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‘YAYASAN PERGURUAN TINGG! ISLAM SURAKARTA (YAPERTIS) AKADEMI KEBIDANAN MAMBA'UL 'ULUM SURAKARTA (AKBIDMUS) ‘SK. MENDIKNAS NO. 151/0/0/2001 DEPKES. Rl. No. HK. ‘ALAMAT JL. BRIGJEND SUDIARTO GANG KENONG 19 JOYOTAKAN PO. BOX 249 TELE, FAX (0271) 641429, TRANSKRIP AKADEMIK / ACADEMIC TRANSCRIPT Nana Wahasisua / Awarded To + HENY WIDRYAT Nonor Indik Mahasisaa / Registered Niaber + 20.019 Tewpat dan Tangoal Lahir / Place and Date OF Birth + SIRAGRTA, 1 Deseaber 1960 Progran Stuti / Study Progran + Diplons TIE Yebidanan / Diplona of III Mick fery Tanggal Terdettar / Date of Enrollaent 2 Seplenber 2001 Tangpal Lulus / Date of Graduation +21 Septenber 2004 A, NILAI UJIAN AKHIR SEMESTER Wo | sat [tobe | nats cutian tredit|purusaogta]e x a] iP 4 101 [Pendicitan Agana / Religion Education z |e [sso] | 102 |Pendigitan Parcasila / Pancasila 2] oc | 230] 3 4105 |Baasa Indonesia / Indonesian Language 2] 8 [xe 4 104 |Bahasa Inggris / English 2 | c {207 5, 205 |Tetmik teperanatan Dasar / Health Basic Procedure 2 | 8 | 3.2 $) 1 | 206 Jesitotogi thu Dan dnak / Psychology Of Mother fad Children 2} oc | 2:30) 1, ‘207 |Fisika Kesehatan / Health Physis } 2] 8 | 3.31 8 208 |Anatoni Dan Fisislogi / taatoey snd Physiology 4 | 0 | 1.85) 4, 215 |Biologi Kesehatan / Biology 2] ¢ | 26 10. WL [Bahasa drab / arabic o | 8 | 2.09 106 x] c [ar] 202 Jbiokinis Dan Lab, Kesehatan Ibu / Biochesistry dad Laboratory Of other Health | 3 | 8 | 2.90 ‘203 |Tetnit teperavatan Dasar / Health 3] oc | 20) 209 |Wikrobiologi Dan Labkes / Microbiology And Lab Yorks 2 | c | 20) 210 |obstetrit Dan Gynetotogi / Obstetric and Gynecology 2] c aus U1 | 211 ftesehatan Ana / Children Health Science 3 2a 301 |onsep tebicanan / Miwifery Concept 2] 8 {3x 306 [omunitasi {2} jas 316 | Penyatit lus / Hedical Science 2} oc | as} LL [Bahasa Arab / 0} c [ars 2. 12 |agana Islan / Religion Education o | c | 2 2 15 |Baasa Inggris / English oy} c | za 3, 201 |Faraatologi tebidanan / Midwifery Phareacology 2] a | 3.09] oa] a 205 |Kependudutan Oan Keluarge Berencana / Population And Fanily Plann 2] | 2.09) 4.16 25, 240 [Obstetrit Dan Gynetologi / Obstetric And Gynecology 2 | 0 | 1.99] ssa] 24, 302 |Asuhan tebidanan Ibu / Midwifery Care On Nother 6 | | zer|ue.on a, 305 Jfsuhan Kebidanan Anak / Nidvifery Care On Children 4 | c | 2:s0}t0.09 28.| THT | 308 Jini thu Ban Anak / Nutrition For Rather And Children 3 | | 2.50) 7.50] 2.46 | SUL |Pendiditan tebidanan / Miduitery Education 2 | 0 | 1.73} 3.59 Ey ‘36 {Iau Penyatit Uaua / Medical Science 1 | w | 276} 2.79 3 WL Jahase Arab / Arabic o 0.09 32 2 [Agana Islan / Religion Education ° rf) 3B M15 [Bahasa Inggris / English © | & | 0.99] 0.09} w] jnegaraan / National Resilience Education 2] c [aa 3 206 |Kesehatan Masyaratat / Public Health 2] c {22s} x, ‘302 |Asunan tebidanan Ibu / hideifery Care On Nother ofc [2a a, 50S fisuhan tebidanan Keluarga Berencena/ Kiduifery Care Oh Fasily Planning s]c | 2x Ey ‘306 Jésted Pade Wanita Dengan Gangquan Sistee Reprodutsi / Niduifery Care On Feaale | 3 | a | 3°30 Organ Reproduction Disorder B.] | 312 [Prattet Kebidanan / Widuitery Practice 2 | c | 2.25] 4.30] 249 w, 315 |esebatan anita / Feeale Health 2] oc | 207] 5.34 a Lt [Bahasa rab / Arabic 0 | c | 2.25} 0.09 cs (42 [tqasa Islan / Religion Education 0 | c | 2.50} 6.09 a, 5 |anasa Inggris / English 0 | c | 2.25) o.oo 1s Indeke Prestasi Kumulatif Neteraman totes ay ara matuMart toga Wutu/Scare|Sebutan / Proficiency] [Inets Prestasi Guwulatit(1Pt)/[Yusisive elulusan / rade Paint AveragelGPh) [Proficiency Status * Sanat Bait Excellent ' Ba Very Good 331 - 00 Deegan FujianCunloude c \Cutup/Fair 2,76 - 3,50 Isangat Memuastan/Excel Lent s tarang/Poor 2,00 = 2373 Ieauastan/Sood \Bagal/Fait 206 [Kesehatan Masyarakat 7 Public Health 2 | c | 2.75) 8.50) ‘214 |Statistit Kesehatan / Wealth Statistic 2 | a | 2.76) 5.32 1307 |Metode Penelitian / Research Netaéology 2 | c | 2.75) 5.50) 308 |Kebidanan Konunitas / Community Hidwifery 4 |b | 2.99]11.96) 340 |Adeinistrasi Ban Pengelolaan Kesehatan Ibu Dan Anat / Adainistration And 2 | a | zat} se IManagenent Of Mather And Children v | 312 |Praktet Kebidanan / Midwifery Practice 4 |p | 2.66)11.52] 2.85 315 |Dotusentasi Kebidanan / Midwifery Docusentation 2 | ¢ | 2.75] 8.50] si. ML [Bahasa Arab / frabic o | c | 2.48] 0.00] 32, M2 |Agana Islan / Religion Education 0 | C | 2.80] 0.00] 3. MS [Bahasa Inggris / English 0 | c | 2.20} 0.00) st 212 [Peabangunan Kesehatan / Health Developaent 2 | a | 3.25] 6.50] 38 213 |Peraturan Perundang-undangan / Law dnd Regulation 2 | B | 2.88) 5.76] 3 312 [Prattek tebidanan / Midwifery Practice 10 | 8 | 2.86}28.80| 37.| vt | 314 |tika Dan Kode Etik Profesi / Ethics And Frofessional Code Ethics 2 | B | 2.98) 5.96) 2.98 8. LL [Bahasa frab J frabic 0 | d | 1.49] 0.00) 3% M2 |Agana Islan / Religion Education 0 | D | 1.83} 0.00) 0 M3 [Bahasa Inggris / English 0 | c | 2t1} 0.00) Indets Prestasi Seuester 1 - VI (Grade Point Average Senester | - VI) 2.66 B. NILAI UJIAN AKHIR PROGRAM T. UNIAN TULIS KOPPREENSIP Wo | Mata fuliah edit |Hurut|angka|K x a} 1.] PAICASILA 7 PANCASTLA 2 | a | 27) 2.| KORPRENENSIP 7 CORPREHENSIVE 1 4 | oc | 2.00] '3.| KORPRENENSIP [1 / COMPREHENSIVE 11 2 | c | 2.00] 46,| KORPRENENSIP- ITT / COMPREHENSIVE 111 2 | a | 2.99] 5.| KONPREHENSIP IV 1 COMPREHENSIVE 1V afc | 218) Indeks Prestasi Ujian Tulis (Graée Point Ex 2.30) TL, UNIAN PRAKTEK Wo | tateri Imilai 1. anc 2.08 2. PANTO 2.18 Indeks Prestasi Ujian Prabtek (Grade Point Practice Exanination) 2.82| TI. MARYA TULIS ILIA ‘Jadul Karya Tulis Taian (Title Of Thesis) Mitel ‘ASUHAN KEBIDANAN PADA AY.S DENGAN KEMAMILAN 62 P1 AD DI DESA BENDUNEAN AT 2 RM VI KALURANAN KLODRA 2.19] ABUPATEN KARANGANYAR Indeks Prestasi Ujian Athir (Cuaulative Grade Point Average) 2.44]

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