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SES11105 – Independent Study Module (40 Credit)

Assessment 2 Criteria – Work Portfolio Presentation

This is my own work and where I have used other sources these are properly acknowledged in the text.

Name: _____________________________ Year_MSc________

Module Assignment Title:

 Independent Study Project Presentation 2: Project Review

Prepare a 15 minute presentation. The presentation is a review/overview of the work undertaken as

part of the independent study module.

Please check the weighting for each component to assist you in planning and preparing your

Background Information (25%) Excellent Good Average / Poor Unsatisfactory __%

 Introduce project/research area
 Review relevant literature
 Present an appropriate rationale for
the project and its design
Methodological Outline & Reflections (25%) Excellent Good Average Poor Unsatisfactory __%
 Correct description of research-programme
design / methods / analysis / reflection tools
 Details of the experimental setup / protocol /
methodology / technical points
 Clear understanding of the ethical, access,
practical & logistical issues relating to the
 Review and reflections of methodological
issues and strengths
Project Results & Learning Outcomes (40%) Excellent Good Average Poor Unsatisfactory __%
 Clarity and suitability of learning outcomes
 Appropriate presentation, reflections &
discussion of results
 Clear understanding, demonstration and
evidence of LOs being met
 Clear reflections of how the aims and
objectives of study were addressed
Presentation Format, Style, Clarity (10%) Excellent Good Average Poor Unsatisfactory __%
 Clarity of presentation & voice
 Use and quality of diagrams and tables
 Use and range of references
 Timing, font size and line spaces

Tutor Comments Work submitted on time? Yes

Tutor Name____________ Signature_____________ Total Mark __%

Second Marker Comment (if applicable)

The above represents the combined views of both markers.

Tutor Name___________ Signature_____________ Total Mark ___%

Agreed Final Mark = ____%


The overall criteria used to arrive at the mark reflect the ability of students to:

 Structure an oral presentation

 Compile suitable material
 Communicate effectively (including use of appropriate visual aids)

80-100 All the qualities of an excellent presentation plus evidence of

substantial oratorical skills.

70-79 Excellent presentation with a clear logical structure and focused

coverage of suitable material. Aims and conclusions are clearly
stated. The content is relevant and shows research at
appropriate level. Presentation is structured to fit into time
allowed, it is not hurried or drawn out. Confident delivery, with a
clear voice, maintaining eye contact with the audience. Visual
aids are relevant and clearly visible. Imaginative and enthusiastic
performance that holds a captive audience.

60-69 Good presentation with clear logical structure and coverage of

suitable material, but lacks the polish, substance and fluency of a
first class presentation. Shortcomings may include aims not
clearly indicated, contents pitched at the wrong level, apparent
time-keeping difficulties, lacking in eloquence.

50-59 Adequate presentation that demonstrates an average standard in

all aspects of the presentation. Content is largely relevant and
shows some evidence of research. The presentation may not fit
in the time allowed or may be unbalanced. Unconfident delivery,
unable to hold the audience throughout the presentation. Visual
aids may be variable in quality and relevance.

40-49 Poor presentation with flaws in some aspects. May include

substantial irrelevant material. The presentation lacks structure
and the presenter does not engage with the audience. Visual
aids are poorly constructed, not always relevant and difficult to
see for some or all of the audience.

30-39 Presentation that fails in most aspects. Material is largely

irrelevant and disorganised, and explanations are insufficient.
Incompetent delivery, for example, inability to keep time or largely
inaudible performance. Audience disinterested.

0-29 Presentation that fails in all aspects.

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