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App Highlights (Overseas Edition)

A. Sign-up and Sign-in B. Vehicle Condition C. My Ride D. Scooter (K series)

· Scan Code········································01 · Vehicle Condition Home···················07 · Device Info·······································15 · GO Riding·········································22 · Bluetooth Pairing·····························27
· Account Registration and Sign in······02 · Estimated Range······························08 · Map and Location····························16 · Me···················································23 · Tutorial············································28
· Virtual Experience····························03 · Alarm Switch····································09 · Battery Info·····································17 · Dealership········································24 · Beginner Mode································29
· Battery Binding································04 · Remote Vehicle Battery Control·······10 · Battery Health·································18 · Inbox················································25 · Bluetooth Connection Status············30
· Battery Binding Process····················05 · Charge Report··································11 · Past Trips·········································19 · My Device········································26 · Locked\Unlocked Status···················31
· Vehicle Binding································06 · Garage·············································12 · Ride Statistics··································20 · Energy Recovery Management·········32
· Vehicle Management························13 · Smart Check·····································21 · Quick Lock·······································33
· OTA Updates····································14
Scan Code
1. Bind Vehicle Access by SN
2. Bind Battery Access
3. Check Accessory Authenticity

Account Registration and Sign in
1. Account Registration: You can register an account using an email address or mobile number.
2. Sign in: You can sign in using a password or a verification code.
3. If you forget your password, you can send a verification code to your mobile number or
email address to recover it.

Virtual Experience
Users can freely access the NIU Smart Service virtual experience as guests (without registering/signing in or linking a vehicle).

The virtual experience allows you to remotely control vehicles

and view vehicle information, battery information, ride history, ride routes, ranked city ride lists, and device information.

Battery Binding
As important parts of the vehicle or independently sold parts, vehicle batteries are very valuable.
However, managing product lifecycle and property rights tracking has so far been a challenge. The battery
linking feature links a battery to the user and vehicle via a unique battery ID and grants the battery
independent properties which makes property rights definition and data logging easier. As a result,
battery valuation and transfer, tracking and recovery of a stolen battery, authorized use of a loaned
battery, tracking of spare batteries in stores, anti-theft systems for rental batteries, and many other
services can be implemented based on such.

1. Determine Battery Ownership and Avoid Disputes

2. Provide Clear Battery Information for Follow-up Battery Services

Battery Binding Process
1. After a service is launched, the Vehicle Conditions Home (only for vehicle owners) will prompt users to link any unbound batteries detected in the vehicles. (You can click "Skip" in the upper-right corner to close
the pop-up window, and the prompt won't be displayed for the rest of the day until the next time the Vehicle Conditions Home page is accessed.) Users can follow the instructions in the dialog box or scan the
battery barcode to link batteries to vehicles. Since battery barcodes are sequential, manually entering a barcode may cause safety issues. Therefore, the manual battery barcode input feature has been temporarily
2. No matter whether the battery barcode is selected by the user or queries, the battery must meet all the following conditions to be bound successfully: battery not currently bound, the BMS number is correct,
the NMS has an exit record from the warehouse, and it is not listed in the stolen/spare/leased battery databases. If any of the above conditions are met, an error box will pop up to guide you to contact online
customer support for help.
3. To link a battery, go to the Battery Binding page and select the vehicle you want to link the battery to (you must be the owner of the vehicle) and name the battery (to make identifying batteries and distinguish
them for batteries used for other purposes and stolen batteries). The battery name cannot be the same as that of other devices. Confirm the action, and the battery linking will be complete.

Vehicle Binding
Once an unbound vehicle is bound to a user, that user becomes the vehicle's owner and can access
all vehicle features via the app.
Up to 5 users can be bound to a single vehicle, including the vehicle owner.
For privacy reasons, the vehicle owner must approve any vehicle linking requests from other users.
If the vehicle's owner rejects the linking request, the user cannot be bound to the vehicle.
Only 1 user is allowed to be bound to accessories such as communication systems* and tire
pressure gauges.

How to link:
1. Click Bind and then scan the QR code on the device.
2. You can also manually enter the device QR code.
3. Device types that support manual linking include vehicles, communication systems, tire pressure
monitors, pedal sensors, tracking systems, and vehicle-mounted wireless devices.

Communication systems*- battery-powered systems with location capabilities.

Vehicle Conditions Home
1. The homepage displays vehicle data including the remaining battery level, estimated range, and
GPS and GSM signal strength. You can click on the vehicle picture or name in the upper-left
corner to enter the garage selection page.
2. Feature cards support custom layouts. Click the "Edit" button at the bottom of the card panel to
show/hide and sort cards.
3. The button on the left side of the vehicle allows you to control the vehicle remotely.*

Remote Vehicle Control* - Requires vehicle hardware support, only available in V3 ECUs and above.
For safety purposes, only vehicle owners are allowed to remotely control the vehicle.
(After all, no one wants others to remotely turn off their vehicle during a ride)

Est. Range
The estimated range changes in real-time based on the model, temperature, load, and speed, and
helps you better understand the relationship between battery life and temperature/load.

Alarm Switch
1: Vehicle Vibration Alarm
The vehicle alarm will sound and trigger a push notification in the app when the alarm feature is
activated and the vehicle sensor detects a vibration greater than the set value.
2: Alarm Sensitivity Settings
You can increase or decrease alarm sensitivity by setting the vehicle alarm sensitivity settings to adapt
to different environments and vehicle tolerances.
3: Remote Alarm Switch*
You can activate or deactivate the vehicle alarm feature remotely via the app. For example, if your
vehicle is parked in a safe community, you can remotely disable to alarm to avoid disturbing neighbors.

Remote Alarm Switch* - Requires vehicle hardware support, only available in V3 ECUs and above.

Remote Vehicle Battery Control
You can turn your vehicle on or off remotely via the app.
You can also:
Use it as an alternative to some button functions
Remotely turn off the vehicle if it is stolen.

Charge Report
The vehicle plays an animation while charging to indicate that charging is underway,
and a text notification will show the remaining charge time.

Click the vehicle image to access the garage
Swipe left or right to switch vehicles or devices (if multiple vehicles or devices are bound)
Any accessories (such as tire pressure gauges) bound to the vehicle will be displayed at the bottom of the card

Vehicle Management
The vehicle's owner can search for vehicle information and settings, such as vehicle configuration information,
security management, vehicle settings, and permission settings via Vehicle Management.

OTA Updates
OTA updates refer to wireless communications
between the server and the vehicle to download and
update the latest ECU firmware to the vehicle. It keeps
the vehicle in optimal condition to improve system
efficiency and stability while adding new hardware
features. The vehicle will automatically update at night
if automatic update is enabled, and you can also
choose to manually update the system.

Device Info
The newly upgraded security message system displays vehicle messages in a separate section and
intelligently pushes message cards to update vehicle owners on vehicle updates anytime, anywhere.

Map and Location
1. You can click on the map card to check the vehicle's location.*
2. You can also share your vehicle's location for up to 24 hours

Vehicle Location*
- Vehicle location may differ by up to 100 meters due to the effects of the surrounding terrain and signal strength.

Battery Info
1. The horizontal axis in the battery level analysis interface shows the total vehicle mileage and the vertical axis shows battery charge time.
Users can see mileage for each battery cycle.
2. Information such as daily battery use, number of cycles, temperature, and battery rating can be found at the bottom of the page.

Battery Health
The Battery Health feature is defined by the battery's unique ID. It is a health metric generated by
quantifying bad habits and the battery's age.
The total score of battery health is 100 points. 0.01 points are be deducted for each battery cycle,
and 0.02 points for each bad habit (such as over-discharging or overcharging).

Past Trips
The Past Trips feature records every trip the vehicle made. Powering the battery on marks the start of
a trip and powering it off marks the end.
The mileage, battery consumption, and duration of each trip are recorded.
You can swipe left on a trip to delete it.

Ride Statistics
Ride Statistics can display the current accumulated mileage traveled by the vehicle and visualize
mileage and date statistics such as trip time, average speed, and maximum speed.

Smart Check
1. This feature enables real-time vehicle health
assessment and checks the power, lithium-ion
battery, smart functions, and electronic systems
while evaluating the overall health level to ensure
safe use of the vehicle.
2. You can use the Smart Check feature in the app to
check the current vehicle health level via instant
communication between the ECU and the vehicle
electronic module, including all the electronic
modules such as the ECU, controller, battery,
and light control. The system can also offer
recommendations for any issues found.

GO Riding
GO Riding exports vehicle ride data, including travel data, battery level, estimated range, mileage, ride time, average speed, altitude,
and incline at the end of a trip.

Offers access to features such as APP settings, user identity settings, message inbox, device management, and customer support email.

You can check for nearby dealers to get information such as their addresses, contact information, store
certification information, and ratings to choose the right store.

The inbox collects messages and reminders such as Niu Cover messages, activity reminders, and linking notifications.

My Device
Shows information on vehicles bound to the user, including vehicle settings, vehicle permission
changes, vehicle firmware updates, and vehicle unlinking.

Bluetooth Pairing
You can link your vehicle to the APP by scanning the code
or setting up a Bluetooth connection to query vehicle
data and control the vehicle.

This section offers intuitive animations to guide new users to link vehicles and check
vehicle statuses and provides detailed safety notices and precautions for hardware use.

Beginner Mode
The system restricts speed and certain features to let beginners go through their
first ride more safely. Beginner Mode will deactivate after riding more than 2km.

Bluetooth Connection
K series vehicles support Bluetooth communication to report the
current Bluetooth connection status to the app in real-time.

Locked\Unlocked Status
This feature locks and unlocks the vehicle via the app.

Energy Recovery Management
This module recovers excess energy generated when the vehicle is coasting. You can set the energy recovery
intensity as needed.

Quick Lock
The Quick Lock feature offers an easier way to lock your vehicle. With this feature on, you can quickly lock a
powered-on vehicle by pressing and holding the power button for 5 seconds without having to open the app.


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