone. The
ascetic will only kill someone (an only in defense of the others) if he consider that person a
distortion or a offense to the nature of the Brahman (e.g.: a very evil and powerful Defiler, an
Undead or some Nazi-like genocide).
An ascetic will likely to choose pacific psionic powers and spells. (See recommend and
forbidden powers below.) The ascetic strongly believes in reincarnation, thus, he have no afraid
of the death. He will willing risk his own life to help the others or to preserve the nature.
The ascetic should help any creature in danger and must respect everything “Everything is part
of Brahman”. An ascetic will become an adventurer to search knowledge or spiritual
enlightenment, to defend the nature or to help a very important good cause.
The only thing that can be considered an enemy of the ascetics is the undead. An undead state is
considered a great curse, so, the ascetic must help that poor soul (the undead).
Noble Creature:
“- Look!!! a Vampire!!! Run!! Run!!”
The Ascetic:
“- No! We must help him. Free his poor soul.”
“- Give him, the freedom to a new Reincarnation.”
“- Poor vampire...”
Ascetic Progression Table

Cleric with mage spells up to 20th level / Psionicist up to 20th level.

Avangion up to 30th level.

Priest Class (The psionicist class progression is equal to normal psionicists)

Level Experience HD (d6) THAC0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 0 1 20 1

2 1.500 2 20 2

3 3.000 3 20 2 1

4 6.000 4 19 3 2

5 13.000 5 19 4 2 1

6 27.500 6 19 4 2 2

7 55.000 7 18 4 3 2 1

8 110.000 8 18 4 3 3 2

9 225.500 9 18 4 3 3 2 1

10 450.000 10 17 4 4 3 2 2

11 675.000 10+2 17 4 4 4 3 3

12 900.000 10+4 17 4 4 4 4 4 1

13 1.125.000 10+6 16 5 5 4 4 4 2

14 1.350.000 10+8 16 5 5 5 4 4 2 1

15 1.575.000 10+10 16 5 5 5 5 5 2 1

16 1.800.000 10+12 15 5 5 5 5 5 3 2 1

17 2.025.000 10+14 15 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 2

18 2.250.000 10+16 15 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 2 1

19 2.475.000 10+18 14 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 3 1

20 2.700.000 10+20 14 5 5 5 5 5 4 3 3 2
21 3.000.000 10+22 14 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 2

In the 20th level the ascetic can choose to start an avagion transformation (as described in Dragon
Kingsô) or continue as a psionicist. For DM’s that do not allow progression to 30th level an
ascetic reach unity with Brahman at 21th (3.000.000 xp).
Ascetic Saving Throws (Priests/Psionicist)
Poison, or Rod, Staff, or Petrification, Breath
Level Death Magic Wand or Polymorph Weapon Spell
1-3 10 14 13 16 15
4-6 9 13 12 15 14
7-9 7 11 10 13 12
10-12 6 10 9 12 11
13-15 5 9 8 11 10
16-18 4 8 7 10 9
19+ 2 6 5 8 7
Disciplines Learnable Order:
Psychometabolism, Psychokinesis, Clairsentient, Telepathy, Metapsionic, Psychoportive.
Recommended Devotions: Absorb Disease, Cell Adjustment, Lend Health, Martial Trance,
Mind Over Body, Levitation, Time/Space Anchor, Immovability, Astral Projection,
Heightened Senses.
Recommended Sciences: Telekinesis, Complete Healing, Precognition.
Forbidden Psionic Powers: Disintegrate, Detonate, Life Draining, Double Pain, Death Field,
... Any very aggressive power (DM discretion) and of course any “only for evil” power.

Bonus: Endurance, Rejuvenation, Meditative Focus and Mind Over Matter.
Recommended: Religion, Spellcraft, Ancient History, Languages (Any)

Granted Powers
The ascetic gains the following powers. (Most of powers are normal psionic powers)

Level Bonus & Granted Powers

1 Turn Undead. -1 Str/level, +1 Wis, Con or Cha/level. (Max 20, Min 3)
2 2 bonus devotions (must be of the recommended devotions list)
6 1 bonus science (must be of the recommended sciences list)
12 Heal (Self only) (as a fast Complete Healing - 1/day)
13 Automatically learn a new spell: Reincarnation
15 Ignore Death *
20 Do not physically age
25 Immune a non-magical damage (if not avangion)
30 Reach unity with Brahman **

* The ascetic has the ability to continue functioning normally for 1d10 rounds after reaching 0
hit points. During this time, any manner of healing magic may be used to restore the
character to life by bringing his hit points back to a positive value.
** Ascetic characters who attain the 30th level have acquired an understanding of the universe so
exact that they become one with the Brahman and are thus retired from play. A more worthy
or noble end for a character is hard to imagine.
Notes About Brahman
Brahman is also known as Hiranyagarbha, Prajapati (both used in the early Vedic Age), and
many other names. Here, Hiranyagarbha and Prajapati are used interchangeably. Brahman is the
world spirit that enfolds all of existence and the divine essence that is hidden in all beings, and of
which all beings are a part. Everything that exists-the gods, men, animals, plants, even rocks-is
simply a manifestation of the Brahman.
According to legend, in the beginning there were only the waters. From the waters was formed a
golden egg (Hiranyagarbha). Prajapati was hatched from the egg, speaking the sounds “bhur,”
“bhuvah,” and “svark,” thereby forming the earth, the air, and the sky. Prajapati/Brahman has
every power that any god or mortal in the Indian mythos possesses, for all things are a part of
him. In his true form, Brahman has a face on each side of his head. There is also a vacant spot
on the top of his head where a fifth face was burned off by the gaze of the god Siva.
Role-playing Notes: Though he sees and hears all, Brahman is an aloof god and will involve
himself in the affairs of men only when existence itself (i.e., Brahman himself) is threatened.

Description: Psionicist assassins are very subtle in their style, reflective of the options that
psionics open for them. This kit is different from the assassin kit in Dragon #191 though there
is significant overlap in proficiencies and psionic powers recommended. Players are urged to
examine both kits before choosing one to use. This kit enlarges upon the concept of an assassin
psionicist. There is a large list of recommended sciences and devotions, but it is not necessary
to take all or even most of those to be a good assassin. Rather, a modus operandi should first be
chosen for the assassin, then the powers that best implement that approach should be chosen.
Of course, examining the powers first before choosing a modus operandi can be useful to get a
feel for the options available. For example, one type of assassin might rely heavily on
Psychometabolic powers, perhaps using Metamorphosis to disguise themselves as a piece of
furniture, then using something like Death Field to make the kill, or Life Draining if the victim
falls asleep on the psionicist (this could happen if the psionicist is a bed for example). In one
instance, a player turned himself into a bed, waited till the victim fell asleep, then quickly
changed into a small guillotine, and chopped the victim's head off. Another assassin who
prefers telepathy and metapsionics might use his/her psionic powers to first capture someone
who has easy access to a victim, and use Psychic Surgery to attach Repugnance to the person
captured in such a way that the person will attack and try to kill the intended victim on sight.
Another possibility, if the assassin has an accomplice, is to capture someone who has easy access
to the intended victim, switch personality with the person captured and have a henchman keep
the captured person now in the psionicist's real body captive while the psionicist goes off to
commit the assassination. The psionicist could use psychic impersonation to avoid detection,
gain a private audience with the victim, use body weaponry to fashion his/her hand into a dagger,
commit the crime, and teleport away.
Almost all psionic disciplines can be useful to an assassin, but Psychokinesis is never taken
since it lacks the subtle touch, and assassins much prefer to avoid combat. There are no special
ability requirements to being an assassin, however, assassins are never of good alignment, and
usually are evil.
Role: The description of the roles of assassins in PHBR2 and the assassin kit in Dragon #191
pretty well covers all the relevant material.
Preferred Disciplines: Psychometabolism, Telepathy.
Recommended Devotions: danger sense, teleport trigger, dimension door, aging, body
equilibrium, body weaponry, cause decay, chameleon power, double pain, ectoplasmic form,
heightened senses, reduction, see sound, attraction, conceal thoughts, daydream, esp, false
sensory input, inflict pain, invisibility, life detection, post-hypnotic suggestion, psychic
impersonation, repugnance, sight link, sound link, any of the attack modes, splice.
Recommended sciences: clairaudience, clairvoyance, death field, life draining,
metamorphosis, shadow-form, teleport, domination, mindwipe, probe, superior invisibility,
switch personality, appraise, aura alteration, psychic surgery.
Barred Disciplines: Psychokinesis.
Secondary Skills: Required: None.
Weapon Proficiencies: Required: None. Recommended: Dagger.
Nonweapon Proficiencies: Bonus Proficiencies: Hypnosis, Meditative Focus.
Recommended: Gem Cutting, Harness Subconscious, Rejuvenation, and any of the nonweapon
proficiencies recommended for thief assassins in PHBR2.
Equipment: What is normally allowed for a psionicist.
Special Benefits: Assassin psionicists may take any of the proficiencies
recommended/required for thief assassins in PHBR2 without having to use extra slots as is
normal when taking proficiencies outside those groups normally accessible to a character.
Special Hindrances: Assassin psionicist suffer the same reaction roll penalty given to thief
assassins in PHBR2 with NPCs who know their profession (-4 penalty), and an additional
penalty of -2 with non-assassin psionicists who loathe psionicists that use their powers for such
Wealth Options: Standard 3d4 x 10 gp.
Races: Human.

Auditor, Athasian
The cities of Athas are filled with intrigue, treachery, and double-dealing. In this setting, information is a weapon
that may be wielded against one’s enemies. The auditor specializes in extracting information through psionic
observation or interrogation. Few can keep a secret from her.
The auditor’s job description ranges from information broker to psionic assassin. In most cities, the templars
have auditors working for them. Other auditors are members of the Veiled Alliance, criminal gangs, or are employed
by the merchant dynasties.
Humans are best suited for this kit, since they draw the least attention in urban settings. Elves, half-elves, and
dwarves are also appropriate. Auditors may be of any alignment, but most prefer to remain neutral.
Role: An evil auditor can be an excellent nemesis for any adventuring party. She knows where to find the PCs,
and even if she is not working directly for the templars she will sell them out for the right price. Armed with
formidable psionic abilities, she may be able to coerce surrenders out of the most fanatical characters.
As a member of the a venturing party, the auditor is a vital information contact. Her awareness of the characters
and the subtleties of any situation prevents her party from being surprised or distracted in an urban adventure. A few
hours of observation can ferret out the most deeply buried secrets.
Auditors are known by different names in each city. The auditors of Tyr’s Elven Warrens are usually referred to
as sellminds, while those of Urik are called investigators or mindeyes.
Preferred Disciplines: Auditors must select either Clairsentience or Telepathy as their primary discipline.
Psychometabolism and Psychoportation are favored as secondary disciplines for their espionage uses.
Weapon Proficiencies: The auditor is required to be proficient in the dagger, knife, dart, or wrist razor.
Nonweapon Proficiencies: Bonus-Disguise, information gathering. Recommended-Etiquette, heraldry, local
history, forgery, reading lips.
Equipment: The auditor does her best to blend in with the crowd. Weapons are small and concealable, armor is
covered by loose robes or cloaks, and dress and accessories match local custom. If the auditor fails to abide by these
considerations, the DM may assess a -1 to -3 reaction check penalty.
Special Benefits: The auditor begins play with 1d3+1 contacts and gains an additional contact whenever she
gains a level. Contacts may be merchants, corruptible templars, tavern keepers, agents of the Veiled Alliance, or
even beggars or slaves. The DM should carefully develop each one. The contacts are resources the auditor may use
to dig up information or get things done.
The PC should be careful of her contacts; once killed or alienated, they are gone forever. The quality of
information provided by a contact depends on how the PC treats the character. As a general rule, contacts must be
paid 1d6x10 ceramic pieces per level of the contact to produce a specific piece of information or to perform a small
If treated well, contacts may be also be able to loan the PC money or equipment, hide her if she’s on the run, or
track down illegal supplies for her. Once again, the quality of these services depends on how well the PC treats her
Special Hindrances: Trouble follows the auditor. Just as she collects allies and informants, she also collects
enemies. Enemies are like contacts in reverse; they sell out the psionicist to anyone who asks, provide assistance for
rivals, and may even come hunting for her themselves. Just like a contact, an enemy should be carefully developed
by the DM.
An auditor begins play with 1d2 enemies of low level. As time goes by, she will probably make new ones all by
herself. Old enemies may grow stronger as the psionicist gains levels. Good choices might include: templars, nobles,
merchants, criminals, elves, and other auditors.
The DM should judge when and where enemies show up. Their actions may range from simply spreading nasty
rumors about the PC to deadly attempts on her life.
Wealth Options: the auditor begins play with 3d4x30 ceramic pieces.


Description: Barbarians and their society are described within PHBR1, PHBR3. Barbarian
psionicists are, like the others of their tribe, very warlike with a heavy emphasis on offensive
powers. A Barbarian Psionicist must have a CON of 16 or greater.
Role: Barbarian psionicists concentrate on offense, and make a formidable addition to
barbarians of other classes on the battlefield. Outside their society they, like barbarian priests,
will always go out of their way to aid members of their society in trouble.
Preferred Disciplines: Psychokinesis, Psychometabolism, Telepathy.
Recommended Sciences: Animal Affinity, Detonate, Disintegrate, Project Force,
Domination, Psionic Blast.
Recommended Devotions: Adrenalin Control, Biofeedback, Heightened Senses, Double
Pain, Enhanced Strength, Flesh Armor, Mind Over Body, Control Body, Molecular Agitation,
Animate Object, Ballistic Attack, all of the telepathic attack modes, Invincible Foes, Synaptic
Barred Disciplines: None.
Secondary Skills: Required: Like barbarians of other classes, this is determined by the
main occupation of the tribe.
Weapon Proficiencies: Required: None. Recommended: Short Bow, Knife, Club, Hand
Axe, Throwing Axe, War Hammer.
Non-weapon Proficiencies: Bonus: Meditative Focus, Rejuvenation. Recommended:
Harness Subconscious, for the rest, the recommended list for barbarian priests in PHBR3 may be
Equipment: Barbarian psionicists may have leather armor, and any of the weapons listed
above under the recommended section for weapon proficiencies to begin with. After a
barbarian psionicist has been in more civilized areas for a while he/she may buy other types of
weapons allowed for psionicists.
Special Benefits: Barbarian psionicists are formidable figures, all the more impressive
because of their mental powers. Because of the respect this commands, they obtain (similar to
barbarians of other classes) a +2 bonus to reaction rolls with people outside their tribe (with an
exception noted below), and a +4 bonus to reaction rolls among their own people.
Special Hindrances: Barbarian psionicists, like barbarians of other classes. are not respectors
of authority, and this together with their mental powers which arouses outright fear, causes them
to suffer a -4 reaction roll penalty with any figures in authority.
Wealth Options: 3d4 x 10 gp.
Races: Human.

Beastmaster Psionicist, Athasian

Domesticated and wild animals are important to Athasian society. Creatures such as mekillots, inixes, and crodlus
are vital to warfare, trade, and labor. Exotic creatures like tembo and kirre can be found as guard animals and arena
combatants in decadent cities. Nomads revere the creatures of their lands and seek to understand them through the
The beastmaster is a psionicist with an affinity for animals of all kinds. He can calm a raging mekillot with a few
soothing words, or turn the most loyal guard creatures to his side. He is an outsider who is more comfortable with
his animal charges than with any humanoid companionship.
Humans, dwarves, elves, half-elves, halflings, and thri-kreen may select the beastmaster kit. Thri-kreen have an
affinity for insects and insect-like monsters instead of mammalian or reptilian creatures. Beastmasters may be of any
alignment; evil beastmasters tend to work through fear and intimidation.
Role: Psionicists who work with animal subjects are valued. Most beastmasters are not natives of the cities, but
instead come from small viIlages or nomadic tribes-a background in which the young psionicist has extensive
experience and contact with the animals he understands so well.
Good-aligned beastmasters are defenders of animal rights and carefully weigh the use of their powers. If an
animal’s life must be disturbed to accomplish the character’s goal, the psionicist tries to return the creature to its
original situation when finished. Evil beastmasters perceive animals as nothing more than tools to be used and then
Beastmasters are withdrawn and have difficulty dealing with human society. They often make people around
them uncomfortable.
Preferred Disciplines: Beastmasters must select Telepathy as their primary discipline. Psychometabolism is
favored as a secondary discipline.
Weapon Proficiencies: Since they are often called upon to capture their subjects, beastmasters must take
proficiency in the lasso, net, bola, or whip. Other allowed weapons include the dagger, knife, club, spear, short
sword, sling, or bow.
Nonweapon proficiencies: Bonus-Animal handling, animal lore, animal training. Recommended-Tracking,
survival, hunting, running, endurance, set snares, riding, rope use, water find.
Equipment: No special requirements.
Special Benefits: Beastmasters enjoy several talents that make their task easier. First of all, they may use the
animal empathy ability of the ranger class. If the animal is wild or trained to attack, it receives a saving throw versus
rods modified by -1 for every three experience levels the psionicist possesses, just like the ranger ability. Evil
beastmasters generally cow animals rather than befriend them, but the effects are identical.
Secondly, the beastmaster receives a +1 bonus to his power score anytime he uses a Telepathic science or
devotion against an animal subject. If he is trying to initiate Contact (power score: Wisdom), his power score
becomes Wisdom +1.
Beastmasters may learn the warrior proficiencies recommended under “Nonweapon Proficiencies” without
paying the one-slot penalty for selecting a proficiency out of group.
Special Hindrances: Beastmasters have difficulty using their Telepathic powers on sentient subjects and suffer a
-1 penalty to the power score of any science or devotion used against an intelligent opponent. Secondly, the
beastmaster’s awkwardness imposes a -2 reaction check penalty when dealing with urban characters. Encounters in
a city-state count, but meetings with desert nomads or villagers would not.
Wealth Options: The beastmaster begins play with 3d4x30 ceramic pieces.

Beast Master

Description: A beast master is one who comes from a harsh wilderness region, and may be
an escaped slave, or someone who was born and raised beyond the limits of civilization. They
generally come from a tribal societal structure. These characters have mastered the means of
communicating with and controlling beasts of various kinds including powerful psionic beasts.
Beast masters typically do not immediately directly engage an opponent in combat, rather they
use the beasts they control to attack enemies, then they may either attack an enemy struggling
with the beast(s), or not attack at all if their creature(s) is winning the fight. Demihumans of all
kinds who make their home in wilderness environments may be beast masters. There are no
special ability requirements.
Role: Beast masters are revered among their tribesmen for their ability to command beasts
which protects the tribe from dangerous creatures, and allows them to harness the power
of various beasts for their own purposes. Beast masters are greatly feared for their ability to
command powerful beasts by enemies of the tribe.
Preferred Disciplines: Telepathy, Psychometabolism, and Metapsionics.
Required Powers: Beast Mastery (taken at level 15 or before, see special benefits),
Hivemind (taken at level 9 or before), Insect Mind (taken at level 7 or before), Reptile Mind
(taken at level 7 or before), Pheromone Discharge (taken at level 7 or before).
Recommended Powers: Domination, Mass Domination, Awe, Attraction, Repugnance, False
Sensory Input, Acceptance (see Dragon Kings).
Weapon Proficiencies: Recommended: Hand Axe, Knife, Club, Short Bow, Spear, Sling.
Non-weapon Proficiencies: Bonus Proficiencies: Rejuvenation, Direction Sense,
Endurance or Survival. Recommended: (General) Heat Protection, Rope Use, Sign
Language, (Priest) Herbalism, (Psionicist) Meditative Focus, Harness Subconscious.
Equipment: No special requirements.
Special Benefits: A beast master gains access to the Animal Telepathy devotion without
counting against the allowable devotions and sciences available to the character. This benefit
applies only at the time the character has learned the prerequisites to animal telepathy. The
second benefit is that a character may take Beast Mastery (see Dragon Kings) at level 15 instead
of level 21.
Special Hindrances: Beast Masters suffer a -1 penalty on all power checks made in
disciplines outside those under the preferred disciplines list above.
Wealth Options: 1d4 x 10 cp.

Cerebral Knight
The cerebral knights are a class of characters, who train in both psionics and the art of warfare.
They believe that in order to become master warrior (or knight) it is just as important train and
discipline the mind as it is to exercise and develop the body. In fact, the two must go hand in
hand, because the body and mind are one, and must thus be trained together.
Anyone who is eligible to become a psionicist, and has a strength and constitution of at least
13, may become a cerebral knight. Thus the ability requirements are: STR 13, CON 13, INT 12,
WIS 15. A cerebral knight may NOT be multi-classed, and must be lawful in alignment (there
is in fact a very strict ethos, which must be followed at all times, see below).
Cerebral knights advance as shown on the table below. They get d8's for hit dice and are
allowed the fighter constitution bonus as well as percentile strength. They may become
proficient with any weapon, and are allowed to specialize in a single one. They use the fighter
combat values and get multiple attacks just as fighters do. They may use any magical item
allowed to either fighters or psionicists, but may never own more than 10 such items. In
addition, they have the same armor restrictions as psionicists do (or suffer the same
consequences if the optional rules about heavy armor are used).
Cerebral knights do not gain access to the metapsionic discipline, but are free to choose any of
the others. Unlike psionicists, they do not gain defense modes automatically, but have to learn
them (defense modes can always be learned, even if the cerebral knight does not have access to
the telepathic discipline). In order to learn a psionic power, the psionicist must spend psionic
power slots. It costs 1 slot

Level Experience Hit Dice Psionic Power

Points (d8's) Disciplines Slots
1 0 1 1 4
2 3,000 2 1 6
3 6,000 3 1 8
4 12,000 4 2 10
5 25,000 5 2 12
6 50,000 6 2 13
7 100,000 7 2 14
8 200,000 8 2 15
9 400,000 9 3 16
10 700,000 10 3 17
11 1,000,000 10+2 3 18
12 1,300,000 10+4 3 19
13 1,600,000 10+6 3 20
14 1,900,000 10+8 4 21
15 2,200,000 10+10 4 22
16 2,500,000 10+12 4 23
17 2,800,000 10+14 4 24
18 3,100,000 10+16 4 25
19 3,400,000 10+18 5 26
20 3,700,000 10+20 5 27

to learn a devotion, and two slots to learn a science (it is permitted to save psionic power slots
and spend them in the future). The cerebral knight starts out with 10 PSP's and at every level
(including first) rolls a d10 to see how many additional PSP's are gained. They do get extra
PSP's for high wisdom scores just as psionicists do. This is summarized below

WIS Score Bonus PSP's

15 0
16 +1
17 +2
18 +3
19 +4
20 +5
21 +6
22 +7
23 +8
24 +9
25 +10
A cerebral knight starts out with 4 weapon and 4 non weapon proficiencies. New
proficiencies are gained every 3 levels. There is a -3 penalty for using a weapon without being
proficient in it. Non-weapon proficiency slots may be spent on general, warrior or psionicist
Cerebral knights use the following saving throw table:

Paralyzation, Rod, Petrification

Poison, or staff, or Breath
Level Death Magic or Wand Polymorph Weapon Spell
1-2 14 16 13 17 15
3-4 13 15 12 16 14
5-6 12 14 11 15 13
7-8 10 12 10 13 12
9-10 9 11 8 12 10
11-12 8 10 7 11 9
13-14 6 9 6 9 8
15-16 5 8 5 8 7
17-18 4 6 3 7 6
19-20 3 5 2 5 5
21+ 2 4 2 4 4

Cerebral Knights belong to a very strict and disciplined order. Loyalty to the order, and strict
adherence to the code of conduct is of paramount importance. The code of conduct is
summarized below:

1) The Knight owes absolute loyalty to the order and shall always follow its commands to the
best of his/her ability.
2) The Knight shall obey the commands of higher order knights. Higher order knights shall
not abuse this for personal gain.
3) The Knight shall always treat other Knights with respect and courtesy. Fighting between
knights (other than for practice or demonstration) must be avoided at all cost.
4) The Knight shall never abuse his/her abilities and training, as this reflects badly upon the
order as a whole.
5) The Knight shall be diligent in his/her training, and shall not look for training outside the
order, nor shall he/she offer to train others (except as authorized by the order).

Besides those powers already mentioned, the cerebral knight gains the following as he/she
advances in level.

4th Level (Initiate)

-- +1 to initiative
-- is surprised only on a 1 or 2 (d10)

8th Level (Knight)

-- +1 to initiative
-- +1 to save vs mind affecting spells
-- is only surprised on a 1
-- immune to 1st level illusions

12th Level (Master)

-- +1 to initiative
-- +2 to save vs mind affecting spells
-- immune to 2nd level illusions
-- +1 to hit and damage
-- is never surprised
-- may open his/her own school and train cerebral knights

18th Level (Grand Master)

-- +2 to initiative
-- immune to mind affecting spells
-- +2 to hit and damage
-- immune to all diseases

All bonuses are cumulative

The Great Master is the overall head of the order of cerebral knights. This office is always
conferred for life onto the 'most worthy candidate' by a general assembly of all masters. This
'most worthy candidate' is not necessarily the highest level cerebral knight in the world, in fact
any master may occupy this position, but the Great Master has some authority over (and
responsibility to) all other cerebral knights (even those of higher level).


Description: The dreamer is a person who controls the elements of their subconscious and
unconscious mind so as to link it to their conscious mind. In low level dreamers the line
between reality and Dreamland is distinct and strong, but high level dreamers can meld the two
together so that they are almost indistinguishable.
Role: A dreamer is a perfect kit for horror campaigns, such as Ravenloft, or settings where a
normal party is either mentally or physically outmatched. They have the ability to physically
hamper a person by playing on their fears in their nightmares. In horror campaigns where the
line between reality and the character's nightmares is faint, a dreamer would fit in marvelously
with little or no effort. All dreamers must have a 17 Wisdom to help them tell the difference
between what is real and what is not, and a 16 intelligence to use that knowledge to its full
advantage. A high constitution will also help the dreamer in the transition from reality to
Dreamland. A dreamer character kit adds 5 years to their starting age to reflect the extra years
searching for a dreamer mentor and the extra study time. A dreamer can only be chosen at 1st
level and must always stay a dreamer, or lose all dreamer powers, including the psionics
themselves. Because the entering into anothers dreams is not a very moral act, most dreamers
are not of the good alignment. However, some dreamers use their powers for good purposes,
such as helping a person with nightmares, but on the whole, most dreamers are either neutral or
Secondary Skills: Any Secondary skill is allowed, none are preferred.
Weapon Proficiencies: A first level dreamer gets no weapon proficiencies unless they are
taken from the bonus proficiencies acquired through intelligence. (if that option is used) It is
suggested that at least one weapon proficiency is taken. A dreamer may also elect to spend one
proficiency (weapon or non-weapon) to acquire a dream weapon proficiency. A dream weapon
proficiency only works in Dreamland and can also be specialized according to the rules in the
PHBR1. There is no restriction to what dream weapon proficiencies may be acquired since
strength in Dreamland is not a problem. As well, because this is only mental training, the
dreamer my choose weapons now allowed by his class. Dream weapon proficiencies DO NOT
allow the character any bonuses when using that weapon in real life, as the dreamer is training
himself to fight with that weapon as he thinks it should be wielded, which is almost always
different from how it should be wielded in reality. However, a real weapon proficiency will
also work in Dreamland.
Non-weapon Proficiencies: Bonus: Harness Subconscious Suggested: Rejuvenation,
Hypnosis, Meditative Focus.
Psionics: Bonus: Devotions: Dream Travel Suggested: Any Psychometabolic power, as
they work more effectively in Dreamland.
Barred Disciplines: None, but Psychoportive powers are almost useless in Dreamland.
Special Benefits: They can control their sleeping patterns to go into a deep sleep, a normal
sleep, a light sleep, or even a feign death like state. In a deep sleep a dreamer rejuvenates PSP
at double the normal rate, but almost impossible to be awaken earlier than the specified time. In a
light sleep half normal PSP rejuvenation takes place, but the dreamer awakens easily. In the
feign death state, the dreamer will not awaken until a specified event or time elapses. Any
damage taken during this time, from anything, will awaken the dreamer. No PSP rejuvenation
is possible during this state due to the intense concentration needed to maintain it. A dreamer
can also switch between the three different dream modes freely. To switch from one mode to
another, the dreamer must concentrate for 1 round, after which the transfer can be made.
Special Hindrances: Dreamers are a prime target for normal psionicists as they are fairly
weak at lower levels and are easy prey. As well, most mages loathes dreamer the same way a
troll hates a good fire. If a mage or psionicist finds out a character is a dreamer, there is likely
to be a "witch hunt" on the horizon. The final threat for dreamers, is the Dream Demon (q.v.),
who finds a dreamer's mind as useful as a gnomish invention, but finds their physical bodies a
great way to travel. Also, to top it all off, a dreamer must choose dream powers before selecting
any other power. Due to this, dreamers have only dream powers and a defense mode at first
Races allowed: Humans occasionally become dreamers, but not often as they are a short lived
race. Typically Elves and half-elves become dreamers. Dwarves and halflings do not have the
right temperament to become dreamers and Gnomes have a hard time controlling their thoughts
to the extent needed.

Description/role: Empaths are psionicists who
specialize in emotions. They love to feel and
learn about emotions. Empaths are fascinated by
new feelings, tastes, smells emotions and so forth.
Whenever possible, they will seek out new
experiences. Empathy is usually defined as an
awareness and a sharing of the emotions and
feelings of others. Empaths are preternaturally
attuned to the subtle "body language" that
telegraphs people's feelings to those capable of
deciphering it. Empaths are also known as
Requirements: The empath must have a
Charisma of at least 13.
Preferred Disciplines: Empathy (Minor
Special Benefits:
· +1 charisma or reaction bonus (Read body
language, appropriate reaction)
· 2 free empathy devotions at first level.
· A female empath gets a +2 power score bonus
when using empathy powers (females can be
better empaths, they can "feel" better)
Special Hinderances: None.
Disciplines Learning Order: Telepathic,
Clairsentient, Metapsionic, Psychometabolic,
Psychoportive, Psychokinetic.
Empathy Sciences: Bonding*, Object Reading,
Sensitive to Psi Impressions, Precognition, Fate
Link (no prerequisites)
Empathy Devotions: Empathy, True Hear,
Telempathic Projection, Absorb Disease,
Heightened Senses, Id Insinuation, Ego Whip,
Awe, Attraction, Aversion, Taste Link, Feel Light,
Feel Sound, Phobia Amplification, Repugnance,
Sight Link, Sound Link, Taste Link, False Sensory
Input, Feel Moisture, Trail of Destruction,
Acceptance, Alignment Stabilization, Beast
Mastery, Focus Forgiveness, Impossible Task,
Mysterious Traveler, True Worship, Diagnose*,
Sense Charm, Sense Evil.
* Power from DRAGON #204

New Empathy Powers

Sense Charm
Power Score: Wis -2
Initial Cost: 8
Maintenance Cost: 4/round
Range: 30 yards
Preparation Time: 1
Area of Effect: one creature in range
Prerequisites: Empathy

This devotion can detect if a person or monster is under the influence of a charm spell, or similar control such as
hypnosis, suggestion, beguiling, possession, any telepathic control such as psionic domination, etc.

If the creature is psionically protected (any defense mode) a contest must be rolled, if the victim wins, the psionicist
learns nothing about that particular creature.

This devotion doesn't revels the exact type of influence.

Sense Evil
Power Score: Wis -2
Initial Cost: 8
Maintenance Cost: 6/round
Range: special
Preparation Time: 1
Area of Effect: special
Prerequisites: Empathy

This devotion discovers emanations of evil from any creature, object, or area. Character alignment, however, is
revealed only under unusual circumstances: characters who are strongly aligned, who do not stray from their faith,
and who are of at least 9 th level might radiate evil if intent upon appropriate actions. Powerful monsters such as
rakshasas send forth emanations of evil, even if polymorphed. Aligned undead radiate evil, for it is this power and
negative force that enable them to continue existing. An evilly cursed object or unholy water radiates evil.

The degree of evil (faint, moderate, strong, overwhelming) and possibly its general nature (expectant, malignant,
gloating, etc.) can be noted.

The devotion has a path of detection 10 feet wide in the direction in which the psionicist is facing. The range
depends on the degree of evil and usually varies between 30 and 500 yards.

ESPer Class... Variant of the Psionicist Class...

Constitution : 14
Intelligence : 16
Wisdom : 17

Prime Requisite : Con/Wis

Races Allowed: All

Race Limitations: None!
MultiClassed? No!

Level Experience Points HD (D6) Move THAC0

1 0 2 15 20
2 4200 3 16 20
3 6400 4 17 18
4 10800 5 18 18
5 18500 6 19 16
6 32000 7 20 16
7 57000 8 21 14
8 102000 9 22 14
9 202000 10 23 12
10 402000 11 24 12
11 602000 11+2 25 10
12 802000 11+4 26 10
13 1002000 11+6 27 8
14 1202000 11+8 28 8
15 1502000 11+10 29 6
16 1802000 11+12 30 6
17 2102000 11+14 32 4
18 2402000 11+16 34 4
19 2702000 11+18 36 2
20 3002000 11+20 40 2

Saving Throws as per Psionicist +2

Power Progression as per Psionicist +4 And Roll on the Wild Talents table.
These are your natural abilities, no cost... are always free, etc.

+2 on all Power Scores

Psionic Combat (Attack & Defense Modes) as per DMG 1st Edition, everything else as per PsiHB.

Weopon 2/2, Non Weopon 6/2

Esper Psionics: limited, exclusive devotions of the Metapsionic

PsiSword, PsiSprear, PsiBlast, Psychic Scream, Super
Telekenesis, Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Pyramid of force, lines
of power, urban renewal
Description: Frauds are psionicists who use their powers to dupe
others. They tend pass themselves off as exorcists, diviners,
healers, mystics, or whatever else their powers make them suited
to. They typically take advantage of the towns they visit, milking
the residents for all the gold, items, and favors they're worth,
and never even giving a hint of falsehood.
Frauds have the same primary requirements as psionicists, but
they also need a Charisma of 14 or more. Also, Frauds cannot be of
good alignment (tricking people for money is _not_ a good action!).
This kit is almost impossible to be abandoned, because the
ways of duplicity and lies are hard to give up, especially when a
character is just so damn good at them. The only way a character
can stop being a Fraud is to change to a good alignment, and stop
tricking people (thus loosing all the benefits of this kit).

Preferred Disciplines: Frauds take disciplines based on what can be

done with them. Clairsetient powers allow for information gathering
from a distance. Telepathic powers can be used to gather personal
information from a person (through Probe and ESP). Informational
powers are used to become "fortune tellers", "psychics", and
"personal readers", whose knowledge of a character's past makes
people think their predictions for the future are valid. Telepaths
can also pass themselves off as "exorcists", who rid people of
personal "demons" (caused by the psionicist)
Psychometabolic powers can be used for a variety of guises,
like a "healer". Psychokinetic powers are used to dispel (after
creating) mischievous spirits.

Barred Disciplines: Frauds cannot have Metapsionic or Psychoportive

disiplines as their primary discipline.

Role: Frauds make their living from duping people into believing
their plans. Frauds may masquerade as healers, fortune tellers,
exorcists, or anything else they can think of, but always charge
high prices for services rendered, and always find a way for people
to need their help. For example, a "healer" (a psi with Cell
Adjustment) could perform "miracles", claiming to be the priest of
a new god, and ask for donations to build a temple (which will
never be built). An "exorcist" could, during a bogus exorcism,
telekinetically make things happen (knocked over chairs, ghostly
moaning, etc).
Psionicists pick up this kit because they realize the
potential their powers have, and how easily duped most people can
be. Frauds trick others into paying for their expensive lifestyle,
and live from town to town, leaving well before being discovered.
Secondary Skills: Any.

Weapons Allowed: Same as a psionicist.

Armor Allowed: Leather armor only, no shields.

Non-Weapon Proficiencies: Frauds have access to all General and

Psionicist NWP categories, and can also select the following
without penalty: ancient history, appraising, forgery, local
history, and spellcraft. (These are not granted automatically.)
Frauds begin with the disguise proficiency at no cost, as well
as the Improvise and Persuasion proficiencies. (see special

Equipment: A Fraud must have equipment consistent with his/her

current guise. A fortune teller would have cards, tea, and other
predictive devices, a healer would have herbs and (fake)
prayerbooks, etc.

Special Bonuses: Fruads have the ability to make not only make up
facts quickly, but to convince people of the validity of their
statements. As such, they have two unique proficiencies
automatically: Improvise and Persuasion.
Improvise's score is Wisdom + Intelligence, divided by two.
Improvise is the Fraud's ability to take a small amount of
information, and extrapolate as much as possible from it, using
both reasoning powers and intuition. Modifiers to this score can be
assigned by the DM; for example, if the victim is someone well
known to the Fraud, there might be a bonus of +3, but against
someone the Fraud has only talked to once, there might be a -10
penalty. On a failed check, the Fraud gains no insight. On a 20,
the Fraud's insight is 100% wrong, and is quite often the opposite
of the truth.
NOTE: Improvise should not replace role-playing!! It should
only be used to give the Fraud more information to role-play with.
Persuasion's score is Charisma minus two. Persuasion is the
ability to convince people of something other than what they know,
especially when it comes to what the Fraud does and says. Modifiers
should be based on what the Fraud did (killing the king cannot be
easily explained, but making a social faux pas could be explained
more easily). Also, if an intended victim has more intelligence
than the Fraud, use the difference between the two as a negative
modifier to a Persuasion check; someone smarter than you is more
likely to catch such a mistake. For example, a Bob (a 20th level
Fraud) tries to improvise in a conversation, and rolls a 20, and
says something regrettable. Bob then succeeds a Persuasion check,
and manages to convince the person he's talking to that he didn't
mean what was said ("The words came out wrong."). Again, the
Persuasion NWP should not replace role-playing, only enhance it.

Special Hindrances: The primary disadvantage of this kit is the

amount of knowledge about psionics people possess. Those familiar
with psionics will almost never fall for a Fraud's tricks, but
where psionics are unknown, a Fraud may never be uncovered. As a
result, Frauds are almost never seen in Grayhawk or on Athas, are
uncommon in the Forgotten Realms, and relatively common on Krynn,
compared to "plain vanilla" psionicists.
Another hindrance is the magic aura given off by magic items.
Frauds know that magic detection spells reveal nothing when they
use their powers, but are aware that having magic items on one's
person will reveal magic to anyone who can detect magic (and
possibly end the psi's current performance). As a result, Frauds
will not willingly have any magic items on them when they perform
their "magic". Of course, if a Fraud doesn't know an item is
magical, or if he/she can't get rid of it (like a cursed item),
then he/she won't put it down. There is no restriction of having or
using magic items when not in a guise, or not "performing" for the

Gladiator, Psionic


Psionic combat has, over the centuries, been elevated to the level of a martial art in its own right.
Tales of skilled mindbenders pitting their wits against each other have started to find their way into
legend, and at the more perverse end of the spectrum, illithids, by taking direct control of the bodies
of their thralls, have been known to duke it out from time to time.

The psionic gladiator, like the sensei (see The Will and the Way) is devoted to combat, although
while the sensei makes use of the body, the psionic gladiator finds such means distasteful, preferring
instead to fight with telepathy.


No requirements beyond those to qualify for the class.


The psionic gladiator is a very rare thing in almost any society. Typically they are only found in
those cities or subcultures where psionics are known and practiced extensively. Also, they tend to
exist in more barbaric or degenerate cultures, since fighting merely for entertainment of others is not
particularly civilised.

Usually, the psionic gladiator who adventures is either a slave touring with a moving arena, or a
freed man on a prizefighting circuit. The broad majority of them have been trained in gladiator
schools. When fighting psionically, they tend to be well-disciplined, methodical, but also spectacular.
They are trained to put on a show, after all...

Secondary Skills:


Weapon Proficencies:

The psionic gladiator, due to his focus on telepathy rather than physical combat, starts play with
only one weapon proficiency, which may be spent however the character chooses.

Nonweapon Proficiencies:

Bonus: Meditative focus. Recommended: Rejuvenation, psionic lore (see The Will and the Way),
harness subconscious.


Psionic gladiators, although on the whole dislike physical labour, will try to obtain good armour so
as to minimise the chances of being hurt in unpleasant brawls.

Preferred Disciplines:

The first two disciplines are predetermined: a psionic gladiator must start by learning telepathy,
and then go on to metapsionics, so as to make the best use of his attack forms.

Recommended Powers:

All the psionic attack and defence forms are recommended, as are such powers as mind bar,
conceal thoughts, phobia amplification and any other powers that can be used offensively and

Special Benefits:

Psionic gladiators, being well-trained in psionic combat, receive a +1 to their power scores when
using telepathic attack and defence modes. This bonus increases to +2 at level 9.

Special Hindrances:

Psionic gladiators are there to put on a show. As such, whenever they use their attacks and
defences, an unfortunate side-effect is that these cannot be used stealthily. The use of these powers
produces a corresponding visual phenomenon For example, using Mind Thrust might conjure up the
image of a sword being swung at the opponent's head, while telepathic defences overlay images
around the area in which the psionic gladiator stands.

Wealth Options:

The Psionic Gladiators gets the standard 3d4x10 gold pieces.


The obvious choice for this kit would be humans, although other races could do it, if their
background justifies their taking this kit.

Description: A Hermit could be best described as a psionicist's version of a druid, or perhaps
to some degree, a druidic version of a Healer (see Dragon #191 for a description of the Healer
kit). Hermits live their lives in the wilderness, devoting their time to studying their craft and
applying it in various ways. They are distinguished by their brown robes and wooden staffs
they carry. Not all will necessarily have this appearance, but it is common to see them in this
Hermits are by nature recluses, and are seldom seen by travelers, though they do have good
relations with druids and rangers that live in the same area. Hermits are always of either Neutral
or Neutral Good alignment. A character must have a Constitution score of 15 or higher to be a
Role: Hermits are defenders of the area they live in, much as druids, further, like rangers,
hermits will help travelers in distress in their area provided they are not of evil alignment. They
will often observe travelers, using their psionic powers to avoid being seen.
Preferred Disciplines: Hermits prefer the disciplines of Telepathy, Clairsentience, and
Psychometabolism as a first or second discipline. Pyschometabolism is always their first or
second discipline. Psychokinesis is always the last discipline taken by Hermits. Metapsionics
is frequently taken as a third discipline to gain access to Psychic Surgery and Split Personality
which greatly enhances the power of a psionicist. Psychoportation is also frequently taken as a
third discipline to enable the hermit to move more quickly around his/her domain.
Recommended Devotions: any telepathic attack modes, Attraction, Awe, False Sensory
Input, Invisibility, Mind Bar, Truthear, Sight Link, Sound Link, Absorb Disease, Adrenalin
Control, Body Control, Body Equilibrium, Chameleon Power, Cell Adjustment, Heightened
Senses, Lend Health, Mind Over Body, See Sound, Danger Sense, Know Location, and Conceal
Recommended Sciences: Complete Healing, Animal Affinity, Shadow-form, Aura Sight,
Superior Invisibility.
Barred Disciplines: None.
Secondary Skills: Required: None.
Weapon Proficiencies: Required: Staff (normally psionicists do not use staffs, but hermits
are an exception).
Non-weapon Proficiencies: Bonus Proficiencies: Animal Handling, Herbalism,
Rejuvenation. Recommended: (General) Direction Sense, Weather Sense, Fire-building,
Fishing, (Warrior) Animal Lore, Endurance, Running, Survival, Tracking, (Priest) Healing,
(Psionicist) Musical Instrument.
Equipment: Hermits can wear leather, padded leather, studded leather, or hide armor. They
may buy any of the weapons listed as legal for psionicists to use in the Complete Psionics
Special Benefits: Hermits receive a +1 bonus to all power checks for healing powers. They
also receive a +1 bonus to animal handling proficiency checks.
Special Hindrances: Hermits receive a -2 on reaction rolls in civilized areas because of their
awkwardness when not in the wilderness. Further, other psionicists tend to look down on them,
feeling they are inferior.
Wealth Options: As in the Complete Psionics Handbook.
Races: Human.
Description: The Huntsman is a psionicist who
provides a reassuring service to the Athasian
people: they use the Way to hunt down wizards.
Role: Huntsman, much like the wizard
Chasseurs, are bounty hunters, hitman, and
justice-seekers who combat the forces of magic on
Athas. Like the Chasseur, the Huntsman is a
highly-respected authoritarian force on Athas.
However, unlike the Chasseur, the Huntsman
genuinly despise magic, and have nothing to hide
from the masses that hold them as heros.
Requirements: Huntsman must be psionicist
with a minimum Willpower of 18. All Huntsman
must be lawful in alignment. Some of the best
Huntsman are dwarves.
Preferred Disciplines: Chasseurs prefer
Clairsentience and Telepathy for their
information gathering abilities, but also use
Psychometabolism and Psychokinesis for their
combative potential.
Barred Disciplines: None.
Non-weapon Proficiencies: Bonus Proficiencies:
Spellcraft, Tracking. Required: None.
Recommended: Crowd Working, Information
Gathering, Psionic Lore, Rope Use.
Weapon Proficiencies: Standard, plus lasso,
mancatcher, net, and whip.
Equipment: Huntsman often have gear which
would aid in the aprehension and confinement of
wizards, such as muzzles, thumb screws, and
such. These are often worn proudly on the
Huntsman, one of his trademarks.
Special Benefits: Because of the hatred of magic,
Huntsman receive a +4 reaction adjustment from
any non-wizards.
They are also able to cry witch, stirring a crowd
to attack a present person. This can sometimes
backfire on the Huntsman if he uses it too often
or against non-wizards.
Due to their strong-willed nature, Huntsman are
using a reduced form of Subjective Reality to
resist the forces of magic. They receive a +4
saving throw against any and all forms of magic.
This is in addition to any bonuses they receive for
their race.
Huntsman can also sense wizards in the
immendiate area. Within clear, detailed vision,
the Huntsman can make a 10% per level check to
spot any wizards, as well as tell whether they are
preservers or defilers.
Also, Huntsman are able to purchase the
metapsionic science of Supress Magic without the
level prerequisite.
Special Hinderances: Being people who hunt
and kill wizards, Huntsman receive a -4 reaction
adjustment from all wizards.
Also, because of their intense hatred of magic, the
Huntsman will not accept any magical aid of any
sort, no matter how insignifant. If they do, they
lose 20% XP per use.
Huntsman are unable to use any magical items of
any sort, regardless of thier effect.

The Imposter
Source: The Dead Tembos Den
Description: The Imposter is a psionicist who is
specialized in switching bodies with others. He
uses the Switch Personality science and the
Psychic Impersonation devotion in order to
achieve his goals.
Role: The roles of Imposters vary greatly from
loners out to forward their own goals to hired
mercenaries sent to infiltrate enemy strongholds.
Requirements: The Body Snatcher must be evil--
let's face it, stealing someone's body is not the
nicest thing one could do.
Preferred Disciplines: The Imposter must be a
telepath. Also, he must have Switch Personality
by 3rd level, and Psychic Impersonation by 5th
level. Other than those restrictions, the preferred
disciplines of the psionicist depend on the
individual character.
Barred Disciplines: None.
Non-Weapon Proficiencies: Bonus: Acting, Fast-Talking,
Observation. Required: Glibness (the
Trait), Impersonation (the Trait). Recommended:
Etiquette, Modern Languages.
Weapon Proficiencies: Because they are
constantly switching bodies, Imposters never
become accustomed to one body long enough to
learn how to fully control a weapon. Each time
they switch, the weapon use for that different
body is different. Thus, Imposters cannot be
proficient in any weapon. They are always
considered non-proficient.
Equipment: The Imposter tends to travel light,
seeing as how he loses all of his gear when he
switches bodies. Unless, of course, he kills those
whom he switches with and re-acquires his gear.
Special Benefits: Imposters automatically gain
the power score effect for both Switch Personality
and Psychic Impersonation. Also, they have
perfected the process of Probing a victim to
prepare for a Psychic Impersonation. For the
Imposter, this only takes one turn.
Hindrances: The body snatcher has an intrinsic
dislike of staying in the bodies which he inhabits.
He cannot stay in one body for too long. This too
long is a DM judgement sort of thing, but it
should be somewhere around one to two months,
unless certain circumstances apply (e.g. the
Imposter is meditating on a power).

Alignment: Any Lawful
Ability Requirements: Strength 12, Constitution 12, Wisdom 14, Charisma 13 (only for the
good side)
Prime Requisites: Strength, Wisdom, Charisma (good side)
Races Allowed: Any
Patron Deity: The Force (It is not a deity, It is the natural Force)

Warning: This kit does not contain anti-munchkin rules, thus, use it carefully, watch the movie
and try to create a similar character.

I will not explain what is a Jedi since, I suppose, if you are reading this you had seen the Star
Wars Trilogy. However, for game purposes a Jedi is a lawful fighter that use his own Will and
his mental power to increase his abilities. A mighty warrior who follow the Way of the Unseen,
who can reach his Will and use The Force.

There are two kinds of Jedi, two sides of the Force: good and evil. It is possible to be a
Lawful Neutral Jedi but he must choose one side and his alignment certainly, gradually be
twisted towards good or evil.

Change sides is possible, but it means change alignment. The most common change is good
to evil, from the hard way to the easy way, from the right side to the dark side.

Evil to good changes are possible but very rare and the evil Jedi will need help from a good
Jedi that cares for him. The Evil Jedi, probably, will die after the change. They destroy your
own bodies and can't live without the dark force.

A Jedi is a psychokineticist, this mean, his primary discipline is psychokinesis. A Jedi must
learn Telekinesis as his first science, and must follow the Jedi order when trailing the Way. As
a psionicist a Jedi cannot wear armor or he will suffer the penalties described in the complete
psionics handbook.

Order of Disciplines: Psychokinetic, Telepathic, Clairsentient, Metapsionic, Psychometabolic,


Every Jedi master the secrets of the Lightsaber. This secret can only be passed throw the Jedi
Master to his only follower and only in the 9th level. If any Jedi betray this principle he will be
punished by his master. The Lightsaber will have a weak ego at this level and may not work in
other hands. All Jedis learn how to make his own weapon, but his knowledge is enough only to
build that particular weapon. The Jedi must provides all the materials (metal, etc.) and the
necessary equipment. He uses his mental powers in the process (something similar to empower
or molecular rearrangement), so, only Jedis can reproduce this method and only Jedis can uses
this kind of weapon. A Jedi can only have one weapon at a time. He can only make another if
the first was destroyed.

The punishment to betray a Jedi principle is different in each side or situation. A good master
may get the traitor and erase his knowledge with Psychic Surgery or Mindwipe. In this case the
traitor will forget everything about Jedis and all levels and powers will be lost. He wouldn't
remember that he had been a Jedi. In dark side betray means certain death (or maybe worst).

A dead Jedi (12th level or higher) may appear to an young disciple or follower to teach him or
give some guidance.

A Jedi can try to master the High Science of Psychokinesis (Megakinesis) after the 20th level.
(See: The Will and The Way)

A Jedi from the dark side go up on levels more quickly (+50% in XP) but he loses a point in
comeliness (or charisma) per level. Loyalty is measured by the fear he can make on his
followers and henchmen (Jedi level in the charisma table). The evil Jedi sacrifice his physical
appearance to go up in levels.

All Evil Jedi are direct or indirect followers of the Emperor. The Emperor is the master of all
evil Jedis and the ruler of his own country (planet, city-state, solar system, galaxy or anything the
DM wishes). He is a very evil, ugly, cruel and powerful Jedi (20th level fighter, 30th level
psionicist and maybe something more that nobody knows).

The Emperor apparently do not grow older (Who is able to know? With that ugly face aging
seems nothing). Some legends told that he has more than 800 years. One thing is certainly his
always was the Emperor and nobody remember when another. He is know as the Emperor and
nobody knows his real name ("if that ugly, repulsive, hideous, revolting, #$%@@ had a name it
will not make any difference").

Jedi Progression Table

Fighter up to 20th level / Psionicist up to 30th level

Jedi Fighter Class & Powers Progression Table

Level Experience HD(d8) THAC0 Init. Damage AC W. Eq. #AT
1 0 1 20 - - - - 1
2 2,000 2 19 - - - - 1
3 4,000 3 18 - - - - 1
4 8,000 4 17 - +1 - - 1
5 16,000 5 16 - +1 -1 +1 1
6 32,000 6 15 - +1 -1 +1 3/2
7 64,000 7 14 +1 +1 -1 +1 3/2
8 125,000 8 13 +1 +1 -1 +1 3/2
9 250,500 9 12 +1 +2 -2 +2 3/2
10 500,000 9+2 11 +1 +2 -2 +2 3/2
11 750,000 9+5 10 +1 +2 -2 +2 3/2
12 1,000,000 9+7 9 +1 +2 -2 +2 2
13 1,250,000 9+10 8 +1 +2 -2 +3 2
14 1,500,000 9+12 7 +2 +2 -2 +3 2
15 1,750,000 9+15 6 +2 +3 -3 +3 2
16 2,000,000 9+17 5 +2 +3 -3 +3 2
17 2,250,000 9+20 4 +2 +3 -3 +4 2
18 2,500,000 9+22 3 +2 +3 -3 +4 2
19 2,750,000 9+25 2 +2 +3 -3 +4 2
20 3,000,000 9+30 1 +3 +4 -4 +4 5/2
The psionicist progression is the same as the normal psionicist. Forget psionicist hit points, this
table include everything, except XP.

Init.: Initiative bonus

Damage: Damage bonus
AC: Armor Class bonus
W.Eq.: is the Weapon Equivalence of the lightsaber use it when deciding what kind of
creatures it can hit. (e.g. at 9 level the lightsaber is able to hit any creature damaged
only by +2 or better weapon to hit.)
#AT: Number of attacks per round

The Lightsaber (Jedi's Weapon Powers Progression)

1) The weapon is equivalent to a bastard sword, The Jedi knight must use it two handed to get
full bonus, half bonus (rounded down) if used one handed. No bonus with any other
weapon (This include All of them AC, Damage, Initiative, ...).
5) The weapon radiate a dim light and always appears to be clean and shining.
9) At this level the Jedi gains access to all secrets about the construction of the Lightsaber.
After one week of training he can construct his first true Lightsaber. The weapon will
radiate an intense light, can reduce it's size and it is comparable to a +2 weapon. The
weapon intelligence at this level is 6, with ego equal to 2.
12) The weapon intelligence increase to 8 and ego to 6.
15) The weapon has the abilities of a Sharpness. (It is a sharpness in all game aspects) The
intelligence increase to 12 with an ego equal to 10.
17) The weapon intelligence is equal to the Jedi with an ego equal to 20.
20) Fighter Level Limit. Use psionicists progression throw 30th level from Dragon Kings (Dark
Sun Accessory).

Jedi Saving Throws (Fighter/Psionicist)

Level PP&DM RSW P&P BW Spell

1-2 13 15 10 16 15
3-4 13 15 10 16 15
5-6 11 13 9 13 14
7-8 10 12 9 12 13
9-10 8 10 8 9 11
11-12 7 9 8 8 10
13-14 5 7 6 5 8
15-16 4 6 5 4 7
17+ 3 5 4 4 6

Jedi's Recommended Psionic Powers List

Order of Disciplines: Psychokinetic, Telepathic, Clairsentient, Metapsionic, Psychometabolic,


Complete Psionics Handbook = None

The Will and The Way = (WW)
Dragon Magazine #204 = (DM #204)
Dragon Kings - Hardcover = (DK)

Recommended Sciences: Telekinesis, Project Force, Microkinesis (DM #204), Telekinetic Flight
Recommended Devotions: Ballistic Attack, Deflect (WW), Inertial Barrier, Magnetize (WW),
Mass Manipulation (WW), Molecular Manipulation, Molecular Bonding (WW),
Momentum Theft (WW), Return Flight (DK), Static Discharge (WW)

Recommended Sciences: Domination, Mindlink, Probe, Bonding (DM #204)
Recommended Devotions: Amnesia (WW), Attraction, Awe, Conceal Thoughts, Contact,
Daydream, Empathy, Identity Penetration, Invincible Foes, Invisibility, Life Detection,
Mind Bar, Mysterious Traveler (DK), Passive Contact (WW), Post-Hypnotic Suggestion,
Psychic Messenger, Send Thoughts, Sight Link, Suppress Fear (WW), Telempathic
Projection, Truthear

Recommended Sciences: Aura Sight, Precognition, Detection (WW), Spirit Lore (WW)
Recommended Devotions: All-Round Vision, Combat Mind, Danger Sense, Feel Light, Hear
Light, Know Course (WW), Know Location, Know Direction, Predestination (DK),
Radial Navigation, Safe Path (WW), Sensitive to Observation (WW), Watcher's Ward

Recommended Sciences: Appraise, Psychic Surgery, Split Personality,
Recommended Devotions: Cannibalize, Cognitive Trance (WW), Convergence, Fighting Trance
(WW), Iron Will (WW), Martial Trance, Probability Manipulation (WW), Psionic Sense,
Retrospection, Splice

Recommended Devotions: Adrenalin Control, Biofeedback, Body Equilibrium, Catfall,
Enhanced Strength, Graft Weapon, Heightened Senses, Mind Over Body, Strength of the
Land (DK), Suspend Animation

Recommended Devotions: Astral Projection, Dimension Blade (WW), Time/Space Anchor

Forbidden Sciences (good side only)

Detonate, Create Object, Disintegrate, Animal Affinity, Death Field, Metamorphosis, Life
Draining, Regenerate (WW), Shadow-form, Poison Simulation (WW), Mindflame (WW),
Switch Personality, Teleport, Time Travel (WW), Wormhole (WW), Summon Planar
Creature, Banishment, Ultrablast (WW), Psychic Clone, Vader's Suffocate, Emperor's
Lightning bolts, and, of course, all "only for evil" powers.

* The DM can forbid any science or devotion that he thinks "do not fit". (I recommend you to get
most of the recommended powers).

Master of the hunt

Author: Darknight <>
Description: the master of the hunt (moth from
now on) is an halfling psionicist specialized in
giving support to the hunting parties. Their role
is to fight against creatures wich display psionic
powers. Moth are often psionicist/druid or
Requirements: In addition to normal psionicist
requirements a moth must have a Con of 13 and
an Int of 12. Being a charismatic figure in halfling
culture a high Cha is also desirable.
Preferred Disciplines: Moth must choose
clairsentience as their first discipline.
Psychometabolism and Psychokinesis are
common choices for secondary disciplines while
Metapsionic is a rare one. Danger sense must be
their first power.
Weapon Proficiencies: In addition to the
weapons listed in the Complete Psionic
Handbook the moth may choose from the
following: dart, blowgun, staff, bolas, lasso and
Nonweapon Proficiencies: Bonus: Hunting,
Tracking (see below). Recommended: Direction
sense, Animal lore, Bowyer/fletcher, Set snares,
Equipment: Moth wear practical dresses and
often carry trophies (teeth, claws, feathers and so
Special Benefits: Moth meet many dangerous
beasts during the hunt. Given their excellent
training in psychic combat they gain attack
modes at the same rate of the defense modes to
protect the other hunters.
Moth are able to track like rangers of two levels
lower than theirs and have a +3 bonus to reaction
rolls vs. halflings. Also moth save at +2 vs. defiler
Special Hindrances: Moth tend to look even
wilder than normal halfling and are the essence
of halfling philosophy. They suffer an additional -2
to reaction rolls vs. any non-halfling. Moth may
not use objects imbued with wizardly magic nor
may they knowingly benefit from wizard spell
effects. Clerical magic and psionics as well as
objects created by these means are usable without
penalty. They often attack defilers on sight and

never trust preservers, even if halflings.

Wealth Options: Being important members of
halfling society they often receive presents, they
begin with a value of 3d4x60 cp in objects.

Source: The Dead Tembos Den
Description: The Medium is a psionicist who has
become very attuned to the spiritual world. They
seek to learn from the mistakes and triumphs of
those who had lived, and do so in a simple
manner: asking them.
Requirements: The Medium may be of any race.
He must have a miniumim score of 18 in
Role: Mediums are used expressively for the
purpose of communicating and dealing with the
dead. They are called for the purpose of
preforming such rituals as exorcisms, seanons,
and such.
Preferred Disciplines: The Medium must select
Clairsentience as a primary discipline, and
Metapsionics as a secondary discipline. After
that, the choices are left to the character. In
addition to this, the Medium is required to spend
his initial devotions on Clairsentience powers (he
may not save them for later), one of which must
be Spirit
Sense. The Medium's initial Science must be
Spirit Lore. In addition to this, the two devotions
the Medium gets at second level must be spend
on Convergence and Retrospection, which they
are able to get without any prerequisite
Weapon Proficiencies: The Medium may select
weapons from the following: Dagger, Dirk, Knife,
Staff, and Sling
Nonweapon Proficiencies: Bonus: Psionic Lore.
Required: None.
Equiptment: The Medium often has a focus for
the purposes of seanons. This may be a candle,
crystal ball, obsidian orb, or any other object
allowed by the DM.
Special Benefits: The Medium is able to get
Convergence and Retrospection without abiding
by any of the prerequitie restrictions applied to
those powers. In addition to this, the Medium's
Convergence may be activated without having to
have any other characters with the Convergence
devotion. In other words, the Medium may
converge with anyone.
He does pay 8 PSPs per person in the
convergence. Physical contact is necessary to
maintain the convergence: any break with any
member of the convergence breaks the entire
chain. A Medium's convergence does not grant
the other members access to each other's powers
(although a standard convergence with the
Medium would), but does create the PSP pool
associated with convergences.
The Medium also gains a +2 to his Convergence,
Retrospection, Spirit Sense, and Spirit Lore power
scores when his has a focus present (see
Equiptment). This +2 to the power score has the
same effect as if the psionicist has spend two
more slots on the power.
Hence, if they had an initial power score of 13,
then they achieve the power score effect on a roll
of 13, 14, or 15.
Being almost a psionic version of a traditional
cleric, the Medium gains the power to turn
undead as if he were a priest of three levels less
than his current level (similar to the Paladine
ability). If the Medium already has the ability to
turn undead, then the effective turning priest
level in increased by two levels.
Special Hinderances: The Medium is
unaccustomed to the art of physical combat, and
hence suffers a -1 to any THAC0 rolls. The
Medium may not use armor: also a foreign field
for the Medium.
The Medium is a bit separated from standard
society. Hence, Mediums suffer a -3 Reaction
Adjustment (from Charisma) for all encounters.
In addition to the above hinderances, the
Medium has developed a hesitation about merely
doing something major without having first
consulted the spirits. In order to commit to any
major act with out spiritual guidance, they must
make a Willpower check at half score. If they fail,
then they adamantly oppose the idea until they
have consulted the spirits on the plan. Often
spirits will respond with something along the
lines of, "Go for it," unless the commitment is
extremely questionable in the eyes of the
contacted spirit.

Mercenary Psionicist
No place on Athas is safe from psionics. Armies and fortresses mean nothing to a master of the Way. To answer the
threat of psionic attack, nobles and merchants retain the services of mercenary psionicists to guard against other
users of the Way.
The mercenary psionicist serves the highest bidder. Most are reliable and return good service for their wages, but
others may betray their employers. Mercenary psionicists are most frequently employed by noble families an
merchant dynasties.
Humans, elves, and half-elves are the most common mercenaries. Dwarves and halflings find the exchange of
service for ceramic pieces to be unsatisfying.
Role: The mercenary psionicist tends to be a hardened veteran who trusts no one. Idealists don’t belong in this
1ine of work. The mercenary is often an outstanding tactician and battle leader, since he is intelligent enough to see
what must be done to win and pragmatic enough to do it.
Preferred Disciplines: Fighting mercenaries often specialize in Psychometabolism or Psychokinesis. Guard
mercenaries or professional spies often select Clairsentience or Telepathy.
Weapon Proficiencies: Bonus-Light crossbow or short sword. Recommended-Dagger, knife, hand axe, scimitar,
quabone, wrist razor.
Nonweapon Proficiencies: Bonus-Land-based riding and either direction sense or heraldry. Recommended-
Hypnosis, etiquette, navigation, rejuvenation, weather sense.
Equipment: No special requirements.
Special Benefits: The mercenary psionicist has a skill in high demand. He can approach most caravans,
merchants, or nobles and offer them his services. There is a 50% chance they will accept , hiring him at a wage of 5
cp per day per level . This may be modified by the situation and the sales pitch.
A second benefit lies in the mercenary’s weapons training. When the character is created, he may select a
weapon of choice. (This can be an unarmed combat style.) When he attacks with that weapon, he gains a +1 bonus to
all attack and damage rolls. Like weapon specialization, this applies to all weapons of that type, not a single, unique
Special Hindrances: While he s in someone’s employ, the mercenary psionicist’s life is supposed to be devoted
to his employer. He will be called upon to spend at least half of his time watching over his employer’s enterprises or
accompanying his employer’s caravans and troops. If the psionicist ignores this restriction, he’ll quickly lose his job.
Mercenary psionicists are weaker in Will than others. The cynicism required of a mercenary is no compatible
with the power of belief necessary to master the Way. They gain 1 less PSP per level than normal, so a mercenary
with a Wisdom of 16 gains only 10 PSPs per level rather than 11.
Wealth Options: Mercenaries begin play with 3d4x30 ceramic pieces, plus their choice of a mount, a nonmetal
weapon, or a suit of leather armor.

Ability Requirements:

Strength 15
Intellegence 12
Wisdom 15
Dexterity 15
Constitution 11

Prime Requisites: None

Alignment Requirements: Any Lawful (LE, LN, or LG)
Races Allowed: Human, Spirit Folk (from OA)
Multiclass Options: None


Initial Weapons: 1 # Levels: 2

Penalty: -3
Initial Nonweapons: 3 # Levels: 3
Groups: General, Warrior, Rogue, Psionicist, Priest
Hit/Save: Psionicist Tables (no bonuses)
Monk's Experience and Hit Dice Table

Level XP Hit Dice

1 0 1d6
2 2250 2d6
3 4750 3d6
4 10000 4d6
5 22500 5d6
6 47500 6d6
7 98000 7d6
8 200000 8d6
9 350000 9d6
10 500000 9d6 +2
11 700000 9d6 +4
12 950000 9d6 +6
13 1250000 9d6 +8
14 1750000 9d6 +10

+ 500,000 xp per level and + 2 hit points per level hereafter

Thief Skills

Move Silently 10 %
Find (but not remove) Traps 10 %
Hide in Shadows 5 %
Climb Walls 60 %
20 initial discretionary points, 15 additional per level

Inherit Potential

Ability Score Base Score Ability Modifier

15 19 0
16 21 +1
17 23 +2
18 25 +3

Per level: the character gets 9 + Wisdom Ability Modifier

Psionic Progression Monk Abilities

Level Discips Sciences Devots AC MR Att/R Dam Surprise

1 1 - 1 6 12 1 1d4 0
2 1 - 2 5 13 1 1d6 +1
3 1 1 3 4 14 1 1d6 +1 +1
4 2 1 4 3 15 5/4 1d6 +1 +1
5 2 1 4 3 15 5/4 2d4 +2
6 2 2 5 2 16 5/4 2d4 +1 +2
7 2 2 5 2 16 3/2 2d4 +1 +2
8 3 2 6 1 17 3/2 2d6 +3
9 3 3 6 1 17 3/2 3d4 +3
10 3 3 7 0 18 2 3d4 +3
11 3 3 7 0 18 2 3d4 +1 +4
12 4 4 8 -1 19 2 4d4 +4
13 4 4 8 -1 20 5/2 4d4 +1 +4
14 4 4 9 -2 20 5/2 5d4 +5
15 4 5 9 -2 20 5/2 4d6 +5
16 5 5 10 -3 21 3 4d6 +5
17 5 5 10 -3 21 3 6d4 +6
18 5 6 11 -4 21 3 6d4 +6
19 5 6 11 -4 22 3 5d6 +6
20 6 6 12 -5 22 4 8d4 +7
21 6 7 12 -5 22 4 6d6 +7

Note: The character does not automatically get psionic defense modes. He
must buy them as telepathic powers. Conversely the character is treated as
having no primary discipline so that the only restriction on getting
powers is that he must have twice as many devotions as sciences.

"Name" Levels
Level Title % Vacancy/yr

12 Master of (Red, Green, or White) Dragons 3%

13 Master of the North Wind 1%
14 Master of the West Wind 1%
15 Master of the South Wind 1%
16 Master of the East Wind 1%
17 Master of Winter 2%
18 Master of Autumn 2%
19 Master of Summer 4%
20 Master of Spring 6%
21 Grandmaster of Flowers 10%


1) When the character hits on a natural "20" he stuns his opponent for 1d6
2) When attacked by a normal missile attack the character may save vs.
petrification to avoid being hit; note that this is counted as his attack for
the round.
3) When the character is hit by a non-magical attack he may once per day per
level take no damage from it on a successful save. At 13th level this ability
improves to the point where the character takes half damage even if he fails
his saving throw.)
4) When falling the character can escape damage as follows:
- At 5th level a monk can fall up to 20' safely if he is within 1' of a wall.
- At 10th level a monk can fall up to 30' safely if he is within 4' of a wall.
- At 17th level a monk can fall any distance safely if he is within 8' of a
5) When the character reaches 12th level he may form a satellite monestary.
is given 2-5 first level monks to staff the monestary plus 1-2 additional for
every level above that. The character is also given 2-5 first level clerics
(sohei) and 1 6th level cleric (sohei) commander who will help defend the

1) The character cannot wear armor or use a shield. He is restricted to
certain weapons. The character may ride, but never own a horse. The
may onlyhave up to 2 magic weapons and any three magic items useable by any
class or by thieves or psionicists. The character can only carry enough money
to make his own way. The rest must be donated.
2) The character does not get any hit or damage bonuses from strength nor does
he get any hit or AC bonuses from dexterity.
3) The character cannot have any hirelings until 10th level. At that point he
may hire up to 2 henchmen + 1 per level after 10th up to his charisma limit.
4) At 12th level the character must face in combat one of the three Master's
Dragons in a one-on-one duel. If he fails then he ends up back at the
of 11th level. He must repeat this at every level after this point in order
advance. He must face repeated challenges. The only exception is the
Grandmaster of Flowers who is allowed to retire gracefully.

5) The character is unaffected by the Book of Exalted Deeds of the Book of

Darkness. The Manuals of Stealthy Pilfering and Pussiant Skill at Arms are
incomprhensible to the character. And the Librams of Silver Magic, Gainful
Conjuration or Ineffiable Evil affect the character as any nonmage.

Monk (2nd edition AD&D)

The monk was a class originally developed for OD&D in the white box
but was later dropped in the blue/grey basic box and pink/blue basic/expert
boxed sets. It
was picked back up when AD&D (1st edition) came out, re-written from its OD&D
version, and printed in the Player's Handbook. Later it was re-written and
published in
Dragon Magazine (#53, reprinted in "Best of Dragon", Volume III). Finally, it
was again
re-printed (but ignoring the Dragon Magazine re-print) in the Oriental
Adventures (1st
edition) hardback book.
Second edition AD&D dropped the monk, and made no true attempt to
it, though there was a non-similar priest kit called the "fighting monk"
published in the
Complete Priests Handbook.
The origin of monks seems to come from eastern (oriental) cultures,
but this
doesn't prevent their use in a typical AD&D world. In fact, the idea of
eliminating monks
from AD&D because they wouldn't "realistically" exist in a typical "western"
game world seems a bit odd, considering that "reality" has little to do with
how people
play a "fantasy" game!
Thus, in response to my own desire to resurrect the original class of
monks, and
those others who empathize, this essay is an attempt to translate the Dragon
version of the 1st edition monk into AD&D, 2nd edition. (The Dragon version
of the
Monk is chosen over any others due to its popularity in games which I have
Without exception, I have never witnessed anyone play the OD&D Monk, nor the
Adventures Monk, and only have I seen people playing the PHB version before
printing of Dragon #53). Due to the significant amount of psionic powers
granted to the
1st edition monk (especially the Dragon Magazine version), it was seen as
logical to make
monks a class of psionicist. Remember that psionicists were the 5th group of
introduced in the Complete Psionics Handbook (the first four being warrior,
priest, wizard
and rogue, from the Player's Handbook). Every effort has been made to include
all of the
1st edition (Dragon Magazine version) abilities of the monk, while staying
within the rules
of 2nd edition AD&D (as outlined by the Player's Handbook and the Complete
For the most part, descriptions that were not dependent upon the
edition used,
have been used either verbatim from 1st edition, or heavily relied upon,

The Monk
Monks, of all the classes in AD&D, are the hardest to qualify for. A
monk must
meet minimum requirements (usually exceptional) in strength, dexterity,
intelligence and wisdom! These minimum requirements will prevent a large
number of
monks from appearing in any campaign. This is good and bad -- monks are
unquestionably powerful at high levels (not, of course, without certain
weaknesses as
well), but they add a flavor of mysticism that is interesting in any game.
Monks are monastic aesthetics who are all psionic. However, unlike
psionicists, monks follow a rigorous regiment of daily diet, exercise and
meditation that
attempts to focus on linking their minds to their bodies, and to link both of
these to the
overall consciousness of the universe, and subsequently to "become one with
multiverse". As such, the psionic abilities that they learn are in a specific
order (this order
being linked to a long tradition within monastic orders). This fusing of mind
and body
gives the monks certain additional abilities (such as using their hands as
weapons, exceptional speed, naturally lower armor classes) but also yields
weaknesses (severe self-inflicted poverty, limitations on usable magic items,
THAC0/damage bonuses for high strength, no AC bonuses for dexterity, inability
to wear
any form of armor).
The outline format of this essay will follow closely that of the
psionicist from the
Complete Psionics Handbook.

To qualify to be a monk, a character must meet the following minimum

Ability Requirements: Strength 15

Dexterity 15
Constitution 11
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 15
Charisma None
Prime Requisites: None (thus no XP bonus)
Races Allowed: Human
Alignments Allowed: Lawful

Ability Requirements: To be eligible for the monk class, characters

must have
ability scores equal to or greater than those listed above.
Prime Requisites: Considering the necessity of mental and physical
which monks need, no single quantity can suitably be considered "prime". As
such, monks
have no prime requisite.
Racial Restrictions: Although many races can be psionicists, only
humans have
been initiated into the ranks of monks. Humans guard the secrets of their
order, claiming
that only humans can fully understand the necessities of being a monk.
Whether or not
this is true can be left to the option of the DM.
Multi-Classing and Dual-Classing as a Monk: The rigors of daily
meditation and
exercise prevent a character from ever being multi-classed or dual-classed as
a monk.
Racial Level Limits: Each monastic order (there can be no more than 3
in an area
of about one large country) will only have a limited number of monks between
levels 13
and 21, and no monks are known to exist above 21st level. Humans are known to
this limit. Due to a lack of any information about possible non-human monks,
there is no
information about any possible level limits that might be imposed upon them.
Alignment: Monks follow a strict set of rules for daily living,
including sleep
patterns, diet, exercise, mediation, mental exercise, etc. As such, monks
must always be
lawful. Any deviation from lawfulness on the part of a monk will result in a
full loss of
abilities, until such time as the monk may return to lawfulness.
Orders of Monks: Within the outlook of lawful alignment, each
monastic order
will have it's own bent toward Good, Neutral and Evil tendencies. Within any
given area
(a country, or group of countries, if they are small - DM's Option), there
will be no more
than 3 monastic orders -- one for Lawful Good, one for Lawful Neutral and one
Lawful Evil. Each order will have one central school (a building or group of
generally called a monastery), where monks of levels 1 through 11 come for
Each central school will be organized differently, with some having active
monks on hand for teaching, some having retired high-level monks on hand for
and others not having any monks above 11th level, where the teaching is
primarily through
self-discipline (this allows for both DM creativity, as well as removing any
teaching requirements on a high level adventuring monk's career). In addition
to these
central schools, the unique high-ranking monks (12th level or higher, see
later) may have
their own monasteries, where they may choose to teach their specific
followers. Even if
no high-ranking monks have established their own monasteries, there will
always be the
central school for each order.
The lower level monks (1st through 11th) of each monastic order can be
of any
Lawful alignment, but the unique monks (levels 12 through 21) will always be
of the same
alignment, within any one order. For example - the Lawful Neutral order might
Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral and Lawful Evil monks of levels 1 through 11 at
the central
school, but will only allow the Lawful Neutral monks to proceed into the
higher orders
(levels 12 through 21). For a Lawful Good or Lawful Evil monk to proceed
beyond level
11, he/she must seek out the monastic order of his/her own alignment and seek
(which generally requires a small quest on the part of the initiate). This
allows for monks
to train at any of the 3 possible monastic orders, and "flip flop" on their
alignment as they
grow and learn. It is assumed that a monk will be quite set in their
alignment by level 12.
In fact, if a monk is quite certain of his/her alignment at a level below 12,
he/she may seek
out the proper monastic order (assuming they realize that they are training at
the wrong
one) and ask for initiation.

Initial Funds
Monks inflict a form of poverty upon themselves in order to cleanse
their minds of
the diversion of greed. However, they are not unaware of the necessity of
money in the
world, and keep what little they need to survive. A new monk (1st level),
will be assumed
to have finished his/her apprenticeship in the monastery, and will be given a
robe, a
blanket, and a small purse containing 5-20 (5d4) gold pieces, with which they
are expected
to buy whatever "survival gear" they feel they will need (usually this means a
weapon or
two, and some simple survival gear -- monks are trained from the beginning to
rely on
their bodies and minds first, and material weapons second).

A Psionics Primer for Monks

Monks, like psionicists, learn various disciplines over their careers
(with sciences,
devotions and defense modes), but learn them in a rigid, unchanging way. This
order of
progression of learning is a necessary part of the discipline of being a monk,
and may not
be altered.
Psionic Strength Points: Monks gain, spend and re-gain Psionic
Strength Points at
the same rate as true psionicists.
Differences from True Psionicists: Monks have certain other
differences from true
psionicists. First of all, they learn less total sciences/devotions/defense
modes than
psionicists (part of their training). In addition, monks do not choose which
psionic powers
they will learn each level. The order of psionic powers learned is a rigid,
schedule that is the same for all monks. Lastly, monks never gain all 6
psionic disciplines.
The most they ever learn is 5 (metapsionics is never learned).
These psionic drawbacks are offset by a number of advantages of monks
-- namely
their combat and thieving abilities, to be discussed later. For full
information on psionics,
consult the Complete Psionics Handbook.

Experience Levels and Awards: Monks, like all other classes, earn
points and advance in levels. The minimum # of experience points needed to
advance to
each level is given in Table 1.
Advancement to 12th level: In addition to XP values, Table 1 contains
the # of
monks, per order, which exist at any one time, and the % chance that the
particular level
to have a vacancy. In order for a monk to advance to 12th level, the 11th
level monk
must first reach the minimum XP required for 12th level. Then, if there is a
vacancy in the
next level, the monk may immediately fill that vacancy. However, more than
likely, there
will not be a vacancy, and the monk must therefore seek out one of the three
12th level
monks of his order (3 per order, and 3 orders per large country means 9 unique
12th level
monks per large country, 3 of each Lawful alignment), and challenge him/her to
combat, in an effort to take his/her position. The particular 12th level monk
to be sought
out must be the one who has been in his/her rank longest. This way, a single
monk cannot
"sit" at 12th level, unchallenged. Every new monk who wishes to advance
beyond 11th
level must seek the next monk "in rotation".
At the time of the duel, the 11th level monk gains, temporarily, the
abilities of the
12th level monk. The duel must take place in a mutually agreeable arena, and
no weapons
(other than hands and minds) and no magic items are allowed to be used. The
must be purely one-on-one with no outside interference. The rules for
resolving the duels
for each particular order are as follows:
Lawful Good: These monks do not actually harm one another. Rather,
all damage
is "subdual" (as per the "subduing a dragon" rules). Thus, hit points lost
and actual death
do not occur. However, subdual hit point losses are tallied, and the monk who
first loses
all of their hit points to "subdual damage" by the other, is declared the
loser. The winner
of the battle maintains the position of 12th level monk, and his/her
experience points. The
loser of the battle becomes an 11th level monk, with exactly 600,000 XP, and
may not
challenge a reigning 12th level monk for at least 1 year.
Lawful Neutral: These monks actually inflict damage in their duels.
It is up to
each individual monk to know when he/she is near death. If the losing monk
defeat before his death, he is the loser, and becomes an 11th level monk with
600,000 XP
and may not challenge a reigning 12th level monk for 1 year, with the winning
maintaining the position of 12th level, and keeping their XP. If nobody
concedes defeat,
this truly is a fight to the death, with the surviving monk staying at 12th
Lawful Evil: These duels are always to the death. There is no
"concession of
defeat". The surviving monk stays at 12th level.
For the Lawful Neutral and Lawful Evil orders, a monk who has died in
a monkish
duel at 12th level, and who is raised from the dead, comes back as an 11th
level monk
with 600,000 XP. It should also be noted that even Lawful Evil monks realize
importance of a fair fight, and that any use of weapons, magic, or outside
interference will
result in not only their immediate loss of the battle, but a removal from the
monkish order
(in game terms, this means that the monk will have their XP frozen at 600,000,
and be
unable to gain XP until a quest is fulfilled for re-instatement to the
monastic order).
Advancement to 13th through 21st level: In the same way that the
multitudes of
11th level monks will attempt to achieve one of the three 12th level positions
his/her order, the three 12th level monks will eventually attempt to fill the
unique position
of the 13th level monk in his/her order. Only one monk of each level from 13
through 21
may exist in any order at any time. If, a monk wishes to advance into the
13th through
21st levels, he/she must first have the minimum number of XP to achieve the
next level.
Then, as they did for 12th level, the monk must either fill a vacancy (if one
exists -- again,
a slim, but not impossible, chance), or else find the single monk of the next
level in their
order, and challenge them to a duel. The duels for each order are the same as
those listed
for advancement to 12th level. The challenger temporarily gains the powers of
the next
level, and the winner keeps the higher level, with the loser (if he/she lives)
dropping to the
lower level, and their XP dropping to the minimum of that level. Again, a
monk who dies
in one of these duels and is raised, comes back as though they had lost and
lived (i.e. they
are of the lower level, with minimum XP for that level).
Advancement beyond 21st level: No monks have ever been reported to
beyond 21st level. However, like the druids, there are rumors of a separate
order of
monks above the so-called "maximum" level. The existence or non-existence of
such an
order is left to the discretion of the DM.
Leaving the monastic orders: At any time, a monk may leave the
monastic ways
and still acquire XP through adventuring. What this means, effectively, is
that they
voluntarily choose to cease going up in levels. If a monk chooses this option
before 12th
level, they may always resume their upward movement at a later date. If,
however, a
monk leaves the order from 12th through 21st levels, they create a vacancy in
position, and will be unable, ever, to regain their position (though a wish
may allow an
exception to this rule). This option is occasionally chosen by monks who are
tired of
chasing their superiors for duels, while constantly being dogged by their
However, the most common example of such a choice is by the 21st level monks.
often venerable, old men and women usually disappear from the world with nary
a word to
their underlings. If they go out to seek final adventures before old age
catches them, or if
they are taken up to the gods (through divine ascension), or if they actually
join a new,
higher-order of monks, no tales say. Certainly this is the realm of the DM's


# of Monks
per level
% chance of
vacancy per






















Gaining Disciplines, Sciences and Devotions: Monks, like their

psionicist cousins,
gain psionic powers that belong to one of the six psionic disciplines.
However, unlike
psionicists, monks follow a rigid schedule of new disciplines, and new psionic
powers at
every level (effectively giving them no choice in what their next new power
will be -- it is
always the same for every monk). Table 2 shows how many (and which)
disciplines are
gained per level. In addition, Table 2 also shows how many sciences,
devotions and
defense modes a monk will have each level. Note that the monk always has less
disciplines, sciences, devotions, and defense modes than a true psionicist.
disadvantage is offset by the monks' numerous other abilities. The actual
devotions and defense modes that a monk will know each level listed as A-U and
described below Table 2.
Raising Psionic Power Scores: Monks never have this option. As part
of their
rigid course of training, they will not forgo any new devotions for the chance
to raise a
power score.



1 (Psycho-
1 (Mind

2 (Telepathy)






3 (Psycho-





4 (Psycho-







3 (Tower
of Iron
Will &


Total Disciplines is never more than 5. Monks learn their

disciplines, sciences,
devotions and defense modes in a rigorous, inflexible order. They never gain
the discipline
of "metapsionics".
Total Sciences/Total Devotions/Defense Modes show the current totals
per level
(note that they are significantly less than a typical psionicist). These
totals are not open to
flexibility, but rather reflect the specific Psionic Abilities of monks (A
through U).

Psi Abilities (New abilities marked with *)

A) Suspend Animation (Psychometabolism, Devotion)
Mind Blank (Defense Mode)
B) *Mind Mask (Telepathy, Devotion)
Contact (Telepathy, Devotion)
C) *Speak With Animals (Telepathy, Devotion)
D) Cell Adjustment (Psychometabolism, Devotion)
*Control Metabolism (Psychometabolism, Devotion)
E) Body Equilibrium (Psychometabolism, Devotion)
Mind Over Body (Psychometabolism, Devotion)
F) Empathy (Telepathy, Devotion)
G) Invisibility (Telepathy, Devotion)
H) Molecular Manipulation (Psychokinesis, Devotion)
I) *Resist Charm (Telepathy, Science)
J) *Retarded Aging (Psychometabolism, Science)
*Neutralize Poison (Psychometabolism, Devotion)
K) Body Control (Psychometabolism, Devotion)
L) *Quivering Palm (Telepathy, Science)
M) Dimensional Door (Psychoportation, Devotion)
N) *Speak With Plants (Telepathy, Devotion)
O) Mind Bar (Telepathy, Devotion)
P) Object Reading (Clairsentience, Science)
Q) Dimension Walk (Psychoportation, Devotion)
R) Astral Projection (Psychoportation, Devotion)
S) Precognition (Clairsentience, Science)
T) Tower of Iron Will (Defense Mode)
Intellect Fortress (Defense Mode)
U) Probability Travel (Psychoportation, Science)

Psionic Strength Points

Monks gain and recover PSP's in the same way as a true psionicist.

Defense Modes
Monks, unlike psionicists, are not masters of psionic combat. While
they have
numerous ways to defend themselves, the actual "defense modes" that they learn
are few.
Monks begin by knowing "Mind Blank" at 1st level, but after that, their
studies take them
away from the concept of "fighting" with their minds. Only the most devoted
of monks
eventually learn how to properly defend their finely tuned minds from attack
-- at 20th
level, the monk will learn both Tower of Iron Will and Intellect Fortress.

Special Abilities
Monks have numerous special abilities, over and above their psionic
powers, that
make them truly formidable opponents and generally useful companions to any
adventuring party. Each ability is outlined below.

Thieving abilities: In their daily regiment of exercise, monks

acquire certain
pseudo-thieving abilities. Note that the lawful nature of monks prevents all
but the most
evil of them from using these abilities for pure thievery. Rather, they are
usually used for
general exercising and adventuring purposes. The only thieving abilities that
monks learn
are those of Move Silently, Hide In Shadows, Detect Noise, and Climb Walls.
The base
scores in each of these four skills are the same as for thieves. However, the
number of
points that a monk gains per level, for distribution amongst these skills,
every level is 12
(unlike 30 for thieves). In a way similar to their psionic abilities, monks
do not have a
choice in how these points are distributed. Each of the 4 skills will receive
exactly 3
percentage points for every level the monk attains.

Movement: Monks gain an uncanny speed as they progress in levels.

This is, once
again, due to their rigid daily exercise and training. Starting at 1st level,
they move at a
rate of 15 (equal to a Heavy Horse), and eventually achieve a move rate of 30
(faster than
most riding horses). See Table 3a.

Combat: Monks have seven special advantages in combat:

1) Monks have the ability to use their open hands (and/or
feet) as weapons
which are much more powerful than a typical "swinging fist". Monks learn
early in their
careers to focus their power in their hands and feet and to release that power
by striking
deadly blows with them. As such, as monks go up in levels, the number of
attacks per
round and the damage per attack with "open hand" (that is, hands and/or feet,
necessary) will increase. Even if a monk is grappled, pummeled or overborne
weaponless combat, he/she may continue to use their open hand attacks until
stunned or
unconscious. This is detailed in Table 3a.
2) Monks become so adept with their open hands, that at 10th
level, their
hands (and feet) are considered the equivalent of +1 weapons with regard to
creatures that
require "+1 or better weapon to hit", although their hands and feet remain
weapons. Similarly, at 18th level, the monk's hands (and feet) are considered
equivalent of +2 weapons, while remaining non-magical.
3) Monks have the ability to stun, or even kill, an opponent
when they
successfully strike an open-hand attack. The size of the opponent is limited,
and is shown
in Table 3a. An opponent is stunned for 1d6 melee rounds by the monk if the
attack roll exceeds the minimum number required to hit by 5 or more, i.e. if a
Monk is
level 14, with a 14 THAC0, and is fighting an opponent with an armor class of
-1, then the
monk needs to roll a 15 just to hit (THAC0 minus Opponent's AC). If the monk
rolls a 20
(5 more than the minimum roll needed to hit), then the monk has stunned the
opponent for
1d6 rounds, assuming that the opponent is under the size requirements of Table
3a, and is
susceptible to stunning (see "Important" later in this section). As mentioned
in the
"Restrictions" section later, monks NEVER gain bonuses to their "to-hit" rolls
for having
high strength.
The ability to kill an opponent with an open hand attack is a
which equals the armor class of the opponent plus the number of levels of the
monk above
7. Thus, in our example above, the monk has a 6% (-1 + (14-7) = 6) chance of
killing the
opponent. Note that (a) The monk must score a hit, (b) the hit must stun the
and (c) the percentile dice score must be equal to or less than the armor
class of the
stunned opponent, modified by the monk's level over 7th, in order to score a
kill. (DM
Option: While this ability in 1st edition was NOT given a saving throw, some
DM's may
opt to allow a save versus Death Magic against the monk's killing blow).
Important: Monks' stunning/killing ability can only apply to
living things.
Undead cannot be affected (and an open hand hit on an undead creature could be
undesirable from the monk's standpoint in any event - especially if the
creature causes
damage by touch, for the monk touching the undead creature then is the same as
reverse). Golems and dopplegangers cannot be affected. In addition,
creatures which do
not have definable central nervous systems, such as slimes, jellies and cubes
are similarly
not affected by the stun/kill ability. It should be noted, however, that even
if an opponent
is immune to stuns and kills, damage from open hand attacks still accrues if
the monster
can be so hit otherwise
4) Monks use their detailed study of human anatomy to strike
damage with weapons other than their open hands. As monks go up in levels,
they learn
more and more about "weak spots" of other living creatures, and inflict 1/2 hp
of extra
damage per level (rounded down). This damage is not inflicted upon animated
undead, non-living creatures, or creatures with no apparent "anatomy"
(gelatinous cubes,
gibbering mouthers, ochre jellies, etc.). These bonuses are shown in Table
5) Monks, through their study and rigorous exercise, have a
natural (that
is, clothed or unarmored) armor class (AC) that is below the usual 10. As
monks go up in
level, this natural armor class goes down. This is shown in Table 3a. This
AC may be
modified by magical means, but a monk will never wear armor, shields or helms
psionically endowed ones). As will be mentioned in the "Restrictions"
section, monks gain
no bonus to their Armor Class due to high dexterity.
6) Surprise: Due to their highly tuned minds, monks are
almost constantly
alert to their surroundings. As such, they are less likely to be surprised
than other
characters. The bonus to a surprise roll made for an adventuring party that
contains a
monk is listed in Table 3b.
7) Dodging missiles: Monks are exceptionally quick in their
response to
potentially lethal flying missiles. With a successful saving throw against
petrification, a
monk may dodge out of the path of a non-magic missile (arrow, bolt, bullet,
dagger, thrown javelin, thrown spear, etc.) that would have normally scored a
hit on the

Falling: Monks are able to fall large distances, yet slow their
decent, if they are
able to periodically make contact with a surface (such as a wall or cliff
face). As long as a
monk is within 5' of the wall, he/she may fall 10' per level, unharmed (up to
210 feet at
21st level). This is tabulated in Table 3b.


Natural Move Rate
Natural Armor Class
Open Hand Attacks/round
Open Hand Damage/attack
Maximum Opponent Height for stun/kill
Maximum Opponent Weight for stun/kill
Additional damage done with weapons(hp)






















Modification to party surprise roll
Max. Height for falling without damage*





















* - Monk must be within 5' of a wall or cliff face for this ability to

Maintaining Powers: Like psionicists, monks have certain powers that

can be
"maintained" through a "maintenance cost". See the Complete Psionics Handbook

THAC0 and Saving Throws: In 1st edition, as here, a rule that monks
"hit like
thieves and save like clerics" will prevail. The monks THAC0 and Saving
Throws are
outlined in Tables 4 and 5 below:


1 20
2 20
3 19
4 19
5 18
6 18
7 17
8 17
9 16
10 16
11 15
12 15
13 14
14 14
15 13
16 13
17 12
18 12
19 11
20 11
21 10

Paralyzation, Poison, or Death Magic
Rod, Staff, or Wand
Petrification or Polymorph 1
Breath Weapon 2
Spell 3








1 Excluding polymorph wand attacks

2 Excluding those which cause petrification or polymorph
3 Excluding those for which another saving throw type is specified, such as
petrification, polymorph, etc.

Followers (nearly verbatim from the 1st edition PHB)

When a monk character attains the 12th level of experience, he or she
will gain a
number of monks as followers upon defeating the monk which held the 12th level
that the character has now gotten. He or she will attract from 2-5 1st level
monks, if the
character has a monastery or monastery-like building to use as a headquarters.
followers may be worked upwards in levels of experience. The character will
continue to
attract 1 or 2 additional monks of 1st level for each additional level of
experience the
character gains.
While followers of a monk are as loyal as his or her other henchmen,
automatically leave service when they attain the 11th level.
All followers (unlike the students at the 3 established central
schools) will be the
exact same alignment as the monk character. If he or she changes alignment,
the current
followers will desert, but new ones can still be gained by advancement in
The monastery or monastery-like headquarters of the monk can be that
of the
character he or she defeated to attain 12th, or higher level, or it can be a
building specially
constructed by the monk character after attaining the 12th or higher level.
In the latter
case, the monk may retain up to 250,000 gold pieces value in treasure in order
to finance
construction of the place. He or she may also retain sufficient funds
thereafter to maintain
such a place.
If the character defeats a monk who happened to be teaching at the
central school,
the character is not obligated to stay at the central school and continue
However, if they do so, they may still gain XP through their daily classes,
and can still
work upwards in levels. Monks who choose to stay as teachers, without
retiring, will be
given a room, but they are not allowed to claim the central school as their
own. In
addition, without retiring, they will still be susceptible to upwardly mobile
monks in levels
below them.
Note that monk followers require no support, upkeep, or pay of any

Monks, of all character classes, have an above average number of
special abilities.
These are, however, offset by quite a few restrictions that all monks must
live by.
Armor Class: Monks cannot function in their class abilities if they
are in armor, or
a helm, or are carrying a shield. Because all monks must have a naturally
high dexterity,
and gain a naturally low AC, they never gain a dexterity bonus to their armor
Strength Bonuses: Due to their high strength requirement, and their
fighting abilities, monks do not gain the "to-hit" nor the "damage" bonuses
for having a
high strength.
Money and Treasure: Monks make every attempt to rid themselves of the
distraction of greed. As such, a monk who does not have his/her own monastery
never own more treasure then he/she can physically carry unencumbered. In
monks will never own more than 5 total magic items (being no more than 2 magic
weapons, and 3 other magic items). If a monk is attempting to build a
monastery, he/she
may acquire wealth beyond carrying capacity (such as in a bank) but will spend
it all to
build the monastery. Once built, the monk will not use the monastery as a
vault for
treasure, but will rather only retain as much wealth as he/she can carry, plus
money in the monastery's vault to keep it running without profit.
Use of Magic Items: Monks can use all magic varieties of weapons with
they may be proficient. In addition, magic rings and those miscellaneous
magic items
available to rogues and psionicists are also usable by monks (excluding any
endowed helms).
Henchmen and Hirelings: From 1st through 8th level, monks may not
have any
henchmen nor hirelings. Once they are 9th level, they may hire one person for
(one or two adventures) use. For each level thereafter, the monk may add one
person to the number they may hire (up to the maximum number allowed by their
Limited Monks at high levels: As previously detailed, there are only
3 monks for
each order at 12th level, and for the 13th through 21st levels, there is only
one monk per
order. Advancement is through hand-to-hand combat from 12th through 21st
Psionic Powers: Monks learn their psi powers in a specific order, and
will not
deviate from it. In addition, the total # of powers they learn will be less
than a typical
psionicist. This is all part of the monks rigid schedule to fuse his/her mind
and body with
the multiverse.
Daily Schedule: Monks must have 4 hours of undisturbed rest, and 2
hours of
undisturbed meditation/exercise every day. In addition, they must eat a
"healthy" amount
of food (DM's discretion) daily. For every day that the monk does NOT fulfill
all 3 of
these requirements (whether they lack sleep, meditation/exercise or food
doesn't matter),
the monk will effectively function at one level lower than their actual level.
To remove
this effect, the monk must get back on schedule, regaining a functioning level
for every
day that they eat, sleep and exercise properly. (Note that this restriction
may be
temporarily removed through the monk's ability of "mind over body").
Weapons: While restricted, the number of weapons a monk may use is
While the higher level monks tend to rely on open-hand combat, they realize
that this is
only a useful combat method for certain applications. As such, the number of
weapons a
monk may become proficient with grows quickly (one per 2 levels). The weapons
a monk
may use are:
aklys, atlatl, axe (hand), bo stick, caltrop, club, crossbow (any),
dagger, garrot,
javelin, jo stick, knife, lasso, pole arm (any), sap, scimitar, spear, staff,
sword (falchion)

Monks are skilled at combat, but use it primarily as a form of
exercise. Still, that
knowledge of combat is useful in a real fighting situation. In addition,
however, monks
are learned scholars, who exercise their minds as hard as their bodies. As
such, monks
have a quick advancement in both weapons and non-weapon proficiencies. This
outlined in Table 6.
Initial: Refers to the number of weapon and non weapon proficiency
slots received
by monks at 1st level.
# Levels: Indicates how many levels a monk must advance before
receiving a new
weapon or non weapon proficiency. Thus monks receive new weapon proficiencies
1,3,5,7,9... levels, and non weapon proficiencies at levels 1,4,7,10,13, etc.
Penalty: Is the modifier to a monks attack roll when fighting with a
weapon with
which he/she is not proficient. Note that monks are automatically proficient
in "open
hands" and need not expend a weapon proficiency slot to fight unpenalized with
their open


Weapon Proficiencies

Non weapon Proficiencies

# Levels
# Levels


The Monk Group: Table 7 lists 11 non weapon proficiencies from which
a monk
may fill his non weapon proficiency slots. These proficiencies are an
extension of Table
37 in the AD&D 2nd edition Player's Handbook.


# Slots Required
Relevant Ability

Int - 1

Harness Subconsciousness
Wis - 1

Wis - 1

Dex - 1

Str + 0

Languages, Ancient
Int + 0

Meditative Focus
Wis + 1

Musical Instrument
Dex - 1

Int + 1

Wis + 0

Dex + 0

New Psi Abilities

Some of the 1st edition monk abilities were not easily defined as
"Psionic" and
some of their "psionic powers" didn't easily match any existing ones from the
Handbook. In addition, some near-matches existed and the question arises as
to whether
to maintain the power as written (1st edition), or of translating it into a
new 2nd edition
power, or to write a new power altogether. If a power isn't new, it can be
found in the
complete Psionics Handbook. New powers (marked with a "*" in the list below
Table 2)
have descriptions given below, with possible alternatives for the DM to
implement, if
he/she feels the powers described here are too powerful.

Mind Mask (Telepathy, Devotion)

Power Score: Wis - 3
Initial Cost: 10
Maintenance Cost: 5/day
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisites: none

Mind mask is the ability to mask the mind of monk and prevent probing
from any
form of ESP (magic or psionic). While this power is active, the monk only has
a small
chance of being affected by ESP (even if psionic contact is established).
This chance is
equal to 30% at 2nd level and drops by 2% for each level after that (to -8% at
21st level).
This ability need not be restricted to monks alone. Note that this
simple ability
may be maintained 24 hours a day for only 5 PSP's, but this will mean the monk
constantly engaging in "psionic activity", which may mean the attraction of
unwanted visitors (cerebral parasites, intellect devourers). The monk need
not use this
power (to avoid being "psionically active" all the time), but if he/she
chooses to maintain it
indefinitely, he/she need only pay the 5/day maintenance cost.

Power Score - The mind masking feels instinctual and therefore has no
initial cost
20 - Monk broadcasts his/her thoughts to those within 100 yards for 1

Speak With Animals (Telepathy, Devotion)

Power Score: Int - 3
Initial Cost: contact plus 5
Maintenance Cost: 1/hour
Range: unlimited
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: unlimited
Prerequisites: contact

Speak with animals gives the monk a basic understanding of the

languages of any
animals with which he/she has telepathically contacted. There is no range, so
long as the
creature has been contacted and is within communication range of the monk,
then speech
is possible.
This ability need not be restricted to monks alone.
(DM Option: Rather than introduce this ability, the DM might opt for
the monk to
gain the power of "Animal Affinity")

Power Score - Monk is so fluent in the animal's language that the

animal has an
automatic liking for the monk and will offer to do one simple task for
20 - Monk frightens away any animals with which he/she has contact.

Control Metabolism (Psychometabolism, Devotion)

Power Score: Con - 2
Initial Cost: 15
Maintenance Cost: N/A
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisites: none

Control Metabolism is used by monks to maintain control of their own

bodies if
they find themselves the victim of either a haste or slow spell. A monk who
is the
involuntary target of either of these two spells, and who has failed the
requisite saving
throw, may attempt to retain control of his/her body through this devotion.
If the Power
check succeeds, the situation is treated as if the monk had made his/her
saving throw. The
monk MUST cease all other activity (including attacking and defending, both
and psionically, though not including the maintenance of already operating
powers) in order to attempt this power.
The DM is advised not to allow this ability to normal psionicists.
(Option: Rather than introduce this new ability, as well as the
ability of "Cell
Adjustment", the DM may opt to give the monk the single ability of "Complete

Power Score - The PSP cost is only 5 PSP's.

20 - Monk is under the effects of the spell for double duration.

Resist Charm (Telepathy, Science)

Power Score: Wis
Initial Cost: 15
Maintenance Cost: N/A
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisites: none

Resist Charm is a monkish ability to focus his/her mind on tasks at

hand and resist
the effects of beguiling, charms, hypnosis and suggestion spells. When such
an effect is
attempted upon the monk, the monk may choose to initiate this power before
making any
saving throws. If the power score is successful, the monk effectively gains a
(single application) "resistance" (similar to "magic resistance") of 50% at
9th level (toward
beguile, etc., only) and adds 5% to that resistance every level after 9th (up
to 110% at
21st level). Should this resistance fail, a normal saving throw is allowed.
The DM is advised not to allow this ability to normal psionicists.

Power Score - Monk adds an additional 5% to his resistance for this

20 - Monk falls under the attacking spell for double duration.

Retarded Aging (Psychometabolism, Science)

Power Score: Con - 5
Initial Cost: 100
Maintenance Cost: 20/day
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 1 day
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisites: none

Retarded Aging is the ability of a monk to slow down his natural aging
With it, he/she is able to live for 12 months while his/her body only ages 9
months. While
the initial cost is high, once the monk initiates this ability he need only
pay the daily
maintenance cost to age slowly. This power, unlike many other "maintainable"
does NOT constitute continual "psionic activity" for the monk. Rather, it is
an inward
focusing on the body, and less of a purely psionic ability. Still, the daily
cost will come off
of a monk's daily PSP total every morning, should the monk choose to initiate
this power.
Once initiated, no power external to the monk, short of a limited
wish, will prevent
the daily continuation of this power, so long as the monk has the required 20
PSP's each
As a side effect, this power MUST be "shut off" and "re-started" once
every year
by the monk, requiring a full day of meditation and a new Power Score check.
The monk
is not ever required to use this ability, but if they choose to do so, may not
let it run for
longer than 1 year at a time.
The DM is advised not to allow this ability to normal psionicists.

Power Score - Monk will only age 6 months, instead of 9 months, in the
next year.
20 - Monk ages 1 year and loses consciousness for 1d4 hours.

Neutralize Poison (Psychometabolism, Devotion)

Power Score: Con - 3
Initial Cost: 40
Maintenance Cost: N/A
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisites: none

Neutralize poison is exactly what it says. The monk uses his/her

mind-body fusion
to overcome the effects of any poisons (natural or magical) that are
introduced to his/her
system. Immediately upon the introduction of the poison, the monk must make
required saving throw. If it fails, he/she may choose to initiate this
devotion. If they
choose to do so, all psionic and physical activity (aside from maintaining
operational psi powers) must cease.
The DM is advised not to allow this ability to normal psionicists.

Power Score - No special ability

20 - The monk immediately dies, even if the poison was a non-lethal

Quivering Palm (Telepathy, Science)

Power Score: Wis
Initial Cost: contact plus 30 (at time of successful open hand
Maintenance Cost: 1/day
Range: touch
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: creature touched
Prerequisites: contact plus successful open hand attack within 3
rounds of contact

The dreaded "quivering palm" is that most deadly ability of monks to

set up a
neurological imbalance in a target through a combination of telepathy
("contact") and an
open hand attack (range = "touch"). By first contacting a target's mind, and
following up
with an open hand attack WITHIN 3 ROUNDS OF (mental) CONTACT, the monk is
able to shock the central nervous system of the target, and start up
vibrations, or violent
fits of shaking (thus the name "quivering palm") in the target. By
themselves, these
shaking fits have little game influence, and are not deadly (they will, in
fact, stop of their
own accord after a set period of time, described below). However, during the
time that
the vibrations are in the target's body, and as long as the monk maintains
(mental) contact,
the monk may give a single thought of "die" to the target, and the target will
fall over
dead, no save.
The following restrictions apply to this power:
1) It can only be attempted once per week
2) Once contact is established the monk may announce at any time that
he/she is
attempting to set up the quivering palm in the contacted victim. Once this
is made (to the DM), the monk has 3 rounds to make a successful open hand
attack (at
which time the "Power Score" roll is attempted) to initiate the "quivering
palm" in the
target. The monk MUST announce that they are attempting to set up a
"quivering palm"
in order for this ability to work (The monk may be in mental contact, and open
hand melee
with the target but wait to announce the quivering palm attempt. However,
once the
announcement is made, the monk is set to that course of action). Once contact
is made,
and the announcement of "I am now attempting a quivering palm" has been done,
monk has 3 rounds to successfully strike the target with open hand and make
Quivering Palm power score. Failure to do so wastes the effort, and it may
not be
attempted again for one week. If the monk successfully strikes, but fails
their power
score, they pay the 15 (1/2 of 30) points for failure, but may still attempt
to finish the
quivering palm if the 3 rounds have not expired (each failed attempt costs 15
PSP, while
the successful attempt costs 30. In theory, a monk with 4 open hand attacks
per round
could make up to 12 attempts to set up the vibrations in the victim, once
contact is made,
and the announcement made to the DM that a quivering palm attack is being
The first 11 of these could fail, costing 11x15=165 PSP's, while the 12th
might succeed,
costing another 30 PSP's).
3) The victim cannot have more hit dice than the monk.
4) The victim cannot have more than twice the hit points of the monk.
5) The victim cannot be undead, animated, creatures with no clear
central nervous
system (slimes, jellies, cubes, anything with no "brain". Creatures with
multiple brains
such as ettins and hydra ARE affected by this power) and the creature must be
to an open hand attack (note that some creatures that are "hit only by magic
weapons" can
be struck by monks of sufficient level with their open hand attack. See
6) The command to die must be given while (mental) contact is
maintained, and
must be given within one day per level of the monk. If the command to die is
not given in
that time, the vibrations cease of their own accord and do no damage.
7) The monk may not initiate any new psionic activity between the
of the attempt and the 3 rounds during which they are trying to set up the
quivering palm.
That is, the monk may not psionically attack others, nor attempt any of their
other psi
powers, but may psionically defend him/herself in psionic combat, while
attempting to set
up the quivering palm.
The DM is advised not to allow this ability to normal psionicists.

Power Score - Double the duration of the quivering palm (i.e. 2 days
per level of
the monk)
20 - The monk is stunned for 1d4 hours

Speak With Plants (Telepathy, Devotion)

Power Score: Int - 5
Initial Cost: contact plus 10
Maintenance Cost: 2/hour
Range: unlimited
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: unlimited
Prerequisites: contact

Speak with plants gives the monk a basic understanding of the

languages of any
plants with which he/she has telepathically contacted (whether or not it makes
sense -- i.e.
there may not be any generally known language of "roses", but this ability
will allow a
monk to intelligently communicate with a rose bush). There is no range, so
long as the
plant has been contacted and is within communication range of the monk, then
speech/communication is possible.
This ability need not be restricted to monks alone.

Power Score - No special effect

20 - No special effect (aside from failure)

Rules that were completely dropped from 1st edition

Reduction of sustained damage: Monks who need to make a saving throw
a magic attack will receive no damage from that attack if the save is
successful. In
addition, Monks who are 14th level and higher will receive only 1/2 damage
from any
attack form that requires a saving throw, if the save fails, while still
receiving no damage if
the save is made.
This ability was simply seen as far too powerful for any character to
MONK (Psionicist Subclass)

Ability Requirements:

Strength 15
Intellegence 12
Wisdom 15
Dexterity 15
Constitution 11

Prime Requisites: None

Alignment Requirements: Any Lawful (LE, LN, or LG)
Races Allowed: Human, Spirit Folk (from OA)
Multiclass Options: None


Initial Weapons: 1 # Levels: 2

Penalty: -3
Initial Nonweapons: 3 # Levels: 3
Groups: General, Warrior, Rogue, Psionicist, Priest
Hit/Save: Psionicist Tables (no bonuses)
Monk's Experience and Hit Dice Table

Level XP Hit Dice

1 0 1d6
2 2250 2d6
3 4750 3d6
4 10000 4d6
5 22500 5d6
6 47500 6d6
7 98000 7d6
8 200000 8d6
9 350000 9d6
10 500000 9d6 +2
11 700000 9d6 +4
12 950000 9d6 +6
13 1250000 9d6 +8
14 1750000 9d6 +10

+ 500,000 xp per level and + 2 hit points per level hereafter

Thief Skills

Move Silently 10 %
Find (but not remove) Traps 10 %
Hide in Shadows 5 %
Climb Walls 60 %
20 initial discretionary points, 15 additional per level

Inherit Potential

Ability Score Base Score Ability Modifier

15 19 0
16 21 +1
17 23 +2
18 25 +3

Per level: the character gets 9 + Wisdom Ability Modifier

Psionic Progression Monk Abilities

Level Discips Sciences Devots AC MR Att/R Dam Surprise

1 1 - 1 6 12 1 1d4 0
2 1 - 2 5 13 1 1d6 +1
3 1 1 3 4 14 1 1d6 +1 +1
4 2 1 4 3 15 5/4 1d6 +1 +1
5 2 1 4 3 15 5/4 2d4 +2
6 2 2 5 2 16 5/4 2d4 +1 +2
7 2 2 5 2 16 3/2 2d4 +1 +2
8 3 2 6 1 17 3/2 2d6 +3
9 3 3 6 1 17 3/2 3d4 +3
10 3 3 7 0 18 2 3d4 +3
11 3 3 7 0 18 2 3d4 +1 +4
12 4 4 8 -1 19 2 4d4 +4
13 4 4 8 -1 20 5/2 4d4 +1 +4
14 4 4 9 -2 20 5/2 5d4 +5
15 4 5 9 -2 20 5/2 4d6 +5
16 5 5 10 -3 21 3 4d6 +5
17 5 5 10 -3 21 3 6d4 +6
18 5 6 11 -4 21 3 6d4 +6
19 5 6 11 -4 22 3 5d6 +6
20 6 6 12 -5 22 4 8d4 +7
21 6 7 12 -5 22 4 6d6 +7

Note: The character does not automatically get psionic defense modes. He
must buy them as telepathic powers. Conversely the character is treated as
having no primary discipline so that the only restriction on getting
powers is that he must have twice as many devotions as sciences.

"Name" Levels
Level Title % Vacancy/yr

12 Master of (Red, Green, or White) Dragons 3%

13 Master of the North Wind 1%
14 Master of the West Wind 1%
15 Master of the South Wind 1%
16 Master of the East Wind 1%
17 Master of Winter 2%
18 Master of Autumn 2%
19 Master of Summer 4%
20 Master of Spring 6%
21 Grandmaster of Flowers 10%


1) When the character hits on a natural "20" he stuns his opponent for 1d6
2) When attacked by a normal missile attack the character may save vs.
petrification to avoid being hit; note that this is counted as his attack for
the round.
3) When the character is hit by a non-magical attack he may once per day per
level take no damage from it on a successful save. At 13th level this ability
improves to the point where the character takes half damage even if he fails
his saving throw.)
4) When falling the character can escape damage as follows:
- At 5th level a monk can fall up to 20' safely if he is within 1' of a wall.
- At 10th level a monk can fall up to 30' safely if he is within 4' of a wall.
- At 17th level a monk can fall any distance safely if he is within 8' of a
5) When the character reaches 12th level he may form a satellite monestary.
is given 2-5 first level monks to staff the monestary plus 1-2 additional for
every level above that. The character is also given 2-5 first level clerics
(sohei) and 1 6th level cleric (sohei) commander who will help defend the

1) The character cannot wear armor or use a shield. He is restricted to
certain weapons. The character may ride, but never own a horse. The
may onlyhave up to 2 magic weapons and any three magic items useable by any
class or by thieves or psionicists. The character can only carry enough money
to make his own way. The rest must be donated.
2) The character does not get any hit or damage bonuses from strength nor does
he get any hit or AC bonuses from dexterity.
3) The character cannot have any hirelings until 10th level. At that point he
may hire up to 2 henchmen + 1 per level after 10th up to his charisma limit.
4) At 12th level the character must face in combat one of the three Master's
Dragons in a one-on-one duel. If he fails then he ends up back at the
of 11th level. He must repeat this at every level after this point in order
advance. He must face repeated challenges. The only exception is the
Grandmaster of Flowers who is allowed to retire gracefully.

5) The character is unaffected by the Book of Exalted Deeds of the Book of

Darkness. The Manuals of Stealthy Pilfering and Pussiant Skill at Arms are
incomprhensible to the character. And the Librams of Silver Magic, Gainful
Conjuration or Ineffiable Evil affect the character as any nonmage.


Description: A Mystic is a character who is totally devoted to the use of "pure" psionics, in
particular the disciplines of Clairsentience, Telepathy, and Metapsionics. They do not disdain
other forms of psionics, but they will always prefer purity. Mystics are the ultimate telepathic
warriors when drawn into battle because of their intense study of that discipline.
To be a Mystic, the character cannot be evil, nor chaotic. Evil is disdained by Mystics, though
they do not necessarily feel compelled to fight for good causes. A Wisdom of 16 or better is
required to be a Mystic.
Role: Mystics tend to be somewhat reclusive preferring to spend their time studying and
enhancing their powers. Those that are Neutral between good and evil seldom if ever intervene
in the affairs of the world. Those of good alignment still prefer to concentrate on their studies,
but will if they feel the need exists, come forth to aid the forces of good.
Mystics are highly respected, and greatly feared by their enemies because of their formidable
mental powers.
Preferred Disciplines: A Mystic's primary discipline is always Telepathy, followed by
Metapsionics. After that, they may choose as they wish. Indeed, in spite of their preference for
purity, they will often choose Psychometabolism or Psychoportation to gain defensive powers.
Recommended Devotions: all telepathic attack modes, Mind Bar, Intensify, Martial Trance,
Receptacle, and Splice.
Recommended Sciences: Ejection, Psionic Blast, Psychic Surgery, and Split Personality.
Barred Disciplines: None.
Secondary Skills: Required: Scribe.
Weapon Proficiencies: None, Mystics are devoted to the use of their formidable mental
powers, and never use weapons.
Non-weapon Proficiencies: Bonus Proficiencies: Meditative Focus, Rejuvenation.
Recommended: Gem Cutting, Harness Subconscious, Hypnosis.
Equipment: Mystics never wear armor, nor carry weapons.
Special Benefits: Mystics receive a +1 bonus to all power checks in the Telepathy discipline
because of their intense study and meditation in that discipline.
Special Hindrances: As described above, Mystics are not proficient with any weapons, nor
do they ever wear armor.
Wealth Options: As in the Complete Psionics Handbook.
Races: Human.

Mystic Knight
The Mystic Knight is a mixture of a mentalist and a fighter. The knight undergoes intensive training with one
weapon, as well as developing and using some mental powers. The first Mystic Knights were trained by a rogue
mentalist to help provide him with protection. The mentalist was able to hire weapons trainers to instruct the
individuals in weapons skills. A special type of sword is used by all Mystic Knights, which clearly makes them
stand out (Note: the weapon they use is called the Star Saber and was designed specifically for this class. The Star
Saber can be used either one-handed or two-handed. While retaining about the same mass and size as a long sword,
the Star Saber's design makes it perfect for defesive manuvers such as disarming, while at the same time slightly
increasing damage. One-handed S/M 1d8+1 L 1d10+2. Parry value 3. Two-handed S/M 1d8+2 L 1d10+3. Parry
value 4.) The Mytic Knights are rare in themselves and usually have a devotion to aid the Order of Psi (In our
campaign world, a secretive Psionic organization and the only group with detailed knowledge of the workings of
psionic powers).

Ability Requirements: Wisdom 15, Dexterity 15, Strength 12, Constitution 12

Prime Requisites: Wisdom and Dexterity
Races Allowed: Human, Half Elven, Halfling, Elven (except Star Elf, a campaign race)
Alignment Restrictions: Any Lawful
Armor Restrictions: All non metallic armor. Shields NOT allowed
Mystic Knights receive a 10% Experience Point bonus if they have both Wisdom and Dexterity above 16.

Mystic Knights Experience Levels

Level Experience HD (D8)
1 0 1+1
2 2500 2+2
3 5000 3+3
4 10000 4+4
5 20000 5+5
6 40000 6+6
7 80000 7+7
8 160000 8+8
9 320000 9+9
10 680000 9+11
11 980000 9+13
12 1280000 9+15
13 1900000 9+17
14 2280000 9+19
15 2580000 9+21
16 2880000 9+23
17 3180000 9+25
18 3480000 9+27
19 3780000 9+29
20 4080000 9+31

Mystic Knight Psionics Progression Table

Level Sent. Telek. Body Telep.

1 0 0 0 1
2 1 0 0 1
3 1 0 1 1
4 1 0 1 2
5 1 1 1 2
6 2 1 1 2
7 2 1 2 2
8 2 1 2 3
9 2 2 2 3
10 3 2 2 3
11 3 2 3 3
12 3 2 3 4
13 3 3 3 4
14 4 3 3 4
15 4 3 4 4
16 4 3 4 5
17 4 4 4 5
18 5 4 4 5
19 5 4 5 5
20 5 4 5 6

The Mystic Knight powers are mentalist powers, but they are classified in a different manner. The powers are
defined in the Psionics Handbook.In addition to the above powers, they automatically get the powers Contact, Mind
Thrust and Mind Blank, because of the sheer number of times they have been trained to use these abilities. In
addition, the initial cost of Contact have been changed as follows:

Level or HD PSP Cost

1-5 2
6-10 6
11-15 10
16-20 14

Mystic Knights gain approximately 1/3 the PSPs of a mentalist. To find the characters inherent Psionics Strength
Points, look up the characters's Wisdom score on the PSP table and record the base score. Then look up the
character's Constitution Score on the table and add the modifier to the base score. The final score is the character's
inherent potential. For every level of experience the knight gains, the total PSP's are increased. The character will
gain 3 PSP's per level plus the modifier on the PSP table that corresponds to the character's Wisdom.

Knight PSP Table

Ability Score Base Score Modifier

15 7 0
16 8 0
17 9 +1
18 10 +2

Mystic Knight Powers

Sentient Powers Telekinetic P. Body Powers Telepathic Powers

AllRound Vision Ballistic Att. Absorb Disease Conceal Thoughts
Combat Mind Control Body Adrenalin Cont. ESP
Danger Sense Deflection Body Control False Sensory Inp
Feel Light Levitation Catfall Ident. Penetr.
Know Direction Telekinesis Hasting Intell. Fortress
Know Location Aviation* Heightened Sns. Life Detection
Aura Sight* Project Force* Mind over Body Mental Barrier
Comp. Healing* Mind Bar
Mind Link
Post-Hypn. Sugg.
Psychic Crush
Send Thoughts
Thought Shield
Mass Domination*
* These powers can only be gained at 10th level or above. Tower of Iron Will*

Note: some of these may not be listed in the Psionics Handbook. If not, they are campaign-designed powers we have

Mystic Knights gain weapon proficiencies at the same rate as fighters, but they must use two of their initial Weapon
Profic. Slots on Star Saber specialization (While the Star Saber is their primary, specialized weapon, mystic knights
DO NOT gain the pluses to hit and damage. They only gain the weapon attack advancement). In addition they may
only gain a maximum of of 3 additional weapon proficiency slots in addition to their initial weapon proficiency
slots. They get Non-Weapon Profic. as per Cleric of equal level except they get Jumping and Tumbling as free Non-
Weapon Proficiencies. They can choose non-weapon proficiencies from Warrior, Priest and General groups. Mystic
Knights start off with 4d4 x 10 silver pieces for initial funding. Mystic Knights have the same saving throws as

With the exception of their "specialization" with the Star Saber (with which they fight as an equivalent level
Warrior), Mystic Knights have the same combative abilities as Priests (ie. with the Star Saber their THAC0 is a per
fighter, while with all other proficient weapons their THAC0 is as per Cleric of equal level). Their training with the
Star Saber is so intensive, and their instinct with this weapon so great, that they get additional combative abilities
with it beyond those of normal fighters. These special abilities are based around disarming an opponent and self-
defense as the taking of life unnecessarily is against the code of the Mystic Knight. These abilities, and the levels
they are gained at are detailed below.
Note: these abilities only apply when the Mystic Knight uses a Star Saber.
Level Ability
1 5% chance/Lv of being able to deflect all visible missile weapons within reach; -6 to hit for a disarm
3 Ability to lower AC by 2 places for every attack given up in a given round (this is in addition to normal
parrying rules)
4 -4 to hit for a disarm
6 2 attacks per round
8 Ability to lower AC by 3 places for every attack given up in a given round (not cumulative with the
level 3 ability)
9 +1 additional to hit and on damage
11 5/2 attacks
12 -2 to hit for a disarm
18 Ability to lower AC 4 places for every attack given up in a given round (not cumulative with the level 3
or level 8 ability)
20 3 attacks per round
22 +2 additional to hit and on damage (not cumulative with the level 9 ability)

Mystic Knights, in addition to the above abilities, have three innate abilities which they develop by 1 st level. The
first of these abilities is the power to form a field of mental force around his Star Saber. This plane of force, which
can not be formed around Sabers that have been magicked, gives the Saber an additional +1 to hit and +2 on
damage. These bonuses go up to +2/+4 at 8th level and finally to +3/+6 at 15th level. This plane of force can be raised
and dropped at will, taking only 1 segment to lower and raise, and can be maintained for a total number of rounds(or
parts thereof) per day equal to 1/2 the Knights Wisdom (rounded down) plus 1 per 2 levels of the Knight. This field
does allow the mystic knight to hit creatures that are normally only hit by magical weapons, assuming the creature to
be hit does not exceed the knight pluses to hit ability.

The second of these powers is the ability to sense "Presence" in other creatures. Presence is the ability of a creature
to use Psionic Abilities. The Knight can sense which creatures possess Presence, and how strongly they possess it.
The sensing range is 100 yards per level of the Knight.

The final special power of the Mystic Knight allows the knight to return the Star Saber to the knight's hand. The
knight is only able to use this ability on the Star Saber, when the weapon can be seen. The telekinetic movement of
the saber requires 1 PSP per segment the saber is moved. The knight is able to exert 10 lbs. force per level on the
saber. As well as increasing force with the level of the knight, the movement rate of the saber increases with level.
At 1st level the knight can move the saber at a rate of 10' per segement. A movement rate of 20' per segment is
achieved at 8th level. The rate finally increases to 30' per segment at 15 th level. No power checks for this ability are

Mystic Knights do have several limitations to counter their extraordinary abilities. First, because large quantities of
metal interfere with their mentalist abilities, Mystic Knights may only wear non-metallic armor. Also due to the
manueverability their combative abilities require and the fact that they often use both hands on their Saber, Mystic
Knights shun the use of shields and will never use them.

Mystic Knights are also the slowest of the class to progress. In addition to this Mystic Knights may not multi-class,
but dual classing is possible.

Finally, as mentioned above, all of the special combative abilities of the Mystic Knight are based around the Star
Saber, his primary weapon. This sword like weapon is unique to the Mystic Knight and is composed out of a special
composite steel. So rare and difficult to forge is the Star Saber, that if a Mystic Knight (who starts off with a Star
Saber for free) were to loose his Saber, it would require a master weaponsmith ten weeks and a cost of about 750 sps
to replace. Star Sabers are unusually strong and gaining +2 on all of their saves. Because magic interferes with the
field a Knight can place around his weapon, very few magical Sabers exist.
Noble Psionicist
All humans and demihumans have some potential with the Way, but few are can afford a tutor. On Athas, learning
and study of the mind is often a luxury reserved for the wealthy. The noble psionicist was enrolled in a rigorous
training regimen by his family when he was young. Many young nobles find the study of their own minds to be
unpleasant work, but others study with their tutors and develop into formidable psionicists.
Noble psionicists may be humans, elves, half-elves, or dwarves, and may be of any alignment open to
Role: The noble psionicist is an aberration. His clarity of mind and self-discipline are seldom found among the
elite of the Seven Cities. To his family, he is a sword to be wielded against their rivals. As head of the family, the
noble psionicist possesses the wisdom an strength of mind to bring great success to the house’s ventures. As an
adventurer, the noble psionicist often has an agenda mapped out for him by his family. Whether he chooses to
follow that agenda a is his own business. Until he actually assumes the mantle of leadership, the noble psionicist is
free to pursue his own studies.
Preferred Disciplines: Telepathy and Clairsentience are favored for their information -gathering abilities.
Weapon proficiencies: Rigorous physical training is part of the psionicist’s curriculum. The noble gains an
extra weapon proficiency slot that may be used to learn martial arts or specialize in punching or wrestling (see “New
Nonweapon Proficiencies” in Chapter Four).
Nonweapon Proficiencies: Bonus-Etiquette, heraldry. Recommended-Meditative focus, rejuvenation, harness
subconscious, dancing, land-based riding, reading/writing.
Equipment: The noble psionicist understands that appearances must be maintained and buys the finest
equipment. He must pay 150% to 200% (1d6+1x10%) the normal cost for any clothing or equipment to make it
clear he is a person of wealth. If the character refuses to look the part, he will have a hard time convincing others
that he is really a noble.
Special Benefits: The noble psionicist begins play a lot of personal wealth. He also has a family, clan, or estate
to support him. If he wishes, he can live with his relations, enjoying a life of ease. However, a character who lives
off his family will find that his family expects his loyalty in return.
The noble psionicist receives a +3 on reaction checks with any member of his culture who recognizes him as a
noble. Many Athasians have no love for the nobility, but they have learned to respect an fear it.
Special Hindrances: As noted above, the noble psionicist must buy the finest gear at 150 to 200% of its listed
If the character is living off his family and using his estate as a home base, his relations are glad to have him
around and ask him for favors or support. At least once a week, the character will have to fulfill a family obligation.
Obligations may include using his powers to spy on a rival house, touring the house holdings to make sure they are
sound, or even a tending the king’s court as the house representative. The DM is encouraged to use this as a tool to
reinforce good role-playing; a PC who uses house assets to equip his friends with steel weapons had better be
prepared to pay for it with his time an effort!
Wealth Options: The noble psionicist begins play with 3d4x90 cp. He also receives a stipend from his family
equal to 10 cp per month per character level.

Planewalker Psionicist

A planewalker psionicist is a devoted student of the ways of the mind. In the planes, one can never be too careful,
which is why these people decide to become psionicist's. Very powerful indeed, still even the least fiends could do
these people in if they are not careful. Rumored around the Cage, and maybe a few of the gate towns, is that some
unknown psionicist has found a way to "will" himself into the Cage, much like a teleport spell. These sources are
probably just a few barmy sods who will sell anything for a copper, even a lie. But yet other sources say that these
psionicists CAN do it, either because they are Signers (a Signer psionicist would be very powerful indeed), or some
even go so far as to say these individuals can "teleport" through the Lady's portals. But these are probably also just
some barmy bubbers tryin to look good in the face of company.

Role: A planewalker psionicist likes to remain unknown or maybe just mysterious, but those who do let themselves
be known are either highly respected and therefore feared, or outright killed for tryin to mess with peoples heads.
What better place to practice the arts of the mind than in the planes? Look at Athas. Psionicist aren't even given a
second glance there, but in the planes, one can never know the full dark of things, so people fear with they do not
know, and that suits the psionicist just fine. Planewalker psionicists like are most likely to join the Sign of One or
maybe the Society of Sensation, because it seems that these are the two factions that make the most out of the mind.
Planewalker psionicists will never join with the Ciphers because they think (or not) that thought isn't neccessary, and
psionicists know better. They also usually won't join with a highly chaotic faction (ie: The Xaositects), but are not
banned from doing so (unless the DM does'nt allow chaotic psionicists).

Weapon Proficiencies: Weapons are chosen just the same as for a normal psionicist.

Non-Weapon Proficiencies: Bonus: Psionic Lore (see the Will and the Way). Required: Rejuvenation.
Recommended: Psychic Manipulation (tW&tW), Portal Feel, Reading and Writing, Meditative Focus.

Equipment: Planewalker psionicists start play with the knowledge of one portal key (but they must locate the actual
key) which the DM chooses to fit his campaign. They usually dress in either faction colors or clothes that reflect

Special Benifits: Planewalkers can "contact" creatures that would normally drive a normal psionicist insane. They
can do this at the cost of 3d10 EXTRA PSP's. If for some reason they do not have enough PSP's to cover this cost
after they have allready rolled the die, then they must make saves normally against insanity.

Planewalker psionicists also have special abilities depending on what their Primary Discipline is. A chart is
described about this below.

Clairsentience: Clairsentient psionicists have the ability to use their clairsentient powers on portals, but to use this
ability, they must also have and use the portal key. An example, a psionicist with the power of Clairvoyance can use
his portal key to open the portal and then use Clairvoyance to view what's going on within the powers range, beyond
the portal (the powers range is still used, but just as far as it can go normally, except that now, it is on the other side
of a portal). A psionicist can use this ability with many clairsentient powers (clairadience, sense sound, etc...), but
apparently he can't use it with ALL of them. Some powers just would'nt work with an ability such as this.

Psycoportation: A psycoporter psionicist can use his power of Teleport to teleport through a portal, although he must
still have the portal key (which is used once passing through the portal). This power can work only if the psionicist
is within 1 mile per level of the portal, and at an EXTRA PSP cost of 5 PSP's for each plane of passing (this works
very similar to what happens when Priests and Magical Weapons cross to other planes), therefore doing this can be
very expensive on PSP's.

Psycometabolism: A psycometabolist psionicist gains a +2 bonus to the power score of 1 psychometabolism science
and 3 psychometabolism devotions when using a power on himself. He may also gain a bonus of +1 to these power
scores when using them on another person. Apparently this may be better for some psionicists because you have the
option of choosing Good or Harmful powers, which could affect where and how these bonuses are used.

Psychokinesis: A psychokinetic psionicist can use his power of Telekinisis to lift objects that weigh 50% more. And
also they can hurl these objects at opponents for 1 point of damage for ever 10 pounds of material hurled. To hurl an
item of extreme weight, the psionicist must roll another power score, but with a +2 bonus. Creatures being struck by
a hurled object are then entitled to a saving throw vs. paralization for half damage at -1 for every EXTRA 5 PSP's
the psionicist used to initialize this power. Hurling objects like this require 2 rounds, 1 round to lift the object and a
2'nd round to hurl it.

Telepathy: A telepathic psionicist are by far the most numerous, therefore they have two special powers (one is
described above), but this second power is not as powerful as the rest of the powers for other types of psionicists.
They can use the power of Mindlink on others without having to use Contact first. But, they can not use this power
creatures that would drive a normal psionicist insane (see above), they must still Contact these creatures.

Special Hindrances: Planewalker psionicists are not very well liked in the planes once they become too well known.
A psionicist, once he becomes well known to people, will suffer a -4 reaction penalty in that area, and a -8 penalty if
the general populous is of the EXACT (LG = CE) oppisite alignment. People just don't like the type of berk who is
known to play games in their head way better than a wizard. They are also restricted in that they have a -1 penalty to
ALL power scores in ALL non-primary disciplines, which means you muct choose you primary discipline wisely.
And also, the Lawful factions may not like having a mindbending berk around and they are sure to keep a close eye
on the psionicist if they become too well known, and the Bleak Cabal would love to practice their own types of
psychic surgery on these induviduals, but that is an adventure left for a DM to create.

Planewalker Psionicist
Description: Although psionics are looked upon with some disdain by most planars, there are some, thanks to the
various arrivals from Athas, who have started studying the disciplines - originally these were
Signers and Indeps, but some other factions have started taking interest...The idea of an entirely
self-contained and self-reliant profession seems to have grabbed the fancy of various people in the

Once psionics began to take hold, it was only inevitable that some mindbenders would start
roaming the Great Ring and Inner Planes. Planewalkers always carry the chant with them - the
planewalker psionicist is even more self-contained, having no need of magic or weapons. Well, not
much need, anyway.

Requirements: No requirements beyond those to qualify for the class.

Role: Planewalker psionicists differ from conventional psionicists in that there are few schools of
psionics available. Some planewalker psionicists do take on pupils, but rarely more than two at a time,
and are almost always on the move. It's more or less up to the psionicists to pick up their powers as
and when they can...

Wanderlust seems to characterise the planewalking mindbender - the discipline of

psychoportation is a very tempting area of study - the ability to cross planes by force of will seems to
be a much more preferable alternative to looking for portal keys. A thirst for knowledge, too, seems to
be fundamental. All you have to do is sit back and think, and you're there...

In the adventuring party, the planewalker psionicist has unique talents in finding information - need
to know the chant? He can take it out of some berk's head, or spy on an area where the dark can be
found. They'd have cornered the markett if it weren't for the fact that cranium rats, githyanki, illithids,
tanar'ri and a hundred other races are psionic too. Still, the planewalker psionicist can provide a useful
line of defence there too.

Secondary Skills:


Weapon Proficencies:

As normal psionicists, but these mindbenders prefer using chivs such as scimitars, as well as
keeping a ranged weapon such as a crossbow or a short bow handy. You never know what's out

Nonweapon Proficiencies:

Bonus - Psionic lore (see the Will and the Way), Planar sense (see Planewalker's Handbook.)
Recommended: Meditative Focus, Harness Subconscious, Rejuvenation, Reading/writing, Portal feel
(see Planewalker's Handbook.)

Planar psionicists like to keep themselves well-armoured and armed, just in case psionics don't
work... they try to acquire small magical items, such as rings and Ioun Stones whenever possible, too.

Preferred Disciplines:

Clairsentience and Psychoportation are essential disciplines to the Planewalker, but then again,
the psionicist should consider telepathy as a primary discipline, just so he can defend himself...

Recommended Powers:

Receptacle, Teleport, Dimensional Door, Clairvoyance and Clairaudience are among the more
useful powers.

Special Benefits:

Planar psionicists gain an extra Psionic Strength Point per level, and have a +1 bonus to their
power scores a preferred attack and defense mode: the psionic creatures in the planes are tough,
although the planewalker does not get a bonus attack mode because of this...

Special Hindrances:

Planar psionicists have two problems to face: the first is the scarcity of teachers - psionic schools
just haven't appeared in any large quantities yet. The second is the stigma attached to psionic use - a
psionicist is likely to be thought of as an Athasian and therefore avoided, or a magic-user wannabe
and not taken seriously. Also, since Planewalker Psionicists spend a lot of time training, they often
don't have as much combat experience as they'd like. When facing non-planar psionic creatures, they
have a -1 penalty to their power scores on the first round they attack them telepathically.

Wealth Options:

The Planewalker Psionicist gets the standard 3d4x10 gold pieces.


Humans and gith races are more common, although any planar race is eligible...

The Psionicist Class on the Planes

Race Level Limit

Aasimar 14
Bariaur: Male N/A
Female 13
Genasi: Air 9
Earth 9
Fire 11
Water 11
Githyanki 11
Githzerai 12
Rogue Modron 9
Tiefling 12

While the aasimar are not the most sturdy of species due to their Constitution penalties,
aasimar are equipped with a tremendous force of will that may be turned towards psionics.
Aasimar may reach 14th level as psionicists. They usually become telepaths or clairisentients,
and use their powers to aid them in their quests against evil. Should the aasimar be from a
lawful celestial parent, they receive a +5% to their chance for a wild talent. That bonus is
reversed should the aasimar be spawned from a chaotic celestial (eladrin, asuras, etc). Aasimar
may multi-class with the following options: fighter/psionicist, ranger/psionicist, thief/psionicist,

Male bariaur rarely lack the efforts to train their mind and become psionicists. Female
bariaur, on the other hand, often specialize in the powers of the mind in order to protect their
tribes. They usually chose not to focus on one school of psionics, preferring instead to gain a
broad range of abilities in order to protect their family and those close to them. The may
advance to 13th level as psionicists. Female bariaur get no bonuses or penalties when rolling for
a wild talent. Female bariaur may not multiclass.

Genasi are usually not focused enough to unleash the powers of their mind. However,
those that do usually become psychometabolists or psychokinesists in order to tap into their
already strong elemental heritage. Fire and Water genasi are usually more focused than their
airy and earthy brethren, and can advance to the 11 th level of ability. The Earth and Air genasi
are not as focused, and can only become 9 th level psionicists. All genasi may multiclass
(provided they may select both classes) as fighter/psionicists, priest/psionicists, and

The Guide to the Astral Plane describes the githyanki as an inherently psionic race.
Renegade githyanki that choose the path of the psionicist may advance until they reach 11 th level.
This attracts the attention of the lich-queen, as described in The Guide to the Astral Plane, on
page 67. Most githyanki have some form of wild talent; they add a +70% to their wild talent
Githyanki may dualclass any of their class options with the psionicist class because of
their innately psychic nature, making them possibly the best race to play for would-be
psionicists. Of course, because of extreme prejudice and the inability to progress past 11th
level, this benefit should usually be offset. They may not tripleclass.

Even though the Githzerai are basically a chaotic race, they are extremely adept at
shaping the terrain of Limbo with their mind. Githzerai, usually their anarchs, may disregard
the rule in the Complete Psionics Handbook that restrict psionicists from being chaotic and
advance to 12th level as psionicists. Those that do choose the path of the psionicist usually
become telepaths or psychometabolists and gain the respect and admiration of their peers.
Githzerai gain a +5% when rolling for a wild talent. They may multiclass as a thief/psionicist or
a fighter/psionicist.

Rogue Modron
The Rogue Modron most likely to go into the study of psionics were the ones higher up in
the modron hierarchy before their "fall" from the perfect law of Primus. Other modrons would
be unlikely to explore the powers of their minds. At best, even though modrons are inherently
creatures of law, a rogue modron lacks complete understanding of the concept of "self" and can
only advance to 9th level as a psionicist.


Tiefling psionicists are rare. Even though they often know much about the mind and the
processes that drive it, they often lack the extra step needed to becoming a psionicist. This is
mainly due to their initial wisdom penalty. When a tiefling does become a psionicist, he will
usually become a psychoportator or a psychometabolist in order to increase his natural cunning
with a quick out or a position of power with which to reinforce a bluff. They can advance to
12th level as psionicists, and may multiclass to be either a fighter/psionicist or a thief/psionicist.


Description: The Psi-knight is a student of psionics and combat, merging the martial and
mental arts into a combination both deadly and mystical. The discipline of Psi-knighthood is
specific, despite being an apparent mish-mesh of the abilities of fighters and psionicists. They
follow a specific code of conduct, and have a strict hierarchy among their ranks. To be a Psi-
knight, a psionicist needs a Dexterity of 14+, as well as the standard requirements for psionicists.
Role: In the campaign, Psi-knights are very secretive. Finding a teacher should be an adventure
in itself, as most Psi-knights hide from society. The reason for this is that the Psi-knight Order is
very wary of letting others learn their ways. While most Psi-knights are Lawful Good or Lawful
Neutral, Lawful Evil Psi-knights do exist, and an organized force of them would be a major
threat to any campaign world.
Secondary Skills: Any.
Weapon Proficiencies: Bonus: Bastard sword, or katana if oriental. Recommended: None.
Non-weapon Proficiencies: Bonus: Religion (Good, Neutrality, or Evil forces, see The
Complete Priest's Handbook), Rejuvenation. Recommended: Tumbling, Jumping, Blind-fighting,
Equipment: The Psi-knight automatically receives a bastard sword upon completion of his
training. This sword is of high quality, adding a non-magical bonus of +1 to hit and +1 to
damage. Psi-knights are prohibited from wearing armor.
Special Benefits: Psi-knights receive a permanent bonus of +1 to power checks for powers
from the Psychokinesis and Telepathy disciplines, and may learn the recommended proficiencies
at the normal cost. Additionally, the Psi-knight automatically has the Psi-sword power at first
level. This is part of the Psi-knight's training, and does not count as one of the powers the psionic
chooses at first level.
Special Hindrances: Psi-knights suffer a -2 reaction penalty, due to their hermetic nature. Psi-
knights may never learn Psychoportive powers. The Psi-knight may only gain proficiency in a
bastard sword (or katana, again if Oriental) throughout his life. He may still use other weapons,
but at the non-weapon proficiency penalty. And all further weapon proficiencies gained through
level advancement are LOST.
Wealth Options: Psi-knights receive the standard 3d4x10 starting gold.

The psiologist is a student of the Way who has trained extensively in the academies. He benefits from the wisdom of
hundreds of great masters. Free to concentrate on his powers, the psiologist has a great understanding of his Will and
its uses.
Psiologists may be of any race except halfling or thri-kreen, who possess their own traditions of learning the
Way. They must be lawful in alignment and are required to have an Intelligence of 15 or better in addition to normal
Role: The psiologist believes in the superiority of psionics over any other physical or magical discipline.
Anything is possible through the Way, if one possesses sufficient Will. He is a traditionalist who uses techniques
proven by time in the acquisition of his powers. Psiologists believe themselves to be superior to other psionicists.
On the other hand, a great portion of the psiologists air of superiority is warranted. They are the most skillful and
powerful of psionicists, achieving levels of mastery that lesser mortals can only dream of attaining.
Preferred Disciplines: Psiologists can use any discipline.
Weapon Proficiencies: Psiologists are allowed to select their weapon proficiencies from the following: dagger,
knife, staff, short sword, or sling.
Nonweapon Proficiencies: Bonus-Harness subconscious, rejuvenation. Recommended-Meditative focus, artistic
ability, direction sense, ancient history, healing, religion.
Equipment: Psiologists disdain the use of armor or heavy weapons, believing their art to be sufficient
protection. They are limited to the weapons listed above and may not wear armor.
Special Benefits: The psiologist enjoys access to the finest libraries and tutors. His total concentration to his
discipline enables him to grow strong in the Will faster than other characters do; he gains 2 additional PSPs every
time he gains a level, so a character with a Wisdom of 16 would gain 13 PSPs per level instead of 11.
The psiologist also improves his abilities faster over time. At even-numbered levels (2nd , 4th, 6th, and so on) he
may increase his power score in a devotion or science of his choice by +1, as if he had spent another slot on the
Last but not least, the psiologist belongs to a school or academy. He may stay there as long as he wishes, and
even provide for guests for a short time. (One guest per level/one day per level is appropriate.) The school aids him
in general research, developing new abilities, and advancing in level.
Special Hindrances: Since the psiologist disdains the use of physical or magical power, he may not wear armor
and may only choose weapons from a limited list. He suffers a -1 attack penalty to reflect his lack of practice with
Secondly, the psiologist avoids using magicaI items or magical spells. He may keep one magical weapon, one
magical protective device (a ring or cloak of protection, for example), and no more than two miscellaneous magical
items such as potions, scrolls, or other items. lf the character exceeds this limit, he earns only half the experience for
the adventure that he normally would.
This limitation also applies to receiving magical aid in the form of spells. Receiving a beneficial spell ( bless,
haste, cure light wounds, etc.) during the course of an adventure penalizes the character 10% of his experience
earned during that adventure. Multiple infractions can reduce his earned experience by as much as 50%, but no
Wealth Options: The psiologist begins play with 3d4x30 ceramic pieces.

Psionicist, Athasian
Ability Requirements: Constitution 11
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 15
Prime Requisites: Constitution, Wisdom
Races Allowed: Any

All intelligent creatures on Athas have some measure

of psionic power. However, not all are considered to be of
the psionicist character class. In Dark Sun there are no
racial restrictions nor racial level limits for psionicist
characters. Any human character who meets the ability
requirements may be a dual-classed psionicist. Any
demihuman character who meets the ability requirements may
be a multi-classed psionicist. For dual-or multi- classed
characters, the psionicist class may be combined with any
other class or classes.

Thieving Skill Racial Adjustments

Skill Dwarf Elf Half-elf Halfling Mul

Pick Pockets - +5% +10% + 5%
Open Locks + 10% -5% + 5% -5%
Find/Remove + 15% - - + 5%
Move Silently - + 5% - +10% +5%
Hide in Shadows - + 10% +5% +15%
Detect Noise - + 5% - +5%
Climb Walls - 10% - - -15% +5%
Read Languages - 5% - - -5% -5%

Inherent Potential In DARK SUN(TM) cam-

paigns, a character may have a Wisdom or Consti-
tution score as high as 22. This table is an expanded
version of that given in The Complete Psionics
Handbook, covering the higher scores.

Inherent Potential Table

Ability Base Ability

Score Score Modifier
15 20 0
16 22 +1
17 24 +2
8 26 +3
19 28 +4
20 30 + 5
21 32 +6
22 34 + 7

Power Checks It is possible for a Dark Sun

psionicist to have a power score of 20 or more. In
such cases, ignore the psionic power's power score
and 20 results; a roll of 20 always fails, but with no
detrimental or beneficial effect.

Wild Talents All player characters, even those

who do not meet the ability requirements for the
psionicist character class, are automatically wild tal-
ents, as described in The Complete Psionicists
Handbook. They may roll for their devotions as de-
scribed there.

Non-player Characters All non-player charac-

ters who meet the ability requirements for the
psionicist class are wild talents, as well. In most
cases, unimportant NPCs are assumed to have only
a psionic defense mode. For important NPCs, the
DM must roll for their devotions normally.

In all cases where the rules here don't contradict

them, the rules about psionicists in The Complete
Psionics Handbook should be used.

Psionicist, Oriental

Level XP Needed Hit Dice Psionics: (As in CPsiHB)

Disc. Sci. Dev. Def. Modes
1 0 d6 1 1 3 1
2 2,200 2d6 2 1 5 1
3 4,400 3d6 2 2 7 2
4 8,800 4d6 2 2 9 2
5 16,500 5d6 2 3 10 3
6 30,000 6d6 3 3 11 3
7 55,000 7d6 3 4 12 4
8 100,000 8d6 3 4 13 4
9 200,000 9d6 3 5 14 5
10 400,000 9d6+2 4 5 15 5
11 600,000 9d6+4 4 6 16 5
12 800,000 9d6+6 4 6 17 5
13 1,000,000 9d6+8 4 7 18 5
14 1,200,000 9d6+10 5 7 19 5
15 1,500,000 9d6+12 5 8 20 5
16 1,800,000 9d6+14 5 8 21 5
17 2,100,000 9d6+16 5 9 22 5
18 2,400,000 9d6+18 6 9 23 5
19 2,700,000 9d6+20 6 10 24 5
20 3,000,000 9d6+22 6 10 25 5
21+ +300,000 +2HP

PSP Recovery:
Physical Activity: PSPs Recovered/hour PSPs Recovered/turn
Hard Exertion 0 0
Walking/Riding 3 1/2
Sitting/Resting/Reading 6 1
Sleeping/Meditating 12 2

Requirements: Con 11, Int 12, Wis 15

Prime Requisites: Con (16), Wis (16)
Races: Any
Alignment: Non-Chaotic
Combat/Saves: Psionicist/Psionicist

Birth Table? Choice

Family? Choice
Base Honor: Family or 15
Starting Money: d6 tael/ch'ao & 4d10 yuan & 2d100 fen

Initial Proficiencies: 5
Proficiencies per Level: 1/2
Non-Proficient Weapon Penalty: -4
Attacks/Round: 1/1

Armor Use: haidate, hara-ate, haramaki, hide, jingasa, leather, leather scale, padded, studded leather
Shield Use: buckler, gunsen
Weapon Use: axe (hand/throwing), blowpipe, bow (short), chu-ko-nu, crossbow (light), chain, chopsticks, club,
dagger, dart, fang, hankyu, gunsen, jitte, jo stick, kama, kau sin ke, kiseru, mace, nunchaku, sai, shaken, shuriken
(any), siangkam, sling, sword (short), tui-fa, wakizashi

-Psionics: As per The Complete Psionics Handbook.
-Closed Mind: As all Psionicists.
-Mental Resistance: +2 save vs. Enc/Cha magic, etc.
-Can take a Meditation proficiency without any Martial arts style.
Meditation gives the same PSP gain as sleep.
-Psychic Duels: +5 bonus vs. non Psionicists
Psionicist Specialists
Specialist Barred Disciplines Ability Requirements
Clairsentientist Psychometabolism CON 11
Psychokinesis INT 15 *#
WIS 16
Psychokinet Clairsentience DEX 12 *
Telepathy CON 11
INT 15
WIS 15
Psychometabolist Clairsentience STR 11 *
Psychoportation CON 16
INT 12
WIS 15
Psychoportant Psychometabolism CON 15 *#
Telepathy INT 13
WIS 15
Telepathist Psychokinesis CON 11
Psychoportation INT 12
WIS 16
CHR 14 *

* This ability modifies the Psionicist's inherent potential like INT and CON (use table 5 of
PHBR5). The DM may rule, that this modifier may be used every time a character advances a
new level (in addition to the modifier of the WIS-score).
Example: Clara, a Telepathistin, has a WIS of 17, a CON of 16, an INT of 12, and a CHR of
16. Her inherent potential is 26 (24 points for her WIS-score, +1 for her CON-score, and +1 for
her CHR-score). If she advances to a new level, the DM may rule that she gains 13 PSPs (10
base, +2 for her WIS, +1 for her CHR).

# Obvious, there is a disadvantage for the Clairsentientist and the Psychoportant. These
Specialists add DOUBLE their modifier for INT/CON to their inherent potential. They proceed
like any other Specialist when advancing to a new level.
Example: Thomas, a Psychoportant, has a WIS of 17, a CON of 16, and an INT of 13. He has
an inherent potential of 26 (24 for WIS, 2* +1 for his CON, nothing for his INT). He advances
one level and his DM gives him 13 additional PSPs (10 base, +2 for WIS, +1 for CON).
Opposition Disciplines
Primary Discipline <--> Barred Disciplines

CS: Clairsentience
PK: Psychokinesis
PM: Psychometabolism
PP: Psychoportation
TP: Telepathy

Metapsionics are not opposed by any other Discipline, so every Specialist may learn powers
from this Discipline without restrictions (at sufficient level).

Specialists gain a +1 bonus to their Power Scores for powers of their chosen Discipline (also
their Primary Discipline), but they suffer a -1 penalty for powers of each other Discipline (except
MP), and they must not learn any power of their barren Disciplines.
Specialist Power Progression
Total Total Total Defense
Level Disciplines Sciences Devotions Modes
1 1 1 4 1
2 1 2 6 1
3 1 2 8 2
4 1 3 10 2
5 2 3 12 3
6 2 4 13 3
7 2 5 14 4
8 2 5 16 4
9 2 6 17 5
10 3 6 18 5
11 3 7 19 5
12 3 8 20 5
13 3 8 22 5
14 3 9 23 5
15 4 9 24 5
16 4 10 25 5
17 4 11 26 5
18 4 11 28 5
19 4 12 29 5
20 4 12 30 5
21 4 14 32 5
22 4 16 35 5
23 4 19 40 5
24 4 21 45 5
25 4 23 50 5
26 4 26 55 5
27 4 28 60 5
28 4 30 65 5
29 4 33 70 5
30 4 35 80 5

Here is a short characterization of the various Specialists:

He behaves a little like a Diviner, always curious of what is ahead or behind him (or in future
and in the past). With access to Telepathy and Psychoportation, he may travel in space and time
to learn and even may read the thoughts of other people. He does not care too much for the
matter itself and what You can do with it, nor for the powers within his body (no access to PK,
PM) but for learning and knowledge instead.

He behaves like a playing child, animating everything, probing the materials and changing them.
He would be content to have a piece of metal, changing it in form, animating it, moving the
molecular structure, and just trying what is possible to do with it. He would move the piece by
will, teleporting it and studying if the structure has changed. He is not interested in the thoughts
and memories of living subjects (no access to Telepathy and Clairsentience), but what he can do
with them instead. He would experiment with the matter of his body like he had experimented
with the piece of metal.

The Psychometabolist is interested in the union between body and mind. What can You do with
Your body, what can Your mind change on Your body. He is not so curious about far away
surroundings but in his environment NOW and HERE (no access to Clairsentience and
Psychoportation). He is content with changing and probing his body like the Psychokinet is
changing and probing his surrounding matter.

The Psychoportant isn't really there - he is everywhere, jumping in time and space. He has no
use of Psychokinesis: going there and doing it himself. If You need a shovel: jump home and
fetch it. He uses the Clairsentience to see where to go before going there and he uses the
Psychometabolism to adopt his body to any new environment he jumped to.

He lives in his mind. His main interests are his thoughts and what You can do with them (or
how to get other people doing it). He is not so interested in traveling physically - just mentally.
He lives in an home (his body) and often goes traveling by visiting other 'homes' - contacting
other mind, seeing through other eyes, hearing through other ears. He has no use for
Psychokinesis and Psychoportation. Just a thought and You get far away (in mind) and why to
change and animate matter? Mind is ruling!

The Psychic
Hit Die Abilities
Exp. Points Level (d.3) Level Title Gained
0-2,500 1 1 Beginner A
2,501-5,000 2 2 Trainer B
5,001-10,000 3 3 Intuitor C
10,001-22,500 4 4 Tracker D
22,501-40,000 5 5 Discoverer E
40,001-60,000 6 6 Projector F
60,001-90,000 7 7 Master G
90,001-135,000 8 8 Mental Expert H
135,001-250,000 9 9 Brain Crusher I
250,001-375,000 10 9+1 Death Projector J
375,001-750,000 11 9+2 Psychic K
750,001-1,125,000 12 9+3 Black Psychic L
1,125,001-1,500,000 13 9+4 Gray Psychic M
1,500,001-1,875,000 14 9+5 White Psychic N
1,875,001-2,250,000 15 9+6 High Psychic O
+ 375,000/level Etc. +1/lvl Etc. -

Use only staves and daggers

Wear no armor of any kind

Psychics are naturally psychic beings. Being of this nature,

they get a 20% bonus when rolling for psionics at the start of
the game. If they don't get psionics at the start, they roll
once per increase in level (normal roll) until they do get it.
Psychics tend to be "out of it", thus acting dreamily, but still
semi-aware of what's happening. Even if psychics do not have
regular psionics they still acquire minor and major devotions.
The psychic gets psionic points to work these devotions depend-
ing on the intelligence and the level of the character:

Int. Pts./level
16 4
17 5
18 6
19 7
20 8

Should the psychic have normal psionics, he/she still

receives points in the above manner as a bonus. These bonus
points are divided by 2 and added on to attack and defense
Psychics are not very good fighters. They hit on the
magic-users' table but at -2 to hit.

Acquired Abilities:

# of
Minor Dev. Major Dev. Other
A. 1 - Intuit traps and secret doors
B. 2 - Intuit poison and evil
C. 2 1 Unlock chests and doors
D. 3 1 Mental confusion
E. 4 1 Tracking ability and intuit magic
F. 4 2 Psychic chains and locate objects
G. 5 2 Mental scream and mental fist
H. 6 2 True seeing and nightmare
I. 6 3 Telekinesis and suggestion
J. 7 3 Yogi and self-healing
K. 8 3 Astral projection
L. 8 4 Project insanity
M. 9 4 Teleportation
N. 10 4 Death projection
O. 10 5 +1 to intelligence

Explanation of Abilities:

Intuits(all)....begin at 50% base chance + 2%/level

Unlock..........25% base chance + 5%/level the spell
Tracking........25% base chance + 2%/level
Chains..........holds up to 5+1 h.d. + 1 die/level the spell
Scream..........stun up to 12 h.d. + 1 die/level for 1-4 rounds
Fist............2-16 points damage + 1-4/level
True the spell
Nightmare.......a phantasmal killer (once every other day) the spell the spell back 6 hits/hour, takes total concentration
Self-healing....restores 5 hits/round, lasts 1 round/2 levels the spell the spell the spell
Death...........kills instantly 12 hit dice + 1 die/7 levels
worth of non-psionic creatures (once every other

Additional Notes:

Psychics can be any alignment.

Psychics use their abilities once a day unless otherwise noted.
Rogue Thoughts
Description: Rogue Thoughts are psionicists in the thieves' guild. The
Rogue Thoughts can be used in different ways, depending on the powers
known. Telepathy allows for information gathering and trickery,
Psychokinetics are the ultimate door openers, and Psychometabolics give
improved combat abilities and other powers. This makes the Rogue
Thoughts more flexible than a Sneakspell, and more desirable for a
variety of jobs, since powers can be re-used.
Rogue Thoughts must have a Constitution of 11, Dexterity of 11,
Intelligence of 13, and Wisdom of 16. Rogue Thoughts suffer a 10%
penalty to experience point totals, since they are performing activities
better suited to thieves. A Rogue Thought _never_ gains experience for
using his thief-like abilities.
Rogue Thoughts cannot earn a 10% bonus for Wisdom of 17 or greater,
and a Constitution of 15 or greater.
This kit cannot be abandoned. A Rogue Thoughts spends much of his
time learning the ways of stealth, to the point of combining his thief
training and psionic powers in some cases.

Preferred Disciplines: Rogue Thoughts can have only one of these three
disciplines as their primary discipline: Telepathic, Psychokinetic, or
Psychometabolic. All of these are directly usable, in a variety of

Barred Disciplines: Rogue Thoughts cannot have Psychoportive or

Clairsetient disciplines as their primary discipline. While information
gathering or quick escapes are useful, the Rogue Thought is capable of
bigger and better things.
Rogue Thoughts are prevented from learning powers from one
discipline: Metapsionics, which don't do "enough" for the psionicist
(quite a few powers don't "stand alone", like Gird or Splice). At the
DM's option, some Metapsionic powers, like Receptacle and Wrench can be
made available to the player, if "useless" powers in other disciplines
are made unavailable (like Taste Link or Banishment, for example).

Role: Rogue Thoughts are the wild cards of a guild. Depending on the
primary discipline, a Rogue Thought may be best at running cons or
information gathering (Telepathic), breaking doors and locks open
(Psychokinetic), or combat/true wild card abilities (Psychometabolic).
Mid level and high level Rogue Thoughts look down on the thieves in
their guild, since the thieves are common lackeys, but a Rogue Thought
can be considered a "special operative." They think of both Sneakspells
and Backbiters as bodyguards and additional firepower, since both are
better at combat, but lack the finesse a Rogue Thought has (or thinks he
A psionicist picks up this kit for a variety of reasons. Perhaps
his or her mentor was a dual-class thief, or a Rogue Thought. The
psionicist could worship a god of thieves, and join the guild to
"worship better."
A psionicist must start with this kit, or he/she will lose the
Stealth thieving ability (see Special Bonuses). Otherwise, the level the
psionicist picks the kit up at is considered to be first level as far as
thief abilities are concerned. If the psionicist has any Metapsionic
powers, there are lost without any replacements.

Secondary Skills: The Rogue Thought is a job all by itself, requiring

the psionicist's full attention. A secondary skill can be assigned, but
it will have fallen into disuse.

Weapons Allowed: Same as a psionicist.

Armor Allowed: Leather armor only, no shields.

Non-Weapon Proficiencies: Rogue Thoughts have access to all General,

Rogue, and Psionicist non-weapon proficiencies without penalty.

Equipment: A Rogue Thought must have leather armor, and two weapons
before going adventuring. If a missile weapon is chosen, sufficient
ammunition must be carried at all times (at least enough for five rounds
of firing).

Special Bonuses: Rogue Thoughts get several thief abilities as part of

their training.
Starting Scores:
Move Silently: 10%
Hide in Shadows: 15%
Climb Walls: 35%
Stealth: 15%
All of these abilities work the same as they would for a thief, except
for the Stealth ability. When the Stealth ability is invoked, the Rogue
Thought tries to use any psionic power based on camouflage or confusion
more effectively. The Stealth roll and power check occur simultaneously,
but there is an initiative modifier of +1. If the Stealth roll is
successful, the psionic power gains a bonus of 1 (or 5%) in all ways:
power check, saving throw bonuses, penalty on victims' saving throws,
etc. Camouflage based powers conceal something or cloak it in illusion;
Chameleon Power, Invisibility, Create/Control Sound, and Animate Shadow
are examples. Confusion based powers are powers that cause the victim to
lose his understanding of the current situation, and are mostly
telepathic in nature; Daydream, Awe, Repugnance, False Sensory Input,
and Phobia Amplification are good examples. Psionic attack modes,
defense modes, and telepathic powers which do NOT change the victim's
perceptions are not considered confusion powers.
When this kit is first assumed, the Rogue Thought gains 20% to add
as seen fit. For every level a Rogue Thought gains after picking up this
kit, he/she gains 5% to add to any ability score. These gains are only
received if a thief is available to train the psionicist.

Special Hindrances: The Rogue Thought does not have as many hindrances
as a Sneakspell does, but there are problems. First, the inability to
learn Metapsionic powers prevents the psionicist from creating
psionically endowed items, creating receptacles, or battling undead
effectively. The inability to have Clairsetient or Psychoportive powers
limits the psionicist's information gathering abilities, and ability to
enter and exit restricted areas.
A more important hindrance is alignment. A psionicist can never be
chaotic, so Rogue Thoughts have the difficulty of breaking laws against
theft but not becoming chaotic. How this is handled is up to the player,
because there are so many ways of handling it.

Description: Savage Psionicists are psionicists found within cultures viewed as primitive by
most people. Typically, the societies that Savage Psionicists emerge from also produce warriors
who would be classified as savages (see PHBR1 for what this means). These societies are
already well described in PHBR1, PHBR3, PHBR4. Savage Psionicists are very formidable
psychometabolists and telepaths. To become a Savage Psionicist, a CON of 17 or higher is
required and a WIS of 16 or higher. Role: Savage Psionicists serve multiple purposes within
their tribe, including healing of all kinds, ability to help someone get more in "touch" with
themselves using powers like Psychic Surgery and Incarnation Awareness, their ability to
determine the truthfulness of people both within and outside the tribe, and their formidable
combat powers of telepathy. They are also greatly valued because of their ability to boost a
warrior's prowess or health with things like share strength and lend health. Outside their tribe,
in more civilized regions, Savage Psionicists can (like savages of other classes) be unwashed
unkempt primitives, or unsullied heroes who bring a noble (if sometimes naive) viewpoint to the
Preferred Disciplines: Psychometabolism, Telepathy.
Recommended Sciences: Animal Affinity, Complete Healing, Superior Invisibility, Psychic
Recommended Devotions: Poison Sense, Absorb Disease, Adrenalin Control, Body Control,
Biofeedback, Cell Adjustment, Chameleon Power, Heightened Senses, Lend Health, Share
Strength, Identity Penetration, False Sensory Input, Incarnation Awareness, Life Detection,
Truthear, any of the telepathic attack modes.
Barred Disciplines: None.
Secondary Skills: Required: any of the woodcraft skills, such as
Fishing, Hunting, etc.
Weapon Proficiencies: Required: None. Recommended: Short Bow, Knife, Club, Spear.
Non-weapon Proficiencies: Bonus: Rejuvenation, Hypnosis, Direction Sense, Weather
Sense. Recommended: Meditative Focus, the rest can be taken from the list used for Savage
Priests in PHBR3.
Equipment: Savage Psionicists never wear any kind of armor, and they may only buy their
weapons from the list of recommended proficiencies above since they share other psionicists'
disdain for weapons.
Special Benefits: Savage Psionicists receive Danger Sense and Mind Over Body as bonus
Special Hindrances: Savage Psionicists cannot wear armor without suffering a penalty of -3
to all die rolls due to the discomfort and hindrance that armor imposes on them. In addition,
they (similar to savages of other classes) suffer a reaction roll penalty of -3 when dealing with
civilized peoples.
Wealth Options: 1d4 x 10 gp.
Races: Human.
The most powerful characters on Athas combine the study of psionics with the study of another discipline. Dragons
study sorcery in conjunction with the Way, while elemental clerics harness the power of their minds to the power of
their worship. The sensei combines an intensive physical training program with the Way, seeking to become the
perfect weapon.
The sensei are very rare in the Tyr region, since their art is extraordinarily demanding. Few people are even
aware that they exist. Each sensei charts his own course in life; there is no organization or school that binds them
together. Some may be assassins, others gladiators, and others wandering champions who fight against injustice.
In addition to the normal psionicist requirements, a sensei must have a Dexterity of 15 or better and a Strength of
13 or better. Only humans, muls, an half-elves may become sensei.
Role: Sensei may be the most dangerous character kit in the campaign. They are students of the art of combat,
seeking to defeat their foes physically, mentally, and spiritually. They are supremely confident in their abilities and
understand their capabilities and limitations exactly. Mere treasure is not enough to win a sensei’s service; they only
exercise their skills or worthy causes.
In the adventuring party, the sensei is an infiltrator and scout who can strike swiftly to devastating effect. His
dedication to self-improvement makes him an unapproachable character who inspires fear in friend and foe alike.
There is little room in the sensei’s existence for anything but the quest for perfection.
Preferred Disciplines: The sense must choose Psychometabolism or Psychokinesis as his primary discipline.
Psychoportation and Telepathy are preferred choices for secondary disciplines.
Weapon Proficiencies: The sensei gains an extra weapon proficiency, which must he spent to learn martial arts.
He may choose his other weapons from the following list: dagger, dart, knife, quarterstaff, spear, gythka, or
chatkcha. At least half of all weapons proficiencies must be spent on learning unarmed fighting styles. Refer to
“Proficiencies” in Chapter Four.
Nonweapon Proficiencies: Bonus-Rejuvenation, tumbling. Recommended-Blind-fighting, dancing, direction
sense, swimming , healing, juggling, jumping, tightrope walking, endurance, running.
Equipment: The sensei wears no armor, as it hampers his ability to move. He may use any of the weapons listed
Special Benefits: The sensei is allowed to study martial arts or unarmed combat. He may continue to specialize
in these fields, spending additional proficiency slots to improve his attack and damage rolls. In addition to his
unarmed combat ability, the sensei also gains a +1 attack bonus with any weapon he is proficient in to reflect his
superb training. Sensei can also learn the rogue or warrior skills Iisted under “New Nonweapon Proficiencies “ at the
normal cost, without paying the one-slot penalty for choosing a proficiency out of the character group. The sensei
learns many physical skills in addition to his combat training and psychic advancement.
Special Hindrances: The sensei may not wear armor or use magical devices to improve his Armor Class. He
will not use magical weapons, either. The sensei believes in his own ability and disdains the use of such crutches in
the practice of his art.
Since he seeks to master both physical and psionic skills, the sensei is not as devoted to pure psionic study as
other psionicists are. He suffers a penalty of 1 PSP per level. A sensei with a Wisdom of 16 would gain 10 PSPs per
level, rather than the 11 he normally would.
Wealth Options: Sensei care nothing for material wealth. He begins play with 3d4x10 ceramic pieces and may
never carry more personal treasure than can fit in a small belt pouch.

Author: David Schwartz
“Have we met? I'm Darius, servant to Senator
Thraxus. No, I'm not a herald, or a jester for that
matter. No, I'm a sentinel. All nobles have a few. I
watch out for my patron's safety. Keep him safe from
thieves and other shady people. I do dabble in music
and I know some poisons, but I wouldn't exactly call
myself a bard. I'm more an anti-bard. I use my
knowledge of poisons to protect my master from bards
and assassins. I'm always alert and quicker on my feet

than most gladiators. Oh, it looks as my patron, the

good senator, is having a drink with Senator Minthur
and his, um, jester. I've got to go. This could be
Description: Sentinels are commonly known as
anti-bards. They hire themselves out to nobles, or
other wealthy people to act as personal guards.
They are not as adept entertainers as other bards,
but make up for this with their uncanny alertness
and speed and their ability to detect poisons. In
addition, sentinels are trained in heraldry, a
useful ability in their trade.
Role: Every noble has a few sentinels and some
wealthy freemen will, too. Some sentinels are
freelancers, selling their services to people for
short times. Freelancers tend to travel to find
“customers” and occasionally get connected with
adventuring groups.
Weapon Proficiencies: Any; However, sentinels
prefer easily concealable weapons like daggers,
knifes, and whips when on asignment.
Nonweapon Proficiencies: Bonus: Heraldry,
Herbalism, Observation, Set Snares (can set
mantraps). Suggested: Acting, Artistic Ability,
Etiquette, Healing, Musical Ability, Poetry, Read
Lips, Singing, Trailing.
Armor/Equipment: Standard. Sentinels do not
like the flashy clothes worn by other bards,
prefering more subdued, but not drad, colors. If
working for a patron, the sentinel will generally
have the patron's symbol on his outfit. Most
sentinels carry a bag of herbs and mosses for
making antidotes.
Special Benefits:
· Alertness: Sentinels are only surprised on a
roll of one on a d10.
· Speed: All sentinels are trained to react
quickly in dangerous situations, giving them a
+2 to initiative in combat and possibly
situational modifiers.
· Detect Slight of Hand: A sentinel who is
actively searching can detect the use of the
rogues' ability to pick pockets (including
sleight of hand). The chance is 5%/level (Max.
Detect Poision: The sentinel can detect poisons
like an assassin-thief. The base chance is 5%/level
(Max 100%). If the sentinel has an intelligence of
13-15, he gets +5%; 16 or 17, +10%; 18 or 19,
+15%; 20+ intelligence gives a +20%. Sight
identification gives a -20% modifier, but the
sentinel needn't risk poisoning himself. Odor
carries a -15% penalty and if the poison is
ingested or contact poison, a 10% chance of the
bard poisoning himself at half strength. Taste is
fairly reliable with -5% penalty, but with a
serious drawback. The sentinel has a chance of
poisoning himself (at half strength) equal to 25%
for injectected poisons, 50% chance for ingested,
and 75% for contact poison.
The easiest way to identify a poison is to see the
symptoms. There is no penalty in this case.
However, a sentinel who relies on this method
will have difficulty finding work.
Identification takes one round per attempt.
Special Hinderances: None.
Source: The Dead Tembos Den
Description: The Shipfloater is a psionicist whose
specific purpose is to power a psionic floater orb
with PSPs to maintain a form of levitation for sail
ships on silt.
Role: Shipfloaters allow sail ships to be sailed on
silt. These ships, primarily used in Balic,
transport goods to various ports along the Silt
Sea. The Shipfloater is a fundemental part of
trade for these ships and ports, and a very
necessary part of Balican society. Most
Shipfloaters are from Balic, but it is not
impossible for them to be from other parts of
Athas where these ships are sailed.
Preferred Disciplines: Shipfloaters must choose
Psychokinesis as their primary discipline, and
Levitation as one of their first devotions.
Weapon Proficiencies: The shipfloater may
choose from normal psionicist weapons. In
addition to those listed, he may select any of the
following: Belaying Pin, Cutlass, Gaff, Harpoon,
Net, Sabre, Trident
Nonweapon Proficiencies: Bonus: Endurance,
Harness Subconcious. Required: Seamanship.
Recommended: Boat Piloting, Navigation,
Survival: Dust Sink.
Equiptment: Standard.
Special Benefits: The Shipfloater has to maintain
a steady flow of PSPs to the psionic orbs of
sailships in order to maintain their boiency on the
silt. Hence, Shipfloaters has developed extra
PSPs: he recieves 3 more PSPs per level than he
normally would. In addition to this, the
Shipfloater is able to float ships at half their
normal cost. The exact cost varies with the ship.
Special Hinderances: The Shipfloater's extra
PSPs has its price: they have one less devotion at
1st level than any other psionicists.

Author: Roberto de Brito Nunes

Description/role: The somniomancer is master in
a psionic discipline concerned with the sleeping
mind. She is specialist in controling her own, and
others sleeping minds and bodies. Most of the
powers a somniomancer can use require that she
is spleeping (in a dream). Others can only be used
on a sleeping target. Somniomancers are also
known as Dream Masters and Hypnotists.
Preferred Disciplines: The somniomancer must
choose somniomancy (Minor Discipline) as his
primary discipline.
Special Benefits: All somniomancers can control
their sleeping. They can sleep immediatly or
enter into a trance-like state (enough to use a
power) anytime she wants. A somniomancer has
three advantages: +2 power scores bonus when
using somniomancy powers; 2 free somniomancy
devotions at first level; Can choose to learn any
power of the somniomancy minor discipline at
any level regardless of the access to the "normal"
discipline of the power.
Special Hinderances: None.
Disciplines Learning Order:
Telepathy, Metapsionic, Clairsentience,
Psychoportation, Psychometabolism,
Somniomancy Sciences:
Normal usage: Summon Planar Creature,
Sensitivity to Psychic Impressions, Hypnosis.
Sciences that can only be used when sleeping:
Enter Dream*, Precognition, Probability Travel,
Psychic Clone, Complete Healing, Clairvoyance,
Clairaudiance, Probe.
Sciences that can be used only in sleeping target:
Probe, Dreamstalker**
Somniomancy Devotions:
Normal usage: Dimensional Walk, Daydream,
Stasis Field, Spirit Sense.
Devotions that can only be used when sleeping:
Astral Projection, Dream Travel, Psychic
Messenger, Convergence, Retrospection,
Predestination, Incarnation Awareness, Weather
Prediction, Dream Sight, Oniric Vortex, Outer
Devotions that can be used only in sleeping
target: Psychic Drain, Identity Penetration,
Predestination, Post-Hypnotic Suggestion,
Awaken, Sleeping Automation.
* Power from DRAGON #204

** added by editor

Master in a psionic discipline concerned with the sleeping mind. Somniomancer are specialist in controling their
own or anothers sleeping minds and bodys. Most of powers a somniomancer can use require that she is sleeping (in
a dream). Others can only be used in a sleeping target.

All somniomancers can control their sleeping. They can sleep immediatly or enter in trance like state (enough to use
a power) everytime she wants. A somniomancer has three advantages: +2 power scores bonus when using
somniomancy powers; 2 free somniomancy devotions at first level; Can choose to learn any power of the
somniomancy minor discipline at any level regardless of the access to the "normal" discipline of the power.

Primary Discipline: Somniomancy (Minor Discipline)

Specialist Name: Somniomancer
Alternate Names: Dream Master, Hypnotist.
Prerequisites: Same as psionicist.

Disciplines Learning Order:

Telepathic, Metapsionic, Clairsentient, Psychoportive,
Psychometabolic, Psychokinetic

Somniomancy Sciences:
Normal usage:
Summon Planar Creature, Sensitivity to Psychic Impressions, Hypnosys (*2).

Sciences that can only be used when sleeping:

Enter Dream (*1), Precognition, Probability Travel, Psychic Clone, Complete Healing, Clairvoyance,
Clairaudiance, Probe

Sciences that can be used only in sleeping target:


Somniomancy Devotions:
Normal usage:
Dimensional Walk, Daydream, Stasis Field, Spirit Sense.

Devotions that can only be used when sleeping:

Astral Projection, Dream Travel, Psychic Messenger, Convergence, Retrospection, Predestination,
Incarnation Awareness, Weather Prediction, Dream Sight (*2), Oniric Vortex (*2), Outer Dream (*2)

Devotions that can be used only in sleeping target:

Psychic Drain, Identity Penetration, Predestination, Pos-Hipnotic Suggestion, Awaken (*2), Sleeping

(*1) Power from Dragon Magazine #204

(*2) Powers listed below
New Somniomancy Powers
Psychoportive Devotion

Dream Sight
Power Score: Int
Initial Cost: 12
Maintenance Cost: 8 / round
Range: Special
Preparation Time: 2
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisites: astral projection

This power is normaly used by somniomancers (master in a psionics concerned with the sleeping mind).

Before using this devotion, the psionicist must falls into a deep sleep or sleep trance state during which she dreams
of places and events around her. Her vision is then attuned to the location desired. In the dream, she can both see and
hear and can will his vision to change so that she can view the surrounding area as well. She cannot see into an area
that is protected against teleport or similar powers or spells, however. Nor can sounds coming from such an area be

When using this devotion the psionicist astral body leave her phisical body and is able to walk, look around, pass
walls,... The distance that a psionicist can move from her body is equal to 100 yards per level of the psionicist. The
astral body is invisible by normal means but is vulnerable to any attacks that can reach astral or ethereal creatures.
While in astral form the psionicist is trated as an ethereal traveler, cannot influence the normal word and can only
use psionics on herself.

The astral body is attached to the phisical body by the silver cord. The silvery cord is nearly indestructible, however.
Usually it can be severed only by the psychic wind at its most powerful, or by the silver swords of the githyanki.

At the end, the dream vision ends, and she awakens. If the psionicist's body is disturbed before the dream sight ends,
the power ends and the psionicist is immediately awakened.

Power Score - The astral body of the psionicist is able to see in darkness (normal or magical).

20 - The psionicist has a terrible nightmare is unable to sleep for 8 hours.

Telepathic Devotion

Outer Dream
Power Score: Int
Initial Cost: 30
Maintenance Cost: 10/question
Range: na
Preparation Time: 12 hours
Area of Effect: individual
Prerequisites: mindlink, teleport

This devotion is similar to contact other plane spell and requires the psionicist had access to psychoportive and
telepathic disciplines. When this devotion is used, the psionicist sends her mind to anotherplane of existence in order
to receive advice and information from powers there. As these powers resent such contact, only brief answers are
given. Any questions asked are answered by the power during the power's maintanance. The character can contact
an elemental plane or some plane farther removed. For every 10 psp spent one question may be asked. Contact with
minds far removed from the plane of the psionicist increases the probability of the psionicist going insane or dying,
but the chance of the power knowing the answer, as well as the probability of the being telling the correct answer,
are likewise increased by moving to distant planes. Once the outer planes are reached, the Intelligence of the power
contacts determines the effects.

The random table given here is subject to DM changes, development of extraplanar NPC beings, and so on.

If insanity occurs, it strikes as soon as the first question is asked. This condition lasts for one week for each removal
of the plane contacted to a maximum of ten weeks. There is a 1% chance per plane that the psionicist dies before
recovering, unless a a psychic surgery is made upon her. A surviving psionicist can recall the answer to the question.

On rare occasions, this divination may be blocked by the action of certain lesser or greater powers.

Plane Power score modifier Chance of insanty* (%) Chance of

knowledge (%) Chance of veracity** (%)
Elemental -1 20 55 (90) 62 (75)
Inner Plane -2 25 60 65
Astral Plane -3 30 65 67
Outer Plane, Int. 19 -4 35 70 70
Outer Plane, Int. 20 -5 40 75 73
Outer Plane, Int. 21 -6 45 80 75
Outer Plane, Int. 22 -7 50 85 78
Outer Plane, Int. 23 -8 55 90 81
Outer Plane, Int. 24 -9 60 95 85
Outer Plane, Int. 25 -10 65 98 90

* For every point of Intelligence over 15, the psionicist reduces insanity chance by 5%.
** If the being does not know an answer, and the chance of veracity is not made, the being will emphatically give an
incorrect answer. If the chance of veracity is made, the being will answer "unknown."

Percentage in parentheses are for questions that pertain to the appropriate elemental plane.

Power Score - No chance of insanity.

20 - The psionicist grates a power. The DM must decide what the disturbed power will do.

Telepathic Devotion

Power Score: Wis
Initial Cost: contact
Maintenance Cost: na
Range: na
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: individual
Prerequisites: contact

This devotion allows the somniomancer to wake another character from normal sleep without the use of touch or
sound. When this devotion is used the subject simply wakes up instantly. (This doesn't mean that the subject is
immediately alert)

The subject hears (only in her mind) a great shout "wake up!" or any word the somniomancer wants (one word
only). The subject may be scared or hungry depends on situation.

At DM discretion this power can cause problems when used agaist subjects in astral travel.

Telepathic Devotion
Oniric Vortex
Power Score: Wis
Initial Cost: contact
Maintenance Cost: 1/round/subject
Range: Unlimited
Preparation Time: 1
Area of Effect: individual
Prerequisites: Enter Dream

With this devotion the psionicist can bring some friends to a dream. The psionicist must be in a dream to use this
power (her own dream or any dream affected by enter dream).

Unwilling subject may choose to end the dream an wake up. This action ends the dream for that particular character

Telepathic Devotion
Sleeping Automaton
Power Score: Wis -2
Initial Cost: contact
Maintenance Cost: 6/round
Range: na
Preparation Time: 2
Area of Effect: individual
Prerequisites: contact

This devotion allows the somniomancer to take control of a sleeping subject's body and cause it to perform simple
actions. Such actions include movement (sleep-walking), picking up and moving small objects, etc., but nothing
either delicate or violent and nothing that involves any thinking or decision-making process.

The somniomancer can't force the subject to commit suicide or actively damage herself in any way; the subject will
wake up before any damage be inflicted.

This power doesn't give any way to somniomancer to see what the subject is actually doing, so, the psionicist should
be able to see the target by any means or it will be very difficult to give the orders.

Telepathic Science
Power Score: Wis -4
Initial Cost: contact
Maintenance Cost: 6/round/subject
Range: Unlimited
Preparation Time: 2
Area of Effect: individual
Prerequisites: Enter Dream

To use this power each subject must be contacted when looking at the somniomancer eyes. Afther, each subject had
been contacted the somniomancer have to make the power score and give the order in a monotonous, droning voice.

Any subject that fails a save vs. spell is completely dominated and will follow the order like a zumbi. Any order can
be given and the victim will follow it with the best of her abilities, even to kill her friends. Only obvius suicidal
orders allow another save.
The subject may be conviced to be another person or creature or to perform any actions she is normally able to. The
psionicist can ask questions or give another order each round. The orders must be given in a language
understandable by the victim.

- "Look at my eyes! Now you are a chicken"
- "You don't like him, so, KILL HIM !"
- "You need to sleep, so, you will stop, take out your armor and sleep..."

Dreamland & Dreaming

There are three modes of Dreamland: Travel, Natural, and True. Travel mode is entered when
a psionicist uses the Dream Travel power. It is entered quite often by non-dreamers and is
accessible to only psionicists. (Dreamers included) This place is universal and is the same for
everyone. Natural mode is that mode entered when a person has an extremely strong dream
(Extreme nightmare or dream on the table below). Natural Dreamland is a personal place and
only a god or a dreamer may enter. Once inside person's natural dream, via the Enter Dream
power, the dreamer may then bring others in with the Dream Magnet or Waking Dream powers.
A character will only enter true Dreamland if a god or dreamer is forcing them in for some
True Dreamland itself is a reflection of the real world, like travel Dreamland. To determine
how True Dreamland will look, first determine the alignment of the area. To do this figure out
the average predominant alignment. A powerful creature tends to tip the scales in the direction
of their alignment a lot more than a weak one (a raiding part of orcs would have no significant
influence when a great wyrm gold dragon is in the area) If you wish, you can calculate it with a
little work. For every lawful creature, take an total with lawful creatures as a positive HD,
neutral creatures as zero and chaotic creatures as negative HD. Now, divide by the total number
of HD in the area (no negatives or zeros, just plain HD) A score of 1 is lawful, 0.5 is neutral
with lawful tendencies, 0 is neutral, -0.5 is neutral with chaotic tendencies, and -1 is chaotic.
Since you will most likely no get exactly these numbers, choose whichever is most appropriate.
Do the same procedure for good and evil creatures and from that, an alignment can be formed.
To determine the general appearance of the land, you should use the two halves of the
alignment. The first part (law/chaos) determines the organization of the land, and the other half
determines what the shape of the land will be. A lawful land will be organized, chaotic will be
random and disorganized, and neutral, a combination of the two. A good land will be bright,
pleasant, and "rounded", a neutral one flat and gray, and a evil one will be dark and angular (as
opposed to being "rounded") Specific details (trees, roads and other minor things) are left up to
the DM to decide, but are usually very close to the real land.
Natural Dreamland is that land created by a dreaming person. This land may look like true
Dreamland (in the case of most nightmares), the character's original home, some far away land,
or even some exotic pleasure palace in Persia (in the case of most dreams of the extreme
magnitude). Natural Dreamland can look like anything, but it must always reflect the type of
dream the person is having. A person having an extremely bad nightmare will also be revealing
their worst fears, which is why most dreamers are so effective.
A character in Dreamland is the same physically and mentally as they are in the normal world.
The only exception is the dreamer. A dreamer is the same mentally (Wisdom & intelligence)
but the physical skills (Strength, dexterity, charisma, and movement) are added together and then
the dreamer may distribute the points among the abilities as they see fit. No dreamer can
change constitution because this is a direct change to the PSP of a character, and that is
forbidden. A dreamer could end up with a very high strength and dexterity, but ugly and slow.
This makes dreamers very quite formidable in Dreamland. Also a dreamer may expend PSP to
maintain a higher scores in statistics. At first level the dreamer must expend 2 PSP for 1
statistic point during the dreamer’s stay in Dreamland. At 3rd level the conversion rate is 1:1,
2:3 at 7th level, 1:2 at 15th level, and 2:5 at 25th level. This is the best rate a dreamer will ever
get or ever need to get.
The results of death in Dreamland vary on the type of dream mode they are in. A dreamer in
the travel dream mode will go back to where they started (as stated on page 70 of PHBR5). In
natural mode, a death will result in a system shock roll. If it is failed, the person suffers the
results of a Dream Magnet power. In true Dreamland, death is very dangerous. They must
make three consecutive rolls, wisdom, intelligence, and a system shock, to live. A failed
wisdom roll means the character does not realize it was only a dream and dies of a heart attack.
An failed intelligence roll means the character believes he is dead, and goes into a berserk rage
until he is knocked unconscious as per the failed system shock roll. The failed system shock
roll means that the person’s body thinks it is dead and the person goes into a coma for 1d10+10
Some psionic powers infest themselves in a different manner in Dreamland. Psychometabolic
powers are enhanced in Dreamland. The psionicist rolls their power score normally but if it is
not the actual power score, it will be altered in the direction of the power score by one point.
This removes the possibility of rolling a 1 or a 20 on a power (even with bonuses/penalties, these
effects will not manifest themselves.) The Ejection power used by a normal psionicist will not
work with a Dream Link. A dreamer can use the Ejection power to get rid of unwanted
Contacts or Dream Links. When using it on a Dream link, there can be no harmful side effects
for the dreamer, but they can occur to the ejected being. Telepathic defense modes are useless
against the Dream Link power.

Natural Dream Table

Die Roll Result

01 Dream: Extremeá
02-20 Dream: Pleasurable
21-35 Dream: Good
36-40 Dream: Average
40-60 Neutral dream
61-65 Nightmare: Bad
66-80 Nightmare: Horrid
81-99 Nightmare: Painful
00 Nightmare: Extremeá

á Natural Dreamland Entrance

A nightmare of bad or horrid level or dream of good or average level will not affect the
person's abilities the next day in any way as they are quite common. A pleasurable dream will
grant a +5% (or +1 on a d20) bonus on any rolls that had something to do with the dream
(example: Piffer the great had a pleasurable dream that he was doing extremely well picking
pockets and the next day he picks a pocket and receives a +5% to do so because of the positive
influence of the dream) An extreme dream that takes the person into dreamland will grant a
+15% (or +3 on a d20) bonus because of the extremely good feelings that come about from it.
As with all bonuses/penalties that come from dreams or nightmares, it only affects actions that
have to do with the dream. For painful nightmares, it is a -5% penalty (or -1) and for extreme
nightmares, it is -15% (or -3).
RPM (Random PSP Method)

I've developed a random method for determining a psionicist's PSPs. The TCPH uses a
method which allows for no random element to the determination of PSPs.

Something to think about:

"Wouldn't it be awfully boring if every fighter gained 8hp (plus CON modifiers) at each level,
every cleric gained 6hp at each level, etc.?"

Comments, discussion, debate, criticism, etc., of my RPM are welcome. Flames and harsh
criticism are welcome as well, provided the flames deal with the subject matter I've presented
here. Flames of the nature, "AD&D2 psionics suck, so your proposition is worthless", are not
constructive and will be ignored.

The TCPH's method for determining a psionicist's PSPs has no random element. A base
amount of PSPs are awarded at each level, along with modifiers for high INT, WIS, or CON.
Using this method, a psionicist's PSP total can be calculated for any given level, (barring an
ability score change which could affect the modifiers).

This method is very unsatisfactory, given the mechanics established for many other parts of the
AD&D game. Not all 4th level fighters with a 16 CON have the same hit point total; why
should all psionicists of the same level and identical ability scores have the same PSP total?
This method of pre-determination of PSPs takes away from the player's personal involvement
with his PC, and removes an element of uniqueness between the PC and other PCs (or NPCs) of
his class.

I have developed a method of determining PSPs that introduces a random element. The RPM
puts the random element in the player's hands, so the personal involvement and control of the
character's fate is returned to the player. The RPM uses a dice roll that produces a bell curve
type distribution of results; this bell curve generated is centered around the TCPH's PSPs gained
at each level.

Although using RPM offers a player the chance to greatly exceed the amount of PSPs gained
per level as compared to the TCPH, it also offers the same chance to fall just as far below the
TCPH's PSPs. However, because the dice rolls produce a bell curve distribution of numbers,
the majority of rolls will produce a number of PSPs very close to the number of PSPs set forth in
the TCPH.

For those unfamiliar with the TCPH's mechanics for determining PSPs (or for those who don't
have their TCPHs at hand), the following is a brief outline of how this is done:

At first level, a PC's starting PSPs are a base amount (depending on his WIS), and modifiers
(based upon his INT or CON). Beyond first level, the PC receives a base of 10 PSPs, plus a
modifier (depending on his WIS). Table 5, from TCPH page 13, is reproduced below:

Ability Score Base Score Ability Modifier

15 20 0
16 22 +1
17 24 +2
18 26 +3

If a 1st level psi has 16 INT, 18 WIS, and 15 CON, he receives a total of 27 PSPs (26 base
because of 18 WIS, plus 1 modifier for 16 INT). At 2nd level this PC would be awarded 12
more PSPs (10 base plus 2 modifier for 17 WIS).

The RPM uses a base amount of PSPs awarded at 1st level (based upon WIS), plus modifiers
(based upon INT or CON), plus the player's random dice roll. At 2nd level and beyond, there is
no base PSP amount; the amount of PSPs gained is based solely upon the player's random dice
roll plus a modifier (based only upon WIS).

The random roll for 1st level is 3d4. For each INT or CON point above 15, a modifier point is
added to the base and random roll. Base PSPs and modifiers for 1st level are awarded as

WIS Base PSPs INT or CON Modifiers

15 13 16 +1
16 15 17 +2
17 17 18 +3
18 19

For 2nd level and up, the random roll is 4d4. For each WIS point above 15, a modifier point
is added to the random roll for the total PSPs attained.

The 1st level random dice roll (3d4) will produce a possible range of results of 3-12; the
average (or "probable") range (under the center of the bell curve) is 6-9. The 2nd level random
dice roll (4d4) will produce a possible range of results of 4-16; the average (or "probable") range
is 8-12.


* Example 1: PC has minimum ability scores necessary to become a psionicist.

+ Level 1
Under TCPH: 20.base+0.mod=20 PSPs
Under RPM : 13.base+0.mod+3-12.ran
=> possible range of 16-25
=> probable range of 19-22
+ Level 2
Under TCPH: 20.1st+10.base+0.mod=30
Under RPM : 16-25.1st+0.mod+4-16.ran
=> possible range of 20-41
=> probable range of 27-34

* Example 2: PC has 16 INT, 18 WIS, and 16 CON.

+ Level 1
Under TCPH: 26.base+2.mod=28 PSPs
Under RPM : 19.base+2.mod+3-12.ran
=> possible range of 24-33
=> probable range of 27-30
+ Level 2
Under TCPH: 28.1st+10.base+3.mod=41
Under RPM : 24-33.1st+3.mod+4-16.ran
=> possible range of 31-52
=> probable range of 38-45

* Example 3: PC has 18s for INT, WIS, and CON.

+ Level 1
Under TCPH: 26.base+6.mod=32 PSPs
Under RPM : 19.base+6.mod+3-12.ran
=> possible range of 28-37
=> probable range of 31-34
+ Level 2
Under TCPH: 32.1st+10.base+3.mod=45
Under RPM : 28-37.1st+3.mod+4-16.ran
=> possible range of 35-58
=> probable range of 42-49

The important statistics to note in the above examples is the "probable range" of each of the
results. The "possible range" for each may seem to form a large window around the TCPH
result, but keep in mind that the average rolls will be "weighted" to the "probable range". The
window that the probable range forms around the TCPH PSP total is reasonably tight.

Players have the capability to substantially increase their PC's PSPs above what they could
have been when using the static TCPH rules by a series of lucky rolls (or by a "soft" DM).
They also have the chance to drop well below what they might have received under TCPH. A
player who has gained more PSPs using the RPM system will be proud of his PC, just as a player
who has rolled a lot of 9s and 10s as hit points for his fighter. A player who has not been as
fortunate will have something to attain -- a special quest or use of a wish might be appropriate
means of allowing the PC an increase in PSPs.

In either the extreme cases, or the case of maintaining relatively close to the same number of
PSPs as the TCPH prescribes, the control of the PC's advancement is returned to the player.
Level advancement, new psi power achievement, and PSP gain now becomes a much more
exciting event for the player.
Tentacle Assassin
Alignment: Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil (Chaotic Good - Renegade)
Ability Requirements: Strength 10, Dexterity 13, Intelligence 13, Wisdom 13
Prime Requisites: Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom
Races Allowed: Human

Tentacle is an organization of rental assassins commanded by the powerful Mandarin. Mandarin

is the mysterious ruler of this powerful organization and his powers are not totally known.
Nobody knows the personal motivations of Mandarin but his organization is famous for its
efficiency, efficacy and honor to those who can afford it. Every agent obeys a strictly code of
honor (like the Ninjas) and they can never leave the organization alive. When an agent reaches
high levels (20 or more), the organization normally offers a management job. From this point
forward she can deliver missions to her subordinates, assuming responsibilities for any fails.
If an agent doesn’t fulfill a mission or tries to abandon the organization, she is marked as
“renegade” and will be hunted to death. Once killed, her body comes back to the organization to
be an example or to be resurrected as a mindless zombie with full abilities but without ambitions
or desires [Elektra lives].
An agent can become a rebel thanks to an alignment change, thus, it is possible to find a chaotic
good agent but she probably won’t live to come upon anyone. There are some rumors of a high
level rebel (called Elektra) who was able to survive all assassination attempts, but, it is just

All agents are reasonably independents and are free to perform individual tasks. However,
when a mission is ordered it must be executed. Failure means death. Good performance in a
mission is, sometimes, rewarded (with a magic weapon or any kind of treasure) depending on
mission’s danger and efficacy on results.
The Mandarin has a permanent contact (made with psionic surgery) with all agents and he can
use it to locate or punish an agent, or give info about important missions. Some of the area
managers from the Hand are able to use this method of contact to deliver missions to an agent.
The honor of the Tentacle is well known everywhere. Lucky is anyone the Tentacle consider
“honored”, this mean, Mandarin himself considers this particular individual (friend or foe) an
equal. This lucky individual will never be molested by an agent and can only be challenged with
the accomplice ceremony and in adequate conditions (no special advantages). This grants, at
least, a fair fight, in the organization point of view, of course.
Every agent must look for a local area base from time to time for physical and mental training.
All bases are secret and only the agents know how to find one. There are one (and only one)
local area base in every big city or capital.
Agents always learn martial arts and how to use oriental-like weapons (listed hereinafter).
They must build or acquire their weapons on local area bases. They can spend proficiency slots,
without additional charges, as fighters, psionicists or rogues.
Below you will find a table resuming all assassins’ abilities and the progression as a thief.
Improved THAC0, attacks/round (1W#AT), Two-weapon fight attacks/round (2W#AT) with sai,
dagger or short swords, natural armor class, bonus psionic powers and abilities, normal backstab,
experience and hit dice. Agents gains martial arts proficiency free.,
Agents can specialize (earning the bonus listed below) in one weapon (normally katana) or in
one style of two-weapon fight (sai, dagger or short sword) spending two weapon proficiency
slots for each specialization. Agents start 2 years older than normal due to the extended martial
training time.
Agents must respect three restrictions: 1) They can never use any kind of armor, or they will
not gain any bonus and become unable to use any special abilities. 2) The organization is more
important than their lives, they must fulfill all organization’s desires (no choice, no negotiation,
honor is everything). 3) Agents cannot attract attention to themselves, thus, they cannot retains or
exhibit wealth and they can only have very few followers (1-3). Tentacle agents are very
powerful, thus, the few restriction should be strongly used and role-played very well.

Progression Tables
Thief Class up to 30th level / Psionicist up to 30th level

Thief Class Progression Table

Level Experience (d6) THAC0 1W#AT 2W#AT AC Bkst.
1 0 1 20 1 - 10 x2
2 1,250 2 19 1 - 9 x2
3 2,500 3 19 1 2 (-2) 8 x2
4 5,000 4 18 1 2 (-2) 8 x2
5 10,000 5 18 1 2 (-2) 7 x3
6 20,500 6 17 1 2 (-1) 7 x3
7 40,000 7 16 3/2 2 (-1) 7 x3
8 70,000 8 16 3/2 2 (-1) 6 x3
9 110,500 9 15 3/2 2 6 x4
10 160,000 10 15 3/2 2 6 x4
11 220,000 10+2 14 3/2 2 5 x4
12 440,000 10+4 13 3/2 2 5 x4
13 660,000 10+6 13 3/2 2 5 x5
14 880,000 10+8 12 3/2 2 4 x5
15 1,100,000 10+10 11 3/2 2 4 x5
16 1,320,000 10+12 11 2 2 3 x5
17 1,540,000 10+14 10 2 2 3 x5
18 1,760,000 10+16 10 2 2 2 x5
19 1,980,000 10+18 9 2 3 2 x5
20 2,200,000 10+20 9 2 3 1
21 2,500,000 10+22 9 2 3 1
22 2,800,000 10+24 9 2 3 0
23 3,150,000 10+26 8 2 3 0
24 3,500,000 10+28 8 2 3 -1
25 3,900,000 10+30 8 2 3 -1
26 4,300,000 10+32 8 2 3 -2
27 4,750,000 10+34 7 5/2 3 -2
28 5,200,000 10+36 7 5/2 3 -3
29 5,700,000 10+38 7 5/2 3 -3
30 6,200,000 10+40 6 5/2 3 -4
* Save vs. Death of Die
** Save vs. Death at -2 or Die
*** Save vs. Death at -4 or Die
Special Abilities
LevelBonus Psi. Powers & Abilities
1All Round Vision
3Two Identical Weapons (hit-2)
5Danger Sense
7Switch Personality
9Two Identical Weapons
12Astral Projection
16Can use Wizard Scrolls and Items
20The Hand’s Empower Ceremony
22Advanced Domination
24Incite Berserker Rage
26Raise Dead (Ceremony)
28Mental Magic Resistance
30Mandarin Level

Saving Throws
Poison, or Rod, Staff, or Petrification, Breath
Level Death Magic Wand or Polymorph Weapon Spell
1-4 13 14 10 16 15
5-8 12 12 9 15 13
9-12 11 10 8 13 11
13-16 10 8 7 12 9
17-20 9 6 6 11 7
21+ 8 4 5 9 5
Same as thief/psionicist

They receive all thieving skills as a normal thief.

At the 20th level the psionicist progression may be stopped. Once inside the high cycles, the
agent is able to learn the forbidden ceremonies: Raise Dead, Advanced Domination (as 10 th level
spell - Dragons Kings), Psychic Surgery, Incite Berserker Rage (similar to Tenser’s
Transformation - 1/day). At 28th she develops Mental Magic Resistance (70% + 10%/level above
vs. mind affecting magic).
Bonus psionic powers are learned automatically regardless of access to the respective
discipline. If the agent already knows the power the power score is increased by 2.
Tentacle’s Empower Ceremony is a special form of empower and enchant an item. The
character can create weapons up to +3 using the same rules for enchant an item and during this
time they can empower the weapon with a +2 bonus to any necessary power score.

Order of Disciplines
Option 1 (Psylocke):
Thought Agent: Telepathic, Clairsentient, Metapsionic, Psychometabolic,
Psychokinetic, Psychoportive.
Option 2 (Elektra):
Executioner: Telepathic, Psychometabolic, Metapsionic, Psychokinetic,
Clairsentient, Psychoportive.

Recommended Sciences/Devotions
None Complete Psionics Handbook
(DM) Dragon Magazine #204
(DK) Dragons Kings
(WW) The Will and The Way
Recommended Sciences: Bonding (DM), Domination, Hallucination (WW), Mass Domination,
Mindlink, Mindwipe, Mindflame (WW), Probe, Superior Invisibility, Switch Personality,
Ejection, Tower of Iron Will
Recommended Devotions: Acceptance (DK), Amnesia (WW), Attraction, Aversion, Awe,
Conceal Thoughts, Contact, Daydream, Ego Whip, ESP, Empathy, False Sensory Input, Id
Insinuation, Identity Penetration, Inflict Pain, Invisibility, Life Detection, Mind Bar, Mind
Thrust, Phobia Amplification, Passive Contact (WW), Psychic Messenger, Repugnance, Send
Thoughts, Post-Hypnotic Suggestion, Psychic Crush, Psychic Impersonation, Telempathic
Projection, Truthear.
Recommended Sciences: Aura Sight
Recommended Devotions: Danger Sense, All-Round Vision, See Sound, Combat Mind, Feel
Light, Hear Light, See Ethereal (WW), Sensitive to Observation (WW), Watcher’s Ward
Recommended Sciences: Death Field, Complete Healing, Energy Containment, Life Draining,
Recommended Devotions: Accelerate (WW), Biofeedback, Adrenalin Control, Body Control,
Body Equilibrium, Cause Sleep (WW), Catfall, Double Pain, Enhance Strength, Graft
Weapon, Heightened Senses, Mind Over Body, Immovability, Suspend Animation, Strength
of the Land (DK).
Recommended Sciences: Psychic Surgery, Aura Alteration, Split Personality, Empower.
Recommended Devotions: Cannibalize, Cognitive Trance (WW), Iron Will (WW), Fighting
Trance, Magnify, Psionic Sense, Splice, Psychic Blade (WW).
Recommended Sciences: Telekinesis, Microkinesis (DM), Project Force, Telekinetic Flight
Recommended Devotions: Ballistic Attack, Control Body, Deflect (WW), Inertial Barrier,
Levitation, Molecular Manipulation, Static Discharge (WW).
Recommended Sciences: Probability Travel
Recommended Devotions: Astral Projection, Dimensional Blade (WW), Time Shift, Shadow
Walk (WW)

Related Information

Various Oriental weapons can be found in PHBR1 (The Complete Fighter's Handbook) on
page 118, PHBR4 (The Complete Wizard's Handbook) page 48, and PHBR10 (The Complete
Book of Humanoids) page 114. Reproducing all of these here is possible, but will not be done
for copyright reasons. If you need them, asking on the net should get them, and has less chance
of attracting the attention of sharks.
In addition, the spell that is mention that is in the Dragon Kings accessory will not be included,
as it also a copyright violation. Anyways, it is a good accessory, especially considering how
badly done the rest of the game world is.
Tribal Psionicist
The deserts are home to countless nomadic tribes. Some of these wanderers are herders with a flourishing culture
and strong values, but others are savage raiders or crude hunter-gatherers. Life in the wastes is hard, and people who
live outside the city-states must seize any advantage to survive. The tribal psionicist was raised to defend against the
raiders and predators of Athas.
Forced to learn the Way as a matter of survival, the tribal psionicist takes many shortcuts in her quest for the
power to protect her people. Some of these untutored ones have risen to shake nearby cities, only to disappear a
short time later.
Role: The tribal master is a wild card who learns the Way with no formal study. She is a blessing to her people
and a terror to their enemies, using her strength to defeat all rivals. Considered a savage by the people of the cities,
the tribal psionicist is a complex character with grave responsibilities to live up to. Her entire clan may perish if she
fails to defend them.
As an adventurer, the tribal psionicist may he the second psionicist of a tribe, and free to wander. If there is a
powerful wizard or cleric who acts as the tribe’s shaman, her skills are not desperately needed. However, if she is
the only source of paranormal powers for her people, the tribal psionicist will be hard-pressed to find even a few
days to go off on an adventure.
Preferred Disciplines: The tribal psionicist can master any discipline, although the most useful powers ore
Psychokinetic or Psychoportive.
Weapon Proficiencies: Required-Choice of blowgun, short bow, club, dagger, dart, hand axe, javelin, knife,
sling, or spear. These are the common tribal weapons of Athas, and the tribal psionicist must make her initial
weapon choices from this list.
Nonweapon Proficiencies: Bonus-Weather sense, fire-building, and survival. Recommended-Heat protection,
water find, animal handling, direction sense, leatherworking, animal lore, bowyer/fletcher, hunting, tracking.
Equipment: The tribal psionicist must spend her starting funds on normal tribal equipment-leather or hide
armor, weapons made from bone or stone, and tribal dress and gear.
Special Benefits: The tribal psionicist is free to develop her psionic powers without regard to the established
methods of learning the Way. After she chooses her disciplines, sciences, and devotions, she then rolls for an
additional wild talent, just like a nonpsionicist character. The wild talent does not count against the allowed number
of sciences or devotions she may know, and it doesn’t matter if it is in a discipline she does not yet have access to.
The normal rules for wild talent PSPs are used, and the extra PSPs are added directly to her psionic strength total.
If a character rolls a talent that has a prerequisite, she automatically gains the prerequisite power, too. For
example, if she rolls domination, she also gains contact and mindlink. The character may gain no more than three
extra powers in total, even if she rolls high enough to gain extra wild talents. If the new wild talents or prerequisites
duplicate any powers she had already selected, the tribal psionicist gains a special enhancement of that science or
Enhanced powers gain an automatic +4 to the power score, making them easier to initiate. Plus, they’re more
likely to have a power score result when initiated; any roll between the original power score and the new power
score inclusive will have the power score results. A psionicist with an enhanced power never suffers the ill effects of
rolling a 1 on power checks.

Example: Saranda is a tribal psionicist who selects psychokinesis as her primary discipline. One of the powers
she selects is ballistic attack. When she checks for her additional wild talent, she happens to roll ballistic attack,
which also gives her the prerequisite of telekinesis. Ballistic attack (and telekinesis, too) now become enhanced
powers. If Saranda had a Constitution of 14, her normal power score for ballistic attack would be a 12 (Con-2), but
it now becomes a -6. Any power score check between 12 and 16 now results in the listed “Power Score” result.
Saranda is a serious telekineticist!

Special Hindrances: The tribal psionicist is unfamiliar with many of the common teachings of psionics,
including psionic defenses. At 1st level, she begins with the defense mind blank, but after that she must select
defenses as she advances in level, using devotion or science slots to acquire them. The defenses are all Telepathic
powers, and the usual restrictions for choosing devotions and sciences apply.
Wealth Options: The tribal psionicist rarely begins with more than the clothes on her back. She begins play with
only 3d4x15 ceramic pieces.
Like all character classes, psionicists have various proficiencies available to them. The
Psionicist Proficiency Slots table below, lists the initial number of weapon and nonweapon
proficiencies available to this class, as well as the rates at which these characters earn new slots.
Characters start with the initial two weapon and three nonweapon proficiencies available to
psionicists. Psionicists can learn a weapon proficiency for any weapon they can use.

Table 81: Psionicist Proficiency Slots

Weapon Proficiencies Nonweapon Proficiencies
Initial # Levels Penalty Initial # Levels
2 5 -4 3 3

Initial Refers to the number of proficiency slots available to 1st-level psionicists.

# Levels Indicates how many levels a psionicist must advance before receiving a
new slot. He receives one new weapon slot at levels 5, 10, 15, and 20. He
receives one new nonweapon slot at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, and 18.
Penalty A modifier to a psionicist’s attack roll when he uses a weapon he isn’t
proficient with.

Bonus Proficiencies
A psionicist receives bonus proficiencies upon creation. They don’t take up any of a
psionicist’s available slots. These bonus proficiencies are contact and mental armor, which allow
the psionicist to participate in psionic combat.

Weapon Proficiencies
Continuing Specialization
Only sensei may continue to specialize, spending additional weapon proficiency slots to improve their unarmed
combat abilities. A character must first specialize in punching, wrestling, or martial arts before adding more slots to
continue specializing. He can’t continue specializing at 1st level.
For each specialization slot, the sensei gains an additional +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls, and an additional +1
table bonus. When his table bonus reaches +2 or better, he may select any maneuver within the bonus range.
Detailed rules for specialization and martial arts appear in The Complete Fighter’s Handbook. A psionicist may only
choose one unarmed combat style to spend extra weapon slots on.

Punching Specialization
If a character spends a weapon proficiency slot to specialize in punching, he gains a +1 to attack and damage rolls,
and one additional attack per round. He also gains a +1 table bonus, which may be used to move the result one place
up or down. Detailed rules for specialization and martial arts appear in The Complete Fighter’s Handbook. A
psionicist may only choose one unarmed combat style to spend extra weapon slots on.

Martial Arts
Unlike punching and wrestling, a character must spend a proficiency slot to learn martial arts. Using martial arts is
just like punching or wrestling-25% of all damage is real, and the rest is temporary. A character with martial arts
proficiency must make a successful attack roll and inflicts damage based on the Martial Arts Results Table plus his
Strength bonus, if any. Detailed rules for specialization and martial arts appear in The Complete Fighter’s
Handbook. A psionicist may only choose one unarmed combat style to spend extra weapon slots on.

Martial Arts Results Table

Attack Roll* Martial Arts Maneuver Damage† %KO‡
20+ Head Punch 3 15%
19 High Kick 2 10%
18 Vitals Kick 2 8%
17 Vitals Punch 2 5%
16 Head Bash 2 5%
15 Side Kick 1 3%
14 Elbow Shot 1 1%
13 Body Punch 1 2%
12 Low Kick 1 1%
11 Graze 0 1%
10 Body Punch 1 2%
9 Low Kick 1 1%
8 Body Punch 1 2%
7 Knee Shot 1 3%
6 Side Kick 1 5%
5 Head Bash 2 10%
4 Vitals Punch 2 10%
3 Vitals Kick 2 15%
2 High Kick 2 20%
1 or less Head Punch 3 30%

* Attack Roll is the unmodified attack roll. If it is a hit, use this entry on the table to determine the result of the
† Damage is the amount of punching damage inflicted. This may be modified by Strength or specialization. Only
25% of punching damage is real; the rest is temporary.
‡ %KO is the chance of instantly knocking out a humanoid opponent. Thri-kreen and half-giants are immune to
instant knock-outs, but can be knocked out by normal damage.

Martial Arts Specialization

Only sensei may specialize in martial arts for one more weapon proficiency slot. The character gains an additional
attack per round, a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls and a +1 table bonus. Detailed rules for specialization and
martial arts appear in The Complete Fighter’s Handbook. A psionicist may only choose one unarmed combat style
to spend extra weapon slots on.

Wrestling Specialization
If a character spends a weapon proficiency slot to specialize in wrestling, he gains a +1 to attack and damage rolls,
and a +1 chart bonus. He gains a +1 damage bonus for continuing holds. The wrestling specialist also gains a +2
bonus to his Strength score for purposes of maintaining a hold. Detailed rules for specialization and martial arts
appear in The Complete Fighter’s Handbook. A psionicist may only choose one unarmed combat style to spend
extra weapon slots on.

The Psionicist Group

The table below (along with the “General” group table in the PHB) lists the nonweapon
proficiencies available to psionicists at the regular slot cost. Add one to the cost for proficiencies
taken from other groups.

Table 82: Nonweapon Proficiencies

---General Group---
Proficiency Slots Ability Modifier
Contact 1 Wisdom 0
Mental Armor 1 Wisdom -2
Psychic Defense 2 Wisdom -2
---Psionicist Group---
Proficiency Slots Ability Modifier
Crystal Focus 1 Wisdom -1
Gem Cutting 2 Dexterity -2
Harness Subconscious 2 Wisdom -1
Information Gathering 1 Intelligence special
Meditative Focus 1 Wisdom +1
Musical Instrument 1 Dexterity -1
Power Manipulation 2 Intelligence -4
Reading/Writing 1 Intelligence +1
Religion 1 Wisdom 0
Rejuvenation 1 Wisdom -1

Note: Italicized proficiencies are described in this book. All others are in the Player’s Handbook.

Contact: This proficiency gives characters access to the psionic attack forms necessary to
open a closed mind. Contact allows characters to gain psionic attacks as they become available
with level advancement.
Psionicists automatically receive this proficiency. It doesn’t take up any of their available
slots. As a psionicist increases in level, he automatically receives psionic attack forms as outlined
on the Psionic Progression table. Psionic attack forms don’t fill up a psionicist’s proficiency
Wild talents, on the other hand, must select contact and place it in an available nonweapon
proficiency slot if they want to gain its benefits. Once contact is slotted, a wild talent selects one
psionic attack. He may select an additional attack by placing it in an available nonweapon slot
after he has advanced the appropriate number of levels, according to his group’s progression rate.
Wild talents may never have more than three of the five psionic attack forms.

Crystal Focus
Many psionicists find that they can achieve a deeper and more productive psionic trance by focusing their
meditations on an inanimate object. Crystals and gemstones are the most frequently used foci, because of their
clarity and durability. A crystal focus gives the psionicist a +1 bonus on power checks for one particular science or
To use this proficiency, the psionicist must first attune a crystal to one of his psionic powers. This requires a
proficiency check and two hours of meditation. After that, he can use the +1 bonus any time he initiates the power if
he has the crystal in contact with his body. A psionicist may only attune one crystal at a time. if he rolls a natural 20
on his power check, the crystal burns out and is destroyed.
The crystal doesn’t have to be very valuable-a plain quartz crystal is usually enough to establish focus.
Harness Subconscious: Through the use of this proficiency, a psionicist temporarily boosts
his PSP total. To procure these extra PSPs, the psionicist’s PSP total must be at its maximum.
Two full days (48 consecutive hours) must be spent gathering energy from subconscious
reserves. At the end of this time, the psionicist makes a proficiency check. Success increases his
PSP total by 20%, rounded up.
The extra PSPs remain available for 72 hours or until they are used up, whichever comes
first. At the end of 72 hours, the psionicist loses as many PSPs as he gained from his current total
(though the total won’t drop below 0).
During the 72 hours of boosted energy, the psionicist can’t recover PSPs if his current total
equals or exceeds his usual maximum. Once all of the bonus PSPs have been used, PSPs can be
recovered normally up to the usual maximum.

Information Gathering
Some characters have the ability to rapidly gather information from the underworld and the city streets. A character
with this proficiency will be aware of any major rumors circulating among the lowlife and commoners of an area.
With a successful proficiency check, the character can gather specific information about a person or place.
The roll is modified by the character’s reaction adjustment (his Charisma score). If the character uses this skill
outside his own territory-in another neighborhood or city-state, for example-he suffers a -3 penalty to his check. In
addition, the character must also spend 1d10 ceramic pieces for small bribes, buying drinks, and other such expenses
when he uses this skill. If he does not spend the money, he suffers an additional -3 penalty to the proficiency check.

Meditative Focus: This proficiency allows a psionicist to focus his mental energy into one
discipline, causing all powers within that discipline to receive MTHAC0 roll bonuses; powers
related to other disciplines receive MTHAC0 roll penalties.
The psionicist must meditate for 12 consecutive hours. He recovers PSPs normally during
this meditative state. When the period ends, the character makes a proficiency check. Success
means he has focused his energy into the chosen discipline. All MTHAC0 rolls for powers
within that discipline receive a +2 bonus for the next 24 hours or until his PSP total is reduced to
0, whichever comes first. All other disciplines get a -1 penalty for the same period.
Mental Armor: This proficiency allows a character to improve his mental armor class
(MAC). Each time this proficiency is placed in an available nonweapon slot, the character’s
MAC improves. Nonpsionicists improve by +1 for each slot; psionicists improve by +2. The
proficiency may only be slotted once per level advancement.

Power Manipulation
Power manipulation is the skill of amplifying a psionic power or devotion. This proficiency can only be used to
manipulate powers in the psionicist’s primary discipline. When the psionicist initiates or maintains a psionic power,
he may use power manipulation to boost its effects. First he initiates the power with a normal power check. Then he
may attempt power manipulation by making a proficiency check. The attempt incurs an additional cost of 5 PSPs,
whether he succeeds or fails. If the character makes a successful proficiency check, he achieves the result listed for
that devotion’s power score.
If the psionicist rolls a natural 20 on the proficiency check, he botches the manipulation attempt and suffers the
ill effects of rolling a 20 for that devotion’s power check.

Psionic Lore
This proficiency represents the study o famous masters of the Way and the methodology of developing mental
powers. The character is versed in the standard powers and effects. With a successful proficiency check, the
character can identify the general effects of any psionic devotion o science. For example, the character encounters a
dwarf walking across a silt basin without sinking. With a successful check, he can determine that the dwarf is using
the Body Equilibrium devotion.
The second benefit of this proficiency is the ability to recognize attack patterns in mental combat. If the character
makes a proficiency check with a -4 penalty, he is able to guess which attack and defense modes his opponent will
be using that round and select his own modes accordingly. The DM should make this check in secret; if the PC fails
the check, randomly decide which powers he thinks his opponent is using.
If two characters with psionic lore engage in mental combat, the character with the highest successful
proficiency check is able to read his opponent’s intentions. If the proficiency checks are the same, neither character
gains any information.

Psychic Defense
Some people are able to develop a rudimentary psionic defense, although they are not psionicists. They may be born
with exceptionally strong Wills, or they may have met a teacher who instructed them in the basics of psionic self-
When a character with this proficiency is attacked by contact or one of the five telepathic attack modes, he may
attempt to defend himself mentally. This must be declared after the attacker has announced his attack, but before he
resolves it-the defending character can’t wait to see if the attack succeeds.
If the defender makes a successful proficiency check, he manages to prevent contact for that one attack. Each
subsequent mental attack provides a cumulative -4 penalty to the proficiency check, so a character who has been
attacked three times in one encounter makes his check with a -12 penalty. Unlike a psionicist, whose attackers need
three tangents to force contact, the general defender is bested the first time his attacker succeeds and he fails his
psychic defense roll.
While a character is defending himself psionically, he may move and defend himself normally. However, he may
not cast spells or initiate any wild talents. The psychic defender can make melee or missile attacks, but he suffers a -
4 penalty to any attack rolls he makes since his attention is divided between his physical surroundings and the
mental assault.

Rejuvenation: This proficiency allows a psionicist to recover PSPs more quickly than is
usual by entering a rejuvenating trance. This state of deep concentration requires a successful
proficiency check. For every hour a hero maintains this trance (and makes the check), he regains
PSPs at twice the usual rate (one-quarter of his total instead of one-eighth). He can’t expend
PSPs while in this trance, and his state is much like deep sleep.

Wild Talents A wild talent is a hero from any character class other than the psionicist class
who has natural psionic potential. This potential can be present in any character, regardless of
class, alignment, or race. The alignment restrictions of the psionicist class don’t apply to wild
Wild talents have one or two psionic powers, up to three psionic defenses, and up to three
psionic attacks at their disposal once they’ve reached full power. The psionic defenses come
naturally, one at a time, according to the Psionic Progression table.
Psionic attacks are only gained after the PC places the contact proficiency in an available
nonweapon proficiency slot. A wild talent chooses one of the five attack forms at that time. He
may select a second and a third attack form when slots become available according to his group
proficiency progression (as outlined in the Player’s Handbook).

Testing for Wild Talents

Testing for wild talents involves risk. The test must be performed when a character is
created, when a character’s Wisdom score increases, when psionics are introduced into a
campaign, or the first time a character receives psychic surgery.
Every character and monster has a base chance of 1% to be a wild talent. This is modified as
Each Wis, Con, or Int score of 18+ +3%
Each Wis, Con, or Int score of 17 +2%
Each Wis, Con, or Int score of 16 +1%
Character is 5th to 8th level +1%
Character is 9th level or higher +2%
Wizard, priest, or non human* ½

* Round fractions up. Apply this penalty only once, even if checking a non human wizard or
the like.

Once a character’s chance to be a wild talent is determined, roll percentile dice. Results are
as follows:
· If the result is more than the modified chance and less than 97, the character is not a wild
· If the result is less than or equal to the modified chance, the character is a wild talent. The
player rolls percentile dice and consults the WIld Talents table. His character’s PSPs are
determined as under the Psionic Strength Points section.
· If the result is 97, the character must save vs. death or his Wisdom is permanently reduced by
1d6 points.
· If the result is 98, the character must save vs. death or his Intelligence is permanently reduced
by 1d6 points.
· If the result is 99, the character must save vs. death or his Constitution is permanently
reduced by 1d6 points.
· If the result is 100, the character must save vs. death at -5 or his Wisdom, Intelligence, and
Constitution scores are all permanently reduced to 3 points.

Table 83: Wild Talents

Roll Roll Roll Roll
1d100 Wild Devotion 1d100 Wild Devotion 1d100 Wild Devotion 1d100Wild Science
- Clairsentient Devotions - - Psychometabolic Devotions - - Psychoportive Devotions - - Clairsentient Sciences -
01-02 All-round vision 28-29 Absorb disease 71-72 Astral projection 01-06 Aura sight
03 Combat mind 30-31 Adrenaline control 73-74 Dimensional door 07-14 Clairaudience
04-05 Danger sense 32 Aging 75-77 Dimension walk 15-22 Clairvoyance
06-07 Feel light 33-34 Biofeedback 78-79 Dream travel 23-27 Object reading
08 Feel sound 35 Body control 80-81 Phase 28-32 Precognition
09 Hear light 36 Body equilibrium 33-36 Sensitivity to psychic
10 Know direction 37-38 Body weaponry - Telepathic Devotions - impressions
11-12 Know location 39-40 Catfall 82-84 Conceal thoughts
13 Poison sense 41 Cause decay 85-87 Empathy - Psychokinetic Science -
14-15 Radial navigation 42-43 Cell adjustment 88-89 ESP 37-44 Telekinesis
16-17 See sound 44-45 Chameleon power 90-91 Life detection
18 Spirit sense 46 Chemical simulation 92-93 Psychic messenger - Psychometabolic Sciences -
47 Displacement 94-96 Send thoughts 45-49 Animal affinity
- Psychokinetic Devotions - 48-49 Double pain 97-98 Roll two devotions 50-53 Complete healing
19-20 Animate shadow 50 Ectoplasmic form 99 Roll one science 54-55 Death field
21-22 Control light 51-52 Enhanced strength 100 Roll one devotion and 56-61 Energy containment
23-24 Control sound 53 Expansion one science 62-63 Life draining
25 Molecular agitation 54-55 Flesh armor 64-72 Metamorphosis
26-27 Soften 56 Graft weapon 72-80 Shadowform
57-58 Heightened senses
59 Immovability - Psychoportive Sciences -
60-61 Lend health 81-83 Probability travel
62-63 Mind over body 84-86 Teleport
64-65 Reduction
66-67 Share strength - Telepathic Sciences -
68-70 Suspend animation 87-92 Mindlink
93-95 No science gained
96-100 Roll two sciences

Psionic Powers There are five parameters integral to each psionic power. They are:
MAC: The number that the user must roll against with an MTHAC0 roll to activate the
power against an open mind. Bonuses to a power’s MAC score make it lower, thus harder to hit.
While penalties make it higher, and thus easier to roll against. See “Using Psionic Powers” for
more details.
PSP Cost: The number of PSPs that must be spent per round to use a psionic power. The
secondary number is the PSP cost if the MTHAC0 roll fails.
Range: The maximum distance from the user at which the power has an effect. “Touch”
requires the user to make physical contact with the target-that is, a THAC0 roll.
Area of Effect: The physical area or number of beings a power affects. “Personal” only
affects the user.
Prerequisite: Other sciences or devotions a character must know before being able to use a
particular power. Some prerequisites will list a level. This is the lowest level a psionicist using
this psionic power can be.
Once a psionicist has mastered the powers of his mind, the results can be as spectacular as
the explosive force of the psychokinetic science called detonate or as subtle as the clairsentient
devotion called see sound. Originally from The Complete Book of Psionics, Dragon Kings, and
The Will and the Way, the psionic powers described in this chapter have been revised to reflect
the new psionics system.
Obviously, not every psionic power could be contained here. For the most part, however,
changes have been kept to a minimum and are listed on the Psionic Powers Summary. The
summary provides the statistics needed to convert existing powers to the new system. The
revised statistics, the MAC score, and the reconfigured PSP cost replace the power score, initial
cost, and maintenance cost from the old psionics system.
The powers are divided alphabetically into the five disciplines (clairsentience, psychokinesis,
psychometabolism, psychoportation, and telepathy). The major powers (sciences) are presented
first in each section, followed by the minor powers (devotions). Each entry includes certain
parameters, as described in the accompanying sidebar.
If you’re new to psionics, skip the following paragraph. The explanation of the changes from
the old psionics system to the new may be confusing. If you’ve used psionics often in your past
campaigns, however, the following paragraph may help you understand the why behind some of
the system changes.
Power scores have been replaced by MAC scores, as the base mechanic for psionics has been
changed from a proficiency system to a combat system. Initial costs and maintenance costs have
been combined into a single PSP cost. Preparation time has been eliminated. Optional results
also have been eliminated, though they can still be used if DMs and players desire.

Will And the Way Wild talent tables

Revised Wild Talent Tables

This system of generating wild talents replaces the wild talent tables contained in The Complete Psionics Handbook. To determine your
character’s wild talent, roll on Table I with a 1d100. This will indicate which discipline your character’s wild talent is in. Then make
a second 1d100 roll on the indicated table. Your character may receive a bonus prerequisite power for the talent indicated; these are
marked by an asterisk (*). A character may only roll three talents, but there is no limit to the total number of powers-talents
requiring prerequisites could give the character as many as seven discrete powers.

Table I: Wild Disciplines

Roll Discipline Table
01-16 Clairsentience II
17-35 Psychokinesis III
36-61 Psychometablism IV
62-70 Psychoportation V
71-94 Telepathy VI
95-00 Sciences VII

Table II: Clairsentience

Roll Wild Devotion
01-07 All-Round Vision
08-11 Bone Reading*
12-17 Combat Mind
18-25 Danger Sense
26-28 Environment
29-34 Feel Moisture
35 Feel Sound
36 Feel Light
37 Hear Light
38-44 Know Course
45-48 Know Location
49-56 Know Direction
57-60 Poison Sense
61-64 Radial Navigation
65 See Magic
66-68 See Sound
69-70 See Ethereal
71-76 Sensitivity to Observation*
77-78 Spirit Sense
79-81 Watcher’s Ward
82-87 Weather Prediction*
88-90 Choose from above
91-94 Roll twice on this table1
95-98 Roll again2
99-00 Roll again3

Ignore another result of 88 or better.
Roll one power on this table, and then roll a second wild talent from Table I again. Ignore rolls of 88 or better.
Roll one power on this Then roll on Table VII until a Clairsentient Science is indicated. Ignore additional rolls of 88 or better

Table III: Psychokinesis

Roll Wild Devotion
01-04 Animate Object*
05-13 Animate Shadow
14-18 Ballistic Attack*
19-21 Compact
22-29 Concentrate Water*
30-33 Control Body*
34-39 Control Flames*
40-44 Control Sound
45-49 Control Light
50-52 Control Wind*
53-54 Cryokinesis
55-57 Deflect*
58-66 Levitation*
67-69 Magnetize
70-71 Molecular Bonding
72-76 Molecular Agitation
77-80 Return Flight
81-85 Soften
86-87 Static Discharge*
88-90 Choose from above
91-94 Roll twice on this table1
95-98 Roll again2
99-00 Roll again3

Ignore another result of 88 or better.
Roll one power on this, and then roll a second wild talent from Table I. Ignore rolls of 88 or better.
Roll one power on this Then roll on Table VII until a Psychokinetic Science is indicated. Ignore additional rolls of 88 or better.
Table IV: Psychometabolism
Roll Wild Devotion
01-05 Absorb Disease
06-07 Accelerate
08-09 Adrenalin Control
10 Aging
11-14 Biofeedback
15-16 Body Control
17 Body Weaponry
18-22 Body Equilibrium
23 Carapace
24-28 Catfall
29-30 Cause Decay
31 Cause Sleep
32-39 Cell Adjustment
40-41 Chameleon Power
42-43 Chemical Simulation
44-46 Displacement
47 Double Pain
48-49 Ectoplasmic Form
50-55 Enhanced Strength
56 Expansion
57-61 Flesh Armor
62-65 Graft Weapon
66-69 Heightened Senses
70 Immovability
71-75 Lend Health
76-77 Mind Over Body
78 Pheromone Discharge
79-80 Photosynthesis
81 Reduction
82-84 Share Strength
85-86 Spider Touch
87 Suspend Animation
88-90 Choose from above
91-94 Roll twice on this table1
95-98 Roll again2
99-00 Roll again3

Ignore another result of 88 better.
Roll one power on this table, and then roll a second wild talent from Table I again. Ignore rolls of 88 or better.
Roll one power on this Then roll on Table VII Psychometabolic Science is indicated. Ignore rolls of 88 or better.
Table V: Psychoportation
Roll Wild Devotion
01-05 Astral Projection
06-13 Blink
14-18 Dimension Blade*
19-26 Dimension Walk
27-37 Dimensional Door
38-40 Dream Travel
41-44 Duo-Dimension
45-49 Ethereal Traveler
50-57 Phase
58-59 Phase Object*
60-63 Pocket Dimension
64-69 Shadow Walk
70-71 Spatial Distortion
72-73 Teleport Lock*
74-77 Teleport Object*
78-81 Time Shift*
82 Time Duplicate*
83-87 Time/Space Anchor
88-90 Choose from above
91-94 Roll twice on this table1
95-98 Roll again2
99-00 Roll again3

Ignore another result of 88 better.
Roll one power on this table, and then roll a second wild talent from Table I again. Ignore rolls of 88 or better.
Roll one power on this table. Then roll on Table VII until a Psychoportive Science is indicated. Ignore additional rolls of 88 or

Table VI: Telepathy

Roll Wild Devotion
01-07 Acceptance
08 Amnesia*
09 Attraction*
10 Aversion*
11 Awe*
12-16 Conceal Thoughts
17-18 Daydream *
19-24 Empathy*
25-29 ESP*
30 False Sensory Input*
31-32 Identity Penetration*
33 Impossible Task
34-36 Incarnation Awareness*
37-38 Inflict Pain*
39 Invincible Foes*
40-43 Invisibility*
44-47 Life Detection
48-51 Mind Bar
52-59 Mind Blank
60 Phobia Amplification*
61 Post-Hypnotic Suggestion*
62-64 Psychic Messenger
65 Psychic Impersonation*
66 Repugnance*
67-70 Send Thoughts*
71 Sensory Suppression*
72-75 Sight Link*
76-78 Sound Link*
79-83 Suppress Fear
84 Synaptic Static*
85 Taste Link*
86 Telempathic Projection*
87 Truthear*
88-90 Choose from above
91-94 Roll twice on this table1
95-98 Roll again2
99-00 Roll again3

Ignore another result of 88 or better.
Roll one power on this table, and then roll a second wild talent from Table I again. Ignore rolls of 88 or better.
Roll one power on this table. Then roll on Table VII until a Telepathic Science is indicated. Ignore additional rolls of 88 or better.

Table VII: Sciences

Roll Wild Science
Clairsentient Sciences
01-02 Aura Sight
03-06 Clairaudience
07-10 Clairvoyance
11-14 Detection
15 Object Reading
16-17 Precognition
18-19 Sensitivity to Psychic Impressions
20 Choose from above
Psychokinetic Sciences
21-22 Detonate *
23-24 Disintegrate *
25-26 Kinetic Control
27 Molecular Rearrangement*
28-29 Project Force *
30-34 Telekinesis
35 Telekinetic Flight *
36 Telekinetic Barrier *
37 Choose from above
Psychometabolic Sciences
38-42 Animal Affinity
43-44 Complete Healing
45 Death Field
46 Energy Containment
47 Life Draining
48-49 Metamorphosis
50 Nerve Manipulation*
51 Poison Simulation*
52 Regenerate*
53-55 Shadow-form
56 Choose from above
Psychoportive Sciences
57-58 Banishment*
59-62 Probability Travel
63 Summon Planar Creature*
64-69 Teleport
70-71 Teleport Other *
72 Time Travel*
73 Wormhole*
74 Choose from above
Telepathic Sciences
75-77 Domination *
78-84 Ejection
85 Fate Link*
86 Hallucination*
87 Mass Domination*
88-92 Mindlink*
93 Mindwipe*
94 Probe*
95 Superior Invisibility*
96 Switch Personality*
97 Choose from above
98-99 Roll again1
00 Roll twice on this table2

Roll one power on this table, and then roll a wild talent starting from Table I again. Ignore additional rolls on this table of 98 or
Ignore another result of 98 or better.
Wild Talent Tables

Just a few words, though. They reflect the fact that in order for there to be much of a
population there has to be a certain amount of people who have defense modes as well.
Anyone who has used the CPsiH wild talent tables has probably had the problem where PCs
with attack modes run rampant with just about all non-psionicist NPCs because their
lack of a defense mode. Of course, you could simply make a lot of the NPCs have them,
but if you are supposedly going according to the CPsiH tables, that doesn't make statistical
sense. This attack-mode vs. no defense mode problem is even more pronounced if one tries
to use psionics in a non-DARK-SUN setting/world, where no one who is a non-psionicist (a lot
of people!) has a defense mode. The fact that everyone has at least one psionic power is what
for me makes it the only place where I can really allow psionics into my games, for they
are simply too powerful anywhere else. Again, if you use the wild talent tables in the CPsiH,
the fact that so few people have defense modes gives rise to the same problem. I have
therefore opted to increase the chance that a given NPC has a defense mode so that about 3
in 10 NPCs have one. Now, if an important but not-too-powerful NPC (yes, they can
exist :) is attacked by a player, you are not too entirely off your statistical rocker to give
her/him a defense mode :D
Also, to make things fit correctly, I made up a few new psionic powers. I don't
have the CPsiH right in front of me, so I'm not sure if some of the powers on the
table are new or not, especially since I made it about 6 months ago. You can make them up
on your own, make it a reroll, substitute another power in its place, or ask me to post/mail
how I have them worked out in my system (aiding my feeble memory by telling me which
ones are really new, of course :) Well, long disclaimers aside, here it is...

Note: I inserted (new?) where I found a power that wasn't in CPsiH or DK

Psionic Wild Talents, Table 1

01-02Choose one on this table.

03-05Roll twice on this table.
07Conceal Thoughts
08Mind Bar
09 Awe
10Dream Travel
11Psychic Messenger
12Psychic Impersonation
13Heightened Senses
15Flesh Armor
17Body Control
18Mind Over Body
19Ballistic Attack
20Time/Space Anchor
21Sound Link
22Identity Penetration
23Graft Weapon
25Lend Health
26Share Strength
27Absorb Disease
28Control Light
29Animate Shadow
30Radial Navigation
31Poison Sense
32Know Location
33See Sound
34Feel Light
35All-round Vision
36-41Intellect Fortress
42-47Mind Blank
48-53Thought Shield
54-59Mental Barrier
60-65Tower of Iron Will
66Combat Mind
67Hear Light
68Feel Sound
69Know Direction
70Danger Sense
71Spirit Sense
72Control Sound
73Animate Object
74Suspended Animation
76Body Equilibrium
77 Catfall
78Cell Adjustment
80Sight Link
82Control Flames
83Adrenalin Control
84Body Weaponry
85Chemical Simulation
86Enhanced Strength
89Life Detection
90Send Thoughts
91Dimension Walk
92 Aging
93Astral Projection
94Synaptic Static
96-98Roll on Table 2.
99-00Roll once on this table and then on Table 2.

Psionic Wild Talents, Table 2

01-02Choose one on this table.

03-05Roll once on each table.
10Id Insinuation
11Mind Thrust
12Energy Redirection (new?)
13Energy Absorption
14 Probe
15Mass Domination
17Inflict Pain
18Post-Hypnotic Suggestion
19Control Body
21Time Shift
22Telepathic Projection
23Phobia Amplification
24Molecular Agitation
25Cause Decay
26Project Force
27Teleport Other
28Complete Healing
29Switch Personality
30Chameleon Power
32Fate Link
34Object Reading
35Aura Sight
36-41Intellect Fortress
42-47Mind Blank
48-53Thought Shield
54-59Mental Barrier
60-65Tower of Iron Will
66Sensitivity to Psychic Impressions
68Summon Planar Creature
74Dimension Door
75Animal Affinity
76 ESP
77Molecular Manipulation
78Ectoplasmic Form
81Molecular Rearrangement
82Death Field
83Double Pain
84Invincible Foes
85Superior Invisibility
88Energy Transformation(new?)
89Psionic Blast
90Ego Whip
91Psychic Crush
92Flight (new?)
93Psionic Sense
96-98Roll twice on Table 2
99-00Choose one power from this table.
Clairsentient Powers Clairsentient powers allow characters to perceive things beyond the
natural range of human and demihuman senses. Revised sciences and devotions are presented

Aura Sight
(clairsentient science)
MAC: 7 (base)
PSP Cost: 9/3
Range: 50 yards
Area of Effect: Personal
Prerequisite: None

With this power, the user can detect auras (the normally invisible envelope of colored light
that surrounds all living things). Each use of the power gives the user one piece of information-
either the target’s alignment (one portion of it) or relative level of power, but not both
This power can be used twice per round (for two PSP costs and with two MTHAC0 rolls) to
examine two different auras or the same aura twice. The user can be discreet, but he needs to
gaze at the target. Using the power from a distance is less noticeable than using it up close.
The level (or Hit Dice) of the target character affects the MTHAC0 roll. The higher the level
of the target, the tougher it is to interpret the aura. The power’s MAC should be improved by 1
for every three levels (or HD) the target has, rounded down. For example, an 8th-level target
improves the power’s MAC by 2, making it MAC 5 (and therefore harder to roll against).
The DM should relate game-related information in a story sense, rather than in mechanical
terms. In the case of alignment, the user sees colored light that represents an element: 1) blue
(lawful); 2) gray (neutral); 3) red (chaotic); 4) white (good); or 5) black (evil). Relative level of
power can be described as follows: 1) dim aura (a low-level target, 1st to 5th level); 2) bright
aura (a mid level target, 6th to 13th level); 3) dazzling aura (a high-level target, 14th to 20th
level); and 4) blinding aura (a target above 20th level).

(clairsentient science)
MAC: 8 (base)
PSP Cost: 5/2
Range: Unlimited
Area of Effect: Special
Prerequisite: None

This power allows the user to hear sounds from a distant area. The user picks a location he
knows, makes an MTHAC0 roll, then listens to everything he would be able to hear normally if
he were standing in that spot. If the user has enhanced hearing, that ability also applies to the use
of clairaudience. The power doesn’t screen out noise around the user’s physical body, which may
make it difficult to hear sounds elsewhere. The power doesn’t provide any abilities to understand
languages or interpret sounds. The distance of the listening spot modifies the power’s MAC, as
shown below.
Range Power’s MAC
100 yards 8
1,000 yards 6
10 miles 4
100 miles 2
1,000 miles 0
10,000 miles -2
Interplanetary* -4

* Clairaudience only works within a given plane or crystal sphere.

For example, a user trying to hear something 10,000 miles away would require a roll against
a lower MAC. Instead of 8, for the closest range, the mental armor class would now be -2. If the
user’s MTHAC0 is 15, he needs to roll a 17 to successfully employ this power.

(clairsentient science)
MAC: 7 (base)
PSP Cost: 5/2
Range: Unlimited
Area of Effect: Special
Prerequisite: None

This power allows the user to see images from a distant location. The user picks a spot he
knows, makes an MTHAC0 roll, then looks at everything he would be able to see if he were
standing in that spot. The user’s field of vision is the same as normal, and turning his head allows
him to scan the area.
Clairvoyance doesn’t replace normal vision. The user still sees what’s around his physical
location, with the distant scene superimposed. Closing one’s eyes blocks the double vision and
leaves only the distant scene. This power doesn’t enhance vision, so hidden or invisible objects
remain undetected. The distant scene is visual only; there is no sound.
The distance of the viewing spot modifies the power’s MAC, as shown below.

Range Power’s MAC

100 yards 7
1,000 yards 5
10 miles 3
100 miles 1
1,000 miles -1
10,000 miles -3
Interplanetary* -5

* Clairvoyance only works within a given plane or crystal sphere.

Cosmic Awareness (High Science)
Power Score: Wis-6
Initial Cost: 20
Maintenance Cost: 10/round
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 5
Area of Effect: varies
Prerequisites: 10th level, clairvoyance, detection, all-round vision

Cosmic awareness is the High Science of Clairsentience and can only be utilized by those powerful few
that have dedicated themselves to being able to sense all that they can. It allows a psionicist to perceive all
things that are occurring within the area of effect. The character is essentially gifted with X-ray vision that
extends into the astral and ethereal planes. She sees all inanimate features within the area of effect; she
can see what is on the other side of the hill, detect hidden caves, see secret doors and traps, and even
detect lodes of unusual minerals or other geological phenomena.
In addition to inanimate objects, the psionicist also perceives forces-winds, water currents, or spell
effects such as glyphs of warding, areas of reversed gravity, and so forth.
All living creatures larger than a microbe are perceived. Cosmic awareness detects invisibility, detects
evil/good, and detects magic without fail. Illusions are perceived for what they are. Creatures who are
shapechanged or polymorphed are noted and their true forms understood. Ethereal, astral, phased,
ectoplaesmic, or gaseous creatures are seen as well. Details of the creature’s equipment are detected
down to the number of gold pieces in their purses.
The character also hears all sounds and detects all smells within the area.
On the first round that this power is used, the psionicist perceives everything within a 10-foot radius
around her. For each additional round the power is maintained, she may extend her perception radius by
another 10 feet.
Before a psionicist can select this power, she must engage in research by intense meditation to gain a
High Science, as described in Chapter Seven.
Power Score: The psionicist begins with an extended perception radius of 30 feet.
20: The psionicist is overwhelmed by the amount of information being pumped into her brain and
must save versus spells or be struck deaf and blind for 1d4 hours.

Power Score: Wis-2
Initial Cost: 15
Maintenance Cost: 6/round
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 1
Area of Effect: special
Prerequisites: none

Detection is the art of finding substances or items by their psychic vibrations. It can be used to dowse for
water, to find lost items, or to prospect for gold. To use this power to locate a substance, the psionicist
must have a sample of what he is searching for. To locate an item, he must have seen the item himself or
successfully used object reading on its owner.
The initial range is 30 yards, but by maintaining the power the psionicist can expand the radius of the
search by 10 yards per round. At first, the character only detects the nearest location of what he is
seeking, but by maintaining the power he can detect more sources at the rate of one per round, working
from the nearest to the farthest.
Power Score: The character detects all sources within range and also gets a rough idea of their numbers
or concentrations.
20: The character imagines a concentration of what he is looking for in a random direction.

Magic Sight

Power Score: Wis -7

Initial Cost: 8 PSP
Maintenance Cost: 5/rnd
Range: 50 yrds
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: one person or object
Prerequisites: Spellcasting proficiency

This tough science allows the psionicist to scan an object or person for information on any
magic present. On objects, the power will reveal the type of magic (alteration, summoning, etc.)
they contain, but not which spells or specific powers they have. Further rounds might reveal
other lesser types of magic found on the object. Thus, a staff of power could be scanned for
several rounds, and several results would be obtained, with the strongest magics being detected
first. If a spellcasting proficiency check is made, the psionicist will now hazy details about the
magic involved. (The staff can protect you, or it can cover your enemies with deadly flames,
On persons, the power analyzes any spells cast on that person. Each round spent reveals what
spell is cast on the person, again starting with the most powerful. If a spellcasting proficiency
check succeeds, at a +2 bonus, the psionicist knows how long the spells on that person will last.

Power Score-Learn all information in 1 round.

20-Some or all data is wrong, at DM's discretion.

Murdock's Improved Radar Sense

Power Score: Wis -2

Initial Cost: 16
Maintenance Cost: 4 / round
Range: Sight
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisites: none

The psionicist using this power gains a very good picture of his surroundings composed with
improved uses of all other senses. The picture he sees is colorless and quite hazy but the
character can see in all directions simultaneously as in all-round vision. Additionally, his field of
vision is doubled.
This picture is composed using sounds, tactile sensations, felling the air movement, smells, ... it
is the result of a group work of all senses. The psionicist should close his eyes and cannot use
his normal vision when using this power. If the psionicist uses his normal vision the power ends.
Radar sense allows the psionicist to “see” even in complete darkness. Even magical darkness
won’t affect this power. Invisible objects can be seen just as easily as other objects, and illusions
can be easily detected. Very small details, as well as painted patterns, pictures or writings cannot
be seen by using radar sense. If the psionicist touch the writings he can “see” it with the tactile
effect, but he still has only a black and white picture.
Spell effect as magical silence or vacuum can blur the picture but cannot “blind” this radar,
since it uses all senses except vision. The DM can assign penalties for any effect that disturbs
one of the senses, except vision.
The DM can optionally grant a bonus to some tasks made with this power. (e.g. Acrobatics,
move silence, hide in shadows, ...)
Reference: Dare Devil (Matt Murdock), The man without fear (Comic)

Power Score-All senses are perfect and the psionicist can perform any task much better (gain a
+2 or +20% bonus in everything)
20-Overflow or signals. The psionicist is blind and deaf for 2d4 rounds.

Object Reading
(clairsentient science)
MAC: 7
PSP Cost: 12/6
Range: 0
Area of Effect: Touch
Prerequisite: None

This power allows the user to detect psionic impressions left on an object by a previous
owner. These impressions include the owner’s race, sex, age, and alignment. The power can also
reveal how the owner came to possess the item and how he lost it. An object can be read
successfully only once per experience level. Additional readings at the same level reveal no new
The amount of information gained depends on the MTHAC0 roll. Success rolls start with the
number the user needs to get MAC 7 and then improve from there, as noted below. The user
learns the information listed, plus all results above it.

Success Roll Information Gained

0 to +2 Last owner’s race
+3 to +4 Last owner’s sex
+5 to +6 Last owner’s age
+7 Last owner’s alignment
+8 and up How last owner gained and lost object

Radar Sense
Power Score: Wis -4
Initial Cost: 12
Maintenance Cost: 8
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisite: none

The psionicist using this power gains a picture of his surroundings by analyzing the echoes
created when sound rebounds off objects. There must be some sound for the psionicist to "see",
and the picture he sees is colorless and quite hazy. A psionicist who uses the create sound
psychokinetic devotion to create high pitched clicks at short intervals can see a sharp picture.
Radar sense allows the psionicist to "see" even in complete darkness. even magical darkness
won't affect this power. Invisible objects can be seen just as easily as other objects, and illusions
are transparent (or semi-transparent if shadow magic is used). Small details, as well as painted
patterns, pictures or writings cannot be seen by using radar sense. Magical silence will cause the
psionicist to see only blackness. Thus a magically silenced person will look like a large black
The psionicist using radar sense has the black and white picture superimposed on what his eyes
see. This is often exactly what he wants, as it simply enhances his visual perception.

Power Score-The psionicist gains all round "vision" with the radar sense.
20-For 1d4 turns, loud sounds cause temporary blindness, and this power cannot be used.

Read Portrait

Power Score: Wis -6

Initial Cost: 24
Maintenance Cost: NA
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 yard
Prerequisite: none

This power allows a psionicist looking at a portrait or a sculpture of a person to find

information about that person. It can reveal his class or title, his alignment, age, and even his
current whereabouts. The amount of information gained depends on the result of the power
check. If the psionicist's power check is successful, he learns the information listed beside that
check result on the table below, plus all the information listed above it.

ResultInformation Gained
1Race & Sex
2Age at time of painting
3Current age
4Name and title
5Circumstances of painting
6Class, job or function
7 Level
8 Alignment
9Current location* - global
10Current location - within 10 miles
11Current location - within 1 mile
12+Current location - Exact

* Current location gives the whereabouts of the person, or the place of his body (if dead).
Global location is a country if the person is on the same continent as the psionicist, continent if
on the same planet, and planet if in the same crystal sphere. If the person in the portrait is outside
the crystal sphere, or on another plane, the psionicist cannot find his location, but senses that he
is not in this world.
A psionicist can use the power again, but he will not gain more information by doing so, unless
he advances a level. A use of the power will reveal things which have been modified, however,
such as the age, level or alignment. It will also give a new current location in case the person has
moved, or the psionicist is close enough to get a better global location.

Power Score-The psionicist gains all the above information, as well as a 5 second vision of the
person's current location (which is enough for him to teleport there).
20-If the person is alive (or undead), he senses that someone is in possession of the portrait,
and gains the global current location of the psionicist.

Spirit Lore
Power Score: Int-3
Initial Cost: 30
Maintenance Cost: 8/round
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 3
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisites: spirit sense

Some psionicists are close to the spirits and can gain information from them. Spirit lore is a risky method
of learning deeply-hidden secrets or unravelling mysteries. The psionicist must ask very specific
questions when using this power; the spirits will never volunteer information and often seek to distort or
confuse the truth.
When this power is initiated, the DM should roll the power check in secret. The result of the
psionicist’s power check determines the quality of the information he receives. However, no matter what
the result is, the DM should try to he mysterious and vague in his answers. The spirits possess a lot of
knowledge about a lot of different things and matters, but they are not omniscient.

Power Check Result

1-2 The spirit doesn’t know the answer and lies
3-4 The spirit knows only part the answer and embellishes the truth, hoping to deceive the
5-6 The spirit doesn’t know, admits its ignorance
7-8 The spirit knows the answer, but tries to disguise truth in deceptive riddles
9+ The spirit knows the answer to the question and answers truthfully

If the result is a failure, the psionicist finds no spirits to contact. The psionicist may ask one question
per round of the spirit world. A clever character will cross-examine a spirit to determine its truthfulness.
Power Score: A very knowledgeable and helpful spirit is contacted.
20: The psionicist contacts a malicious entity that attempts to magic jar the psionicist out of his body.

True Sight
Power Score: Wis-4
Initial Cost: 15
Maintenance Cost: 9/round
Range: self
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: 60' path 10' wide
Prerequisites: clairvoyance

The psionicist can pierce any normal or magical obscurement to a range of 60 feet. Creatures or objects
that are invisible are detected, unless someone is using psionic invisibility against the psionicist. The
character can pierce illusions and detect anything phased, displaced, or ethereal.
Unlike the clerical spell true seeing, the true sight power does not confer the ability to see alignments,
enchantments, polymorphed items, or secret doors.
Power Score: The psionicist gains the additional powers of the spell true seeing as described above.
20: The psionicist sees through everything he looks at and believes that everything is illusionary for
3d6 turns.

All-Round Vision
(clairsentient devotion)
MAC: 8
PSP Cost: 5/2
Range: 0
Area of Effect: Personal
Prerequisite: None

This power lets the user see in all directions simultaneously. This has obvious benefits,
including a +2 surprise roll bonus to the user for encounters where being able to see is an
advantage. There is a penalty, however. While this power is in effect, gaze attacks against the
user receive a +4 bonus.

Aura Contrast
Power Score: Wis -2
Initial Cost: 5
Maintenance Cost: 4/round
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisite: aura sight

This power, a lesser version of aura sight, enables the psionicist to determine
whether or not a body has a contrasting aura compared to the plane that they're both on.
The psionicist does not actually see the aura, but he can make out the fact that his aura if
different from the plane. For example, a psionicist can use this on Arborea to detect that
a lawful good paladin of Tyr is not chaotic good. If the aura is the same, the psionicist
learn that the person's aura matches that of the plane. Only planes with three alignments
(i.e. Arcadia, the Beastlands, Bytopia, etc.), this power can detect either component of
them. For example, the psionicist could tell that someone was lawful good or lawful
neutral person on Arcadia because of the contrast in their auras. The psionicist may only
examine one target per round with this power, unlike the normal alteration to aura sight.
This is because aura contrast provides much fainter outlines.
Power Score: The psionicist may examine two people per round.
20: The psionicist cannot distinguish an individual's aura from that of the plane,
making the psionicist believe that everyone's alignment is the same as the plane.

Bone Reading
Power Score: Wis-1
Initial Cost: 15
Maintenance Cost: NA
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 1
Area of Effect: one item
Prerequisites: object reading

The psionicist can use a creature’s remains to form an impression of who it was and what it was doing
when it perished. Fragments of bone are usually used, but the power works on any corpse or portion of a
corpse. The amount of information gained depends on the psionicist’s power check result:

Power Check Information Gained

1-2 Deceased’s race
3 Deceased’s sex
4 Deceased’s age
5 Deceased’s identity
6 Appearance in life and alignment
7 Date of death
8+ Method of death
The information above is cumulative, so a result of 4 yields the deceased’s race, sex, and age. This
power is difficult to use on very old remains. The more recently a creature died, the more accurate the
reading will be.

Time Since Death Power Check Penalty

1 day 0
1 week -1
1 month -2
1 year -3
10 years -4
100 years -6
1,000 years -12

Power Score: The psionicist is able to view the last 10 minutes of the deceased’s life from the departed’s
point of view.
20: The psionicist angers the spirits. The DM should determine the exact effects.

Combat Mind
(clairsentient devotion)
MAC: 6
PSP Cost: 4/2
Range: 0
Area of Effect: Personal
Prerequisite: None

This power gives the user an unusually keen understanding of his enemies and their fighting
tactics. As a result, the user’s side gains a -1 bonus to all initiative rolls during combat for every
round the power is in effect. This bonus is in addition to any other modifiers that may apply.

Comprehend Writing

Power Score: Wis

Initial Cost: 5
Maintenance Cost: 2/round
Range: 20 yards
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisite: none

(Editor's Note: This power is listed as a power for the Baku in both the Complete
Psionics Handbook and the Planescape Monstrous Compendium, but does not seem to be
detailed in any of the psionics books. Here is my attempt at creating it.)
Using this power enables the psionicist to read any language through the power of
psychic impressions on the surface it was written on. Any number of languages may be
read while under this spell's duration: a psionicist may read a text written in Ancient
Baatorian and then switch to Eladrin Love Poetry. In all respects, it functions as a
normal comprehend languages spell would. This spell does not allow the psionicist to
read magical writings and is still subject to spells such as illusionary script and secret
Power Score: The maintenance cost is free for the first two rounds.
20: The psionicist misinterprets whatever he reads, though he is not aware of any

Danger Sense
(clairsentient devotion)
MAC: 8
PSP Cost: 3/1
Range: 50 yards
Area of Effect: Personal
Prerequisite: None

This power produces a slight tingling sensation at the back of the user’s neck whenever a
hazard or threat is near. When a character wants to activate this power, the DM makes the
MTHAC0 roll for the character in secret. The DM informs the user whether the power has been
successfully activated, but not how high the roll was. For every round that the user keeps the
power in effect, he receives advance warning about the general direction of a threat.
No details about the type of danger are learned, or how or when the danger will strike. How
much warning depends on the MTHAC0 roll. If the roll succeeds by +1 to +6, the user receives
warning just moments before danger strikes. This gives him the opportunity to act before the
danger strikes in the round, but no time to warn others. If the roll succeeds by +7 or better, the
user knows whether danger is lurking within the area of effect a full round before it shows itself.
In addition to the above benefits, the power gives the user a +2 bonus to surprise rolls.

Detect Invisible

Power Score: Int -3

Initial Cost: 6
Maintenance Cost: 6
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisite: none

With this power a psionicist can detect invisible creatures and objects. The power relies on
the fact that invisibility is never perfect, and always gives a slight shimmering effect. When in
use, this power enhances the ability of the psionicist to detect this effect, and allows him to see
the invisible thing as a light gray blob.
If the invisible body is moving, the psionicist automatically detects it. If it is standing still (an
inanimate object, for example), the psionicist must roll a second successful power check to detect
This power does not allow a psionicist to see in the dark. In fact, since it's based on visual
perception, it doesn't work as well when there is not enough light. The following table gives the
chance to detect invisibility (for a moving object) as well as the to-hit penalty in various light

Condition Penalty Chance to Detect

Clear day 0 100%
Twilight -1 80%
Moonlight -2 40%
Starlight* -4 10%
Total darkness -4 0%

* In starlight the psionicist has a small chance of detecting the invisible creature, but he must
concentrate on it, and thus does not gain any bonus to hit.

Power Score-The psionicist sees an inanimate object with no need for a

power roll.
20-The psionicist cannot see one object or creature in his vicinity for 1d6 rounds.

Feel Radiation

Power Score: Wis -4

Initial Cost: 9
Maintenance Cost: 7
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisite: none

This power is much like feel light, except that the psionicist can feel any wavelength, and not
just visible light. In effect, this gives the psionicist infravision, as well as ultravision.
Ultravision can show details not visible through normal sight (such as the patterns of some
If a large part of the psionicist's body is exposed, the psionicist receives more light through
his body, and can see much better in dark conditions. Thus twilight and a moonlit night seem
like a normal day, and a starlit night looks like twilight. Total darkness is still total darkness,
but a condition which looks like total darkness to a normal human might look like starlight or
moonlight to the psionicist.

Power Score-The psionicist can see more light even if only his head is exposed.
20-The psionicist suffers 1 point of damage per round for 1d10 rounds when exposed to light.

Feel Sound
(clairsentient devotion)
MAC: 8
PSP Cost: 4/2
Range: 0
Area of Effect: Personal
Prerequisite: None

This power makes the user’s body sensitive to sound. It allows the user to continue to hear
even if his ears are disabled. He can’t detect sound where there is none, and the power doesn’t
work within areas of magical silence. The user gains a +2 bonus against all sonic attacks or
effects, including a siren’s song.

Helm Locator

Power Score: Wis -3

Initial Cost: 6 rnds
Maintenance Cost: 4/rnd
Range: Sight
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: 1 ship
Prerequisite: Clairvoyance

The power allows the psionicist to determine the location of the spelljammer/helm aboard an
active spelljamming vessel. It works like clairvoyance, providing an image of the helm room,
just as a clairvoyance would. The difference is that the psionicist need not know where the
room is. The image is suitable enough to allow the psionicist to teleport, dimension door, etc. to
that room (using the requisite power, of course). It does not, however, show where in the ship
this room is. The interior of the room may reveal this.

Power Score-Psionicist does know where the helm room is in relation to the rest of the vessel
(but not necessarily how to get there).
20-The psionicist sees a random room in the ship instead.
1-Power works, but helmsperson is aware of being watched.

Know Course
Power Score: Int-2
Initial Cost: 5
Maintenance Cost: 4/hour
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisites: none

This power allows the psionicist to hold an accurate course without deviation. To use this devotion, the
psionicist must know where he is going. This can be any place he has been before or can reference to a
place he has been. For example, if he knows that the village of Kled is 35 miles northeast of Tyr, he can
use this power to get to Kled even though he had only been to Tyr before.
The character must also know his current location. Once initiated, the character gets a strong feeling of
which way to go. (“Tyr is that way…”) The character’s direction bump continually updates as long as he
maintains this power, so he is certain to arrive at his destination eventually.
Power Score: The character can retrace his steps as if he had been using radial navigation.
20: The psionicist becomes obsessed with a minor landmark along the way and forgets where he is

Know Location
(clairsentient devotion)
MAC: 8
PSP Cost: 8/3
Range: 0
Area of Effect: Personal
Prerequisite: None

This power aids characters who travel via teleportation, gates, or other planes of existence.
When used successfully, it reveals general information about the user’s location. The information
is no more detailed than the responses of a simple farmer to the question “Where am I?” Some
typical responses are “A few miles southwest of Wingot Mountain”; “In the house of Fletch the
Blind”; and “On a tropical island in the Turomil Sea.”
The higher a successful MTHAC0 roll, the more precise the location. A roll of +1 to +4
higher than the MAC specifies a location within 10 miles. A roll of +7 or +8 higher than the
MAC targets an area within a mile. A roll of +9 or higher than the MAC gives the location in a
planar context (“the Astral Plane”).

Martial Trance
(clairsentient devotion)
MAC: 7
PSP Cost: 7/3
Range: 50 yards
Area of Effect: Personal
Prerequisite: 3rd level

This power helps the user in psionic combat. By entering a trance before combat begins, the
user focuses his complete attention on the psionic activity, tuning out other distractions. While in
the trance, the user gains a +1 bonus to all mental attack rolls, in addition to any other modifiers
that may apply.
The trance ends when the user chooses to end it, by any moderate physical contact (a blow,
shake, or slap), or when his PSPs are reduced to 0. As his attention is completely focused on the
psionic battlefield, any melee attacks against him hit automatically and cause maximum damage.

Move Focus

Power Score: Wis -1

Initial Cost: 2
Maintenance Cost: varies
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisite: clairaudience or clairvoyance

This power lets the psionicist move the viewing spot of his clairvoyance, or the focus of his
clairaudience. By paying the initial cost, the psionicist can change the direction he is viewing.
Movement in this way is not restricted by physical barriers.
The psionicist can move the focus by paying the maintenance cost.
Maintenance is 1 PSP per 6' of movement per round for clairvoyance, and 1 PSP per 3' for
clairaudience. The minimum maintenance cost is 1 PSP per round, so even if the psionicist wants
to stop moving the focus temporarily, he must pay, or else he must make a new power check and
pay the initial cost when he wants to move it again.

Power Score-Movement rate is doubled for the same PSP cost.

20-The clairaudience or clairvoyance power fails.

Poison Sense
(clairsentient devotion)
MAC: 10
PSP Cost: 1/1
Range: 1-yard radius
Area of Effect: Personal
Prerequisite: None

This power enables a user to detect the presence of poison and identify its location within 1
yard of his body (or presence, if he uses clairvoyance or astral projection). The type of poison
and how it can be negated aren’t revealed, only its presence.

Population Finder

Power Score: Int -2

Initial Cost: 15
Maintenance Cost: 5/rnd
Range: Within 1 mile of atmosphere (or where it would be, should the body not
have one.
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: 1 planet/moon/etc.
Prerequisite: None

Population Finder allows one celestial body to be examined. If successful, the power locates
the highest population centers (5 per round) on that body. The power also reveals a rough
estimate of the populations (several million, several thousand, greater than 100, etc.).
Alternatively, the psionicist can think of a specific population size (like 5'000 people) and know
where the closest matching population center lies.

Power Score-Receives a brief summary of what one city/area is like.

20-No information can be gained from this planet.

Portal Alarm

Power Score: Wis

Initial Cost: 5
Maintenance Cost: 1/hour
Range: touch
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: one portal
Prerequisite: none

This psionic power is similar to the 2nd level wizard spell Portal Alarm. When activated, it
sends a mental beacon to the psionicist, letting the psionicist know that it has been
activated. The psionic power may be maintained for as long as the psionicist remains on
one of the two planes that the portal is connected to.
Power Score: The psionicist knows the number of any people passing through the
20: The psionicist gets the signal randomly once every 1d4 turns.

Psionic Sense
(clairsentient devotion)
MAC: 8
PSP Cost: 2/1
Range: 200-yard radius
Area of Effect: Personal
Prerequisite: Mindlink

This power allows the user to detect psionic activity anywhere within 200 yards of his
location. Any expenditure of PSPs constitutes psionic activity. The first successful use of this
power reveals whether someone or something is psionically active within range. A second
successful use of the power in the following round reveals how powerful the activity is and
where the psionic activity is taking place (direction and distance). If psionic activity is occurring
in more than one location within the range, the user detects all of it.
Power levels are as follows: 1) low psionic activity (1 to 5 PSPs per round); 2) moderate
psionic activity (6 to 12 PSPs per round); and 3) high psionic activity (13+ PSPs per round).
Safe Path
Power Score: Wis-4
Initial Cost: 8
Maintenance Cost: 5/round
Range: special
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisites: danger sense

This power enables a psionicist to use her danger sense abilities to help guide her steps. By listening for
the warning tingle of her danger sense at work, she knows when to duck, when to dodge, and when to
move forward. This ability is more tactical than danger sense, provided the character trusts her instincts
and moves when she is supposed to.
A character using this ability to attempt a dangerous feet of climbing, balance, or coordination gains a
+4 (d20) or +25% (d100) to whatever rolls are required. The character could use this ability to walk blindly
across a room she knows to be full of traps and still receive the bonus on her chances to avoid the traps by
Dexterity checks or saving throws. In combat, the psionicist gains a -2 bonus to her Armor Class and a +4
bonus to saving throws each round she maintains the power.
Power Score: The character automatically succeeds with her first saving throw or ability check.
20: The character’s reactions are mistimed and she suffers penalties equal to the bonuses she would
have received had she successfully initiated the power.

See Ethereal
Power Score: Wis-5
Initial Cost: 4
Maintenance Cost: 2/round
Range: special
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisites: none

By using this power, the character extends his vision to the Border Ethereal with a range of 120 feet. He is
able to detect any ethereal characters, objects, or monsters. When the power is in use, the character sees
both the Ethereal Plane and the Prime Material Plane simultaneously.
In addition to ethereal creatures, the psionicist can see phased or displaced creatures. Dimension
walkers are revealed, and dimensional doors show as bright threads linking two portals. This power is
useful when fighting ethereal or phased monsters such as ghosts and phase spiders.
Power Score: The character can see out to the full range of his normal vision.
20: The character can see nothing but gray, swirling vapors for 1d4 hours.

See Heat

Power Score: Wis -3

Initial Cost: 7
Maintenance Cost: 4
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisite: none

The psionicist can see the heat radiated from objects. If this is the type of infravision used in
your campaign, treat this as normal infravision. Otherwise, the psionicist can see heat at any
distance, although at long distances he will be able to see only very hot things, and will probably
only see them as small red dots. Small details cannot be seen using this power, although it might
reveal things not normally seen in normal light.

Power Score-The psionicist also gains ultravision (cf. Feel Radiation).

20-The psionicist is blinded by heat for 1d10 rounds.

See Magic
Power Score: Wis-3
Initial Cost: 6
Maintenance Cost: 6/round
Range: 20 feet
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisites: none

The psionicist can use this power to perceive wizardly magic, including magical items, effects, and
potential. Any enchanted items, scrolls, spellbook, or potions glow faintly in the psionicist’s vision. He
can see continuing spell effects such as a fire trap, wall of stone, or even a character under the influence of a
charm person spell. See magic does not give the user the ability to determine what kind of magic is being
used; all he would know is that the item or person radiates magical energy.
If the psionicist passes his power check with a roll of 10 or better, he also can see the spell potential of
a magic-using character. A high-level wizard who has used up all of his spells would not have much
potential, but one who had not expended any memorized spells would glow very brightly. This ability
cannot detect priestly magic of any kind.
Power Score: The character discerns the type of enchantment on an item or area. For example, he can
tell that a fire trap is a trap of some kind.
20: The psionicist mistakenly believes a random item is highly magical.

See Magic

Power Score: Int -8

Initial Cost: 9
Maintenance Cost: 9
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisite: none
With this power the psionicist can see magical radiations. This is quite difficult, and he
requires a new power check each round. Stronger magic is easier to see, so the level of the magic
is added to the power check. To see a 9th level spell the psionicist must roll Int +1, for example.
Artifacts and relics radiate magic so strongly that no roll is needed after the first power check at
Int +1. Monsters with a strong connection to magical powers can also be detected by rolling Int -
12. One die roll is made per round, and the result determines which objects are seen.
When using this power, a psionicist can see a faint glow around the object or in the area being
affected. The stronger the magic, the stronger the glow. This glow can be seen even in the dark,
but it does not illuminate anything. A darkness spell will be seen as low magical radiation, but
nothing inside the magical darkness will be seen.

Power Score-The colour of the radiation depends upon the school of

20-The psionicist cannot use this power again that day.

See Sound
(clairsentient devotion)
MAC: 8
PSP Cost: 4/2
Range: Special
Area of Effect: Personal
Prerequisite: None

This power enables a user to perceive sound waves visually by converting those waves into
light impulses. Only a character who can see with normal vision can use this power. He can see
sound even in darkness, as sound waves don’t require light. The user can be “blinded” by
silence, however.

Sense Charm

Power Score: Wis -2

Initial Cost: 10
Maintenance Cost: 6/round
Range: 30 yards
Preparation Time: 1
Area of Effect: one creature in range
Prerequisite: Empathy

This devotion can detect if a person or monster is under the influence of a charm spell, or
similar control such as hypnosis, suggestion, beguiling, possession, any telepathic control such as
psionic domination, etc.
If the creature is psionically protected (any defense mode) a contest must be rolled, if the
victim wins, the psionicist learns nothing about that particular creature.
This devotion doesn't revels the exact type of influence.

Power Score-The charm can be broken at a cost of 20 PSP.

20-The psionicist is placed under the influence of the mind control as well.

Sense Evil

Power Score: Wis -2

Initial Cost: 8
Maintenance Cost: 6/round
Range: special
Preparation Time: 1
Area of Effect: special
Prerequisite: Empathy

This devotion discovers emanations of evil from any creature, object, or area. Character
alignment, however, is revealed only under unusual circumstances: characters who are strongly
aligned, who do not stray from their faith, and who are of at least 9th level might radiate evil if
intent upon appropriate actions. Powerful monsters such as rakshasas send forth emanations of
evil, even if polymorphed. Aligned undead radiate evil, for it is this power and negative force
that enable them to continue existing. An evilly cursed object or unholy water radiates evil.
The degree of evil (faint, moderate, strong, overwhelming) and possibly its general nature
(expectant, malignant, gloating, etc.) can be noted.
The devotion has a path of detection 10 feet wide in the direction in which the psionicist is
facing. The range depends on the degree of evil and usually varies between 30 and 500 yards.

Power Score-The psionicist can also sense goodness in a creature in the same degrees.
20-The psionicist's aura takes on that of a powerful evil creature.

Sensitivity to Observation
Power Scare: Wis
Initial Cost: 5
Maintenance Cost: NA
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: special
Prerequisites: none

Some characters have the uncanny ability to know when they are being watched. Sensitivity to
observation is a devotion that is triggered by the intense attention of another person or creature. Any time
the psionicist is under suck scrutiny, he may attempt a power check to see if he notices the attention. This
power is always active unless consciously suppressed.
A successful power check does not reveal the location of the watcher; it merely confirms the
character’s suspicion that he is being observed. If the observer is using clairvoyance or clairaudience to
monitor the psionicist, the psionicist may attempt to obscure the watcher’s scrying by winning a psychic
contest against his watcher. If successful, the watcher cannot scry against the psionicist for 1d4 hours.
Since the player will know his character is under observation when called upon to make this check,
the DM should occasionally provide false alarms or make the character’s power check for him in secret.
Power Score: The character immediately determines the location of his watcher.
20: The character becomes certain that everyone is watching him and borders on paranoia for 1d3
Touch Sight

Power Score: Wis -2

Initial Cost: 2
Maintenance Cost: 1
Range: touch
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisite: none

A psionicist with this power can "see" objects by passing his hand on them, much like a blind
man would do. He gains an accurate mental image of everything he touches. The image will
show only details which can be acquired by touch, so color will not be seen, for example.

Power Score-The power is so sensitive that the psionicist can detect the difference of ink from
paper, and colors can be discerned by their warmth (although not very accurately).
20-The psionicist loses all sensation in his hand for 2d10 rounds. This gives a -1 penalty to
attack rolls with this hand.

Watcher’s Ward
Power Score: Int-2
Initial Cost: 6
Maintenance Cost: 2/hour
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 1
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisites: none

By using this power, the psionicist attunes herself to her surroundings and becomes extremely sensitive
to any disturbances. The area covered can be as small as a single door or as large as a circle 60 feet in
radius, centered on the psionicist. If the psionicist moves out of the area after initiating the power, she
must re-initiate it if she wants to continue the watcher’s ward.
While this power is in effect, the psionicist can’t be surprised by the approach of any creature or force.
She is instantly aware of any changes in the area, but does not automatically spot the invaders-she only
knows that something is coming.
Power Score: The psionicist instantly determines the exact location and type of any intruders.
20: The psionicist believes her watch is faultless, but can actually be surprised normally.

Weather Forecast

Power Score: Wis -3

Initial Cost: 10
Maintenance Cost: 5/round
Range: NA
Preparation Time: 5 rounds
Area of Effect: 20 mile radius
Prerequisite: Precognition

This power allows the psionicist to know the weather for the next day. The area of knowledge
is only the immediate 20 mile radius around the psionicist. Only one piece of information can
be learned per round: Precipitation type and amount, Wind direction and speed, temperature lows
and highs, or humidity. This power will not detect magical changes in the weather, but will be
100% accurate for natural weather, including powerful storms like hurricanes or tornadoes.

Power Score-The forecast can be extended for 2 days or 40 miles.

20-The forecast is totally opposite of what will actually happen.


Power Score: Wis -8

Initial Cost: 40
Maintenance Cost: 10/round
Range: 40 yards
Preparation Time: 3
Area of Effect: 20' radius
Prerequisite: 13th level

A character using dreamfield can project thought waves into the minds of sleeping people.
This allows a psionicist to take control of dreams, and shape them in any manner they want.
Even other psionicists may have their dreams invaded by this without having first been defeated
in psionic combat. The attacking psionicist may not kill someone with this, or cause direct
physical harm, but if he/she chooses to create a nightmare in which in the victim is slain, then the
victim must roll save vs. spell at a -2 penalty without the benefit of WIS bonuses. If the save
fails, then the victim suffers fatigue, and will for 24 hours afterwards take a -2 penalty to all die
A psionicist can project this power to a centre point up to 40 yards distant from him/herself,
with an area of effect of a 20' radius. If a character is struck during the time they are trapped in
a dreamfield, then they will immediately awaken and break the effect of the dreamfield, if the
awakening occurred before the end of the dream. Also, the attacking psionicist may attempt this
but once per night on a particular victim. It takes 2+d2 rounds for the attacking psionicist to
complete the effect.
Special Note: If the Dreamland rules are used, a character who is in Dreamland (naturally or
otherwise) is unaffected by this power and cannot even be reached. If the psionicist tries this
power on a dreamer psionicist, the dreamer's conscious mind is immediately awoken and alerted
to the attempt. At this time, the psionicist is most vulnerable because the dreamer knows of the
attempt and can do something to the psionicist while they are still recovering from their failed

Power Score-Victims must save at a -4 penalty, and further, if they fail, they will suffer a -3
penalty to all die rolls for 24 hours afterwards.
20-The dreamfield backfires, and the psionicist falls into a trance where he/she suffers all the
effects of a horrific nightmare with the resulting penalties to die rolls, no save allowed. The
psionicist emerges from the trance when the nightmare is over.

Mystical Conduit

Power Score: Int -4

Initial Cost: 10+1/10 yards (or 40+1/10 yards)
Maintenance Cost: 2 PSP's
Range: <see cost>
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: NA
Prerequisite: Dimensional door, 6th level psionicist and knowledge of either Mage or
Priest magic.

This power opens an immobile conduit for mystical energy from the area immediately
surrounding the psionicist to anywhere within line of sight (see cost). The next spell cast from
where the psionicist was standing at the time the power was initiated will function as if it was
cast at the other end of the conduit. Thus the ranges of certain spells can be greatly increased.
Notice that spells, which affect the caster only (i.e., personal spells), will now affect whoever is
standing at the other end of the conduit or be wasted if nobody is standing there. A vampiric
touch (or fire shield) for example, could be cast at one end and whoever was at the other end
could now apply the vampiric touch (or be protected by a fire shield), and gain the full benefits
from it (i.e., reach out and touch someone, in case a vampiric touch had been cast). The original
caster has absolutely no control over the spell--it is as if the whoever was standing at the other
end of the conduit had actually cast the spell. Since the accuracy and power required for
transferring personal spells is much greater than for other spells, the cost is increased to 40 PSP's
+ 1 PSP per 10 yards.
The mystic conduit is visible only by a detect magic, true sight, or psionic powers such as
Heightened senses. It collapses the instant any spell is conducted in this way or if the
psionicist ceases paying the maintenance Cost.
NOTE: The conduit is one way only, thus it is not possible for a psionicist to steal a spell, as it
is being cast by an opponent.

Power Score-No PSP's must be paid to maintain this power.

20-The next spell cast near the psionicist will backfire.

Post Pone

Power Score: Int -6

Initial Cost: initial cost of the power (x2)
Range: Touch: 0
Area of Effect: individual
Maintenance Cost: 24/day
Preparation Time: 1 round per power postponed + 1 round
Prerequisite: 7th level

This power allows a psionicist to "postpone" a power till a later point in time. This consists of
the psionicist having to first make the power check to initiate the power, then having to make the
postpone power check. When the psionicist makes the power roll for the first power, he pays he
initial cost of the power, them when he initiates post pone he pays the same cost again. The
power that is postponed is "put on the back burner" till a later point in time, when the psionicist
wants to use the power he has postponed. This power will allow a psionicist to maintain any
power he can use at the time (even if he can only use because of convergence, if he can use it he
can post pone it), this includes both once and done power, and maintainable powers. This
power has a serious draw back while a power is being maintained the psionicist can not get back
ANY PSPs due to the fact that he is using a power at that time (spending exactly 1 PSP per

Power Score-If a power score is rolled this power only uses half the normal PSPs to maintain,
and in so doing allows a psionicist to regain PSPs every other hour (depending upon whether or
not he rests)
20-The power is disrupted and the psionicist must begin again to try to postpone the power.

PsiBlast (MetaPsionic Devotion)

Power Score : Int
Initial Cost : 15
Maintenance Cost : n/a
Range : as per CrossBow
Preparation Time : 0
Area of Effect : Individual
Prerequisites : nil

PsiBlast is a blast of Psionic energy that an ESPer throws from his hand, forehead, or from his body. Damage is
1d10x 2 levels. For example, Zamiel, a 4th Level ESPer throws a PsiBlast at an Orc, rolling max (10). That Orc
takes 20 points of damage.

Power Score - Damage x2

20 - No other effect.

Psionic Transference

Power Score: Wis -4

Initial Cost: Varies
Maintenance Cost: NA
Range: touch
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: individual
Prerequisite: psychic surgery, 7th level
This science allows the Psionicist to transfer some of his psionic powers to a non-psionicist
(the Psionic version of a Priest's "Imbue with Spell Immunity"). First the Psionicist must
successfully use psychic surgery on the recipient (to prepare him for the sudden psionic
overflow), then he must make a successful power check for Psionic Transference. Finally the
psionicist must make a successful power check for each power he wishes to transfer to the
recipient (note that rolling a 20 or the exact power score won't make a difference). If the
Psionicist is successful he subtracts 10 PSPs per successfully transferred science, and 5 PSPs per
successfully transferred devotion. For every unsuccessful attempt to transfer a power the
Psionicist subtracts 5 PSPs per science and 2 PSPs per devotion, but he can attempt to transfer
the power again.
The psionicist may attempt to as many powers as he want (as long as he doesn't run out of
PSPs), but powers that need prerequisites must be met by the recipient, so if a Psionicist wanted
to transfer Psychic Drain the Psionicist would have to transfer telepathy, contact and the
recipient would have to be 6th level. All powers transferred by the Psionicist can NOT be used
by the Psionicist for until the recipient is slain, the recipient has used up his PSPs or 24 hrs have
passed... whichever comes first. The psionicist must also lend his PSPs to the recipient for the
recipient to use the powers (the PSPs used to transfer powers doesn't count, this PSP transfer is
for lending the Psionicist PSPs directly to the recipient). For PSP transfer rate is 1:1. The PSPs
transferred to the recipient taken away from the Psionicist's current and MAXIMUM PSP total.
So if the Psionicist has a max of 150 PSPs and lends 50 to recipient the Psionicist can have no
more than 100 PSPs. The recipient uses his own con, Int and Wis when determining power

Power Score-Psionicist retains his powers (but not PSPs) with a -5 to power score.
20-The Psionicist passes out for 1d6 turns, the recipient passes out for 2d6 turns.

*In Dark Sun the Psionicist can transfer powers to people with wild talents but not other

PsiSpear (MetaPsionic Devotion)

Power Score : Int-2
Initial Cost : 20
Maintenance Cost : n/a
Range : as per Hand CrossBow
Preparation Time : 0
Area of Effect : individual
Prerequisites : PsiSword

PsiSpear is the Ranged version of the PsiSword. The ESPer creates a shimmering spear of mental energy and hurls it
at an opponent. Damage is 1d20.

Power Score - Double Damage.

20 - No other effect... the spear appears and fizzles.

PSP Lightning
Power Score: Con -8
Initial Cost: varies
Maintenance Cost: same as Initial Cost
Range: 25 yards
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: 1 Creature
Prerequisite: 9th level

The psionicist converts PSPs into pure energy that resembles (but is not) lightning. The
conversion is 1 PSP for 1d3 points of damage. A psionicist may convert 1 PSP per level in a
round. So a level 15 psionicist may convert 15 PSPs to 15d3 points of damage. No saving
throw is allowed, and powers like Energy Containment have no effect in blocking this attack.
Also, spells such as Protection from Lightning and Resist Fire, are useless. If a telepathic
defense mode is active, however, then damage is reduced by 10% since this energy is mental in
origin. Further, if a mind is open to contact then the victim takes 10% more damage than what
is specified in the die rolls. A victim takes normal damage either when they are a mind closed
to contact not using a defense mode, or when they are a mind open to contact that is resisting in
the manner described in the entry for the contact power in CPH.
This power is physically taxing, and may not be used for more than 4 rounds before the
psionicist has to rest for 2 rounds. The psionicist may opt to expend fewer PSPs than his/her
maximum. The psionicist must announce both before making an initiative roll and making a
power check how many PSPs they intend to expend.

Power Score-The conversion rate of PSP to damage improves to 1d6 points of damage per PSP
20-The psionicist takes 1d4 points of damage for every PSP he/she was going to expend that

PsiSword (MetaPsionic Devotion)

Power Score : Int-2
Initial Cost : 10
Maintenance Cost : 0 (Free!)
Range : 0
Preparation Time : 0
Area of Effect : Personal
Prerequisites : nil

PsiSword allows the ESPer to create a shimmering blade of pure Psionic Energy out of thin air. The ESPer wields it
as though he were a Kensai of the same level with the Kensai "to hit" and damage bonus. For example, an ESPer of
11th level has +5 "to hit" and damage and can hit creatures that can only be hit with +5 magical weapons or better.
Damage is 1d10. In addition, on a roll of Natural 20 (to hit), the ESPer can slice thru a Wall of Force.

Power Score - Double Dice Damage (2d10/2d12).

20 - No other effect... the Blade appers and fizzles.

Psychic Sacrifice

Power Score: Wis -10

Initial Cost: Death, Contact (see below)
Maintenance Cost: 20 PSPs / round (see below)
Range: Unlimited (see Contact)
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: One person
Prerequisite: Psychic Surgery

This science allows a powerful psionicist to transfer a portion of his or her power to another
person when he or she dies. One science and two devotions are chosen at random from those
known by the user of this power (the Sacrificer), which are immediately added to those known
by the target. The target gains enough PSP's to use the three powers once per day each, with 4
rounds of maintenance.
If the target was a non-psionicist before the use of this power, he or she should be treated as a
wild talent. If the target was already a wild talent, the new powers and PSP's are added to those
currently possessed. If the target was a psionicist, the powers and PSP's are added to their
current abilities, and are considered separate from the normal maximums allowed by their level.
The powers can be from a discipline outside those currently known by the target, and do not
count against the maximum number of sciences/devotions per discipline. If the powers granted
are already possessed by the target, the PSP's are still gained, and the power score in that power
is increased by one (as though the target had relearned that power). In all cases, the PSP and
power gain is permanent.
The target's alignment becomes that of the sacrificer. If this causes the target's alignment to
change, this has a 1% chance per PSP gained of driving the target insane.
At the discretion of the DM, the target may be visited by the spirit of the sacrificer. The spirit
may give the target hints, encouragement, or other support in particularly difficult situations.
This may occur at most once per month, and lasts for at most 1 turn.
To initiate this science, the sacrificer must first die. This can be either an accidental or
intentional death, although an intentional death for the sole purpose of using this science grants
the sacrificer a +2 bonus to his or her power score. At the very instant of physical death, the
player must state his or her intention to initiate Psychic Sacrifice, and also must state the target.
The sacrificer's psyche is then kept alive by feeding off the remaining PSPs the psionicist had at
death. The upkeep of 20 PSPs/round must be paid each round until the power is successful, or
the sacrificer's psyche dies. The sacrificer must also attempt contact (via psionic attack forms if
the target is an unwilling psionicist) each round. If the sacrificer does not have enough PSPs
remaining to pay the upkeep and attempt contact, their psyche dies.
Once contact has been successfully made with the target, the sacrificer rolls against the power
score for Psychic Sacrifice. The upkeep of 20 PSPs must also be paid in this round; if not
enough PSPs remain, the sacrificer's psyche dies. If the roll is successful, the effects listed
above occur. If the roll is failed, contact is broken, and must be attempted again in the next
If the Psychic Sacrifice is successful, the sacrificer may never be Raised, Resurrected, or
Reincarnated. However, if the sacrifice is unsuccessful (the sacrificer runs out of PSP's or skips
a round of attempting contact for any reason), the sacrificer may be raised, resurrected, or

Power Score-the sacrificer can pick the science and two devotions granted to the target.
20-the sacrifice fails, and both the sacrificer and target are psychically stunned, losing all
current PSP's (killing the psyche of the sacrificer).
1-only 1 science or 2 devotions (50/50 chance) are granted to the target.

Note to the DM: If this science is allowed in your campaign, you should make allowances for
NPC psionicists who have been targets of it in their lifetimes, and therefore have more than the
normal allotment of psionic powers and PSPs. In particular, the DM may consider high level
evil NPC psionicists who "farm" low level psionicists for the sole purpose of having them
sacrifice their powers to their mentor.

Psychic Scream (MetaPsionic Science)

Power Score : Int - 8
Initial Cost : 240
Maintenance Cost : n/a
Range : 20' diameter/lvl
Preparation Time : 0
Area of Effect : All within Range
Prerequisites : 8th level

Psychic Scream is the Power to unleash a tremendous blast of energy. Everything (except ESPer) within range takes
full damage, save vs. Breath Weapon halves damage. Damage is 1d20xLevel. For Example, Sagittarius
Tetragrammaton, an 8th level ESPer does a Psychic Scream.Everything within 160' (20'x8) takes 1D20xLevel. Say
He rolls a 10... Everything takes 80 points of damage... HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY!

Power Score - Damage x4.

20 - ESPer loses 1d20x4 PSP's and 60%HP.


Power Score: Wis -4

Initial Cost: 40
Maintenance Cost: 30/round
Range: 10 yards
Preparation Time: 3
Area of Effect: 1 Creature
Prerequisite: 13th level, convergence, rigidity (or immovability for those lacking
Dragon Kings), time/space anchor, stasis field

This power requires at least two psionicists in convergence whose total levels must be 50 or
higher. No psionicist in the convergence can be below level 13. All psionicists must make a
successful power check in the same round the power is to be initiated. It is not required that
more than one psionicist in the convergence know this power since being convergence makes it
available to the other psionicists.
The effect of this power is to totally immobilize the victim to the point that they are utterly
helpless. Their body is rendered immobile in that they can make no physical motion, they are
effectively rooted to the spot they are standing in, so that they cannot be physically moved, and
they are anchored to the time/space continuum so that they cannot teleport, and things like
teleport trigger, and contingency spells that are supposed to teleport the victim will fail.
Further, the victim's mental processes are slowed down to 1/60 of their normal rate, rendering
them virtually helpless against telepathic attacks.

Power Score-The victim is held in stasis until released by another power check.
20-The power backfires, and the psionicists fall victim to the power until they run out of PSPs
to maintain it. This backfire occurs if any psionicists roll a 20.

Subjective Reality
Power Score: Wis-5
Initial Cost: 35
Maintenance Cost: 7/round
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisites: 8th level

Belief is a powerful thing. With this power, the psionicist can ignore the reality of an object or category of
objects and make them have no existence for him. He could convince himself that an enemy’s sword
could not harm him-and the sword would simply pass through his body without effect.
The psionicist can only disbelieve inanimate objects or effects with this power, since he finds it
impossible to ignore living creatures. Some possible uses of the power include:

· Disbelieving a type of weapon, such as hand-held weapons, bows and crossbows, or hurled
weapons. No weapon of that type can harm the psionicist while he maintains the power.
· Disbelieving an entire type of magic, such as priestly or wizardly magic.
· Disbelieving a manifestation of an element, such as a bonfire or a rockslide.
· Disbelieving any one object, regardless of size (large or small), such as a boulder, an enemy’s armor,
or a magical item in an enemy’s possession.

The DM will have to decide what the exact effects of subjective reality are, but in general the
disbelieved objects simply do not exist for the psionicist. He cannot be harmed by them, nor can he have
any effect on them himself. The psionicist’s enemies may be quite baffled by their inability to cut him to
pieces or blast him to cinders.
Power Score: The psionicist can alter what he is disbelieving from round to round.
20: The psionicist accidentally creates a whole new reality for himself and must save versus spells or
be plane shifted to a randomly selected Outer Plane.

Suppress Magic
Power Score: Con-4
Initial Cost: 30
Maintenance Cost: 1+/round
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: 20 yard radius
Prerequisites: 8th level
Very powerful psionicists can draw upon their command of psychic energy to create a field that dampens
magic of all types. Within the field, no spells function, weapons lose their enchantments, creatures with
magical attacks or powers (such as a basilisk’s gaze) cannot use them, magically animated monsters
(animated dead, golems, etc.) stop in their tracks, and magical items do not function.
The field persists only as long as the psionicist maintains it. The base maintenance cost is 1 PSP per
round, but each spell level or magical power usage within the field adds 1 PSP to the maintenance cost.
For example, a wizard who throws a fireball at a psionicist who is suppressing magic forces the psionicist
to pay an extra 3 PSPs for that round’s maintenance. Effects without a spell level should be equated to a
similar spell. If there is no similar spell, the psionicists pays maintenance PSPs equal to 1 per Hit Die or
level of the initiating creature.
This effect will temporarily disrupt enchantments in effect, so a charmed person is temporarily freed,
polymorphed creatures return to their original form, and so on. Things that were changed by magic but are
no longer magical, such as a stone bench that was created by a stone shape, do not change in form. A
person stoned by a meduse’s gaze remains that way. Once the psionicist ceases to maintain the power, all
enchantments resume uninterrupted.
Power Score: The psionicist may choose to dispel any enchantment in the area as a wizard of the same
level casting dispel magic.
20: A random magical item on the psionicist’s person is permanently drained of all enchantments.

Time Flow

Power Score: Int

Initial Cost: Special
Maintenance Cost: Special
Range: Touch
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Prerequisite: Time stop, 5th level

This power allows the psionicist to speed up or slow down time with regards to the target
creature. At the time the check is made, the psionicist declares by how much the time flow will
be increased or decreased. In other words, how many rounds will occur for the target creature
while a single round of 'normal time' passes (or alternatively how many rounds of 'normal time'
will pass in what the target creature sees as a single round). The power scores and
initial/maintenance costs are given below.

Speed up/ Power Score Initial/maintenance Prerequisite

slow down penalty cost (see note) Level
2 3 10/5 5
3 4 20/5 10
4 5 30/5 15
5 6 40/5 20

Note: The power can only be maintained if the psionicist is the affected creature. The costs
are relative to the psionicists time frame, in other words the initial cost is relative to normal time
(and will affect the target creature for one round of normal time), while the maintenance cost is
relative to the new time frame, and must be paid for every round the psionicist experiences. A
20th level psionicist for example, who speeds up time by a factor of 5, would not have to
pay maintenance cost for the first five rounds (or 1 round 'normal time') since this is covered
by the initial cost. After these 5 rounds, the maintenance cost would be 5 per round (or 25 per
round normal time). Since this power affects the flow of time, rather than speeding up the
metabolism of the target creature, as is the case with magical haste for example, no aging will
result. Anyone who returns to the normal time frame however, will be confused and unable to
do anything for as many rounds as were spend in the other time frame. This gives the body time
to readjust to normal time and recover from the strain. It is possible to force the body to ignore
to ignore this time of recovery. To do so requires a Wisdom check and a Constitution check,
with a penalty equal to the factor by which time was affected for both checks. If either is failed,
1d6 random ability scores are permanently lowered by one. In other words, this is not a good
idea except in the most desperate cases.

Power Score-The psionicist may increase the time factor by one, without having pay the extra
cost in PSP's.
20-The psionicist is confused and disoriented as described above.

Urban Renewal (MetaPsionic Science)

Power Score : Intelligence -6
Initial Cost : 80
Maintenance Cost : n/a
Range : 1 mile/2 lvls
Preparation Time : 2
Area of Effect : Special
Prerequisite : Psychic Scream

Urban Renewal enables the ESPer to lay waste to a large area of land. A small town, a large city, etc. Power is
ineffective against living objects. For example, Want to get into that castle, but those pesky archers wont let you?
Just use Urban Renewal to collapse the wall their on! A High level ESPer can Destroy whole cities with this power
in one fell swoop, but the people would be unscathed by the power, but might be killed inside buildings.

Power Score - Range is x5

20 - No other effect.

Metapsionic Devotions


Power Score: Con

Initial Cost: 0
Maintenance Cost: na
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisite: none

This power, similar to the metapsionic devotion cannibalize, allows a psionicist to

trade hit points directly into psionic power points at a ratio of 1:4. At the time that this
power is used, the psionicist may chose a number of hit points to convert into psionic
power points, after which the hit points are deducted from the character's total. These
may be regained normally.
This power is often indirectly used to protect a psionicist from the effects of the
Positive Energy Plane. While the psionicist will explode should he reach twice his
amount of PSPs on this plane, it is rather easy for a psionicist to loose excess PSPs; they
merely need state they are wasting them. By converting any excess hit points into
psionic power, the psionicist prevents himself from being consumed by the plane.
Power Score: The ratio becomes 1 hit point:6 PSPs.
20: The psionicist looses half the hit points that he attempted to transfer, but gains
no PSPs from the effort.

Cognitive Trance
Power Score: Int
Initial Cost: 4
Maintenance Cost: NA
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisites: none

A psionicist with this power can place himself in a trance that clears his mind for calm and contemplative
thought. Anything the psionicist sees, hears, or reads while under the mind-sharpening influence of the
cognitive trance can be committed to his memory verbatim, for precise recall at a later time.
The player running the psionicist character can use this ability to remember detailed instructions or
conversations to the word, even if he himself does not remember the exact content. This can come in
really handy when trying to remember detailed instructions to a certain location or the exact wording of a
complicated series of intricate passwords. The psionicist can also enter the trance to consider any
problem, puzzle, or riddle, gaining a +2 bonus on any Intelligence checks to find a solution.
If used for photographic memory, the trance lasts as long as it takes to completely take in all the
information to be remembered. If used to solve a puzzle, the trance lasts as long as it takes the psionicist
to make a single attempt to arrive at a solution for the situation at hand. An extended trance may last for
several hours. Entire books may be memorized in this way.
While in cognitive trance, the psionicist suffers a -1 penalty to surprise cheeks. Combat or even
conversation of the slightest sort will break the trance.
Power Score: The psionicist gains a +4 bonus on any Intelligence checks that are required (for solving
puzzles or riddles, for example) for the duration of cognitive trance.
20: The psionicist gets a mild headache that lasts for 1d6 turns, ruining any chance of entering such a
Fighting Trance
Power Score: Wis-1
Initial Cost: 4
Maintenance Cost: 1/round
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisites: none

With this power, the psionicist learns how to focus his attention into a razor-sharp weapon for maximum
awareness and effectiveness in combat. His reflexes and agility are increased to their absolute sharpest
level, and he is able to unconsciously track all combatants in the immediate area. While fighting trance is
in effect, the psionicist reduces any rear attacks to flank attacks, and any flank attacks are treated as if they
were frontal attacks instead. The psionicist in fighting trance gains a +1 bonus to all initiative rolls, his
Armor Class, all saving throws, and all attack rolls.
The psionicist’s focus on his physical actions makes it difficult for him to concentrate on initiating any
psionic powers. He suffers a -1 penalty to all power checks he attempts while fighting trance is being
Power Score: The psionicist is so attuned to his surroundings that his bonuses increase to +2, and no
rear or flank attacks can be made against him.
20: The psionicist becomes extremely attuned to his surroundings, so much so, in fact, that he picks up
nearly everything and becomes distracted by annoying details, suffering a -1 penalty to all attack rolls for
2d6 rounds.


Power Score: Wis -5

Initial Cost: 40
Maintenance Cost: none
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisite: 7th level

This devotion is useful only for spelljamming psionicists. This means they must be using a
serial, pool, or other helm which can be used by psionic creatures. If the power succeeds, the
MV of the vessel increases by 1 while the SR increases by 3. This lasts for a duration of three
The psionicist can not use the power again during that day, due to the stress induced on the
hypothalamus by this power. Should the power be attempted a second time, there is a 55%
chance that it will fail, leaving the psionicist insane (although with his powers intact). Such
insane helmspersons have been known to decide that ramming a larger vessel (or even ordering a
full stop) are excellent combat options.
In a serial helm, several psionicists could use this power, but not all at once. Using more than
one of these powers on a helm has no effect.
Power Score-Lasts for 5 rounds.
20-The helm is inoperable for 1 round.
1-The MV is unchanged, but the SR still increases.

Magical Conjunction (Metapsionic Devotion)

Power Score: special
Initial Cost: special
Maintainance: special
Range: special
Preparation Time: special
Prerequisites: none

Magical Conjuction is a special power that allows a character to link, research and cast hybrid
psi-spells - it is the art of combining magical energy with psionics to acheive powerful,
somewhat spectacular results. This power is only available to dual or multiclassed
Wizard/Psionicists. Without it, a character cannot even comprehend the meaning of a psi-spell,
much less memorize or cast it. The Power Score, PSP costs, range and preparation time(casting
time) are determined by the individual spell being cast. Note that this power is extremely rare,
and learning it usually requires meditation to create a new power - Few if any characters will
posess it. Even the Order is unaware of this potential use of Psionics, and would probably
consider it an act of heresy against the fundamental nature of Psionics. The Sorcerer Kings
themselves will likely be unaware that a relative to psionic enchantments exists. In short, DM's
should be stingy about allowing this power to characters - make them pay if they want it.
Iron Will
Power Score: Wis
Initial Cost: 8
Maintenance Cost: 3/round
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisites: none

A psionicist with this power has the ability to focus his willpower to extraordinary levels, persevering
through conditions that would overcome lesser characters. While maintaining this power, the psionicist
can temporarily ignore accumulated wounds that would reduce him to 0 hit points or less. Due solely to
his mental strength, he can force himself to remain conscious and fully active until reduced to -10 hit
points, at which point he dies, just as anyone else would. Up until that point, though, he can fight and use
his powers normally with absolutely no interruption at all except for initiating and maintaining the iron
will devotion.
While iron will is in effect, the psionicist does not lose a hit point every round, as per the normal “-10”
rule (see DMG page 75), but he will begin to lose hit points once he ceases to maintain iron will. Smart
psionicists will bind their wounds before losing consciousness, or they may never wake up afterward.
The psionicist can also use his iron will to resist losing consciousness or control of himself through
other means. If the effect the psionicist is struggling against normally allows a saving throw (a vampire’s
charm person ability or a psionic domination, for example) the psionicist gains a +4 on his saving throw
while iron will is in effect. If the effect does not usually allow the victim a saving throw (a command or
sleep spell, for instance), the psionicist gains the chance to attempt a saving throw versus spells with a -4
Iron will acts as a reflexive power. It does not have to be maintained at all times in order to be
effective. If a situation arises in which the psionicist needs the iron will power, he can drop what he is
doing to initiate it. If he has not yet acted in the round, he has the choice of initiating iron will and
aborting his intended action or of forgoing iron will to carry out whatever he had originally planned to
do. Otherwise, he is forced to wait until the following round to initiate it.
Power Score: The psionicist can survive to -15 hit points or automatically make any saving throws to
avoid unconsciousness or control. Once the power is dropped though, if the character still has less than -
10 hit points remaining, he will instantly fall over dead. Clever psionicists will make sure to heal their
wounds (or have them healed by someone else) beforehand.
20: The power fails to activate.

Probability Manipulation
Power Score: Int-4
Initial Cost: 10
Maintenance Cost: NA
Range: special
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisites: 4th level

By initiating this power, the psionicist attempts to tamper with the laws of chance to affect a specific
action. If the psionicist succeeds, he gains a bonus of +4 (d20) or +20% (1d100). This can be applied to
saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, thief skills, or spell failure checks. It cannot be used to affect the
initiation of a psionic power. If the psionicist makes no rolls within one turn of initiating the power, he
loses his chance.
Luck can be fickle. If a psionicist manipulates probabilities more than once in a day, there is a 50%
chance that he suffers a penalty equal to the bonus he was trying to achieve.
Power Score: The psionicist manages to favorably manipulate chance for the next three die rolls.
20: The psionicist fouls up probability and suffers the penalties described above for his next 1d6 rolls.

Psionic Concealment

Power Score: Wis -4

Initial Cost: 4
Maintenance Cost: 1/round
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 1
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisite: telepathy, psionic sense

With psionic concealment, a psionicist can conceal his psionic activity from those with psionic
When the character makes his check, all of his psionic activity is concealed from others. If a
being checks for psionic activity, the DM conducts a secret psionic contest, and the higher
successful roll takes effect. That is, if the concealer wins, nothing is sensed, and if the sensor
wins, he spots the concealment and the powers being concealed. For the contest, the
concealment roll is reduced by one for every five PSPs expended that round.
Concealment provides reasonably good protection from psionic feeders and the like, as well as

Power Score-Gain +4 in detection contests.

20-Lose all psionics for 1d4 turns.

Psionic Sustainment

Power Score: Wis

Initial Cost: 20
Maintenance Cost: 10/turn
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisite: none

Through the use of this power, the psionicist learns to sustain his body through his
psionic powers. This power is far more consuming that Elemental Respiration, but it
allows a body to survive for a short period of time on the plane of Vacuum. The
psionicist using this power loses all requirement to breathe, eat, or drink, finding himself
completely without bodily needs. However, because of the high maintenance costs for
this power, it is less used for survival in most of the Inner Planes and instead is a fallback
should a planeswalker psionicist become trapped in Vacuum or the like.
Power Score: The maintenance is paid for the first four rounds.
20: The psionicist loses half the initial cost and two round's worth of maintenance
as he tries to sustain his organs on thought alone and fails.

Psionic Vampirism
Power Score: Wis-3
Initial Cost: contact+8
Maintenance Cost: 3/round
Range: 10 yards
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: individual
Prerequisites: 6th level, psychic drain

Psionic vampirism is the much-feared ability to steal another’s psionic strength in order to replenish the
psionicist’s own. Although it resembles psychic drain, psionic vampirism is different in three important
ways: first, PSPs are directly drained; secondly, the victim need not be asleep; and third, the victim need
not be humanoid, it only has to have a PSP score. Psionic vampirism is a very painful process, but is not
debilitating as psychic drain can be.
To begin draining PSPs from the victim, the psionicist must establish contact. Once she has access to
the victim’s mind, she can begin draining PSPs. The power check for psionic vampirism determines the
rate of drain.

Power Check Rate of Drain

1-2 3 PSPs/round
3-4 5 PSPs/round
5-9 7 PSPs/round
10-12 9 PSPs/round
13-14 11 PSPs/round
15+ 15 PSPs/round

Although no permanent damage is caused by this power, it is unpleasant in the extreme and the
victim will almost certainly want to fight back. Since the power only works against creatures with a PSP
score (psionicists, wild talents, or psionic monsters), the victim is probably not helpless and may know a
psionic defense to prevent the necessary contact.
Psionic strength drained by this power returns normally, just as if the victim had expended those
points himself. If a victim is drained to 0 PSPs by psionic vampirism, he must make a saving throw
versus death or fall unconscious for 2d6 turns.
Draining a victim of mental energy is usually an evil act, and psionicists who make extensive use of
this power will find their alignments gradually twisting toward evil.
Power Score: The psionicist psychic drains the victim at the same time he uses psionic vampirism on
20: The psionicist provides his intended victim with full contact into his own mind while severing any
contact he had established with the victim.

Psychic Blade
Power Score: Con-2
Initial Cost: 7
Maintenance Cost: 4+/round
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisites: 6th level, body mind thrust

With this power, the psionicist creates a semi-tangible manifestation of his psychic attack that is shaped
like a sword and can be wielded as a weapon in physical combat. Any living creature struck by the
psychic blade suffers 1d6 points of damage, plus 1 additional point per extra 2 PSPs the psionicist wishes
to spend. The victim must also make a saving throw versus death or be stunned and unable to act for 1d6
rounds. Psychic blade damage is treated as punching damage; 25% is real, and 75% is temporary damage
that is recovered within one turn of the end of the encounter.
The psychic blade is an extension of the psionicist’s own life energy, and it is treated as a +2 weapon
for purposes of striking monsters immune to normal weapons. Because the blade is the psionicist’s very
life, it conveys special touch attacks back to his own body. Creatures that drain energy levels
automatically drain a level from the psionicist each time he strikes them with a psychic blade. Monsters
without minds (oozes, slimes, jellies, elementals, and golems) cannot be harmed by the psychic blade.
If the victim has a psionic defense mode operating when struck by the psychic blade, the psionicist
must win a psychic contest against the victim for this power to cause any harm.
Power Score: The damage increases to 1d10, and the victim receives a -2 penalty on his saving throw.
20: The psionicist weakens himself in the attempt to create the blade, suffering 1d4 points of damage.

Psychic Reach

Power Score: Wis -5

Initial Cost: 8
Maintenance Cost: 5/round
Range: 30 yards
Preparation Time: 1
Area of Effect: special
Prerequisite: Telekinesis, 6th level

This psionic power causes a semi-transparent hand, made of the user's psionic life-energy to
spring forth from him, and grab on to creatures. The hand can be moved anywhere within
range in 1 round; then any 'touch' psionic powers can be used through it.
The 'hand' exists until it loses it's grip (see below), the user fails to pay maintenance, the hand
leaves the range, or is destroyed. The hand is AC0, and has hit points equal to the psionicist's
level. The user actually gives up that many of his own HP: when the power lapses, he gains any
remaining HP back. The hand is only hit by magic weapons of effects. Dispel magic and non-
damaging spells have no effect.
Each round, the psionicist must check to see if the hand loses it's grip if it is being actively
avoided. This check is his wisdom adjusted by his opponent's AC; either way, maintenance is
paid at this time. All ''reaching'' powers are initiated with -2 power scores.

Power Score-Hand has double HP free.

20-All 'touch' powers are double cost for next turn.

Psychic Rogue
Power Score: Wis -4
Initial Cost: contact + 12
Maintenance Cost: 8/round
Range: NA
Preparation Time: 1
Area of Effect: individual
Prerequisite: Psychic Drain

This power allow the psionicist to temporarily steal a psionic power from another person. After
contact is established the psionicist spend 10 PSP and chooses one of the victim's powers (The
psionicist must know if the victim knows the particular power).

After that, and while paying maintenance cost, the psionicist is able to use the power as any
other. The victim will forget the power until the psionicist stops paying maintenance.

Power Score-The victim is also rendered unconscious while the power is in use.
20-The psionicist is unconscious for 1d4 rounds

Time Flux

Power Score: Con - 2

Initial Cost: 8
Maintenance Cost: 5/round
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisite: none

Using this devotion, the psionicist can cause time to speed up or slow down for himself only.
Thus, the psionicist can exist at twice the speed of the rest of the world, or half the speed,
effectively hasting or slowing himself. Because the increase or decrease in speed is time oriented
instead of biologically oriented, the psionicist can perform ALL actions at either twice or half
normal speed. For example, a psionicist can make two psionic actions per round, use two magic
items per round, etc; a slowed psionicist could take only one action every two rounds.
There are some other unique qualities of this ability. There is no metabolic change, like the
aging associated with haste. Spells and psionic powers are affected, so if the psionicist
increases his speed, spell duration is only half of what it would be in normal time, but an
initiative bonus of 3 is gained while the power is in effect. For example, a protection from evil
spell cast on the psionicist that would last 8 rounds of real time will now last only 4 rounds. On
the other hand, if a psionicist slows himself, spells last twice as long as they would in real time,
but there is an initiative penalty of 3 while being slowed down. For example, a slow poison cast
on a slowed psionicist would last twice as long as normal. The PSP cost in real time for any
psionic abilities outside the Time Flux (ie, not affecting the psionicist) does not change, but the
cost for those abilities affecting the caster is increased or decreased appropriately.
Numerous applications exist for this power. If a psionicist wants to "burn off" a harmful spell
(like slow or hold person), the speeding up usage would help greatly. Likewise, if the psionicist
wants a spell to remain longer than normal (in real time), then the slowing use is best.

Power Score-Once during the maintenance the psionicist can time shift himself one round into
the future with no chance of failure or disorientation. The psionicist does not need to know the
time shift for this effect to occur. If the psionicist does in fact know time shift, then he can try to
move two rounds into the future as if it were only one round (but with standard chance of
20-The psionicist is stopped in time for 1-4 rounds, unable to react, but can be injured. For
game purposes, all attacks hit and all saves are failed.
Pyramid of Force (MetaPsionic Science)
Power Score : Constitution -3
Initial Cost : 14
Maintenance Cost : 5/round
Range : Zero
Preparation Time : Zero
Area of Effect : 3-yard cubed
Prerequisite : nil

A Pyramid of Force encases the ESPer in a shimmering, transparent Pyramid. The Pyramid cannot move and is
totally unaffected by all psionics/spells. But the disintegrate power will destroy it. Likewise, the Pyramid of Force is
not affected by blows, missiles, cold, heat, electricity, etc. Spells and Breath Weapons cannot pass thru it in either

Power Score - Can withstand the disintegration power.

20 - The ESPer created a bizzare windpocket that knocks him to the ground.

Lines of Power (MetaPsionic Devotion)

Power Score : Intelligence -3
Initial Cost : 15
Maintenance Cost : n/a
Range : 50' per 2 levels
Preparation Time : Zero
Area of Effect : Individual
Prerequisite : nil

This power enables the ESPer to spring forth 3 lines of power whenever he slaps the ground. Height of lines is 2 ft
per level. Damage is 1d6xLevel. The ESPer guides the lines with his mind. He then makes a "to hit" roll using his
missile attack modifier. Inanimate objects that come into contact with the lines is destroyed (Magic Items/Artifacts
get a saving throw) and use up the lines

Power Score - Damage is x5

20 - The lines go in any direction as dictated by DM (1d8)

Psychokinetic Powers Psychokinetic powers move objects across space using only the
energy of a character’s mind. Revised sciences and devotions are presented below.


Power Score: Wis -3

Initial Cost: 40
Maintenance Cost: 5/round
Range: 10 yards
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: 1 object
Prerequisite: telekinesis, soften

Compression takes an object and compresses it's molecules together, making the object smaller
and denser. This will not affect it's weight. This will not, for example allow the psionicist to
shrink a boulder about to fall on him. It will compress the boulder, but since it has the same
mass, it will cause the same amount of damage, and in a more specific location. This power, if
used, is like a giant hand compressing the object. Inanimate objects or plants will be shrunken,
deformed and increased in density. Think of a 20 lb chair 3 inches high. If used on intelligent
creatures, they must save vs. death magic or suffer 2d10 points of damage per round and may
lose a limb after a few rounds of improper circulation. The chance of this is 5% cumulative per

Power Score-Two objects can be affected

20-The psionicist gets a severe migraine and cannot use their powers for 2d4 hours.

Create Object
(psychokinetic science)
MAC: 6
PSP Cost: 7/3
Range: 20 yards
Area of Effect: Special
Prerequisite: Telekinesis

This power allows a user to assemble matter from air and the surrounding area to create a
solid object. Only materials within 20 yards of the user can be used in the construction. The
object remains in existence for every round that the user continues to pay the PSP cost. During
the round that the PSP cost isn’t paid, the object breaks apart. An object created with this power
can have any shape, color, and texture the user desires, provided it fulfills at least one of these
· Fits within a sphere no more than 4 feet in diameter.
· Fits within a cylinder no more than 20 feet high and 1 foot in diameter.
· Fits within a cylinder no more than 2 feet high and 6 feet in diameter.
· Weighs no more than 10 pounds.

(psychokinetic science)
MAC: 5
PSP Cost: 15/5
Range: 60 yards
Area of Effect: 1 item, 8 cubic feet
Prerequisite: Telekinesis, molecular agitation

With this power, the user harnesses, focuses, and explosively releases the latent psionic
energy inside non sentient (0 Intelligence) plants and inanimate objects. The power also works
against animated undead (skeletons and zombies), but doesn’t affect incorporeal undead. It can’t
be used against animals, intelligent creatures, or free-willed undead.
The explosion causes destructive damage to the target, based on the MTHAC0 roll. If the roll
is equal to the power’s MAC, 10% of the target area is destroyed. For every number rolled above
the MAC, an additional 10% is destroyed, up to a total of 8 cubic feet of material (by a single
power use).
Monsters such as skeletons and golems targeted by the detonate power take damage based on
the percentage of their mass that was destroyed, losing an equal percentage of hit points.
Magically animated material, like golems, can make a saving throw vs. spell to resist detonation.
Weapons and armor that have been detonated receive penalties of -1 to attack rolls and AC
values for each 10% destroyed. Magical items make a saving throw vs. disintegration to resist
detonation. Vulnerable objects or living things within 10 feet of the target suffer 1d10 points of
damage from the resulting explosion. A save vs. breath weapon reduces damage to half.

Kinetic Control
Power Score: Int-3
Initial Cost: 15
Maintenance Cost: 7/round
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisites: none

This is the power of absorbing, storing, and redirecting kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is the energy of
motion-the energy contained in the swing of a sword, the fall of a rock, moving water or air, an animal
running, or any number of other forms. The psionicist can remove kinetic energy from one object by
touch, stopping it instantly, and bestow it on another object immediately or at some point in the future.
While a psionicist maintains this power, he is immune to all physical impacts. A sword slash stops
instantly when it touches his skin, arrows drop harmlessly at his feet, and monsters’ talons and fangs
can’t harm him. The psionicist absorbs the damage of the blow and saves it for later use. Note that the
psionicist can still be harmed by attacks that inflict their damage by contact, such as the energy-draining
touch of an undead creature or the slow crushing attack of a giant python constricting its coils.
Using the stored energy requires the psionicist to make a physical attack. He can deliver any damage
he has absorbed previously by touch, punches, or even through a hand-held weapon such as a sword. If
he hits his opponent, the absorbed damage is added to any other damage the psionicist causes.
If the psionicist ceases to maintain kinetic control while he still has energy to dissipate, he immediately
suffers 2 hit points of damage for every point of absorbed damage he did not expend. (The psionicist can
make attacks on rocks, cacti, dead foes, or whatever to dissipate this energy. Item saving throws versus
normal or crushing blows may apply.)
This power can’t be used to absorb damage from a fall. To do so, the psionicist would have to absorb
his own kinetic energy (in this case, he is the moving object) which is something that the power is not
capable of doing. This might be a valid subject for psionic meditation and research, however.
Power Score: Any object struck by the psionicist’s energy discharge is detonated. Living opponents
suffer an additional 1d10 damage.
20: The psionicist must save versus spells or detonate an object he is wearing or holding, and suffer
1d10 damage.

Megakinesis (High Science)

Power Score: Wis-4
Initial Cost: 30+
Maintenance Cost: 15+/round
Range: 60 yards
Preparation Time: 1
Area of Effect: one object or creature
Prerequisites: 10th level, telekinesis

Megakinesis is simply telekinesis on a truly grand scale. The psionicist can perform incredible feats of
psychokinesis, moving objects that weigh thousands of pounds with the power of his mind.
The psionicist may move an object weighing up to 500 pounds for the initial cost of 30 PSPs and the
maintenance cost of 15 PSPs per round. For each 25 pounds of additional weight, the psionicist must pay
1 more PSP for the initial cost. The maintenance cost is always one-half of the initial cost. For example, if
the psionicist decides to pick up a 1,500 pound half-giant, the cost will be 80 PSPs in the initial round and
40 PSPs per round thereafter. As you can see, megakinesis can he quite taxing!
Objects levitated by the psionicist can be moved at the rate of 60 feet per round-too slow to be used as
weapons in combat, although heavy objects can be dropped on top of enemies who aren’t paying
attention to the psionicist. Living creatures picked up by megakinesis get a saving throw versus spells to
avoid the effect if they do not wish to be moved around by the psionicist.
The psychokineticist may also use these enormous forces to open doors, pin an enemy in place, or
bend or break things. For these purposes, he has an effective Strength score that varies with the amount
of weight he wants to be able to move.

Initial PSP Cost Weight Effective Strength

30 500 lb 18/00
36 650 lb 19
38 700 lb 20
43 825 lb 21
49 975 lb 22
56 1,150 lb 23
68 1,450 lb 24
80 1,750 lb 25

As noted above, megakinesis is a High Science. A character must engage in months of meditation (see
Chapter Seven ) before he can select this power as one of his psychokinetic sciences.
Power Score: The psionicist only pays half the normal PSP cost for the object he was trying to move.
20: The psionicist overtaxes his brain and suffers 2d10 damage. If he fails a saving throw versus death,
he falls unconscious for 2d6 days and permanently burns out his megakinesis power.

Perpetual Motion

Power Score: Con -4

Initial Cost: 40
Maintenance Cost: 10/round
Range: 20 yards
Preparation Time: 5 Area of Effect: 1 object
Area of Effect: 1 object
Prerequisite: telekinesis

This power causes the object affected to continue on it's path and speed for the duration of the
power. This could give an arrow unlimited range, cause arching missiles (such as catapults or
slings) to miss or people or creatures that are running to continue running in their current
direction. This could be useful to cause a person to run off a cliff, or into something. The
psionicist must activate this power before the object is moved. Creatures affected mist make a
strength check to avoid being affected.

Power Score-The speed is doubled as well as being perpetual.

20-The psionicist is thrown off their feet and loose one round of actions regaining their feet.

Project Force
(psychokinetic science)
MAC: 6
PSP Cost: 10/4
Range: 200 yards
Area of Effect: Personal
Prerequisite: Telekinesis

This power allows the user to focus a psychokinetic “punch” against a target up to 200 yards
away. If used offensively, this punch causes damage equal to 1d6 points plus the target’s Armor
Class (negative armor classes are subtracted from the die roll). Only AC provided by actual
armor is added to or subtracted from the roll-not Dexterity or magical bonuses. A successful save
vs. breath weapon reduces the damage to half.
Project force can also be used to trigger traps, throw levers, open doors (not locked or
latched), break windows, etc. No attack roll is needed, just the MTHAC0 roll to activate it.

Remove Air

Power Score: Con -5

Initial Cost: 30
Maintenance Cost: 15/round
Range: 50 yards
Preparation Time: 5
Area of Effect: 20 yard sphere
Prerequisite: control wind, telekinesis

This power can remove the air from a 20 yard sphere. This will stop fires, sound, decay,
combustion other than fires, gaseous attacks, and electricity. Physical attacks will still enter the
area, but because of the lack of air, missile attacks will fly different giving a -1 to hit.
Characters must hold their breaths as per the rules in the PHB or suffer 2d8 points of damage per
rounds. The psionicist would also be affected if they were in the area of effect.
Power Score-The air is removed quickly, causing all in the area to suffer 2d6 points of damage
from sudden decompression.
20-The psionicist cannot breath for 1 round and suffers 2d8 points of damage.


Power Score: Int -4

Initial Cost: 50
Maintenance Cost: 20/Round
Range: 50 yards
Preparation Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 20 yard circle
Prerequisite: telekinesis, control light

This power causes light to bend around the planet to a specific spot, creating a 20 yard circle
that is lit as if the sun were shining on it. This will work in dungeons, underground, or in any
place that has an opening to the outside world. It creates such a change in light, if used in a dark
area, that people in the area will be blinded for 1 round while re-adjusting to the light. This
power will also cause damage as per the sun to any sun-sensitive creatures. It CAN destroy

Power Score-The radius of the circle of sun is doubled.

20-The psionicist blinds themselves for 1d4 rounds.

(psychokinetic science)
MAC: 8
PSP Cost: 3+/1
Range: 30 yards
Area of Effect: 1 item
Prerequisite: None

This power allows the user to move objects without touching them. Telekinesis tends to be
physically taxing, as it takes a lot of internal energy to move objects. Small objects are easy. But
larger, more massive objects are significantly more difficult.
The cost listed above assumes the object being moved weighs three pounds or less. For
heavier objects, use the following:
· PSP cost equals the item’s weight in pounds.
· The power’s MAC improves by a bonus equal to one-third of the item’s weight, rounded
down. For example, moving a 10-pound rock requires rolling against a MAC of 5.

Telekinesis moves the targeted item up to 60 feet per round. Items moving at such a slow rate
of speed don’t make effective weapons, but items weighing more than three pounds can be used
to disrupt spellcasting or psionic use. The user rolls his base THAC0 score to hit, with a penalty
equal to one-third of the item’s weight, rounded down. For example, if a hero whose THAC0 is
15 wants to attack a priestess whose AC is 0, he needs an 18 or better to hit her with a 10-pound
Telekinesis can be used to perform very fine work, such as writing or sewing. The user must
be capable of performing the work himself, and a second MTHAC0 roll (and second round of
power use) is needed to complete fine work. If the hero wants to use the power to pull an item
away from an opponent, use the rules for psychic contests, except that the defender uses his
Strength score to decide the contest.

Telekinetic Barrier
Power Score: Con-3
Initial Cost: 18
Maintenance Cost: 10/round
Range: 20 yards
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: special
Prerequisites: telekinesis, inertial barrier

The telekinetic barrier is an immobile field of mental force that resembles the wizard spell wall of force.
The psionicist creates an invisible barrier of force up to 60 feet in length and 10 feet in height (or any other
vertical surface of 600 square feet or less) at a range of up to 20 yards. The psionicist may instead create a
dome of force with a 10-foot radius, centered on himself.
No physical object or any form of energy can penetrate the barrier, although it is possible to
circumvent the barrier by using abilities such as teleport or dimensional door. Magical or psionic
disintegration destroys the telekinetic barrier, but the power or spell is canceled in the process.
The telekinetic barrier is immobile once created. If the psionicist moves more than 20 yards from the
barrier (outside the power’s range), it collapses.
Power Score: The maintenance cost is free for three rounds.
20: An uncontrolled surge of force from the psionicist knocks down anyone standing within 10 feet of

Telekinetic Flight
Power Score: Wis-4
Initial Cost: 15
Maintenance Cost: 4/round
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisites: telekinesis, levitation

By using this power, the psionicist can use her abilities of levitation to fly at a movement rate of 18. She
can maneuver horizontally or vertically in any fashion desired, with a maneuverability class of B. Using
telekinetic flight requires as much concentration as walking, so the psionicist can initiate other powers
while flying and she can even attempt physical attacks.
When the psionicist fails to maintain the power or runs out of PSPs, she drops like a rock. She would
be wise to land before this occurs.
Power Score: The psionicist can fly at a rate of 24 with a maneuverability class of A.
20: An abortive attempt at flight hurls the psionicist 10-40 (d4x10) feet in a random direction, including
straight up.

Vader's Suffocate

Power Score: Wis - 4

Initial Cost: 20
Maintenance Cost: 4 / round
Range: Sight
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Prerequisite: Telekinesis

Attempt to strangulate the victim with telekinesis. The victim must save vs. petrification or
stay paralyzed and can do nothing. Saving or not the victim receive 1d6 of damage per round and
-2 penalty in all attack rolls and armor class. If the psionicist receive some physical damage the
victim is free. The psionicist cannot attack the victim anyway or the victim will be free. The
victim must need air to receive the damage and must have a identifiable throat.
For victims with strength score greater than the psionicist score the DM can allow a contest
(victim strength vs psionicist wisdom) to escape the paralyzation.
Free Action protects against the damage and the paralyzation. Another psionicist with this
power can negate the attack. Another psionicist with telekinesis can grant to the victim another
save vs. paralyzation.
Reference: Dart Vader in Star Wars (Movie)

Power Score-The victim saves against the paralyzation at -4.

20-The psionicist suffer partial suffocation for 2 rounds (1d4 of damage and -1 penalty).

Animate Object
(psychokinetic devotion)
MAC: 7 (base)
PSP Cost: 5/2
Range: 50 yards
Area of Effect: 1 item, 100 pounds
Prerequisite: Telekinesis

This power allows the user to control the movement of an otherwise inanimate object, giving
it the appearance of life. For example, animate object can make chairs walk or stones dance,
though objects being animated must weigh 100 pounds or less. The material the item is made of
affects the difficulty of the task, as indicated below.
Material Power’s MAC
Cloth, paper 7
Live wood, dead animal 6
Dead wood, bone 5
Water 4
Thin metal 3
Thick metal 2
Stone 1

Once animated, all materials become flexible to some extent, though fluid motion is
uncommon. Animated items move like puppets, with jerky, clumsy motions. If the item was rigid
initially, it makes loud creaking, groaning, or grating sounds as it moves. An animated item
moves up to 60 feet a round (movement rate 6). It can be used to attack, acting like a club with a
THAC0 of 20 and a damage score of 1d6 points.

Call Object

Power Score: Con -2

Initial Cost: 5
Maintenance Cost: NA
Range: 30 yards
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: 1 item, 2 lb.
Prerequisite: telekinesis

This power is a special variation of the telekinesis science very similar to ballistic attack
devotion. Instead of moving any object relatively slowly, Call Object allows the character to
move an object to her hand very fast.
The object, no more than 2 pound in weight, "fly" to the psionicist hand very fast without
warming the psionicist. It must be within sight of the psionicist and cannot be anchored or
attached to anything else.
Reference: Luke getting his lightsaber in The Empire Strikes Back.

Power Score-No other effect.

20-Ballistic boomerang. The psionicist receive 1d6 of damage as the object hits herself. The
same as to be the target of a ballistic attack.

Cause Rust

Power Score: Wis

Initial Cost: 4
Maintenance Cost: 2/round
Range: 40 yards
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: any metal, 40 lbs
Prerequisite: none
This power allows a psionicist to oxidize any metal at any accelerated rate through
molecular rearrangement. This causes the metal to rust at an increased rate and cause
them to become more brittle than usual. For each round maintained, the object adds a
5% chance to its chance of breakage. In the case of metal weapons, this means that the
object will break on a 1 after the first round, break on a 1 or 2 after the second round, etc.
The psionicist cannot cause the item to suffer more than a 25% to break (a 1-5 on an
attack roll).
Power Score: The chance of breakage may be increased to 50%.
20: The metal is strengthened; for the purposes of future attempts to rust, it begins
its rusting at -25%.

Cold Shield

Power Score: Wis -4

Initial Cost: 25
Maintenance Cost: 10/round
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 1
Area of Effect: Personal
Prerequisite: molecular dampening, telekinesis

This power will create a shield of cold air around the psionicist that will absorb heat around the
psionicist. It will reduce the damage of heat based attacks by 1 hp/die or give a +1 to any
saving throw. It will also protect a character from hot environments such as a desert, but not
from super hot environments like the elemental plane of fire. It will also make the character
invisible to infravision. Anyone trying to touch the character without some kind of protection
from cold will suffer 1d6 hp/round. The psionicist, however, will take 1d4 hp/round damage
from cold if this power is used in a cold environment.

Power Score-The power is doubly effective, causing 2d6 points of damage, conferring a +2
bonus and saving 2 hp/die.
20-Heat Shield power is activated instead, even if the character does not know it.

Control Light
(psychokinetic devotion)
MAC: 8
PSP Cost: 6/2
Range: 25 yards
Area of Effect: 400 square feet
Prerequisite: None

This power allows the user to manipulate ambient light. He can’t create light from darkness,
but he can create darkness from light. Use of control light can accomplish the following:
· Deepen existing shadows. A thief hidden in such shadows receives a +20% bonus to his hide-
in-shadows rolls.
· Brighten existing shadows. This reduces a thief’s hiding ability by 20%.
· Brighten a light source until it becomes blinding. Those exposed to the light receive a -2
penalty to attack rolls.
· Dim a light source. This has no effect on attack rolls.
· Extend shadows into areas that are well lit. Only existing shadows can be lengthened,
increasing in size by 200%.
· Extend light into areas that are in shadow. Shadows can be reduced by 50%.

Control Liquid

Power Score: Con -4

Initial Cost: 20
Maintenance Cost: 15/round
Range: 25 yards
Preparation Time: 2
Area of Effect: 1 gallon of liquid/5 levels
Prerequisite: telekinesis, level 5

This allows a psionicist to control any liquid (water, acid, ale, etc.) to become animated and
under the psionicists control. This is a very limited power in that the liquid cannot become
detached from the original source. This could be used to have a tentacle of water attack
creatures, create huge waves, make ale monsters for amusement, or other strange effects. The
main limit is the imagination of the psionicist.
If the liquid is already in motion, then the psionicist can alter its speed by 1 mile per hour/level.
This would give a +1/5 levels bonus on saving throws of breath weapons of a liquid nature.
Water beings are unaffected by this power.

Power Score-The liquid can detach itself from the original source.
20-The liquid splashes on the psionicist (not a problem if it's water, but acid is a different

Control Sound
(psychokinetic devotion)
MAC: 5
PSP Cost: 3/1
Range: 100 yards
Area of Effect: 1 specific sound
Prerequisite: None

This power allows the user to shape and alter existing sounds. A man’s words could emerge
as a lion’s roar, or the noise of marching soldiers can be made to sound like the wind of a
sandstorm. Sounds also can be layered, so that one singer can be made to sound like a choir.
Control sound can also dampen a noise. The player must specify what sound his character
intends to eliminate. For example, the user might quiet the strike of a hammer or erase the creak
of a door. He couldn’t eliminate both at once, however.

Control Wind
(psychokinetic devotion)
MAC: 5
PSP Cost: 12/5
Range: 500 yards
Area of Effect: 1,000 yards
Prerequisite: Telekinesis

With this power, a user can gain limited control over wind speed and direction. The speed of
any existing wind can be increased or decreased by 10 miles per hour or 25%-whichever is
greater. The direction of the wind can be changed by up to 90 degrees. These changes are
temporary, lasting only as long as the PSP cost is paid. The changes occur in the round that the
power is successfully activated. The wind returns to its original course and speed the round that
the PSP cost is not paid.
Wind above 19 miles per hour prevents anything smaller than a human from flying and
imposes a -4 modifier on missile fire. On the water, such wind makes sailing difficult. Wind
gusting at more than 32 miles per hour causes minor damage to ships and buildings. This wind
also kicks up clouds of dust and prevents all but the largest creatures from flying. Wind more
than 55 miles per hour prevents all flight, knocks down trees and wooden buildings, and may
swamp ships. Wind more than 73 miles per hour is a hurricane gale.

Discipline Psychokinesis
Level of power Science (major power)
Mental Armor Class 20
PSP Cost 50+20pr xtra bone
Range 40'
Area of Effect 1 creature +1 pr 5th Lvl.
Prerequisite Telekinesis 11th level

General description
The usage has been known by specialized torturers in some unions. Inflicting pain without
causing visible marks is a gruesome way of torture, and to some torturers a way of life. There has
been known torturists who has become too eager of torture and gone after innocents in forests.
Power Score: Wis
Initial Cost: 8
Maintenance Cost: 7/round
Range: 30 yards
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: one object or creature
Prerequisites: none

Cryokinesis is the opposite of molecular agitation. Instead of increasing the energy of the target’s
molecules to raise its internal heat, molecular motion is suppressed to lower the object’s heat. Objects may
freeze, become brittle, crumble, shatter, or explode from extreme drops in temperature. The list below
shows some of the possibilities depending on how long the power is maintained.
One Round: Embers and coals are extinguished, metal becomes cold to the touch, skin becomes
clammy, water condenses on object.
Two Rounds: Small fires are reduced to cold embers, bone and chitin become brittle, skin becomes
frostbitten (1d3 points of damage), liquids freeze.
Three Rounds: Large fires reduced to embers, metal and wood become brittle, flesh freezes (1d8
points of damage). Damage does not increase after this round, but does continue at the rate of 1d8 per
Four Rounds: Stone and obsidian become brittle.
Most items are not automatically destroyed by being frozen and then thawing out, but they may
become more susceptible to breakage. Armor and weapons that become brittle due to cryokinesis must
make saving throws versus crushing blows each time they deliver or receive blows in combat. (Thri-kreen
who are struck while their chitin is brittle suffer double damage from any physical blow.)
Power Score: After the first round, the rate of freezing doubles.
20: The psionicist inflicts mild hypothermia on himself and suffers 1d4 points of damage.
Power Score: Int
Initial Cost: 4
Maintenance Cost: NA
Range: 60 yards
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: one weapon
Prerequisites: telekinesis

This defensive power allows a psionicist to deflect a missile in flight or a weapon in mid-swing in order
to make it miss its target. He may attempt this on a weapon targeted at himself or someone else. The
psionicist must have a better initiative than the attacker and hold his action until the attacker actually fires
a missile or swings a weapon. If the psionicist successfully initiates deflect, the weapon misses its target
Deflect can he used on any thrown, fired, or hand-held weapon, including giant-thrown boulders or
ballista bolts. It has no effect on creatures attacking with their own natural weaponry, such as teeth or
Power Score: The defense is involuntary, and the psionicist may make a separate attack of his own
(psionic or physical) in the same combat round.
20: No effect.


Power Score: Int - 3

Initial Cost: 8
Maintenance Cost: 5 / round
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: Personal
Prerequisite: Telekinesis, Ballistic Attack

With this devotion the psionicist can deflect blows or weapons directed to himself. The blows
are deflected with telekinesis, effective giving a two-point bonus on psionicist armor class.

Power Score-4 bonus to AC.

20-1d4 of the psionicist items (equipment or clothes) are thrown away (2d6 yards)

Density Manipulation

Power Score: Int -6

Initial Cost: 30
Maintenance Cost: 10/round
Range: 50 yards
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: 1 item
Prerequisite: telekinesis, molecular rearrangement

This power allows a psionicist to alter the density of an object so that it weighs anywhere
between half the original weight or double the weight. This confers a -2 to hit penalty if used
on a weapon because of the changed weight. This, if used on an arcing missile like an arrow or
a catapult, or some kind of bludgeoning weapon, will cause double damage because of the excess
weight (if the weight was doubled ) or half damage (if the weight is halved) It will also change
the range in the opposite way that the damage was changed (ie. An arrow is doubled in weight
and causes double damage, but has half the range) This also gives a -4 to hit penalty when first
using the altered missiles, but after a few test shots (usually around 5) the penalty goes to the
regular -2.

Power Score-The change can be anywhere from one quarter the weight or as much as 4 times
the weight. The bonuses/penalties are also altered in the same way.
20-The object changes in the opposite way intended.

Enhance Weapon

Power Score: Wis - 3

Initial Cost: 5
Maintenance Cost: 3/round
Range: Touch
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: one weapon
Prerequisite: Telekinesis, Create Object

This power allows the psionicist to temporarily enhance melee weapon or a projectile
(i.e., no bows or slings, but arrows, sling stones and throwing weapons are ok), so that
it becomes the equivalent of weapon with magical bonuses. The psionicist must touch (or
wield) the weapon to do so. By spending the necessary PSP's and making the power check,
the weapon gets a the equivalent of a +1 magical bonus, which may be maintained by spending
3 PSP's per round. Note that the psionicist must actually touch the weapon in order to
maintain this power; thus, it is impossible to maintain the power for missile weapons (unless they
return to the user), or if the weapon is knocked out of the psionicists hands. It is possible
to add the bonus to an already magical weapon, or to use this power repeatedly (creating
enhancements of two or more). However, the maximum enhancement that can be
achieved by use of this power is one 'plus' for every 4 levels of the psionicist (i.e., 1 at levels 1
to 4, 2 at levels 5 to 8, etc.)

Power Score-The weapon gets a +2 bonus.

20-The weapon is damaged, it must save vs disintegration or be destroyed.
Heat Shield

Power Score: Wis -4

Initial Cost: 25
Maintenance Cost: 10/round
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 1
Area of Effect: Personal
Prerequisite: molecular agitation, telekinesis

This power will create a shield of hot air around the psionicist that will absorb cold around the
psionicist. It will reduce the damage of cold based attacks by 1 hp/die or give a +1 to any
saving throw. It will also protect a character from cold environments such as a tundra, but not
from super cold environments like the elemental plane of ice. It will also make the character
invisible to infravision. Anyone trying to touch the character without some kind of protection
from heat will suffer 1d6 hp/round. The psionicist, however, will take 1d4 hp/round damage
from heat if this power is used in a hot environment.

Power Score-The power is doubly effective, causing 2d6 points of damage, conferring a +2
bonus and saving 2 hp/die.
20-Cold Shield power is activated instead, even if the character does not know it.

Hiryu Shoten Ha
Discipline Psychokinesis
Level of power Science (major power)
Mental Armor Clas 3
PSP Cost 132
Range 20'
Area of Effect 1 creature
Prerequisite telekinesis, 12th level

General description
This power can only be used on angered creatures. When used, the psionicist causes the air
currents around the victim to spin in a fast motion. As the spin builds up the victim starts to feel
a slight movement upward. At the culmination of the build up, (takes 1d4 rounds), the victim is
given a save vrs. petrifaction. If failed, the victim is blasted up into the sky. He goes up 1d4
miles before starting to fall. The victim has 4% chance at for 1 mile to survive. 3% at two. 2% at
3. And 1% at four. If he survives he automatically loses all hit points but 1. If the saving throw is
made, nothing happens.

Inertial Barrier
(psychokinetic devotion)
MAC: 6
PSP Cost: 6/2
Range: 0
Area of Effect: 3-yard diameter
Prerequisite: Telekinesis

This power is used as a defense, creating a barrier of psionic energy around the user and
anyone within three yards of him. This barrier softens missile blows, shielding the user from
damage by slowing and absorbing some or all of the potential damage caused by incoming
attacks. However, the barrier also slows outgoing missile attacks-a drawback the user should
The power protects against damage from these forms of attack: any nonmagical missile
weapon; any physical missile created by magic; any missile with magical bonuses; flames; some
breath weapon attacks (depending on the nature of the breath); acid; gas; all forms of
disintegration; and falling (damage is halved). Inertial barrier cannot stop missiles conjured from
pure magic or protect against raw heat or cold, pure energy or light, or gaze weapons. An inertial
barrier cannot keep enemies out, but it does slow them. Anyone trying to cross a barrier must
stop moving when contact is made. In the next round, the barrier can be crossed (either entering
or exiting).
Missile weapons, whether passing into or out of the barrier, inflict damage in a modified
fashion because the power saps energy from the missile. If a missile strikes its target after
passing through the barrier (in either direction), the attacker rolls for damage as normal.
However, the defender then rolls the same die to see how much damage the barrier absorbed.
(Note: The defender doesn’t include any magical bonuses the weapon may have.) The defender
subtracts his die roll from the attacker’s damage total. If anything remains, the defender loses
that many hit points. If the defender’s roll equals or exceeds the total damage, the weapon falls
harmlessly to the ground. If the missile is explosive, the barrier prevents weapon damage but not
explosive damage.

Inertial Shield

Power Score: Con-3

Initial Cost: 7
Maintenance Cost: 5/round
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: 3 yard diameter, 120 degree arc
Prerequisite: Telekinesis
This is similar to an inertial barrier, but with one crucial difference: the field is compressed,
giving greater protection from frontal attacks. It protects a 120 degree arc in front of the psionic,
with coverage curving to reach over his head. (Think of it as the front 1/3 of an inertial barrier).
To determine the damage, roll how much damage the missile would have done, then roll twice as
many hit dice to determine the shield's protection. If the shield roll is less than, then subtract it
from the missile's damage. If the rolls are equal, then the missile simply falls inside the shield
(but explosions could still injure those behind the shield). If the shield roll is greater than the
missile damage roll, the missile falls outside the shield, and any explosions will also be absorbed
by the shield.
The inertial shield protects against the same forms of attack as the inertial barrier, but is less
effective in some situations (like gas attacks, or missiles coming from all directions).

Power Score-The shield expands into a 180 degree arc at no extra cost, or into 270 degree arc
for 6 points per round.
20-The shield works in reverse, doubling the damage done by missiles.

Jedi's Fast Levitation

Power Score: Wis -4

Initial Cost: 16
Maintenance Cost: 10/round
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 1
Area of Effect: individual
Prerequisite: levitation

This devotion is a variation applied to the levitation devotion specially created to allow fast
moving during levitation. He can move up or down very fast changing the speed as he wishes,
however, he cannot change the direction or the trajectory of the movement.
Levitation allows the user to float. It is the use of telekinesis on oneself. A character can lift
himself at the rate of 3 foot per second, or 180 feet per round (10 m/s or 36 km/h).
The character can descend as quickly as he wants by simply letting himself fall, then slowing
down as he nears the ground. Levitation is not flying; it doesn't provide any horizontal
movement. Additionally, in this variation of levitation the direction cannot be changed, the
psionicist must define his trajectory before starting the power.
A psionicist can always levitate his own weight. Additional weight, however, such as
equipment or passengers, is a hindrance. Every 25 pounds of added weight reduces the
character's power score by one point.
Reference: Luke against Dark Vader in The Empire Strikes Back.

Power Score-The rate of levitation is doubled.

20-The psionicist doubles his weight for one round. If he falls, he suffers an extra 1d6 points of
Jedi's Stronger Telekinesis

Power Score: Wis -2

Initial Cost: 1/10 of object's weight
Maintenance Cost: half initial cost
Range: 30 yards
Preparation Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: single item
Prerequisite: telekinesis

This devotion is a specialization of the telekinesis science created to move heavy objects.
With this devotion the psychokinesis specialist (a psionicist with psychokinesis as his primary
discipline) can move heavy objects without so, high PSP cost and power score penalties.
- The initial cost equals the 1/10 of object's weight in pounds. The minimum initial cost is 10
PSP. For very heavy (1 ton. or more) objects the cost is 10 times the object weight in tons, but
the power score penalties are much higher (see table below).
- The maintenance cost is half the initial cost, rounded down. The psionicist must make a
power check each round or the object will crash down.
- The character's power score is Wis -2 decreased as shown on tables below.

Initial Power Score

Object weight Cost Modifier
10 pounds 10 +1
100 pounds 10 0
200 pounds 20 -1
400 pounds 40 -2
800 pounds 80 -3
1,000 pounds 100 -4

Very heavy objects

Initial Power Score

Object weight Cost Modifier
1 ton. 10 -6
2 ton. 20 -7
3 ton. 30 -8
4 ton. 40 -9
5 ton. 50 -10
6 ton. 60 -11
7 ton. 70 -12
8 ton. 80 -13
9 ton. 90 -14
10 ton. 100 -15

The following restrictions are applied in this variation of TK.

A psionicist using TK with this devotion can move an object up to 10 feet per round. The
object cannot serve as weapon. Leave a heavy object to fall in a creature is very difficult, since
the object moves very slowly and the creature should see it and move away.
The maintenance of this power is very difficult and the psionicist must make a power check in
each round or the object will fall.
This power requires great concentration and the psionicist cannot perform any other action
while maintaining this power. The psionicist must be unmovable, cannot talk and can look only
to the object being moved.
This power can only be used to move objects in very simple and pre-defined (decided before
the start) trajectories.
Reference: Yoda in The Empire Strikes Back.

Power Score-The psionicist can maintain this power without any other power check.
20-The psionicist will not be able to move this item until he gains a level.

Kinetic Reverse

Power Score: Con -3

Initial Cost: 8
Maintenance Cost: NA
Range: 200 yards
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: 1 object of 100 lbs.
Prerequisite: telekinesis

A psionicist with kinetic reverse can reverse the kinetic energy in any moving object that
weights less than 100lbs. Arrows can be sent back to there archers, spears can be sent back to
there throwers, and small rocks can be sent back to there catapults.

Power Score-Allows for 200 lb objects to be moved.

20-Increases the speed of object, causing double damage.

(psychokinetic devotion)
MAC: 8 (base)
PSP Cost: 5/2
Range: 0
Area of Effect: Personal
Prerequisite: Telekinesis

This power allows the user to float by using telekinesis on himself. The user can lift himself
at the rate of 1 foot a second, or 60 feet a round. He can descend as quickly as he wants by
simply letting himself fall, then slowing down as he nears the ground. The user can always
levitate his own weight. Additional weight, such as equipment or passengers, is a hindrance.
Every 25 pounds of added weight improves the power’s MAC by 1.
Levitation isn’t flying. The power provides no horizontal movement. The user can hover
motionlessly and drift with the wind, or he can push off a wall or other fixed object and drift up
to 60 feet a round in a straight line. He can’t stop, however, until he meets another solid object,
lowers himself to the ground, or stops paying the PSP cost. Two powers-control wind and project
force-can help the levitating user propel himself forward and change direction. The use of these
additional powers requires the extra expenditure of PSPs and MTHAC0 rolls.

Levitate Others

Power Score: Wis -4

Initial Cost: 16 / creature
Maintenance Cost: 8 / round for each creature
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: 15 feet radius
Prerequisite: levitation

This power is identical to levitation, except it is used to levitate other characters. The psionicist
can optionally stays where he is, while someone else is levitated. The creature must be willing to
be levitated, or unconscious. If an willing creature start to frantically move while in the air (in
combat, panic or don't want to be levitated anymore) the psionicist must make another power
check for each round to maintain the character in the air.
A psionicist levitate creatures with weights similar to his own. Additional weight, however,
such as equipment, passengers, or large creatures are a hindrance. Every 25 pounds of added
weight reduces the character's power score by one point and increase initial and the maintenance
cost by 4 points.
The DM can impose a power score penalty to try to stop falling creatures.

Power Score-The initial cost is reduced to 12 per creature and the maintenance if halved.
20-The psionicist doubles the weight of all creatures one round. If they fall, they suffer an extra
1d6 points of damage.

Power Score: Int-1
Initial Cost: 2+
Maintenance Cost: NA
Range: 30 yards
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: one object
Prerequisites: none

A psionicist using magnetize can change the magnetic orientation of a metal object, strongly magnetizing
it. The initial cost is 2 PSPs per pound of metal so affected, so a four-pound long sword requires 8 PSPs to
magnetize. The item remains magnetized for a number of rounds equal to the psionicist’s level before
reverting to normal.
The effects of this power are simple: the psionicist can make the item attracted to other metal objects or
repelled by other metal objects. Any metal objects within 20 feet of the magnetized object are within its
magnetic influence. Metallic creatures gain a saving throw versus spells to avoid being magnetized.
In deciding how magnetism affects an object, remember that a heavier object remains stationary, while
a lighter object moves toward or away from it. If a character’s short sword is magnetized and his friend
standing beside him is wearing plate mail, the short sword will go flying over to stick to the armored
fellow-not the other way around. A creature holding or wearing an object under magnetic influence may
attempt a Strength check to retain control of the item.
A character wearing metal armor can be immobilized if he fails his Strength check. Other effects are
left to the DM’s imagination, but small objects such as daggers can reach impressive speeds when
attracted or repelled by magnetism.
Power Score: All Strength checks made by opponents to keep control of metal items fail.
20: All metal objects on the psionicist’s person are scattered 2-20 (2d10) feet in random directions.

Mass Manipulation
Power Score: Int-3
Initial Cost: 9
Maintenance Cost: 9/round
Range: 20 yards
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: one object
Prerequisites: telekinesis

A psionicist with this devotion can affect the way in which gravity affects an item. The weight of the item
can be increased to 200% normal or reduced to 25% normal. The effect remains as long as the psionicist
maintains the power.
Creatures that are burdened by extra-heavy armor suffer a -2 penalty to attack rolls and Armor Class,
and are reduced to ¼ of their normal movement. Weapons that are made heavier or lightened suffer a -2
attack penalty and inflict -2 damage.
Light objects can be thrown or fired twice as far as normal. Very heavy objects can be lightened to
make them easier to move. Some objects may be drastically affected by this power-a roof doubled in
weight may collapse its supports, while a lightened anchor may not hold any longer. The DM should use
his best judgment in deciding the exact effects of any particular mass manipulation.
The more massive the object the power is used upon, the more difficult it is to affect. Apply the
following power check modifiers for heavy objects.

Weight of Object Power Check Penalty

20 lb or less 0
21 to 50 pounds -2
51 to 100 pounds -4
101 to 500 pounds -6
501 pounds or more -8

Power Score: The item can be reduced to 10% of its normal weight or increased to 400% normal.
20: The psionicist increases his own mass exponentially and collapses beneath his own staggering
weight. He cannot move or attack for 2d10 turns.

Mirror Image

Power Score: Con -3

Initial Cost: 8
Maintenance Cost: 4/round
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: self
Prerequisite: telekinesis, control light

With this power a psionicist can create three exact copies of he body by manipulating light
waves. There must be light waves present for this power to work. This is a combat
enhancement and has very little use anywhere else. When used it creates a row of four, one
being the real psionicist and three being copies, in random order and the copies and the psionicist
are continually switching places. This gives the psionicist 3 chances in 4 to escape damage
from his opponents blows. After each successful attack against the psionicist, he will roll a four
sided dice. On a 1 the psionicist takes to damage like normal. On a 2, 3, or 4 one of the copies
was hit. Sense the copies are only manipulated light swords, arrows, and all other forms of
physical attack pass throw it doing no damage. Telepathic attacks are no affected by these

Power Score-Seven copies are created giving the psionicist 7 chances in 8 to escape damage.
20-A bright flash of light is created instead of the copies, blinding the psionicist for 1D4

Mold Earth

Power Score: Con -6

Initial Cost: 50
Maintenance Cost: NA
Range: 20 yards
Preparation Time: 3
Area of Effect: 10 cu. ft.+5 cu. ft/level of earth
Prerequisite: telekinesis, soften

The use of this power allows a psionicist to mold earth in a fast, almost instantaneous manner.
This power allows the user to change the shape of any earthen object, even the actual ground
itself. It can be used to build instant stone bridges, earthen pillars, or even used as an attack by
creating stone fists to punch opponents. If a fist of stone is created, it will cause 1d4 points of
damage/10 cubic feet of stone that is used. It can also create breeches in walls or other effects.
Any object created will be rough and like it's original substance. Fine detail can be
accomplished by using this power but with an area of affect of 1/10th the original size.
Power Score-Fine detail can be done at normal size, but the preparation time is doubled.
20-A 20' pit opens below the psionicist, the result of displaced earth.

Molecular Agitation
(psychokinetic devotion)
MAC: 10
PSP Cost: 7/3
Range: 40 yards
Area of Effect: 1 item, 20 pounds
Prerequisite: None

This power enables the user to excite the molecules of a substance, causing paper to ignite,
wood to smolder, or skin to blister, for example. The degree of destruction is as follows,
depending on the number of rounds the item is agitated:
· One round. Readily flammable materials, such as paper and dry grass, ignite; skin becomes
red and tender (1 point of damage); wood becomes dark.
· Two rounds. Wood smolders and smokes; metal becomes hot to the touch; skin blisters (1d4
points of damage); hair melts; paint shrivels.
· Three rounds. Wood ignites; metal scorches (1d4 points of damage); skin burns away (1d6
points of damage); water boils, lead melts. The damage inflicted doesn’t increase beyond this
round, but targets continue to suffer the 1d4 or 1d6 points for each subsequent round the
power continues.
· Four rounds. Steel grows soft.
· Five rounds. Steel melts.
Magical items receive saving throws against magical fire, but a +10 penalty is applied to the
number needed. The heat produced by this power is highly destructive as it comes from inside
the item instead of outside.

Molecular Bonding
Power Score: Int-1
Initial Cost: 5
Maintenance Cost: 4/round
Range: 10 yards
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: 6 square inches
Prerequisites: telekinesis

Molecular bonding allows the psionicist to join two surfaces together at the molecular level. An enemy’s
boots can be joined to the floor, his sword to its sheath, or the joints of his armor fused together into a
useless plug of metal. Molecular bonding can also be used to repair damaged items, joining two shards of
a sword together or repairing a broken bowstring. The power does not affect living creatures.
The rate of joining is approximately 6 square inches per round. If used on someone’s armor, this will
suffice to freeze one joint or fix one boot to the ground. A character immobilized in this fashion can
usually wriggle out or tear free in one round, but a character wearing bonded plate mail is probably stuck
for quite some time.
Power Score: The rate of bonding increases to 24 square inches per round.
20: The psionicist bonds his own boots to the ground and becomes stuck.

Molecular Dampening

Power Score: Wisdom

Initial Cost: 5
Maintenance Cost: 4/round
Range: 50 yards
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: 1 item, 30 pounds
Prerequisite: Telekinesis

This power is the opposite of the molecular agitation devotion; instead of increasing the
movement of molecules inside an object, this power slows them down, chilling the object. The
amount of damping determines the effects:
* 1 round: things become cool to the touch, skin becomes clammy (no damage), some
condensation (if humidity permits)
* 2 rounds: skin becomes numb (1-2 pts damage), water becomes slushy, items become cold to
the touch, condensation coats the surface, paper becomes brittle
* 3 rounds: skin starts to freeze (1-3 pts damage), water freezes, metal becomes cold to the
touch (1 pt damage, possibly freezing to the surface), condensation freezes, plants die, leather
* 4 rounds: freezing temperatures harm tissues (1-4 pts damage), thin layer of ice if humidity
permits, skin freezes to metal (1-4 pts damage), wood/plants/leather becomes brittle
* 5 rounds: hypothermia possible (1-6 pts damage max), possible limb loss, thick layer of ice
(if possible), minerals weaken
* 6 rounds: rock becomes brittle, metal weakens, skin permanently freezes to metal
* 7 rounds: rock shatters like glass, metal becomes brittle
* 8 rounds: metal shatters like glass
* 10 rounds: adamantite weakens (maximum weakening)

Weakening means that the substance has a -2 penalty to all saving throws (-4 vs. cold).
Brittleness means that the object has the qualities of thin crystal, being easily breakable, and
having similar saving throws. It still takes a good blow (from a blunt object) to shatter the item.
Becoming "like glass" means that the object can be shattered easily, in the palm of one's hand
(hopefully protected from cold!), and that all saving throws are made as glass. However, the
shards are incredibly cold, and very sharp. Shattering a sword with an unprotected hand could
easily cause 2-12 points of damage, plus whatever cold damage is possible.
The "layer of ice" effects are up to the DM. In desert situations, a "thick" coating might only be
1/10 of an inch, but in a humid jungle, the thick layer may be up to 6 inches thick. The "layer of
ice" effect has many uses near (or in) a large body of water.

Power Score-Rate of damping doubles (as per molecular agitation)

20-The psionicist botches the damping, and the item is affected by Molecular Agitation
(whether or know the psionicist knows that devotion), but the psionicist is unaware of any

Molecular Manipulation
(psychokinetic devotion)
MAC: 7
PSP Cost: 6/2
Range: 15 yards
Area of Effect: 2 square inches
Prerequisite: Telekinesis

This power allows the user to weaken an object’s molecular bonds. When stress is applied to
the object or a blow is struck, it snaps. The user can create one “weak point” of approximately 2
square inches each round. Deterioration occurs across a plane (in two dimensions, not three).
One round’s application is enough to fatally weaken most small objects (knives, ropes, saddle
straps, bows, etc.). Larger objects require more time and are subject to the DM’s discretion.
The DM must decide how vulnerable molecular manipulation makes larger, oddly shaped
items (such as doors and shields). An object need not be in two pieces to be useless. A small
boat, for example, is unsafe if it has a crack in its hull.

Momentum Theft
Power Score: Int-2
Initial Cost: 5+
Maintenance Cost: NA
Range: 30 yards
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: one creature or object
Prerequisites: kinetic control

This power allows a psionicist to drain a target of its momentum, causing it to stop moving. The stolen
momentum is dissipated harmlessly in the ground at the psionicist’s feet. Arrows, catapult missiles, and
even flying creatures can be halted in mid-air and begin to fall. (Winged creatures can usually break their
fall after a drop of 10 to 20 feet, however.)
Creatures walking or fighting are temporarily thrown off-balance and must make a Dexterity check to
avoid stumbling and losing their action for the round. A running or charging creature must make a
Dexterity check with a -4 penalty or take a running tumble for 1d4 points of damage. The victim is
stunned for 1-2 rounds.
If this power is used on a falling character, it stops him instantly-and he begins to fall again. However,
since his speed was reduced to 0, falling damage is only counted for the distance he fell after his
momentum was neutralized.
It is hard to remove the momentum of heavy and fast-moving objects. The larger and faster an item,
the more PSPs it costs to arrest its movement. It requires 5 PSPs to stop a man-sized creature (200 pounds)
with a movement rate of 12, which is equal to walking at about four miles per hour. Each doubling of
speed or weight costs an additional 5 PSPs, so it costs 25 PSPs to stop a charging half-giant in his tracks.
Power Score: The removal of momentum immobilizes the target for one full round.
20: The psionicist knocks himself sprawling and must save versus death or be stunned 1-3 rounds.

Move Electrons

Power Score: Con-4

Initial Cost: variable
Maintenance Cost: NA
Range: 90 feet
Preparation Time: variable (0-2)
Area of Effect: one creature/object
Prerequisite: Telekinesis

This devotion allows the psionicist to move a number of electrons through an object, causing
electrical damage to it. The cost is variable, but the longer a psionicist prepares to use the power,
the more electrons that can be moved. Creatures that are made out of electricity take half damage
(if somebody rearranged parts of your body, it would still hurt). Creatures immune to lightning
or electrical damage are not affected by this power at all.
It is possible to use this power against more than one creature, but only if they are connected
by a good conductor (like metallic armor or very salty water); in this case, damage is divided
between all connected creatures, with the target and those nearest the target taking the most
damage. Magical metallic items will never conduct from creature to creature.

Preparation Time Cost Damage

0 rounds (immediate) 6 1d4 + 1
1 round 8 1d8 + 1
2 rounds 11 2d8

Metallic Armor: +2 points damage, plus possible conduction

More than two rounds of moving electrons will not increase damage for mortal psionicists, but
a psionic lich or demi-god with this power could use greater preparation times for even more
damage. The DM can increase damage as seen fit, but I would max the damage at 4d8+4 (8-36
hit points) for 4 rounds of preparation time -- anything else would be too much like a wizard
The longer the preparation time, the louder the discharge will be; with no preparation, the
sound will be barely audible beyond 10 feet, but with two rounds of preparation time, the sound
could easily carry 50 feet or more, and would echo in underground circumstances.
NOTE: I have not tried to use "real world" physics to the letter to create this power. If any DM
allowing this power wishes to make it more "realistic" (using voltages, amps, or whatever), feel
free. Dammit, I'm a DM, not an electrician!

Power Score-Damage occurs on the next greater die type (either a d6 or a d10) and the damage
bonus increases to +2.
20-The power backfires; the psionic takes 1/2 normal damage and cannot use this power for
another 3 turns. The victim is unharmed.

Negative magnetic barrier (Defense)

Discipline Psychokinesis
Level of power Devotion (minor power)
Mental Armor Clas
PSP Cost 8
Range 0
Area of Effect 2 foot radius sphere around individual
Perequisite telekinesis

General description
The Negative magnetic barrier is a defense. The psionicist creats a barrier of molecules, which
creats magnetic feild. The psionicist then may make a choice to switch its polarity, to attract
magnetic materials, or even repulse them. All weapons made of such materials would either be
stuck in the feild, or rejeted to strike it. The longer it is maintaned its polarity increases in
size(10%/round, Maintenance Cost: 4/round). Power Score- the polarity goes up 50%. 20- No
other effet. ( The psionicist is uneffected by its polarity while standing in its sphere)

Psychic Guidance

Power Score: Int - 2

Initial Cost: 3 + special
Maintenance Cost: 3 / round
Range: line of sight
Preparation Time: 2 segments
Area of Effect: one projectile
Prerequisite: Telekinesis, (detonate)

This power allows a psionicist to guide a small projectile, such as a knife, arrow, or
sling stone (max weight 2 lbs), to its target. The psionicist must first prepare the
projectile, which takes two segments (see prep. time) and costs 3 PSP's. The
projectile may then be thrown (fired, hurled, or whatever) normally, but may be guided
telekinetically. The following things are possible at the listed cost in PSP's.
Add +1 to hit, +1 to damage, and extend the range by 10 feet by spending 2 PSP
(cannot spend more than the psionicists level) Make a radical course correction (up to 180
degrees) at a cost of 5 PSP's (all benefits bestowed by previous guidance are lost). Recall
the projectile at a cost of 10 PSP's. The projectile will return to the psionicists hand (no
DEX check required to catch) from anywhere within range (i.e., line of sight). The
projectile may be made to explode causing an extra d6 damage to the target (or anyone within 3
feet). This costs 5 PSP's and requires detonate as a prerequisite.
Prepared projectiles may be maintained at a cost of 3 PSP's per round. The maximum
number of projectiles a psionicist may handle at a time is one for every 4 levels of
experience. The psionicist must be able to see the projectile (by some means) in order to guide
it. This is not necessary for recalling the projectile, or for making it explode.

Power Score-The projectile may be recalled without spending any PSP's.

20-The projectile explodes doing d6 damage to the psionicist.

Psychokinetic Punch

Power Score: Con - 2

Initial Cost: 4
Maintenance Cost: NA
Range: 50 yards
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: one object
Prerequisite: Telekinesis

With this devotion, the psionicist is able to create a weak punch effect, much like a weakened
Project Force. The attack is made against armor class 10, modified for any magic and dexterity.
If it hits, the punch does 1-4 points of damage, and disrupts any spellcasting. If the target is
moving at any speed greater than that of normal combat (roughly 50 feet per round), then attacks
are made with a -2 penalty. A Protection From Normal Missiles, Shield, or Stoneskin spell will
be effective against a PK Punch.
The power can also be used to give objects a "push". This is nowhere near as hard as a Project
Force, but is more like bumping into something. For example, small objects can be moved quite
a bit, like keys being knocked off a table or cracking a window, but large objects like a door will
only have a small bit of motion, like moving a door slightly ajar. Psychokinetic Punch can also
be used while levitating, to but a bit of force to horizontal movement (up to 30 feet per round).

Power Score-Damage is 1-6, or objects are affected by a Project Force (DM's choice).
20-The motion is in the opposite direction; attacks always miss, and objects move in the
opposite of the intended direction.
Spontaneous Combustion
Discipline Psychokinesis
Level of power Devotion (minor power)
Mental Armor Clas 6
PSP Cost 15 5/round
Range 50 yards
Area of Effect 1 creature
Perequisite Telekinesis, Molecular Rearrangement, Molecular Agitation

General description
This power initiates the process of catching on fire and eventually incinerating as a result of heat
generated by an internal chemical action within a creature. The creature must already be able to
produce a chemical reaction to generate its own heat, e.g. (warm-blooded) mammalian creatures.
The creature must save vs. death magic at -1 or begin the process. If it succeeds the save vs.
death magic -1 it is still affected only receiving minor heat agitation and being enveloped in
smoke coming from its body - DM effect, but otherwise the creature is unaffected. The effects
are as follows: 1 round: smoke starts to emit from the body especially the skin, more so than
successfully saving against the initial process. 2 rounds: 1d6+1dmg. The victim under goes rapid
heat generation within their body resulting in 2nd and 3rd degree burns all over 50% of their
body and causing it to suffer an additional 1dmg per 1HD of creature. 3 rounds: 2d4+2dmg. Roll
a 1d6 to see how many limbs or vital appendages of the victim burst into flames. The body of the
creature will burst into flames in random locations causing it to suffer an additional 1dmg per
1HD of creature - DM effect. If you roll 1-4 DM randomly calls which appendage incinerates -
DM effect. 5 or 6 on the 1d6, the victim's torso 5, or head 6, (vital parts) bursts into flames doing
an extra 2dmg per 1HD of creature - DM effect. 4 rounds: Creature incinerates and is killed -
DM effect if needed.

Static Discharge
Power Score: Int-3
Initial Cost: 5
Maintenance Cost: 5/round
Range: 15 yards
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: one creature
Prerequisites: magnetize
A psionicist with this ability can use his control of magnetism to accumulate a charge of static electricity
and then discharge it in the form of violent electrical shocks. The longer the psionicist accumulates the
charge, the more damaging the discharge will be; the attack inflicts 1d4+1 points of damage per round of
Maintaining this power doesn’t count as an attack, but the discharge does. The psionicist must make
an attack roll to hit his target, but only magical protections apply-armor and Dexterity do not.
Power Score: Damage increases to 1d6+1 per round and any metal items on the victim are magnetized.
20: The psionicist shocks himself for 1d4 damage and magnetizes any metal items he has on him.

Suspend Objects

Power Score: Int -2

Initial Cost: 5
Maintenance Cost: 2/round
Range: 3' radius; centered on Psionic
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: Level+2 Objects of Level+10 weight
Prerequisite: Telekinesis

This Devotion allows the Psionic to suspend objects in the air around him. He must place the
object where he wants it to stay and then let go of it, just tossing it into the general area of where
he wants it will not work. The object will stay in place relative to the Psionic until either he
retrieves it, does not pay the maintenance cost, or some outside force changes its position.
Example: George the Psionic is carrying an object in each hand when he sees a third object
that he wants to pick up and take with him. Using Suspend Objects he can place one or both of
the objects he is carrying in the air around him and they will follow along with him until one of
the above things happens.

Power Score-The psionicist can either handle twice the number of objects or objects of twice
the weight.
20-The objects will move rapidly in random directions until the power is discontinued.

Discipline Psychokinesis
Level of power Science (major power)
Mental Armor Clas
PSP Cost 20 10/round
Range 50 yards
Area of Effect 20 yards+1/lvl
Perequisite control wind+lvl 5

General description
It is power is a specialization of control wind that creates a small tornado. It takes 5 rounds(60
psp) to get it started. It deals 2d20 damage to PC and NPC. It is very useful for destorying
buildings 1 round for small houses, 2 for big houses, 3 for stone walls, 4 for 20 ft. section of a
stone building (castle, cave enterances, etc.). During use of this power the user can not move or
take any actions. He is totally focused on the task so that there is a +4 bonus to hit and any
distraction does disrupt the power.


Power Score: Int -5

Initial Cost: 40
Maintenance Cost: 10/round
Range: touch
Preparation Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 1 cubic foot/level
Prerequisite: telekinesis, molecular rearrangement

This power will make any object transparent, but still with it's strength properties and other
physical properties. It is similar to making the object invisible. This can be used to peer
through a wall without exposing oneself to dangers that may exist on the other side. It is also
useful for making objects invisible for a short time. Other creative uses can certainly be found
by a resourceful psionicist.

Power Score-Double the area may be affected.

20-The psionicist becomes affected by this power for 1d4+1 rounds, but not their equipment.

Velocity Control

Power Score: Int -4

Initial Cost: 15
Maintenance Cost: NA
Range: 100 yards
Preparation Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 object
Prerequisite: telekinesis, ballistic attack

This power can change the speed of any object. It can halt any missile weapon of low speeds,
or double the speed as well. Large objects or fast moving ones can be slowed or sped up as
well, but not stopped completely. Any missile weapon except a crossbow or heavy missile
weapons (catapult, boulders, balista, etc.) This power can only alter the speed of the missile
weapon if the power is activated before the missile hits and after it is fired. Crossbow bolts can
be slowed so that they cause 1/2 damage, as well as ballista, catapults and other heavy missile
weapons. If the speed is doubled, the damage is also doubled.

Power Score-Any object can be stopped or sped up.

20-The object's speed changes in the opposite direction intended.

Psychometabolic Powers Psychometabolic powers affect the user’s body by altering it in

some way. Revised sciences and devotions are presented in this section.

Absorb/Dissipate Energy (PsychoMetabolic Science)

Power Score : Constitution -2
Initial Cost : 15
Maintenance Cost : n/a
Range : Zero
Preparation Time : Zero
Area of Effect : Personal
Prerequisite : nil

This is variant of Energy Containment. It lets the ESPer absorb energy, as per Energy Containment (PsiHB, p.52)
except, it allows the ESPer a chance to dissipate it back at the originator.

Power Score - As per PsiHB/Damage that gets "dissipated" back at target is x2.
20 - As per PsiHB.

Animal Affinity
(psychometabolic science)
MAC: 5
PSP Cost: 7/3
Range: 0
Area of Effect: Personal
Prerequisite: None

With this power, the user develops an affinity for a particular animal type. Roll on the list
below to determine the animal type (see the Monstrous Manual for descriptions). The user
undergoes a physical change when this power is used, depending on the animal and ability. For
example, he may gain wings or claws.
When the user activates this power, he temporarily gains one of the animal’s attributes. He
can gain the animal’s Armor Class; movement rate and mode; physical attacks, damage, and
THAC0; hit points; or any other special ability-though only one of these can be gained at a time.
The attribute lasts for every round that the cost is paid. Switching to a different attribute requires
a new MTHAC0 roll.
1d20 Result
1 Ape
2 Barracuda
3 Boar
4 Bull
5 Crocodile
6 Eagle, giant
7 Elephant
8 Falcon
9 Griffon
10 Grizzly bear
11 Lion
12 Panther (black leopard)
13 Draft horse
14 Peregrine falcon (hawk)
15 Rattlesnake
16 Scorpion, giant
17 Shark
18 Stag
19 Tiger
20 Wolf

* Constrictor or poison, player’s choice.

Here is the list from the will and the way:

Animal Affinity Table

1 Ankheg 11 Rasclinn
2 Cha’thrang 12 Razorwing
3 Erdland 13 Scorpion, Giant
4 Flailer 14 Silk Wyrm
5 Inix 15 Snake, Giant*
6 Kirre 16 Spider, Giant
7 Lizard, Minotaur 17 Tembo
8 Mekillot 18 Tigone
9 Pterrax 19 Wyvern
10 Pulp Bee 20 Lion, spotted
* Constrictor or Poison, player’s choice

These monsters can all be found in the DARK SUN boxed set, DARK SUN MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM, or
in the Monstrous Manual.

Here is a complete Dark Sun version of the animal affinity table:

Animal Affinities (Roll 1d20+1d12)
2 - Ankheg 10 - Inix 18 - Pterrax 26 - Spider
3 - Carru 11 - Jhakar 19 - Pulp Bee 27 - Spinewyrm
4 - Cilops 12 - Kes'trekel 20 - Rasclinn 28 - Tembo
5 - Cha'thrang 13 - Kirre 21 - Razorwing 29 - Tagster
6 - Crodlu 14 - Lion, Spotted 22 - Ruktoi 30 - Tigone
7 - Erdland 15 - Lizard, Minotaur 23 - Scorpion 31 - Wyvern
8 - Flailer 16 - Mekillot 24 - Silk Wyrm 32 - DM or Player's Choice
(Within Reason)
9 - Gorak 17 - Panther(Black Leopard) 25 - Snake
Attune Body

Power Score: Con -6

Initial Cost: 30
Maintenance Cost: 10/turn
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisite: body control, elemental respiration

This power allows the psionicist to completely attune his body to one of the four
basic elemental planes (Air, Earth, Fire, Water). While attuned, the psionicist may
breathe, survive, and move freely in the basic elemental plane of their choice. They may
also survive in the paraelemental plane and any quasielemental plane that borders their
elemental. This power does not allow the psionicist to fly outside of the Elemental
Planes. However, this attunement does not come free: by attuning the psionicists body
to a particular elemental, they are unable to survive outside of this habitat: a psionicist
attuned to The Elemental Plane of Water finds himself unable to breath the air of Sigil.
Genasi may not use this power to attune themselves to anything besides their
native element because they are unable to completely attune their already inherently
elemental natures to another element. However, a fire genasi psionicist may use this
ability to survive in the plane of ash or radiance.
Breathing in the plane of Vacuum may not be accomplished through the use of
this power.
Power Score: The psionicist may also survive in his natural habitat.
20: The psionicist attempts to attune his body to a particular element, but fails.
He suffers 1d6 damage from the attempt.

Bern Mental Chaos

Discipline Psychometabolism
Level of power Science (major power)
Mental Armor Clas -----
PSP Cost 100
Range 1 person
Area of Effect 100 km
Perequisite -none-

General description
A power that makes the opponent lose conciousness
and the opponent also lose 3/4 of it's Int wand Wis.

Complete Healing
(psychometabolic science)
MAC: 7
PSP Cost: 25/5
Range: 0
Area of Effect:Personal
Prerequisite: None

This power allows the user to heal himself completely of all ailments, wounds, and normal
diseases. He must place himself in a trance for 24 hours to accomplish the healing. The trance is
deep; it can’t be broken unless the user loses 5 or more hit points. During the healing trance, the
user’s body repairs itself at an incredible rate. At the end of the 24 hours, he awakens, restored to
complete health in every regard except for the PSPs expended to use the power. If the user fails
his MTHAC0 roll, the power can’t be activated; the trance breaks after 1 hour, costing 5 PSPs.

Control Aging

Power Score: Con-6

Initial Cost: 12
Maintenance Cost: 8/round
Range: touch
Preparation Time: 1
Area of Effect: individual
Prerequisite: none

With this science, the character can control the aging process in a creature's body, causing to
grow older or younger with a touch. The rate of aging is 2-5 years per round to make a creature
older, 1-3 years to make a creature younger. Although the aging effect is permanent, natural
aging will begin immediately after any age change is made, thus the clock cannot be stopped, but
it can be moved forwards or backwards. In the case of undoing magical or unnatural aging, the
rate of "youthening" is 1-4 years per round.
Only evil psionicists can use the "forward" power repeatedly, without undoing it. Any other
alignment will slowly twist to evil. Likewise, only good psionicists can undo the ravages of
time on a creature. As with aging forward, any repeated use of the "youthening" power causes
the psionicist to tap into his own youth and goodness.

Power Score-The rate of age changing is increased by 2 years per round.

20-The psionicist grows 2-5 years older, and cannot use this power for another week.

Elemental Composition (High Science)

Power Score: Con-4
Initial Cost: 24
Maintenance Cost: 3/round
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisites: metamorphosis, body weaponry

The High Science of Psychometabolism is elemental composition, the ability to transform oneself into any
element. The psionicist can change his body into dense materials such as iron or obsidian, sand or earth,
water, or even air. While he is in elemental form, the psionicist gains any natural immunities or
vulnerabilities of that element. For example, a sword cut simply can’t harm a watery or gaseous body,
while iron bodies need not breathe-but they can be rusted.
The psionicist retains his limbs and senses. Very dense bodies (stone or metal) reduce his Armor Class
to 0 and give him an effective Strength of 21. Amorphous bodies give him the ability to slither under
doors and elongate limbs. Gaseous bodies allow the psionicist to drift with the winds. Normal weapons
may be unable to harm some forms, but magical weapons (and monsters capable of striking creatures hit
only by magical weapons) can always harm the psionicist, regardless of his form.
The psionicist may change his form once per round without being forced to use an action. If he
changes his form a second time, he must forego any other actions for that round.
In addition to the combat abilities of the various forms, the psionicist can always move in the element
his body is composed of. For example, by changing to sand he gains the ability to burrow through sand at
his normal movement rate. Some elemental bodies may he excellent camouflage; it’s hard to see a
character made out of nitrogen gas, for example.
Power Score: The psionicist gains the combat ability of an elemental of the appropriate type.
20: The psionicist botches the transformation and must make a system shock roll or suffer 3d10 points
of damage.

Emperor's Lightning Bolts

Power Score: Con - 4

Initial Cost: 5 psp/1d6 (1) or 7 psp/1d6 (2-5)
Maintenance Cost: NA
Range: 6 yards
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: 1 to 5 creatures
Prerequisite: Energy Containment

Throw a group of lightning bolts from the body of the psionicist to each target. 5 psp/1d6 is the
cost for 1 target, 7 psp/1d6 for 2-5 targets. The maximum damage per usage is half the psionicist
level in d6's. Save vs. Petrification for half damage.
This power cannot be magnified by any metapsionic devotion, the damage limit cannot be
Reference: Luke against the Emperor in Return of Jedi (Movie)

Power Score-Target saves at -4

20-The psionicist takes half damage. Save vs. petrification for 1/4.

Energetic Healing
Discipline Psychometabolism
Level of power Devotion (minor power)
Mental Armor Clas 4
PSP Cost 4 /2(if failed)
Range 0
Area of Effect Personal
Perequisite Energy Containment

General description
Psionicist can convert any "contained" energy from Energy Containment and turn it into hit
points. The rate is 1 HP / 5 Points of damage absorbed. The psionicist may not raise his HP
above his maximum. Any leftover energy will still cause the psionicist to glow.

Energy Discharge
Discipline Psychometabolism
Level of power Devotion (minor power)
Mental Armor Clas 5
PSP Cost 6/3(if failed)
Range 100 yds.
Area of Effect 1 object or creature
Perequisite Energy Containment

General description
After the psionicist has absorbed damage from Energy Containment he may channel that energy
into an attack form. He may cause damage on a 2:1 ratio (for every 2 damage absorbed 1 point of
damage may be caused) to 1 creature, in the form of condensed light. The victim is allowed a
save vs. breath weapon for 1/2 damage. The psionicist may elect to use all the energy in one
attack or divide it up amongst his enemies, but must declare how much energy he is going to use
before he roll for the attack. The psionicist can only attack one person per round with this power
and must make a power check each round to use it successfully(and pay PSP cost). If the power
fails, the psionicist takes 1/2 the amount of damage the blast would have caused if save vs.
breath then damage is reduced to 1/4. In addition if the character was maintaining the power
Energy Containment, that power is disrupted and must be initiated again, but the psionicist
automatically saves for reduced damage. This Since this isn't sunlight it has no addition effects
on undead.

Enhanced Combat

Power Score: Wis - 5

Initial Cost: special
Maintenance Cost: special
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: the psionicist
Prerequisite: Adrenaline control, Heightened senses, biofeedback

This is a real 'Use the force Luke' type power. In essence, it allows the psionicist to
mentally guide and enhance his/her attacks and defenses, making them faster and more
accurate. To do this, the psionicist must first make a power check, and spend a number
of PSP's (maximum is twice the psionicists level) to initialize the power. In the
next round, and for as long as this power is maintained, the following may be done (at the listed
cost in PSP's).
Add +1 to hit and damage to your attacks this round (3 PSP's).* Add +1 to hit and damage
to your next attack (2 PSP's). Plus improve your AC and initiative by one (2 PSP's).*
Attack first in the round (i.e., before initiative - like someone with a scimitar of speed or a short
sword of quickness) (4 PSP's).* Use one of your attacks to automatically parry,
without having to roll a die (5 PSP's). Plus dodge an attack, without having to roll or give up
one of your attacks (8 PSP's).Plus gain another attack this round (8 PSP's).* Recover your
weapon (after is has been dropped). This counts as one of your attacks (4 PSP's). As
* This action must be announced at the beginning of the round. Plus this action must
be announced before the attack (or parry) roll is attempted. Thus a missed attack roll
cannot be retroactively improved.
NOTE: In any given round, the psionicist may never spend more PSP's than were used to
initialize the power. Thus if 8 PSP's were spent on initialization, it would be possible to dodge
one attack, or gain an extra attack (or do anything else that costs 8 PSP's or less), but
it would not be possible to gain an extra attack and get +1 to hit and damage, as this
would cost 11 PSP's. The power is maintained as long as the psionicist uses this power. It
ends on any round during which the psionicist does not spend any PSP's on it. In order to
maintain this power, spending one PSP per round is enough, although it does absolutely nothing.

Power Score-The amount of PSP's which could be spent per round is doubled (no increase
in initialization cost).
20-Until the psionicist gets at least 4 hours of rest (preferably sleep), he/she has a -1
penalty to hit, to damage, to AC, to initiative as well as all saving throws.


Power Score: Con-6

Initial Cost: 20
Maintenance Cost: 8/round
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisites: 7th level

The psionicist fortifies his/herself such that the effect of any sort of attack that causes physical
damage is either lessened and/or the psionicist has greater resistance giving them a better chance
to shake off the effects of such an attack.
Specifically, the power will first add a +2 to all saving throws against attacks that cause
physical damage, including spells like fireball, cone of cold, etc., poison, breath weapons, and
attacks from magic items like wands that produce spell-like effects. Second, the psionicist can
subtract one from the all damage die rolled for an attack that produces physical damage on
him/her and also reduce poison damage by 25%. In addition, the psionicist is immune to death
from massive damage, and further, spells like Finger of Death will not take effect until the
psionicist stops maintaining the power, then if the save was failed, the psionicist dies. Finally, if
powers are used that convert PSPs to raw pure energy that can be used to blast enemies, this
power halves the damage from such an attack since it is using psionics to resist psionics.

Power Score-The saving throw bonus improves to +4, and all damage die suffer a -2 penalty.
Further, poison damage is halved.
20-The psionicist immediately suffers 20 hit points of damage no save, and further, all saving
throws are penalized by -1 for the next 24 hours.

Discipline Psychometabolism
Level of power Devotion (minor power)
Mental Armor Clas 9
PSP Cost 8/round
Range 9 feet
Area of Effect psionicist
Perequisite none

General description
This power basically turns the psionicist into a giant magnet. All metal objects within nine feet
of the psionicist will immediately come flying towards him. Strangely enough, the psionicist
suffers no damage when they hit him. For every 10 metal objects, the user's AC is lowered by
one, to a maximum of 0.

(psychometabolic science)
MAC: 4
PSP Cost: 6/3
Range: 0
Area of Effect: Personal
Prerequisite: None

This power resembles magical polymorphing, but it has a wider application. The user can
change himself into anything with approximately the same mass as his body: a wolf, a chair, or
even a tree. While in this form, the user retains his own hit points and THAC0, but he gains the
AC of the new form. He also gains all physical attacks the form allows, but no magical or special
abilities. A new attack ability depends on the form chosen; a tree, for example, can’t attack, so it
has no THAC0. Nonmagical movement is also gained. If the user metamorphs into another
character race, use the Monstrous Manual book’s descriptions for that race.
Some forms have intrinsic advantages. Changing into a fish or rock renders the user immune
to drowning, though he doesn’t retain any senses not normally associated with his new form. He
may opt to keep some of his own senses when he transforms, but these are likely to give him
Like any massive change of shape, metamorphosis causes great physical stress. The user
must make a system shock roll. If the roll fails, he expends 6 PSPs, changes form only for 1
round, and immediately passes out for 2d6 turns.

Nerve Manipulation
Power Score: Con-3
Initial Cost: 14
Maintenance Cost: NA
Range: touch
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: one creature
Prerequisites: double pain

This power allows the psionicist to do terrible things to the nervous system of another creature. With a
touch, he can inflict wracking pain, unconsciousness, or even death. This power works best on creatures
of the psionicist’s own species; there is a -2 penalty to the power check if the psionicist uses the power on
a creature of a different species, and a -4 penalty if the psionicist uses the power on a creature of a
different order such as an insect or a mollusk.
The psionicist must touch the skin of the victim, which can be a difficult proposition in combat-a
normal attack roll to hit the victim is required. If he attacks successfully, the effect on the victim is
determined by the psionicist’s initiation roll.

Check Result
1-3 Spasms: -2 to victim’s attacks and AC for 1d3 rounds
4-5 Pain: -4 penalty to victim’s attacks and AC for 1d3 rounds
6-9 Stunning: the victim is stunned and unable to act for 1d4+1 rounds
10-12 Unconsciousness: the victim is out cold for 2d6 full turns
13+ Death: the victim collapses and dies in 1d3 rounds

The victim may attempt a saving throw versus poison to avoid the effects of the psionicist’s touch.
Any of the effects can be neutralized by the application of a neutralize poison spell or the successful use of
the antidote function of the science poison simulation. If the psionicist wishes, he can “pull his punch,”
using a lesser effect on the victim than that indicated by the power check result.
Power Score: Even if the victim makes his saving throw he is still stunned for 1d2 rounds.
20: The psionicist must save versus poison or suffer one of the above effects, determined randomly.

Poison Simulation
Power Score: Con-2
Initial Cost: 16
Maintenance Cost: NA
Range: touch
Preparation Time: 1
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisites: chemical simulation
The psychometabolist can use this power to produce natural toxins from her own body. The psionicist
can only simulate poisons that she has experienced or tasted herself; if she had survived the sting of a
giant scorpion at some point in the past, then she can reproduce the scorpion’s venom. (If the psionicist
purposely tastes or injects a small amount of poison in order to learn how to simulate it, she suffers half
the normal effect and gains a +2 on her saving throws against that dose.)
The psionicist can create the poison in her bloodstream or saliva. If she creates the toxin in her
bloodstream, she can nick herself with a blade to get to it. Poisons the psionicist simulates can he used in
their normal fashion; contact poisons can be used to poison victims with a touch, injective poisons can be
smeared on weapons, and so forth. If the psionicist has an ingestive poison in her bloodstream and is
bitten by a monster, that creature is affected normally by the venom.
An attack roll is required to hit an opponent with poisoned spittle or an envenomed blade, and the
victim gets a saving throw appropriate to that poison type. A dose of the psionicist’s poison remains
potent for a number of rounds equal to her level or until it has been applied once.
This ability also has two secondary uses. First, the psionicist also learns how to construct antidotes for
poisons she has been exposed to. She gains a +4 on any saving throw against poison, and a +8 bonus on
poisons she can manufacture herself. Secondly, the psionicist can produce an antidote to treat someone
else if that person has been poisoned with a toxin that the psionicist knows how to create.
Power Score: The poison is concentrated; the victim saves at -2.
20: The psionicist poisons herself for 10-30 points of damage (save versus poison for half damage).


Power Score: Wis

Initial Cost: 5 PSP
Maintenance Cost: 3 PSP/round
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: Bastard Sword or Katana
Prerequisite: None

Psi-sword is a more powerful form of Graft Weapon. Using it causes the sword of the
psionicist to bond with him, and the sword takes on an almost imperceptible glow of psionic
When used, Psi-sword grants the psionicist a bonus to hit, damage, weapon speed, and AC
equal to the magical attack adjustment of the character from Wisdom. Furthermore, the psionicist
may attack with the THAC0 of a fighter while using the Psi-sword.
A psionicist may not use this power on a sword of average or lesser quality, unless the sword in
question is a weapon forged by the psionicist himself. Even then, the psionicist will usually
forge such a weapon of highest quality, as the Psi-sword is a very personal thing to the psionicist.

Power Score-The psionicist does double the dice of damage on the round of activation. The
psionicist may continue this effect as long as he makes a successful power check each round, and
pays double maintenance cost. A second Power Score roll will not quadruple damage, however.
20-Due to a psychic backlash, the psionicist drops his weapon, and is stunned for 1d4 rounds,
unable to act, and has an AC of 10.
Power Score: Con-4
Initial Cost: 18
Maintenance Cost: 6/turn
Range: touch
Preparation Time: 1
Area of Effect: one creature
Prerequisites: cell adjustment

With this power the psionicist can repair permanent injuries that natural healing could not restore.
Severed limbs can be regrown, blindness or deafness repaired, and even paralyzing injuries to the brain
or spinal cord can he healed. The psionicist is capable of healing such injuries in himself as well as in
others if the need arises.
Regeneration is a slow and tedious process. It requires one full turn to repair minor damage such as
the loss of a finger, a broken bone, or nondestructive loss of eyesight or hearing. Three full turns are
required to heal a badly broken bone or regenerate a mangled hand or foot, and as many as six turns to
regenerate an arm severed at the elbow or eyes that were physically destroyed. The DM should use his
best judgment in deciding how long it will take to repair any given injury.
Regeneration can be used to repair the damage caused by a disease, but cannot cure a disease. It can
also restore lost ability points (Constitution, Dexterity, etc.) that may have been lost to the ravages of
disease or injury. Regenerate can’t improve a person beyond his original condition, so growing extra
arms, for example, is not possible.
Power Score: The healing proceeds twice as fast as would be normally expected.
20: The psionicist suffers 1d12 points of damage but the patient is unaffected.

(psychometabolic science)
MAC: 5
PSP Cost: 5/2
Range: 0
Area of Effect: Personal
Prerequisite: None

This power transforms the user into living shadow. The user, his clothing, armor, and up to
20 pounds of equipment all transform. He can blend perfectly into any other shadow. His
movement rate, however, is 6 (regardless of what it was before), and he can only travel through
darkness and shadow. Areas of open light are impassable.
While in shadowform, the user only can be noticed by life detection, other types of psionic
detection, or by a true seeing spell. He can’t harm anyone physically or manipulate any corporeal
objects, but he can use psionic powers.


Power Score: Con -5

Initial Cost: 25
Maintenance Cost: 4/rnd
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisite: None

This power allows the psionicist to create an exact double of himself and all equipment. Hit
points and PSPs are halved, dropping fractions. There is no innate communication between the
doubles. A system shock roll must be made when initiating the power. If it fails, The power
fails and the psionicist must rest for that round. Should the double die, the original must make
an additional system shock roll or fall unconscious for 1d4 rounds. Any magical items that are
doubled function only as normal versions for the double. They are still magical for the original
The maintenance cost of this power is only paid by the original.
Should the psionicist die, the double disappears as well, taking any remaining hit points or
PSP's with it.
The double may not use this power. The double is played by the player who role plays the
original, as the double does have an understanding of what the original wants. The double is
loyal to the original, and behaves in a similar fashion as the original would.

Power Score-Two doubles are created, each having the same stats as a single double would.
20-Fails. Make a system shock roll or fall unconscious for 2d4 rounds.


Power Score: Con -4

Initial Cost: 60
Maintenance Cost: NA
Range: 0/touch
Preparation Time: 2
Area of Effect: 1 Creature
Prerequisite: 9th level, convergence, suspend animation

This power requires at least two psionicists in convergence whose total levels must be 35 or
higher, with no psionicist being below level 9. A successful use of this power requires every
psionicist in the convergence to make a successful power check in the round the power is being
This power works just like suspend animation, except that it can be projected to some other
creature, placing them in suspended animation until the psionicists make another power check
releasing the creature, or until the power expires in the manner described for suspend animation.

Power Score-The power lasts until the psionicists release the creature with a successful power
20-If any of the psionicists roll a 20, the unlucky one falls into an involuntary suspended
animation until revived with a successful use of this power.
Worm Drive

Power Score: Install: Con -8

Write: Int -5
Read: Int -1
Initial Cost: Install: 35
Write: 6
Read: 2
Maintenance Cost: Install, Write: NA
Read:1/round, 1/memory
Range: 0
Preparation Time: Install: 5
Write: 1
Read: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisite: none

"A worm never forgets", the saying goes. While this is a well known saying, few people know
its origins, with the Spineless Worm. This worm, once it lives in a place for just one day, will
always remember it, and will return there no matter where you put it. In fact, if kept at a new
location for a day or more, it will remember this new place too, and when released, will retrace
the way between all such places. It's not known what drives the worm to return to the places it
knows, but as this power has to do with recalling old memories, the name seemed to fit. As a side
note, "you're a spineless worm" is a phrase of respect reserved for learned scholars, with vast
knowledge of many subjects. The Worm Drive power is actually a collection of three related
powers - Install, Read and Write. The names have some historical meaning which has been lost
with time. To use Worm Drive, one must first use Install. This creates a new organ - a kind of
sub-brain, which can store memories. The creation of this organ, like any other massive change
to the body, can cause massive stress. The psionicist must make a system shock roll. If he fails,
the power fails, and the psionicist passes out for 2d6 turns. Once Install has been used, the
psionicist can Write (store) memories, and then Read (recall) them. To Write a memory, the
psionicist must concentrate for one round on the memory to be stored, and then invoke the
power. To recall a memory, the psionicist activates the Read version of the power.
There are two basic ways to recall a memory. If the psionicist knows what he wants to
remember, but just doesn't know the details, he thinks about what he wants to recall, and then
activates the power. The other way is to go over the memories, from the last to the first. The
psionicist can browse memories at about ten per round, getting only a vague idea of what each
memory holds. Once he finds the memory he wants, he can get the full details. The memory is
then vividly recalled.
Browsing memories costs one PSP per memory. Once the memory is recalled, holding it vivid
in memory costs 1 PSP per round. Once maintenance is stopped, the memory fades away over
the next turn, until the psionicist can only remember the details he remembered before invoking
the power. The psionicist cannot browse, recall, and then browse again, without reactivating the
power and making another power check. Note that memories stored with Worm Drive are not
affected by mind affecting spells or psionic powers, so, for example, a Forget spell won't affect a
stored memory, even if this memory is of an event which occurred during the time span affected
by the spell. Often psionicists who have access to this science, and feel that they have been
affected by a memory erasing power, automatically activate Worm Drive and browse memories,
recalling those they can't remember.

Power Score:
Install-the system shock roll automatically succeeds.
Write-no special effect.
Read-full details of the memory are kept in the psionicist's mind for a turn without need
for maintenance, and only then start to fade.
Install-a large blob of flesh grows somewhere on the body of the psionicist, and in
addition the psionicist passes out for 2d6 turns. One way to remove the blob is to cut is off,
causing 3d6 points of damage. When healed, the body will return to its normal shape.
Write-no special effect.
Read-the psionicist recalls wrong details.

Power Score: Con-2
Initial Cost: 10
Maintenance Cost: 10/round
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisites: none

Some psychometabolists are able to drastically alter their own metabolisms, doubling their speed for
short periods of time. A character using accelerate is effectively hasted for as long as he maintains this
power. The psionicist’s movement and rate of attack are doubled, and he gains a -2 bonus to initiative
rolls while the power is in effect.
Spellcasting and psionics use are not speeded up by this power, although this ability can be used to
counter a magical slow effect. After the psionicist stops maintaining accelerate, he must rest for a number
of rounds equal to the time he was accelerated, doing nothing but catching his breath. He does not
suddenly age a year as the recipient of a haste spell would.
Power Score: The psionicist’s movement and attacks are tripled, and he automatically strikes first in
any melee round.
20: The psionicist suffers 1d4 damage and must save versus death or pass out for 3d10 rounds.

Adrenaline Control
(psychometabolic devotion)
MAC: 6
PSP Cost: 5/2
Range: 0
Area of Effect: Personal
Prerequisite: None

This power temporarily boosts the amount of adrenaline in the user’s system, giving him
physical advantages. He gains 1d6 points to divide among his Strength, Dexterity, and
Constitution scores as he chooses, thus increasing them while the power is in effect. He receives
all of the normal bonuses for high ability scores during this period. (If used to increase
Constitution, the user might temporarily gain bonus hit points. Damage suffered is subtracted
from the extra hit points first.)
Exceeding racial maximums is dangerous. When an attribute is increased beyond the racial
maximum and the user stops paying the PSP cost, he must make a system shock check; he
suffers 1d6 points of physical damage if the roll fails.

Alter Features
Power Score: Con-1
Initial Cost: 6
Maintenance Cost: 3/turn
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 1
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisites: cell adjustment

This power enables the psionicist to alter his appearance by means of a limited control over his facial
features. He can change his skin coloration to any normal variation, alter the appearance of his hair,
change the color of his eyes, and even adjust the bone structure of his face. The psionicist cannot pass for
a member of another species.
If the psionicist passes his power check with a roll of 10 or better, he can mimic the features of a
particular individual well enough to fool anyone who relies on appearance only to identify that person. If
he is closely examined, the psionicist must make another power check to see if his disguise works.
Power Score: The psionicist automatically passes any power checks to protect his disguise.
20: The psionicist must save versus polymorph or become stuck in his new features.


Power Score: Con (0/-2/-5)

Initial Cost: 0 or 5
Maintenance Cost: special
Range: 3/10/30 yards
Preparation Time: 1 or 0
Area of Effect: special

This duel use power can be called up with no initial cost if a round is spent in preparation. If
it must be drawn upon quickly, the strain costs 5 PSPs.
1) Bio-luminescence
The psionicist emits a light in a 3 yard radius at a cost of 1 PSP per turn. The radius may be
increased at an increased cost and reduced power check.
Range Power Check Cost
3yds Con 0 1/turn
10yds Con -2 2/turn
30yds Con -5 5/turn

2) Bio-electric discharge
The psionicist can call up bolts of energy through his hands to hurl at enemies. A to-hit must be
rolled with the psionicist's missile THAC0, but all targets are AC10: add only dexterity and
magic adjustments, not armor and shield. One bolt may be fired per round. Damage is 1 HP per
2 PSPs expended - max. 20 dmg / 40 PSPs. Victims are allowed a saving throw vs. breath
weapons for half damage. The power check for this use is modified for range so it is the same
as bio-luminescence.

Power Score-No save allowed

20-lose 1d4 PSPs and 1d4 HP as energy is directed inward.

Body Control
(psychometabolic devotion)
MAC: 5
PSP Cost: 6/2
Range: 0
Area of Effect: Personal
Prerequisite: None

This power allows the user to adapt his body to a hostile environment. The change must be
keyed to a specific surrounding: water, acid, extreme heat, extreme cold, an elemental plane, etc.
If the power works, the user not only survives, he behaves like a native organism. He can breathe
and move normally, suffering no damage from the environment. However, a character who can
survive extreme cold is still vulnerable to a cone of cold spell.

Body Equilibrium
(psychometabolic devotion)
MAC: 6
PSP Cost: 2/1
Range: 0
Area of Effect: Personal
Prerequisite: None
This power allows the user to adjust his body weight to correspond to the surface he’s
standing on. Thus, he can walk on water, quicksand, silt, or even a spider’s web without sinking
or breaking through. If the user is falling when he activates this power, he falls slowly enough to
escape injury. Because of how light weight the user becomes when this power is in effect, he
must be wary of wind gusts, which can easily blow him about.
Body Weaponry
(psychometabolic devotion)
MAC: 6
PSP Cost: 6/3
Range: 0
Area of Effect: Personal
Prerequisite: None

This power allows the user to convert one of his arms into a weapon. Virtually any sort of
weapon can be imitated, except ranged weapons (such as bows) or any weapon the user isn’t
proficient with. The arm actually becomes rock, bone, wood, or metal and assumes the weapon’s
form. It behaves in every respect like a normal weapon of the chosen type, with the bonus that it
can’t be dropped or stolen.

(psychometabolic devotion)
MAC: 7
PSP Cost: 0
Range: 0
Area of Effect: Personal
Prerequisite: 5th level

This power allows the user to cannibalize his own body for extra PSPs. When activated
successfully, the user can take Constitution points and convert them directly to PSPs at a ratio of
1:8 (1 Constitution point equals 8 PSPs). The user can access these PSPs any time, as if they
were part of his total.
The Constitution reduction isn’t permanent, but it is debilitating and long-lasting. The user
immediately loses bonus hit points that accompany high Constitution scores. His system shock
and resurrection survival chances are reduced. All psychometabolic powers receive MAC
bonuses (making them harder to use) equal to the number of Constitution points that were
cannibalized. The user recovers one cannibalized point of Constitution per week of rest. Rest
means staying quietly in a safe place; adventuring is not allowed.

Cause Sleep
Power Score: Wis-2
Initial Cost: 9
Maintenance Cost: 2/round
Range: 20 yards
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: one creature
Prerequisites: none

A psionicist with this power can cause other people to fall asleep by manipulating their natural rhythms.
The victim receives a saving throw versus spells to avoid the effect. If the victim fails the saving throw, he
or she remains asleep until awakened by injury, water in the face or violent shaking, or until the
psionicist ceases to pay the maintenance cost.
The psionicist suffers a -2 penalty to his power check if his victim has a reason to be exceptionally
wakeful. He also suffers a -2 penalty if his victim is a monster of some kind. Thri-kreen and other insects
can be placed in a temporary state of torpor with this power, but the psionicist suffers a -4 penalty on his
power check when trying to affect such creatures.
Power Score: The victim does not remember being put to sleep and may continue to sleep naturally
after the psionicist stops maintaining the power.
20: The psionicist falls asleep himself for 2d6 rounds or until awakened.

Cell Adjustment
(psychometabolic devotion)
MAC: 6
PSP Cost: 5+
Range: Touch
Area of Effect: Individual
Prerequisite: None

This power allows the user to heal wounds and cure nonmagical diseases-excluding such
unnatural diseases as mummy rot and lycanthropy. He can cure a disease in 1 round by spending
5 PSPs and making a successful MTHAC0 roll. If the roll fails, the disease is too widespread in
the victim’s system. The user must continue spending 5 PSPs each round until he succeeds in
activating the power. Note that a cure performed through this power doesn’t automatically
restore lost hit points. However, the user can heal up to 4 points of damage in each subsequent
round by spending 5 PSPs per hit point recovered (4 hit points for 20 PSPs per round maximum).
The user can’t cure a disease and restore hit points during the same round.

Chameleon Power
(psychometabolic devotion)
MAC: 7 (base)
PSP Cost: 4/1
Range: 0
Area of Effect: Personal
Prerequisite: None

This power changes the coloration of the user’s skin, clothing, and equipment to match the
nearest background. The match is automatic; the user doesn’t choose the appearance. The change
takes several seconds to occur. As the user moves, the coloration shifts to reflect any changes in
the surroundings.
This power makes the user extremely difficult to spot. For every round the power is in effect
and the user remains still, he can avoid detection simply by successfully rolling against the
power’s MAC. If the user moves, the MAC score increases (to MAC 5). Chameleon power is
most effective in natural surroundings, where the user’s coloration can best conceal him. In an
urban setting, or in an area without natural cover during broad daylight, the power’s MAC score
is improved to MAC 3.
Elemental Respiration

Power Score: Con -3

Initial Cost: 10
Maintenance Cost: 4/turn
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisite: none

When a psionicist activates this power, he enables himself to breathe a specific

type of element, specified from one of the Inner Planes (other than Negative, Positive,
and Vacuum). For example, the psionicist may give himself the ability to breathe smoke
or ooze. However, in giving himself the ability to breathe one element, he loses his
ability to breathe his native element, so that basher attuning himself to breathe Ooze
would be like an animental Ooze fish in the Plane of Air.
Power Score: The psionicist can also survive in his natural environment.
20: The psionicist cannot use this power again for 1d6 days.

Energy Conversion

Power Score: Con -6

Initial Cost: 2
Maintenance Cost: NA
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisite: energy containment

A psionicist with this power can convert energy that has been contained with energy
containment, into PSPs at a 5:1 ratio (i.e., five hit points of absorbed damage to every one new
PSP). A psionicist my never have more then his maximum +10% in total PSP at any one time.
All unconverted energy will still be released as light as the guide lines for energy containment
state. All the energy does not have to be converted at once. Once all the absorbed energy is
converted to PSPs the psionicist will stop glowing.

Power Score-The conversion ratio becomes 1:1.

20-The psionicist loses half his PSPs and all contained energy is discharged harmlessly into the

Energy Discharge

Power Score: Con

Initial Cost: 6
Maintenance Cost: NA
Range: 100 yards
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: individual or object
Prerequisite: energy containment

This power allows the psionicist to discharge the absorbed damage he has contained with
energy containment, as a bolt of electrical energy. This discharge will do the number of hit
points in damage that the psionicist has left over, unradiated as light. He will then lose his glow
and will not be able to discharge again until he absorbs more damage with energy containment.

Power Score-The discharge does double damage.

20-The discharge back fires and hits the psionicist. This time it can not be absorbed and does
full damage.

Enhanced Infravision

Power Score: Con-2

Initial Cost: 9
Maintenance Cost: 4/turn
Range: 90 feet
Preparation Time: 5
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisite: Infravision (Natural or Psionic)

This science is a more powerful version of the infravision devotion, without the side effects of
that power (namely, worsening the character's ability to see into the blue areas of the spectrum).
This science actually creates more color-sensing pigments in the character's eyes, allowing for
superior vision. Demihumans can use this power, but it is not cumulative with innate infravision
(an elf with infravision to 60 feet using this power gains infravision with a range of 90 feet, not

Power Score-Range increases to 120 feet.

20-The character botched the pigment creation, and becomes blind for 2-12 rounds.


Power Score: Con -5

Initial Cost: varies
Maintenance Cost: NA
Range: touch
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: individual
Prerequisite: none

Unlike cell adjustment healing will not cure any type of diseases, but it does have a better hit
point to PSP ratio for healing wounds. The psionicist will heal one hit point of damage for
every one PSPs they spend (1:1 ratio).

Power Score-The patient is totally healed and only one PSP is spent.
20-The psionicist suffers the number of hit points he was healing, but the patient is unaffected.
If the psionicist is the patient he still suffers the damage.

Heightened Senses
(psychometabolic devotion)
MAC: 7
PSP Cost: 3/1
Range: 0
Area of Effect: Personal
Prerequisite: None

This power allows the user to sharpen all his normal senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell, and
touch. (DMs might allow other applications as they see fit.) With heightened senses, the user has
a good chance to notice thieves hiding in shadows or moving silently. This is represented by a
thief’s skill chance being cut in half if someone with heightened senses is observing him. Even if
the thief is already hidden, he must roll again when the user of this power enters the area.
Someone with heightened senses can also track by sense of smell. He must make an
Intelligence check every turn to stay on the trail or to recover it if he loses it. While tracking, the
user’s movement rate is reduced by 50%. The trail can be no more than 24 hours old. Ranges for
the user’s hearing and seeing are tripled while this power is in effect. Further, he can ingest small
quantities of possibly poisoned or impure foods, identifying the substance without causing
himself harm. The user can identify almost anything by touch. He can identify any item he has
previously handled and can also tell if an item was handled in the last five minutes.

Immovability Other

Power Score: Con -5

Initial Cost: 9
Maintenance Cost: 6/round
Range: 100 yards
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: individual or object
Prerequisite: immovability

This power works just like immovability, but it's used on other people or objects. The person
or object becomes immovable and will require a large amount of force to move it form its spot.
A person that has been made immovable is also unable to move himself without the psionicist
allowing it by discontinuing the power.
Moving the person or object will require a combined strength total that is at least 10 times
greater than the psionicist immovability other power score (Con -5). If an individual has a
strength of move the 10 times the psionicist immovability other power score (Con -5) he can not
be held by this power. See Immovability page 61 of The Complete Psionics Handbook for more

Power Score-Moving the person or object becomes impossible.

20-The psionicist can't stop the power; he maintains it until he runs out of PSPs.


Power Score: Con

Initial Cost: 4
Maintenance Cost: 2/turn
Range: 60 feet
Preparation Time: 1
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisite: none

This devotion allows the psionicist to see in darkness, using the heat coming from an object.
For all intents and purposes, it is identical to that possessed by elves and dwarves. It extends to
60 feet, does not function in the presence of light, and can be blinded by "hot" objects. A side
effect is that any form of ultravision (being able to see beyond the violet end of the spectrum) is
negated while this power is in effect, and the subject may have difficulty distinguishing colors
past the blue end of the spectrum.
The power works by shifting the photoreceptors in the eye down towards the red (and infrared)
portions of the spectrum. Demihuman psionicists who already have infravision cannot use this

Power Score-Range increases to 90 feet.

20-The character becomes colorblind and sensitive to bright light for 2-20 rounds.


Power Score: Con -3

Initial Cost: 8
Maintenance Cost: NA
Range: touch
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: individual or object
Prerequisite: none
This power allows the psionicist to over stimulate the nerve centers of the body and cause a
large electrical buildup, which can be discharged by touch or through any conductive material.
This discharged causes 1D10 hit points of damage. This buildup remains in the psionicists body
until he discharges it.

Power Score-The damage is doubled.

20-The electrical charge discharges in the psionicist brain, stunning him for 1D6 rounds and
causing 1D10 hit points of damage.


Power Score: Con - 2

Initial Cost: 10(the act)/5(the scan)
Maintenance Cost: none
Range: personal(the act)/sight(the scan)
Preparation Time: Special
Area of Effect: Psionicist
Prerequisite: Special

The mimic devotion will allow the psi to perform briefly a physical feat that would not
otherwise be possible. The mimic devotion has two phases in its function. The first phase is
called the scan phase, wherein the devotion is activated while the psi witnesses some sort of brief
physical act that he/she would not normally be able to accomplish. This scan phase allows the psi
to psychically monitor the physical functioning of another humanoid and record in his/her
subconscious the results of the scan. The scan measures such sundries as neuromuscular activity,
heart rate, brain waves and whatever else. The memory of the event is held in the psi's mind until
it is activated at the will of the psi (calling for another successful power roll). Successful
activation wipes the memory of the specific event scan. If the roll fails, the memory remains but
is not activated on this attempt. The maximum number of memories allowed to be held at any
one time is equal to the psi's current level.
Upon activation, the psi brings his/her awesome psionic energies to bear, allowing him/her to
duplicate the feat(and lose ten PSPs). The feat must be a single task such as bending a steel bar,
firing an arrow, tumbling from a great height safely to the ground, throwing a boulder, etc.
Personally I would even allow the duplication of some spell effects, such as jump, although if
"detect magic" is used on the psi while performing, none is detected! Examples:
Jack the psi witnesses Wondru the magnificent (names changed to protect the guilty) bend a
steel bar. He scans the event, and if the power roll is successful, the memory is stored (he has
also lost 10 PSPs). He then boldly strides up to the bar, makes a successful power role, and now
has a chance equal to Wondru's to bend the bar, even though his strength is actually 10.
Jack then sees Lachief, Ranger extraordinaire, fire a bow. Jack scans it and then confidently
picks up the bow. Unfortunately, his power roll fails and he almost shoots himself, as he doesn't
have any bow proficiency at all. If he made it, though, he would have been able to fire it once
using Lachief's THAC0 (WITH Lachief's dex, elf, and prof bonuses and all).

Power Score-The event activates and is still retained in memory

20-The memory is lost without having benefited the psi.

Power Score: Con+1
Initial Cost: 5
Maintenance Cost: 2/turn
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 1
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisites: none

A psionicist can gain energy and rejuvenation from the energy of the sun by using this power. For each
turn that he rests in a sunny area while using photosynthesis, he heals one hit point from any damage he
may have sustained. If the psionicist maintains photosynthesis for an hour or more, he satisfies his need
for one meal that day and only requires half of the water he would normally have to drink.
The psionicist must remain still while using the power, or he gains no benefit from it.
Power Score: The psionicist completely fills his daily requirement for food and water with one turn of
rest while using photosynthesis.
20: The psionicist lapses into a light doze and sleeps until roused or darkness falls.


Power Score: Con -3

Initial Cost: 10
Maintenance Cost: 5
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisite: None

The power allows the psionicist to move at twice the usual movement rate, attack at the next
highest level on the "attack/rnd chart," and perform any physical action in half the usual time.
The armor class is also reduced by 1.
Using this power for longer than 5 rounds has a chance of aging the character. This chance is
a cumulative 10% per round. The psionicist can avoid this by stopping the power for at least
two rounds before re-initiating it once more.

Power Score-Speed is tripled with regards to physical activity and movement. Attacks remain
20-Half speed, etc. until the power succeeds, canceling the effect.
Spider Touch
Power Score: Dex-1
Initial Cost: 4
Maintenance Cost: 2/round
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisites: none

This power allows the psionicist to form strong, sticky pads on her fingers and toes. She can use these
pads to adhere to almost any natural surface. While she maintains spider touch, the psionicist can climb
or move across vertical walls and cliffs at her normal movement rate with no fear of falling.
As a secondary effect, the psionicist’s gripping Strength increases to 20 for purposes of keeping hold
of items.
Power Score: The psionicist gains spider-like agility and receives a +2 bonus to Dexterity for as long as
she maintains the power.
20: The psionicist gets stuck to the surface during the climb and can not release herself.


Power Score: Con -1

Initial Cost: 6
Maintenance Cost: 1/turn
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 1
Area of Effect: Personal
Prerequisite: none

With the Tattoo power, a psionicist can draw intricate designs over his body, in several
different colours. When the psionicist stops maintaining the power, his skin will return to
normal. The one round of preparation time is used by the psionicist to concentrate on the exact
details of the design. This power is well known in primitive societies, where such designs often
have to do with the situation or the intent of the person, and where designs are often used during
festivities. It can still be quite useful in adventuring situations, for example when there's need to
quickly copy a map painted on a wall.

Power Score-the psionicist can change the design once while the power is active, without
paying the initial cost again (but with one more round of concentration).
20-The design becomes permanent, and can only be removed by normal means used to remove
a tattoo (or with powers which can affect the condition).

Psychoportive Powers These powers allow psionic travel, moving a character without
physical action. Revised sciences and devotions are below.
(psychoportive science)
MAC: 8
PSP Cost: 15/6
Range: 5 yards
Area of Effect: Individual
Prerequisite: Teleport

With this power, the user can teleport a creature against its will to a pocket dimension and
hold it there for as long as he chooses to continue spending 15 PSPs per round. The creature
being banished must be within 5 yards of the user. The pocket dimension is featureless, with a
benign environment-hot or cold, light or dark, but not so much as to cause injury.
The banished creature returns to its original location as soon as the user stops paying the PSP
cost. This boomerang feature won’t harm the creature. If the creature has access to the Astral or
Ethereal Planes, or if it can teleport between planes, it can try to return prior to the expiration of
the power by rolling an Intelligence check at -3.

Dimensional Warp

Power Score: INT - 7

Initial Cost: 10
Maintenance Cost: 5/round
Range: 10 yards/level
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: Special
Prerequisite: Teleport, Dimensional Door, 10th level

This power is a variation on the dimensional door power. The Psionicist defines two
'windows' anywhere within range, and creates a two way portal between them, such that anything
going into one of the 'window' will come out the other. Unlike Dimensional door, this power
creates a true two way transport system (i.e., you can stick your arm through, grab something
at the other end, and pull it back--anything, including spells, will pass through both ways). The
windows, which may have an area of up to 4 square feet per level of the psionicist, are identical
but can have any orientation relative to each other (i.e., they could be at right angles to each
other, or even at 180 degrees *). This could result in some very strange effects, imagine a
charging knight being intercepted by a 'window' and continue his charge straight towards the
ground - lance first, from 100 yards up. Notice that it might be possible to re-route missiles or
even spells such as fireball or lightning bolt right back to the originator, but the psionicist
would have to act extremely fast (i.e., have initiative and make an Int check to see whether
he/she can think and act fast enough). Because of the complexity of warping space in this way
it is easy for things to go wrong. If the power check fails, the full PSP's are used, and a the two
windows will open up, but the psionicist cannot control their position (the windows are also
unstable and cannot be maintained). In case of a 20 result, the windows are 'very likely' to open
in such a way as to harm the psionicist (in this case, the window might also be warped and
destroy anything which passes through).
Power Score-Maintenance cost is reduced to 3 PSP's per round.
20-see above

Planar Transposition (High Science)

Power Score: Int -4
Initial Cost: 65/130
Maintenance Cost: 1/turn
Range: 150 yards
Preparation Time: 6
Area of Effect: 30 foot cube
Prerequisites: summon planar energies, summon planar creature

Planar transposition is the High Science of Psychoportation. This powerful ability allows the psionicist to
switch a portion of the Prime Material Plane for a portion of another plane. If the psionicist transposes his
surroundings with one of the Inner (Elemental) Planes or the Ethereal or Astral Planes, the initial cost is
65 PSPs. If he actually summons a portion of an Outer Plane, the initial cost is 130 PSPs.
The psionicist may attempt to switch a larger area than the normal 30-foot by 30-foot cube. For each
additional 30-foot cube he attempts to transfer, he suffers a -1 penalty to his power score. The psionicist
may instead transpose a donut-shaped ring 10 feet in diameter on the inside and 10 feet wide. The
transposed planes remain switched for as long as the psionicist pays the maintenance cost.
The exact effects of this power are left to the DM, but some guidelines apply. Inanimate objects can be
partially transposed, so a castle may be half in the Prime Material Plane with the psionicist and half in the
Elemental Plane of Fire. However, living creatures are either all in or all out. If a creature wanders away
from its transposed area into the new surroundings, it doesn’t return when the psionicist drops the
power. Note that the psionicist may accidentally transpose an extraplaner creature when he grabs a
chunk of its home plane and brings it to Athas.
The planes are not interrupted by their transposition; a piece of the Elemental Plane of Fire remains a
roaring source of heat, transposing the base of a tower will not cause its top to fall, and so on. However,
the new surroundings may affect the transposed areas eventually. A portion of Athas sent to the Plane of
Magma would return a scorched wasteland.
Some possibilities with planar transposition include: creating a temporary oasis by transposing bare
desert for a piece of the Elemental Plane of Water, opening a passage through a mountain by transposing
a portion of the Ethereal Plane; sending a tower filled with enemy soldiers to the Abyss for a time (no
telling what’ll he in it when the tower comes back…); or hiding by surrounding oneself with a donut-
shaped area of the Demiplane of Shadow or the Quasielemental Plane of Steam.
As noted above, planar transposition is a High Science. The psionicist cannot select this power as part
of his normal advancement.
Power Score: The area of effect can be doubled if the psionicist desires.
20: The psionicist blasts himself into the plane he was trying to transpose.

Planar Travel

Power Score: Int -4

Initial Cost: 45/90
Maintenance Cost: NA
Range: special
Preparation Time: 12
Area of Effect: one creature
Prerequisite: teleport

This power allows the psionicist to thrust themselves into another plane. This is almost the
same as Summon Planar Creature, but involves a different type of usage. As with that power,
the psionicist is disoriented for one round, causing a -2 penalty on initiative, attacks, and saving
throws. The psionicist can choose any of the inner planes for 45 PSP as well as the astral plane
or the ethereal plane, or any outer plane for 90 PSP. If the power check is a 2, then the
psionicist is off target by one plane (which direction is up to the DM) If the power check is a
one, then the psionicist not only misses by one plane, but also takes the nearest being to him with
him. This power does not confer ant protection from the plane transported to. If the psionicist
misses in the outer planes, they are ALWAYS transported to Sigil (if PlaneScape is used, if not
use the Concordant Opposition.)

Power Score-The psionicist ends up in a safe area, no matter where they went to. However,
this does not guarantee that the place will REMAIN safe. A cool spot in the elemental plane of
fire does not last long.
20-The psionicist instead summons a creature from the destination plane. Roll again as per
Summon Planar Creature to see the exact distance and disposition of the creature.

Summon Planar Creature

(psychoportive science)
MAC: 6
PSP Cost: 40/20 or 80/40
Range: 200 yards
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Prerequisite: Teleport

With this power, the user can reach into another plane, grab whatever creature he happens to
find there, and teleport it to his own plane. The creature is disoriented for 1 round after arriving,
suffering a -2 penalty on all die rolls for initiative, attacks, and saving throws. The user can make
the summoned creature appear anywhere within 200 yards of his position. If the user rolls the
MAC number exactly, the creature appears within 10 yards. The PSP cost is 40 for a creature
from the Astral or Ethereal Planes, 80 for one from the Inner or Outer Planes. Failure costs half
the indicated PSPs.
The user chooses the plane from which the creature will come. He doesn’t choose the
creature, however; that’s determined at random. A creature from the Elemental Planes is usually
an elemental of the appropriate type. A creature from the Outer Planes could be a native or a
visitor. DMs are encouraged to see the Planescape™ line for ideas.
This power offers no control over the summoned creature and doesn’t return it to its home
plane after a set amount of time-it merely teleports something from there to here. To be rid of the
creature, the user must banish it, teleport it again, kill it, or somehow control it.
Summon Planar Energies
Power Score: Int
Initial Cost: 32
Maintenance Cost: NA
Range: 60 yards
Preparation Time: 1
Area of Effect: special
Prerequisites: summon planar creature

Some psionicists can use their minds to unlock the alien energies of other planes. A character with this
ability can summon energy from the planes and use it to attack her enemies. Some planes are more useful
than others for this purpose-the Para-elemental Planes and Quasi-elemental Planes are most useful for
summoning harmful energy.

Plane Attack Type Damage Modifier

Fire Flame 2d8 0
Sun Heat Ray 1d12/1d12 -2
Magma Lava 3d8 -2
Radiance Incandescent 1d20/1d20 -4
Lightning Lightning 3d8 -4
Salt Dehydrating 4d4 -4
Ash Cold 5d4 -4
Positive Energy 3d12 -6
Negative Energy 3d12 -6

Flame attacks fill a 10-foot cube and cause 1d8 additional points of damage in the following round.
Heat rays strike two times, inflicting 1d12 points of damage per hit. They can affect two targets.
Magma affects one target, but inflicts 2d8 points of damage in the following round and 1d8 in the
third round.
Incandescent attacks strike twice in a round and can affect one or two targets.
Lightning affects all creatures in a path 5 feet wide between the psionicist and the target.
Dehydrating attacks affect all creatures in a 10 foot cube and affect victims as a ray of enfeeblement.
Cold attacks affect all creatures in a cone 20 feet wide, with its point at the psionicist’s location.
Energy attacks affect one target. Undead creatures must save versus spells or be destroyed by positive
energy attacks, and negative energy attacks cause living creatures to save versus spells or lose a level.
Regardless of the form of energy used, the victim may attempt a saving throw versus spells for half
damage. This power is very taxing, and if a psionicist attempts to summon planar energies more than
twice in a single day, she must save versus spells or fall unconscious for 1d6 turns.
Power Score: The psionicist taps a particularly potent source of energy; add one die of damage.
20: The psionicist accidentally summons a planar creature native to the plane whose energy she was
trying to tap.

(psychoportive science)
MAC: 9 (base)
PSP Cost: 10+/5+
Range: Unlimited
Area of Effect: Personal
Prerequisite: None

This power allows the user to travel to a familiar spot. Teleport is instantaneous and always
takes a character to a fixed location. There is a slight audible pop at both ends, signaling use of
the power. The destination must be a place the user knows or can picture mentally. Even if the
user never has been there, he may still know a location via use of ESP or another power. He can
also teleport to a place even if it has changed from the way he pictures it; rearrangement won’t
hamper the teleport power.
Restraints don’t affect this power. The user can bring his clothes, small items, and equipment
(up to one-fifth of his body mass). Doubling the amount of PSPs spent to activate the power lets
the user carry up to three times his body mass, or to take along up to two others he has a firm
grasp on. The cost to use this power varies with the distance traveled, as indicated below.

Distance PSP Cost Power’s MAC

10 yards 10/5 9
100 yards 20/10 8
1,000 yards 30/15 7
10 miles 40/20 6
100 miles 50/25 5
1,000 miles 60/30 4
10,000 miles 70/35 3
Interplanetary* 100/50 2
* Teleport only works within a given plane or crystal sphere.

Teleport Here

Power Score: Int -2

Initial Cost: 20+
Maintenance Cost: NA
Range: infinite (within same crystal sphere)
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: 10 yards; at target: 1 yard, 1 individual
Prerequisite: teleport

This power is identical to Teleport Other, except that it's used to bring another character to
within 10 yards of the psionicist. The character must be within one yard of the target place of the
power, and if there is more than one person within that range, the power fails, with the
exceptions noted below. The character must be willing to be teleported or unconscious. PSP
costs and power score modifications are the same as for teleportation. If the psionicist pays twice
the usual PSP cost, he can teleport up to three characters, all standing within the one yard radius
area of effect. If more than three people stand within the area, the power fails, with the
exceptions mentioned.
If the psionicist is in either visual or telepathic contact with the subjects of the teleport, they
can be teleported even if more people are standing in the target area. So if, for example, the
psionicist has a Clairvoyance contact with the targets, he can choose the persons he wants to be
teleported. It will also be easier for him to choose the target place, so all will fit in the radius, if
possible. Note that to choose the targets using telepathy, the psionicist must have contact with
all the subjects of the power. If there are four people in the target area, for example, and the
psionicist has a link with two of them, he could only teleport these two people. Attempting to
take one of the other two will cause the power to fail.

Power Score-The PSP cost is reduced by 20 percent, rounded up

20-All would-be teleporters are seriously disoriented. They cannot cast spells and suffer a -4
penalty on all die rolls for 1d4 turns.

Teleport Other
(psychoportive science)
MAC: 8 (base)
PSP Cost: 10+/5+
Range: Unlimited
Area of Effect: 1-3 individuals
Prerequisite: Teleport

This power is identical to teleport, except that it is used to teleport characters other than the
user. The user stays where he is while someone else is teleported. The character must be willing
to be teleported or otherwise have an open mind. If the user pays twice the usual PSP cost, he
can teleport up to three characters-provided they are firmly grasping one another.

Distance PSP Cost Power’s MAC

10 yards 10/5 8
100 yards 20/10 7
1,000 yards 30/15 6
10 miles 40/20 5
100 miles 50/25 4
1,000 miles 60/30 3
10,000 miles 70/35 2
Interplanetary* 100/50 1

* Teleport other only works within a given plane or crystal sphere.

Time Travel
Power Score: Int + special
Initial Cost: 20+
Maintenance Cost: 8/hour
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 8
Area of Effect: special
Prerequisites: teleport, time shift

Some psionicists can extend their teleportive powers into the time stream and journey to different times.
The psionicist may jump a day or two into the past or future, or he can attempt a mind-boggling journey
across millennia. Generally, the farther a psionicist travels in time, the more costly it is to make the trip.
If the psionicist also knows the teleport other power, he may attempt to bring along one companion
per level for an additional cost of 20 PSPs each. While the psionicist is gone, time keeps running in his
normal setting-if he spends eight hours in the past, he must return to a point eight hours after the time he

Distance Initial Cost Power Score Modifier

1 day or less 20 0
1 week 30 -1
1 month 40 -2
1 year 50 -3
10 years 60 -4
100 years 70 -5
1,000 years 80 -6
10,000 years + 100 -8

The Past: In the short term, the psionicist may wish to alter recent events by warning someone not to
do something that he knows will turn out badly. He may travel back an hour to tell his companions (and
his past self) not to storm the fortress, or whatever. The party may get a chance to replay the events in
question-but the psionicist had better remember to go back and warn himself, even if things do turn out
better, otherwise he will never receive the warning.
In the long term, the psionicist may try to recover lost information by speaking to people long dead.
He may try to kill his enemies by assassinating their forebears. If the character tries to alter history, the
DM should decide if he succeeds or fails. Sometimes the character’s actions may have unexpected
ramifications. For example, by killing Kalak the Tyrant in his youth, the PC may pave the way for an even
more terrible despot to arise.
The DM should be guided by two principles: once an event has been changed once, it can never be
changed again; and secondly, events tend to have a historical inertia. In other words, things have a way
of working themselves out to he the same no matter what the psionicist does. The more important the
event, the more difficult it is to change it.
The Future: The psionicist can journey to the future to see how an action will turn out or to uncover
information not available in his own day. Like the past, the future is malleable; even the fact of the
psionicist’s visit changes the course of events, in innumerable ways. Once the psionicist has glimpsed the
future, historical inertia takes over and begins to bend events to follow the revealed timeline. This destiny
can only be avoided with great difficulty once it comes into being.
Whatever happens in the past or the future, the DM should use this power to make things more
interesting. Ignore or apply paradoxes as desired to make the PC’s, life more entertaining and to keep the
story going.
Power Score: No effect.
20: The psionicist must save versus spells or become dislocated in the timestream, landing at a random
point in his proposed journey and assuming that as his native time. So, going too far might make for a
long road back.
Power Score: Int-2
Initial Cost: 24+
Maintenance Cost:8+
Range: 20 yards
Preparation Time: 1
Area of Effect: special
Prerequisites: dimensional door

With this power, a psionicist can open a door between two points, no matter how far apart they may
happen to be (at least theoretically). It resembles the devotion dimensional door, but on a much larger
scale. The psionicist must open one end within 20 yards of himself, although the portal may have any
orientation and be any size up to 10 feet by 10 feet square. If the psionicist wishes to, he can try to make
the wormhole larger; each doubling in portal size adds an additional -2 penalty to the power check.
The other end of the wormhole will he of identical size and can be placed at any point the psionicist
has ever seen. It can also he positioned at any place he can reference from here he currently is-for
example, “10 miles east of where I am now”-whether or not he has ever actually been there.
The distance spanned by the wormhole will affect its PSP cost as shown below.
Distance Initial Cost Maintenance Cost
100 yards 24 8/round
1,000 yards 36 12/round
10 miles 48 16/round
100 miles 60 20/round
1,000 miles 72 24/round
10,000 miles 100 30/round
Interplanetary 150 50/round

Once created, the wormhole’s entrances remain motionless. Anything can pass through, to he
instantly transported to the other side. The psionicist could conceivably transport an entire army or a
mekillot wagon by spending enough PSPs. if an object cannot fit entirely within the wormhole’s mouth, it
cannot be transported.
If the psionicist tries to use this power to transport an unwilling creature, the victim gains a saving
throw versus spells to avoid being affected.
Power Score: The maintenance costs are cut in half.
20: The psionicist creates a dimensional vortex that transports him 10 to 100 miles in a random
(horizontal) direction if he fails a saving throw versus spells.

Astral Projection
(psychoportive devotion)
MAC: 8
PSP Cost: 3/1
Range: Not applicable
Area of Effect: Personal
Prerequisite: None

This power allows the user to travel without his physical body by creating an astral form that
immediately leaps into the Astral Plane. Only creatures or characters who are also on the Astral
Plane can see it. A silvery cord connects the astral body to the physical one. This translucent
string stretches 10 feet from the astral body before becoming invisible. If the cord is severed,
both the astral and physical bodies die-killing the user. The cord is nearly indestructible,
however. It only can be severed by a powerful psionic wind or the silver sword of a githyanki.
The Astral Plane is used to get to other destinations-a distant point on the Prime Material or a
location on another plane, for example. When the user reaches his destination, a temporary
physical body is formed there. It resembles the user’s real body, and the two remain connected
by the silvery cord. However, a temporary physical body isn’t formed if the user travels to
another location on the same plane as his real body. He can view that distant location in astral
form, but he can’t affect the area in any physical, magical, or psionic way.

Power Score: Int+1
Initial Cost: 7
Maintenance Cost: 3/round
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisites: teleport

By using the blink power, the psionicist initiates a series of random, short-range teleportations that make
him very hard to hit in combat. Each round, the psionicist will automatically blink once at a randomly
determined time in the initiative order, roll 1d10 and note the initiative number of the blink. In order to
strike at the psionicist, his opponents must have a better initiative then his blink time.
Each blink carries the psionicist 3d10 feet in a random direction. (Roll 1d8: 1 = right ahead, 2 = ahead
and to the right, 3 = to the right, and so on.) However, the psionicist’s blinks will never carry him into a
solid object or any kind of danger, such as a fire or cliff-edge.
The psionicist may attempt to strike before he blinks, in which case he must beat his own blink
initiative, or he can hold his action until the end of the round.
Power Score: The psionicist will automatically blink away before his enemies can strike at him.
20: A bizarre series of instantaneous blinks leaves the psionicist stunned for 1d4 rounds at a distance
of 3d10 feet from his starting location.

(psychoportive devotion)
MAC: 9
PSP Cost: 4/2
Range: 0
Area of Effect: Personal
Prerequisite: Teleport

This power allows the user to make a series of random, short-range teleportations that make
him very hard to hit in combat. Each round, the user automatically blinks once at a randomly
determined time in the initiative order. Roll 1d10 and note the initiative number of the blink. To
strike at the user, his opponents must have a better initiative than his blink time. The user may
attempt to strike before he blinks, but he must beat the blink initiative with his own roll or hold
his action until the end of the round. Each blink carries the user 3d10 feet in a random direction.
(Roll 1d8: 1 = straight ahead; 2 = ahead and to the right; 3 = to the right; and so on.) However,
the user’s blink won’t carry him into a solid object or any kind of danger, such as into a fire or
over a cliff.


Power Score: Int -2

Initial Cost: 15+
Maintenance Cost: NA
Range: Infinite
Preparation Time: 0 (1d4)
Area of Effect: One object, 50 lbs
Prerequisite: Teleport

Using this power the psionicist can teleport an object from another location to his current
location. The object, which can weigh up to 50 pounds, must either be one that the psionicist
knows well and can picture in his mind, such as his own sword, or one that is within his sight
(including psionic or magical detection such as clairvoyance or crystal balls).
The psionicist cannot conjure an object that bears a wizard mark unless the mark is his own.
Neither can he conjure an object that is firmly secured, such as a chest that is bolted to the floor.
If the object being teleported is held by another creature, a psychic contest is waged using the
other creature's Strength score versus the psionicist's Conjure power score. If the object being
conjured is an intelligent object (either magically or psionically endowed), the object can choose
to resist, in which case a psychic contest is waged using the object's Intelligence.
The difficulty of the conjuration, and the cost, increase with the
distance and the weight of the object, as listed on the table below:

Distance IC PSWeight IC PS
10 yards 15 +1< 1 lb 0 +1
100 yards 20 010 lbs 0 0
1000 yards 25 -125 lbs +2 -1
10 miles 30 -250 lbs +5 -2
100 miles 40 -3
1000 miles 50 -4*Players with the
10000 miles 60 -5 SPELLJAMMER
interplanetary*70 -6 boxed set... (etc. etc.)

The psionicist can have the object arrive in his grasp, or anywhere within 1 yard of him, as
long as it arrives on a stable surface. He cannot, for example, conjure a boulder to fall onto the
head of his enemy. If the result of the power check is a 1 or a 2, the object arrives at a random
location 2d6 feet from the psionicist.
Note: The 0 (1d4) preparation time denotes a preparation time of 1d4 segments.

Power Score-The cost of the conjuration is reduced by 20% (rounded up), and all penalties for
the object's weight are ignored.
20-The object is conjured, but arrives in a location that is detrimental to the object, the
psionicist, or both. His sword may arrive in his grasp blade first, or a glass flask may arrive just
beyond his grasp, only to fall to the ground and shatter.

Dimension Blade
Power Score: Con-1
Initial Cost: 6
Maintenance Cost: 5/round
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: one weapon
Prerequisites: duo-dimension

A psychoporter can use her control of dimensions to make her sword into an infinitely sharp blade by
making it two-dimensional. Almost any hand-held weapon can be altered with this power, even
bludgeoning weapons such as hammers or maces. Only jointed, chain, or rope weapons (such as whips,
flails, or nunchuks) cannot be made into dimensional blades.
While this power is in effect, the psionicist’s weapon ignores any armor worn by the victim. Only
Dexterity and magical protection apply. For example, a gladiator with an 18 Dexterity in hide armor is
AC 6 instead of AC 2. In the case of monsters, the DM must decide if the creature’s Armor Class is due to
thick, armor-like hide or natural quickness. In addition, the blade gains a +2 to hit and a +2 to damage
rolls. The dimension blade can also be used to cleanly sever inanimate objects, such as an opponent’s
weapon, a stone pillar, or the axle of a wagon. Any object struck by a dimension blade must make an item
saving throw versus disintegration or be sliced in half.
Power Score: The dimension blade scores double damage in addition to all other benefits.
20: The weapon the psionicist is trying to affect shatters, inflicting 1d4 damage on the psionicist.

Dimensional Door
(psychoportive devotion)
MAC: 7 (base)
PSP Cost: 3/1
Range: 50+ yards
Area of Effect: Not applicable
Prerequisite: None

With this power, the user opens a human-sized portal that leads to the edge of another
dimension. The edge acts as a lightning-quick transit system, carrying travelers to a destination
chosen by the user. A gleaming portal appears in front of him. At the same time, an identical
portal appears wherever the user wants it (within the power’s range). The door can have any
orientation desired. Stepping into either portal allows a character to immediately step out of the
other. Both doors remain in place as long as the PSP cost is met.
A door has only one side and no thickness; it doesn’t exist from the “back” and can’t be used
to screen missile attacks. Up to five characters each round can use a door. If a group lines up, 10
can step through a round.
Commuting via this power is disorienting. Indeed, a traveler emerges dazed and can’t attack
or move for a round. Even just poking a head through a door requires a system shock roll. Failure
means the hero loses 50% of his current hit points and passes out for 1d6 rounds. Attacks made
through a door suffer a -4 penalty. Distances between doors improve the power’s MAC, as

Distance Between Doors MAC Bonus

50 yards 7
75 yards 5
100 yards 2
150 yards 0
200 yards -3
Dimensional Portal

Power Score: Int. -4

Initial Cost: Below
Maintenance Cost: Nil
Range: Nil (but for SJ it has to be in the same crystal sphere)
Preparation Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: One Item
Prerequisite: Dimension Door

Using this power a psionicist creates a Dimensional portal that will enable the him to bring one
item of his choice to his present location. Before using this power must think of one item, this
is the item he will use the portal to get. Using this power the psionicists need not necessarily
know where the object he just need to be able to picture it in his mind. He can not think of "I
want to get a short sword." It needs to be an object he has had physical contact with and knows
the feel of it well enough that he will know that he has found it when his hand goes through the
Dimensional portal (ie the feel of his favorite sword, dagger, etc.) This is not an easy task for a
psionicist because of the fact that he is searching for an object that he does necessarily know
where it is. The initial cost depends on how far the psionicist is from the item (determined by
the DM).

Power Score
Distance Initial Cost Modifier
10 Yards 30 PSPs 0
100 yards 30 PSPs -1
1,000 yards 45 PSPs -2
10 Miles 60 PSPs -3
100 Miles 75 PSPs -4
1,000 Miles 90 PSPs -5
10,000 Miles 105 PSPs -6
Planet to Planet 150 PSPs -7

Power Score-Distance The PSP cost is reduced by 33%

20-Distance The item is in some way damaged, not to the point of worthlessness but damaged
nonetheless (exact amount up to DM)

Dimensional Screen
Power Score: Con-3
Initial Cost: 9
Maintenance Cost: 6/round
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: special
Prerequisites: dimensional door
This power allows the psionicist to wrap a dimensional door around his body to protect him from his
enemies’ attacks. The screen is a shimmering cylinder as tall as the psionicist that surrounds him at a
range of two feet. Any missile or hand-held weapon that strikes the screen is instantly transported to a
corresponding point on the other side-so arrows and spears pass through the space occupied by the
psionicist without harming him, or even being impeded in their flight.
The protection of the screen also applies to creatures trying to attack with tooth or claw, or other
characters trying to grapple the psionicist. They pass through the screen, emerging on the opposite side.
Most forms of energy, such as lightning bolts or flames, will also be diverted by the screen.
The dimensional screen has two limitations. First, the psionicist can’t pierce his own screen with any
weapon or form of energy (although some psionic powers may be used to mount indirect attacks on
opponents outside the screen). Secondly, the screen fails if an object larger than the screen moves into
contact with it-so the psionicist can’t run through a mountain, or ignore the charge of a raging mekillot.
Clever opponents may find ways to attack the psionicist inside his screen. Magical spells like charm
person, sleep, or cloudkill project no energy. Psionic powers also may penetrate the screen, as described
Power Score: The psionicist is protected from large objects or creatures by being harmlessly “bounced”
away by the dimensional screen.
20: The psionicist is dimensional doored 30-300 (3d1010) yards in a random direction and stunned for
1d10 rounds if he fails a save versus spells.

Dimension Walk
(psychoportive devotion)
MAC: 8
PSP Cost: 5/2
Range: Not applicable
Area of Effect: Personal
Prerequisite: None

With this power, the user opens a vaguely shimmering portal, which lets him travel from
place to place in his own dimension by piercing other dimensions at right angles. This has two
advantages over a dimensional door. The first being that a dimension walk isn’t physically
traumatizing, and the second being that the range of travel is greater. The user can actually travel
through this dimension at the speed of 21 miles per turn. However, this power allows only the
user to travel, and the portal closes behind him instantly.
The user finds himself engulfed in a featureless, inky grayness. He can’t see where he is or
where he’s going. He has only his instinct to guide him, and he must make a Wisdom check
every turn. If these checks succeed, he’ll find himself at his chosen destination when he steps out
of the dimensional realm. If any check fails, he strays off course by several miles. The DM can
place the character in any location within the maximum distance he traveled from his starting
point. It’s up to the user to figure out his location, as the power does nothing to help him gain his
The user can take with him whatever he can carry, though bags of holding and other
dimensional devices spill their contents if taken into the gray realm. If anything lives in the gray,
it never bothers (or can’t interact) with dimension walkers.
Dream Sight

Power Score: Int

Initial Cost: 12
Maintenance Cost: 8 / round
Range: Special
Preparation Time: 2
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisite: astral projection

This power is normally used by somniomancers (master in a psionics concerned with the
sleeping mind).
Before using this devotion, the psionicist must falls into a deep sleep or sleep trance state
during which she dreams of places and events around her. Her vision is then attuned to the
location desired. In the dream, she can both see and hear and can will his vision to change so that
she can view the surrounding area as well. She cannot see into an area that is protected against
teleport or similar powers or spells, however. Nor can sounds coming from such an area be
When using this devotion the psionicist astral body leave her physical body and is able to walk,
look around, pass walls, ... The distance that a psionicist can move from her body is equal to 100
yards per level of the psionicist. The astral body is invisible by normal means but is vulnerable to
any attacks that can reach astral or ethereal creatures. While in astral form the psionicist is
treated as an ethereal traveler, cannot influence the normal word and can only use psionics on
The astral body is attached to the physical body by the silver cord. The silvery cord is nearly
indestructible, however. Usually it can be severed only by the psychic wind at its most powerful,
or by the silver swords of the githyanki.
At the end, the dream vision ends, and she awakens. If the psionicist's body is disturbed before
the dream sight ends, the power ends and the psionicist is immediately awakened.

Power Score-The astral body of the psionicist is able to see in darkness (normal or magical).
20-The psionicist has a terrible nightmare is unable to sleep for 8 hours.

Power Score: Con-2
Initial Cost: 11
Maintenance Cost: 4/round
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisites: none

With this power a psionicist can alter her own dimensions so that she has height and width, but no depth.
She becomes a two-dimensional image that has no thickness; her third dimension is transferred to
another plane and remains there as long as she maintains this power. The advantage of this lies in the fact
that she simply does not exist if seen from the side, and is thus completely invisible and immune to any
attacks from that direction. She can fit through the thinnest cracks by edging sideways, as long as there is
vertical clearance for her.
The psionicist can move and attack as normal, and she is not invulnerable-she can be attacked
normally by any opponent in front of or behind her. While she is two-dimensional, she suffers double
damage from any successful attack.
Power Score: The psionicist’s weapon is affected by the dimension blade power at no additional cost.
20: The psionicist vanishes into a weird pocket dimension for 1d6 rounds.

Gate Seal

Power Score: Int -2

Initial Cost: 12
Maintenance Cost: 3/round
Range: touch
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: one portal
Prerequisite: none

A psionicist using this psionic power can cause any one portal to become ineffective by
the use of his own force of will. It functions much like a normal gate seal spell (from
the Planeswalker's Handbook), and blocks all attempts to open the portal. If the portal is
already open, it closes. Any creatures attempting to go through the portal while this
power is being activated enter the gate and reappear on the same side. As with all
attempts to block portals, the will of the Lady of Pain is absolute: no portal may be sealed
when she wishes it to stay open.
Power Score: No other effect.
20: The portal resists all other attempts to close it for 1d6 hours.


Power Score: Int -1

Initial Cost: 8
Maintenance Cost: 2/round
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisite: teleport

Haste allows the psionicist to force his body and any equipment his is carrying, through the
space-time continuum at a little over twice the normal rate. This gives the psionicist double his
normal movement rate, double his normal number of attacks per round, all three of the ability
scores for double his dexterity, and divides his initiative roll in half. It also causes the psionicist
to have to pay double the maintenance cost for all powers, including haste, used while using
haste. All of the advantages and the disadvantage last until he stops paying maintenance cost
for haste. Haste does not cause the psionicist to age any more rapidly then normal.
Power Score-The psionicist becomes a blur and he receives an additional -4 to his armor class.
20-The psionicist jumps through time 1D4 hours and receives 1D10 hit points of temporal burn
damage. All equipment he is carrying must also make saves verses fire or be burned up in the


Power Score: Int -3

Initial Cost: 50
Maintenance Cost: NA
Range: 50 yards
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: NA
Prerequisite: teleport, teleport other

This power allows the psionicist to exchange physical places with any creature within sight,
and 50 yards, of the psionicist. The creature cannot be more than 150% of the mass of the
psionicist. When the interchange takes place, the orientation between the two characters remains
the same, so any combat taking place between the two interchanged characters is unaffected
(both physical and magical attacks.)
If the subject of the interchange power is unwilling to be teleported, they are allow a saving
throw vs. paralyzation at -2 to resist the teleportation effort. If the creature is willing to be
interchanged, no saving throw is required.
Note: In response to a question as to why there is a saving throw for an unwilling target of this
power; the Teleport Other power works only an willing or unconscious beings...I though it fair to
allow a saving throw for this power if the victim was reluctant to undergo the Interchange.

Power Score-The saving throw of the subject of the interchange power automatically fails.
20-The psionicist becomes disoriented, and suffers a -2 to all rolls for the next turn.

Power Score: Wis-1
Initial Cost: 6
Maintenance Cost: 6/round
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisites: none

This power allows a psionicist to shift his body’s molecules into a different frequency of motion, making
him ghostly and transparent to the unphased world around him. The psionicist can walk through solid
matter; his enemies’ weapons will pass right through him, and no physical force or energy can harm him.
He can he affected by other phased objects or creatures, though.
A phased character is not affected by gravity. He will retain any falling momentum he has, but when
he arrives at the ground he is not harmed. He can move over solid ground at his normal movement rate,
over water or quicksand at one-half normal, and through solid matter at one-quarter his normal move.
He moves vertically at 10 feet per round. If the character fails to maintain phasing while passing through
matter, he takes 3-30 points of damage, falls into a coma for 1-6 hours, and becomes trapped in the
Ethereal Plane.
It is difficult to achieve contact with a phased mind. Any psionic attacks suffer a -4 penalty on their
power checks, and the psionicist saves at +2 versus any mind-affecting magic or effects. Of course, these
same penalties affect the psionicist’s own attacks while phased.
Power Score: The psionicist’s phased movement rate doubles.
20: The psionicist saves versus death at +4 or disintegrates.

(psychoportive devotion)
MAC: 10
PSP Cost: 6/2
Range: 0
Area of Effect: Personal
Prerequisite: None

This power allows the user to shift his body into a different frequency of motion, making him
transparent to the unphased world around him. While this power is in effect, the user can walk
through solid matter. No physical force or energy can harm him, though other phased objects or
creatures can do so.
A phased character can move vertically at 10 feet each round; over solid ground at his normal
movement rate; over water or silt at half normal; and through solid matter at one-fourth the
normal rate. If a character fails to pay the cost while moving through solid matter, he suffers
3d10 points of damage, falls into a coma for 1d6 hours, and phases immediately into the Ethereal
Plane. Note that a phased character isn’t affected by gravity. If a hero is falling off a cliff and
activates this power, he retains any momentum he had and phases into the ground 21_2 feet for
every 10 feet he falls. He must then have enough PSPs to reverse his fall and phase out of the
ground or suffer the consequences noted above.
A phased character receives a +2 bonus to his MAC during psionic combat and gets a +2
bonus to all saving throws vs. mind-affecting magic or effects. Conversely, his MTHAC0
receives a -2 penalty.

Phase Object
Power Score: Wis-3
Initial Cost: 10+
Maintenance Cost: 5/round
Range: 20 yards
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: one object
Prerequisites: phase

With this devotion, the psionicist can extend her phasing powers to an object. A boulder blocking a
tunnel can be phased in order to allow passage, an enemy’s sword can be rendered harmless, or a
building can be forced to collapse by reducing its supports to an insubstantial form.
The larger an object, the more difficult it is to phase. The rule of thumb is 1 PSP per 10 pounds, with a
minimum cost of 10 PSPs. Phasing an object does not harm it. An object being phased cannot be affected
by any physical force, but can be affected by other phased objects. A psionicist can use this power on his
own sword to make it capable of harming another phased character.
Phased objects retain any momentum they had when they were affected, so a catapult missile will
continue in its trajectory-it just won’t do any damage when it strikes its target. Phased objects that were
not moving stay where they were.
If the object is being worn or carried by an unwilling subject, the victim may attempt a saving throw
versus spells to avoid the effect.
Power Score: The psionicist may disintegrate the item if he so chooses.
20: The psionicist must save versus spells or disintegrate a random piece of his own equipment.

Phase Self

Power Score: Con -1

Initial Cost: 6
Maintenance Cost: 3/turn
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 1
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisite: none

A psionicist with phase self can shift his body and any equipment his is carrying, millionth of a
degree off of the plane he is currently on. While using this power he can not affect anything and
can not be affected by anything on that plane, but he can still hear and see everything around
him. This allows him to stand in or walk through walls, objects, and even people without
affecting them. The psionicist can even stand in flame and no be burned. He is truly invisible,
and can not be seen, smelt, felt, or heard. With one exception, true seeing can see him.

Power Score-The psionicist can not be seen even with true seeing.
20-The psionicist becomes phased permanently for 1D4 hours.

Pocket Dimension
Power Score: Wis
Initial Cost: 14
Maintenance Cost: 3/turn
Range: 10 yards
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: special
Prerequisites: none

This devotion allows a psionicist to create a small storage area in extradimensional space. This storage
area is a 5-foot cube, and can contain any amount of weight that will fit in the space provided. The
storage area is accessed by a glowing doorway or hatch about 2 feet square. The access always stays in
the same place relative to the psionicist, much like a Tenser’s floating disk follows a wizard around. The
access can be changed in size from fully closed to 5 feet square at will by the psionicist.
Any objects placed in the pocket dimension have no weight or bulk; the psionicist could carry 1,000
pounds of rock in his belt pouch, if he desired. However, when the psionicist ceases to maintain the
power, the contents of the pocket dimension appear at the location of the access and drop to the ground.
It is possible to damage things by placing a large object in a pocket dimension, putting the access in a
tight space, and then ceasing to maintain the power.
Living creatures in the pocket dimension exhaust the air supply in about 15 minutes; however, the
psionicist can leave the access partially open to allow air to circulate. The psionicist cannot enter his own
pocket dimension, but can reach in and retrieve anything inside.
Power Score: The pocket dimension may be up to 10 feet on a side, if the psionicist desires.
20: Anything the psionicist places in the pouch drifts off into an alien dimension and is lost forever.

Quick Action

Power Score: Con -1

Initial Cost: 15
Maintenance Cost: 3/round
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisite: none

When a psionicist learns this power, he develops an understanding and affinity for
manipulation of the time stream. The psionicist learns to affect the relationship between his
body and the time stream. When this devotion is active the psionic slips slightly out of the time
stream, allowing his reactions to be quicker than those around him. This gives him a +2 on
initiative in every round that this discipline is active. Furthermore any saving throws which
would normally allow a bonus for higher dexterity are also made at +2.
This discipline cannot be used in conjunction with magic that affects time stream (haste, slow,
potion of speed, etc.). If already under the influence of one of these types of magic the psionicist
will be totally unable to activate this devotion. Conversely, when this discipline is under affect
the psionicist is immune to the effects of these magics.

Power Score-The aforementioned bonuses improve to +3.

20-The power fails, and double the initial cost in PSP's is consumed.


Power Score: Int -2

Initial Cost: 15+
Maintenance Cost: NA
Range: Infinite
Preparation Time: 0 (1d4)
Area of Effect: One object, 50 lbs
Prerequisite: Teleport
This power, the converse of conjure, lets the psionicist send an object from his current location
to another location. The destination must be one that the character knows and can picture in his
mind, or one that he can see, by whatever means.
The object, which can weigh up to 50 pounds, must be carried or firmly grasped by the
psionicist. He cannot send an object that bears a wizard mark unless the mark is his own. If the
object is also grasped by another creature, the psionicist must wage a psychic contest, pitting his
Sending power score against the other creature's Strength score. If the object is anchored to
something weighing over 50 pounds (such as a locked door in a castle), the object cannot be sent.
If the object has intelligence, bestowed by either magical or psionic means, it may opt to resist
the sending, forcing the psionicist to wage a psychic contest against the object's Intelligence.
Only nonliving objects can be affected by a sending.
The difficulty of the sending increases with the weight of the object and the distance to the
destination, as detailed in the table in the listing for Conjure.
Note: The 0 (1d4) preparation time denotes a preparation time of 1d4 segments.

Power Score-The initial cost is reduced by 20% (rounded up), and there are no penalties for the
object's weight.
20-The object is sent, but not to the location desired by the psionicist. The item may be
teleported mere away feet from him, or it could arrive miles away from where it was supposed

Shadow Walk
Power Score: Con+1
Initial Cost: 9/18
Maintenance Cost: NA
Range: 1,000 yards
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisites: none

Shadow walk is a devotion that allows the psionicist to use the Demiplane of Shadow to instantly cross a
space between two shadows. The psionicist can step into any shadow larger than his own body and
teleport to any other shadow in range. If he can see the shadow he is teleporting to, the cost is 9 PSPs; if
he is teleporting blindly to a shadow that he cannot see from his current location, the cost is doubled. All
of the psionicist’s equipment and anything he is carrying is transported as well.
This power is usually ineffective in bright daylight or on very dark nights. It works best in twilight
conditions. The psionicist may use his own shadow to shadow walk.
Power Score: The psionicist may travel to any shadow within two miles.
20: The psionicist must save versus spells or accidentally summon 1d4 shadows, who appear from his
own shadow and attack him.

Spatial Distortion
Power Score: Int-4
Initial Cost: 8+
Maintenance Cost: 4+
Range: 100 yards
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: special
Prerequisites: none

A psionicist with this power can affect the dimensions of an area, making it larger or smaller than it
appears. The base area of effect is a 20 foot cube, but the psionicist can affect a larger area by paying an
initial cost of 4 PSPs per extra 20 foot cube he wishes to affect. The maintenance cost is always half of the
initial cost. The area of effect can be tailored to the surroundings; for example, the base area of effect
applied to a 10 foot wide underground passage would affect an 80 foot length of passage.
Within the area of effect, the psionicist can choose to make the distance twice or one-half what it
should be. In the passage above, he can make it appear to be 40 to 160 feet in length. A chasm could be
made smaller, so as to he easily crossable, or greater to act as a defense. A friend’s fall could he shortened
to cause less damage.
Objects must he either wholly in or wholly out of the area of effect. The transition into the area of
effect is unnoticeable.
Power Score: The psionicist may alter distances from 25% to 400% normal.
20: The psionicist doubles all distances for himself only for 2d4 hours.

Summon Object
Power Score: Int-4
Initial Cost: 30+
Maintenance Cost: NA
Range: special
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: one object
Prerequisites: teleport object

This devotion allows a psionicist to bring a distant object to him. The item must be a single piece and
weigh no more than 100 pounds. Metal is harder to teleport and costs twice as much as normal, while
obsidian is very hard to teleport and triples the PSP cost. The actual cost of summon object varies with
the distance of the item from the psionicist.

Distance Initial Cost Power Score Modifier

10 yards 30 +1
100 yards 35 0
1,000 yards 40 -1
10 miles 50 -3
100 miles 60 -5
1,000 miles 70 -7
10,000 miles 100 -9

The psionicist must be able to either see the object he is teleporting, or he must know exactly where it
is. If the psionicist left a steel sword hanging above the fireplace in his home, he can summon the sword-
but if someone had moved the sword across the room, he could not summon it unless he used
clairvoyance to see where it was.
If the psionicist tries to use this power to remove an object from someone else’s person, the victim
receives a saving throw versus spells to avoid the effect. Note that any summoned object will appear in
the psionicist’s hand or on the ground beside him, so it is not possible to use this power to drop boulders
on the heads of one’s opponents.
Power Score: The psionicist pays only half the PSPs required.
20: The psionicist moves the object from its resting place, but it doesn’t show up. It is teleported from
its current location a distance equal to its distance from the psionicist, but in a random direction.

Teleport Lock
Power Score: Int-1
Initial Cost: 8
Maintenance Cost: 2/round
Range: 30 yards
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: one creature
Prerequisites: time/space anchor

By using this power, a psionicist can prevent another creature within range from teleporting. All forms of
teleportation, both magical and psionic, are blocked by teleport lock. A creature attempting to teleport
while under a teleport lock must win a psychic contest against the blocking psionicist, using its teleport
score (or level for wizards) against the psionicist’s teleport lock score.
In addition to interfering with teleportation, this power also prevents magical or psionic blinking and
plane shifting. Teleport lock does not prevent travel by dimensional doors or dimension walk, but does
prevent shadow walking.
Power Score: The psionicist automatically wins any psychic contests he must fight with this power.
20: The psionicist must save versus spells or he dragged along behind the subject when the subject
teleports. The psionicist suffers 1d8 points of damage and is stunned 2d6 rounds at his new location.
Teleport Lock

Power Score: Int -2

Initial Cost: 10
Maintenance Cost: 5/turn
Range: infinite
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisite: teleport, ESP

This power allows a psionicist to "lock" onto another being, and if that being should teleport
(magically or psionically) for any reason, the psionicist will have the option that round, and that
round only, to teleport to the same place as the "locked" creature did. If the psionicist opts not
to immediately follow, the lock is lost. The lock needs to be made while the psionicist can see
the creature it is locking onto, but after the lock is established, distance between the two makes
no difference.
If the psionicist decides to follow, the character must pay the PSP costs and make a power
check as he would using the Teleport power, with all the appropriate penalties based upon
distance. If the psionicist does not have enough PSPs, then the Teleport fails.

Power Score-The lock lasts for 5 rounds after the locked on character has teleported.
20-No other effect.

Teleport Trigger
(psychoportive devotion)
MAC: 8
PSP Cost: 2 per hour/1
Range: Unlimited
Area of Effect: Personal
Prerequisite: Teleport

This power allows the user to establish a specific event that will instantly activate his teleport
power. It is a reflexive event, occurring as soon as the conditions are met without any conscious
effort on the part of the user. After successfully rolling the power’s MAC number, the user must
specify where he wants to teleport and define very specifically what conditions will trigger that
teleport. These conditions can be anything he chooses, but they must happen in his immediate
vicinity to activate the trigger.
When the teleport is triggered, the user must have enough PSPs remaining to pay the teleport
cost. (If he doesn’t, the power fails to activate.) He must also make a teleport MTHAC0 roll. If
the roll fails, the power doesn’t work. The trigger remains active as long as the user pays the PSP

Temporal Acceleration
Power Score: Con -5
Initial Cost: 15
Maintenance Cost: 10/round
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisite: Quick Action

This discipline allows the psionic to alter the flow of the time stream relative to their body.
Upon successfully applying this discipline the psionic effectively alters the flow of the time
stream relative to his body. The psionicist gains the ability to move his or her body in a fashion
that is identical to someone under the effect of a Haste spell. Unlike the recipient of the Haste
spell the psionic does NOT age one year due to the application of this discipline. The increased
speed does not allow the psionic to either cast multiple spells/round or active more psionic
powers/round than would otherwise be allowed.
This discipline cannot be used in conjunction with magic that affects time stream (haste, slow,
potion of speed, etc.). If already under the influence of one of these types of magic the psionicist
will be totally unable to activate this devotion. Conversely, when this discipline is under affect
the psionicist is immune to the effects of these magics.

Power Score-The psionicist gains the ability to move at triple speed.

20-The psionicist acts as if under the effect of a Slow spell, and cannot terminate this condition
for 5 rounds.

Temporal Deceleration

Power Score: Con -2

Initial Cost: 15
Maintenance Cost: 3/day
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisite: Quick Action

This discipline allows the psionic to alter the flow of the time stream relative to their body.
Upon successfully applying this discipline the psionicist's body passes into a state which is
indistinguishable from death (except by casting of a Detect Life spell). The Psionicist can
maintain that state until either a predetermined amount of time has passed (say 10 days) or a
specific event triggers the termination of the temporal deceleration. While in the decelerated
state the psionic is oblivious to the outside world (everything is a blur traveling too fast to
follow), and his body uses up none of it's internal resources, ie., his metabolism stops, so no
healing takes place, but neither does a bad physical condition worsen. There is nothing to prevent
physical harm from befalling the psionic while temporally decelerated.
This discipline cannot be used in conjunction with magic that affects time stream (haste, slow,
potion of speed, etc.). If already under the influence of one of these types of magic the psionicist
will be totally unable to activate this devotion. Conversely, when this discipline is under affect
the psionicist is immune to the effects of these magics.

Power Score-The psionicist hears, sees and remembers all that transpires within normal
sensory range for the duration of his temporal deceleration.
20-The psionicist is decelerated for twice as long as expected.

Time Dilation
Power Score: Int
Initial Cost: varies
Maintenance Cost: NA
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisites: time travel

This power allows the psionicist to affect the timestream itself, speeding up or slowing down its flow
relative to herself. Slowing down the flow of time effectively hastes the psionicist, while speeding the time
flow slows the psionicist. The amount of the dilation affects the initial cost of the power, as shown below.

Haste Slow Cost Check Modifier

x2 x 1/10 18 -3
x3 x 1/20 36 -5
x4 x 1/50 54 -7

If the psionicist hastes herself by slowing down the timestream, she can maintain the power for a
number of rounds (her own, not everyone else’s) equal to her level. Movement, physical attack rates, and
even spellcasting and psionic powers increase as well. However, any spell or psionic power that leaves
the psionicist’s accelerated timestream (for example, casting magic missile at or attempting to contact a
nontime-dilated target) stands a chance of being disrupted. Each time the psionicist tries to do this, she
must make a saving throw versus spells to successfully use her spell or devotion in the normal
If the psionicist slows herself by speeding up the timestream, the power lasts a number of her own
turns equal to her level-so a 6th-level psionicist with a 1/20 factor of dilation can make 6 of her own turns
stretch out for 120 turns (20 hours!) in the outside world. She can end the power at anytime, but her
perceptions are slowed so much that she is automatically surprised by any enemy that approaches. Note
that the psionicist consumes food and water and is affected by things like poison at her own pace, so this
power can be used to reduce water consumption to zero or to slow poison.
If the psionicist is maintaining any other psionic powers, they are paid for only on her subjective
rounds. If a psionicist was on a ship that sank, she could use levitation and time dilation to hover over the
sea until another ship came along, since she is only paying the maintenance cost for levitation in her own
creeping time frame.
Power Score: The rate of dilation is increased one step at no additional cost.
20: The psionicist fails the dilation and must save versus spells or age 1d10 years.
Time Duplicate
Power Score: Int-1
Initial Cost: 22
Maintenance Cost: NA
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area Of Effect: personal
Prerequisites: time travel

This power allows the psionicist to travel forward in time to borrow a future self, bringing it back to aid
him in the present and creating an identical duplicate of himself. The psionicist only travels a round or
two into the future, and creates a strange hiccup in his own existence. The net effect looks something like
First Round: The psionicist initiates the power. To observers, it looks as if nothing has happened.
Second Round: The psionicist’s self from round three arrives, so there are now two psionicists. Both
can act normally during this round, but the future self gains some advantages since he’s already lived
through this round once and knows what to expect.
Third Round: The psionicist journeys back to round two to help himself, so there are no psionicists
here. He has no existence at all during this round.
Fourth Round: The future psionicist who was borrowed from round three returns at the same spot
and in the some condition he was in when round two ended. The time duplicate has ended.
In the second round, the future self has the option of automatically winning the initiative (since he
knows what’s going to happen) or holding his attacks until the end of the round. In any event, the future
self gains a -4 bonus to Armor Class, +4 bonus to saving throws, and a +2 bonus to any attack rolls he
If the future self is injured or killed, there is no effect on the present psionicist, other than the fact that
he can cringe in anticipation of the wounds he’s going to get and possibly die from. However, any
injuries to the present self are immediately duplicated on the person of the future psionicist.
Power Score: The future self finds the time to warn the present self of any dangers, so that the present
self gains the combat bonuses of the future self.
20: The psionicist taps a possible future in which he has been slain in the next round. He must save
versus spells or become catatonic for 1d6 hours.

Telepathic Powers Telepathic powers involve the direct contact of two or more minds.
Revised sciences and devotions are presented below in this section.


Power Score: Wis - 3

Initial Cost: Special
Maintenance Cost: NA
Range: NA
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: psionic opponent
Prerequisite: contact, mindlink, psionic blast

This power causes a psychic shock to travel along the psychic conduit formed by contact.
It may only be used after contact has been established, by either the psionicist or by the
opponent (i.e., it will travel either way). This psychic shock will directly damage the
opponent, causing 1d6 damage for every 5 PSP's spent (save vs death to reduce this by
half, maximum damage is 10d6 for 50 PSP's). There is however some risk involved in
using this power. If the power check is failed, the psionicist must make a saving throw or
suffer half the damage that he/she wanted to inflict on the opponent.

Power Score-Opponent automatically fails the saving throw.

20-Psionicist suffers full damage, no saving throw allowed.

Contact Power

Power Score: Int -6

Initial Cost: 75
Maintenance Cost: na
Range: unlimited (see below)
Preparation Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: one power
Prerequisite: contact

This spell is extremely dangerous, as it allows the mortal mind to glance upon that which
is relatively uncomprehendable. Through this power, the psionicist can contact one
power on another plane not more than two removed from him (around the Great Ring as a
priest would with their spells) and ask them a singular question. However, this question
may be answered a little more specifically than the wizard spell contact outer plane.
However, the alignment of the power matters a bit more with the telepathic science.
Should the power be lawful evil, for example, it will lie if it suits its own ends. A
lawful good power will not lie when addressed with this question. A chaotic power may
just as well make up an answer, whether or not they know the true answer. Good
powers are merely annoyed by this intrusion, but evil powers may take to revenge
themselves on the psionicist. Example Question: "Where is the Wand of Orcus?"
Typical Answers: (LG, Tyr) "I don't know." (CN, Tempus) "Swimming in the
SoUp of LimQmbx, how glorious!" (NE, Hel) "In the paraelemental plane of Ooze.
Go there.", (CE, Kiaranselee) "Mortal, you speak that which was never to be spoken
again. (dispatches undead to dispose of the psionicist)", etc.
There is less of a chance of insanity with this power than the wizard spell contact
other plane. There is a base chance of insanity of 20%. Instead, there is an increased
chance of insanity only for psionicists attempting to contact powers that do not match his
alignment; for each alignment step away, the psionicist increases his insanity percent by
10%. For each point of intelligence over 16, the psionicist reduces his insanity percent
by 5%, while for each point of intelligence under 16, the psionicist add 5%. Should the
psionicist go insane, then it lasts until successful psychic surgery has been undergone or
the psionicist has come at terms with himself again through meditation (after about a day
for each number that he rolled over his chance). As with contact other plane, insanity
occurs the second that the psionicist acts his first question.
Should a psionicist attempt to use this power more than once in a one-month
period, the chance of insanity is cumulatively increased by 15% for each time over the
It's worth saying that any power would strike an Athar psionicist insane for using
this spell, despite their alignment. No matter how intelligent or fundamentally aligned
that Athar may be, the powers still resent him.
Power Score: Two questions may be asked.
20: The psionicist goes insane and must spend at least a month in meditation
before recovering.

Control Dream
(Dreamer Power)

Power Score: Int-2

Initial Cost: 10
Maintenance Cost: NA
Range: Special
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: 500' radius
Prerequisite: 5th level

This allows the dreamer to change the type of dream by one on the dream scale or to change
the alignment of a dream. The dream alignment can be change by one element in one direction.
The elements of the alignment are the two different halves. The first half (Lawful, Neutral,
Evil) can be changed by switching to an alignment to the left or the right of the original one
shown in the parenthesis above. The same applies to the second half (Good, Neutral, Evil) The
transition will last for as long as the dreamer remains in that Dreamland mode. This power will
only affect the Dreamland that the dreamer is currently in.

Power Score-The dreamer may change two parts of the dream.

20-The dream change is in the opposite direction intended

Control Mode
(Dreamer Power)

Power Score: Int-2

Initial Cost: 50
Maintenance Cost: NA
Range: 500' radius
Preparation Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 1 person plus one every five levels
Prerequisite: 10th level

By using this power, a dreamer may transport a number of individuals to another mode of
dreamland. All individuals who are not dreamers do so without any chance of avoiding it,
however, dreamers can elect to go.

Power Score-The dreamer transports all individuals within range.

20-The dreamer transports himself to the astral plane, leaving the targets where they were

Deflect Attack

Power Score: Wis -5

Initial Cost: 10
Maintenance Cost: NA
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal/individual
Prerequisite: 21st level

With this new defense, the Psionicist can deflect any unsuccessful attack against the attacker.
The attacker is allowed a save vs. petrification, but if he fails, he suffers any result from his own
attack as if he is using it versus a contacted mind. (e.g. a Psionicist is using 'Ego Whip' and the
defender is using this Science and wins, the Psionicist is dazed for 1d4 rounds if he fails his

Power Score-The save automatically fails (if the contest is won).

20-The contact is established without any further combat.

(telepathic science)
MAC: 8
PSP Cost: 6+/3+
Range: 30 yards
Area of Effect: Individual
Prerequisite: Mindlink
This power only can be used on an open mind. With it, the user projects mental commands
into the mind of one other being. The dominated target knows what’s happening, but he can’t
resist the user’s will, so he is forced to do nearly anything the user wishes. The target’s abilities
remain unaffected by this power, and he can be made to use any power he possesses-assuming
the user knows about it. Domination doesn’t reveal facts or secrets about the target.
When domination is attempted, the target makes a saving throw vs. spell. If successful, the
target isn’t dominated. If the save fails, the target falls under the user’s control for as long as the
user pays the PSP cost. The PSP cost is dependent on the target’s level, as shown below. Later, if
the target is forced to do something against his alignment, he can attempt another saving throw to
regain his free will.

Target’s Level PSP Cost

1-5 levels or HD 6/3
6-10 levels or HD 12/6
11-15 levels or HD 22/11
16-20 levels or HD 32/16
21+ levels or HD 50/25

Dream Creature
(Dreamer Power)

Power Score: Wis -6

Initial Cost: Special
Maintenance Cost: Special
Range: Unlimited
Preparation Time: 2
Area of Effect: Special
Prerequisite: 21st level

With this power a dreamer psionicist can, in Dreamland, construct any creature with which
he/she is familiar. This will enable the dreamer to empower the construct with all abilities of
the creature including magical, psionicaly, etc. The dreamer then becomes the brain of the
construct using the construct's senses, abilities, etc. The dreamer's dream form becomes inert
during this period, and may be as far away from the construct as the dreamer desires. Further,
the construct has the maximum number of hit points possible for a creature of this type, and
draws all PSPs from the dreamer's PSP total. The dreamer may use all psionicist powers he/she
has normally available in addition to whatever the construct has available. If the construct is
slain, the dreamer is immediately forced back to his/her own form, and must make a system
shock roll. If the roll is successful, then the dreamer regains consciousness in their proper
form with no ill effects, if failed, the dreamer passes out for 3d6 rounds, and suffers 2d6 hit
points of damage.
This is a difficult power to use because of the high PSP cost. The initial cost is 10 PSPs per
1000 XP the creature being imitated is worth. So for instance, a creature worth 16,000 XP
requires an initial cost of 160 PSPs to make a construct of. The maintenance cost is one tenth
the initial cost per round. The calculation of the initial cost can be further refined by making it
to be 1 PSP per 100 XP. Round fractions up in this calculation.

Power Score-The construct's hit points are doubled.

20-The construct is seriously flawed in some way, at the discretion of the DM, not to be told to
the dreamer. For example, the construct might have only half the normal number of hit points,
it might not have some critical ability available, etc.

Dream Crossover
(Dreamer Power)

Power Score: Int-2

Initial Cost: 50
Maintenance Cost: 10/hour
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisite: 15th level

This power alters the dreamer's material world form so that resembles the Dreamland form in
shape and statistics. The transformation takes an actual time of 30 seconds (5 in a combat
situation) but the dreamer must spend the rest of the round recovering from the shock. After
that, the dreamer's Dreamland form (including all Dreamland items and the Dreamland weapon
proficiencies) is fully usable. Although useful, this is also rather dangerous. If the dreamer
rolls a natural 5 or less, they fall into a coma for a number of days equal to 25 minus the
dreamer's constitution. Once a dreamer ceases to expend PSP to maintain this power, the
dreamer's form slowly changes back (2 rounds for transformation) and the dreamer falls asleep
for 1/2 the time that he/she was in their altered form.

Power Score-The crossover lasts 3 hours free.

20-The dreamer must make another power check. If it fails or is below 5, then the character
dies, otherwise, he/she falls into a coma equal to 1/2 the time specified above for a power score

Dream Entrance
(Dreamer Power)

Power Score: Int-2

Initial Cost: 10
Maintenance Cost: NA
Range: 100 miles plus 5/level
Preparation Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 1 person
Prerequisite: none
This power allows a dreamer to enter the dream of a sleeping person. Once inside the dream,
the dreamer can any of their powers directly on the individual. The dreamer may even draw
others into the target's dream. As well, the dreamer may elect to kill the individual in their
dream. Doing so in a Natural Dreamland is very hazardous. Since the Natural Dreamland is
only in the mind of the individual (and the dreamer and any other are effectively inside it) killing
the person is almost always fatal. Any person left in the mind of a person who has just been
killed, must make a saving throw vs. death magic or die with the individual. The dreamer must
make a Wisdom check at a -10 penalty. If succeeded, the dreamer is able to jump back to their
own body in time.

Power Score-The dreamer may kill the target without any chance of death
20-The dreamer must save vs. death magic or die

Dream Link
(Dreamer Power)

Power Score: Wis-1

Initial Cost: 10
Maintenance Cost: 2/turn
Range: 100 miles plus 5 per level
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: 1 person
Prerequisite: 5th level

This allows a dreamer to form a mental link between himself and another individual by linking
their minds in Dreamland. This power is similar to, and can replace, the psionic powers
mindlink and contact, but some differences are there. The main difference is that the link is two
way, although with most people that does not mean much. When using this power on a
dreamer, the other dreamer must make a power score for the Dream Link power. If it succeeds
and is above 5, then the victim dreamer wakes up and can now use their powers. A normal
psionicist can also wake up, but they must make their power score, but at a -5 penalty (unless it
fails naturally, in which case it has no penalty)

Power Score-The link is one way, and in favor of the dreamer.

20-The link is one way, in the favor of the victim, and the victim (if a psionicist) wakes up
while the dreamer is mentally stunned for 1d6+5 rounds (in which time the link is kept up for

(Dreamer Power)

Power Score: Wis -6

Initial Cost: 60
Maintenance Cost: 20/rd
Range: Unlimited
Preparation Time: 5
Area of Effect: 1 square mile/level of Dreamland
Prerequisite: 25th level

With this power a dreamer psionicist can, in Dreamland, construct a dream landscape of any
type they desire. It may be mundane, fantastic, any type of terrain, etc. This in conjunction
with Dream Creature allows the psionicist to gain godlike status in Dreamland. Further, a
psionicist who uses this power in conjunction with Dream Creature may construct and use a
creature without concern for the consequences of the creature being killed, further the psionicist
may construct up to 1 + 1d2 creatures of the same type without extra cost.

Power Score-The maintenance cost is halved.

20-The dreamscape is distorted badly, and anyone in it may save vs. spells to escape it.


Power Score: Wisdom -6

Initial Cost: 40
Maintenance Cost: Contact
Range: 100 Miles
Preparation Time: 1 Turn
Area of Effect: 1 Person
Prerequisite: Contact, Mindlink, Probe, Post Hypnotic Suggestion

When the psionicist employs this science, he projects his consciousness into the dreams of his
sleeping victim. Upon arrival into the dream the victim is allowed a wisdom check to notice the
anomaly. If it succeeds he understands the nature of the attacker, and may choose to end the
When the psionicist enters the dream, he takes the form of the victim's worst fear. He then
chases the victim until the dream ends, or the victim wakes. Upon waking the victim
remembers nothing about the dream, only a dark sense of foreboding and fear. He will also
have lost one point of Constitution. The point of CON can only be recovered through the
following means: restoration, heal, Psychic Surgery, or a Cell Adjustment costing 60 points.
Each of these restores one point per application. A limited wish will restore 3 points, and a wish
will restore the victim fully.
The Dreamstalker can be used night after night until the victim is dead (CON reaches zero).
The victim can only be revived by a heal, restoration, and resurrection, in that order, or through a
If the sleeper contacted through this power happens to be a dreamer psionicist, then the person
using this power is in for a rude awakening. The dreamer's conscious mind immediately
awakens and they have several options. They can escape the power and go into Dreamland and
proceed to use their own powers on the person using Dreamstalker. They may use their non-
dreamer powers as if they too had a contact on the person using the power, and thus, start a
psionic combat. They may break contact at a cost of 10 PSP with no chance of failure. This
would not require the ejection power as a dreamer has trained to know all about Dreamland and
dreaming and thus a contact via a dream (a normal dream) is not a threat to the dreamer. A
dreamer may also, in combination with the other options, make the psionicist using the
Dreamstalker, believe that he has succeeded in his attempt to enter the dreams and proceed from
there. A particularly smart (and somewhat cruel) dreamer could provide the Dreamstalker with
suitable prey, that he believes is the victim of his power, and sit back and watch the psionicist
chase illusions. Or, the dreamer could even pretend to flee from the psionicist and suddenly
turn on him and attack. By using the right combination of powers, a dreamer could pull the
psionicist into Dreamland, and then tear him to shreds in a matter of rounds.
Note: this power WILL NOT work if the sleeper is in Dreamland for any reason. Dreamers
consider this power useless, as a combination of their own powers will achieve a similar effect,
and could be much more fatal in a shorter time.

Power Score-The psionicist can also ask one question as per Probe, or plant one suggestion as
per PH suggestion.
20-The Dreamstalker fails, all 40 PSP's are lost, and the psionicist must make a save versus
death magic or lose 1d8 Constitution points. These can only be regained as if the psionicist
were under the effects of a Dreamstalker himself.

Group Defense

Power Score: Wis -6

Initial Cost: contact
Maintenance Cost: 2/round/creature
Range: 40 yards
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: up to 5 creatures
Prerequisite: contact, mindlink, lend strong mind

This Science does the same as 'Lend Strong Mind' but up to 5 so contacted minds gain the
benefits of a closed mind or, if activated, the defense. The defense's Score is not penalized with -
2 but the initial cost for the defense must be paid for every contacted mind.

Power Score-The maintenance cost is reduced to 1/round/creature.

20-Every contact is broken and the Psionicist is unable to use any defense for 1d4 turns.

Power Score: Int-3
Initial Cost: contact
Maintenance Cost: 6/round
Range: 100 yards
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: individual
Prerequisites: mindlink, contact, false sensory input

This science allows the psionicist to project visions or images into the victim’s mind. In effect, it is like a
psionic phantasmal force. The psionicist can make his victim believe he is seeing, hearing, or feeling almost
anything. The psionicist can attack the victim with hallucinatory monsters or spells, deceive the victim by
making a company of soldiers resemble a grove of palms, or even make him think that a flagon full of
sand actually contains cool, refreshing water.
In general, the rules for adjudicating illusions on pages 84 and 130 of the Player’s Handbook are
appropriate for determining the effects of any hallucinatory effects. If the psionicist carefully constructs
the hallucination and provides the victim with what he expects to see, the victim may not even receive a
saving throw. The physical effects of hallucinations are psychosomatic; the victim may believe he is being
mauled by a tembo, but he is not really being harmed physically.
Maintaining a hallucination requires full concentration on the part of the psionicist. If he makes a
physical attack or initiates another psionic power while maintaining this power, the victim instantly
receives a saving throw versus spells with a +4 bonus to break free of the hallucination.
Power Score: The hallucination is so real that the victim suffers a -4 penalty on any saving throws and
suffers 20% of any damage as real.
20: The psionicist believes his own hallucination for 1d6 rounds.

Improved Psionic Crush

Power Score: Wis - 4

Initial Cost: contact + 6 psp/1d6
Maintenance Cost: NA
Range: 50 yards
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Prerequisite: mindlink

It is a massive assault upon all neurons in the brain, attempting to destroy all by massive
overload of signals.
The maximum damage is half the psionicist level in d6's. Save vs. Spell (with wisdom bonus)
for half damage.
This power cannot be magnified by any metapsionic devotion, the damage limit cannot be

Power Score-Target saves at -4

20-Full cost with no effect.

Mass Contact (High Science)

Power Score: Wis
Initial Cost: varies
Maintenance Cost: 1/round/subject
Range: special
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: 100-yard radius
Prerequisites: 10th level, contact
Mass contact is the High Science of Telepathy. It allows the telepath to establish contact with a number of
minds at the same time instead of contacting each subject individually. The range and life order modifiers
listed under the description of contact on pages 80-83 of The Complete Psionics Handbook all apply normally
to mass contact, just as they would to contact.
The cost of mass contact is the sum of the regular contact costs for each subject. The maintenance cost
is always 1 PSP per round per subject, but the initial cost varies with the levels of the subjects, as shown
on the table below.

Levels or HD PSPs
1-5 3
6-10 8
11-15 13
16-20 18
21+ 25

All minds to be contacted must be within 100 yards of each other, although the range can potentially
be thousands of miles by linking distant subjects to even more distant ones. When the psionicist uses
mass contact, he may choose which minds in the area of effect that he wishes to contact and which he
does not. The psionicist must roll a power check on each subject and spend the PSPs to contact that
person on a one-by-one basis, so mass contact could allow the psionicist to attempt dozens of contacts in a
single round.
If the DM wishes, the statistical average may be used to save a lot of dice-rolling. If the subjects are 20
identical gith and the psionicist has a contact score of 18, he would affect 18 of them.
Once mass contact has been established, the psionicist can follow up with any other telepathic power
he wants to use, such as invisibility, invincible foes, or id insinuation. The cost of the follow-up power
must be paid for each individual that is subjected to it, but the power checks can be statistically averaged
as described above. Note that the combination of mass contact and domination is much more effective
than using mass domination by itself.
Mass contact is a High Science and cannot he selected as a science without first engaging in intensive
meditation and research. See Chapter Seven.
Power Score: All established contacts are maintained for the first four rounds for free.
20: The psionicist tries for more minds then he can handle and is unprepared for the psychic backlash
from so many subjects at once. He must save versus spells or fall unconscious for 2d4 hours, expending
all his PSPs in the process.

Power Score: Wis-6
Initial Cost: 30
Maintenance Cost: NA
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: 5' by 20' cone (up to 6 creatures)
Prerequisites: 8th level, psychic crush, synaptic static

Some psionicists can project a wave of deadly mental force that can destroy lesser intellects. The science
of mindflame allows a psionicist to attack all creatures in the area of effect with a mental barrage that can
incapacitate or even kill its victims. The area affected by the power is a cone 20 feet long and 5 feet wide,
with its apex at the psionicist. Up to six victims in this area can be affected.
Victims who are psionicists can protect themselves against the effects of mindflame by throwing up a
simple mind blank or other defense, but any creature that does not know a psionic defense mode can be
affected. The effects vary with the victim’s level or Hit Dice:

Level or HD Effect
Less then 1 Comatose for 1d6 days, lose 1d3 points of Intelligence
1 to 2 Unconscious for 2d4 turns, lose 1 point of Intelligence
2+1 to 4 Paralyzed for 1d4 turns
4+1 to 8 Stunned for 2d6 rounds
8+1 or more Dazed for 1d3 rounds

Regardless of the effect, the victim is entitled to a saving throw versus death to avoid the effects of the
mindflame. Creatures rendered comatose by the mindflame must make a second saving throw versus
death or die at the end of their unconsciousness. Creatures rendered unconscious must make a second
saving throw or lapse into a coma (without the risk of death).
Stunned creatures may not move, attack, initiate psionic powers, or cast spells, and suffer a -2 penalty
to Armor Class. Dazed creatures may move at half normal speed, attack with a -2 penalty, and defend
normally. They must make a successful saving throw versus spells to initiate a psionic power or cast a
The effects of the mindflame can be corrected by psychic surgery, a limited wish, or a cure serious
wounds or more powerful healing spell.
Mindflame is exhausting to the psionicist; if invoked more than once in a day, the psionicist suffers a -
4 penalty on his power cheek. It is also a very dark use of one’s inner strength, and psionicists who maim
lesser intelligence will find their alignments moving toward evil.
Power Score: The effects are advanced one category, so creatures of 8+1 Hit Dice or more would be
stunned instead of dazed, and so on.
20: The psionicist burns out this power and may not attempt mindflame again for 2d8 weeks.

Mind Hold

Power Score: Int -3

Initial Cost: Contact
Maintenance Cost: 8/round
Range: touch
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: 1 Creature
Prerequisite: Contact

This acts much like a domination. It, when the psionicist places a hand on the victim, grabs
hold of the opponents psyche and forces it into a sort of holding cell..thus the opponent is
totally immobile during the time of usage, as well as under complete physical control. Thoughts
can occur, but no form of telepathy can occur. Also thinking becomes slowed, as the energy
holding the mind takes a lot of effort to overcome. Spellcasting becomes impossible while
under the influence of this power. All Intelligence and Wisdom checks are at -3.
Power Score-The psionicist badly batters the mind of the victim. The victim suffers as if he is
under the influence of this power for 1 day. The psionicist does not need to expend points to
maintain this
20-The Psionicist gains a severe migraine which lasts for 2 turns, no powers may be used
during this time. As well, all ability score checks are made at -2 due to the intense pain. Any
loud noises REALLY hurt (anyone who has had a migraine can testify to this)

Mind Kill

Power Score: Wis -6

Initial Cost: 20
Maintenance Cost: NA
Range: 100 yards
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: individual
Prerequisite: domination, 21st level

Mind Kill is a forceful overload of the victims mind with psionically energy in form from
contrary commands. It's one of the new telepaths attacks used to establish contact with another
psionicist. If the power is used against an already contacted mind, it literary squeezes the fluids
out of the brain, killing the victim instantly if he fails his save vs. death. Even if he succeed in
the save, he is rendered unconscious for 1d6 hours, leaving him completely helpless.

Table for Attack-Modifier:

Attacks M- TS MB PA IF DA TW
MT +5 -2 -4 +1 -4 -2 -5
EW +5 0 -3 -2 -4 -3 -3
II -3 +2 +4 0 -1 -5 -3
MD +3 -1 0 -1 +3 -1 -4
PC +1 -3 -1 -2 -3 0 -4
MK 0 +1 +2 -4 +1 -3 0
PB +2 +3 0 -1 -1 -4 -2

Power Score-The save automatically fails.

20-The force is not transmitted violently but the contrary commands affect the attacker instead,
rendering him helpless for 1 turn, unable to use any psionic power. Also, half of the 20 PSPs
are transmitted to the defender if he succeed in a CON-check.

(telepathic science)
MAC: 8
PSP Cost: 7+/3+
Range: Unlimited
Area of Effect: Individual
Prerequisite: None

This power only can be used on an open mind, allowing the user to communicate wordlessly
with any intelligent creature. This is two-way communication. It isn’t the same as mind reading,
because the user receives only those thoughts the target wants to send. Language isn’t a barrier to
mindlink. The PSP cost is determined by the target’s level, as shown below.

Target’s Level PSP Cost

1-5 levels or HD 7/3
6-10 levels or HD 8/4
11-15 levels or HD 9/5
16-20 levels or HD 11/6
21+ levels or HD 12/6

Obscure Defilement
(Dark Sun power)

Power Score: Int -4

Initial Cost: contact of each creature affected.
Maintenance Cost: 5/round/creature
Range: Defiled Area
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: Defiled Area
Prerequisite: Mindlink, Contact, Invisibility

This power is remarkably like superior invisibility, except that it covers the smell, sound,
and sight of the ash surrounding the defiler. The power score decreases by one however, per
level of the spell being cast. So a fourth level spell will be at INT -8. However, if
a person comes back to the defiled area at a later date, he/she will notice the defiled area,
unless cloaked by another talent.

Power Score-Every time the people affected by this spell come back to this particular spot,
they will not see the area of ash. Ever.
20-They know exactly what is going on, and the Defiler is in BIG trouble.


Power Score: Wis -2

Initial Cost: contact
Maintenance Cost: 5/round
Range: 90 yards
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: individual
Prerequisite: mindlink, contact

Using this power, the psionicist can paralyze a creature contacted. The creature must be
within 90 yards of the psionicist, but needs not be within line-of-sight. If the creature is able to
be seen, there is no modification to the psionicist's power score. If the creature is not visible
(invisible, hidden, or otherwise blocked from sight), the psionicist's power score is reduced by
Any creature affected by this power must make a saving throw vs. paralyzation or be unable to
move. The power works by blocking signals from the creature's brain to its voluntary muscles.
Since the brain cannot issue any new instructions to the voluntary muscles, they remain in the
position that they were last told to assume. (Okay, so this isn't exactly how the nervous system
really works, but this is a fantasy game . . .) This power can in no way affect involuntary
muscles, so the victim doesn't have to worry about breathing or having a heart attack.
The victim is affected only as long as the psionicist maintains the power, and can move
normally after the power is ended (assuming they've survived). As with any other form of
paralysis, any paralyzed creature can be automatically hit in combat situations, or automatically
killed in non-combat situations. Note that good psionicists who use this power to make foes
into easy targets will find their alignments bending towards evil. (That is, if they intentionally
do so. If the party berserker picks off a helpless opponent that the psionicist was planning to
interrogate, then it's the fighter's problem, not the psionicist's.)

Power Score-The paralysis lasts for 1d6+1 turns with no maintenance cost and contact need
not be continued.
20-The psionicist must make a saving throw vs. paralyzation or be paralyzed for 1d6 + 1

Plant Control

Power Score: Wis -2

Initial Cost: contact
Maintenance Cost: 5/round
Range: 100 yards
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: individual
Prerequisite: mindlink, contact

This science allows the psionicist to control plants of all varieties. It allows him to animate
the plant and have it perform simple tasks. For example, Belor needs to get a wagon through
the forest, but there is not path and trees are blocking the way. With this science Belor could
contact the trees and command them to move. Obviously there will be a few potholes to
maneuver around, but that's ok. A character with a non evil alignment would also command the
trees to replant themselves somewhere else out of the way. Treants are immune to plant control,
because they are not considered to be plants for game purposes.

Power Score-He may control intelligent plants.

20-He gains plant intelligence for duration of power.

Power Score: Con -5

Initial Cost: contact +80
Maintenance Cost: NA
Range: touch
Preparation Time: 3
Area of Effect: individual
Prerequisite: mindlink, contact, valuable gem (1,000gp+)

This science is similar to the science switch personality. It allows a psionicist to possess an
individuals body, without the risk of losing his own. It requires a gem worth a 1,000gp or
more to store the individuals mind in while the psionicist barrows its body. Here's how it
works. The psionicist takes the gem in one hand and touches the victim with the other. The
psionicist pays the initial 80 PSPs and the victims mind is transferred to the gem at a rate of one
of the victims levels or hit die a round. If the psionicist releases the victim or the gem before
the transfer is complete the victims mind snaps back and the process must be started over from
the beginning. Once the victims mind is completely transferred to the gem the psionicist is
transferred into the victims body in one round. (It takes longer to put a mind into a gem then into
an empty body.) The transfer is considered permanent, and lasts until the psionicist uses this
science again to reverse it. The psionicist does not suffer any ill affects form the transfer and is
able to function without any problems. His old body will live for one week with no mind in it.
After the week has passed the psionicist must either transfer back to his own body or it dies.
The psionicist will require a large meal and a day of rest if he stays out of his body for the entire
week and then reenters it. When the psionicist leaves his victims body, no matter where the
gem is located at the time, the victims mind will snap back to it's body form inside the gem,
unaware of any time passing. A gem may be used more then once, but it can never hold more
than one mind at a time.
The psionicist gains the physical attributes (Strength, Constitution, and Dexterity) of his
victim. However, he retains his own THAC0, proficiencies, and so forth. Any creature that
can be contacted can be possessed, with the exception of plants, unless the plant has a localized

Power Score-The initial cost is reduced to contact +40.

20-The psionicist is trapped in the gem for 1D6 days and then snaps back to his own body. (If
the psionicist body is dead then the psionicist mind is lost in the transfer back. (Your dead.))

(telepathic science)
MAC: 8
PSP Cost: 8+/4+
Range: 2 yards
Area of Effect: Individual
Prerequisite: ESP

This power only can be used against an open mind. With it, the user can dig deeply into a
target’s subconscious. If the target fails a saving throw vs. spell, then all of his memories and
knowledge are accessible to the user-from memories deep below the surface to those still fresh in
the target’s mind. The information is true (or at least the target believes it to be true).
A probe can be tried during melee if the user is close enough and the target’s mind is opened.
The user knows when a probed spellcaster is casting a spell and what the general effects of that
spell are. The user can learn the answer to one question per round, though DMs can alter this
rate. Complex questions and answers may take longer than a round to resolve. The PSP cost is
per the target’s level, as shown below.

Target’s Level PSP Cost

1-5 levels or HD 8/4
6-10 levels or HD 9/5
11-15 levels or HD 10/5
16-20 levels or HD 11/6
21+ levels or HD 13/7

Psionic Blow

Power Score: Wis - 6

Initial Cost: 8 PSP / 1d6
Maintenance Cost: NA
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: 10 yards
Prerequisite: telekinesis

A blow of brain force forming a wave in all directions around the psionicist. This blast can jolt
a subject's mind like a piece of shocking news. If one of the targets is a psionicist he can get half
damage if he make his defense mode (as against psionic blast). If the defense mode has an area
of effect (like tower of iron will) all creatures in the area get half damage.
The maximum damage is half the psionicist level in d6's. Save vs. Spell (with wisdom bonus)
for half damage.
This power cannot be magnified by any metapsionic devotion, the damage limit cannot be

Power Score-Damage increased to 1d8/8 PSP.

20-Full cost with no effect.

Psionic Drain

Power Score: Wis -8

Initial Cost: 40
Maintenance Cost: 10/turn
Range: Touch
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: Individual
Prerequisite: Telepathy, Contact, Psychic Drain, Mindlink, Mindwipe, 12th level

Psionic Drain is a science that enables psionicists to remove the danger of other, beaten
psionicists. It enables the user to remove all the sciences and devotions that the target knowingly
possesses. This removal is permanent, and can't be restored by anything less than a Wish spell, or
by relearning them level by level.
This science can only be used on other psionicists, not on wild talents, and only on those
psionic creatures with a high intelligence (Dragons and such, DM's discretion).
An unexpected feature of this science was discovered by its creator after quite some uses of
this power. It enabled him to gain powers that were erased in the others mind.
This power can only be used on an unconscious target. After the initial contact cost, the
psionicist pays 40 PSP's. Then he pays 10 PSP's for each turn that passes. It takes one turn to
erase a devotion, three to erase a science.
The chance that the psionicist is able to understand the power he is erasing is 2% for a science,
and 4% for a devotion, modified by the level difference of the psionicists involved. If the target
is of a higher level, the chance increases.
If the user would gain a power he can't use because of level requirements (unlikely because he
is at least 12th level), he will not gain the power.

Power Score-Devotions take 1/2 a turn to erase, and sciences takes 2 turns.
20-This power is erased from the psionicists mind.

Psychic Surgery
(telepathic science)
MAC: 8
PSP Cost: 9+/5+
Range: Touch
Area of Effect: Individual
Prerequisite: Mindlink, 7th level

This power allows the user to repair psionic damage. He can operate on himself if need be,
but the power’s MAC improves to 5. Phobias, aversions, idiocy, comas, seizures-all these mental
ailments and more can be treated and cured. However, curses or magical conditions such as
charms can’t be cured by this power. Nor can the surgery cure possession, though it can identify
such a condition and force psionic combat. Most such ailments can be cured in 1 turn. If the
MTHAC0 roll fails, the problem is too great for the user; he can try again when he gains a new
experience level.
This power has two special uses. First, it can help characters unleash their wild talents. If the
user performs this kind of operation successfully, the patient gains a +2% bonus to his wild talent
Second, the user can make the effect of any telepathic power permanent without any PSP
costs. The power isn’t bestowed upon the recipient, only the effect. This has the following
restrictions: 1) The power must have a range greater than 0; 2) the surgeon must know the power
and successfully use it on the patient; 3) the user can’t do this type of operation to himself or
another psionicist; 4) only one power can be made permanent per turn, and 5) if the MTHAC0
roll equals the MAC number, the procedure takes 2 turns. Likewise, this power can also remove
a permanently implanted power. The PSP cost is determined by the target’s level, as below.

Target’s Level PSP Cost

1-5 levels or HD 9/5
6-10 levels or HD 10/5
11-15 levels or HD 11/6
16-20 levels or HD 12/6
21+ levels or HD 14/7

Psylocke's Psychic Knife

Power Score: Int

Initial Cost: 28
Maintenance Cost: 12 / round
Range: Touch
Preparation Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Prerequisite: contact, mindlink

The psychic knife is the physical manifestation of Psylocke’s telepathic powers. And with
calculating precision she cuts through the folds of the target subconscious mind splaying open
for clinical inspection the painful swirl of memories churning inside him/her.
The target hit by the psychic knife suffer effects similar to ego whip. The target must save vs.
petrification or can do nothing (including walking or defend him\herself) for 2d4 rounds. If the
save was successful the target is dazed for 1d4 rounds, during which all of his/her die rolls
(psionic attacks, melee attacks, saving throws, etc.) are penalized 3 points (or 15%) and he/she
cannot cast any spells with casting time above 3. Regardless of the save a full contact is
established with a successful hit
Optionally the psionicist may try a called shot to the head (-8), if successful the victim must
save with a -5 penalty. If the save was successful the target is dazed for 2-8 rounds, during which
all of his/her die rolls are penalized 5 points (or 50%).
Tower of iron will and mental barrier can be used to protect a psionicist mind against the
psychic knife. If one of this defense modes are active and the victim wins a contest against the
psychic knife power score he has a +5 bonus on ST. and only a tangent will be established (3
tangents must be made to establish a contact). The spell mind blank (8 th level) can protect a
creature in the same way, the contest will be psychic knife vs. wizard intelligence.
Other defense modes are useless against this attack but, of course, Ejection can destroy the
Reference: X-Men (Comic)
Power Score-The knife gain a +2 bonus to hit and the maintenance cost is halved.
20-Full cost with no effect. The psionicist is delusioned, she thinks she have a knife but she
don’t. She will probably try to punch the victim.

Rhythm of the Planes

Power Score: Wis -5

Initial Cost: 30
Maintenance Cost: 15/round
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisite: contact, mindlink, 12th level

Using this power, the psionicist learns to tap himself into the very essence of the
Plane that he stands on. It is literally as if the psionicist has opened a link between his
mind and the planar energies surrounding him. A psionicist can choose to use the
energies of the Planes in a variety of ways; however, only one of the following effects
may be chosen per use of this power.

· They can channel the Cadence of the Planes as if they were a master of the
spirit of the Transcendent Order; i.e. they can activate an action trance that
will give them a -3 initiative modifier and a +3 to all saves vs. mind affecting
spells and effects. This action trance can only be maintained for an hour
before it ends.
· The psionicist may use the energy of the plane that they stand on to enhance
all of their psionic abilities in one discipline by a factor of one. However,
this enhancement does not affect the maintenance cost of Rhythm of the
· The psionicist may choose to use the energy of the plane to empower his
physical body. The psionicist can use his mind to channel psionic strength
points into hit points with this power at a rate of 3:1. Only 10 hp can be
recovered per round with this power. For example, a psionicist on Carceri
has lost 35 hp in a match with a farastu and is close to death, having only 4 hit
points left. He activates this power, passing his power check and paying the
initial cost of 30 PSPs. He immediately begins channeling the energy of
Carceri into his body, spending 30 PSPs and regaining 10 hit points on the
first round. The next round, he spends the 15 PSP maintenance cost and
channels 30 more PSPs into his body, healing 10 more hit points. After this,
he stops maintaining the power and has spent 105 PSPs healing 20 points of
damage. This is an extremely taxing way of regaining health, but when close
to death on a foreign plane, a psionicist is rarely picky.

Should the psionicist be of a contrasting alignment to the plane he is on (i.e. a

neutral evil psionicist using this power on Elysium), the psionicist is burned out by the
connection and fails to gain any of its benefits. He suffers the temporary loss of all
sciences after this attempt. This burnout lasts for 1d4 days.
This power does not work outside the Outer Planes or, mysteriously enough, in
Sigil. It does work in the Outlands, though.

Power Score: The maintenance cost is free for the first round.
20: The psionicist cannot control the energy that he receives and is knocked
unconscious for 1d6 turns.

Scanner's Mind Blow

Power Score: Wis - 6

Initial Cost: contact
Maintenance Cost: 6 PSP / 1d6
Range: 50 yards
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Prerequisite: New Psionic Crush

This power try to explode the mind of the victim. When the victim reaches zero hit points the
head explode. The damage starts in 1d6 and will grow as the sequence:

1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 ... (d6's per round).

Each round the victim has the right of a save vs. spell (with wisdom bonus) for half damage. If
the victim can get out of the line of sight of the psionicist this power will not work. The
psionicist must stay completely quiet to maintenance this power.
This power cannot be magnified by any metapsionic devotion, the damage limit per round
cannot be increased.
Reference: Scanners (Movie)

Power Score-the psionicist can walk while maintaining this power.

20-Contact broken and the psionicist will not be able to contact the victim for 1d4 turns

Waking Dream
(Dreamer Power)

Power Score: Int-8

Initial Cost: 50+10/person
Maintenance Cost: NA
Range: 25' radius
Preparation Time: 2 rounds
Area of Effect: up to 10 people within range
Prerequisite: 20th level
This powerful psionic allows the dreamer to transport the physical bodies of others into
Dreamland. This power requires intense concentration during the preparation time and any
interruption will have the same effect as rolling a 20. The preparation time may be skipped in
an emergency, but the power score will then become Int-15. This is the same as entering
Dreamland normally for a dreamer, but all victims are physically in Dreamland, and cannot
escape, except with a Wish spell. Any dreamers who are being forced in this way must make a
wisdom roll. If they succeed, then they have entered Dreamland normally, otherwise, all
Dreamland powers are gone. As well, dreamers forced in via this spell have their mind
destroyed (Intelligence 1, Wisdom 1) until a Wish or Heal spell is used.

Power Score-The minds of the victims are destroyed as above (including any dreamers)
20-The dreamer becomes a Lost One (Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium) and is transported
to Ravenloft where only Wish can restore their mind or the mind of the dreamer is stuck in
Dreamland and the body becomes a lifeless shell. Only a god can restore the dreamer from the
later form, and this is no small task, so the god may require a rather dangerous task in return.
The result of a 20 is up to the DM.

Power Score: Wis-2
Initial Cost: contact
Maintenance Cost: 5/round
Range: 200 yards
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: individual
Prerequisites: mindlink, contact

This devotion allows the psionicist to interfere with the memory of a contacted creature. As long as
amnesia is maintained, the subject is unable to remember anything that occurred prior to the psionicist’s
contact with his mind. The victim does remember events that occur in his amnesiac state, so he can recall
conversations or events that have occurred since the amnesia began.
The exact effects of amnesia are left to the DM, hut generally the victims remember how to talk, how
to walk, how to eat, and other physical skills. Knowledge-based skills such as spellcasting, psionics use,
or lockpicking would be temporarily forgotten, but talents such as proficiency with the bow or tumbling
would not be.
Making a monster forget everything does not necessarily make it a nice person. General personality
traits remain despite the loss of memory.
Power Score: The victim remains an amnesiac for 1d10 days after the psionicist ceases to maintain the
power, if the psionicist wishes.
20: The power backfires, and the psionicist becomes amnesiac himself for 2d10 turns.


Power Score: Wis

Initial Cost: contact
Maintenance Cost: NA
Range: NA
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: individual
Prerequisite: contact

This devotion allows the somniomancer to wake another character from normal sleep without
the use of touch or sound. When this devotion is used the subject simply wakes up instantly.
(This doesn't mean that the subject is immediately alert)
The subject hears (only in her mind) a great shout "wake up!" or any word the somniomancer
wants (one word only). The subject may be scared or hungry depends on situation.
At DM discretion this power can cause problems when used against subjects in astral travel.

Power Score-The subject is alert upon awakening.

20-The psionicist wakes the character up, but in such a manner that the character is paranoid
for the day. All actions at -5% (-1) for the day. Dexterity checks at -2 because of nervous

(telepathic devotion)
MAC: 6
PSP Cost: 4+/2+
Range: 0
Area of Effect: 20 yards
Prerequisite: Mindlink

This power only works on an open mind. With it, the user can cause another character to hold
him in awe. Characters affected by this power are mentally cowed-they sense the user’s
“awesome might.” They have no desire to serve or befriend the user, but they won’t attack him
unless forced to do so. If possible, they’ll avoid the user completely and take the first opportunity
to escape his presence. The PSP cost for this power is based on the target’s level, as shown

Target’s Level PSP Cost

1-5 levels or HD 4/2
6-10 levels or HD 5/2
11-15 levels or HD 6/3
16-20 levels or HD 8/4
21+ levels or HD 9/5

Backlash/Psionic wave
Discipline Telepathy
Level of power Science (major power)
Mental Armor Clas
PSP Cost 50
Range 10+15/level
Area of Effect creature's
Perequisite 10th level,psionic blast

General description
In Term's it is a blast of psionic engery traveling through space and time in the range.Damge is
5d8+1d8/level.Non-psionicist's take half damage.this power is very powerfull and should be used
sparringly for it inficlt's half-the damage on the user to!It must be learned from a high-level
psionict's 25-30th level.cant be used in ravenloft.

Brainwash (Telepathic Devotion)

Power Score: Int -3
Initial Cost: contact
Maintainance: 4/round
Range: Touch
Preparation Time: 1
Prerequisites: Probe

This power allows the psionicist to manipulate the memories of the target creature. The subject
must first be Probed to find the apprropriate memories. Up to one turn of memories can be sealed
off per round. This will leave a blank spot in the subjects mid, as though nothing had ever
happened. The psionicist may also elect to insert false memories into the subject's mind. If the
psionicist must create these, this takes 1 round per 5 rounds of false memories. If the psionicist
uses his own memories, they can be used at 1 turn of memories per round.The psionicist can use
this on himself, even to the point of forgetting that he performed this operation. This is useful if
the psionicist will be interrogated etc. If false memories have a significant bearing on the goals
of the target creature, a save vs. spells is allowed to notice that something is wrong. All altered
thoughts are seen as true by the subject, and sealed memories will not show under probing or any
other method of interrogation. A character using psychic surgery can identify lost memories, and
repair them if need be. If the character attempting to use psychic surgery was not the same as the
person who sealed the memories, the psychic surgery must be rolled at -4 to find these memories.
Note that multiple applications are possible. for example, a psionicist could transfer a memory to
a friend, and then seal it off to be retrieved later. If the psionicist uses the power on himself, he
can elect to totally destroy the memories, instead of simply sealing them off.
Power Score: - memories can be manipulated at double the normal rate, and destroyed if the
psionicist desires.
20 - The psionicist accidentally seals off one of his own memories. If this occurs while the
psionicist uses this on himself, he seals off the wrong memories. These should be determined by
the DM.

Change Dream Form

(Dreamer Power)

Power Score: Int-3

Initial Cost: 5
Maintenance Cost: 1/turn
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: Personal
Prerequisite: None

This power allows a dreamer to alter their physical self in a manner similar to certain spells.
A level 1 it is equivalent to a change self spell. At level 5, 2 dream statistic points are added to
the amount to be distributed. At level 7, this psionic is equivalent to a polymorph self spell. At
level 9, 5 dream statistic points can be added. At level 15, this total rises to 10. At level 20,
this power is similar to a shape change spell except that body parts can change by themselves
without the rest of the body being affected. The number of dream statistic points is raised to 15.

Power Score-Move up to the next level of mastery (i.e. 1st level to 5th level, 5th level to 7th
level, etc.)
20-The dreamer succeeds, but at one level of mastery lower and attracts the attention of a
Dream Demon (q.v.)

Conceal Thoughts
(telepathic devotion)
MAC: 10
PSP Cost: 4/2
Range: 0
Area of Effect: 3 yards
Prerequisite: None

This defensive power protects the user against psionic or magical ESP, probes, mindlinks,
and other powers and spells that read or detect thoughts. It gives the user a +2 MAC bonus and a
+2 to saving throws when defending against such effects.
Disconnect Skills

Power Score: Wis-3

Initial Cost: contact
Maintenance Cost: 7/round
Range: 75 yards
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: individual
Prerequisite: contact, mindlink

This power allows the psionicist to "disconnect" a character's primary skills from his mind,
causing a specific type of amnesia. Thus, a fighter has much more difficulty fighting with
weapons, a mage has a chance of spells malfunctioning, bards lose their musical and poetic
abilities, a psionicist's mental powers become harder to use. Characters have no difficulty doing
things not "native" to their class, for example, a mage fight with weapons, or a fighter use a
magic wand. Multi-class characters have difficulties with the abilities of whichever class has the
highest level (rolling if two or more are equal), and dual-classed humans lose the abilities of their
current class.
To determine the amount of disruption caused by Disconnect Skills, take the psionicist's roll
and divide by two, rounding up the result (a roll of 4 rounds to 2, a roll of 11 rounds to 6). For
each disruption point, the character suffers a -1 penalty when skills measured on a d20 are used,
or a -5% penalty when a d100 is used. The breakdown of vulnerable skills is given by this list:
Fighter - penalty on all attacks and armor class (-1 per disruption point)
Cleric - chance of spell failure (5% per disruption point), and turning failure (-1 on turning
roll per disruption point)
Mage - chance of spell failure and magic item failure (5% per disruption point for both)
Thief - penalty to thieving abilities (5% per disruption point)
Psionicist - penalty to power checks (-1 per disruption point)

Power Score-The victim cannot take any actions (except defending) for the first round.
20-The psionicist is affected by this power for 2-12 rounds.

Dream Items
(Dreamer Power)

Power Score: Int-1

Initial Cost: 5
Maintenance Cost: NA
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: 1 item
Prerequisite: none

This allows the dreamer to create any non-magical, personal item, weapon, suit of armor, etc.
This item lasts as long as the dreamer stays in Dreamland. The item will behave as the normal
item would (a weapon will cause damage, armor will protect a person and a rope will,,
do rope things!)

Power Score-The item is magical and the DM will determine its powers, but it will only bring
1/10th of its full experience value. The maximum experience possible (before devaluation) is
20-This item is extremely unstable and will explode causing 2d10 hp damage when moved
quickly (most likely when picked up)

Dream Magnet
(Dreamer Power)

Power Score: Wis-3

Initial Cost: 5
Maintenance Cost: NA
Range: 100 miles plus 5/level
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: 1 person plus 1 every 5 levels
Prerequisite: None

This power allows the dreamer to pull a sleeping person into the mode of Dreamland that the
dreamer is currently in, be it natural, true, or travel. This does not actually give the dreamer
access to the person's dreams, but it does have a chance (75%) of giving the victim a very severe
nightmare with all the negative affects associated with one. If the sleeper is already having a
Dreamland dream, then it will automatically be a nightmare. If the victim does not having a
nightmare, then they would not have a dream at all that night. This power is essential to
dreamer so that they may have access to their victims (which must be in Dreamland for any of
their powers, save Dream Crossover and Waking Dream)

Power Score-The victim suffers Dreamland nightmares for two nights after the initial night of
severe nightmares.
20-The dreamer suffers nightmares that night.

Dream Watcher
(Dreamer Power)

Power Score: Wis

Initial Cost: 7
Maintenance Cost: 1/turn
Range: 100 miles plus 5/level
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: 1 person plus 1 every 5 levels
Prerequisite: 2nd level

This power allows the dreamer to watch in on anothers dream. They cannot participate or
otherwise communicate, but the sleeper "feels" that they are being watched. Due to this for
every 2 turns the dreamer is watching, the dream moves down one type on the dream scale (good
becomes average, average ceases to be a dream, no dream soon turns into a bad one, and so on)
As well, using this power in conjunction with Control Dream, the dreamer gains a +2 bonus
when attempting to use the Control Dream power, but not if that +2 will take it over the power

Power Score-The character can send mental messages to the person watched. This quadruples
the speed of the decay of the dream after a message is sent, even if the message is reassuring.
20-The dreamer is actually watching his worst nightmare from when he/she was a child. This
shakes up the dreamer as per the rules for extreme nightmares.

Equilibrium Disruption

Power Score: Wis-4

Initial Cost: contact
Maintenance Cost: 4/round
Range: 300 yards
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: individual
Prerequisite: contact, mindlink

This devotion allows the psionicist to weaken the victim's sense of balance. There is nothing
physically wrong with the person, but the disruption prevents him or her from maintaining
balance. Walking becomes difficult, spells may fail due to lack of balance, and skills are harder
to perform.
The victim is allowed a saving throw versus death. If the save is successful, the victim retains
most of his/her equilibrium, causing all attacks or actions to be made at a -1 or -5% penalty.
Movement is at 75% normal speed, spells of 7th level or higher cannot be cast, and there is a
general 5% chance of spell failure. If the saving throw is failed, all actions are at a -3 or -15%
penalty, the maximum movement rate is 1/3 the normal rate, and spells of 5th level or higher
cannot be cast. Spells that are cast have a 15% chance of failure. If the character is near any
height greater than 15 feet, vertigo strikes, worsening all penalties by an additional -1 or -5%. If
the saving throw is an unmodified 1, then the character loses all equilibrium and falls to the
ground, helpless. Helpless characters get a saving throw vs. death every round thereafter. If the
save is made, then the character can function again, but using the "-15%" category for penalties.
Once every 5 rounds, the character gets a saving throw vs. death to see how he or she is doing.
Use this new saving throw to determine the penalties for the next 5 rounds. Characters that are
helpless get to save every round until able to stand, then begin making a saving throw once every
5 rounds.

Power Score-All penalties are increased by -1, or -5%.

20-The psionicist is affected by this power until he or she gets a 19 or 20 on the save versus

(telepathic devotion)
MAC: 6
PSP Cost: 6+/3+
Range: Unlimited
Area of Effect: Individual
Prerequisite: None

This power only works on an open mind. Extrasensory perception (ESP) allows the user to
read someone else’s mind. The user can perceive surface or active thoughts. He can’t use ESP to
explore a target’s memories or to delve into his subconscious. Most intelligent creatures tend to
think in words, so language can be a barrier to understanding. Unintelligent creatures think in
pictures. Magical thought, such as when a wizard casts a spell, is unintelligible to this power.
However, the user can recognize such thoughts as part of the spellcasting process. The PSP cost
is shown below.

Target’s Level PSP Cost

1-5 levels or HD 6/3
6-10 levels or HD 7/4
11-15 levels or HD 8/4
16-20 levels or HD 9/5
21+ levels or HD 11/6


Power Score: Int-4

Initial Cost: 10
Maintenance Cost: 6/round
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisites: none

This power gives the psionicist all the benefits of a Philter of Glibness, and also will affect
Truthear in the same manner as a Philter of Glibness affects a Detect Lie spell.

Power Score-The lying is undetectable, even with magic, for 5 rounds.

20-The psionicist's words are heard as normal and all who can
understand them know what he/she was attempting

Implant Thoughts

Power Score: Int -4

Initial Cost: contact + 5
Maintenance Cost: 10/round
Range: 5 yards
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: individual
Prerequisite: contact, post-hypnotic suggestion, send thoughts

Upon initiating this power, the psionicist may plant thoughts into a contacted
mind, similar to a suggestion spell. The target may make a saving throw vs. spells with
Wisdom modifiers to realize that the thought does not come from his own mind. If the
target makes the saving throw, it then realizes that the thoughts have come from
somewhere else. If the target fails the saving throw, it does not recognize the thoughts
as its own and acts upon them. However, any extreme thoughts, such as the thought "I'm
going to kill that dwarf," being planted into the mind of a peasant will not be acted on,
being seen as far too out of character. However, it would be a perfectly acceptable
thought to implant into the mind of an enraged Harmonium guard. Acceptable thoughts
to plant include, "I don't like this sword," "I'm tired," etc. The advantage that this power
has over domination is that the target is not aware of the fact that their thoughts are being
Power Score: The victim automatically fails their saving throw.
20: The psionicist implants his own mind with that thought; in fact, that's the only
thing that he can think for the next 1d4 hours. It doesn't actually affect his actions, but
he is unable to concentrate sufficiently to use his psionic powers.

Induce Pleasure

Power Score: Con -2

Initial Cost: contact
Maintenance Cost: 2/round
Range: touch
Preparation Time: 1
Area of Effect: individual
Prerequisite: mindlink, contact

This is the opposite power of Inflict Pain. While no good comes from it (no healing or
curative effects), it makes the subject individual shudder and twist in ecstasy. If used in combat,
the victim must save vs paralyzation in order to keep functioning and fighting. Failure to save
indicates a penalty of -4 on all attack rolls that round, and any spells being cast are disrupted.
The insidious effects of this power occur when it is used in conjunction with Inflict Pain. By
using the two powers interchangeably, dependent upon the victim's actions, the victim can be
conditioned to perform certain acts instead of other acts they would normally perform. For each
week of being subjected to this treatment, they must make a wisdom check, with a penalty equal
to the number of weeks of "treatment" (i.e., 3 weeks of treatment = penalty of -3) or have their
actions in particular scenarios predetermined by their conditioning. Only one area of behavior
may be affected per victim. Depending upon the behavior modification, there is a chance (DM's
discretion) for an alignment change by the victim.

Power Score-The pleasure is so overwhelming that the victim passes out for 1d10 rounds.
20-The contact is broken.

Inflict Pain
(telepathic devotion)
MAC: 5
PSP Cost: 3+/2+
Range: Touch
Area of Effect: Individual
Prerequisite: Mindlink

`This power only can be used on an open mind. It is a particularly nasty form of torture,
although no actual harm is inflicted on the target, and the power leaves no physical scars or
marks. Only evil characters can learn this power freely; others find their alignments twisting
toward evil if they learn and use inflict pain.
If the target is an NPC who is being questioned, he is allowed a saving throw vs. paralyzation
to withstand the agony. If he fails, he begs for mercy and answers questions as the DM sees fit. If
the user finds a way to employ this power in combat, the target is still entitled to a saving throw.
Success means he grits his teeth and keeps on fighting. Failure means the pain imposes a -4
penalty to his attack rolls that round or disrupts and ruins spellcasting. PSP costs depend on the
target’s level.

Target’s Level PSP Cost

1-5 levels or HD 3/2
6-10 levels or HD 4/2
11-15 levels or HD 5/3
16-20 levels or HD 6/3
21+ levels or HD 8/4

Instill Emotion

Power Score: Wis -2

Initial Cost: contact
Maintenance Cost: 3/round
Range: 20 yards
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: individual
Prerequisite: contact, empathy, mindlink

Through the use of this power, the psionicist can instill a strong emotion within a
contracted mind, be it hate, love, revulsion, or any other. However, the emotions are not
directed towards any one person; instead, the whole of the contacted mind is filled with
that emotion. Instilling the emotion of happiness might cause the person to start singing
and dancing with joy, while instilling hatred may cause him to attack everything in sight.
The targets gets a saving throw vs. spells to avoid doing any extreme actions, whether
they be motivated by love or hatred. Note, however, that the psionicist does not cause
such actions.
If used against the hopeless of the Gray Waste, this spell gives them new life as
described under the charm person description on page 46 of Liber Malevolentiae.
This power is used by the Baalagardin to snap people out of the influence of the
Gray Waste. The Baalagardin will instill a strong positive emotion into their target's
mind, then approach him and lead him towards the nearest portal off the Gray Waste.
Power Score: The target gets a -2 penalty to his saving throw to avoid any
extreme actions due to the intensity of the emotion.
20: The psionicist ends up affected by whatever emotion he had hoped to instill in
the target.

(telepathic devotion)
MAC: 6
PSP Cost: 3+/2+
Range: 100 yards
Area of Effect: Individual
Prerequisite: Mindlink

This power only can be used on open minds. It differs significantly from the spell invisibility.
This is a delusion that affects specific minds, not an illusion that affects everyone; the only real
change occurs in those whose minds were opened. Thus, the user must open each mind he wants
to deceive, for only to these minds will he appear invisible. He can see himself, and so can
anyone whose mind wasn’t opened. Only beings within 100 yards can be affected by this power.
The user must make a separate MTHAC0 roll for each delusion and pay a separate PSP cost
for each. A delusion is defined as one invisible character as perceived by one other being. The
user can make anyone who is human size or smaller invisible with this power, not just himself.
Note that this power affects vision only; observers may still be able to hear or smell “invisible”
characters. PSP costs are as follows.

Target’s Level PSP Cost

1-5 levels or HD 3/2
6-10 levels or HD 4/2
11-15 levels or HD 5/3
16-20 levels or HD 6/3
21+ levels or HD 8/4

Jedi's Mind Focus

Power Score: Wis - 2

Initial Cost: 10
Maintenance Cost: NA
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 1
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisite: none

This is the "use the force Luke" power. The psionicist concentrates all his mind capacities in
the task he intend to do in the next round, granting a +5 (or +25%) bonus in this task in the
succeeding round. This power can be used only one time per task and the duration is fixed in one
The bonus can be used in any action the psionicist wants. The only requisite is: he must know
what he will do in the next round.
Reference: "Use the force Luke" in Star Wars (Movie)

Power Score-The bonus is +6 at half cost.

20-The psionicist forget how to do the task for 1d4 rounds.

Lend Strong Mind

Power Score: Wis -4

Initial Cost: contact
Maintenance Cost: 1/round
Range: 30 yards
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: individual
Prerequisite: contact, mindlink, 10th level

With this Devotion, the Psionicist is able to defend a contacted mind against intrusion from
another Psionicist. Any attempt to contact this mind fails and a Psychic Combat must be fought.
The Defense can be established with this Devotion in the contacted mind; using the Psionicist's
Score -2. While defending his friend's mind, the Psionicist sacrifices his own defense in the first
place, but he may activate one other power in the same round (because one of the powers is a
defense). It's not possible to use this Devotion AND establish a defense in the friend's mind in
the same round. The other power may be a defense for the Psionicist's own mind, an attack, or
any other power he is able to use. If the Psionicist does not defend himself mentally, nevertheless
he has a closed mind, so he cannot be contacted without combat. Then, any successful attack
versus his mind establishes one tangent.

Power Score-The contacted mind gains the benefits of a 'Thought Shield'.

20-The Psionicist is not able to use any defense for 1 turn.
Life Detection
(telepathic devotion)
MAC: 7
PSP Cost: 3/1
Range: 100 yards
Area of Effect: Varies
Prerequisite: None

This power allows the user to scan for the presence of living, thinking creatures within a
limited area. If he is scanning at short range, he can cover a large angle. At long range, the angle
is significantly reduced. He can scan 180 degrees to a range of 40 yards, 90 degrees to 60 yards,
or 30 degrees to 100 yards. One round of scanning detects humans, demihumans, humanoids,
mammals, and monsters with 8 or more Hit Dice. A second round detects all creatures with less
than 8 Hit Dice. In either case, the user receives an accurate count.
The DM should make the MTHAC0 roll and keep it secret from the player. If the user
doesn’t detect anything, he won’t know whether nothing’s there or the power failed.

Memory Summoning

Power Score: Int -3

Initial Cost: contact
Maintenance Cost: 7/round
Range: Sight
Preparation Time: Differs
Area of Effect: Individual
Prerequisite: Send Thoughts, False Sensory Input

By means of this power a Psionicist can effectively bypass another person's natural defense's.
(including another psionicst's defenses) Many DMs out there believe that if someone psionically
touched they will know it (especially in the case of another psionicists), with this power this is
not the case. The psionicist will implant a thought into another person's mind this thought will
be a front and he will follow it into the person's mind. The person will notice the thought and
not the mind touching (on a successful power check). This is a very risky proposition (checks
must be made by the DM every other round), but the benefits are enormous the psionicist can
roam around as if he were using a probe. The probe that is used here though is not the same
because the psionicist can not make his presence known (where when normally using probe he
tries to batter down any defenses) he can only find the answer to one simple question every other
round (and longer if a complex question up to the DM). He will not know if he has attracted the
attention of the person's mind that he is in, unless he finds resistance but until then he will have
no idea if he has been found out. The person who's mind has been entered will know if that his
mind has been entered when the psionicist fails a power check and at that time can try to use any
defenses he can use or get. The preparation time must be spent finding out about the person that
the power will be used on. He must find some thought that he can use to follow in to the mind
with. (ie A gladiator learning to use a sword, an elf finally earning his name, a halfling eating a
person for the first time, etc.)

Power Score-The psionicist only has to make a check every fourth round.
20-Automatic Failure the person knows your there and can take whatever precautions he can to
stop your entry into his mind or stop you from going further into his mind.

Mental Dagger

Power Score: Wis -4

Initial Cost: 6
Maintenance Cost: NA
Range: 50/100/150
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: individual
Prerequisite: contact, mindlink

Mental Dagger is a sharp, pointed attack against the victim's mind. It's one of the new
telepathic attacks used to establish contact with another Psionicist. If the power is used against
a already contacted mind, it opens a mental wound where the life-force is sipping out. The victim
suffers a loss of 1 HP per round thereafter, beginning with the round of first use. When used
again, the loss is increased by 1 HP per round to a maximum of 3 HP/round. The wound closes
when the victim is rendered unconscious, is psychic surged, or gains the benefits of any cure
spell ore power. If the rules for 'Death's Door' are in use, the bleeding stops at 0 HP, else is stops
at 1 HP and the victim falls unconscious.

Power Score-The loss is 2 HP/round, the maximum is increased by 1.

20-The psionicist suffers the wound by himself.

Modron Mind

Power Score: Wis -1

Initial Cost: 6
Maintenance Cost: 2/round
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisite: none

This psionic power is identical to the spell modron mind from the Planeswalker's
Handbook. It provides a +2 to all saving throws vs. spells that fool the senses, as well as
a +1 to saving throws vs. wild magic spells and effects. It also gives the psionicist a +1
bonus when using psionic defenses. The caster finally gets a -1 bonus to all Intelligence
proficiency checks.
The power is not without its spell effects, of course, as noted in the Planeswalker's
Handbook. The psionicist becomes dry, analytical, and undeniably lawful neutral.
Know alignment spells reveal his alignment as lawful neutral, but aura examination
reveals his true alignment.
As a rule, neutrals are not known to use this ability. Lawfuls seem most prone to
learning this power, gaining a +1 to their power score rating. Those chaotics that can
become psionicists rarely use this power; should they actually expend the time necessary
to do so, they activate it with a -2 penalty to their power score.
Power Score: Each of the bonuses is increased by one point.
20: The psionicist attempts too hard to create an orderly mind becomes dry and
analytical without the effects of the ability for 2d4 hours. During this time, he suffers a -
1 penalty to all saving throws vs. wild magic spells and effects.

Negate Sensory Input

Power Score: Int - 4

Initial Cost: contact
Maintenance Cost: 5/round
Range: 15 miles
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: individual
Prerequisite: contact, mindlink, false sensory input

This devotion allows the psionicist to actually block out one form of sensory input. Affected
senses can be taste, smell, sight, hearing, or one kind of touch (either pain, pressure, temperature,
or hunger/thirst). While in effect, the victim is totally unable to "comprehend" the sense, almost
as if it was disconnected from his brain. As a result, standard curative magic will not work, but
remove curse might (DM's discretion). Only one sense can be affected for every use of this
power, thus, it requires two separate usages to make a person deaf and blind. Standard penalties
apply to blindness and deafness; loss of taste prevents the victim from being able to taste
anything (including spoilage or poison), loss of smell prevents the victim from smelling smoke
or a the stench of various monsters (including troglodytes and ghasts). In terms of loss of touch,
inhibiting pain prevents a character from knowing how many hit points he's lost, inhibiting
pressure causes the person's body to become numb (-2 on attacks, movement at 1/2 movement
rate, DEX checks may be needed at DM's discretion to prevent falling or dropping something),
inhibiting temperature means the person cannot tell if something is too hot/cold to handle
(although after 7 points of heat/fire damage, pain begins, but the character might not know why),
and inhibiting hunger and thirst means that the character does not realize he's hungry or thirsty...
and thus could starve to death at a banquet, or be protected from an Insatiable Thirst spell.

Power Score-Two senses can be negated for 6 points per round, or one sense can be negated
for 4 points per round.
20-The victim's senses are not altered, but the psionicist thinks the power worked. Also, the
victim is protected from all forms of False Sensory Input and Negate Sensory Input, regardless of
who is projecting it.
Oniric Vortex

Power Score: Wis

Initial Cost: contact
Maintenance Cost: 1/round/subject
Range: Unlimited
Preparation Time: 1
Area of Effect: individual
Prerequisite: Enter Dream

With this devotion the psionicist can bring some friends to a dream. The psionicist must be in
a dream to use this power (her own dream or any dream affected by enter dream).
Unwilling subject may choose to end the dream and wake up. This action ends the dream for
that particular character only.
It should be noted that this is NOT a Dreamer power. It does not affect Dreamland characters,
as they are out of reach of a non-Dreamland psionicist.

20- Unwilling subjects can be brought in. They can only wake up if they make a saving
throw vs. Paralyzation.
Power Score-A hostile monster is brought in instead.

Outer Dream

Power Score: Int

Initial Cost: 30
Maintenance Cost: 10/question
Range: NA
Preparation Time: 12 hours
Area of Effect: individual
Prerequisite: mindlink, teleport

This devotion is similar to contact other plane spell and requires the psionicist had access to
psychoportive and telepathic disciplines
When this devotion is used, the psionicist sends her mind to another plane of existence in order
to receive advice and information from powers there. As these powers resent such contact, only
brief answers are given. Any questions asked are answered by the power during the power's
maintenance. The character can contact an elemental plane or some plane farther removed. For
every 10 PSP spent one question may be asked. Contact with minds far removed from the plane
of the psionicist increases the probability of the psionicist going insane or dying, but the chance
of the power knowing the answer, as well as the probability of the being telling the correct
answer, are likewise increased by moving to distant planes. Once the outer planes are reached,
the Intelligence of the power contacts determines the effects.
The random table given here is subject to DM changes, development of extraplanar NPC
beings, and so on.
If insanity occurs, it strikes as soon as the first question is asked. This condition lasts for one
week for each removal of the plane contacted to a maximum of ten weeks. There is a 1% chance
per plane that the psionicist dies before recovering, unless a psychic surgery is made upon her. A
surviving psionicist can recall the answer to the question.
On rare occasions, this divination may be blocked by the action of certain lesser or greater

Power Score Chance of Chance of Chance of

Plane Modifier Insanity* Knowledge Veracity**
Elemental -1 20% 55% (90%) 62% (75%)
Inner Plane -2 25% 60% 65%
Astral Plane -3 30% 65% 67%
Outer Plane, Int. 19 -4 35% 70% 70%
Outer Plane, Int. 20 -5 40% 75% 73%
Outer Plane, Int. 21 -6 45% 80% 75%
Outer Plane, Int. 22 -7 50% 85% 78%
Outer Plane, Int. 23 -8 55% 90% 81%
Outer Plane, Int. 24 -9 60% 95% 85%
Outer Plane, Int. 25 -10 65% 98% 90%

* For every point of Intelligence over 15, the psionicist reduces insanity chance by 5%.

** If the being does not know an answer, and the chance of veracity is not made, the being will
emphatically give an incorrect answer. If the chance of veracity is made, the being will answer

Percentage in parentheses are for questions that pertain to the appropriate elemental plane.

Power Score-No chance of insanity.

20-The psionicist grates a power. The DM must decide what the disturbed
power will do.

Passive Contact
Power Score: Wis-1
Initial Cost: contact
Maintenance Cost: 1/hour
Range: touch (unlimited)
Preparation Time: 1
Area of Effect: individual
Prerequisites: contact, send thoughts

With this power, the psionicist can establish a constant yet passive mental link with another character.
The subject must be willing, and the psionicist must successfully initiate passive contact while the subject
is in his presence. After the power has been established, the subject can go anywhere he likes while still
maintaining a tenuous link with the psionicist.
This link allows the subject to get the psionicist’s attention by sending out a mental call. The psionicist
gets a tingle in his mind that lets him know that his passive contact wants his attention. Presumably, the
psionicist will then respond by trying normal contact and mindlink with the subject to find out what’s
going on.
Passive contact is useful because it gives the psionicist’s nonpsionic friends a way to get in touch with
the psionicist when they need his help.
Power Score: The psionicist knows if the subject is in trouble, even if the subject hasn’t tried to get his
attention yet.
20: The psionicist believes he has successfully initiated the power, but the subject will not be able to
get his attention.

Plant Mind
Power Score: Int-4
Initial Cost: 11
Maintenance Cost: 2/round
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisites: none

With this power the psionicist attunes her mind to plant life. She gains a better understanding of the
plant’s existence and can better deal with any intelligent or psionic plants she encounters. Normally,
there is a -8 penalty for contact with a plant, but while plant mind is in effect, the psionicist does not
suffer this penalty. Instead, she has a -8 penalty for contact with nonplant minds.
Plant mind does not allow the psionicist to communicate with plants, but it does give her a +2 bonus
to her Charisma score when dealing with plants.
Power Score: The psionicist is especially well attuned to plant life and gains the benefits of the power
for 24 hours without maintenance cost.
20: The psionicist slips into a vegetative slumber, remaining rooted to the spot for 2d10 hours.

Psychic Armor

Power Score: Wis -3

Initial Cost: 5
Maintenance Cost: NA
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisite: none

Psychic Armor is a new defense against unwanted contact. It puts the Psionicist's mind in a
kind of armor, weakening any psionic activities. Thus, it's more difficult to use any attack against
the Psionicist, but he himself suffers grievous penalties as well. Any one other power activated in
the same round with this devotion is penalized with -2 to the Power Score.

Power Score-The use of this power does not affect other powers.
20-The defense falters but the penalty remains for 1d6 rounds (in addition to any other
penalties from this power).

Send Thoughts
(telepathic devotion)
MAC: 8
PSP Cost: 3+/2+
Range: Unlimited
Area of Effect: Individual
Prerequisite: None

This power only works on an open mind, allowing the user to send his thoughts to another
mind via one-way communication. He can send information or simply use the power to distract
the target. If the target is a wizard casting a spell, he gets a save vs. spell. If the wizard fails his
save, his concentration is broken and the spell fails. If the target is distracted while in melee
combat, he receives a -2 penalty to all attack rolls.

Target’s Level PSP Cost

1-5 levels or HD 3/2
6-10 levels or HD 4/2
11-15 levels or HD 5/3
16-20 levels or HD 6/3
21+ levels or HD 8/4

Sensory Suppression
Power Score: Int-2
Initial Cost: contact
Maintenance Cost: 4/round/creature
Range: 100 yards
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: individual
Prerequisites: mindlink, contact, invisibility

This devotion allows the psionicist to temporarily blind or deafen an opponent by interfering with the
brain’s reception of sensory information. The victim’s eyes or ears still work fine, but the mind cannot
process the information. The psionicist must individually contact each creature he wants to affect and
make a separate power check for each subject.
The victims remain blinded or deafened for as long as the psionicist pays the maintenance cost to keep
the power going. Blinded characters suffer a penalty of -4 to all attacks, saves, and Armor Class. Deafened
characters suffer a -1 penalty, but the penalty could he increased depending on the circumstances. (For
example, a character trying to use his blind fighting proficiency to engage a foe in total darkness is very
susceptible to being deafened.)
Power Score: The victim loses all sensory information for as long as the psionicist maintains the power.
20: The psionicist blinds himself for 2d8 rounds.

Sheridan's Chrismatic Ability

Discipline Telepathy
Level of power Science (major power)
Mental Armor Clas MAC?
PSP Cost Contact +20 round
Range LevelX10 yards
Area of Effect other
Perequisite Contact, Other power

General description
Sheridan was a great Psionics Master, he was adept at using abilities on others. This power
allows you to use any other ability on a target, like soften on a human target, or detonate. DM-
note- The powers maY BE TONED down a little if needed. (maby that disenegrate only effects
the targets hand, not the whole body)

Sight Link
(telepathic devotion)
MAC: 6
PSP Cost: 5+ per turn/3+
Range: Unlimited
Area of Effect: Individual
Prerequisite: Mindlink

Only usable against open minds, this power lets the user tap into another’s visual senses,
allowing him to see whatever that being sees. The user’s own vision is unaffected. If the linked
character is subjected to a gaze attack, the user must make an appropriate saving throw or also be
affected by the gaze.
Target’s Level PSP Cost
1-5 levels or HD 5/3
6-10 levels or HD 6/3
11-15 levels or HD 7/4
16-20 levels or HD 8/4
21+ levels or HD 10/5

Siozi's Deadly Thoughts

Discipline Telepathy
Level of power Science (major power)
Mental Armor Clas ?
PSP Cost contact +10 per round
Range 50 feet
Area of Effect other
Perequisite Contact, Biofeedback

General description
Siozi was a Neutral Psionisist, but often went insane,
He developed the abilitys to use bio-feedback on others.
The ability to control the blood lost by a victim of a cut, and also
it can be used to send the victims blood pressure way down, or up
to dangerous levels, (DM's use knoledge to role play effects) (20)- The target gains biofeedback
at will for an hour, allowing him/her
to fight back
(1)-what happens to the target happens to you also
(power)-you can control their heart, andmake it stop.
Sleeping Automaton

Power Score: Wis -2

Initial Cost: contact
Maintenance Cost: 6/round
Range: NA
Preparation Time: 2
Area of Effect: individual
Prerequisite: contact

This devotion allows the somniomancer to take control of a sleeping subject's body and cause
it to perform simple actions. Such actions include movement (sleep-walking), picking up and
moving small objects, etc., but nothing either delicate or violent and nothing that involves any
thinking or decision-making process.
The somniomancer can't force the subject to commit suicide or actively damage herself in any
way; the subject will wake up before any damage be inflicted.
This power doesn't give any way to somniomancer to see what the subject is actually doing, so,
the psionicist should be able to see the target by any means or it will be very difficult to give the

Power Score-The psionicist can see brief flashes of the surroundings of the person controlled.
Just enough to make sure that the subject doesn't run into things.
20-The somniomancer loses control of their own body for the duration of the power, and it is
prone to twitching and convulsions.

Soul Feast
Discipline Telepathy
Level of power High Science (above major power, Athas)
Mental Armor Clas wis - 6
PSP Cost 50 + contact
Range 2 feet
Area of Effect single person
Perequisite psychic drain, mindlink

General description
This power works only on unconcious beings(sleeping doesn't count as being unconcious, the
person must either be knocked out or between 0 and -9 hit points). If it's activation is successfull
the recipient must save versus death with a -4 penalty or be irrevocably slain. The psionicist who
uses this power then increases one level for every 10 the victem had, and and regains 1/10 of his
total hit points and psps back, before adding any increase in level gained from the use of this
power. This power may be used but once a week, due to it's taxing of both the mind and spirit.
No being of a good alignment may learn or use this power.

Suppress Fear
Power Score: Wis+1
Initial Cost: 5
Maintenance Cost: NA
Range: 10 yards
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: individual
Prerequisites: none

A psionicist can use this power to bolster a character’s courage. The psionicist can remove any fear effect
that is currently affecting a character, automatically dispelling it. This use of suppress fear ends the terror
created by the spells cause fear, emotion, eyebite, fear, scare, spook, and symbol, as well as the psionic powers
of invincible foes and phobia amplification.
If the psionicist uses this power on a character who has not been frightened yet, the subject gains a
temporary bonus of +4 to any morale checks or saving throws against magical or psionic fear effects. If the
spell or power would not normally allow a saving throw, the psionicist may attempt a second power
check to see if his fear suppression defeats the effect anyway. This protection lasts one turn, plus a
number of rounds equal to the psionicist’s level.
Power Score: The psionicist so emboldens the subject to the point of foolhardiness that he gains a +1 to
all attack rolls while the power is in effect.
20: Fear can be a contagious thing. The psionicist is entirely overwhelmed by the victim’s panic and
flees as if affected by a fear spell himself.

Têjua's Psionic Trigger

Discipline Telepathy
Level of power Devotion (minor power)
Mental Armor Clas 2
PSP Cost Activation+2/1
Range Personal
Area of Effect Special
Perequisite Teleport Trigger

General description
Têjua is an master psionicist and researched and uses this power to activate any power at a
moments notice without it being disrupted. This is because, as the prerequisite tells, it's similar to
Teleport Trigger. With the following exceptions: You can set a precondition as Teleport Trigger
and the ''maintainance'' will be 2 hour. Or you can have it at the top off your ''head''. The cost will
the be as follows ; 4/hour at normal activity,(walk,sit,sleep), 4/turn at medium activity
(run,useing another power), or 4/round at major activity (combat and such) (this can be altered
by the DM). As The cost signifies, you activate the power when you activate the trigger. You can
have more than 1 PsTrigger in effect, but to activate the others, you must pay the cost of the
previosly activated power. (This if one of the Triggers still is maintained).

Psionic Powers Summary Below is a listing of all official psionic powers currently in the
AD&D game. Each has two new statistics, a MAC score and a PSP cost, replacing the old power
score, initial cost, and maintenance cost from the original source. The number to the right of the
slash is the cost if the MTHAC0 roll fails. All other details of the powers remain the same, unless
new descriptions have been provided in this book. Powers are from The Complete Psionics
Handbook unless noted otherwise.

Table 84: Psionic Powers

--- Clairsentient Sciences ---
Power MAC PSP Cost
Appraise 6 14/6
Aura sight1 7 9/3
Clairaudience1 8 5/2
Clairvoyance1 7 5/2
Cosmic awareness2,3 7 12/6
Detection3 9 8/3
Object reading1 7 12/6
Precognition 8 18/10
Psychic clone2 6 16/6
Sensitivity to
psychic impressions 8 5/3
Spirit lore2,3 7 13/5
Subjective reality2,3 8 14/7
True sight2,3 8 10/4
--- Clairsentient Devotions ---
Power MAC PSP Cost
All-round vision1 8 5/2
Bone reading2,3 10 15/5
Combat mind1 6 4/2
Danger sense1 8 3/1
Environment4 7 5/3
Feel light 8 5/3
Feel moisture4 9 3/1
Feel sound1 8 4/2
Hear light 8 4/2
Know course3 7 4/hour/2
Know direction 8 1/1
Know location1 8 8/3
Martial trance1,2 7 7/3
Poison sense1 10 1/1
Predestination2,4 9 9/year/4
manipulation2,3 6 10/5
Psionic sense1,2 8 2/1
Radial navigation 7 6/hour/3
Retrospection2 8 120/40
Safe path2,3 8 6/3
See ethereal3 7 3/1
See magic3 9 6/2
See sound1 8 4/2
Sensitivity to
observation3 10 5/2
Spirit sense 8 8/4
Trail of destruction2,4 9 5/2
Watcher’s ward3 7 3/hour/1
Weather prediction2,4 7 10/4

--- Psychokinetic Sciences ---

Power MAC PSP Cost
Create object1,2 6 7/3
Detonate1,2 5 15/5
Disintegrate2 7 30/10
Kinetic control3 7 8/3
Megakinesis2,3 8 20+/10+
rearrangement2 6 12/hour/6
Project force1,2 6 10/4
Suppress magic2,3 5 8+/4+
Telekinesis1 8 3+/1+
Telekinetic barrier2,3 6 12/5
Telekinetic flight2,3 8 7/3

--- Psychokinetic Devotions ---

Power MAC PSP Cost
Animate object1,2 7 5/2
Animate shadow 8 4/2
Ballistic attack2 6 5/3
Compact4 9 4/1
Concentrate water2,4 6 10/3
Control body2 6 8/4
Control flames2 8 4/2
Control light 8 6/2
Control sound1 5 3/1
Control wind1,2 5 12/5
Create sound2 7 5/2
Cyrokinesis3 10 7/3
Deflect2,3 8 4/2
Ghost writing2,4 9 5/2
Inertial barrier1,2 6 6/2
Levitation1,2 8 5/2
Magnetize3 8 2+/1+
Mass manipulation2,3 7 9/3
Molecular agitation1 10 7/3
Molecular bonding2,3 8 4/2
manipulation1,2 7 6/2
Momentum theft2,3 7 5+/3+
Opposite reaction2,4 7 5/2
Return flight4 7 3/1
Soften 8 3/1
Stasis field2 6 20/10
Static discharge2,3 7 5/2

--- Psychometabolic Sciences ---

Power MAC PSP Cost
Animal affinity1 5 7/3
Complete healing1 7 25/5
Death field 3 35/15
composition2,3 5 8/3
Energy containment 6 9/3
Life draining 6 6/3
Metamorphosis1 4 6/3
manipulation2,3 6 14/5
Poison simulation2,3 6 16/6
Regenerate2,3 5 8/turn/4
Shadowform1 5 5/2
Split personality2 8 15/6

--- Psychometabolic Devotions ---

Power MAC PSP Cost
Absorb disease 6 10/4
Accelerate3 6 10/5
Adrenaline control1 6 5/2
Alter features2,3 7 4/turn/2
Aging 5 9/5
Biofeedback 6 4/2
Body control1 5 6/2
Body equilibrium1 6 2/1
Body weaponry1 6 6/3
Cannibalize1,2 7 0
Carapace4 8 2/1
Catfall 7 4/2
Cause decay 6 4/2
Cause sleep3 9 4/2
Cell adjustment1 6 5+/3+
Chameleon power1 7 4/1
Chemical simulation 5 7/3
Cognitive trance3 8 4/2
Displacement 6 4/2
Double pain 6 7/2
Ectoplasmic form 5 9/3
Enhanced strength 8 varies
Enhancement2 9 14/6
Expansion 6 3/1
Fighting trance3 9 2/1
Flesh armor 6 5/2
Forced symmetry4 7 12/5
Gird2 7 2 _ cost
Graft weapon 5 5/2
Heightened senses1 7 3/1
Immovability 5 7/2
Intensify2 6 6+/3+
Iron will3 10 4/2
Lend health 7 4/1
Magnify2 8 varies
Mind over body 8 10/day/4
discharge4 8 2/1
Photosynthesis3 7 3/turn/1
Prolong2 5 3/1
Reduction 6 varies
Rigidity2,4 6 5/3
Share strength 5 3/1
Spider touch3 8 3/1
Splice2 varies varies
Strength of
the land2,4 6 4/2
Suspend animation 6 12/5

--- Psychoportive Sciences ---

Power MAC PSP Cost
Banishment1,2 8 15/6
Planar transposition2,3 6 varies
Probability travel 8 11/hour/5
Summon planar creature1,2 6 40/20 or 80/40
Summon planar energy2,3 8 30/10
Teleport1 9 10+/5+
Teleport other1,2 8 10+/5+
Time travel2,3 varies 30+/hour/15+
Wormhole2,3 7 12+/6+

--- Psychoportive Devotions ---

Power MAC PSP Cost
Astral projection1 8 3/1
Blink1,2,3 9 4/2
Dimensional door1 7 3/1
screen2,3 6 7/3
Dimension blade2,3 7 5/2
Dimension walk1 8 5/2
Dream travel 7 1/25miles/1
Duodimension3 6 6/3
Ethereal traveler4 8 5/2
Phase1,3 10 6/2
Phase object2,3 9 6+/3+
Pocket dimension3 10 6/turn/3
Shadow walk3 7 9+/4+
Spatial distortion3 6 5+/3+
Summon object2,3 6 30+/12+
Teleport lock2,3 8 4/2
Teleport object2,4 7 25+/10+
Teleport trigger1,2 8 2/hour/1
Time dilation2,3 8 varies
Time duplicate2,3 8 22/11
Time shift2 8 16/6
Time/space anchor 8 3/1
Wrench 8 10/5

--- Telepathic Sciences ---

Power MAC PSP Cost
Aura alteration2 8 10/5
Domination1,2 8 6+/3+
Empower2 4 varies
Fate link2 5 6/turn/3
Hallucination2,3 7 varies
Mass domination2 6 varies
Mindflame2,3 7 30/15
Mindlink1 8 7+/3+
Mindwipe2 5 8/3
Probe1,2 8 8+/4+
Psychic surgery1,2 8 9+/5+
Superior invisibility2 6 6/rd/target
Switch personality2 5 40/15
Ultrablast2 5 75/25

--- Telepathic Devotions ---

Power MAC PSP Cost
Acceptance4 8 4/turn/2
stabilization4 9 11/day/4
Amnesia2,3 9 varies
Attraction2 7 8/3
Aversion2 7 8/3
Awe1,2 6 4+/2+
Beast mastery2,4 8 6+/day/3+
Conceal thoughts1 10 4/2
Convergence2 10 8/3
Daydream2 10 4/2
Empathy 10 3/1
ESP1 6 6+/3+
False sensory input2 6 5/2
Focus forgiveness4 8 4/hour/2
Hivemind4 9 2/1
Identity penetration 8 6/3
Impossible task4 9 6/day/3
Incarnation awareness 7 12/5
Inflict pain1,2 5 3+/2+
Insect mind4 7 3/1
Invincible foes2 8 6/2
Invisibility1,2 6 3+/2+
Life detection1 7 3/1
Mind bar 7 5/2
Mysterious traveler4 9 2/1
Phobia amplification2 9 5/2
Plant mind3 6 4/2
suggestion2 7 3/HD/3
Psionic inflation2 8 7/3
Psionic residue4 8 15/5
Psionic vampirism2,3 8 varies
Psychic blade2,3 6 5+/2+
Psychic drain2 7 14/6
impersonation2 10 5/hour/2
Psychic messenger 5 4/2
Receptacle2 8 0
Reptile mind4 7 2/1
Repugnance2 8 8/3
Send thoughts1 8 3+/2+
suppression2,3 7 varies
Sight link1,2 6 5+/turn/3+
Sound link2 6 5+/turn/2+
Suppress fear3 10 5/2
Synaptic static2 6 11/5
Taste link2 6 5+/turn/2+
projection2 9 5/2
True worship4 10 5/2
Truthear2 10 3/1

1 Revised power described in this book.
2 Power requires a prerequisite to use.
3 Power described in The Will and the Way (TSR 2431).
4 Power described in Dragon Kings (TSR 2408).

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