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Ask ab SS summer. What is the most memorable.

What wanted but didn’t

have time for

Discuss quotes. If agree

When you are reluctant to change, think of the beauty of autumn.

V V Brown

Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.

Albert Camus

As long as autumn lasts, I shall not have hands, canvas and colors enough to paint
the beautiful things I see.

Vincent Van Gogh

“No spring nor summer beauty hath such grace as I have seen in one autumnal

LI. Do you like autumn? What do you associate autumn with? Do you have
countryside house? Ready for harvesting?

Riddles. Match with fruits. THIS TASK IS TAKEN FROM
1. Which fruit loves to take a girl to the cinema? (date)
2. What is the opposite of ‘woman stay’ (mango)
3. Which fruits are always sad? (blueberries)
4. Which nut is named after a letter of the alphabet? (peanut)
5. Which fruit is big and white and honks? (gooseberry)
6. Which fruit is named after a tree? (pineapple)
7. Which nut loves to hang inside like a picture? (walnut)
8. Which fruit is the opposite of falling? (raisin)
9. Which fruit always travel in twos? (pears)
Mid-Autumn Festival
LI: ask if know any autumn festivals or celebrations?
Lunar - relating to the moon
Hollow - having a hole or empty space inside
Exposure - a situation or condition that makes someone likely to be harmed
Mortal (opp. Immortal) – not able to live forever

1st listening
 What is another name of the Mid-Autumn Festival? (NMF)
 When is it? (15th day of the eighth lunar month)
 How many “moons” are reflected in “Three Pools Mirroring the Moon”
lake? (3)
 According to the legend, how many suns were there in the past? (10)
 Who drank the elixir? (wife, Chang’e)
 When did the “Chang’e Moon Exploration Project” take place (Jan 3, 2019)
 What is the traditional food? (Moon cake)

2nd listening
“Three Pools Mirroring the Moon” is a sacred place (NG)
It is easy to find the true Moon reflection in the lake (F)
The picture of the lake is printed on Chinese bank notes (T)
The elixir gave long life (F, immortality)
Chang’e drank the elixir because she wanted it (F, by accident)
The “Chang’e Moon Exploration Project” aimed to explore the dark side of the
moon (T)
There are chocolate Moon cakes (NG)
Follow: if SS would like to visit?
Writing. Give time to write bucket list for autumn

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