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Activity1: Idea Generation and validation.

● In this game, all the participants will be divided into teams of 6-8 depending
on the number of participants.They can even give an attractive name to
the team.

● You would be given a single problem statement and you all have to
generate ideas and come up with one solution per team to the Problem. You
would be given 15 minutes to write a detailed solution explaining how it will tackle
the problem in different ways
The write up must include.
● The USP.
● How the idea would solve the problem.
● What challenges will be solved by the idea.
● What was the motivation or the driving factor for them to reach the idea
they thought of.
● Participants may use the internet but they are strictly not allowed to use

● After each team has written their solution, we will swap the answer
papers so that other teams can validate their ideas and suggest suitable
changes/ challenges /problems/feasibility checks.They would be given around 10
minutes to do so.

● The papers would be returned back to the respective teams and they can
make suitable changes based on the feedback received from other teams.
They would be given around 5 minutes to do so.

● The teams would be having one lifeline to be used at any stage of their
activity in which they can use it to consult the senior mentors present there
and ask for any doubt they have.In each lifeline, you will have a maximum
3 minutes to interact with the mentors.

● Then there would be final presentation of 3 max minutes where each team
would come on stage and present their idea to others. Based on the
presentation, each team would be given a score by all other teams and mentors
out of 10 and then the highest scoring teams will be given points and the person
with highest points at the end of the program will be declared as

● The teams will be judged on:

Creativity, Quick thinking ability, impact ,feasibility and team-work

● You should use the six thinking hats to effectively work on the problem.
The 6 hats should be divided among the team members and each one of
you should work according to the hat assigned to them.
○ White Hat: information gathering.
○ Blue Hat: organization and planning.
○ Green Hat: creative thinking.
○ Red Hat: feelings and instincts.
○ Yellow Hat: benefits and values.
○ Black Hat: risk assessments.

Problem Statement

Social Impact Ventures for Education: How to generate business

ideas that promote access to quality education, particularly in
underserved communities, through technology or innovative learning

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